Off-topic / What's the most random thing that has ever happened to you?

  1. Riley
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 22:44:57

    What's the most random thing that has ever happened to you? I thought of this thread because at Target today, I was just walking, and this sticky lizard fell from the ceiling onto my waterfall (that I was spinning). It was very random at the time.

  2. XYZaki
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 22:58:45

    I once got head. EDIT: Coincidentally, as I was reading this thread, this happened: (3:45:13 PM) Jake lol (3:45:20 PM) XYZaki ? (3:45:27 PM) Jake nice keylogging me ;p (3:45:36 PM) XYZaki what are you talking about? (3:45:44 PM) Jake dw man i got xyz too (3:46:05 PM) XYZaki what...? (3:46:55 PM) Jake sigh (3:47:00 PM) Jake im the guy you got tassets and fury of (3:47:25 PM) XYZaki wtf (3:47:44 PM) Jake yeah its okay idm (3:48:05 PM) XYZaki I have no idea what you're saying. (3:48:14 PM) Jake u play rs? (3:48:21 PM) XYZaki No... (3:48:24 PM) Jake lol okay (3:48:28 PM) Jake ive got the chat logs so (3:48:33 PM) Jake w/e x] (3:48:43 PM) XYZaki okay? (3:52:31 PM) XYZaki I don't play runescape, I think I know you from UPSB. (3:53:44 PM) Jake upsb? (3:53:51 PM) XYZaki Pen spinning? (3:54:30 PM) Jake nope (3:54:43 PM) XYZaki 4chan? (3:55:09 PM) Jake ew (3:55:24 PM) XYZaki msn thread maybe (3:57:32 PM) Jake or maybe you play runescape >.> (3:57:47 PM) XYZaki Uh I swear I don't. (3:59:06 PM) Jake ,,, k lmao (3:59:15 PM) Jake look man i dont mind about you keylogging me (3:59:16 PM) Jake i dont play anymore (3:59:29 PM) XYZaki Seriously, I don't know what you're talking about .__. I don't know how I got this guy's msn, but I added him somehow, I always thought he was Prince.

  3. SJ
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 23:03:43

    seeing asians in the library

  4. iBlameLag
    Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 00:39:02

    True story: A hobo ran up to me yelling fishsticks, and 5 seconds later he acts completely normal, like he never saw me, and started walking to who knows where and whistling happily. WTF.

  5. AoD1
    Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 00:46:13

    Spartan wrote: True story: A hobo ran up to me yelling fishsticks, and 5 seconds later he acts completely normal, like he never saw me, and started walking to who knows where and whistling happily. WTF.
    really? was it really a true story, sounds made up if you ask me....

  6. MystikSun
    Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 01:45:58

    I was in the library at UCLA, and my dad called asking how my finals were. I said, "OOOOOOH, ching chong ting tong ling long??" And a white girl looked at me funny. I don't think I have too many real random moments except in video games o.o That or when my friend tried to scare me while I was attempting a Hai Tua with my KT, and it flew into his cheek. Ow.

  7. J74Q
    Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 02:25:26

    When i was spinning during assembly, my principle saw me spinning. Me asked me to go out and follow him to the back of the hall. Then he ask me how did I do that and ask me to teach him some tricks next time. I WAS LIKE O.O

  8. maunierox
    Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 09:16:55

    i was driving in front of these old kinda janky apartments and i saw this midget wearing a wifebeater looking all gang-y badass walking his pitbull who was as tall as him with a spiked neck collar and all with all of his homie posse walking behind him in their wifebeaters all walking in front of this black monster truck. it was the most random thing i have ever witnessed in my life. that midget could have killed me with his pinky.

  9. SuiXidaL
    Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 09:43:23

    That time when Kcom became the best spinner, in the world -_-

  10. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 15:21:11

    @XYZaki why would you know anon msn from 4chan?

  11. juggalo666666
    Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 17:55:18

    Seeing my dog drag its butt on the carpet sorta like aod does.

  12. ohzers
    Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 23:37:05

    Trying to teach my friend the infinity on my buster and the body flew out and went into a vent in front of a bar. We spend half an hour trying to get it out and the one of the workers from the bar came out and told us he could open it from the basement...i never spun my buster outside my room ever again.

  13. XYZaki
    Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 23:37:58

    Zombo wrote: @XYZaki why would you know anon msn from 4chan?
    msn threads. Great way to make connections.

  14. Yanos
    Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 06:36:49

    happened a while ago I was taking a shit in the toilet, plop here plop there, was happy minding my own business reading J-K of some encyclopedia collection ( I was in a hurry to dump the choco but I wanted something to read so I picked this from random) ALL OF A SUDDEN THE FUCKING WATER/SHIT IN THE TOILET WAS BUBBLING LIKE CRAZY, TO THE POINT SOME OF IT WAS REACHING MY ASSCHEEKS. fuck but then it subsided after about 10 seconds and I continued taking a shit true story (I think it happened because somehow the "flush" i heard upstairs where another bathroom was located affected my toilet or some shit)

  15. AoD1
    Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 07:15:25

    juggalo666666 wrote: Seeing my dog drag its butt on the carpet sorta like aod does.
    whos aod?

  16. SuiXidaL
    Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 08:16:03

    AoD1 wrote: whos aod?
    People keep mention this guy D: I WANT TO MEET THIS GUY D:

  17. Rapid
    Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 11:38:43

    When this faggot who likes facepaint added me and questioned my avatar.