Member Introductions / Hello UPSB
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 08:22:40
Hello UPSB. My name is SPINNAR42...well, it's my pen name. I realize that I joined UPSB over two months ago, but its better than never, so I will "introduce" myself. I am interested in many things. Penspinning is one of those. However, I do not spend as much time on penspinning as many others do. Even at exactly six months, I notice one monthers who pen spin better than I do. I have a friend who I see occasionally. He is also in UPSB, more interested in penspinning than I am. He started penspinning slightly later than I did, but is a fairly good spinner. His name, on UPSB, is RicLu98. Because of him, I was able to spin pens. I noticed him one day, walking down the hall twirling a double-sided mod. He was...I guess, better than me, and he let me borrow that mod. After two weeks, I learned over twenty more tricks. I also started a YouTube channel, known as "spinnar42". If you check it out you will see some of my tutorials and some of my penspinning videos. I am a noob, but that's just me, I guess. I'm not spinnerpeem, I'm no Vicgotgame. I guess that's me. Oh, one more thing. I finally learned the Hai Tua. Im not very good at it...=(
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 09:57:39
welcome, and enjoy UPSB!
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 11:38:49
Enjoy your stay in the digital land of digital people known as Pen spinners! Welcome here!!
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 20:19:47
I'm a digital people? O.o Welcome to upsb. :) ¤KTSpinner¤