Trading / Buying / Nothing Special for Now
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 05:22:42
Hey, this is L-in!!! I live in Canada, shipping to Canada is $3.00 CAD, shipping to USA is $5.00 USD, shipping to international is $8.00 USD!!! I accept paypal or cash!!! If you pay via paypal, you have to pay in USD currency and in "personal - others" category; if you pay via cash, you have to send in CAD (Canadian Dollar) currency!!! ====================== Auction Rule: - End 5 days after the reserve is met. - Increment > or = $1. Reply to the thread to bid. - No editing allowed. - If you have less feedback, you send money first. If I have less, I send first. - Buy-it-out person will get free shipping and more valuable freebies. - If reserve is not met, the winner has to increase the price to the reserve point or I am not selling it. - The person who wins has to pay within 1 week. Have fun~ ^_^ ====================== [B]Auctioning[/B]: 1 kUzu G3 Mod (modded by a famous PSH moderator and retailer @DrakeOhMeteor007 Reserve met? Yes. Buy-it-out: $30 USD/CAD ====================== [B]Selling[/B]: 1 UM-700N Mod (not so perfect, good condition, unscratched, modded with a cleanly washed 700N body, 700N caps, and signo DX grips and tips, light, good Taiwanese mod)
Price: $10 USD/CAD ======================= I can get: Zebra Telescopic pens (metallic red only), $8/pair. RSVP Fine (black/green/red only), $1/one. Signo Tips (have whole UM-100 pens if required), $5/four. ST (white body only, canadian version with body texture identical to old good version), $5/eight. Super Grip (transparent only, have whole pencil if required), $3/one. Comssas (black body, white caps, with Korean texts on body, never modded, single-capped, bought directly from Korean markets), $2/one. MONEY (via Paypal or CAD cash). ======================= I want: Bonkura Penz Gear. Sweetdrop. Watercolor. Comssa V.5. Yelo Mod. MONEY. If you pay via paypal, you have to pay in USD currency and in "personal - others" category; if you pay via cash, you have to send in CAD (Canadian Dollar) currency!!! ====================== :hah: Feel free to PM me anytime, will reply within 24 hours. More detailed pics can be required too. The price of the stuff I want can be negotiated with me, I can pay you by money and I can offer good price. :)
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 05:25:37
You wanted my miffies?
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 05:27:18
J74Q wrote: You wanted my miffies?
Yes lol. You have them now? Yes, m&m is also wanted~~ ^_^ PM me for price and pics and other details, thnx! -
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 11:14:34
Im getting them in a week because tat guys is on a course that is almost a week adding the weekend so i would get all of them :D What colours?
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 17:44:12
J74Q wrote: Im getting them in a week because tat guys is on a course that is almost a week adding the weekend so i would get all of them :D What colours?
pink, sky blue, orange, light green, purple. I want as many as you have actually, but more depends on the price though. Let's stop negotiating in a trading thread. Just send me a PM after you get them along with a picture of them, thanks! ^_^ -
Date: Wed, Apr 20 2011 03:04:00
First bump, bumpie bumpie bump one bump~~!!! ^_^ Big update done~~!!!
Date: Wed, Apr 20 2011 03:19:44
I want the namae mod
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 23:37:44
Updated! ^_^
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 02:20:58
Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 23:42:53
Bring Up My Post
Date: Tue, Aug 9 2011 22:06:23
BUMP it up!
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 01:51:23
Date: Sun, Aug 21 2011 21:37:25
Date: Sun, Aug 28 2011 00:18:30
New pics, new price! Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours: No more sale, but awesome auction! BID BID BID guys~ Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours: BID BID BID BID BID!
Date: Sun, Aug 28 2011 19:46:36
C'mon, guys, bid on it bid on it~~
Date: Sun, Aug 28 2011 20:03:09
hi, which version is the kuzu mod UPSB, JEB or secret ?
Date: Tue, Aug 30 2011 00:54:10
@Desertifikation, I believe it's UPSB vers, it's the most commonly-used one, right? All original to that method though.
Date: Wed, Aug 31 2011 10:26:20
Starting bid: $15 Kuzu :D
Date: Thu, Sep 1 2011 06:17:48
BUMP IT! Seriously? No one likes kUzu Mod now?
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 04:41:34
BUMP, reserve no met!
Date: Wed, Sep 7 2011 04:47:11
$16 for kuzu :D
Date: Thu, Sep 8 2011 05:28:34
17$ Kuzuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Date: Fri, Sep 9 2011 22:45:47
Reserve not met yet!!! C'mon bidbidbid~~~
Date: Sun, Sep 11 2011 01:55:19
$18 for kuzuuuuuuu no one can stop meh from wining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Mon, Sep 12 2011 16:48:47
20 for kuzu
Date: Tue, Sep 13 2011 00:39:11
21 for kuzu
Date: Tue, Sep 13 2011 01:47:03
buy kuzu out
Date: Tue, Sep 13 2011 04:20:19
@SamuelAliasCheater, DrakeOhMeteor007 has bought the kuzu g3 mod out. Sorry for the loss and congratulations to dm007! This thread will be inactive for a while now. >v<
Date: Tue, Sep 13 2011 04:23:25
L-in wrote: @SamuelAliasCheater, DrakeOhMeteor007 has bought the kuzu g3 mod out. Sorry for the loss and congratulations to dm007! This thread will be inactive for a while now. >v<
LOL at the last part -
Date: Sun, Apr 7 2013 10:28:33
Is the kuzu still up for sale?