Approved Tutorials / PCST Cap Mod
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 03:14:35
Originally I didn't want to post a tutorial for this mod at all because of it's simplicity and it's very easy to guess how it's made but a lot of people have asked my how to make my lime green mod and it's tiresome to answer them one by one so I decided to make a tutorial out for it. The name is still tentative. The main part of the tutorial is how to make the body alone. You can use whatever tip/grip combination you like.
[video=youtube;fUFzId5Nc_Y][/video] ----------------------------------------------------- Statistics (For the Lime green mod only): ----------------------------------------------------- PCST Cap Mod COG: COP Length: 21.1cm Weight: Signo Tipped Comssa < PCST Cap Mod < Dr. KT Style: Double Sided Writing-Mechanism: -Nil- Ink-Type: -Nil- Estimated-Cost: USD$20-21 if your making it exactly the same as the lime green mod (USD$4-5 for the body section alone) ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Materials Needed: -----------------------------------------------------
2 Playcolor2 Markers 2 Supertip Markers 1 BIC Round Stic Grip + Whatever Grips and Tips you want Scotch tape Scissors ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Tutorial: ----------------------------------------------------- [SPOILER="Body"] 1. Gather these parts:
2 Supertip caps 2 PC2 unclip caps Round Stic Grip Barrel Round Stic Grip inner barrel (part under the grip) 2. Make an STEK body this way
[SPOILER="How to make an STEK body"] 2a. Cut the top part of the Inner Round Stic Grip Barrel
2b. Push the front part of the Supertip caps into the barrel like so
[/SPOILER] 3.Cut the BIC Barrel to two 3cm sections
The rest of the barrel is not needed 4. Wrap tape around one end of both BIC Barrels so they fit snuggly into the PC2 Caps
and push them into othe PC2 Cap like so
5. Add tape to the rest of the revealing section of both BIC Barrels so they fits snuggly into the back of the Supertip caps
And push them into the Supertip Caps like so
And now the body is complete! [/SPOILER]
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 03:15:05
[SPOILER="Adding Tips and Grips"] You can use any Tip/Grip Combination you want
Some ways to add Tips and grips: Buster CYL method
BSPC Method
Dr. KT Method
[SPOILER="Lime Green Mod Method"] Materials you will need: 2 ZT tips 1 Signo DX Grip 1 Dr. Grip G-Spec Grip Electrical tape 1. Screw the ZT tip into the cap
It should screw in nicely but not all the way in. 2. Add tape around the tip and cap and cut both grips into 1cm sections
3. Add the Signo Grips first then the G-Spec Grips.
[/SPOILER] The Possibilities are Endless!! [/SPOILER] ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- PROS: ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Easy to make 2. Many colour schemes to choose from 3. You can make it to you desired pen weight ----------------------------------------------------- CONS: ----------------------------------------------------- 1. The Gaps in the centre of the mod and the side get a little annoying 2. The colours of the PC2 and the Supertips don't match a lot of the time. The only ones that I have that have same or close colours are the yellow, black, red, orange and Lime green ones. ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Q/A: ----------------------------------------------------- Q: How come your grips aren't straight? A: I don't know. I can't ever seem to cut a grip straight. Q: The Caps are loose A: Add more tape (applicable of the STEK Body as well) Q: Why aren't the barrels you cut straight? A: doesn't matter if it's straight or not. It'll be hidden ----------------------------------------------------- Have fun!
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 04:20:20
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 04:29:13
I like lime green :)
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 04:44:28
nice :O i want this, but i dont have any grips, PC2s, or supertips looks like a great mod, great tutorial
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 08:38:11
Wooh Nice :D I might make one if i have time :D What about naming it the hippopotamus mod? lolß
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 10:33:13
HippoDC? LOL. :D
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 01:54:50
I reduced the resolution so it won''t take so long to load sorry for not doing that earlier.
Date: Thu, Nov 24 2011 19:51:53
could i use both caps from ONE playcolor2 marker
Date: Thu, Nov 24 2011 20:21:25
Pretty sure u can, but one of the caps are clipped which means even if u unclip it it wont be even and that will affect the balance very slightly~ ... it also looks bad too Frog~
MODSTER wrote: could i use both caps from ONE playcolor2 marker
Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 03:01:18
FrogPrinceXD wrote: Pretty sure u can, but one of the caps are clipped which means even if u unclip it it wont be even and that will affect the balance very slightly~ ... it also looks bad too Frog~
what if i cut the clip off and shaved it down flush to the cap. would the balance be the same on both sides -
Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 03:41:18
mmmm. nice and simple. very nice.
Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 04:22:46
the balance wont be affect too much either way but im gonna say this... 99.999% u wont get the clip removed PERFECTLY and LOOK IDENTICAL to the other one. thats what i was trying to say back then.. hence the "it also looks bad too" ofcourse, no one is stopping u if u insist doing it ;) its your mod afterall. Frog~
MODSTER wrote: what if i cut the clip off and shaved it down flush to the cap. would the balance be the same on both sides
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 08:09:04
I'm liking the color and spinning effect from the Lime green. Is the Playcolor color Light green or Pastel Light green?
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 22:48:34
i will make if i get the materials but this is a very, very sweet tutorial. this definitely deserves to be approved
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 03:15:51
this maybe a dumb question but anyone know where to get playcolor??? >.<"" i keep seeing that word over and over and over
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 04:15:35 OR Frog~
flame sivics wrote: this maybe a dumb question but anyone know where to get playcolor??? >.<"" i keep seeing that word over and over and over
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 04:45:40
flame sivics wrote: this maybe a dumb question but anyone know where to get playcolor??? >.<"" i keep seeing that word over and over and over
You can get the more popular colors on penwish -
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 23:56:14
I just listened to the song in the video.... good choice of song. Is it found in psalm because I would like to sing it in the choir in my school
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 02:05:14
MODSTER wrote: I just listened to the song in the video.... good choice of song. Is it found in psalm because I would like to sing it in the choir in my school
Song is in the description. It's Hosanna by Starfield. Or you can search it up by Hillsong :P I'm pretty sure there's a verse that they wrote it after since a lot of songs are like that, but it's escaping me now >.< -
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 12:03:48
MystikSun wrote: Song is in the description. It's Hosanna by Starfield. Or you can search it up by Hillsong :P I'm pretty sure there's a verse that they wrote it after since a lot of songs are like that, but it's escaping me now >.<
Okay Thanks -
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 04:52:08
and i thought those supertip caps were useless xD i've already seen this mod in orange and spun it from a guy in my school, cool mod :D
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 17:09:16
BiC than part cant combine st cap...
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 23:54:57
this mod is cool, u hippo 4c mod (4cap) xD hippo u should make one that is two diferent colors, like half green and half yellow or half blue, and half red
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 18:04:25
@Hippo2626 Are the playcolors light or pastel green?
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 22:46:44
LightSpinner wrote: @Hippo2626 Are the playcolors light or pastel green?
Light green -
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 07:23:59
Hippo, where do you find the pens needed in Singapore??? Btw, its an awesome mod!!
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 08:17:25
AdiblueseaQQQ wrote: Hippo, where do you find the pens needed in Singapore??? Btw, its an awesome mod!!
Bic Stic Grip can be found in some Popukar stores like Bras Basah. Playcolours are also found in some Populars like Jurong. And supertips with those caps can be foun in toys r us or other shops. You do realise that this was quite long ago right. -
Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 02:22:36
For the part where I need to cut the 3 cm from the bic round stic grip barrel, instead of using the bic round stic grip barrel , can I use a bic round stic barrel? (not sure if there is a difference)
Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 03:28:56
nice mod.. and creatively mod.. we can make a mod with useless materials. nice idea!! thanks for the tutorial :D
Date: Sat, Aug 25 2012 16:31:09
Apocalyptic Shadows wrote: Bic Stic Grip can be found in some Popukar stores like Bras Basah. Playcolours are also found in some Populars like Jurong. And supertips with those caps can be foun in toys r us or other shops. You do realise that this was quite long ago right.
Thx. I might check if got time. -
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2012 05:58:59
I realised that u can reverse the pc2 cap. It fits well into the st cap and put a g3 tip into the pc2 cap. Then it becomes an inverse tipped mod xD
Date: Wed, Nov 7 2012 11:30:33
nice, maybe i can make one of this... ^_^
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2014 15:28:01
definitely in my list, but i dont have cyls.. sadly
Date: Fri, Apr 4 2014 22:24:14
Just made one :) It is amazing !!! The stek body is so nice.
Date: Sat, Apr 5 2014 08:25:07
Ohh mann,jealousy got the better of me.
Date: Sat, Apr 5 2014 12:34:07
just à little bit light but I think It's because I don't use a lot of grip to add some weight to it but it still a great mod :)