General Discussion / What makes you mad to people that say "stop spinning that pen it anoying"?

  1. linli07
    Date: Wed, Apr 27 2011 20:00:23

    it makes me mad and i say' its none of your buisness quit bossing me around i have the right to pen spin whatever i want. You have no right to boss me around"

  2. Explosion101
    Date: Wed, Apr 27 2011 20:40:12

    I Charge in their faces. :trollface:

  3. linli07
    Date: Wed, Apr 27 2011 20:52:55

    @Explosion101 nice!!!

  4. Cloud
    Date: Wed, Apr 27 2011 21:19:32

    actually they do have a right to tell u to stop spinning if you keep dropping it, it does get annoying. (especially on a plane. The guy next to me went ape.)

  5. Enkronidus
    Date: Wed, Apr 27 2011 21:44:37

    I stop. >_> No really, if the reason they give is reasonable enough. Then I should feel ashamed for annoying them. Especially when you're spinning in public area, you should think about public as well not only your own joy. Most complaints I had were about the spinning effect from the pen caused them to be dizzy. I usually stop when I realize that I drop a little too much, so I haven't got a lot of complaints about that.

  6. Rarity
    Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 04:49:08

    In my case, it's not the spinning thats annoying. It's when I drop it. So I simply stop. If I'm learning a trick then I just say "Sorry, I'm just trying to get this difficult trick down.".

  7. Mufoofee
    Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 05:14:22

    If they tell me to stop because it looks cool I don't stop because it looks cool. If i keep on dropping it and they say stop, I stop.

  8. linli07
    Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 10:39:35

    For me if they say stop like in a serious way i make a mad face at them.

  9. Rabbid
    Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 13:34:51

    I'll staring on them>.>

  10. Sc00t
    Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 20:34:52

    tell them to stop breathing with their mouths or messing with their hair or picking their nose or scratching their ass or yawning so much or blinking so rapidly etc.

  11. MonsterPandasEatTofu
    Date: Mon, May 2 2011 04:42:04

    I've never had anyone tell me to stop >.< is that weird?

  12. wings
    Date: Mon, May 2 2011 04:58:47

    When people tell me that it's making them dizzy, but after that I'll look around then spin again.:xd:

  13. capoboy
    Date: Mon, May 2 2011 15:36:14

    I never had people telling me to stop cos I rarely spin in public. I spin when I'm at home or during lecture (simple tricks only).

  14. felix1429
    Date: Fri, Aug 19 2011 01:55:31

    Rabbid wrote: I'll staring on them>.>
    while spinning, of course