General Discussion / What Would You Change?

  1. QuinnC11
    Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 18:37:53

    For those of you who have been pen spinning a long time. If you could start all over again what would you change? What would you have worked on more from the beginning? Would you have started with a different pen? Would you have practiced more or differently? I've heard answers like "I wish i would've worked on my fundamental reverses more". So i'm just curious what you guys have to say.

  2. Gisele 8
    Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 19:27:29

    i wouldn't change anything. the only thing i'm sad is that i can't bust at all. (fail @ the third or fourth bust)

  3. Erirornal Kraione
    Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 19:33:01

    I would have spent more time filming for WT07 Finals. ;D

  4. walrus
    Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 20:44:55

    I would've practiced my ringaround more =D

  5. sangara
    Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 21:23:38

    Worked on Fingerpass, and I wouldn't leave.

  6. Hippo2626
    Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 23:36:23

    I would have focused on my fundamental tricks more. I tried to jump to the harder tricks like BB spin, Spiderspin, Sidespin, when I didn't focus on tw. sonics and variations, baks and infinties. It took me so long o learn those similar tricks when I tried to learn them after.

  7. WhatsOfTheUp1
    Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 00:07:42

    I would have spent more time trying to get smooth. When i first started, I thought , "Hey, that's a cool trick, I'll learn it" Then once i got the trick, i went on to another trick without practicing getting stuff smooth. I would have done that back then, instead of now. But eh, ive been practicing smoothness and better linkages for a few weeks now, I've really improved =D. but yeah, i wish i had done that earlier....

  8. shoeman6
    Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 00:58:30

    Learn both hands at the same time, learning reverses and linkages earlier as well.

  9. Quake
    Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 01:48:15

    i agree with sangara. i wouldve mastered my fingerpass and its variations.

  10. akitaka
    Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 22:05:08

    I would've NOT started with a kt :facepalm: and I would have worked on fundamental reverses more.

  11. Mage In Black
    Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 22:07:48

    I would have worked on developing my style more.

  12. Awesome
    Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 22:34:28

    I would have picked up guitar instead of PS

  13. Sc00t
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 03:19:57

    Gisele 8 wrote: i wouldn't change anything. the only thing i'm sad is that i can't bust at all. (fail @ the third or fourth bust)
    gisele cant triple bust? o.o

  14. Awesome
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 03:21:14

    I can't even double bust :P

  15. AwonW
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 03:39:13

    I probably would have started learning with my non-dominant hand earlier as well as started thinking about linkages earlier, but other than that I don't feel that there's much I could have changed in my psing foundation to make me significantly better than I am now.

  16. neoknux_009
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 14:41:24

    i dont regret my past at all. you can change and improve your style or your moves whenever your feel like it.

  17. crinix
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 14:59:34

    Would work on cont midbacks. Only shit i cant do are cont backs. :(((

  18. pipp
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 15:30:20

    I would have paid more attention to style and I would have started with an mx and not stuhl mod -.-

  19. Twine
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 19:33:24

    I'm really happy with the way I developed my spinning. I don't think I would of changed anything. Ohhh maybe a bit less time on style an d a bit more time on links/creativity

  20. vento
    Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 20:32:11

    I would do quite similar, but not completely. E.g. I wouldnt spin with those crappy mods I spun with for half a year, when I got my first KT, which was really an improvement. Also I wouldn´t "destroyed" my very first pen. That was just a Super Pirat with two plastic-tips and weird grips but sometime I shortened it for some idiotic reason <_<