Tutorials Pending Approval / Any-X Custom (Re-done text tutorial)
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 12:30:22
Credits to Zaazu, the original creator of Any-X.
=========================== [B]Stats:[/B] =========================== Any-X Custom COG: COP (where the two barrels are connected) Length: 19.3cm Weight: roughly 12g Style: Single-Sided Writing-Mechanism: Retr. Ink-Type: Ballpoint Estimated-Cost: $3.60 =========================== [B]Materials List:[/B] =========================== 2x Papermate Profile (or Dong-A Anyball) =========================== [B]Tools List:[/B] =========================== Clear Tape Plastic Cutter Toothpick Hot-Glue Gun Mini Tube Cutter (Optional) Pilers (Optional) X-acto Knife (Optional) Sandpaper (Optional) =========================== [B]Tutorial:[/B] =========================== [spoiler=Preparation] 1) Split up all the parts according to the picture above. You will need everything that are not marked with a X.
[/spoiler] [spoiler=Body] 2) Cut both barrels according to the red line (after the bump on the barrel). Keep one of the remains for the tip.
3) Get one of these clicker part (refer picture below) and click according to the line. Use pliers or any similar tools to make the shape round again after the cutting.
4) Add tape around the clicker part you just cut. 5) Place the clicker part in between the two barrels. Remove excess tape that are pushed from the barrel. Add more tape if needed.
6) Apply hot-glue to the connection and let it cool for a while. Trim off the excess glue when it has cooled down.
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 12:31:02
[spoiler=Front] 7) Grab one of the remains from step 2 and cut the tip. You will need the small lips right under the tip so don't cut it clean.
8) Remove the clip from one of the the clipper part.
9) Add the tip onto the end of the clipper part and it should fit nicely (but slightly weak). Apply hot-glue to the connection to strengthen it. Add 7 rings of profile grips onto the whole piece covering part of the tip and the whole clipper part (excluding the threads where you twist this piece to the barrel)
10) Extend the ink-tube by cutting a piece of toothpick to 4.8cm. 11) Add the spring on the ink-tube. Place the whole ink-tube into one side of the barrel and twist the front part (step 9) onto the barrel.
[/spoiler] [SPOILER="Back"] 12) Apply hot-glue to the part below (whatever it's called). Trim the excess hot-glue after it got cooled down so that you get a flat surface.
13) Place the part from step 12 into the retr. mechanism.
[B]Note: [/B]Cut the clipper part just like step 8 if you don't want your mod to have the clip. Looks less like a pen, but you get more spinning area. 14) Apply 2 rings of the profile grip to the clipper part. Apply 4 rings if you chose to remove the clip.
15) Twist the completed back part onto the barrel.
[/SPOILER] =========================== Q/A: =========================== Q: Shit mod? A: School mod. Q: Who requested this? A: A large population in HKPSA. I just might as well do it here too since the original one in v3 is gone. Q: Why is your Q/A under "Back" spoiler? A: I dont know!! -....- stupid coding problem?
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 00:10:27
nice, i made Double-sided Any-X
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 00:23:27
yeah.. the key feature of this mod is that.. 1) it looks like a school retr pen. 2) make good use of profiles (u only use 2 profiles, and u get to keep 1 grip) 3) still spin nicely with such cheap materials however.. 1) mod can be fragile at times depending on how you mod it.. (hot-glue dying..) 2) lots of barrel cutting PrinceXD PrinceXD
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 00:25:55
@PrinceXD just a suggestion... the papermate flexgrip elite mech pencil works better to connect the 2 profiles. remove the back part and cut the thing that sticks into the pencil tube. it is tighter and does not require glue to hold. this
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 00:31:38
@Cloud then it defeats the purpose of this mod, which is: A mod that can be done by 2 profiles only! Ofcourse you're free to use whatever materials u want to customize this further. PrinceXD
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 00:34:24
@PrinceXD true but it makes it much more stable and flexgrips are pretty cheap
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 00:38:10
@Cloud I'm aware that the mod is not 100% stable. It really depends on how you mod it. The first one (purple + black + blue), I did that for the initial tutorial back in v3 and I havent applied any hot-glue back to it ever since. It might be just because I didnt spin it/use it But it still shows it can hold it if u dont brutally damage it. Just try not to forcefully bend the middle part, where the barrels connect and it shouldnt break the glue off. Keep it in a hard case and it should do fine. PrinceXD
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 00:42:17
@PrinceXD last time i used a clicker wth hot glue and droped... it broke in half and i had to glue back on. ever since ive use flexgrip it hasnt ever fallen apart and i forgot to mention... its a really nice mod.
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 00:44:51
@Cloud last time i remember when i tried to use an any-x custom in class for writing, the tip flew out from the pen, because i didnt apply hot-glue to it. it was like the first initial design... those noob days were fun ^_^ PrinceXD
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 00:52:43
@PrinceXD wow... imma make one for school... it looks real nice and actually writes unlike any-x how do you glue tip on without covering the hole for the inktube?
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 00:55:26
@Cloud Or you can purchase one from me ;) lol j/k. Wait.. Any-X doesnt write?..... ........................................? PrinceXD
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 00:58:21
@PrinceXD well i guess u can make it write but the hot glue in the tip killed it for me and you never answered my question >_<
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 01:06:20
@Cloud ah.. sorry about that in step 7, you cut the tip so that theres a small lip hanging off. Apply hot glue on that small lip and push it into the clipper part "hole" hot-glue holds the tip, along with the part of the grip that goes OVER the tip. If THIS still pushes the tip out, consider a change in the spring.. find a spring that is weaker? personally I have no problem after adding the hot-glue. ;) PrinceXD
Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 16:06:16
Great mod. nice job reducing it to two pens
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 17:35:24
BEST. MOD. EVER. I just finished making it.I didn't have a plastic cutter so I used a really sharp knife. To smooth it out and sand it down a went on my front steps and dragged it on the concrete for a while. I didn't have a hot glue gun so I used some Fix-All Adhesive (super glue). It's drying now. EDIT: D'OH, the super glue failed to hold it together. It's epoxy time.
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 11:26:58
@Explosion101 You could just melt the connection parts together, but dont breathe in the smoke as thats lethal >_> Just.. be careful if u're gonna try that method.. PrinceXD
Explosion101 wrote: BEST. MOD. EVER. I just finished making it.I didn't have a plastic cutter so I used a really sharp knife. To smooth it out and sand it down a went on my front steps and dragged it on the concrete for a while. I didn't have a hot glue gun so I used some Fix-All Adhesive (super glue). It's drying now. EDIT: D'OH, the super glue failed to hold it together. It's epoxy time.
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 02:47:48
nice you don't need hgg tip
Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 01:18:11
I've made 3 of them and none of them are straight. [B]ALL[/B] of them are crooked. How do you make the bodies so straight?
Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 02:13:43
@Explosion101 you make a good body cut... sand it if necessary then stick em together... pretty simple
Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 08:11:22
@Explosion101 Use mini tube cutter, and sand afterwards. PrinceXD
Explosion101 wrote: I've made 3 of them and none of them are straight. [B]ALL[/B] of them are crooked. How do you make the bodies so straight?
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 12:03:26
So if i use tape/glue it shall be less stable, amirite?
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 12:15:11
the best method is actually melting both pieces together.. but i havent tried that myself.. might try it soon since u're still interested in making one :O ill let you know the results.. but in the mean time, yes tape and glue is less stable.. the current known best method is hot glue. but as long as your spring is not too tight (if it is, recrimp the inktube lower), it should be all good. also, be very careful of the tip... that can really fly out @_@ PrinceXD
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 13:00:56
Does anyone know what the original Any-X is like? I searched all over 2 forums and didn't find any info about it. Thanks
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 15:09:48
daniel0731ex wrote: Does anyone know what the original Any-X is like? I searched all over 2 forums and didn't find any info about it. Thanks I think. -
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 15:40:42
That is correct. a google search would also give u that result. PrinceXD
Cube wrote: I think.
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 19:05:11
Thanks so much for the tutorial <_< PS: Didn't realize that a UPCSB existed, found it myself just now.
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 19:09:20
@PrinceXD[email protected] Thanks so much for the tutorial <_< PS: Didn't realize that a UPCSB existed, found it myself just now.[/QUOTE]
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 19:23:21
PrinceXD wrote: @daniel0731ex tough luck upsb wiki is down. not my fault. PrinceXD
never said it's your fault, just saying that you should check out the link yourself before trying to ridicule me with it, it might backfire like here. [B]EDIT:[/B] 8 hours later, and it still doesn't work. -
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 22:24:37
There's a tutorial on Youtube too. I'm telling you before you do anything when looking for something always Google search. Most of the time I find what I'm looking for that way lol. It is awesomesauce.
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 02:30:51
i think tek did this same mod.
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 02:47:08
Nachoaddict wrote: There's a tutorial on Youtube too. I'm telling you before you do anything when looking for something always Google search. Most of the time I find what I'm looking for that way lol. It is awesomesauce.
Yeah, I found it after doing the Google search; silly me for not having thought of Google :faceplam: You won't believe how much time I've spent on searching V3 and this forum for the tutorial. -
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 03:22:30
@GeeGeeGee Actually the Any-X is another mod. It's the mod that this one was based on. Prince made this variation because it uses only 2 Anyball pens.
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 03:53:30
Cloud wrote: @GeeGeeGee Actually the Any-X is another mod. It's the mod that this one was based on. Prince made this variation because it uses only 2 Anyball pens.
Then he should give credit to TEK because I can see most of Any-x mod is based on TEK's. Only the tip is added, the rest is the same. I don't think this is a variation. It's TEK's mod WITHOUT the tip. It's like saying my R.S.V.P. MX is a GeeGeeGee mod because I use R.S.V.P rt grip and pilot better rt. I'm not trying to argue but just trying to make a point. -
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 03:59:32
Like I said, TEK didn't make the mod. It's based on the Any-X, I don't remember the creator and the wiki is down. But Prince's mod is totally different, even though it looks similar. The front in made in a completely new way. Trust me, I've made both. It's more like an MX vs a tipless MXSA. front is made different. @GeeGeeGee
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 04:10:03
Cloud wrote: Like I said, TEK didn't make the mod. It's based on the Any-X, I don't remember the creator and the wiki is down. But Prince's mod is totally different, even though it looks similar. The front in made in a completely new way. Trust me, I've made both. It's more like an MX vs a tipless MXSA. front is made different. @GeeGeeGee
now it's all clear to me. i'm so confuse when you said Any-x and this mod is Any-x custom. WTF -
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 06:24:09
I have given back credits to Zaazu, the original creator of Any-X. I did give credits back in v3, I probably just forgot to put it in this re-done tutorial. PrinceXD