Board Comments / Suggestion: Create an organized Index for Parts
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 17:40:35
As a newcomer myself, I find it very tedious to look through the 1000+ pages of various "official threads" like SOYP when I try to check if a creative idea of mine have been posted before. I think it would be a good idea if we could have a "parts index" page that lists the parts (both common and creative ones, like metal screws) ever mentioned in the tutorials on our forum. Under each part it lists the mods and variations that uses this particular part, with links to the tutorials. This makes searching for mods which you could make much easier and straightfoward. A good way to do this, I think, is to implement some type of index system that tags the parts when a tutorial is posted, and the tags automatically gets added into the parts index page. We could have a seperate tags option from the normal tags in the "go advanced" posting page, alongside with a "mod name" box where the name you types in will be what shows up on the parts index page. These options will be greyed-out unless the "new mod instruction" box is selected. To prevent tags repeating the exact same part (or perhaps identical subtitutes), a "browse" button could be added next to the "part tags" column, which leads to a list of parts, basically an outline of the parts index page (Not showing the mod names listed under each part), where you could select the prexisting tags that are listed on the page. If your unique part is not found on the page, only then you would type in your own tag, which will be added into the parts index page Just my two cents to make searching less tedious...especially when I could not search again immediately if I made a critical mistake in the keywords. Daniel
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 18:38:32
Honestly, I think that we just need less stickied threads. People need to learn how to use the search button for stuff they want, only sticky if it's really important.
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 19:01:00
but the thing is though, this forum's search system sucks. It's really inefficient when I am limited to one search per 30 seconds.
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 20:22:41
Haha I though I remembered your name. From the speedsolving site right? I'm *LukeMayn* on there although I havent been on in (literally) more than a year. Yes the search fails but you will get over it :p. Welcome to upsb
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 14:18:38
i think this problem would be alleviated if ppl used the wiki more often, because you can group mods by parts there
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 06:34:08
Let me sum up the problem that arises from this kind of request. Somebody has to group all the parts in the wiki. 1.) Nobody wants to do that 2.) It'd take forever 3.) Refer back to #1 Moderators are users just like the rest of the forum, only we spend time maintaining/cleaning/helping people out. We can't just say, "Today we're gonna tag every pen part and link it to existing tutorials." Honestly guys, if you want this kind of index you're gonna have to help contribute to it. We don't have magic *poofy* wands that stop time and add content on demand.