Reports / Warning for xSpin: Off-topic
Date: Sun, Jun 27 2010 02:09:44
Post: TV Appearances by Spinners User: xSpin Infraction: Off-topic Points: 0 Administrative Note:
Didn't use report feature
Message to User:Hi In KK's thread about Minwoo's TV appearance, we do appreciate you pointing out that it's in the wrong place, but the proper way to do this is to use the report feature, which is basically a way of letting mods know it needs to be moved. If you just post a link, A. that's considered spam and B. mods might never see it and get it moved. Because we recognize your intentions are good, this is only a "warning" and not an "infraction" (basically it doesn't count against you), but please use the report feature in the future. Thanks, strat
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