Serious Discussion / Life Necessities
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 23:20:34
What are some of the things that life throws at you that feel you need in order to keep moving in life?
Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 00:00:42
Hmmm, happiness, love, a purpose/reason to live.
Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 00:09:28
Things to keep me moving? Keys. Cars. Food. Life necessities? Toothbrush. Hair brush. Deoderant. Women.
Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 07:37:34
Peaches, pineaples, and that kind of things. Otherwise, curiosity and challenge are what mainly drive my motivation and therefore my actions.
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 08:58:19
problems and Trials. Without them, there is not much progress.
Date: Sun, Dec 19 2010 15:04:01
I find Maslow's hierarchy of needs to be a good list of life's necessities, even though the order of levels on the pyramid is disputed. You'll notice that material possessions are not on here!
Date: Sun, Dec 19 2010 15:06:37
Agree with the poster above. Music. A goal. Determination. Motivation. Passion. Purpose. Drive. Reason. A cause. Competition. A friend. The list is endless, but it does not include material possessions except perhaps a computer, cell phone, and the internet.