Collaboration Organization/Signups / Spinning Relfection 2nd
Date: Sun, Jun 27 2010 10:19:41
Thus with the agreement of Dagal I throw(launch) the registrations for Spinning Reflection 2nd, I want of the high level. The edit will be assure by Dagal, but the selection and the organization by me. The deadline is the 20th July. Subscribers: Loki [FPSB] Shloss [FPSB] EyegoOre [FPSB] Tchiken [FPSB] Zarglay [FPSB] Slice [FPSB] Lindor [FPSB] Babel [FPSB] Losfan [FPSB](not sure still) [email][email protected][/email] ps : Spinning Reflection 1st :