Tutorials Pending Approval / A simple use for a USED signo broad..
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 18:50:04
lol sup guys.. i was bored as hell and i tried to make nacho's sss mod.. so i cut the signo cap and it broke.. so i was like sh*t and stuff.. so i found another use for it :D
==================== Stats: ==================== Name : StupidUseOfWastedSigno COG: on the golden line that says.. RECAP AFTER USE Length: 13.5 c"m Weight: dunno Style: sc? Writing-Mechanism: none Ink-Type: signo broad inktube Estimated-Cost: signo broad + hi tec c tip \ random plastic tip that fits on a signo + ?a piece of paper? O_O = 3$? ===================== Materials List: Signo Broad (Cap + body) Hi Tec c (tip) \ random plastic tip that fits on a signo Paper ===================== Pro's: -Very Customizable -No need to throw away the Signo Con's: -Ink tube sticks out a little more than its supposed to -No cap :'\ -Not the best thing for spinning O_o.. ===================== ===================== Tutorial: ===================== [SPOILER="Video Tutorial"][video=youtube;wBxM7gR_uoY][/video][/SPOILER] lol srry guys im too lazy to write a text tutorial.. :P have alot of work to do.. :\ ===================== Q\A 1. Q:WHAT THE HELL!? A:inorite? :P ===================== cya'll! lol BIG EDIT!!: You dont have to use a hi tec c tip.. some plastic tips FIT on a signo..
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 21:10:03
i like it! xD imma make one just for the hell of it! >:D (lol jk jk)
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 21:52:51
.......... -.-'
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 22:57:07
i didnt really watch it, but it looks like you turned a pen into a pen
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 23:00:56
i think the idea is great, you dont throw away the ink however, the hi tec c tip is needed in other mods, so this just defeats the purpose, you're putting another metal tip on the pen in place of one you used for a mod
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 11:02:01
i dunno.. maybe other tips fit too.. ive tried the hi tec c cuz i have ALOT of those..
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 12:07:16
u've just wasted a minute of your life
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 12:23:59
EDIT: You dont have to use hi tec c tips! i just found out that some other (random) plastic tips FIT.. @Guitrum wth man.. so its like turning 1 rsvp and 1 hgg in to 1 pen (rsvp mx).. so you turn 2 pens into 1.. and most of the times it isnt writeable.. dont tell me its a mod.. it doesnt matter: [video=youtube;5Pa1o7waeZk][/video] oh and one more thing.. Nacho did this too..
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 12:24:33
Woops.. double post :\
Date: Mon, Feb 28 2011 07:22:43
bonkey12 wrote: EDIT: @Guitrum wth man.. so its like turning 1 rsvp and 1 hgg in to 1 pen (rsvp mx).. so you turn 2 pens into 1.. and most of the times it isnt writeable..
What Guitrum means is that its like modding an RSVP with an HGG and coming out with a signo used for writing. -
Date: Mon, Feb 28 2011 07:53:10
Lol bringing me into this eh. Well the dr grip cog/gspec time isn't as widely used as the hi-tec C tip. So yeah I guess I can defend myself that way xD But I like your idea of trying to use spare parts. That's what a lot of my mods use lol.
Date: Mon, Feb 28 2011 08:25:47
I'll make one!