Reports / Reported Post by daniel0731ex
Date: Mon, Apr 25 2011 18:29:12
daniel0731ex has reported a post. Reason:
spamming with meaningless sarcasm.
Post: Double-Sided Non-Retractable The Musket Stic by daniel0731ex (Updated to Version 2) Forum: Tutorials Pending Approval Assigned Moderators: N/A Posted by: itzDaKine Original Content:@AWtii69 its so funny you should mention flaming someones post when in your post pretty much all you did was FLAME Cloud... so idunno about you guys but...... thats a FAIL!! HAHA! SUCK IT!! and as for the mod... i guess its a creative way of using ball bearings from a yoyo. but... i would really like to see a list of people who requested this.. also maybe if you change the caps and chizz to make it look more... eye catching? YADADAIMEAN? fo sho YADADAIMEAN!