Approved Tutorials / Yo-yo Mawd
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 04:57:04
Hello guys, this is my first-ever mod tutorial, hope it's not too bad :)
===================== Stats ===================== [B]Yo-yo Mawd (or Bic Twintip)[/B] COB: COP Length: 21.5cm Weight: 17g Style: Double-sided Writing Mechanism: Non-retractable Ink Type: Marker [B]Estimated cost: $2.71[/B] ===================== Material: ===================== * 1x Laurentien Twin Tip marker * 2x Bic GripRoller caps * 1x cheap yoyo with X-clutches (you could get them at dollar stores) * some tape
===================== Tutorial =====================Spoiler
And this is the final product!Spoiler
[B]Step 1: Remove the clips of the Bic GripRoller Cap[/B] You could do so by simply pinching the sides of the clip at its root with a diagonal plier. Or you could just pull it out with your hands by force, though you'd risk damaging the cap.[B]Step 2: Disassemble the yo-yo and remove two of the metal balls from the clutch[/B] The reason why it needs to be this particular type of yoyo is because their balls are the perfect size for the cap. You could pop out the balls simply by pushing them with a rod (make sure you push it out from the correct side though, the slot is usually conical shaped).
[B]Step 3: Drop your balls into the GripRoller caps[/B] Pretty straightfoward; put one in for each cap, just make sure that it's right in the center though
[B]Step 4: Wrap a layer of tape on the caps of the twin tip marker[/B] This is just to make sure the caps stay tight when you assemble the pen
[B]Step 5: Insert the marker (with its caps on) into the GripRoller caps[/B] Push it hard! It could be a bit tight at first, but keep penetrating until you feel the tip is pushing against your balls.
[B]The pen is now spinnable.[/B] You could also put outserts and some grips at either ends of the cap, just to cover the marks that the clip leaves.
Please tell me how I'm doing as a beginner xDSpoiler
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 05:28:24
Interesting insert if it is an insert that continuous, and the message in the cap:huh:
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 05:32:31
Cool stuff. I could put alot of thats what she said comments if i were a troll ._.
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 05:36:58
@Jazz Especially at step 5. It's a pretty cool mod. I'm pretty curious about weight comparison though.
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 05:37:30
Why did this make me laugh so hard?! This mod looks cool I'll be sure to try it out if I get the chance.
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 06:08:15
That was an amazing tutorial, in a perverted sort of way. Still looks like a sexy-looking mod though =D
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 06:25:51
Thanks guys! I'm glad that you likes it; I was really proud of this mod as an original work of mine, guess it's not bad at all for a beginner eh? And @Escorpio123, no it's actually an outsert. I think it kinda made the barrel of this particular pen too thick, but the original barrel was actually the perfect size.
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 00:40:08
Pictures updates~ They're a bit out of proportion, but doesn't really matter that much.
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 01:03:15
XD 17 kg?
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 06:36:44
omg im spinning my lil bro O_o
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 07:12:13
I like your mod. :trollface:
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 07:48:33
Push it hard! It will stretch the hole a bit, but keep penetrating until you feel the tip is pushing against your balls. interesting mod
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 22:05:14
Err guys? Could we stay on topic please :? Nobody have any comment other than your over-sensitive mind...? :P Like the material used?
drgripable wrote: XD 17 kg?
Oops, fix'd. -
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 03:14:25
Lol, is there any forms of grips on the mod? The green and black "grips" of what I heard are tape. Can I use grip instead? This has to be the weirdest, but most interesting mod I've ever seen. Not the look or anything, just the tutorial. :/ Prty nice.
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 15:50:19
scout wrote: Lol, is there any forms of grips on the mod? The green and black "grips" of what I heard are tape. Can I use grip instead? This has to be the weirdest, but most interesting mod I've ever seen. Not the look or anything, just the tutorial. :/ Prty nice.
Actually, they are sponge grips bought from a dollar store; and yes, you could use any grip you want, it doesn't matter as long as they coer up the marks left over by the removed clips. Thanks, Daniel -
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 11:17:34
Nice mod. Especially the design
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 15:02:40
Pretty nice :P But don't those metal balls things fall out when you take the caps off to write?
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 15:33:56
@tacohead12 The caps of the Laurentien markers stuck in the big caps, you take off both caps together to write.
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 15:48:11
ooooh. That makes sense. I forgot you could do that
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 06:38:07
daniel0731ex wrote: Actually, they are sponge grips bought from a dollar store; and yes, you could use any grip you want, it doesn't matter as long as they coer up the marks left over by the removed clips. Thanks, Daniel
what do u mean X-clutches -
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 12:56:22
It's the four-way clutch mechanism in the yoyo. as opposed to these:
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 02:59:08
cool lookin mod bro!!! nice... nice tut... funny... i laughed several times... i wanna do this mod... my favorite line of your tut: Push it hard! It could be a bit tight at first, but keep penetrating until you feel the tip is pushing against your balls.
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 20:21:26
@DemonicSpinner Thanks! Be sure to report back to us after you made the mod so we will actually know how the pen is like :D.
Date: Sat, Apr 30 2011 15:40:24
Sick :D I have a few of those YYN stickers lying around, maybe I'll finally find a use for em!
Date: Sat, Apr 30 2011 18:13:03
worst mod among approved tutorials i have ever seen ......too bad
Date: Mon, May 2 2011 11:19:50
is the body thick? I had a pen like that but a thick body
Date: Mon, May 2 2011 21:58:36
Well, it's pretty much the same thickness as a SuperTip body, but the outsert I put on made it quite thick.
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 02:11:43
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 11:10:57
Very awkward mod using yoyos i remember you getting flammed for this but good job look at all those positive comments :D
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 15:22:01
did you use? autocad? lol ^^ nice tut.
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 18:25:22
Flash;94080]Very awkward mod using yoyos i remember you getting flammed for this but good job look at all those positive comments :D[/QUOTE] Why, thanks :) And the flamming doesn't really bother me; you know, the haters' gonna hate :P [QUOTE=Vaan wrote: did you use? autocad? lol ^^ nice tut.
Umm, actually it's MSpaint... -
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 18:59:13
EDIT: dunno why I replied twice; please delete this post.
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 09:29:16
OMG, O_o
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 20:45:18
Just saying the pictures arent showing up... could just be my comp... sounds innovative though :D
Date: Sat, Jan 12 2013 16:32:43
Cool. :)
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 09:49:10
lolol estimated cost is 2.71