Presentation / Angle/Setup Tutorials
Date: Tue, Jun 8 2010 19:35:21
Use this thread to ask about specific angles/setups to achieve perfect penspinning presentation. Continued from here.
Date: Wed, Jul 21 2010 13:58:39
I'm having a crappy time setting up my camera angle. I can't seem to find a good balance between being zoomed in far enough and giving myself enough spinning room so I don't slip out of view. Anybody have tips? [video=youtube;Eez79nqa--I][/video] Any tips you have involving lighting or anything else is also welcome. Thanks everybody!
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 00:18:26
zoom in a tad bit more. should i make an angle tutorial? xD im the second spinner here if you want an idea of my angle =P
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 13:56:00
That's a great angle! I think it would fit my style very well. a tutorial would be awesome :D
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 14:12:44
generally there are 2 common angles.. front looking down and behind you over the shoulder looking down.. i might do a tutorial on my angle.. eriror already has a video of his angle up on youtube if you didnt take a look at that already: [video=youtube;sabOWZ40YZc][/video] that post was for the sake of those people that didnt want to download that video that eriror posted in v3
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 14:56:22
Thanks much. I'll work on it tonight and film some test videos. Hopefully I can get it right. =)
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 16:36:51
new camera angle set up [video=youtube;jh4O8ZAimdA][/video] ***TUTORIAL*** 1)put camera facing up on a flat surface 2)film :)
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 16:45:02
lol that was my post but accidentaly posted it on my brothers account XD
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 17:15:41
jan wrote: lol that was my post but accidentaly posted it on my brothers account XD
not really a "new angle" per se.. there is controversy over whether or not bonkura filmed his one 2p2h isonic combo facing up or not.. i cant find the video at the moment.. but imo (and most peoples too) facing straight up is not the way to go.. no offense.. -
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 21:26:15
sorry for the double post but heres my tutorial on how to set up my angle.. which i think is pretty common among pen spinners everywhere.. [video=youtube;M922TIWdh8k][/video]
Date: Fri, Jul 23 2010 17:37:57
Nice job. I think your angle is fine as it is. For my i'm trying to make my angle more vertical and zoomed in more. I'm working on it. I use an ipod nano for filming and there isn't an actually stand of anything it can go in for holding, so i use toilet paper rolls since it fits the ipod perfectly. T.Then i just tape the toilet roll to any where i want. I found a way to easier copy other peoples angles yesterday. You figure out how close the camera is to the hand by measuring how many times the spinners hand fits across the screen or from top to bottom. For the angle you can look at where the persons arm is coming in from (right side, left side, top, bottom, corner etc...) and if the edge of a desk or something can be seen you can look at the angle the edge of the desk is on the screen. If it is almost parallel with the sides of the screen of maybe on a diagonal slant in the bottom right hand corner or the top right corner. So that's how i am try to imitate some angles i like from spinners. Hope that helps.
Date: Sat, Jul 24 2010 03:36:02
Requested by exclusive. Semi-pointless vid showing the setup I use/ light I use: Stats: Camera tilt is 9 degrees away from being vertical. Camera height is ~23 inches. Distance it is placed away from spinning area is prolly just an inch, maybe 2. idk what else to say stat wise, just screenshot it on my youtube, or pause the vid and try and make the screen look identical to yours with the help of the data i gave. And yes, it is similar to Baaron's angle (or at least supposed to be XD) only for lefty, cept a little more vertical, since it's a blend of his and the Littleboy style of angle sorta. Hope this helped.
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 18:50:28
[video=youtube;u0Zxni9bLiM][/video] is the angle ok ? spinning doesn't matter i think it's crap for my 3-4 months
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 23:45:26 for iPod Nano
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 07:11:15
Just wanted to share how I record with a digital camera without a tripod. (Apologies for the bad blur-ish shots I was lazy to retake the photos.) I took a regular box like this:
and cut a small piece off the lid area. I use that to rest the camera there as I record like this:Spoiler
Any box that has a lid like this and roughly of the same size would do
The box is on the table and the lid is above the boxSpoiler
That isn't the camera I use to film by the way
I can achieve 2 possible similar angles with this. Angle one:Spoiler
Angle 2:Spoiler
[video=youtube;WPPSus3k9os][/video] How? by resting the covering of the box like this:That's how I can get a good angle without wasting money on a tripod. Plus it's safe for your camera as well. Hope this helps!Spoiler
[video=youtube;_QNYG01Qoa0][/video] I prefer this angle How? By taking random books and things around your table, placing them on the box and resting the covering like this: -
Date: Sat, Nov 6 2010 15:55:51
Just want see yours innovations about angles etc, post yours! mine:
its just a part from cheapest tripod on my chair. result: and ones more, look at my desk, how i can make angle like turndont, serket, kazu etc.? witchout buying tripod.
Date: Sat, Nov 6 2010 19:29:01
I put my camera on a tripod and I put the tripod on my night stand and spin over my bed
Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 01:31:19
I copied the following from my post on this thread here:
and cut a small piece off the lid area. I use that to rest the camera there as I record like this:Spoiler
Just wanted to share how I record with a digital camera without a tripod. (Apologies for the bad blur-ish shots I was lazy to retake the photos.) I took a regular box like this: [SPOILER]Any box that has a lid like this and roughly of the same size would do
The box is on the table and the lid is above the boxSpoiler
That isn't the camera I use to film by the way
I can achieve 2 possible similar angles with this. Angle one:Spoiler
Angle 2:Spoiler
[video=youtube;WPPSus3k9os][/video] How? by resting the covering of the box like this:That's how I can get a good angle without wasting money on a tripod. Plus it's safe for your camera as well. Hope this helps![/SPOILER]Spoiler
[video=youtube;_QNYG01Qoa0][/video] I prefer this angle How? By taking random books and things around your table, placing them on the box and resting the covering like this: -
Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 23:09:09
Date: Sat, Dec 11 2010 12:29:02
can someone help me with my angle? thanks >< [video=youtube;b6JSVWhloUs][/video]
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 14:17:56
a lot people have a bright lamp, and they attach their webcam to that
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 00:36:51
I just want to know if my angle is okay. Is there anything I could improve? [video=youtube;TH7BGH6sRKI][/video]
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 01:03:24
i think angles depend on the combo youre doing... like u wont use an angle where u do a air trick like punkan on a angle thats side ways...
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 13:43:54
good thing for you guys who have a tripod
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 12:51:25
[video=youtube;DF5kAyyqbKk][/video] Good angle??
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 13:30:13
Good or bad? Any tips?
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 01:09:45
I'm trying to get Vic's angle, but am failing... any tips?
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 04:05:35
Night Fury;61906] Good or bad? Any tips?[/QUOTE] Decent angle, bad camera. Your mod is "hiding" in the background, to put it one way. [QUOTE=Illusion wrote: [video=youtube;DF5kAyyqbKk][/video] Good angle??
Get your face out of the picture. Otherwise, OK. -
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 22:20:00
Well, I finally got a camera, or rather, I finally got my old camera to work. How would I set up my camera, so I get the full effect of my spinning and presentation? Fujifilm 4 MP, 10x Zoom very old camera.
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 22:51:21
Perhaps you have a stand lying around, it would be ideal for putting up a webcam or camera. Tripods and stuff like that works too.
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 22:54:43
If you don't have a tripod, you could get creative on how to set up your camera for the angles you would like, perhaps setting the back half of your camera onto a leveled object for the camera to tilt, etc.
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 23:36:34
I have a tripod. So I'll try to figure it out. So how about editing software?
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 00:35:30
WMM would work fine for this. after all, pretty much all your doing is putting on music, right? If you want something more advanced you could try your hand at sony vegas, but it's a lot more complicated.
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 01:26:48
Well, the editing software that comes with the computer (iMovie or Windows Movie Maker, depends on Mac or PC) should be fine for simple things like cutting and adding captions. If you want something better, like making fancy intros and stuff like that, I recommend using Adobe After Effects CS3 (If you're hesitant, just download the 30 day trial) and listening to Andrew Kramer's tutorials. That guy KNOWS ****.
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 01:50:40
Get haduri Its a good editing software
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 02:40:54
use sony vegas
Date: Sat, Apr 23 2011 04:04:39
pinnacle video spin a free video editing software very similar to windows movie maker however its more polished and comes with a short tutorial.
Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 15:41:22
I would deeply recommend Adobe After Effects for fancy intros and stuff. I'm editing with Sony Vegas which in fact is another Pro-Program for editing and stuff. I sometimes use several templates and change them a little like Sig (FPSB) does in his edited videos. This looks amazing an you definitely don't have to get used to AAE first. It's easier to work with sony vegas and it even costs a lot less than AAE (if you want to buy it legally^^)
Date: Sun, May 1 2011 03:27:29
Date: Fri, May 6 2011 16:26:59
I think I looks nice when the camera is white far away and you can see everything up to the forearm of the spinner
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 08:27:17
i film with my camera on my phone, it is a pretty slim phone (so it is flat), any ideas how i can put it at an angle? i want it on my left side, and looks down on my spinning, any tips?
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 13:27:36
Can anybody make a guide to how to set up angles like these ? [video=youtube;Q5_uwYB-GvI][/video] I only have a camera (no tripod) so I'll appreciate a vid very much :)
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 14:00:52
If you really dont wanna spend money on a tripod for angle 1, u need to stick ur camera on top of the monitor.. its much more easier to get ideal angle with webcam (as usually those come with a stand) angle 2 is pretty impossible.. angle 3 is possible if u tie ur camera to a table study lamp (the ones that can set angles.. not the old-school stand alone ones) tie on it with a rubberband.. then tilt the lamp to set the angle.. dont use lamp as tripod while its turned on or it will fry ur camera PrinceXD
Elune wrote: Can anybody make a guide to how to set up angles like these ? video I only have a camera (no tripod) so I'll appreciate a vid very much :)
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 13:47:03
[video=youtube;2Dy4shzvgd4][/video] Any help on angle?
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 15:29:42
Try moving to the camera more to the left, making it face your palm diagonally.
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 02:16:18
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 13:11:43
[video=youtube;NTlDOJhkFbs][/video] any help? got a camera but no tripod :\.. thx ^^
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 23:04:14
bonkey12 wrote: [video=youtube;NTlDOJhkFbs][/video] any help? got a camera but no tripod :\.. thx ^^
Maybe just ask Iota. Junk from me. Angle -good tape -hard,long,light,durable things (wood rulers) -weight to counter act camera weight Lighting -aim-able lamp -paper -tape -blinds -one light source -soft shadow Settings -use zoom if needed, remember it'll make quality worse -??? -._-. Background -not distracting pretty much -nothing stands out -less stuff the better -bland -doesn't create much contrast with colour -darker helps this -this is the end of my rant full of nothing -stop reading now... -._-. -
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 05:33:04
bonkey12 wrote: [video=youtube;NTlDOJhkFbs][/video] any help? got a camera but no tripod :\.. thx ^^
i requested this too [video=youtube;OSPC-VCmNow][/video] -
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 09:07:56
[video=youtube;_ZMh8CK_AiI][/video] Angle help please? I have a tripod now so I can try anything.
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 13:25:47
@Hippo2626 i love ur angle now lol... whats that mod?
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 14:27:30
[video=youtube;58GZJKfAesY][/video] @Matt Teach your angle plzzzzzzzz!!!! Or anyone else here who knows how his angle works can too. :D I don't have a tripod here in Japan, nor do I have a study lamp.
Date: Fri, May 20 2011 00:21:16
Well, I'm kind of lucky because i have the perfect spot built into my desk for my web cam.... but hopefully looking at the placement will help you.
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 03:26:14
HAL's angle look naise:3
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 05:21:05
Rabbid wrote: HAL's angle look naise:3
HAL has used many different angles before. -
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 08:54:23
Matt wrote: Well, I'm kind of lucky because i have the perfect spot built into my desk for my web cam.... but hopefully looking at the placement will help you.
I have a webcam but it's built-in to my laptop. T.T I guess I really can't get that angle. Or I could ask for a webcam from my parents. :3 -
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 13:06:04
LOl i now use WMM and i dun have a webcamm but only on my laptop so ijust bend my laptop to aim the chair and spin on the chair xD example: this is my latest video in battlezone.. but my opponent havent post his vid.l. today was the last day
Date: Sun, May 22 2011 17:35:54
i kinda like it when the camera is directly above the hand or if its at and angled position that shows perception o.o
Date: Sun, May 22 2011 18:40:14
depends on what i want to stand out on my combo. i sat on the edge of my bed for this combo to show the cont [spiderspin? rev shadow?] better, but unfortuately it came out crappy and i was too lazy to try again the finisher came out well though im not really sure what the very last trick i did where it launches off my pinky is. i discovered it by accident awhile ago and figured out it goes well with busts. inverse spread?
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 01:35:35
My angle sorta looks like this: [video=youtube;YnLlZhCmCXA][/video]
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 06:49:52
Far wrote: My angle sorta looks like this: [video=youtube;YnLlZhCmCXA][/video]
IPSB shirt .. <3 it , nice -
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 08:58:50
[video=youtube;E_wXQBBLgQ0][/video] this's my angle :D
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 14:42:28
Fx wrote: [video=youtube;E_wXQBBLgQ0][/video] this's my angle :D
NICE ANGLE.totally fits -
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 01:04:40
[video=youtube;PueSz0yuCR8][/video] Any help on my angle? Its a build in webcam. T.T
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 10:42:57
Stack books and put your laptop on top of them.
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 11:13:20
just buy device for keeping ^_^
Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 01:33:24
so im trying to get a good angle for 1p2h. i just cant get it. because either way it seems the back of my hand ends up facing the camera. anyways any helP? tips? anything? much appreciated.
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 23:10:18
Just a general thing I found useful. You can use a foldable music stand as a makeshift tripod. I usually use that to get overhead angles since you can set the camera at an angle in between the crossbar and lip of the stand.
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 09:44:59
[video=youtube;F7Xnb9eY0aI][/video] is my angle ok? or no. :)
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 10:39:31
@DemonicSpinner Yeah, really nice. I mean it. And I dunno how people can record an FS by holding the camera and the combo never goes off screen D:
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 10:44:47
ahaha. xD thanks. :D
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 02:30:06
what about my angle, and lighting? [video=youtube;CEE-00IbtUg][/video]
Date: Sat, Oct 22 2011 19:39:30
Hey guys just wanna ask u guys what angle is the best? Cam placed on behind or Up? I know some of u will say based on ur style. But. I wanna know what majority says.. I will post my angles soon. And I'm currenty using a digital cam 10 mp I have a tripod or shud I just use any other methods?(suggest pls) cuz d tripod I find it very discouraging by so troublesome.. The tripod also scratched my cam sigh .... @browndog12 Sorry if I post this at a wrong section.
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 11:43:09
This angle Or S777 angle suitable for my style ? You can suggest any angle for me also . Thanks
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 21:19:27
We wouldn't be able to know if an s777 angle would suit you or not if there is no example.
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 04:47:47
DoubleBlackDB wrote: Hey guys just wanna ask u guys what angle is the best? Cam placed on behind or Up? I know some of u will say based on ur style. But. I wanna know what majority says.. I will post my angles soon. And I'm currenty using a digital cam 10 mp I have a tripod or shud I just use any other methods?(suggest pls) cuz d tripod I find it very discouraging by so troublesome.. The tripod also scratched my cam sigh ....Sorry if I post this at a wrong section.
ive had this problem alot. finding the best angle. it really does depend on your style. some people like over the shoulder, others prefer to the left or right side opposite of their spinning hand. some like it in front. ha it all just kinda depends on your style and preference. i could try to help u find a good angle for you if i could see some of your spinning. -
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 12:37:13 can anyone show me how to set up cam as in HAL's vids ? I'd appreciate if both are solved, but either of them is ok :D
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 19:24:18
Hi guys :D [video=youtube;rz-zPu7k-5s] [/video] Does this angle suits me ? Is there another angle that might be better?
Date: Sat, Dec 3 2011 01:56:26
Does this angle suits for me?
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 10:54:41
@DJSpin okay i'll post a video ASAP
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 16:07:48
alright sounds good. :)
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2011 14:57:56
[video=youtube;tywAOVFkk3E][/video] I need some advice on angle here .... It's a lap-webcam and I found it extremely difficult to rise it higher ...
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 01:53:59
[video=youtube;AlqtJ2HYOeg][/video] My current angle! Is it okay, or should I change it?
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 10:07:03
WisHHH wrote: [video=youtube;AlqtJ2HYOeg][/video] My current angle! Is it okay, or should I change it?
If you can get it nearer to your left shoulder, imo it would suit your spinning more. Like a right sided Miyana angle or something -
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 15:05:10
Chobi wrote: If you can get it nearer to your left shoulder, imo it would suit your spinning more. Like a right sided Miyana angle or something
Thanks Chobi! I'll try it nao. :D -
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 23:56:43
Anyone know how to setup HAL's angle? mine is just around there, but has a noticable diff..
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 01:53:36
Alvaris wrote: Anyone know how to setup HAL's angle? mine is just around there, but has a noticable diff..
I think you just need to zoom in a little bit. -
Date: Mon, Jan 2 2012 10:39:31
[video=youtube;rtCBy4uq27c][/video] Is this angle ok ... I don't know how to stabilize it without my hand holding it ... It's a lap-cam anyway >.>
Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 07:44:18
Elune wrote: Is this angle ok ... I don't know how to stabilize it without my hand holding it ... It's a lap-cam anyway >.>
It's okay, i guess. Would be better if you took out all those wires though lol -
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 22:00:19
[video=youtube;q-yZOT-mML8][/video] what is wrong with my cam angle? or how can i improve it?
Date: Wed, Jan 11 2012 16:44:53
@Xienix How about moving it a little higher, and maybe turning it a bit so it doesn't look like your camera is direct on with your hand. Give it some sort of angle instead of even with your hand. Hope that makes sense. XD
Date: Wed, Jan 11 2012 21:41:38
thank you, i'll try ^_^
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 04:15:08
What do you guys think about THIS angle? I need more opinions to make sure it's a good angle to keep. [video=youtube;E_o_48HZW2Q][/video] VS [video=youtube;v-WnTZgwDhg][/video] VS [video=youtube;OfmyMGvUQwo][/video]
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 21:56:20
=3 I just get a box ~12 - 6 inches tall and spin in front of the wall
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 15:04:47
@HobbyLogics 1st angle... sucks for 1P1H. If you do some 2P2H or 1P2H stuff later in your spinning it would be a nicee angle. 2nd angle is my favourite. The camera is pretty high up, gives a nice view. But I think you should try to centre your spinning more. 3rd angle feels "weaker" compared to 2nd angle. A 4 day late reply :)
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 09:06:54
[video=youtube;6whD8Hzm6Ec][/video] testing out my new angle
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 23:04:24
@Hob I like your third angle actually. I will never like to watch spinning from the first one, no matter the spinner.
Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 11:38:03
[video=youtube;_YbiMg8YqCg][/video] How is this angle ? And background and lighting too ?
Date: Thu, Feb 16 2012 01:21:13
is this angle good?
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 14:41:02
linli07 wrote: is this angle good?
a little offscreen imo .... I personally don't like this angle xD -
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 20:26:55
[video=youtube;sKb2LUKCRZo][/video] Is this angle good? Can't find a better angle than this ;_;
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 22:36:33
Elune wrote: a little offscreen imo .... I personally don't like this angle xD
how bout the spinning is it good? -
Date: Sun, Feb 19 2012 05:34:27
lol it's ok .... this is a topic about angle xD not spinning lol
Date: Wed, Feb 22 2012 19:16:55
Please choose one of these angles ^^ [video=youtube;J_kjS9ofnEo][/video]
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 03:36:57
@KTrinh93 hows my angle guys? can u pick the best ? [video=youtube;egZfvEKyugI] 9v57Xj2kTHI=[/video] [video=youtube;yiXTGB9RXWc] I7n02ivm6HA=[/video] [video=youtube;_i3bGFlRfQs] Ntl3bfKT6GI=[/video] [video=youtube;4NJ22wG24bw] M5tq87EdeNU=[/video]
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 04:15:52
@DoubleBlackDB i thought that angle 3 and angle 1 were the best angles. i felt it got the most of the spinning. just my thoughts tho.
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 06:26:48
@DoubleBlackDB angle 1 in my opinion is the best but being a right handed spinner you should move the camera to the other side so the camera can see your palm more than the back of your hand. :p
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 13:01:37
@Kari oh but i dont have a 'table stand' in that particular angle.. so i cant set up an angle there.. if i set up an angle facing my palm i must stack books on the floor and make them tall .. but that looks quite uncomfortable.. what u think? :P
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 19:07:11
@DoubleBlackDB I don't stack things from the floor but I stack things from the very edge of my desk. How about just try it and show me so I can see what it would look like. And show me your desk so maybe I can get an idea from there. :)
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 14:09:14
I want to know how to set up the lightings and settings to make the pen motion like this ? [video=youtube;UpLNSEdarUE][/video] Here's mine ... It's not so smooth and appealing as above [video=youtube;qeBDuSnVgjQ][/video] P/s : I don't want to compare those vids, but I think the pen motion can be adjusted with proper lightings / settings, so give me some advice
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 09:46:13
hows my angle guys? this is not flim on my webcam , [video=youtube;VP2VYtS934k][/video] @DJSpin. :)
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 15:14:41
DoubleBlackDB wrote: hows my angle guys? this is not flim on my webcam , [video=youtube;VP2VYtS934k][/video]
i actually prefer this angle. it shows the palm of your hand and i think it will work quite nicely. plus the black table is really nice considering your mod is red, white, and blue. also stuff doesnt seem so cluttered. lol -
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 15:47:57
@DoubleBlackDB Much better. Now just work on your spinning. :p
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 04:26:25
Elune wrote: I want to know how to set up the lightings and settings to make the pen motion like this ? [video=youtube;UpLNSEdarUE][/video] Here's mine ... It's not so smooth and appealing as above [video=youtube;qeBDuSnVgjQ][/video] P/s : I don't want to compare those vids, but I think the pen motion can be adjusted with proper lightings / settings, so give me some advice
guys guys :boing: -
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 06:39:21
I think you need a HD cam xD
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 15:06:11
Maybe that depend your cam, i think you should change the background, your mod should have more black ring lol. My two backgrounds : [video=youtube;Jd2y_K0947E][/video] and [video=youtube;MLM2oAPv_II][/video] 1 cam two background,too different...
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 13:16:24
maybe it's because of my cam ... well that's hard to change >.>
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 13:51:10
@king_saurom: Background and angle 2 so good... Like's better background 1 ^^`
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 08:57:04
U can change the setting to " Daylight " and change My Color to "vivid" ( maybe).
Date: Sat, Oct 27 2012 00:53:47
[video=youtube;7o-Lw9MlF_0][/video] can any one tell me how to get the angle of the forth combo with the bonkura kt? also, somehow i can get the effect of blood red screen with an angle of my lamp, if anyone want it, i am more than happy to share!
Date: Mon, Oct 29 2012 02:14:13
??? Why don't you just have someone like a parent/friend/sibling adjust the camera for you and see if you like it?
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 04:13:16
Inbuilt webcam, can't afford any external cams. So desperate I resort to stacking boxes and putting my laptop on top. How does this look? [video=youtube;z_boeVJHstM][/video]
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 04:50:39
I have my webcam but I'd not know where to put it. :( Seen many other angles and they look pretty high up. How?
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 09:57:15
Apocalyptic Shadows wrote: I have my webcam but I'd not know where to put it. :( Seen many other angles and they look pretty high up. How?
Mount it on a high area? Maybe a shelf, lamp, or stacks books, boxes, put a chair on your desk and mount your cam there. -
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2013 11:33:53
good or bad?? any tips?? [video=youtube;EczH76A1XsY][/video]
Date: Thu, Apr 18 2013 02:27:09
Should the camera be directly in front of me, or should it be like an angle ? Or behind me ? I need help with an angle.
Date: Wed, Nov 6 2013 09:20:02
[video=youtube;dwEIhnGoyUk][/video] trying hard to get a good angle. Cant afford external cams :( is this angle okay?
Date: Fri, Nov 8 2013 11:08:34
ye bro maybe get a chair to sit down on
Date: Mon, Nov 11 2013 15:22:20 a few suggestions
Date: Thu, Jan 30 2014 15:41:58
How do u guys film your PS videos? I cant find a suitable angle to put my camera.
Date: Thu, Feb 13 2014 00:08:21
questionmark98 wrote: Should the camera be directly in front of me, or should it be like an angle ? Or behind me ? I need help with an angle.
Directly in front is usually bad. I would go with at an angle in front of you or a top down view -
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2014 08:26:47
if its top down does that mean u will hit the camera when u do a hai tua?