Trading / Buying / Trading mod for mod!!
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 03:53:55
I am trading "Miko's V1 mod" for RSVP MX, Firefly g3, Guitrums g3, Dr. Kt, signo tip Comssa, Minwoo mod, Buster CYL, Waterfall, or guitrums RSVP mod. A picture of the mod will be needed before trading. This is the picture of Miko's V1 mod.
This mod is very similar to a dr.kt. PM me if you want to trade.
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 19:44:45
I dont think anyone would trade a ~$25 KT for this.
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 20:22:57
i know, i figred at least someone would trade an rsvp mx or something like that
Date: Mon, Feb 28 2011 06:08:21
...thats a little...unfair. You metioned very nice mods (no rsvp mx) and no offence but that mod doesnt look so great. EDIT: @miko611 ...ahhh! how did i miss that????
Date: Mon, Feb 28 2011 07:52:32
i did mention rsvp mx
Date: Mon, Feb 28 2011 07:57:22
i think its fair to say he's a noob, but let's try being nice
Date: Mon, Feb 28 2011 23:26:34
wait till u see my next mod, it will be pro trust me
Date: Tue, Mar 1 2011 00:02:04
thats what dragonsteele said XD