General Discussion / WT11 - Quarterfinals - Videos OUT!
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 08:14:47
Official link: Make your predictions!
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 08:32:10
snow, supawit, s777 and kin progress to next round i think
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 08:37:20
i wanna see sponge pull off the upset :)
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 10:38:01
Haizzz .... Really keen on HAL :) VIC's out ... So only HAL ... a little upset =.="
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 11:36:51
Kin probably has the power to end HAL's winning streak finally...
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 12:07:09
snow, supawit, s777, hal should win sister lost WTF??? i would have liked to see eriror and rex too.....
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 12:10:22
prediction- s777 and supawit127
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 12:31:03
kin might lose if this bias doesn't stop rooting for s777,supawit, kin and snow
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 12:37:23
A13x (FPSB) vs [B]snow[/B] (PSH) Looks like snow gonna own with his creativity but nothing is for sure, A13x can come up with some new stuff which can make him victorious. [B]Supawit127[/B] (THPSC) vs Sponge (GPC) Sponge has showed up some good stuff until now and good job he came this far but i think this is the end for him. x1213 (TWPS) vs [B]s777[/B] (FPSB) s777 did not show what all he got yet, he must be able to beat x1213. [B]kin[/B] (HKPSA) vs HAL (JEB) I did not except HAL to pass previous round, i think baimai was better. And kin was the best of the previous round, if he can do better than the previous round(WTF?!) he can beat HAL easily.
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 12:39:35
Wow now that UPSB is down :(. I guess I am rooting for Kin, A123 lOL, also, supawit hehe. Kin's spinning is awesome, I didn't know anything about him until now :/
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 12:52:52
Really, I hoped that VIC'd pass R3 and HAL'd lose ... However ... well ... It went all wrong Of course I'm rooting in for HAL ~ Go HAL \m/ P/s : Supawit's gonna own =.="
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 14:08:22
Escorpio123 wrote: Wow now that UPSB is down :(. I guess I am rooting for Kin, A123 lOL, also, supawit hehe. Kin's spinning is awesome, I didn't know anything about him until now :/
wut he's spinning for a long time, under name of Meteor. -
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 14:22:23
Im predicting that snow, supawit, s777 and kin will advance to the next round. Woah Vic's out. I really hope that he wont stop spinning. :(
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 14:25:31
A13x (FPSB) vs [B]snow[/B] (PSH) [B]Supawit127[/B] (THPSC) vs Sponge (GPC) x1213 (TWPS) vs [B]s777[/B] (FPSB) [B]kin[/B] (HKPSA) vs HAL (JEB) so ive never seen sponge or a13x but still snow is really great, supawit, hehhh random guess. nobody beats s777 so ya. kin is truly amazing
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 15:21:40
snow, Supawit, and s777 should be able to pass easily. Not sure about the kin vs HAL matchup. HAL hasn't been doing his best so far, and he definitely has the capacity to pull out very difficult combos. If he decides to do so, he can very easily become a formidable opponent for even kin. Of course, if he doesn't pull off better combos than his R3 then his chances of passing are pretty slim.
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 16:46:11
Beginner's opinion. A13x and snow are both awesome in their own ways, it's baks vs. creativity I guess. Tough battle, I'll say snow. Supawit and sponge... Supawit's difficulty will win him through I think. x1213 and s777 are full of experience, but s777 will pass. kin will overcome HAL's winning streak with his awesomeness. Really sad about vic and eriror, no more UPSB to root for.
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 19:39:09
[B]A13x[/B] vs snow Alright, so A13x, had been my favorite spinner ever since I saw FPSB's 4th. I want him to take this tournament home. However, its not that I dont like snow. Its kinda sad that these 2 spinners have to face off. A13x (king of baks) and snow (minwoo + pyralux) are both spinners that I live. But since this contest is coming to an end, I'd have to give A13x my vote. [B]Supawit127[/B] vs Sponge Ughhh, again, both spinners I love. Supawit might have the upper hand in this battle. Iunno, Sponge is equally as good too. But Supawit would probably bust out his best power tricks or something to get by Sponge. x1213 vs [B]s777 [/B] Now wouldnt it be great to see x1213 upset s777. s777777 was a candidate be in the final match ever since the start of the contest. But I would like to see an upset late in the game. I know realistically that this might not happen, but you never know. So anyways, s777 has a higher likely hood to win this round. [B]kin[/B] vs HAL Kin is King. I never liked Hal's spinning from the start. No offence. I think that kin is much stronger technically. Plus imagine doing something as intense as a punkan with an mx. Kin can do some next shit like that and pull it off xDD.
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 20:26:49
A13X vs [B]snow[/B]: I really hope snow wins. I dislike A13X spinning, because I see all of his combos as pure showcase of power, with very little else. snow is like the opposite, caring more about the overall effect of the combo. [B]Supawit[/B] vs Sponge: I can see Sponge pulling an upset, but Supawit is obviously the favorite here. Sponge is the greatest dark horse of the tournament. x1213 vs [B]s777[/B]: Obvious favorite, not much needs to be said. [B]kin[/B] vs HAL: kin the JEB slayer. First ctionist, then Mesi, now HAL?
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 20:52:54
i stopped following this after i saw how biased the judging was in R1 and R2 :\ EDIT: Watch HAL win off judge bias again. I'm so seeing it.
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 21:37:25
rooting for supawit, kin and HAL..
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 21:51:39
A13x (FPSB) vs [B]snow (PSH) [/B] I didn't see snow's video for R3, but i liked Rex's video (even if he ran out of moves), so i think he might be able to pull this off. I like his style a lot, A13x not so much. [B]Supawit127 (THPSC)[/B] vs Sponge (GPC) Unless Supawit also runs out of moves, he should win. x1213 (TWPS) vs [B]s777 (FPSB)[/B] I like x1213, he is one of my favorite spinners (partial TWPS bias..?), but S777 is probably favored for this round. It would be fun to see x1213 pull off a better combo than S777 though ;) kin (HKPSA) vs[B] HAL (JEB)[/B] I'll bet that HAL is going to win. Just you watch ;) Repeat of last two rounds ftl, though kin will probably have the better combo. For some reason the board has decided to turn a lot of the B's into smiley faces. Awkward.
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 22:18:15
wow wow , all people here think that i'll lose vs Snow.... cause i often do hard tricks. i'm not an idiot, of course , i know he is creative, but seriously, i REALLY can be creative AND add power tricks AND style, I'm NOT a FINGERLESS BOT !! xDDD
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 22:26:10
A13x wrote: wow wow , all people here think that i'll lose vs Snow.... cause i often do hard tricks. i'm not an idiot, of course , i know he is creative, but seriously, i REALLY can be creative AND add power tricks AND style, I'm NOT a FINGERLESS BOT !! xDDD
I'm secretly rooting for you, actually. :ninja: -
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 22:27:25
A13x wrote: wow wow , all people here think that i'll lose vs Snow.... cause i often do hard tricks. i'm not an idiot, of course , i know he is creative, but seriously, i REALLY can be creative AND add power tricks AND style, I'm NOT a FINGERLESS BOT !! xDDD
We're just saying that because we haven't seen your creativity. You're a great spinner, but I don't think that it's an unfair assumption that you won't match up to snow's creativity. -
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 22:46:56
snow and kin. I'm glad snow has made it so far. I first saw him in Minovate 3rd and loved him. He's so smooth and i love his flow. I hope kin can win. I really respect him for spinning the mx, and even without his is amazing.
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 02:12:22
A13x wrote: wow wow , all people here think that i'll lose vs Snow.... cause i often do hard tricks. i'm not an idiot, of course , i know he is creative, but seriously, i REALLY can be creative AND add power tricks AND style, I'm NOT a FINGERLESS BOT !! xDDD
my,my ? it seems that, by associating a lot with you-know-who those times, his superiority complex rubs off on you. i consider your combo vs lekunga as one of the best of the WT, a13x but definitely, i never saw any creative stuff in your spin. and good links are pretty rare. surprise us.. -
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 02:22:46
I kinda dont want Superwit to win just b/c he beat Vic, but he will. I want to see S777 dominate.
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 02:40:53
Damn i just noticed Kin's been slaying JEB spinners since R2 xD Love HAL, but i like Kin's MX spinning more
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 04:19:30
[B]A13x[/B] (FPS vs snow (PSH) I love his spinning, he is just too great to be true ^_^. Seriously <_<. I actually did not anything about him neither lol, just until I saw his R1 video and then I said "Wth and omg" every second of it :O. Many were not impressed because he might have done that in the past, but since I haven't seen anything from him, then it was impressive to me :D. [B]Supawit127[/B] (THPSC) vs Sponge (GPC) Because he is just good, variaton of linkages even if you don't believe it, he has some variation, not only power tricks, and if he does, it's ok, it is hard after all ;). [B]x1213[/B] (TWPS) vs s777 (FPS) s777 is a little over-rated by now, and it is becoming annoying 'cause of everyone saying he would win the WT o.O, HE ACTUALLY MIGHT :lol:. But, still he won easily vs Eriror :(. And wasn't X1213 the only person to compete in all the WT and WCs? :O [B]kin[/B] (HKPSA) vs HAL (JEB) Idk but Kin's spinning is amazing every single time he comes out with a combo, different linkages, same angle, epic hard tricks, creative too as the continuous Spiderspin? lol, that's wrong, please correct, maybe it was Dual Pass, and not so-long power tricks :D.
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 13:33:33
All the Best to the people :D Eriror even if you're not in im still rooting for you coz imma hardcore fan of you :vcool:
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 15:27:09
A13x wrote: wow wow , all people here think that i'll lose vs Snow.... cause i often do hard tricks. i'm not an idiot, of course , i know he is creative, but seriously, i REALLY can be creative AND add power tricks AND style, I'm NOT a FINGERLESS BOT !! xDDD
hmm... what I think is, in this penspinning era, creativity, style, difficulty all are linked together. It doesn't mean you've creativity you would be the best. Creativity must be brought together with other factors... Fingerless is appealing.. don't think of it as a bot ya.. Just have a look at supawit's one, most of his vids contains some fingerless combos, but he made an effort to link them up with other factors, which is indeed commendable for his effort that he had put him. I'm not saying anything here, but maybe you can think of it for a while -
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 01:56:30
ok, hal, i love you and your spinning, but honestly, this biased judging MUST stop. Kin will have to win this round and break you.
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 04:54:43
it think supawit will progress
Date: Sun, Apr 3 2011 17:37:07
pensp wrote: hmm... what I think is, in this penspinning era, creativity, style, difficulty all are linked together. It doesn't mean you've creativity you would be the best. Creativity must be brought together with other factors... Fingerless is appealing.. don't think of it as a bot ya.. Just have a look at supawit's one, most of his vids contains some fingerless combos, but he made an effort to link them up with other factors, which is indeed commendable for his effort that he had put him. I'm not saying anything here, but maybe you can think of it for a while
ok, i understand ^^ thanks you all for replies (: i have done a combo but still 24.5 seconds, 25 seconds are rally too short to show all things i want =/ so i had to select the fastest tricks .. the video is uploaded as private, we will see at the end of this week ^^' -
Date: Tue, Apr 5 2011 04:49:08
drgripable wrote: ok, hal, i love you and your spinning, but honestly, this biased judging MUST stop. Kin will have to win this round and break you.
Kin MUST win. second favorite spinner of all time > HAL -
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 15:22:37
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 16:49:00
Definitely kin have it "easy" to win if he manages to do another mindblowing combo. PS: I think there is no need to tell that we are gathering the vids in Spin Along as in every round :D
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 00:09:32
For those who like to use playlist to watch each round, Here's the Round 4 one
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 00:28:50
A13x wrote: ok, i understand ^^ thanks you all for replies (: i have done a combo but still 24.5 seconds, 25 seconds are rally too short to show all things i want =/ so i had to select the fastest tricks .. the video is uploaded as private, we will see at the end of this week ^^'
OMG you are my fav spinner in this tournament!! You got this shit :D and wait is ur video up for viewing? -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 00:31:09
that freestyle was HAL's r4 vid? eh..
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 01:12:15
Stare wrote: that freestyle was HAL's r4 vid? eh..
That's what I thought when I first saw it, then I saw it in slow motion and realized that it's a lot better than it first appears. -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 01:15:27
the ending is awesome, it looks like the pen is barely moving, but his hand is gliding underneath
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 04:30:35
AwonW wrote: That's what I thought when I first saw it, then I saw it in slow motion and realized that it's a lot better than it first appears.
It's nice, I suppose. Great style and execution. Top notch. But can you really get by on style alone? There's no depth to his combos. I thought this WT expected more out of its PSers. -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 04:41:50
A13X please win for me :)
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 05:25:15
Rooting for A13X and s777 :) Good luck!
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 05:37:43
kin [video=youtube;hCd7sKQ-iJE][/video]
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 06:00:16
I just shat brix. Hals combo is really good too, probably not enough for kin though.
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 13:43:11
I think kin didn't need to do such a crazy combo for beating HAL.
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 13:57:08
supawit: sponge:
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 14:08:57
eh..sponge really tried to go head to head with supawit using supawits on original links? lol...i disagree with the method...he should have stayed with this links and lest focus on the power. sponge had a really really nice combo. Had great variety and some weird things here and there, but supawit wins bc his power overshadows spognes by a great deal.
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 14:13:36
neoknux_009 wrote: eh..sponge really tried to go head to head with supawit using supawits on original links? lol...i disagree with the method...he should have stayed with this links and lest focus on the power. sponge had a really really nice combo. Had great variety and some weird things here and there, but supawit wins bc his power overshadows spognes by a great deal.
supawit's left hand section from 0:11 to the end is pretty hard, he's gotten past the level of using twisted sonic spam as 'filler' materials; his combo isn't just 'left hand power > right hand spam > more left hand power' etc -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 14:29:34
snow if it has not been posted [video=youtube;LBgm2NChD_I][/video]
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 14:36:40
x1213: A13X:
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 14:48:13
judging from the vids out by now snow, supawit, kin, and s777 is gonna advance to make everyones life easier i put the vids of all the relased vids till 11 22 am easter time Snow (PSH) (China) vs a13x (FPS B) (France) Kin (HKPS A) (Hong Kong) VS Hal (JE B) (Japan) Supawit (THPSC) (Thailand) VS Sponge(GPSC) (Germany) x1213 (TWPS) (Taiwan) vs s777 (FPS B) (France)
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 15:53:17
Uh oh ... Supawit's gonna own this round ...
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 17:20:27
Kin's video is the fucking definition of penspinning.
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 17:26:08
the combo of a13x is still private (?) :blink:
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 17:41:59
Nashi wrote: the combo of a13x is still private (?) :blink:
yeah good thing I watched it b4 he made it private -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 18:24:45
Well.. sponge really has some difficulty connecting his linkages but supawit gets it done nicely, the style is also better. From what I've seen in the description, sponge isn't having much confidence...:O So the result is very predictable. Same goes for kin and HAL, if the bias is going to continue, I wouldn't know what will happen>.> HAL only have like 17secs of show and nothing much shown as usual.
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 18:51:34
A13x decided to change his combo. This is his new combo for the Round 4: [video=youtube;BEp7rK9q_EE][/video]
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 18:52:32
A13X: He had change his video (;
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 19:03:34
Lots of people think Hal has only advance due to a "bias," but I have to disagree, I think he's deserved his wins so far. Hal's combo is really great this round as well (if you don't think so try looking at it in slo-mo) but kin's will beat him no problem
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 19:13:29
YES A13x, thats a better video :D
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 19:24:57
wht the hell sponge u dnt stand a chance against supawit like that.. I KNO U CAN DO BETTER WHY DID U HOLD BACK? Also, both Snow and A13x had good combos but Snow had transcendental creativity.. honestly his combo just has so much variance and rhythm to it.. i hope Snow wins.
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 19:29:29
I did not hold back. Just had no ideas anymore =D Because I was expecting to get to R2, so I did all my stuff there and had no plans for the rounds after R2. <.<
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 19:30:25
Sponge wrote: I did not hold back. Just had no ideas anymore =D Because I was expecting to get to R2, so I did all my stuff there and had no plans for the rounds after R2. <.<
eh im sure if you sat down for a few hours and thought about it you could have come up with something much better :) -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 19:33:57
Stare wrote: eh im sure if you sat down for a few hours and thought about it you could have come up with something much better :)
You don't know how much effort he put into thinking up that combo, so it's really disrespectful of you to assume that he just filmed some random fs. -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 19:34:11
I could, but I didn't unfortunately. T_T I'm sorry to have disappointed you =D Top 8 is still pretty cool for me.
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 19:45:23
LOLOL s777, the procrastinator of WT11
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 21:29:13
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 22:11:02
yes, s777 O_O
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 05:13:21
Speaking of beauty, snow's spinning is amazing. So much better than Hal. I'm seeing snow, supa, s777 and kin advancing to the semis.
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 05:35:41
snow, supawit, s777 and kin go to R5 :) i hope/predict
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 06:08:29
Man. All these combos are like mindfuck. Anyways, I think A13x, Supawit, s777, and HAL may go, judging from their combos, but I'm a terrible judge.
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 07:39:27
download pack:
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 09:18:57
im really wondering why all ppl said that kin will win the match,his combo looks not that difficult compare to his previous round combo,hal is so much better than him this round imo
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 09:46:02 updated and arranged the playlist. I think snow just redefined what beautiful pen spinning is
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 11:03:08
Have updated:
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 11:59:55
okay so first opinion =p a13x vs snow => snow, very easily. so eye-catchy combo. a13x kinda failed here supawit vs sponge => O M G i consider supa's combo like one of the best of all times...all goes perfectly. sponge is still good, but not enough anymore x1213 vs s777 => aw x1213 seems he has no more to show =( he's brave but s777 did strong combo, no doubt neither here kin vs hal => here's the only battle with suspense ! i think kin'll win but imo, hal was a bit better. close!
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 12:29:52
My predictions : [B]s777[/B] vs x1213 : Like always s777 had a fascinating combo. He is now my favorite spinner. x1213 was also very good but not enough for s777. [B]supawit127[/B] vs sponge : I think supawit was by far better than sponge. Amazing spinning this round. [B]snow[/B] vs A13x : I really wanted A13x to win this but snow was much better IMO. A13x could have done better. [B]kin[/B] vs HAL : Like I said before I dont think kin needed to do such a crazy combo to beat HAL. Hes getting better every round. I hope he makes it to the finals. Edit : I think s777's combo was a bit more than 25 seconds. Am I right?
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 12:45:20
@eazi : yes you're right, his combo is about 25.5s :-? IMO, kin has nothing new this round, and I hope HAL will advance ... he has better execution and of course, more appeal :) And snow, oh man, he has made a new definition of Elegant Style >.<
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 14:19:36
we already establish that exact time limit is 25.99s
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 14:40:28
[B]s777[/B] vs x1213 : Alright, s777 finally pulled off some epic stuff this round. This is much better than his FPSB's 4th video :D Hes taking this shit all the way. [B]supawit127[/B] vs sponge : Uhh Supawit won here, but I really want to see sponge upset him. After all GPC YEEE snow vs[B] A13x[/B] : Although snow's was so legit, I was rooting for A13x since the start. My favourite spinner in the tournament. He will prolly get elimiated, but whatever, he might pull it off ^^ [B]kin[/B] vs HAL : KIN IS KING.
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 16:06:11
zzzzzzzzzzzzzz,crazy combo from kin????????funny shit,go to see his youtube channel 1st before posting ur comment.getting better every round?LMAO
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 16:40:30
I'm getting tired of Supawit... it's cool to see his skill but his spinning has grown monotonous. He'll prolly win though. I really hope s777 vs kin doesn't happen 'till the finals. =]
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 16:52:43
Is anyone else thinking A13x dropped the ball?
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 16:53:41
sangara wrote: Is anyone else thinking A13x dropped the ball?
he was overthinking -
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 16:54:54
Zombo wrote: he was overthinking
That he was, hrm could have been a really sweet combo. Oh well Snow should advance then. -
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 16:57:52
Yea, the comments here made him try too hard. o_o
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 21:42:44
I was very intrigued by Kin's combo. On the one hand, he had insane difficulty and all that awesome stuff, but his execution (?) wasn't nearly as good as it had been. Previously, he used to have solid control of the pen, always staying on screen and everything, but this time, he seems to have a little control problem with his pen. Otherwise, the combo was very well done.
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 10:20:37
darkdazh wrote: I'm getting tired of Supawit... it's cool to see his skill but his spinning has grown monotonous. He'll prolly win though.
yeah, it's monotonous coz the linkages he used on left hand are the same as the twisted sonic spam he put out in WT11 R1,2 and WC10. =__=" although i agree that he'll have to step up when/if he faces s777... edit: surely there'll be 'new' power trick variations from supawit in this WT? even if he hasn't thought of his own, he can always 'borrow' some off his friend spinnerpeem *conspiracy* jkjk -
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 10:51:45
I believe this is not the end of supawit, he definitely have more things to show which he most definitely will be showing on the finals, like power tricks-creativity-smoothness? s777 im not too sure... so far only the previous round he enticed me a little
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 11:25:02
snow will win...a13x did the trick from 0:07-0:09 with a total of 4 times...he repeated it too much... but a13x seemed to try very hard for this round,we should respect to what he did,anyway a13x still did a nice job
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 14:18:22
I think supawit has a big chance to win this year although sometimes i dont like about it.. he is already famous D: i want spinner like snow be the winner
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 15:42:12
A13x wrote: ok, i understand ^^ thanks you all for replies (: i have done a combo but still 24.5 seconds, 25 seconds are rally too short to show all things i want =/ so i had to select the fastest tricks .. the video is uploaded as private, we will see at the end of this week ^^'
You've done your best I'm very sure.:) -
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 19:51:15
eazi-penspinner wrote: My predictions : [B]s777[/B] vs x1213 : Like always s777 had a fascinating combo. He is now my favorite spinner. x1213 was also very good but not enough for s777. [B]supawit127[/B] vs sponge : I think supawit was by far better than sponge. Amazing spinning this round. [B]snow[/B] vs A13x : I really wanted A13x to win this but snow was much better IMO. A13x could have done better. [B]kin[/B] vs HAL : Like I said before I dont think kin needed to do such a crazy combo to beat HAL. Hes getting better every round. I hope he makes it to the finals. Edit : I think s777's combo was a bit more than 25 seconds. Am I right?
I agree, specially with the A13x part :(. Yeah I think supawit is going to win this tournament, remember my post :rolleyes: -
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 22:43:06
A13X vs [B]snow[/B] A13X tried to play snow's game and lost. It's not a good idea to challenge someone on their own turf, especially a high-leveled spinner like snow. [B]Supawit127[/B] vs Sponge This was easily Supawit's strongest combo, I felt probably because of the new linkages he showed to break the monotony a bit. When compared side to side, Supawit's smoothness had such contrast with Sponge's combo, which was smooth but it felt unsure, unconfident. It felt planned. x1213 vs [B]s777[/B] x1213's combo was nice, nothing more, nothing outstanding. Just not of a level high enough to match s777. And I liked s777's combo this round. [B]kin[/B] vs HAL I think kin will win, but I honestly liked HAL's combo a lot better. kin's combo this round was just very show-casey. That weird triangle pass he did.... it's creative and looks difficult, but what purpose did it serve to the combo overall? Nothing, it felt like he slapped it in so that he can get bonus points. But indeed, the combo was harder than HAL's and executed nicely. If I could judge, I would give HAL the win because his combo was so much more nicer looking and the difficulty was relatively high as well anyways. But kin will probably win it.
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 17:49:31
wht? x1213 will beat s777 his combo flowed better
Date: Wed, Apr 13 2011 01:53:57
Stare wrote: wht? x1213 will beat s777 his combo flowed better
Whatever, my predictions: Snow, Supa, s777, kin :3
Date: Wed, Apr 13 2011 02:04:49
The next round match ups are going to be very intense... you want them all to be in the finals! However my predictions are like most: kin, s777, supawit, and snow. a13x is great and all, but doing 2p2h like snow just doesn't work out against the master of it. My predictions for the finals are kin vs. supawit127, unless s777 can pull off something even crazier than the thumbstall at the end of r4. It's going to be tough...
Date: Wed, Apr 13 2011 03:59:20
A13x vs. snow >> [B]snow[/B] [B]A13x[/B]'s video was really a dissapointer. The starting isolations were extremely sloppy, and then the rest of the combo seemed to be cool ideas that he slapped together. Also, he shows un-confidence and hesitation in his transfers. His other hand seems to "wait" in spot for the pen to be transferred, like he's mentally preparing his other hand to catch the pen (read: 0:22). The biggest kicker was as casual mentioned, A13x was really overshadowed by the other spinners in his round. However, I did enjoy the finishers and his continuous pinkybaks. [B]Snow[/B]'s finisher made me cringe as he seemed to dive for the pen at the very end, but it was a very solid combo overall. The very beginning 2p2h was rather sketchy, as the hand movements + desync (?) combos made it look messy (and provided a headache!). Also, the ext. ta ~ cobra bite at 0:10-0:11 was ugly, as was the swivel ~ cobra bite around 0:14, but really anything that involves direction changes in the middle of those types of tricks looks ugly. However, there was good use of 2p2h, such as the use of the one pen to hit the other, as well as the 2p1h transfers at the beginning. My biggest pet peeve is the fact that snow moves his arm around so much, it seems to advertise his lack of control over the pen, even though I'm pretty sure it's just an artistic choice. Supawit127 vs. Sponge >> [B]TIE[/B] I'm not going to comment much on [B]supawit127[/B]'s combo, as it is pretty self explanatory. Excellent use of quick transfers back and forth to hide the fact that the left hand is clearly superior to the right hand. However, the palm turn'd inverse shadow tf-tf at 0:15 was a bit rushed, and I think that it had a real spot in the combo as an artistic trick. The midbaks at 0:17 were a bit sloppy, but it's not really important in the long run. The biggest mistake though was the combo structure, as the right hand all but dissapeared toward the latter half of the combo. I feel like he should have continued with the transfers, but hey... I actually liked [B]Sponge[/B]'s combo, and it would absolutely destroy everyone else EXCEPT for Supawit. I think that the camera angle was both a blessing and a curse. It showed off his spreads and spiderspins really nicely, but it did no justice to his awesome linkages. The combo could have been smoother, even with all the direction changes, and at times it felt like he had do some mini-seasicks and readjust the pen to get back on track. 0:21 looked like a almost-drop, and the bent index finger on the second to last fl ta looked ugly, but the finisher was nice too. My favorite part was the continuous spread-spiderspin thing at 0:08, and the [really smooth] direction change right after that. x1213 vs. s777 >> [B]s777[/B] [B]x1213[/B] had an OK combo. Nothing really special or new from him, which will probably kill him this round. The combo structure was especially terrible, resembling that of early Spinnerpeem's. The transfer at 0:02 was sloppy, though the aerial direction change at 0:06 was well executed. The rest of the combo felt really shaky, as his meat happened to be really poor spam... Also, the finisher was really nothing special in a round where finishers have been really beautiful (see Sponge and Supawit). [B]s777[/B] also had an OK combo. I feel as if his spinning has deteriorated a bit, and I really don't feel attracted to it anymore, but enough about me... As always, he is smooth, and his linkages are great. The triangle pass was sorta sloppy, but that stall was amazingly done. The Weis back out of it was a big dissapointment following a well executed stall, as it failed to go below the knuckle and instead seemed more like a korean bak done at the bottom of the finger. He gets the win though because his combo was less ehh than x1213's. kin vs. HAL >> [B]kin[/B] Also a good combo overall by [B]kin[/B]. As others have pointed out, the triangle pass spider spin hybrid was cool but totally out of place with the rest of the combo. The rest of his combo had decent difficulty, which is upped once you take into account that he's using an MX to do it all. What really bothers me though is his lack of control, especially with the aerial at 0:19, which he has exhibited very well in most of his other combos. I don't think sacrificing the control was worth it for a slightly harder combo. I think [B]HAL[/B] shot himself in the foot with a 15 second combo. He doesn't really have any material to show for the Quarterfinals except for at 0:14, so his combo feels like an extended style showcase. However, it was as usual well executed and had good linkages. The finisher had to be my favorite part, I've never seen that done before, and it works pretty nice in conjunction with the rest of the combo. Anyways, what does WTW stand for? Geez, my analysis gets shorter and shorter with every combo.
Date: Wed, Apr 13 2011 04:26:42
what trick did kin do at 4 seconds?
Date: Sat, Apr 16 2011 15:58:38
i believe that the trick at 0:04 is inverse triangle pass reverse 123 it has that spiderspin reverse in it because that's the only way it can be executed smoothly