Pen Modifications / Pen modding parts where can i get besides online?

  1. YoPhagg
    Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 08:47:22

    can i take a pen into to pieces then put it on another to my liking?

  2. SuiXidaL
    Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 09:04:11

    At Officeworks, there are supertips, signos, HGGs, metallic jimnies and in some stores they sell sunbursts. If you're in Sydney, theres a book store called Kinokunyia in Town Hall that has a massive variety of 'asian' pens like different coloured HGGs, Signo DX, airblanc, dr grips etc. JOIN AUSCLAN :D

  3. Froggy
    Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 13:56:15

    @YoPhagg lol but Kino is like super overpriced ripoff mode. and just going to Kino disappoints me everytime.. >_< PrinceXD

  4. YoPhagg
    Date: Fri, Mar 18 2011 05:14:30

    OMG I LOVE KINO I BUY MY SEXY MANGA THERE LOL are the parts expensive? and are they just separate paarts? WOW i never knew THX ALOT I"LL BE GOING THERE SOON