Off-topic / My finger was crushed my 2 bowling balls at the size of 13. :O
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 05:05:17
Yeah my index finger was crushed by some bowling balls but im not sure if its broken or just badly bruised and swollen up. here are some photos.
So could you guys plz tell me wat u think?
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 05:13:15
Nobody here is medically qualified to make that decision, I really don't know why you would be asking here. But in my honest opinion, doctors don't really do anything for a broken finger unless is a compound fracture in which place they re-set it and put it in a splint. I would just put you're finger in a splint man, you can get them from any drug store and wrap it up with some tape.
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 05:19:02
Definitely looks like AIDS to me.
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 05:26:30
Just put some ice on it for now and see what happens. Play the time card. If after a few days no improvement, doctor.
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 05:53:07
it just looks like bruising... but to be safe do what neXus said
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 06:33:59
if its a bruise use the boiled eggs technique. if not. ice
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 07:11:20
Internal finger rupture! your gonna die in 1 week! Lol... just relax... can you move that swollen part of the finger? If you can its prolly just bruised. If you cant, you are gonna die in 1 week. LOL go see doctor if you cant lol...
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 09:42:13
Always see the doctor when in doubt of your own body.
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 09:57:35
i'm surprised your nail didnt break at all
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 11:52:12
I think you will spin within a few days, or you even spin already. what I don't understand, is why you make this topic about this..... it is a question everybody would troll the same about it.....
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 19:51:12
whats up with ppl posting all these injuries on this is a psing board dogg
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 20:09:05
nateiskewl wrote: Definitely looks like AIDS to me.
Ha. AIDS. that's funny.