Off-topic / Takes on Surfing/Boogie Boarding

  1. AWtii69
    Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 20:12:20

    what do u think about surfing and boogie boarding? do u do either? on a scale of 1-10 how fun is each? do you live at the beach? any where near it? questions like that

  2. BiWinning
    Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 22:50:38

    I live by the beach and boogie boarding is pretty chill....

  3. AWtii69
    Date: Fri, Mar 18 2011 02:38:55

    @BiWinning i love it too, waiting till the summer to see if i can get surf lessons.. would be awesome

  4. penmodzilla21
    Date: Mon, Apr 25 2011 02:30:01

    surfings always fun