Off-topic / Name Change?

  1. drgripable
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 21:05:36

    Well...i was originally going to make my youtube username drgrip, just because i liked the pencil. One of the youtube name suggestions (since drgrip was taken) was drgripable. Then when signing up for upsb, (though, at the time i wanted a different name) i decided to just stay with drgripable for the time being and change it later if necessary. BASICALLY, should i get a name change, if yes, then to what?

  2. Nachoaddict
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 21:19:20

    What does drgripable even mean? You are a doctor who is gripable? Or a dr. grip that is able to do something?

  3. Holypie
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 21:31:52

    No, it means you can drgip him, whatever that means.

  4. Quake
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 21:59:20

    no it means he's able to grip a doctor ;P ROFL

  5. drgripable
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 22:26:07

    anything????? 0.0

  6. XYZaki
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 22:35:21

    DeeJaySpin wrote: no it means he's able to grip a doctor ;P ROFL
    He should have made it hotnursegripable.

  7. Quake
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 22:46:03

    um you could try changin ur name to just Grip.

  8. Storm
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 22:53:20

    Dr.Shake Oh yeah, that just happened.

  9. SJ
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 23:02:38

    change to "idkwhattochangemyusernametosoiaskppl"

  10. V-Storm
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 23:21:49


  11. TheAafg
    Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 23:57:25

    @drgripable your name is dragripable and changing it would be like changing you. Stick with the same name

  12. Jamal
    Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 00:02:35

    Mr. Dr. Professor Grip