Trading / Buying / Stevieboy7 Retirement Sale: LIMITED TIME ONLY, ALL ITEMS ARE 15% OFF
Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 15:04:09
[color=red]LIMITED TIME ONLY, ALL ITEMS ARE 15% off, TAKE 15% YOUR TOTAL ORDER[/color] If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to add me on MSN: [email][email protected][/email] , or send me a private message. RULES All Prices are represented in USD. Shipping is $6 in North America, $8 worldwide. . I reserve the right to withdraw offers/ sales of products from anyone at any time. [color="red"] $20 MINIMUM SALE ORDER NO TRADES, I DO NOT WANT TRADES[/color] I WANT: MONEY!! (Paypal, cash, refer to top^)
Yellow G3 Subs = $4 Each [color="red"] ALL SOLD[/color] Rushon Doublecapped= $4 Each, All for $15 (and extra body free) Hyperjell Caps: $3.00 Clear, $1.50 Tinted. $10 for all Playcolor caps: $1.25 each, $10 for all [color="red"]Skyblue SOLD[/color] Super pirat: $2.50 each, $4.50 for both Airfits: $2.50 each, $4 for both --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Super tips (x42)= $10 for all --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RoseArt Marker (Dr.KT sub body)= $18 for all [color="red"]ALL SOLD[/color] Bellcolors = $14 for all ColorExpress Orange (color supertip sub) $2 [color="red"] SOLD[/color] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Anyball Flourescent Sub (matches HGG colors perfect) -------- Lightgreen= $10 each -------- All other colors= $18 for all of one color --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sunburst RSVPs: $2.50 each [color="red"]1Yellow SOLD[/color] Regular RSVPS (clear+colored) $1.50 each [color="red"]ALL BLACK RSVP, 1 Pink clear SOLD[/color] RT RSVPs(discontinued) $2.00 each UPSB RSVPs (rare, limited number) $15 each --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sailors+Duraflash+Black beifa = $2 each [color="red"]ALL SKYBLUE SAILOR, 2 White sailor, 2 black beifa SOLD[/color] ColorBeifa= $5 each All Anyball: $12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Grip: Half grip=$1.50 each[color="red"] ALL DR.GRIP GRIP SOLD[/color] Hyperjell grips= $12 for all Lakubo Grips (include [color="red"]rare orange+Yellow[/color]) $20 for all [color="red"] ALL SOLD[/color] Grip Avaire Center grip (x2 red) $4 for both LOOK DOWN FOR MORE DEALSSSS------------------->
Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 15:04:35
Comssa V.5 (VERY RARE, LAST VERSION WITH IMPRINTED LOGO NOT STICKER!!!!) $30 Aqua Caps (x2 orange, x1 lightgreen) $7 each All Comssa Caps (clear+white+colored etc.etc.) $15 for all White Comssa $4 Regular comssa $4 for all --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HGG grip only( some with body) $2.50 each [color="red"] ALL BLACK SOLD[/color] G3 Plastic tip $8 for all [color="red"] ALL SOLD[/color] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
White M&M caps= $5 each M&M= $10 each [color="red"]ALL SOLD[/color] Namae Doublecap (old caps) $8 [color="red"]SOLD[/color] CT+ Keityo = $2.50 each [color="red"] ALL SOLD[/color] Pyralux Mod Body (EXTREMELY RARE ORIGINALs) $15 for both --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Grip Tips x14 (all jap. style) $4 each [color="red"]6 SOLD[/color] Airfit tips x2: $2.00 each G2 EX tip x2 $1 each HGG tips x28 (all real) $1 each [color="red"] x10 SOLD[/color] Signo tips x14 $1.75 each [color="red"]x6 SOLD[/color] Fake Signo tips (PDS) $1 each Hi-Tec C tip $2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mini Dr.grips (shaved tips) $5 each
PDS Pencases Black 2010, white wide 2008, white long 2008 $25 each[color="red"] LARGE WHITE SOLD[/color]
Top to bottom: Sunburst pesp mx ( lightgreen anyball grip) $14 Personal MX (HGR tip + balanced on COP) $8 Sunburst MX (lightgreen, extended grip to balance) $10 MPMX (Made by TEK original for tut.) $20 [color="red"] ALL SOLD[/color] Joey Mx (From JC) $16 Mini-dr.grip tip Comssa $16 UK comssa PDS $6 Personal Comssa (HGR tip+ hgg grip+ dr.grip grip) Momentum~ stuhl mod $12 [color="red"] ALL SOLD[/color] Mr. Somsak Mod $14 Coulomb Namae Mod (original from JEB) $15 [color="red"] ALL SOLD[/color] Dr. KT (personal, real white kt cap, real PDS sticker on[color="red"] M&M Body[/color]) $25 ------- Only 1 in existance --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEK MODSSSSSSS Flame Ayatori $40 Scale Red Kuzu $50 Water Blue Kuzu $50 [color="red"] ALL SOLD[/color] Blue Ayatori $30 [color="red"] ALL SOLD[/color] ------------------------------------------------- Person's Skyblue KT --------- $40 (never spun, all original, first person's I ever owned) If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to PM, or add me on MSN Thanks! -Steven
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 10:52:13
i think m&m caps dont come in white color stevie
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 16:54:18
I custom made them
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 14:15:10
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 17:53:34
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 20:31:32
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 02:31:02
you mind telling me why youre bumping other people's threads?
Date: Mon, Jul 19 2010 16:32:26
Date: Wed, Jul 28 2010 03:17:41
bump. Deals still on. I'm flexible for prices if you want big orders. Hit me up on MSN: [email][email protected][/email]
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 07:49:21
i buy 6 Dr. Grip Tips, 2 Airfit tips and 4 Signo tips? plus free international shipping? :D can u make the pencase for 20?
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 02:00:34
I want the two air fits
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 03:10:44
Yo dawg I'm pretty sure Stevie is not active on the board. I haven't seen him since he last updated his thread which was a while back. And apparently some people had some problems with their trades (I didn't have any though). Soooo yeah I suggest finding another trader unless Stevie comes back.