Spammer's Bin / banned from sb

  1. Ohayo
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 01:57:03

    I said, "LIKE A 2 FOOT LONG COCK" Ohayo *waits for shout to be deleted* WTF IS THIS? EDIT: i also didn't get a warning before hand

  2. xSpin
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 02:02:29

    2 foot long chickens.

  3. AwonW
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 02:04:35

    Worst mod ever strikes again!

  4. Ohayo
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 02:05:24

    what do i do now? upsb is nothing without the precious sb

  5. xSpin
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 02:10:18

    Post some weird kinky shit.

  6. Sc00t
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 02:16:00

    i got banned to

  7. shoeman6
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 02:17:22

    You were warned. And then complained about how lazy you guys are and can't be bothered to use the Spammer's Box... And then shouted the same shit you were warned for. Then you were banned. Weird how it works huh? 0 _ o

  8. Sc00t
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 02:19:55

    shoeman6 wrote: You were warned. And then complained about how lazy you guys are and can't be bothered to use the Spammer's Box... And then shouted the same shit you were warned for. Then you were banned. Weird how it works huh? 0 _ o

  9. Ohayo
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 02:25:11

    i never said i was too lazy. I said the spammers' box is stupid and i was just adding on to what awonw said "shoeman censors anything he doesn't like"

  10. shoeman6
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 02:31:31

    Even if I liked 2 foot cocks I wouldn't talk about it in the General Shoutbox. If you want to talk about giant cock appreciation do it in the Spammer's Box. It's not a question of whether or not I liked the subject. It's a matter appropriateness, and having a conversation at the top of every page on UPSB talking about your admiration of giant penises. (sarcasm)It's strange how you call the Spammer's Box stupid... then continue your discussion about giant cocks, and you ended up being banned, if only there was a reason for this chain of events!.. if only... (sarcasm)

  11. Sc00t
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 02:40:28

    i got banned, unbanned a few days later then promptly banned again hehe

  12. Ohayo
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 02:41:12

    My reason of calling the spammer's box stupid is only because no one really posts in there. like zweebna said i would just drop the convo right there instead of moving it. IM SO SORRY THAT I CAN'T BE SO ANAL LIKE YOU

  13. zweebna
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 03:57:58

    Who the fuck cares if there's "inappropriate" conversation in the shoutbox. We're not 10, and we shouldn't have to cater to the ten year olds. They should get the fuck off the internet. Oh, I'm sorry, I said fuck, I might hurt the children. My bad.

  14. shoeman6
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 04:00:11

    Then don't act like you're 10.

  15. Sc00t
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 04:07:26

    shoeman6 wrote: Then don't act like you're 10.
    dont project yourself on others, 10 year old.

  16. AoD1
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 05:06:08

    if this is true... shoeman that was uncalled for and i dont think your fit to be a mod.

  17. nateiskewl
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 05:08:51

    I wish IRC was still around.

    Stare wrote: dont project yourself on others, 10 year old.
    Killed it.

  18. xSpin
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 05:13:48

    AoD1 wrote: if this is true... shoeman that was uncalled for and [B]i dont think your fit to be a mod.[/B]

  19. shoeman6
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 05:14:59

    AoD1 wrote: if this is true... shoeman that was uncalled for and i dont think your fit to be a mod.

  20. AoD1
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 05:17:57

    glad you agree

  21. shoeman6
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 05:19:44

    Oh, I was being sarcastic. Thought it was obvious, but this should clarify.

  22. Escorpio123
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 05:19:52

    ^lol, Well shoeman6 You got to think if they really deserve to be banned, did they really get a warning? are they really saying unappropriate language? :huh:

  23. shoeman6
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 05:21:19

    Yes he really got a warning, and yes, it really was inappropriate. :].

  24. AoD1
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 05:23:17

    shoeman6 wrote: Yes he really got a warning, and yes, it really was inappropriate. :].
    says the person who contributes to half of the inappropriate shit on upsb...

  25. shoeman6
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 05:28:54

    AoD1 wrote: says the person who contributes to half of the inappropriate shit on upsb...
    That's why I don't get the people arguing that I'm being a nazi and censoring shit I don't like. People need to put in the right place and quit whining about being warned, or complaining about being banned for not following the rules.

  26. Sc00t
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 05:57:41

    i hope you like the red name

  27. neXus
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 06:59:00

    shoeman6 wrote: Oh, I was being sarcastic. Thought it was obvious, but this should clarify.
    Because sarcasm is so obvious on the internet when you're not using inflection. ;) The whole Spammers Bin / General Bin thing is really annoying. It's like the General and the PS tab or whatever it was called: No one uses the 2nd tab because it's really inconvenient. You didn't ban people for posting about PenSpinning stuff in the general tab did you? Well you should have because there's a PS Tab for that so they should maybe go there and the spammers box is extra inconvenient because you have to go to the freaking bin to access it, what kinda BS is that. Extremely unpleased with current situation. Not gonna address the actual issue of this thread except for I like Ohayo so I think he should be unbanned.

  28. AoD1
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 08:46:54

    shoeman6 wrote: That's why I don't get the people arguing that I'm being a nazi and censoring shit I don't like. People need to put in the right place and quit whining about being warned, or complaining about being banned for not following the rules.
    no your being a hypocrite, which is even worse....

  29. peninja
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 09:49:57

    Shoemans fine, he may be slightly annoying though he banned me for a day, after the day i stilol couldnt use shoutbox then i waited a couple of hours then i asked him. i think he forgot or something. but either way this is gay shit there should be a shoutbox tab spammers tab and a combo tab but either way if you are banned from sb you shouldnt be banned from sbsb shoeman, COOOOOCK HUGE COCK

  30. peninja
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 09:56:09

    just curious how old are you shoeman, im 14 and i can put up with this shit

  31. neXus
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 12:55:31

    Stop linking maturity to age. They're different things.

  32. Ohayo
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 13:09:28

    There should be an age requirement to become a mod, but anyways I don't think you are fit to be a mod you take it as if upsb is based off your own moral values. Upsb wasn't this bad and not even eriror or strat was this big of a douche bag. Your idea on censorship is quite dumb if you're gong t quie us down on board filled with teens. Now let go of my hand

  33. shoeman6
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 13:22:19

    @Ohayo, If you think talking about your friends 2 foot long cock is appropriate then maybe you need to reconsider your use of the shoutbox. Aka, don't use it. It's not from my "own moral values" it's a pretty objective view of what's is and isn't appropriate. Anyways, most of the BS people say whining about being banned isn't true. Don't make judgements by what you haven't seen. Good you have opinions, but they're pretty unfounded. If you have any issues with the SBox post it in the announcement thread so they can be addressed.

  34. Ohayo
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 13:28:04

    Inappropriate or not we should not cater ourselves to the younger members, but you assuming that they care at all then why bother having a sb for just about anything

  35. iMatt
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 13:50:15

    Guys lay off shoeman a bit. He's just doing what he's supposed to. The whole point of the shoutbox is to have a general communication between all members of the board. The point of keeping it clean isn't for catering to younger members, it's so that when somebody new joins they don't get the vibe that this board is full of childish flamers like so many other forums. Personally I may not agree that 2 FOOT COCK is inappropriate. I've seen far worse things in the SB. However I stand by shoeman's decision, least it's showing some initiative to promote the spammers box which is where the super off topic discussions are to take place. To be fair @Ohayo you were warned. If you disregarded that then that's why a banned happened. If you still feel it's horribly unjust explain the situation via PM to myself, eso, or strat. We'll take a look and get a second opinion on the matter. Also keep in mind that each moderator is different. We have the same general rule sets, but we still need to use our own individual decision making abilities. Simply because one doesn't do things your favorite way doesn't mean that it's wrong. Haters gonna hate.

  36. Ohayo
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 13:57:47

    He kindly said "please tell your stories in the spammer's box" I did finish my story because it was so short. Like I said I was just Adding on to what awonw said

  37. PenwisH
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 14:06:21

    I'm not super big fan of the convos but in all honestly having people in the SB is more important and makes the community feel more lively than strict rules and a dead SB. I think the rules needs to be tweaked a bit. i think SB should be spammers bin instead of a shoutbox. the rest of the tabs on the shout box are pretty useless

  38. Ohayo
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 14:17:05

    I'm not really butthurt of me being banned but rather if upsb really needs this much moderation

  39. Eso
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 20:54:16

    Ohayo wrote: board filled with teens
    Here lies the problem. I don't get why all of you are so concerned about the shoutbox and being banned from it when the rules say no spamming, no offensive behavior, etc. I paid money to keep this board up and part of it has devolved in to /b/.

  40. Sc00t
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 21:03:58

    Eso wrote: devolved

  41. Jamal
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 23:46:24


  42. Colin
    Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 00:22:33

    shoeman6 wrote: Even if I liked 2 foot cocks I wouldn't talk about it in the General Shoutbox. If you want to talk about giant cock appreciation do it in the Spammer's Box. It's not a question of whether or not I liked the subject. It's a matter appropriateness, and having a conversation at the top of every page on UPSB talking about your admiration of giant penises. (sarcasm)It's strange how you call the Spammer's Box stupid... then continue your discussion about giant cocks, and you ended up being banned, if only there was a reason for this chain of events!.. if only... (sarcasm)
    Im sorry, I couldnt read this paragraph. I lold so hard.

  43. Sc00t
    Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 00:26:50

    shoeman6 wrote: I liked 2 foot cocks

  44. AoD1
    Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 00:39:50

    PenwisH wrote: I'm not super big fan of the convos but in all honestly having people in the SB is more important and makes the community feel more lively than strict rules and a dead SB. I think the rules needs to be tweaked a bit. i think SB should be spammers bin instead of a shoutbox. the rest of the tabs on the shout box are pretty useless
    THIS^ this is my 2cents at least penwish doesnt have his head in his ass..... shoeman i dont know how many time you have acted inappropriate in the shoutbox bro. you talk about stupid shit all the time bro. sure what ohayo said is stupid shit but still harmless. and wtf kind of warning is that? if you can even call that a warning. "go talk about your stories in the spammers box"? wtf is that shit. make your self clear instead of color coating that shit. also shoeman i have lost any and all respect for you. your a hypocrite. nuff said.

  45. Colin
    Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 01:00:04

    AoD1 wrote: THIS^ this is my 2cents at least penwish doesnt have his head in his ass..... shoeman i dont know how many time you have acted inappropriate in the shoutbox bro. you talk about stupid shit all the time bro. sure what ohayo said is stupid shit but still harmless. and wtf kind of warning is that? if you can even call that a warning. "go talk about your stories in the spammers box"? wtf is that shit. make your self clear instead of color coating that shit. also shoeman i have lost any and all respect for you. your a hypocrite. nuff said.
    I totally dont mean to be a dick, but.. 1)This was I THINK the first time AoD made a both respectful/meaninful post 2)He's right. 3)Ohayo is a dumbass anyway :rolleyes:

  46. XYZaki
    Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 02:00:42

    shoeman6 wrote: If you want to talk about giant cock appreciation do it in the Spammer's Box. It's not a question of whether or not I liked the subject. It's a matter appropriateness, and having a conversation at the top of every page on UPSB talking about your admiration of giant penises.
    What the fuck.

  47. Ohayo
    Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 02:20:40

    Colin wrote: I totally dont mean to be a dick, but.. 1)This was I THINK the first time AoD made a both respectful/meaninful post 2)He's right. 3)Ohayo is a dumbass anyway :rolleyes:
    take 2 hour long walk and see this <_<

  48. Kirby
    Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 23:44:08

    Stare wrote: Faggot.
    Bitch, you're the next Jan. Get your ass off this board, and stop trying to troll. Cause your attempts so far have been pitiful, and no one likes you.

  49. esp
    Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 09:07:16

    Kirby wrote: Bitch, you're the next Jan. Get your ass off this board, and stop trying to troll. Cause your attempts so far have been pitiful, and no one likes you.
    ^ THIS.

  50. Alex
    Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 21:06:42

    Me too :lol:

    Colin wrote: Im sorry, I couldnt read this paragraph. I lold so hard.

  51. Alex
    Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 22:36:24

    I just got an infraction right now :(

  52. neXus
    Date: Sun, Jul 15 2012 11:16:57

    Deservedly so. I don't know the reason for this particular infraction but you are cancer.

  53. Krypton
    Date: Sun, Jul 15 2012 11:52:46

    C'mon, not as bad as, say, Aurora or fuunky.