Manipulative Arts / Diabolo/ Chinese YoYo

  1. JC
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 21:41:29

    So I do a bit of diabolo/chinese yoyo for the culture shows that my school's Chinese Student Association hosts every year and I've been borrowing their chinese yoyos. But now I want to get my own and was wondering which ones were good. So if anyone knows of any good ones around ~$20, it would be much appreciated if you could give me some recommendations. I had wanted some ball bearing ones...but those are too expensive and more than I'm willing to spend. I was looking at this: Anyone know if they're any good? Thanks guys :]

  2. shoeman6
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 21:49:08

    Do you just want one to practice... or? Also, what size diabolos are you looking at. That's a decent diabolo, and quite durable.

  3. JC
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 22:08:52

    Practice...and perform? lol, I just want a decent one to play with..and what size =.=''? Uhh... a normal size? lol, medium?

  4. brian685
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 22:29:09

    xD..jus read JC's post..and it sounded pretty wrong...mhmm jus sayin...

  5. JC
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 22:52:35

    lolol, woww, =.='' okay, but in all seriousness, i dont' wanna waste money getting one that's not good D: i need recommendations lol

  6. FusionX
    Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 04:08:28

    I think Diabolo's are pretty good for, maybe a talent show? idk

  7. MickChickenn
    Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 04:20:29

    I bought a diabolo earlier this year. I havnt used it since. Its only fun when its not yours.

  8. ShadrCom3t
    Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 22:07:00

    [video=youtube;UkWAewwqp3M][/video] Ay JC- learn Offstring yoyoing like this guy. It's like diablo except a little more fun/control

  9. JC
    Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 23:19:20

    blarghhh, i just want recommendations from someone who does diabolo/chinese yoyo proficiently =( there's so many asians on this board... you would think someone does chinese yoyo D:

  10. ShadrCom3t
    Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 04:39:52

    aww I just wanted to see your reaction. My friend thought that offstring was like mini diabolo =/ oh well

  11. JC
    Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 15:28:55

    It is like mini diabolo, i recognize some of diabolo tricks that I do but miniature in his video

  12. peninja
    Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 01:27:23

    im hellza pro at chinese yoyo, i have a,r:9,s:0,r:15,s:0 and the one in the vid i personally live the last one, it spins long, and i like chinese yoyos over diabolos but im left handed so sum tricks dont really work for me, f/e dragonfly, but diabolos are good for practice and you can throw then super high without breaking them if you miss(learned it the hard way)

  13. 13371337
    Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 21:45:24

    I teach and perform Diabolo. I use a Henry's Circus Diabolo I'm doubtful you will find a good diabolo 20 dollars. I used to have a Henry's Beach Diabolo (which was £10 or around 15 bucks). It was AWFUL. Use as heavy a diabolo as possible is a good general rule. Your string is also really really important and it's very useful to change it regularly and NEVER get it wet. Also, don't use your diabolo immediately after it's been cold (because the axel will get condensation and get wet) or when it's wet.

  14. peninja
    Date: Sun, Apr 3 2011 01:23:04

    i spun for so long without slowing down yesterday, my string either meled of snapped, it used to have like 7 threads on the string, now there is like 2 DX

  15. JC
    Date: Sun, Apr 3 2011 21:15:28

    Okay, thanks for the help, looks like i'm getting a $40+ one... one day, once I save up a bit cause it's too depressing to spend more with my bank account at what it's at. =.= lol

  16. 13371337
    Date: Mon, Apr 4 2011 21:45:06

    Much better to spend $40 on a diabolo that will last you for many years and be good, than spend $20 on a diabolo that is not much good and you will want to upgrade. ;)

  17. n3wby
    Date: Wed, Apr 6 2011 01:15:20

    You could get one from Taiwan that is able to be screwed apart and made into a diabolo/chinese yoyo. idk how much it costs, but it might be a bit less durable than a $40 one and light. interesting thought: tossing a Chinese yoyo/diabolo into the air and spinning the sticks lol

  18. Ragnarok
    Date: Sat, Apr 23 2011 10:21:28

    Get a Diablo with spikes on it 3:)

  19. Tentcell
    Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 01:02:39

    Henrys beaches are the best! Thats what I use, and Ive had it for quite a few years. Highly recommend them =]

  20. peninja
    Date: Mon, May 16 2011 23:36:46

    jc i do it porficiently, i just got mine from my teacher, i dunno if its online, i can send you a pic sometime, i really like it

  21. peninja
    Date: Tue, May 17 2011 00:24:05

    can anyone rteccomend me some strings? i just burnt uot my old ones

  22. ricesi
    Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 17:53:25

    diaboloing is sooo much easier than ps...which is y i switched. ps is flashier, and u r more likely to have a pen in hand

  23. ShadrCom3t
    Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 18:57:02

    /uses Pheonix Down Ok so I went to a juggling convention yesterday. A kid had a Sundia Fly w/ Long bearing and it was pretty awesome. Should I get it? In general, is it better to get bearing diabolos? Like what are the pros and cons? I know that the bearing diabolo can get really fast instead of a normal one.

    ricesi wrote: diaboloing is sooo much easier than ps...which is y i switched. ps is flashier, and u r more likely to have a pen in hand
    You can say that with most manipulative arts TBH Also: [video=youtube;aj7rvJJ_Dw8][/video]

  24. Kyoflow
    Date: Mon, Mar 12 2012 08:07:12

    ShadrCom3t wrote: /uses Pheonix Down Ok so I went to a juggling convention yesterday. A kid had a Sundia Fly w/ Long bearing and it was pretty awesome. Should I get it? In general, is it better to get bearing diabolos? Like what are the pros and cons? I know that the bearing diabolo can get really fast instead of a normal one. You can say that with most manipulative arts TBH Also: [video=youtube;aj7rvJJ_Dw8][/video]
    YAY SOMEONE RESTARTED DIABOLO THREAD :D ok so as for sundia bearing diabolos my first diabolo was a sundia bearing, and i hafta say they are definitely the best out there, and they spin for an insane amount of time in almost silence. next, bearing play vs fixed axel play. bearings are very suited for asian style tricks that you see in taiwan (i was born in taiwan) and malaysia. they are also really good for yoyo style tricks. downside to them is that tricks like elevator are impossible, and many genocide style tricks are a bit harder to catch since its more fast paced. its also much harder to learn 2 and 3 diabolos. bearing diabolos are amazing for vertax tho. right now i use 3 red sundia suns as my main diabolos, and 1 sundia triple bearing long axel translucent red diabolo. fixed axel works better for my cause they make integrals and genocides much easier to control. i also use carbon fiber long sticks from sundia and henrys yellow string. so long story short: any sundia diabolo is amazing. bearing=vertax+yoyo tricks. fixed axel=traditional diabolo tricks and numbers (dont get me wrong, either type of diabolo can be used for all aspects of diabolo, just a matter of how well suited it is for that style)

  25. Kyoflow
    Date: Mon, Mar 12 2012 08:11:57

    ricesi wrote: diaboloing is sooo much easier than ps...which is y i switched. ps is flashier, and u r more likely to have a pen in hand
    this is like saying pen spinning is easier cause i can do the fundamentals. try doing 4 diabolo low fts 53. if u can do that easily then i have nothing to say. ps is also not quite as flashy in public since u can throw diabolos and do pirouettes underneath them. on the other hand, ps is also much more technical in terms of individual finger control, where diabolo is more difficult in manipulating it during integral tricks. you cant say any manipulation is easier than the next. all hand manipulations has its own good and bad points, and u need to learn to appreciate all of them

  26. Krypton
    Date: Tue, Mar 13 2012 14:29:59

    Used to do that when I was 11-12. Was quite fun :) Got to two diabolos on one string.

  27. Eazy
    Date: Wed, Mar 14 2012 02:43:15

    After spinning these for more than 4 years, i have no idea they are called diabolos. 0.0 In Chinese we call then "che ling" =P Anyway, haven't spun them since 11 =P It was really fun though, especially the sound they make when they spin really fast when you do the up-down charge thing, or do a two storey high throw and actually catch it XD *Quitted when I did a throw indoors and broke (part of) the crystal chandelier at home =.=" mom threw it away, banned me from going classes and grounded me for MONTHS....

  28. Mats
    Date: Wed, Mar 14 2012 03:39:50

    Eazy wrote: especially the sound they make when they spin really fast when you do the up-down charge thing, or do a two storey high throw and actually catch it XD
    Normal diabolos do not do that. You must have had a weird one. A normal diabolo is almost silent in the air. Edit: Oh and high throws aren't hard. :facepalm: And where is the next vertax to the next level? They said there would be another, but after much time? Ahh well, maybe Ofek Shilten will learn good vertax one day.

  29. Kyoflow
    Date: Wed, Mar 14 2012 07:40:37

    Mats wrote: Normal diabolos do not do that. You must have had a weird one. A normal diabolo is almost silent in the air. Edit: Oh and high throws aren't hard. :facepalm: And where is the next vertax to the next level? They said there would be another, but after much time? Ahh well, maybe Ofek Shilten will learn good vertax one day.
    chinese yoyos make sounds when the go fast, cuz they hav holes cut into the side that whistle. in mandarin its written as 扯鈴, which refers to both types ofek has a terrible style with his insanely long string now...hes too focused on learning 5d low

  30. simran
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2013 10:47:09

    Hi! I am new for YOYO, can any body tell me the tricks of YOYO. Thanks in advance

  31. Spazmok
    Date: Mon, Apr 28 2014 15:40:11

    some1 still playing around with diabolos? :)