Advanced Tricks / What's the difference between TA to index spread and TA release?
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 23:17:40
im confused cuz some ppl say that TA release is TA to index spread some say TA release is your suppose to do TA then let go in the air and catch it.
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 23:43:53
penspinnerlin06 wrote: im confused cuz some ppl say that TA release is TA to index spread some say TA release is your suppose to do TA then let go in the air and catch it.
TA to index spread means the force pushing the pen into the air is done by hitting the pen with index finger after the pen has completed the thumbaround motion; whereas TA release has the upwards force provided by wrist or thumb motion during the TA itself -
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 23:44:59
Date: Sun, May 1 2011 23:25:11
but isnt this ta to index spread?