Pen Modifications / Best way to add weight to your mod

  1. bluetiger435
    Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 01:23:26

    A great way to add weight to your mods or balance them perfectly is to go out and buy relatively small fishing weights. They make them in extremely small balls, and it is very easy to put them in a cap or body, then add some glue with a hot glue gun to keep them from rattling around if they are not tight. I have a really heavy mod, made only from a super tip body with 2 super tips caps, then i Just added the weights and you have yourself a great mod. You can get fishing weights at a sporting goods/outdoors store, walmart, or any superstore. Only problem is that if you dont add grips to the ends, you will have trouble doing wiper moves

  2. drgripable
    Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 02:25:50

    my method of weight addition involves taking small screws, from an old toy etc, and wrapping a lot of tape around it, then it fits tightly inside of a tip and for a DC mod, if you put the screws in both ends, adds .5 grams around so its not a big weight change and its not too small. i sometimes also take the batteries from old mini-laser pointers to add weight by putting them into caps.

  3. JackyMacky
    Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 02:35:15

    My method is using ACTUAL pen tips. <_< Lol

  4. Vortechs
    Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 02:57:29

    If you have light tips or cheap subs of tips you can fill them with hot glue to add weight.