Single Member & Tag Videos / Stage PenSpinning

  1. HuangHuaDa
    Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 13:18:11 Pser:HuangHuaDa From:China. A month ago,I have had this movie released in PSH But I think the need to publish to the UPSB Such a Penspinning way that can create jobs Penspinning Can not live forever in the network As long as took to the stage, it has the wish to become a professional Believe me, I have been trying in the...

  2. spinford
    Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 14:37:11

    HEY I HAVE BEEN ON TV! And also on stage!

  3. Sc00t
    Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 16:36:52

    most pen spinners wouldn't have the bravery to go on stage. I've performed in plays before in front of entire auditoriums but the thought of pen spinning on stage terrifies me.. mainly because.. WHAT IF I DROP?! and the stress of being on stage effects your spinning just too much

  4. exclusive
    Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 17:37:30

    HuangHuaDa wrote: Pser:HuangHuaDa From:China. A month ago,I have had this movie released in PSH But I think the need to publish to the UPSB Such a Penspinning way that can create jobs Penspinning Can not live forever in the network As long as took to the stage, it has the wish to become a professional Believe me, I have been trying in the...
    did u get paid?

  5. spinford
    Date: Mon, Mar 14 2011 02:42:58

    NO you dont get paid. Its just an experience.

  6. HuangHuaDa
    Date: Mon, Mar 14 2011 05:48:03

    spinford;73969]HEY I HAVE BEEN ON TV! And also on stage![/QUOTE] Stage Penspinning,Not just standing on the stage... Combination of movement and music,Large Range of moves to do some more Let the audience will not feel boring. [QUOTE=Stare wrote: most pen spinners wouldn't have the bravery to go on stage. I've performed in plays before in front of entire auditoriums but the thought of pen spinning on stage terrifies me.. mainly because.. WHAT IF I DROP?! and the stress of being on stage effects your spinning just too much
    Practice hard,No problem.

  7. spinford
    Date: Mon, Mar 14 2011 19:37:41

    @HuangHuaDa You seriously didnt bother to look at the whole vid of me on stage right? There is a live band with a piano, trumpet, tuba, drums right behind me. There is music, I did movement but lol, I didnt drop!

  8. HuangHuaDa
    Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 11:47:20

    spinford wrote: @HuangHuaDa You seriously didnt bother to look at the whole vid of me on stage right? There is a live band with a piano, trumpet, tuba, drums right behind me. There is music, I did movement but lol, I didnt drop!
    香港的這位朋友,你好... 因為我的英語是用Google翻譯的,所以很難表達出我的意思 大家都是中國人,我們就用中文交流吧. 你在電視上和在舞台上的視頻我都看了 你舞台的表現不錯,沒有掉筆,也沒有緊張 但我想說的是,我所說的【舞台轉筆】,並不是站在舞台上放首音樂然後轉就可以了的 既然是一種舞台藝術,那麼動作就要與音樂結合 並且Combo裡要有很多大範圍的動作,這樣可以吸引觀眾讓他們不會覺得無聊 KTH,Bonkura,以及多人轉筆合作都可以走上舞台並且可以有很好的效果. 你可以看看我在PSH的這兩張帖子,但是需要在PSH註冊 舞台轉筆需要放棄我們傳統拍片的觀念 它也是讓轉筆可以成為職業的唯一方法,希望能幫助到你 一起加油吧!

  9. spinford
    Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 18:57:06

    The web does not work.