Videos, Presentation and Music / [topic][3.1.5] Hard vs Soft beats.

  1. shoeman6
    Date: Tue, Apr 26 2011 04:31:39

    Expanding on 3.1.4

    This article will deal with the process of building a combo to match a musical passage and will suggest ideas on how to proceed about it, both concrete and general. Meter: The first issue to deal with is the meter of the piece. Carefully selected songs usually follow a strict meter that is regular. In order words, you can count its beat. Usually it is in either in double meter (in other words, you count it as "ONE two THREE four, ONE two THREE four, etc..") or in triple meter ("ONE two three, ONE two three, etc..."). The meter of the song is very important because it will affect your selection of tricks and combos. You will want to execute a trick at every beat, every two beats or every four beats in double meter, and execute a trick at every beat, or every three beats in third meter. See the beat punching section further below for more details on how to actually execute this. Therefore this implies that TA harmonics would work well in double meter, while a fake triple (ext TA > TA) would work better in a triple meter. Likewise, a neobakfall works in double meter and a bakfall works in triple meter. Make sure you know what the meter of the song is before you construct your combo. TBC
    [B]Soft beat[/B] This is used to outline the melody and harmony, this involves the use of say, bakfall in a triple meter, or compound meters. Mostly comprised of conic tricks and "traveling tricks" and linkages or "phrases", this comprises the smooth and higher level combo through out the music. These should be carefully planned ahead of time in order to fit the meter, and the flow of the music, a sonic rise, for instance would take 2 beats, in a double meter, trick such as these would be used to outline the smooth soprano. [B]Hard beat[/B] This includes direction changes, or spinless tricks, jagged and directly outline the beat, the bassline or the meter. these should be done underneath the layer of melody, and should serve to outline the actual combo rather than define it. could be used as a sort of "bridge" between parts of the song, or repeated parts of the phrases presented above. May outline only the strong beats, or for strong cadences or changes in mood.

  2. Hippo2626
    Date: Wed, May 18 2011 10:19:37

    I apologise for not knowing the exact terms for music so please bare with me. I find power tricking is very good for hard beats. When a piece of music has very short intervals between beats, it syncs with Power tricking very well. It's also good when the music is building up to something, power tricks are pretty good too. When there's a crash, It's I think breaking into a high speed topspin and letting it die out is very good for syncing. For music with a longer beat interval or for when different chord segments end, I find taps or directional changes very appropriate.