Where to find Pens in... / Pen mods in New Zealand

  1. Stack of Waffles
    Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 05:37:02

    Does anyone know where to get good pen parts for mods in Auckland, New Zealand? The only pen mods i can make are the Bictory and the Any-X. Not much here.

  2. Nachoaddict
    Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 05:51:59

    wrong section. post in thr "pens around the world" thread in the regular pens forum. and you can always try trading out with other upsbers edit: glad to see another gundam 00 fan in the forum ^^ lockon ftw

  3. Milk
    Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 06:51:22

    You should be able to find Flexgrip Ultras, HGGs and Supergrips at the Stationary Warehouse (that's in Wellington but I would imagine that they stock the same stuff nationwide) so with that you could make a fake Grip Avaire. And yea, wrong section.

  4. Twine
    Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 07:28:17

    Another NZ spinner :o We're dominating now! Just buy from here for better quality pens. Never buy the actual mods though. Look up tuts and by the parts. Happy modding

  5. AlienX
    Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 08:11:36

    I can see lots of PSer from NZ, how come only few come to the Gather? I know milk yeah.... I wish you're in Auckland= =

  6. iMatt
    Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 17:39:52

    Pens already are listed here: ==closed==

  7. motorstorm
    Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 06:55:05

    Help? I need to make an RSVP MX but don't know where to get an RSVP (No online sites please)

  8. SuiXidaL
    Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 07:44:36

    GOONA BE MOVED IN 3... 2... 1... You cant get RSVP's in NewZealand im afraid ! D= Only traders, or you order from Penwish.