Reports / Infraction for QuinnC11: Duplicate Thread / Did not search
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 04:21:55
Post: Help For Other Beginner Spinners User: QuinnC11 Infraction: Duplicate Thread / Did not search Points: 1 Administrative Note:
Duplicate thread
Message to User:Please search before making a new thread. Thank you.
Original Post:Hi everyone i just started spinning a few days ago so i figured I would tell other people about my experiences learning each of the fundamental tricks. Charge - Still working on this one, right now I've put maybe 30 minutes practice in to it, but i either do a sonic, drop it, or do a very sloppy single charge. I'll get around to it though. ThumbAround - I actually learned this one on my own without even knowing pen spinning existed a long time ago, but it took me about 2 days to learn. I kept dropping the pen a lot and every once in a while I'd come very close and not get it. Then i would get it a few times in a row and drop it. Now i can do it as many times as i want, rarely dropping it. Sonic - This is a fun one to know. I just learned it 2 days ago, took be about 3 hours of practicing to get it the first time. The whole time i was trying i felt like i was making no progress which was very discouraging. The first time i got it i was not able to repeat it for about another 20 tries. Learning this trick sucked because the whole time i felt like i would never get it and i kept thinking "well my fingers are too long" or "my pen is too short/heavy/light". But i managed to get it and can do it with all kinds of different writing utensils now. FingerPass - Another one i knew a long time ago, this one is a very easy one to learn, came very naturally to me. The problem I'm having is that it isn't smooth at all and not fast at any comparison. Still in progress I'd declare. Because this is my first post I'll give a little introduction. My name is Quinn, i live in Ohio, United States. I am 18 years old and currently in my last year of highschool. I love learning tricks that i can do anywhere which is why pen spinning looks so appetizing to me. I hope to become good at it so i have something fun i can do anywhere there is a pen. Well anyway, nice meeting you all, thanks for reading. I hope to learn a lot from everyone at this site. Thanks again guys. In summary: Charge - Still in progress ThumbAround - Fun to learn, fun to know. Sonic - Not fun to learn, fun to know. FingerPass - In progress for smoothness and speed.