Manipulative Arts / Speedcubing
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 14:53:11
What's your best in solving the classic 3x3 Rubik's cube? Mines is 50s =/
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 17:25:19
So what is the best finger to use for spinning the top? Also can someone explain pll.
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 20:23:24
Many cubers notice that they use the left hand to do the moves. For spinning the top, I use the left index finger. PLL algorithms can be found here: My 50s record was with F2L + Beginners method to complete Last Layer. I'm still on learning the OLL and PLL >.< Good luck learning :D
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 21:10:33
What does M stand for in his algorithms? And zxy stands for rotating the cube along the zxy axis?
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 21:31:40
I don't really know. There is a 3D cube doing the moves for each algorithm. Click on any of the algorithms you want to learn and there will be a 3D cube being solved with the algorithm :D
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 21:41:32
Ok. So m means that you do L and R at the same time. Basically the middle layer spins while the edges stay the same.
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 23:06:45
:)My quickest solve was 19.71 seconds with a pll skip :)
Date: Sun, Jun 27 2010 01:13:16
That's really fast :O PLL skip is ahgg.. Too much luck >.<
Date: Sun, Jun 27 2010 02:49:24
to be technically correct, M is rotating the layer between R and L clockwise looking from the right hand side i think i just made it even more complicated its the middle layer turned in the same direction as R fastest time is 35 seconds, but i stopped cubing, so i think 45 is the fastest now
Date: Sun, Jun 27 2010 04:53:22
Anyone do any other events than 3x3? But for 3x3, 15.34 seconds with an FII (:wub: it), PLL skip. :xd: Non-lucky w/o any skips: 18.50 seconds @Chiefsnake: For U turns, right index, and for U' turns, left index. Practice triggers (R U R' and L' U' L) and you'll get the hang of it. ;) PLL (Permute the Last Layer) is a substep in the CFOP (Fridrich) method. It comes before OLL (Orient the Last Layer), which orients all the pieces on top as one color. PLL permutes them in their respective places. There are 21 PLL algorithms to learn. Here's a great site for them: Regarding xyz turns: x - a rotation of the entire cube as if doing an R turn. y - a rotation of the entire cube as if doing a U turn. z - a rotation of the entire cube as if doing an F turn.
Date: Sun, Jun 27 2010 05:01:02
record is 16 with a pll skip :P jessica fridrich method :D
Date: Sun, Jun 27 2010 11:42:01
My record is 50s. I'm weak :)
Date: Sun, Jun 27 2010 16:09:59
Haha k-ryder! No, you didn't make it more complicated, I understand what you mean :D But I don't usually learn the nomenclature, because I watch the 3D cube movements =P! Ahggg, can't wait to reach 40s! PD: For any who is learning, Erikk (the world record dude) has a website with the algorithms using a 3D cube: =P
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 00:57:21
I do F2L about 1:30 x.x how embarrassing I also do the 4x4 (7mins) rubiks magic (1.1secs) I don't speed cube on purpose cause I like other hobbies moar. poor me :(
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 01:36:33
I'm pretty bad. About 2 minutes sometimes less. I use F2L and beginners method for the rest. My cube is pretty old and doesn't rotate well, so that doesn't help. I need to practice my F2L more...
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 02:14:08
I got some rubik's cubes ( well, in this case, they are not from the "Rubik's store" ) from China. They are pretty fast, called huhm... "3rd Generation speedcubing cube" I believe. Brought some to my friends too :D.. If I save enough money, I think I'll be getting the HaiYan cube =D. But first, I'll need to finish learning the PLL and OLL algs >.<
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 02:31:55
FII cube all the way. :) :excited: Just saying, it's cheaper to buy the Type A(V) cube and mod it yourself, that's basically what a Haiyan Memory is.
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 02:57:35
fastest time is 38.03 seconds x.x still learning pll but without sucess edit___________________ I use an standart rubik cube bought in wallmart and lube with silicone spray, turns smooth but I really want a c4y speed cube u.u
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 04:58:21
Wow, those cubes are really fast ones. Don't know how is mines compared to those, though I didn't lubricate my cube anyhow. By the way, does anyone know what cubes are used in tournaments? :O
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 05:12:13
Lubricated cube > Non-lubricated cube, always. It's also a great idea to adjust spring tension so the layers turn faster, even if the cube comes pre-assembled. ;) @JMember: Any cube can be used in a tournament, as long as it complies with the WCA regulations regarding puzzles. The world record holder, Erik Akkersdijk uses a hybrid, Rubik's DIY core + centers with Type B cube cubies. The world record holder for the average of 5 uses a Type A(V), and Haiyan Zhuang, the world record holder for BLD solving, uses a modified version of the Type A(V).
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 14:32:11
<1 minute using the noob method. >< all I have left are 2x2x2 and 5x5x5, both from eastsheen. too lazy to learn fridrich method -.-
Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 23:48:06
i just got a new 3x3x2 cube and 3x3x4 cube :) fastest is 43s
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 01:00:40
Wow, I didn't know that PLL and OLL helped so much: new record 37s. One of my friends (who can also solve the Rubik's cube) told me to solve it as fast as possible. I did, and applied PLL and OLL logarithms. Actual personal record 37, last 50. Learn the Fridrich! :D Btw, NEWS: the world record holder in a single solve, Erik Akkersdijk, participated in the Alania Open 2010, winning the competition. He now holds second place in average 3x3 Rubik's cube solve. He's now holding World top 1 in single solve, and world top 2 in average solve of the 3x3 Rubik's Cube
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 02:13:35
JMember wrote: Wow, I didn't know that PLL and OLL helped so much: new record 37s. One of my friends (who can also solve the Rubik's cube) told me to solve it as fast as possible. I did, and applied PLL and OLL logarithms. Actual personal record 37, last 50. Learn the Fridrich! :D Btw, NEWS: the world record holder in a single solve, Erik Akkersdijk, participated in the Alania Open 2010, winning the competition. He now holds second place in average 3x3 Rubik's cube solve. He's now holding World top 1 in single solve, and world top 2 in average solve of the 3x3 Rubik's Cube
I found the video. :D 11.08 (DNF) 9.50 (8.96) 9.08 His comment:I wasn't very happy indeed after failing the first solve, being 'saved' (still crappy time) by skip and then failing + distraction on 2nd solve. Frankly I didn't even believe Fabian after he said it was sub-10 avg. Luckily they stopped staring at me after the 2nd solve...
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 02:27:11
THEcube wrote: I found the video. :D youtube video 11.08 (DNF) 9.50 (8.96) 9.08 His comment:
Haha, "skip and then failing + distraction" ... It looks like he was going for the top1 :D But failed the first solve x.x He needed some kind of less than 9.3s for the first solve to break the world record :o -
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 02:32:58 Says I can get an fii cube for just over 100 yen shipped... Am I missing something here?
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 02:34:29
Like 7 months ago 32s Now about 54s :p
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 03:03:21
THEcube wrote: Lubricated cube > Non-lubricated cube, always. It's also a great idea to adjust spring tension so the layers turn faster, even if the cube comes pre-assembled. ;)
wait, is that only for DIY or any cube? O.o how do you do that? -
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 03:32:17
@ChiefSnake: That would be about 10.57 + Shipping, how much total? Cube4You also has SHENG EN Cubes. Anyone knows if by any chance the linked cube by ChiefSnake is the same as this one? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kari-Chan wrote: wait, is that only for DIY or any cube? O.o how do you do that?
@Kari-Chan: It isn't for any cube. Normal pre-asembled [B]speedcubes[/B] have springs and screws (thus the name, speedcube). DIY cubes can all be adjusted I believe. One example of exception is the original Rubik's cube: it doesn't have screw or springs, that's why it is hard to do moves (not 100% sure about this, just guessing after my friend let me try his original Rubik's cube).In between the plastic and the screw, there is a spring thing .
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 03:53:14
aww... maybe it's time for me to get a speedcube when i go to singapore XD
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 04:17:48
@JMember: It can be for some pre-assembled cubes such as the Type A-F, and Ghosthand cubes, but yeah, it's for mostly DIYs. Original Rubik's have rivets instead of screws (sorry, no pics :( ) that can't be adjusted. I believe that cube is the same one that Chiefsnake posted, just make sure it's Type F's 2ND generation version (FII), not 1st. Unfortunately, they changed the stickers on the FII, so the orange and red are really weird. D: But after replacing them with CubeSmith stickers, they're good to go. :thumb: If you're willing to wait longer, maybe a week or two, Lightake is a good place to get your cubes if you can figure out the weird names they have. O_o (SE = Type F) and are our other options for us USA cubers out there. :)
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 04:37:05
THEcube wrote: @JMember: It can be for some pre-assembled cubes such as the Type A-F, and Ghosthand cubes, but yeah, it's for mostly DIYs. Original Rubik's have rivets instead of screws (sorry, no pics :( ) that can't be adjusted. I believe that cube is the same one that Chiefsnake posted, just make sure it's Type F's 2ND generation version (FII), not 1st. Unfortunately, they changed the stickers on the FII, so ....
Wow,! Cool thing for LighTake! :P By the way, take a look at the cubes I have now:
[SIZE="5"]One of my first cubes:[/SIZE] [B]Before:[/B]
Used it for about 1 month and it started to get too loosen that the pieces dropped out from the white color side >.<. Then, it dropped before I could finish a solve x.x. I'm not using that one though. I also have a cube that costs more than the 3rd GEN cubes I have in the first pics, but it's tight as hell >.
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 06:52:27
Yeah, it's free, but slow. :( Nice FII knockoffs by the way. :P How well do they turn?
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 07:51:17
Home PB: 10.13 Competiton PB: 13.63 Gave up like a year ago :bananalama:
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 15:16:03
Hum' guys I'm looking to buy a new cube. Would this one ~> be good? If not can somebody tell me which kind are good cause I have an original cube with no tension springs and it doesn't move well at all. Edit: Or this one ~> ??
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 16:44:53
The second one is better. ;) If you are willing to wait (slow, but free shipping), buy it here: (It's the same cube under a different name)
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 17:52:40
Ok. I'm working on 2 look oll and pll right now. It's working well. I can tell my time will decrease a lot when I learn this. Also, definitely getting an fii cube from here Which should I get, white or black. Or maybe both. If I get both, new stickers on one of them fo sho.
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 19:31:48 This is awesome!
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 20:12:31
Akeien wrote: This is awesome!
Yeah, that is awesome. If only he did that in a tournament :p. ---------------------------------------------------------------- @ChiefSnake: Hey ChiefSnake, isn't that the same as *At a higher price? ---------------------------------------------------------------- @THEcube: Well, I've never bought any Sheng En, Alpha, HaiYan or any [B]branded[/B] 3x3x3. Those cubes I own are not even branded >.<. But for me, they are fast enough =). Well, the only one that turns a bit slow is the one I'm using right now (they all are the same); the others, turn really fast. The price I've found over the Internet was about 8 yuan, which divided by 6.8 = US $ 1.18 :D. You just need to find a way to ship them to where you want, haha. Hey, and they didn't need any lubrication! *Or it came lubricated don't know (Idk the difference between lubricated and nonlubricated cuz I never felt the need to lubricate the cubes I have: they are fast enough for me) Link: I [B]think [/B] I found a little information about the manufacturer: Sadly, they don't have a webpage =(. -
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 02:40:40
THEcube wrote: The second one is better. ;) If you are willing to wait (slow, but free shipping), buy it here: (It's the same cube under a different name)
When you say slow, how slow is it 10-15 days or like 50 days? And it's better than the first one but is it really good or there is better? Yeah I know I ask a lot of questions but I want to be sure^^ Thanks -
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 02:47:34
It costs more with shipping on c4y
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 02:57:42
ChiefSnake wrote: It costs more with shipping on c4y
Oh, then it's ok :D -
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 03:19:02
Thecube, here is an explanation of lightake's acronyms.
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 04:17:30
Calvin wrote: When you say slow, how slow is it 10-15 days or like 50 days? And it's better than the first one but is it really good or there is better? Yeah I know I ask a lot of questions but I want to be sure^^ Thanks
Slow as in 2-3 weeks, depending on where you are. It tends to be anywhere from 1 1/2 weeks - 3 weeks if you're in the USA, and up to a month or more if you're in Europe. -
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 04:25:49
Now I notice that the cubes I own are at LightTake at $4.72 =O GuoJia brand o.O... By the way, does HaiYan own Guo Jia products? Or it's the opposite?
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 04:26:43
wow I probably need a speed cube then... and maybe learn PLL and get an FII Cube
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 05:16:01
JMember wrote: Now I notice that the cubes I own are at LightTake at $4.72 =O GuoJia brand o.O... By the way, does HaiYan own Guo Jia products? Or it's the opposite?
Actually no, they don't own each other. :P Rather, the company Guo Jia is working together with the speedcuber Haiyan Zhuang to improve their cubes. (Guo Jia makes the Type A cubes) Haiyan helped redesign their Type A(VI) and gets some commission or something for doing so. The Haiyan Memory was invented by him, which is basically a modified Type A(V) cube with sanded down corners. Supposedly, every Memory cube is hand-adjusted and sanded down by Haiyan Zhuang himself which would explain their price. However, it is said that they are superior in terms of speed and corner cutting. :O Think of it as the Dr. KT of the speedcubes. :666: -
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 05:26:06
So thoughts about the dayan guhong? Looks super fast. Most people who own it are saying it's faster then an fii or av
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 06:01:37
Well, Dayan's previous two cubes haven't been as popular as the FII and Type A(V) have been. But this could be their big chance to prove us otherwise. :) So either: 1) This is a bunch of hype :pingpong: or 2) The Dayan GuHong is really that "good" :party: By the way, it wasn't designed for speed, but rather for corner cutting ability and reduced lockups. Supposedly, it can cut more than 45 degrees. :jawdrop: SpeedCubeShop's review:
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 10:27:31
hmm mine is 17s, i'm using ZBF2L method
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 20:33:42
You guys are all such beasts ha ha I can barely solve a normal Rubik's cube by myself D: How do you guys get to do it so fast?
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 20:45:57
That thing looks fast. Will get one some day :P. Maybe some day when the cubes I own break or s/t , haha @Mike: Technique + practice =D
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 03:36:18
Mike. Practice. Took me 5 hours to do it first time. Now down to sub minute with the newb ll method. Hope to be even lower when I finally learn oll and pll
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 03:38:58
JMember wrote: That thing looks fast. Will get one some day :P. Maybe some day when the cubes I own break or s/t , haha @Mike: Technique + practice =D
Wel yeah, but how do you figure out techniques? Do you use other ones that people have already used, or do you come up with your own? -
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 03:54:53
Haha, coming up with yours is just too hard thing, but not impossible. I don't do that. [B]In my opinion[/B], why not use others techniques? First of all, what is your purpose of speedcubing? Creating your own algorithms? Or learning ways to solve the cube faster? :) I am now learning PLL algorithms. I've learnt half of the algorithms in the OLL I think. The world record holder webpage for learning the algorithms of Jessica Fridrich's Method: Good luck :)
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 03:55:44
ChiefSnake wrote: Mike. Practice. Took me 5 hours to do it first time. Now down to sub minute with the newb ll method. Hope to be even lower when I finally learn oll and pll
Just telling: they are taking too long for me. Or maybe I'm the problem >.< By the way, learn the PLL before the OLL. After learning OLL, you can practice OLL algorithms while you learn the PLL ones. That's why I have not finished learning the OLL and started with the PLL. -
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 13:55:49
Mike, do you know the basic algorithms? If so, just practice. If not, then YouTube it. That's how I learned. Just write the algorithms down on a card and just use that as a cheat sheet. You should have them memorized in a week. I don't recommend even looking at pll and oll until you've learned to do the first 2 layers (f2l) in under a minute. If you have any questions about notations, this is the place to go.
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 16:11:18
ChiefSnake wrote: Mike, do you know the basic algorithms? If so, just practice. If not, then YouTube it. That's how I learned. Just write the algorithms down on a card and just use that as a cheat sheet. You should have them memorized in a week. I don't recommend even looking at pll and oll until you've learned to do the first 2 layers (f2l) in under a minute. If you have any questions about notations, this is the place to go.
The only "algorithm" I know, is how to solve it by getting row by row or something like that lol Even then, It's hard when I get to the last row :( -
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 22:20:08
Yea. That is how almost everyone learns. Just keep practicing that way.
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 23:29:23
ChiefSnake wrote: Yea. That is how almost everyone learns. Just keep practicing that way.
Hmmm. I have to find my rubik's cube first. -
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 04:32:43
Does anyone else do the Petrus method? I learned that awhile ago and got down to like 45 seconds, but it seems like everyone on here does Fridrich, is it really that much better? Also, I dont cube very often, is the fridrich method hard to remember over time? It seems like a lot of memorization
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 05:04:19
Darkeh wrote: Does anyone else do the Petrus method? I learned that awhile ago and got down to like 45 seconds, but it seems like everyone on here does Fridrich, is it really that much better? Also, I dont cube very often, is the fridrich method hard to remember over time? It seems like a lot of memorization
Well, all methods require the same amount of practice and can get you sub 15-20 if you work on it enough. Most people like me use Fridrich just for the reason that it's straightforward and requires less intuitive block-building than other methods. It does require more memorization, so if you don't really like memorizing, you should stick with Petrus and keep practicing. For the last layer, you can use the Fridrich substeps OLL (Orient the Last Layer) and PLL (Permute the Last Layer) to speed it up, although you'll need to learn at least 25+ algorithims. -
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 13:30:26
PLL are 57 cases and OLL are 21 basic algorithms (total of 78) and then the F2L are 41 basic cases isn't it? :
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 17:05:53
Yes, but OLL can be simplified to 2-3 for 2-look, and PLL can be cut down to 17-ish if you don't want to learn the G-Permutations (the hardest), and use intuitive F2L over algorithm F2L, as it's easier to learn and become pro at. ;) I personally don't know full OLL, but using intuitive F2L (non-algorithm) and full PLL, and those 2-3 OLL cases I know, I can get 20 seconds on average, sometimes less. :)
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 17:22:27
I find that sometimes when doing 2 look oll some of the oll algorithms dot always orient but instead just make a different shape that uses a different oll algorithm. Is this normal?
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 17:58:34
ChiefSnake wrote: I find that sometimes when doing 2 look oll some of the oll algorithms dot always orient but instead just make a different shape that uses a different oll algorithm. Is this normal?
Yep -
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 18:58:38
ChiefSnake wrote: I find that sometimes when doing 2 look oll some of the oll algorithms dot always orient but instead just make a different shape that uses a different oll algorithm. Is this normal?
Yes, I believe you're talking about the cases where no edges are in place to orient (the dot), and yeah, that's normal. -
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 20:46:27
No. I've already got the cross on top and now I do an oll to orient. The oll doesn't always orient.
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 20:49:33
Wrong algorithm? o.O Whenever I have 3 dots cross, it's easy algorithm.
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 02:04:05 I'm talking about this. And specifically, this, step 2.
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 02:26:26
Oh lolz, I can't help you then ... =/ I'm learning the algorithms from erik's site >.<
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 06:25:45
So algorithms are basically just ways to solve the cube then?
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 00:24:25
Algorithms are the [B]steps[/B] you follow to do certain thing. Let's say you want to orientate the last layer, you do one of the OLL algorithms. Because there are many shapes / color combinations like the cross, single dot, the L, you have to learn the algorithms to orientate each case.
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 04:25:34
Just found all logarithms of the Fridrich in a GuoJia pdf. Reference: page 11 of the pdf file.
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 13:22:31
Got banned my first day in speedsolving forum for "no reason specified"
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 19:21:35
Auch >.<. I just registered yesterday. I was going to ask whether the F-II or the Type-C was better.. But I used search and found the topic.
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 22:01:34
Aparently I was trolling after I called a dude's gf a hot man...
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 23:02:30
hmm anyone can do 4x4 or 5x5 ?
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 01:58:33
ChiefSnake wrote: Aparently I was trolling after I called a dude's gf a hot man...
Awww.. hahahahaa Hey ChiefSnake, at the end, what cube did you decide to buy? I'm doing my "blindfolded" cross now, as suggested by a speedsolving forum thread. :D @Saga: I dont' :O -
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 02:53:50
JMember wrote: Awww.. hahahahaa Hey ChiefSnake, at the end, what cube did you decide to buy? I'm doing my "blindfolded" cross now, as suggested by a speedsolving forum thread. :D @Saga: I dont' :O
I'm still trying to decide. Lol. I mean, I dont know really. I might just get an fii, guhong, and av. Bleh. Idkkkk ugh. -
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 03:07:40
xD! I'll buy some FII tomorrow, though it will arrive like 1-2 weeks after >.<. Still, thinking on if getting the GuHong or not >.<
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 03:34:53
mmm i want a speedcube, i just have a regular rubiks cube ._.
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 03:35:15
Buy! :D
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 01:06:09
I dont buy from Cube4you anymore beacuse the shipping is to expensive now. is a good site.
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 01:09:43
The following pages have free shipping service [B]WORLDWIDE[/B]: Lightake for paypal service and popbuying for credit card / master card service. Additional information: CalCubeTimer: for timing :D! Works for 4x4x4, 5x5x5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, megamix, and other stuff. To switch for keyboard use, go options -> keyboard timer -> use keyboard timer
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 08:09:44
I had to reregister... But I avg around 14s in real life currently and 11-12 seconds on virtual cubes for 3x3. I avg 2-3s on 2x2. If anyone needs help with anything, odds are I know something about it. So yeah. Sup. EDIT: btw faz got wr 3x3 avg today with 8.52.
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 12:39:30
Hey! Welcome! Another speedcuber in UPSB! :D 8.52 on? o.O
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 15:19:52
3x3 average of 5 His times were 9.36, (14.11), 8.02, 8.19, (7.94) It's official world record and should be up on the wca site soon.
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 15:32:42
Cool :D Where do you recommend me to learn PLL and OLL? I used a list from Idk which website at first, now I'm learning from Erik's website. :O What do you think about it? :P
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 16:35:15
I learned from badmephisto's site a couple of years ago, but algobase is the best site for algs imo. You could also use the speedsolving wiki. People have videos on YouTube showing every alg too, just search for OLL or PLL algs.
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 17:39:50
Oh hey. It's mrdata. I think I saw you on speedsolving forums. You wanted to watch star trek at a cubing meet up. Lol :P Are you going to learn penspinning as well or what?
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 17:57:31
I started pen spinning a couple years ago or something like that. I never got too good at it but I can do quite a few things and simple combos and stuffs. Speedcubing is my main hobby though.
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 20:33:00
Oh I see. Hey what say you guys that we start up a little tag game. Like I'll post a scramble and then the person after me posts the algorithm that puts 1 piece in place for cross, then next person puts a piece in place for cross. When cross is done, next person puts a corner in place. After all corners we go to middle layer and someone puts alg for putting one edge in place. After all edges done, should we do oll/pll or beginner method with cross and such for ll? Opinions please. I'll post a scramble if we get like 3 people that want to participate.
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 20:34:38
Wow, this sounds time-consuming activity >.<. We are the only two online here :/ Btw ChiefSnake, did I tell you i'm going for a GuHong? :D AFter reading koreancuber's review, I was convinced =D. Will get Maru Lube x2, GuHong x2, and F2 x5 I believe =D
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 20:40:01
yea, this will be a time consuming thing. I recommend that you have a cube devoted just to it. Lol. But we also have mr data... Maybe you should start it on speedsolving forums... I'm still banned there even though I tried to talk to admin... 5 f2? Haha. Are you buying them diy or pre made, from lightake, right? I think I saw your post on there. If you buy me a white f2 and maru lube it to perfection, Ill pay ya for it.
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 20:41:22
O.O Why not buy it yourself then? omG. Got MSN? I think posting the moves here is just spammy :)
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 20:44:27
Psssh. Don't have paypal. And msn? No. Meh. It was just a thought. It was meant to be like chess through the mail where it might take a year to complete.
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 21:03:31
lol xD, the leave it, I'm trying to improve my time. Ask you friends for PayPal or credit/mastercard :)
Date: Sun, Jul 11 2010 03:22:43
I'm up for the teamsolve thing, but I don't think we should take up pages of a thread for it. So IM of some sort would be good. Also, I'd rather not have to use a beginners lbl method, so would F2L pair insertions in a turn be allowed?
Date: Sun, Jul 11 2010 03:23:54
Wow we are three online now =P AiM? +D Edit: This gotta be really funny, or really boring. xD
Date: Sun, Jul 11 2010 03:33:45
I'm good with aim. I'm MrData1138. Nothing related to cubing is ever really boring :P
Date: Sun, Jul 11 2010 07:01:50
Would it be the same thing if you just lubed up a Rubiks instead of wasting money on a modded one?
Date: Sun, Jul 11 2010 07:12:44
Not even close. A very well broken in storebought can be a good cube, but those are quite rare. Every cube feels different and certain types of cubes are definitely worth the money. If I recall correctly, storebought Rubik's brand cubes are much more expensive than good cubes you can order online.
Date: Sun, Jul 11 2010 18:03:33
Correct. Also, you wouldn't be wasting money, on a modded one. It's a wise choice. I'm sure in a few years though we'll have better cubes that barely lock up and can cut corners up to 44° And I don't have any IM stuff. I could make a thread in off topic or I could make a group for speedcubing and we could post there?
Date: Sun, Jul 11 2010 18:04:46
Oh yea. I have a question. I've started doing a method where when I put the corner in place, I also put the edge in place for second layer as well. This is how the top cubers do it, correct?
Date: Sun, Jul 11 2010 21:55:13
Yeah, that's how most fast people do it, including the top cubers There are a few people who are fast with non-cfop methods like roux or petrus though.
Date: Sun, Jul 11 2010 22:09:36
how about blindfolded speedcubing ? does anyone can do that ? it's really difficult you know :/
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 01:12:10
It's not that difficult, you just need to understand how to do it. You can learn a simple method from badmephisto's tutorial. It just takes a bit of practice. I can pretty consistently get successes with times of around 3 minutes or so. If you get bored of 3x3 blind you can try bigcubesbld :P
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 02:41:38
Just ordered me a LanLan 2x2, DIY guhong, DIY FII, and maru lube from lightake. I'm thinking of learning roux some time on the 3x3.
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 02:46:24
I suggest going full cfop (Fridrich). It's the most popular, and the wrh uses it as his main I believe.
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 03:48:27
Well, all methods have the potential to be sub 15-20, it's all a matter of how much you practice. ;)
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 17:05:49
Well obviously fridrich will be the fastest and always my main by roux is so sexy looking.... Did you guys see faz's 8.52 avg 5 video? He's so good....
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 18:38:29
Yeah, he's a really fast turner. :blink: He will be the next to break the WR at that rate...
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 19:43:59
Agreed. Here is the video (uploaded by himself): [video=youtube;Sa8owbBOvmQ][/video]
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 02:05:22
THEcube wrote: Yeah, he's a really fast turner. :blink: He will be the next to break the WR at that rate...
Yea. This is hs second time beating the avg 5 in a year. And not only that, he's beat it 3 times and shaved off a second and a half off the former wr -
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 03:41:35
Got my account unbanned
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 04:24:30
ChiefSnake wrote: Well obviously fridrich will be the fastest and always my main by roux is so sexy looking.... Did you guys see faz's 8.52 avg 5 video? He's so good....
faz? i swear i've seen him around on UPSB -
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 05:15:43
Yeah he was a member on v3, dunno if he rejoined yet.
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 06:51:10
Saga wrote: how about blindfolded speedcubing ? does anyone can do that ? it's really difficult you know :/
That takes some serious concentration. To memorize every face of the cube and to know where every single color ism takes some serious brain power. I wouldn't be able to do it. -
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 06:57:35
Mike wrote: That takes some serious concentration. To memorize every face of the cube and to know where every single color ism takes some serious brain power. I wouldn't be able to do it.
Well, actually, you memorize it piece by piece, not color by color, so you only need to memorize those 20 pieces, which make up the entire cube. If you actually memorized it color by color, that would be 54 things to memorize. O_o And actually, the actual method itself isn't that complicated, it's actually easier than other methods. It's the memorization that takes a bit longer to learn and get used to. ;) -
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 08:15:31
mines 14 =) pll skip
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 08:48:56
i used the old pochmann method for blind solving as said above, the method itself wasn't that hard, except memorisation is a bitch the method is that you have the peice in the top right edge space, and you "shoot" it to the correct place using T of J perm then you do corners with y perm memorisation and parity errors are the two biggest bitches using that method
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 17:52:08
hoiboy wrote: faz? i swear i've seen him around on UPSB
Yea he was on v3. He called out a guy named cheese spin or something like that who said he was getting 6.x averages. -
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 20:57:55
yes the memorisation is so difficult . anyone can do 3x3 one hand ? may best is 50s :/ need more practice lol
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 07:17:52
Saga wrote: yes the memorisation is so difficult . anyone can do 3x3 one hand ? may best is 50s :/ need more practice lol
People also do it one handed? Jesus, how many different ways are there to solve a cube? -
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 09:16:05
I average around 28s OH, sometimes a lot slower, sometimes a lot faster. I'm pretty inconsistent. Perhaps with some practice I could get down to low 20s avg... @Mike: Officially, there are six ways to solve the cube: speed, one handed, blindfolded, multiple blindfolded, with feet, and in the fewest moves.
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 11:45:38
Mike wrote: People also do it one handed? Jesus, how many different ways are there to solve a cube?
yes, check this out someone solve the rubik OH in 13s -
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 20:25:07
MrData wrote: I average around 28s OH, sometimes a lot slower, sometimes a lot faster. I'm pretty inconsistent. Perhaps with some practice I could get down to low 20s avg... @Mike: Officially, there are six ways to solve the cube: speed, one handed, blindfolded, multiple blindfolded, with feet, and in the fewest moves.
Multiple blindfolded? -
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 20:43:17
Yes. Multiple cubes at once.
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 21:40:57
Multiple cubes at once blindfolded?
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 21:56:05
Mike wrote: Multiple cubes at once blindfolded?
yes, sometimes someone solving 5x5 blindfolded -
Date: Thu, Jul 15 2010 05:16:10
Mike wrote: Multiple cubes at once blindfolded?
Yep, people do 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7 blindfolded and any combination of those. There was this crazy Japanese guy who spent ten hours memorizing 50 3x3 cubes and attempted to solve all of them blindfolded, one after another. He got about 40/50 I think, which is good, considering how many he memorized.:blink: -
Date: Thu, Jul 15 2010 05:46:08
THEcube wrote: There was this crazy Japanese guy who spent ten hours memorizing 50 3x3 cubes and attempted to solve all of them blindfolded, one after another. He got about 40/50 I think, which is good, considering how many he memorized.:blink:
dude, the story he made up to memorize that would have been longer than lord of the rings.... -
Date: Thu, Jul 15 2010 06:20:21
k-ryder wrote: dude, the story he made up to memorize that would have been longer than lord of the rings....
Story? -
Date: Thu, Jul 15 2010 06:30:40
A story method of memorization. Which basically means certain parts of the story you make refer to certain pieces on the cube, so you can remember the solve more easily.
Date: Thu, Jul 15 2010 18:29:47
k-ryder wrote: dude, the story he made up to memorize that would have been longer than lord of the rings....
If I recall correctly, he uses the letter pair system to memorize multiple cubes. @Mike There are three basic ways of memorizing a 3x3 cube. 1) Story -- Each piece on the cube is assigned an object, like the red, blue, and white corner could represent the USA for example, and basically, you go around the cube, and use the objects to remember where each piece is and such. 2) Letter pairs - Each piece is assigned a letter pair, so the red-blue piece would be RB or BR depending on its orientation. 3) Visual - Just straight memorization of each piece and where it is. One of the most popular methods after the story method. I think there's more, but I don't remember them. -
Date: Wed, Jul 21 2010 00:29:17
dang, that guy must be crazy lol. does this really work? It looks rly cool to show off to ppl lol but then again, I do have a Square 21. (I need a new one too....)
Date: Wed, Jul 21 2010 00:36:23
Yes, it works: [video=youtube;qHt_E5_GCCc][/video] Not really sure about the one you linked though. This is only to prove that 3x3x1 do work.
Date: Wed, Jul 21 2010 01:52:48
Yea it works. But get the lanlan. It's better
Date: Wed, Jul 21 2010 03:27:44
how are mirror cubes? I wanted one, but I haven't had a chance to buy one lol =P
Date: Wed, Jul 21 2010 22:42:55
If you can't do a normal 3x3 easily, I wouldn't recommend it... But it's pretty fun.
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 02:43:39
I can do a 3x3 no problem, but I don't speed solve- that's the problem xD Once I get better at yoyoing, I'll learn some new algs like PLL and stuff to speedsolve better.
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 02:46:45
Laugh a while : [video=youtube;4k-e6sLPThw][/video]
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 07:06:38
How is it possible to get sub 1min using the beginner's method? I admit that I don't really practice that much but F2L, specifically the first layer takes me sooo much time. Do you memorize the positions of the edges during inspection and plan out how to make the cross? Or do you just do it on the fly? I have no problem filling the corners and 2nd layer, although 2nd layer does take me a lot of time too... Any suggestions?
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 10:43:49
Eso wrote: How is it possible to get sub 1min using the beginner's method? I admit that I don't really practice that much but F2L, specifically the first layer takes me sooo much time. Do you memorize the positions of the edges during inspection and plan out how to make the cross? Or do you just do it on the fly? I have no problem filling the corners and 2nd layer, although 2nd layer does take me a lot of time too... Any suggestions?
A lot of practice. Most speedcubers plan the cross. It usually takes 6 moves (R2/L2/etc count as one move). Practice doing it blindfolded. Practice F2L, a lot. Do it slow at first. Although you may feel like doing it slowly, it helps a lot because you manage to find the easiest F2L pieces to solve. Then, when you got enough practice, you will be able to do it A LOT faster like if you didn't need to analyze the F2L at all. Use finger tricks and analyze how the algorithms work so that you can find a more comfortable/smooth finger movement. For example, you can grab a top layer with indexes and thumbs and rotate the 2-down layers with the middle finger (instead of having to move the the whole cube, which takes more time). About the last layer, let's just learn all the algorithms first, hehe. -
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 16:01:37
I mean, I know the algorithms already but I always spend the most time on F2L. My best time is 1 min 20 sec, but I'd like to get it sub 1 min. Once I get a ton of practice, would it be wise to start learning Fridich F2L?
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 18:09:25
O.O What F2L do you use? The only one I know is the Fridrich intuitive method :O (And it is better to learn it intuitive rather than learn all the algorithms) [video=youtube;k-xbcAMfWwM][/video] [video=youtube;4GxLM_dZqg4][/video]
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 20:41:19
Eso wrote: I mean, I know the algorithms already but I always spend the most time on F2L. My best time is 1 min 20 sec, but I'd like to get it sub 1 min. Once I get a ton of practice, would it be wise to start learning Fridich F2L?
If you're serious, but not THAT serious, try learning Petrus F2L and Fridrich LL. A lot less memorization, but harder to get amazing at. -
Date: Thu, Jul 22 2010 22:31:30
Christ, this is all so technical.
Date: Fri, Jul 23 2010 00:34:52
fridrich f2l is good. But to get faster with beginners method, I recommend learning finger tricks. Like spinning the top layer with your index fingers only and bottom layer with ring fingers. front with index back with ring. yea, basically, just plan out your cross in inspection time. Practice doing your cross blindfold. Eventually, you'll be able to track pieces for f2l in inspection.
Date: Fri, Jul 23 2010 05:26:44
Eso wrote: I mean, I know the algorithms already but I always spend the most time on F2L. My best time is 1 min 20 sec, but I'd like to get it sub 1 min. Once I get a ton of practice, would it be wise to start learning Fridich F2L?
Look-ahead is probably the most important thing for F2L. Basically, once you familiarize yourself with F2L enough, when you solve an F2L pair, you should be looking for the next corner+edge pair (look for the corner first, then the edge). For the cross, optimize your move count. Try to aim for 10 moves maximum, then eventually 8, as no cross requires more than 7-8 moves. Also, if it helps, time the cross, F2L and last layer separately for several solves and see exactly where you need to improve. -
Date: Sat, Jul 24 2010 02:56:51
I think I will have to start with 2-Look OLL after having learned 30 of the OLL algs.
Date: Sat, Jul 24 2010 04:50:24
JMember wrote: I think I will have to start with 2-Look OLL after having learned 30 of the OLL algs.
Wait, so you transitioned from the beginner method to full OLL and PLL right away? :blink: Full PLL does help cut your time by about ~15-20 seconds, but full OLL only cuts about ~1-2 seconds off your time. If I recall correctly, someone did a 10.12 average of 12 using 2 look OLL and full PLL, so yeah...learn it when you're comfortable with full PLL and F2L. ;) -
Date: Sat, Jul 24 2010 04:52:18
>.< thanks for the info! I saw a guy with 14-OLL and idk-PLL doing it in 15 >.< . I want to achieve 12s soon =P. Also, I'm learning new algorithms and replacing my old ones. The new ones I'm learning feel more easy to perform :D.
Date: Sat, Jul 24 2010 08:15:48
is there any merit to doing extended cross? i heard that it was max 13 moves to get a 2x2x2 pair and other 2 edges i've practiced it a bit, but its a bit hard to plan during inspection because of the many combinations you could make
Date: Sat, Jul 24 2010 22:57:50
If you can see it, do it. Otherwise, you probably wont have enough time in inspection. Xcross will lower times, usually if you see it.
Date: Sat, Jul 24 2010 23:19:57
got a new personal record 32s :P
Date: Sun, Jul 25 2010 04:39:31
my fastest is 33 cuz i got to skip pll :(
Date: Sun, Jul 25 2010 05:14:22
k-ryder wrote: is there any merit to doing extended cross? i heard that it was max 13 moves to get a 2x2x2 pair and other 2 edges i've practiced it a bit, but its a bit hard to plan during inspection because of the many combinations you could make
Yeah, I learned it a while ago, but I only do it if I have a free F2L pair or edge + corner paired up. Otherwise, I can usually do a standard cross + the 1st F2L faster than it would take me to build the 2x2 block from nothing. I know some people that do this as well...just do whatever is more convenient. :P -
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 09:10:58
My fastest is 1:33..... I usally solve a cube within 2 mins, roar, coz I use the algorithim. ;_;
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 19:19:22
I still don't get it. Is all the OLL stuff and whatever, methods for solving?
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 19:30:50
Fridrich is a method that most people use. It is also called CFOP (because of the initials of each step). The steps in the CFOP method are: [B]C[/B]ross [B]F[/B]irst 2 Layers (as known as F2L) [B]O[/B]rientate Last Layer ( as known as OLL) [B]P[/B]ermute Last Layer (as known as PLL) So basically, OLL is one of the steps of the CFOP method. To perform OLL, you need to apply the corresponding algorithm of the situation present (after completing the First 2 Layers).
Date: Tue, Jul 27 2010 02:30:37
Just got my guhong. AMAZING. Also, my LL 2x2 came. It's good. Learning Ortega method now for 2x2
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 12:07:59
My record is 39 seconds on the 3x3x3
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 19:48:18
How do you guys know what color one side of the cube is on a 4x4x4? I know you look at the middle on a 3x3x3 but the doesn't have a middle piece D:
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 22:21:15
I think you just pick what color you need it to be? None of the pieces are stationary on a 4x4
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 23:40:05
Green opp. blue, orange opp. red, white opp. yellow. It's easy. When looking at white on top, blue on front right should me orange. That's the way I remember.
Date: Fri, Jul 30 2010 02:23:51
On a 4x4, you have to form the centers (a 2x2 section in the middle). And yeah...I just remember, white opposite yellow, then in order, going around the cube counter clockwise (white on bottom) orange, blue, red, and green. Or you can look at a 3x3 cube for comparison. :P
Date: Fri, Jul 30 2010 10:53:01
umm theres such things as braille cubes right? i mean what do blind ppl cube with? oh yeah im trying to solve a 5x5x5 and so far i can do 2^3, 3^3, and 4^3
Date: Fri, Jul 30 2010 15:09:04
You can get textured cubes, yes. I always wanted to try one but never got around to buying it.
Date: Fri, Jul 30 2010 17:13:23
Yea. There is one on about how to put different metal cast pieces onto a cube for night solving.
Date: Fri, Jul 30 2010 19:55:05
That made it a lot more confusing ha ha
Date: Tue, Aug 3 2010 02:08:46
is there any way to do F2L faster? everytime i have to find the pair and that wastes a lot of time. my record is 48 seconds Also, how much harder is the 4x4x4 compared to 3x3x3 and does anybody use the petrus method?
Date: Tue, Aug 3 2010 03:44:29
F2L takes practice. I've heard some guys getting the whole F2L in 10 seconds after a week of hard practice. I'm getting about 30-40 seconds when solving, though half the times I get confused on which algorithm to use in the LL. Tip: practice blindfolded cross in 6-7 steps. Most of the times, 6 steps are enough (counting R2, F2, U2, etc. as 1 step). After a bit of practice, you will be able to recognize the cross easily :) I can notice that now. At first, I didn't trust it but gave it a try either way :D. Tip #2: In F2L, [B]don't hurry up[/B] to finish the first two layers. Take it easy and do it slowly (the same?). And in every other step, take it easy too. When it's time, you will be able to do it as fast as you want.
Date: Tue, Aug 3 2010 04:05:00
is intuitive F2L faster?
Date: Tue, Aug 3 2010 04:11:50
Mostly all speedcubers use intuitive. It's easier to learn and makes you think (analyze) the cube rotations and what each move does. I've heard that it helps you to understand other tricks easier. I believe a [B]very few[/B] amount of persons have learnt the whole F2L logarithms =O. See a discussion here:
Date: Tue, Aug 3 2010 06:23:48
Intuitive and algorithmic F2L are both as fast, but if you use intuitive, once you want to average sub-10 for F2L, you'll have to learn the algorithms for a few special F2L cases. If you start with algorithmic however, you won't gain as much of an understanding of the cube as you would if you used intuitive. I would recommend intuitive, as it's easier to understand and learn, but I know speed cubers who do it algorithmically and are just as fast. To get faster, look ahead is the key Like JMember said, try to do it as slowly as you can, but without pauses. Once you get good enough, you should be able to do F2L in under 10 seconds. I've been working hardcore on purely getting faster at F2L and it's dropped my times for solving the whole cube from 22-24 seconds to 17-20 in just 1-2 weeks. ;) A breakdown of an ideal sub-20 solve: Cross: 2 seconds or less F2L: 8 seconds (2 seconds for each pair) OLL: 2-3 seconds PLL 3-4 seconds = 15-17 seconds total
Date: Tue, Aug 3 2010 19:29:59
@THEcube: You can sub-20 already! Cool! . . . I am still stuck in 30-45 =/. Will practice, =D
Date: Tue, Aug 3 2010 22:11:01
Wow @ THEcube im impressed, i can solve 3^3 within 45 secs im working on 5x5x5, but its still taking a while. btw, any hints on how i can improve my time for the 4x4x4 cube, and how i can make some aesthetic changes like what sorta lubricant i should use etc. ty
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 01:23:32
JMember;12395]@THEcube: You can sub-20 already! Cool! . . . I am still stuck in 30-45 =/. Will practice, =D[/QUOTE] If you get bored of working on F2L + cross, you can always work on your PLLs. ;) I was watching someone else's video, and based on his progress, I was thinking, "this is probably going to be around 20 seconds". Next thing I knew, he sub 3'ed the entire last layer, making the solve sub-15. :O Good luck! :thumb: [QUOTE=C{§}K Light wrote: Wow @ THEcube im impressed, i can solve 3^3 within 45 secs im working on 5x5x5, but its still taking a while. btw, any hints on how i can improve my time for the 4x4x4 cube, and how i can make some aesthetic changes like what sorta lubricant i should use etc. ty
What type of 4x4 do you use? Because if you're using the Rubik's brand, you should consider getting a different brand. ;) -
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 02:30:53
@THEcube: Well, I practice F2L when I feel like solving it (and thus, making use of PLL and OLL algorithms). After a solve, I try to do all the PLL moves to keep them in mind. The OLL algorithms are easier to remember, so I don't really need to practice performing them :P. Good luck for you too :).
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 12:28:20
Any cubers wanna cube with me? the penspinning or rubikscube mebeam room
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 18:18:19
@ THECube: XD i use the Rubik'x brand cube, i thought it was good. But some friends are suggesting me to use the Vcube brand. Iunno i think i should get that cuz the cube i have (ze 4x4) is really slow when it comes to turning. TY for the suggestion
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 19:30:23
@C{§}K Light: What is a ze cube?
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 20:46:42
Layer by layer I get average times around 50 seconds with 46 seconds being my best time. Now I started learning Fridrich method. I managed to achieve 49 s once. I was really surprised since my F2L is damn slow and I need to look a lot before finding out which OLL and PLL to use.
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 23:00:07
XD @JMember, i threw in a little german by saying "ze" which means "the" LOOOL umm yeah i was just saying that i was refering to "the" 4x4 that i had, and how i needed to make it more smoother when i turn it. so yeah i think i should probably resort to a v-cube, i heard its really good!
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 23:50:54
@C{§}K Light: Rubik's branded cubes are categorized as the worst, although [B]some[/B] are a [B]little smooth[/B]. I don't actually own a Rubik's 4x4x4 but a 3x3x3, and also have 3x3x3 of other brands. The rubik's branded is the slowest I've got. There are no V-Cube 4x4x4s I believe. Most people prefer Mefferts and Eastsheen. See a topic about this here:
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 00:15:32
JMember wrote: @C{§}K Light: Rubik's branded cubes are categorized as the worst, although [B]some[/B] are a [B]little smooth[/B]. I don't actually own a Rubik's 4x4x4 but a 3x3x3, and also have 3x3x3 of other brands. The rubik's branded is the slowest I've got. There are no V-Cube 4x4x4s I believe. Most people prefer Mefferts and Eastsheen. See a topic about this here:
Actually, it's all about the Maru 4x4 now. :P It's supposedly a clone of the V-cube mechanism scaled down to a 4x4. -
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 00:17:57
A JMember: Hey thanks alot for your feedback, umm yeah i noticed that the Rubik's brand is very very bad. But around here (Toronto, CDA) i only find rubik's brand. I mean up till know i was only informed about rubik's and V-Cube. Ill try to purchase a Mefferts from somewhere (hopefully ebay or something). Thanks Alot ^^
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 00:22:08
THEcube wrote: Actually, it's all about the Maru 4x4 now. :P It's supposedly a clone of the V-cube mechanism scaled down to a 4x4.
@ THECube: Omg thats an amazing cube, i mean the price is amazing since theres no shipping. I think im going to purchase that cube! Can i get the same brand but for a 2^3 and a 5^3? -
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 18:34:41
C{§}K Light wrote: @ THECube: Omg thats an amazing cube, i mean the price is amazing since theres no shipping. I think im going to purchase that cube! Can i get the same brand but for a 2^3 and a 5^3?
Maru doesn't make those unfortunately, but for a 2x3x3, get a QJ and for the 3x3x5, get the Cube4You (MHZ) brand. -
Date: Fri, Aug 6 2010 16:37:10
I think he was saying 5x5x5 and 2x2x2... In which case maru does make 2x2, but I strongly recommend the LanLan 2x2 and i dunno about maru 5x5... Don't think the make one. But you can get a ghostahnd 5x5 if you want something decent yet cheap.
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 02:18:57
Are there such things like 3x3x2?
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 02:19:35
Mike wrote: Are there such things like 3x3x2?
Yes -
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 04:22:35
JMember wrote: Yes
Why? lol -
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 04:23:46
Mike wrote: Why? lol
There are such things like 3x3x2 because someone created them. -
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 22:15:58
Take a look: :P [SPOILER="Show"]1x3x3
Date: Mon, Aug 9 2010 20:04:54
THEcube wrote: Take a look: :P [SPOILER="Show"]1x3x3
And these are all solvable? the fuck2x3x3
Date: Wed, Aug 11 2010 21:59:27
Mike wrote: And these are all solvable? the fuck
they're all in the solved state, so i would think yes -
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 18:42:06
THEcube wrote: Maru doesn't make those unfortunately, but for a 2x3x3, get a QJ and for the 3x3x5, get the Cube4You (MHZ) brand.
Well THECube, sorry for the late response but when I said 2^3 and 5^3, thats just 2x2x2 and 5x5x5 well im not really interested in the next versions of like 2x3x3 etc.... but i wanted to know a decent brand for 2^3, and 5^3 and what are the price ranges? ty^^ -
Date: Fri, Aug 13 2010 08:30:44
Oh yeah, I just went to US Nationals last weekend. I did pretty badly. :(
Date: Fri, Aug 13 2010 17:42:08
C{§}K Light wrote: Well THECube, sorry for the late response but when I said 2^3 and 5^3, thats just 2x2x2 and 5x5x5 well im not really interested in the next versions of like 2x3x3 etc.... but i wanted to know a decent brand for 2^3, and 5^3 and what are the price ranges? ty^^
2x2s are now cheap, maybe 5-6 USD at most for a Lanlan 2x2, which is used by the word record holder, Rowe Hessler. The only downside is that it has a purple side instead of an orange, so you'll need to fix that. 2x2: For 5x5s, if you're really serious about it and want something that will last, get a V-cube, although they cost ~$30 I'm not sure about other brands because I don't speedsolve 5x5s, but you can take a look at this Wiki page: V-cubes: -
Date: Fri, Aug 13 2010 19:29:26
Rowe uses Ghost Hand now, iirc. He used it for his single wr.
Date: Fri, Aug 13 2010 19:54:41
Yeah, you're right about that, but he did use the LanLan for the Average of 5 WR. ;)
Date: Sat, Aug 14 2010 08:05:54
hoiboy wrote: they're all in the solved state, so i would think yes
They could have just been made like that. -
Date: Sat, Aug 14 2010 19:31:47
THEcube wrote: 2x2s are now cheap, maybe 5-6 USD at most for a Lanlan 2x2, which is used by the word record holder, Rowe Hessler. The only downside is that it has a purple side instead of an orange, so you'll need to fix that. 2x2: For 5x5s, if you're really serious about it and want something that will last, get a V-cube, although they cost ~$30 I'm not sure about other brands because I don't speedsolve 5x5s, but you can take a look at this Wiki page: V-cubes:
Thanks alot! I think im gonna purchase both of them really soon. -
Date: Sun, Aug 15 2010 18:37:17
Mike wrote: They could have just been made like that.
I've solved all of them, so trust me, they're solvable. -
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 15:14:55
wow i want to solve some of those..
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 15:15:26
btw, when you order, can you tell those guys to customize the cube for you?
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 19:03:31
C{§}K Light wrote: btw, when you order, can you tell those guys to customize the cube for you?
From where are you ordering? -
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 02:24:58
45 seconds, but I stopped practicing... :/ Now I can only do 2ish minutes.
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 02:45:01
WHAT. [video=youtube;fL6xo1YmlKc][/video]
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 13:59:55
My best time was 25 secs... Used the x-cross,F2L,Full OLL & Full PLL Before that it was 54 secs.. used F2L,2-Look OLL & 2-Look PLL...
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 19:24:55
Hey, I avg 40 now :D! And best was 22 s :P
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 07:34:20
Im not competing anyhow...but 25 secs is fast enough to impress anyone(except pros who can solve it within about 5-15 seconds...) And memorizing over 124 algorithms is not easy..
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 14:36:31
Oh that is right :D Btw, I mostly rely on F2L to get good times, because my OLL and PLL solves are really weird xD!
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 18:14:20
Yay thread revived. F2L is the main thing you need to get fast. With like an 8s F2L you could avg pretty fast or just sub-20 depending on your LL... But still from when I used to be sup-20, the only thing slowing me down was my slow F2L. You can avg sub-15 without full oll. Keep practicing and get it fast kthx.
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 02:59:37
Averaging 40s as well. Pb is 31.xx Using 4LL and a guhong.
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 04:40:04
:D GuHong power Random solve: [video=youtube;HPJs3Y0pmZ0][/video]
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 13:22:30
aw 39 secs for me
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 13:47:43
Hey where would be the best place to learn cubing?
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 14:59:27 I learned most of the things watching badmephisto's videos Some tips and notes: 1. Cross in 7 moves or less (counting R2, B2, L2, D2, etc. as one move) 2. Do the cross blindfolded until you feel you an solve the cross easily normally 3. F2L intuitive 4. Go for free slot usage 5. 2-Look OLL 6. Full PLL
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 18:37:07
If you really want to get into speedsolving, is the forum to go to.
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 02:46:30
Yes,new record...17 seconds!!!!(PLL Skip :)
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 02:48:06
Drastic jump :O Hate PLL skips! haha
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 16:59:15
You guys are all crazy. Props for having such awesome memorization skills too
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 19:17:12
JMember wrote: Drastic jump :O Hate PLL skips! haha
lol...on the topic of skips, I got a PLL skip, an OLL skip, and another PLL skip in a row. But that was when my F2L was fail, so I got ~20 seconds. Now, the fastest solve I did with a PLL skip was 15.34. Anyone ever get a LL skip before? :P -
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 20:07:33
Yeah I've got a LL skip a long time ago^^ The fastest solve I've done was superlucky, 3 really easy F2L pairs, Sune and a PLL skip =D
Date: Tue, Sep 14 2010 00:55:37
Wow, LL skip is too much luck for me =/
Date: Tue, Sep 14 2010 09:22:20
Man i need more practise on my algorithm execution rate...
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 10:55:29
i have an average of about 20.xx seconds... trying hard to get sub 20... i do full fridrich with intuitive F2L... but somehow i need a better look-ahead. i don't really have problems with the algorithms, just with F2L (13.xx+ sec.) my PB is 13.86. but i think it was a pll skip :P
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 22:35:29
mine is 25.19 also PLL skip ahh i need to learn full oll and pll
Date: Thu, Sep 16 2010 05:14:41
Does anyone do other events like 2x2, 3x3 one handed, BLD, 4x4, etc. ?
Date: Thu, Sep 16 2010 07:29:22
Yup, I use to do all of them xD. I still try the occasional BLD just out of boredom and the fact that it is a fun little brain workout xD
Date: Thu, Sep 16 2010 12:40:10
i do a little bit rubiks magic, 2x2x2 about 10 sec., 4x4x4 about 2 min. and 7x7x7 about 20 min. xD that's it, because i don't own other cubes. but nevertheless 3x3x3 is the best! i never solved it blind, but sometimes i try it for the same reasons Twine said. onehanded is a bit hard, because i can't do all my algorithms there.
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 05:02:45
2x2: mid 2s 3x3: 13-14s OH: 25-28s BLD: 3min FEET: 1:45 4x4: 1min-1:15 4BLD: 20-25min 5x5: 2:30 6x6: 6min 7x7: 9 min clock: 20s sq-1: 30-45s pyra: 8s megaminx: 3-4 min magic: 1.8x master magic: 3-4s
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 00:31:06
Is a Ghost Hand 2 better for speedcubing or an eastsheen?
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 01:48:35
2x2? Eastsheen isn't that popular anymore, but if you turn very accurately and don't need to cut corners, then get it. It has a pink side. I know of only one person that uses it though, but he averages sub 3 seconds consistently. Ghosthand 2x2s are repackaged ShenShou's, but more expensive. They are the only 2x2s to come with an orange side. It has a very solid feel, but some sides are not as smooth/fast as others. It does cut corners nicely though. Lanlan 2x2s are the fastest and have the best corner cutting capability. They downside is that it feels unstable and it has a purple side instead of an orange side. However, I think most of the 2x2 pros use this one. I've tried all three, and I must say that I prefer the LanLan. It's smoother faster, and easier to speedsolve than the others.
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 03:50:30
I meant 3x3, my bad o-o I want a cube that cuts corners and is moderately loose.
Date: Sun, Sep 19 2010 02:17:09
PB non-lucky: 26 seconds. :P When this thread was started I was at ~1:50 average. It's not impossible. Just practice.
Date: Sun, Sep 19 2010 02:34:13
SyntaxError wrote: I meant 3x3, my bad o-o I want a cube that cuts corners and is moderately loose.
The FII is for you then. It's fast and smooth out of the box, and you can adjust the tension as well. I was able to cut 50 degrees easily before I tightened it. The Ghosthand is even smoother, but locks up a lot. And If you don't mind paying more, the Guhong is good at forward and reverse corner cuts. I've been on a long journey with my FII. When I got it, I was averaging 45 seconds. Now, my PB is sub-15. :P Yet, I've only had to lube it once during these 8 months, and once I did, it was just as good, if not better, than when it came out of the box. -
Date: Mon, Sep 20 2010 06:40:22
My 1-handed rubiks solve is 1min23s and my blindfold solve is about 5mins...
Date: Wed, Sep 22 2010 16:21:29
average is around 60-45 fastest lucky time was 29.89....yes i still remember!!!!
Date: Wed, Sep 22 2010 16:50:30
How many moves are there in a PLL algorithm or whatever
Date: Sun, Sep 26 2010 20:38:18
that's different. usually about 6-12 or something like that. plls are a bit longer than the most olls.
Date: Mon, Sep 27 2010 03:35:14
plls usually have more moves, but most of them are quickly done with various fingertricks
Date: Thu, Sep 30 2010 00:47:35
I think i might be the best at cubing (on upsb obviously) I average sub 20 and my pb is 11 secs but that was lucky
Date: Sun, Oct 3 2010 03:40:53
Erm. I doubt that.
Date: Mon, Oct 4 2010 00:29:41
ChiefSnake wrote: Erm. I doubt that.
I don't I'm a cuber. And judging by your signature, your CubesOfTheWorld in speedsolving forums right? Edit: I quoted the wrong person :P -
Date: Tue, Oct 5 2010 00:34:22
No I'm not cubesoftheworld but erm I might of copied that sig from someone but tbh sub 20 isn't that good in cubing threres much better people
Date: Tue, Oct 5 2010 01:15:07
pwnAge wrote: No I'm not cubesoftheworld but [B]erm I might of copied[/B] that sig from someone but tbh sub 20 isn't that good in cubing threres much better people
I might is probably an understatement you obviously did. Edit: I'm not angry or anything I'm just saying... -
Date: Tue, Oct 5 2010 03:10:11
lol david, relax, its not a big deal. the in soviet russia joke is actually pretty common, see here: please do not derail this thread further off-topic
Date: Tue, Oct 5 2010 08:36:56 that's my current average. about 19/18 seconds. lol, i was at the european championship this weekend xD. got place 138 with an average of 20.xx. but it was very funny! and i met rarka :P (unforunately we kinda forgot to make a video.. >.<)
Date: Tue, Oct 5 2010 15:45:28
practiced hard for a week now and my best is now 16s..average 21s...
Date: Sun, Oct 10 2010 18:44:20
I used to get a little under a minute, but I foorgot mot of the last layer algorithms so probly about 1:30 now
Date: Sun, Oct 17 2010 12:01:43 i deeeeeeed it! :P
Date: Sun, Oct 17 2010 12:46:28
helo i m a newbie in pen spinning...but i m a rubik's cube speed solver... fastest result on 3x3 is 9.71sec...with non-skipped...but smooth case in whole routine...
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 02:58:07
Xav_buzZ** wrote: helo i m a newbie in pen spinning...but i m a rubik's cube speed solver... fastest result on 3x3 is 9.71sec...with non-skipped...but smooth case in whole routine...
Hi. What do you average? -
Date: Thu, Oct 21 2010 18:20:12
I was a "speedcuber"... My personal record is 28 seconds... Actually I'm rusty... I resolve it in more than 1 minute @_@
Date: Fri, Oct 22 2010 03:37:10
you guys are all fast compared to me. it took me like 2 months to solve a rubix cube (my personal record) but 2 minutes to peel the stickers and put them back on the cube.
Date: Fri, Oct 22 2010 09:18:32
Orizon wrote: you guys are all fast compared to me. it took me like 2 months to solve a rubix cube (my personal record) but 2 minutes to peel the stickers and put them back on the cube.
HHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... funny timed myself today wasn't going (or trying to) full pace, but 45 seconds, which was my average about 8 months ago when i slowly lost interest in cubing i still gotz it -
Date: Fri, Oct 22 2010 11:07:00
but 2 minutes to peel the stickers and put them back on the cube.
LOL why don't you just take out the "cubies" and put them back in the correct order? :P that's much better than peeling off the stickers :P -
Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 11:23:18
MrData wrote: Hi. What do you average?
15.xx...average of 12...tis is common best average is 14.xx...^^ -
Date: Thu, Nov 4 2010 13:13:11
Xav_buzZ** wrote: 15.xx...average of 12...tis is common best average is 14.xx...^^
Cool. I avg pretty close to that. -
Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 19:33:26
Finally Sub-10 on video ^^ [video=youtube;zAjvvbBI02o][/video]
Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 20:21:27
i see, you needed a lot of coke to do this xD
Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 20:26:38
Stuhl wrote: i see, you needed a lot of coke to do this xD
HAHA true true ^^ -
Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 21:57:25
Gave myself a little challenge recently scrambling all my puzzles (except the broken ones), and solving them all to see how long it did take
list of puzzles [spoiler] 11 3x3x3 1 megaminx 3 2x2x2 1 siamese 2x2x2 1 magic 1 void cube 1 mirror block 1 square-1 1 square-2 1 5x5x5timeSpoiler
39 minutes and 20 seconds (my decent speed on 3x3x3 and 2x2x2 made up for the slow times on the harder puzzles) -
Date: Fri, Nov 12 2010 04:19:40
Got square 1, square 2, skewb, mirrorblocks, 1x3x3, and an F2 for my birthday. Skewb is my favorite puzzle now. So fun. But square 1 looks so hard... I can get back to cubeshape but everything after that is gibberish.
Date: Fri, Nov 12 2010 10:12:33
Just got a v-cube 7 and practicing it now... PB = 7:51:34 (wow thats slow) new 3x3 PB = 14.72 ( PLL skip ) lucky!
Date: Fri, Nov 12 2010 13:32:49
Eh, I am now re-addicted to speedcubing, but I can only get just below a minute D; time to go practice lol
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 20:58:11
Felix Zemdegs just beat the 3x3 WR single twice at the same competition. :O 7.03 in the first round and 6.77 in the finals. Congratz!:bowdown:
Date: Wed, Nov 17 2010 14:26:17
My best record is 21 s .. no skip im not that fast :D Still it was my hobby before pen spinning :)
Date: Wed, Nov 17 2010 15:50:42
I've started speedcubing 2.5 weeks ago and I can solve the cube in 1 min and 43 sec. :( I use Lbl-Method. I should get a better cube. I have only a original Rubiks cube :( greets MM
Date: Thu, Nov 18 2010 08:49:42
lightake is a great shop for buying good cubes cheap, and if you buy from a dedicated cube shop, the speedcubes got the same price as a storebought, so it's good in any way :3
Date: Fri, Nov 19 2010 04:17:20
THEcube wrote: Felix Zemdegs just beat the 3x3 WR single twice at the same competition. :O 7.03 in the first round and 6.77 in the finals. Congratz!:bowdown:
WTF non-lucky no PLL skips.. God. he owns everything. My Guhong just broke... WHAT AM I TO DO NOW. I envy feliks. -
Date: Fri, Nov 19 2010 04:18:13
MaSter_MiND_ wrote: I've started speedcubing 2.5 weeks ago and I can solve the cube in 1 min and 43 sec. :( I use Lbl-Method. I should get a better cube. I have only a original Rubiks cube :( greets MM
You should get. GH-I or or F-II. Dont get Guhong, Memory for a beginner. -
Date: Thu, Nov 25 2010 23:31:38
Get the guhong and be pampered from the beginning of you speedcubin career.
Date: Sun, Nov 28 2010 03:26:46
F2 L2 R' D' R' D U L' U2 L' R B' F U2 B D' U L2 D' U' B F2 U B F' lolscramble :P Scramble with your cross color on the bottom and enjoy. :D
Date: Sun, Nov 28 2010 04:09:24
My fastest was a 28... used F2L, PLL, and OLL. I hadn't been cubing for a year or so now and my time doubled :angryfire: I can't solve faster than 45 seconds from the lack of practicing.
Date: Mon, Nov 29 2010 02:33:26
My fastest with just f2l was 38 seconds. But that was just f2l, I could go much faster with oll and pll with it, but I'm too lazy to do that.
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 12:55:38
Seems pretty interesting. Gonna start this summer after school. :D
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 00:03:25
so i broke apart my cube and added petroleum jelly (vasaline) into on the pieces and now, it works so fast! amazing >.> also, my stickers were peeling so i took all of them off and ordered some from
Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 10:42:00
dont use vaseline to lube your cube, it destroys the plastic after some time, use silicone spray or jigaloo instead
Date: Wed, Dec 8 2010 11:17:06
my sister can do a 4x4x4 in about 50 seconds.
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 23:23:42
Well, I sorta started learning how to solve a cube but I only know how to solve the top two layers because my calc teacher is slowly teaching us how to solve one. We're not learning any speedcubing methods, just learning how to solve the cube just to solve it. So yeah I'm a noob cubing.. so a few questions.. My friend told me that a Ghost Hand II cube is a really good cube to use and I was wondering if it's worth the $7.75 ( Also, if my cube starts locking up, is WD-40 a good lube to get the sides to turn smoothly? Or will that damage the cube in any way?
Date: Tue, Dec 14 2010 23:25:59
Well I made an effort at learning to solve a rubix cube the other day. I must say, it's harder than I thought just to get a solution. Props to you who can solve it. :)
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 22:43:06
Date: Mon, Dec 20 2010 09:54:35
KTrinh93 wrote: My friend told me that a Ghost Hand II cube is a really good cube to use and I was wondering if it's worth the $7.75 Also, if my cube starts locking up, is WD-40 a good lube to get the sides to turn smoothly? Or will that damage the cube in any way?
got 12 different 3x3x3's so I can say that the ghosthand II is a nice cube, smooth, and quiet, but locks up some times, but a good speedcube overall, I competed with it at my first comp (not lubed by me, since I liked the feel it had prelubed), also check Lightake when looking for a cube, since they usually got good prices, and free shipping, takes about 3 weeks to get to Sweden (since its from China ;D), and for the lube thing, avoid using WD-40 or any petroleum based substances, they are known to kill the cube, try to find silicone spray (CRC is a good one, and widely used by cubers), jigaloo is also known to be good, but i have'nt tested it speedsolving wiki: Lubrication, check it out and see what's good, and bad, and what silicone spray that doesnt contain petroleum, just dont overdo the lubing, since that usually dont work so good, and work it in afterwards, just dont leave it, it will probably feel worse for some time while you randomly mess with it, but it will get better when the lube is worked in and dried -
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 15:07:04
I love this!! my fastest time back then is 18 seconds in 3x3x3 and 9seconds in 2x2x2..but i think i can't do it already I stop practicing almost 2 years..
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 17:19:23
Hmm. Which one of these is the best? I have a $10 gift card so I can shell out the extra $1 for the $10.99 cubes. What's the difference between them?
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 18:11:52
excluding option number 2, one is white, one is black. No other differences. Ghost hand 3x3s havent got the best review though, maybe try a DIY, or a Haiyan Memory.
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 18:20:58
Ricercar wrote: excluding option number 2, one is white, one is black. No other differences. Ghost hand 3x3s havent got the best review though, maybe try a DIY, or a Haiyan Memory.
So there's no difference between finger dancing and ice dancing or whatever it is? o_O -
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 19:30:29
no, except the color of the cubies (individual pieces)
Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 14:06:05
my fastest was 31 seconds on 3x3x3 using layer by layer method
Date: Sun, Dec 26 2010 04:04:33
get this: instead of anything else. It is the best 3x3 on the market today.
Date: Fri, Dec 31 2010 00:53:59
some people prefer the LingYun over the guhong, even though the lingyun pops more, i guess since its smaller than the guhong, making it good for one handed solving too
Date: Fri, Dec 31 2010 15:51:19
Personally, I use DIY Type A. I do not reallly like it. This is one of my best solves. Do you think I could improve by using oher cube?
Date: Fri, Dec 31 2010 17:06:35
heh, saw that post on speedsolving just a min ago xD, but if you dont like your cube, consider getting a new one, the type A's is pretty "clicky" what i know, so try out an Shengen f-II or a ghosthand (1 or 2, your choice), since they're the complete opposite to the type A's, they are "smooth" instead, the guhong is also rather smooth, so you could consider the guhong too, although it takes some time to get used to the guhong, since it easly gets out of alignment, but thats fixed with some practice. you can also check out other algoritms than the one you know (if they feel uncomfortable/inefficient), and see if any other feels better, good algoritms for your turning style is important. lol my average is 29.xx, and my pb is 22.44, so you're still better than me, and I use a guhong mostly, so the cube makes minor difference in your time, its pretty much just practice, improving lookahead, and maybe start using X-cross when you see a good opportunity :)
Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 17:22:41
ewwwww Dayan GuHonggggggg I use a DIY. Best time 24.25 Fridrich method. The only problem with it is that it is a little too loose on the peices. The tensions are fine, but if i overturn and try to cut a corner the wrong way it pops.
Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 22:22:16
post removed
Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 08:57:44
That's good ! But the cube seems like china's stuff
Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 09:34:09
Deaththekid wrote: That's good ! But the cube seems like china's stuff
yeah, lol, i got it from hong kong, its really stiff and locks all the time, but meh, its what you get if you spend 10 hk dollars -
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 15:01:39
thought it was a stickerless guhong at first >.< think im gonna do a all-puzzle relay again, maybe film it too xD
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 20:35:56
whats better cube type A or type F?
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 06:52:15
Shadowbane wrote: whats better cube type A or type F?
depends on your preference, the F-II is smooth, but cant cut corners as well as the AV (only got those cubes of those types, so i only review them) although the AV locks up a bit, it can be modded into an Haiyan memory (since Haiyan memory is an overpriced AV with sanded corners), the F-II got an issue with caps on the cubies, which easly fall off, but that's fixed with some glue adding some link so you can do some own research: Guo-Jia (Type A's) ShengEn (Type F's) -
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 01:15:31
what cube did the record holder for the 3x3x3 use? the guy from australia... [video=youtube;t32VQ2HeELA][/video]
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 04:19:24
My uncle got me some speed cube randomly on xmas. I want to learn how but I don't really know where to start. Could someone recommend some video for a noob who has never solved a cube before o-o
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 07:04:15
13.7 with LL skip. LOL XD 19 with no skip. But that's 2 years ago. Average for this year is about 20ish-30ish. :(
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 07:25:56
Feliks zemdegs (world record holder) uses a guhong as his main, dont know if its the "ultimate lubix guhong" or just a regular, but apparently the ultimate should be better, but its possible to mod it that way yourself, just 48 point edge mod and some lubix, search 48 point edge mod on youtube to see what i mean @tacohead: Here
Date: Fri, Jan 14 2011 00:34:58
Omg thanks a whole bunch :D Ima watch it on the weekend cuz I don't have time right now ._.
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 12:32:43
just learned how to solve the 2x2x2 :D comments? im using an old cube... [video=youtube;9vatIVOl7Oc][/video]
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 18:01:56
Find a better method, the one you're using isn't very good XD
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 20:54:41
Yeah what Ricercar said.. I've solved a regular 3x3x3 in the same amount of time before.. but I suppose when you're just starting no one's the best. Keep at it ^^
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 21:34:12
My best for the 3x3x3 was only about 26 seconds... I haven't been speedcubing for a while because pen spinning just sucked me in :D
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 23:19:54
check out ortega method for the 2x2, and maybe get a better one, since they're usually rather cheap, Black LanLan White Lanlan (dunno why its cheaper) got a 4 sec solve with that cube and method, altough pretty lucky solve...i average about 15 secs usually xD at least I don't only have my rubiks 2x2 right now, since my pb with that is 24 sec, and my pb on 3x3 is 18 >.<
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 01:49:43
Is there any better method for the 2x2x2 cube? I'm using this method right now : [video=youtube;1Z8-p6szLUY][/video]
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 02:33:28
that looks like an adoption of dan browns 3x3 beginner method to the 2x2, i usually solved the 2x2 as i did with the 3x3, first layer, orient other face and lastly put peices where they should be, although, i started learning Ortega which has the steps: solve one side (pieces dont need to be correct, as long as one face has one solid color) then you do the same to the opposite face, and lastly you fix both faces at the same time, and the cube is solved, more algoritms (11-12), but not as much as EG method (120 algs), or ZB for the 3x3 (799!) since im still learning the OLL step of fridrich, (57 algs, 78 algs with PLL included, but PLL is already learned) I recommend not just relying on muscle memory when learning the algs, repeat them, check after patterns that appear through the algoritm, and also see if the alg got some pattern in the moves, and remember the feel of the alg, so when you see a case, you think something like: "it should feel like this" and then you do alg, after you have learned the algs, then its just training thats left :)
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 06:18:08
The fastest method for 2x2 is probably EG. CLL is 1/3 of EG and is really fast on its own. It's 40 algs, but is certainly worth learning if you want to get fast. All that it is is solve a first layer, then use an alg to solve the last layer. You can find algs at It just takes a little while to get used to the recognition. I currently avg 2-3s with CLL and EG-1, but I usually use CLL.
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 16:06:48
Well I started cubing 2 weeks ago accorig to my last post here. I'm down to a minute on the beginner's method. I started using Fridrich's method for F2L but I suck at it still XP. I've been practicing a bunch though
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 01:27:09
If you're in the LA area, you might be interested in competing at caltech next weekend.
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 04:55:13
couple things- how long does it take to break in a rubik's cube vs a speed cube? my friend obliterated my well-broken rubik's cube today.
and what was that "free shipping" cube ordering website? Light Take?- Lightake nvm, but does anyone know where I could get some Square 1 speed cubes cause lightake doesn't have any in stock. -
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 16:27:43
^For that lightake website, what 3x3 cube would be recommended for ordering from there? Price doesn't matter too much for me. There is so much stuff idk what is good ><
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 02:49:56
ShadrCom3t;65122]does anyone know where I could get some Square 1 speed cubes cause lightake doesn't have any in stock.[/QUOTE] Here and here. [QUOTE=tacohead12 wrote: ^For that lightake website, what 3x3 cube would be recommended for ordering from there? Price doesn't matter too much for me. There is so much stuff idk what is good ><
DaYan GuHong is awesome. Also, F2 and AV. -
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 00:17:40
MrData wrote: I had to reregister... But I avg around 14s in real life currently and 11-12 seconds on virtual cubes for 3x3. I avg 2-3s on 2x2. If anyone needs help with anything, odds are I know something about it. So yeah. Sup. EDIT: btw faz got wr 3x3 avg today with 8.52.
do u know a good site for virtual cubes for 3x3? -
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 07:39:21
exclusive wrote: do u know a good site for virtual cubes for 3x3?
I use jflysim, hi-games, ryanheise, and qcube. -
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 18:39:12
I actually found a MF8 v2 on Lightake- which one do you recommend? The clear one on Puzzle addictions or the MF8?
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 19:59:08
mf8 is a good sq-1. It is the only one I can recommend as it is the only kind I have. D:
Date: Tue, Feb 22 2011 12:08:25
got a mf-8 and a cubetwist, dont know what version of mf-8 though, but it moves to fast for me (got a U4 on it when trying to do a U :/), I like the smoothness from the cubetwist more, but its all up to personal preference
Date: Tue, Feb 22 2011 22:50:11
did you try tightening the screw in the mf-8? It might help =P also the clear one on Puzzle addictions IS an mf-8 so I might order that too some day.
Date: Wed, Feb 23 2011 04:02:41
For lightake, can you only pay by using paypal? edit: nvm I found out
Date: Wed, Feb 23 2011 04:15:06
Fail :[ My mom's credit card won't work on this pay pal thing
Date: Wed, Feb 23 2011 14:49:21
hey anyone here still remembers that rubiks cube trick? the one with the long algorithm as the solution for the scramble and u only use 2 moves to solve it? lol...forgot the algo...if anyone remembers pls post it here thx
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 00:39:28
I'm not entirely sure what exactly you are asking for, but it sounds like some 2 gen scramble or solution, so I'm just guessing you're talking about (R U')*64 or something of that sort...
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 00:58:30
MrData wrote: I'm not entirely sure what exactly you are asking for, but it sounds like some 2 gen scramble or solution, so I'm just guessing you're talking about (R U')*64 or something of that sort...
i believe hes talking about a scrambled cube that looks rly scrambled but actually can be solved with a memorized algorithm -
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 04:52:40
exclusive wrote: i believe hes talking about a scrambled cube that looks rly scrambled but actually can be solved with a memorized algorithm
In that case, just memorize a scramble and its inverse >.> -
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 13:59:19
(U L D R)*4 is pretty easy to remember, and easly reversable, but rather easy to see through too.... although patterns also can impress ppl... (R U2 R' L' U2 L) x2 (R U2 R' L' U2 L) is my favorite ;) although you can use any move combination to do that trick, no matter how many moves you do, if you repeat the same moves enough times you'll get the cube back to the solved state (assuming you start in solved state ofc), easy one is U four times (U4), then we got (R U R' U')*6, (R' F R F')*6, Like MrData said: (R U')*64, and many others, you can do a trigger of 50 moves, but it would be hard to memorize, and probably would take a hell of a time to complete
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 02:05:52
Olji wrote: (U L D R)*4 is pretty easy to remember, and easly reversable, but rather easy to see through too.... although patterns also can impress ppl... (R U2 R' L' U2 L) x2 (R U2 R' L' U2 L) is my favorite ;) although you can use any move combination to do that trick, no matter how many moves you do, if you repeat the same moves enough times you'll get the cube back to the solved state (assuming you start in solved state ofc), easy one is U four times (U4), then we got (R U R' U')*6, (R' F R F')*6, Like MrData said: (R U')*64, and many others, you can do a trigger of 50 moves, but it would be hard to memorize, and probably would take a hell of a time to complete
whats ur pb for 3x3? also are u on wca? -
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 07:07:44
my pb for 3x3 is 18 sec, easy F2L and PLL skip, my WCA is but i've only been on one comp, and I was rather bad back then, now im sub 30 and color neutral :3
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 20:55:20
beginning got cut off [video=youtube;J2pON575cc4][/video] needa improve my look ahead and finger tricks
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 02:16:47
exclusive wrote: needa improve my look ahead and finger tricks
You should learn 2 look oll and pll. -
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 04:11:01
i suck, i did a 2x2 in like 35 sec.
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 13:50:06
exclusive;70810] needa improve my look ahead and finger tricks[/QUOTE] like TRoc said, consider learning 2 look OLL and PLL for the last layer, and att the F2L part, try avoiding cube rotations as much as possible, about 2-3 rotations per solve at max, it may sound weird but you lose track of pieces when turning the cube around, also try to go slow and focus on tracking your next F2L pair, since fast turning with many pauses is slower than slow turning with no pauses, so go a little slower, maybe use a metronome to give you a rhytm to follow will help. Personally i still have some pauses in F2L, but i achieve the same time or faster when i go slow at the f2l part. Other than that, its just getting algs that you find good and of course practice :) [QUOTE=miko611 wrote: i suck, i did a 2x2 in like 35 sec.
that was what I was averaging at 2x2 when i was starting, but after i learned Ortega (sort of, use my 3x3 algs on some cases still) i average about 15 secs, and would probably be faster if I did put some effort into 2x2, but what the hell :P -
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 17:31:06
i think that 2x2 is more fun than 3x3 because of how much faster you can solve it.
Date: Mon, Mar 7 2011 07:30:37
yeah, its not as boring as the 7x7, but if you want a fast puzzle, try Rubiks magic/master magic, they're very fast (im slow at magic and im averaging under 2 secs), but those just rely on finger dexterity instead of algoritms :)
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 05:04:28
Olji wrote: yeah, its not as boring as the 7x7, but if you want a fast puzzle, try Rubiks magic/master magic, they're very fast (im slow at magic and im averaging under 2 secs), but those just rely on finger dexterity instead of algoritms :)
You bite your tounge about the 7x7. The boring part is scrambling it. -
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 05:26:01
Olji wrote: yeah, its not as boring as the 7x7, but if you want a fast puzzle, try Rubiks magic/master magic, they're very fast (im slow at magic and im averaging under 2 secs), but those just rely on finger dexterity instead of algoritms :)
whats are ur main cubes for competition? -
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 07:04:00
my first comp i had a Ghosthand II as main, and was only signed up for 3x3, but i have following cubes as mains: 2x2: Lanlan 3x3: Dayan Guhong 4x4: Shengshou 5x5: Ghosthand Clock: Cubetwist Square-1: MF-8 (gonna get a cubetwist soon though) Pyraminx: QJ Magic: Lingao Master Magic: Lingao never solves the 7x7, so I did'nt list it, got some other puzzles too that I rarely solve, but the listed is about at least 1 a week
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 18:38:08
Wasn't there an old cartoon on The CN that had a robot that did the rubix cube.
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 06:46:51
yeah, seen a clip of that, also the cartoon with a rubiks cube in the main story, think it was about a boy solving the cube or something, dunno ._.
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 14:12:22
Found it its called whatever happened to robot jones.
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 08:43:46
Olji wrote: my first comp i had a Ghosthand II as main, and was only signed up for 3x3, but i have following cubes as mains: 2x2: Lanlan 3x3: Dayan Guhong 4x4: Shengshou 5x5: Ghosthand Clock: Cubetwist Square-1: MF-8 (gonna get a cubetwist soon though) Pyraminx: QJ Magic: Lingao Master Magic: Lingao never solves the 7x7, so I did'nt list it, got some other puzzles too that I rarely solve, but the listed is about at least 1 a week
what lube did u use for them, if any? -
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 09:22:02
i mainly lube my 3x3's, since the others dont need much improvement IMO, but i use CRC Industrial silicone spray, but jigaloo and most CRC products works fine, just remember to work it in, and dont put in too much, when choosing CRC, check so it doesnt damage the plastic, the jigaloo melts the plastic temporarly, so disassembling it and spraying the pieces that way can be preffered so you dont feel troubled over the cube feeling weird (the crc usually makes the cube feel bad at first, but over the time you work it in you'll feel the cube become better) my method of lubing is: popping a piece out, spraying in the hole for a sec, put the piece back and do random moves until it starts to dry and become easier to move, then grab a paper and wipe of excess silicone off the outside of the cube and hands, and work it in a little more, then its done, I usually let it be for some time to let it dry and let it dry completely, thus making the silicone coat you want, and then its usually better than before, works the same for megaminx, and probably for all puzzles with the ability to pop a piece out, for 2x2 i guess you have to disassemble it completely and lube the pieces that way, thats the two ways of lubing i know there exists several lubes made for cubing, such as Lubix and Maru lube, supposed to be godlike, but i have never tested it ;-;
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 20:40:56
Should I get the Lubix Guhong, Alpha-I, or the FII?
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 22:48:15
Jan wrote: Should I get the Lubix Guhong, Alpha-I, or the FII?
lubix guhong where u getting it at? -
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 09:37:01
Jan wrote: Should I get the Lubix Guhong, Alpha-I, or the FII?
Some think that beginners should not use the guhong since its usually too fast for them, personally i think you can take whatever you want, the guhong is the best overall, best at corner cutting, pops rarely (but when it do, it can explode out), and is faster turning than most, making it quite easy to overshoot until you've gotten used to it, making the reverse corner cutting rather useful and I dont get the point in making people buying a cube that probably will get replaced by the Guhong anyway, so get the lubix guhong if you want If you like to spend less money however, buy a normal guhong and do the 48 point edge mod yourself, and lubricate it with lubix sub (around 30,000 wt shock oil what I know, some use 50,000 wt), but remember to use VERY little, or it will act like glue instead, those who used 50,000 wt said that a drop was too much, so they used pins and things to apply less. when lubricating that way, follow Pixels lubrication video, (lube the core, and one drop on one edge and work it in) More work, more personal, and less money :) If you dont want to bother so much with lubrication, use lube and lubrication method i said previous post Lubix Store Guhong on Lightake (free shipping, dont bother with the faster option, dont make much difference) However, the stickerless is illegal in competition, if you're planning to use it there -
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 22:00:47
Olji wrote: Some think that beginners should not use the guhong since its usually too fast for them, personally i think you can take whatever you want, the guhong is the best overall, best at corner cutting, pops rarely (but when it do, it can explode out), and is faster turning than most, making it quite easy to overshoot until you've gotten used to it, making the reverse corner cutting rather useful and I dont get the point in making people buying a cube that probably will get replaced by the Guhong anyway, so get the lubix guhong if you want If you like to spend less money however, buy a normal guhong and do the 48 point edge mod yourself, and lubricate it with lubix sub (around 30,000 wt shock oil what I know, some use 50,000 wt), but remember to use VERY little, or it will act like glue instead, those who used 50,000 wt said that a drop was too much, so they used pins and things to apply less. when lubricating that way, follow Pixels lubrication video, (lube the core, and one drop on one edge and work it in) More work, more personal, and less money :) If you dont want to bother so much with lubrication, use lube and lubrication method i said previous post Lubix Store Guhong on Lightake (free shipping, dont bother with the faster option, dont make much difference) However, the stickerless is illegal in competition, if you're planning to use it there
only 8 bucks, not sure its the real guhong tho -
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 06:40:54
Yep, thats the guhong in its DIY state :) there are some rumors that the black guhong have a plastic of lower quality, i suspect its true based on the price difference >.<, think I'll buy some other guhongs to try the difference once and for all, since my black one is old and broken in, want to try them newly assembled :3 EDIT: just ordered a black and a white, stay tuned :P
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 15:50:56
Is it hard to assemble a cube when it's DIY like that? Because they also sell the assembled guhong on lighttake and I was about to order it but I didn't see this. Cuz then I can save myself some money if I just make it XP
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 17:50:38
its not too hard to assemble a DIY, the guhong is a little different compared to the others, since the pieces comes in pieces (lol), its basically just pressing to edge pieces together to form an edge piece (sounds so bad xD), and to the corners its just taking a small plastic whing with three "arms", putting one of the arms in one of the holes, and then putting a second plastic thing in the second hole, making sure the nubs on those point inwards towards eachother, then you just take another corner fragment(sounds a little better than saying piece of a piece) and putting it in there with those 2 arms in each hole, and repeat that for all the pieces Then you take the core and a center piece, put a washer inside the center piece, then a screw with a spring, and while applying pressure to the screw with a screwdriver, screw the core onto the screw, thats what i find easier, and repeat for all sides, then before assembling it, you might want to check that the tensions are equal by dragging two opposite center away from eachother and check the gap between the core and center, and adjust until you dont see any difference, it will affect the performance if it isnt equal, so i recommend doing it, after that, assemble the cube. My assembly method (and the normal one i bet) is like solving the cube: build cross, insert corners, insert edges, however on the guhong I find it easier if you leave one of the edges be and use that gap to make it easier to insert the last layer, the corners are the worst, so try to fit in as amny as you can with that gap, at best you should have one corner and two edges left to put in, turn a layer slightly and press the corner in, then turn the layer with 2 missing edges 45 degrees and press them in, then you're done, some lubrication and maybe some extra tension check and you're good to go, can make a guide when I get my guhongs to clarify if you want :) (may take some time though, shipping from lightake is free, but slow)
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 23:32:57
Olji wrote: Yep, thats the guhong in its DIY state :) there are some rumors that the black guhong have a plastic of lower quality, i suspect its true based on the price difference >.<, think I'll buy some other guhongs to try the difference once and for all, since my black one is old and broken in, want to try them newly assembled :3 EDIT: just ordered a black and a white, stay tuned :P
ive heard black guhongs were the smoothest did u order POM? -
Date: Fri, Mar 18 2011 06:40:25
I think i can agree with black guhongs being smooth, its slower than my colored, but its smoother too and i did not order POM, since i think the feel would be completely different, according to wikipedias description of POM
Date: Fri, Mar 18 2011 15:13:23
Oh ok :D thanks. I'll probably order the black one then. Those colored ones look funny o-o
Date: Fri, Mar 18 2011 19:11:25
well, its hard to use them as void cube subs, since the center pieces are all colored in the corresponding color, so taking the caps off wont make any difference (but having someone putting them randomly over the cube makes it a little harder, then taking the caps of to see if i guessed right xD
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 17:42:07
post removed
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 19:03:44
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 19:30:11
Olji;75087]Some think that beginners should not use the guhong since its usually too fast for them, personally i think you can take whatever you want, the guhong is the best overall, best at corner cutting, pops rarely (but when it do, it can explode out), and is faster turning than most, making it quite easy to overshoot until you've gotten used to it, making the reverse corner cutting rather useful and I dont get the point in making people buying a cube that probably will get replaced by the Guhong anyway, so get the lubix guhong if you want [/QUOTE] GuHong is bad for beginners not because it's too fast; in fact, a beginner SHOULD use fast cubes because it helps them learning to control the cube. What's REALLY bad about the GuHong for the beginners is that the corner-cutting is too good. It hinders you from learning to control a cube, because you are really just relying on the tolerance of the cube to turn smoothly rather than making accurate turns. [QUOTE=exclusive wrote: lubix guhong where u getting it at?
Lubix Guhong is a ripoff. -
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 19:52:59
Soren Blade wrote: got a 4x4 rubik's cube for my birthday =D well here is a video of me solving it, im a beginner so im slow [video=youtube;bil_aKR5S9M][/video]
nice but u should u lube it btw howd u get adsense on ur youtube vid, did u become a partner? -
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 20:43:10
Soren Blade;76171]got a 4x4 rubik's cube for my birthday =D well here is a video of me solving it, im a beginner so im slow *Vid*[/QUOTE] well, no worries of you're slow, by just solving it casually you will get faster, but if you learn a better method it will be even faster, also having a better cube helps a little too, but its mainly the person who makes the most difference, keep up the good work, dont worry so much about speed, its mostly for fun, isnt it? :) [QUOTE=daniel0731ex;76192]GuHong is bad for beginners not because it's too fast; in fact, it's good for a beginner to use fast cubes because it helps them learning to control the cube. What's REALLY bad about the GuHong for the beginners is that the corner-cutting is too good. It hinders you from learning to control a cube, because you are really just relying on the tolerance of the cube to turn smoothly rather than making accurate turns.[/QUOTE] well, I dont see why the beginner would'nt be able to adapt to the cube they're holding in, I can adapt from a Guhong to a GH-II without any problem, I imagine this is like the discussion if a beginner should use Buster CYL or not, if they use a lighter pen then they have to adapt to the properties of that pen, same with Guhong to Storebought (to be a little on the extreme side) [QUOTE=daniel0731ex wrote: Lubix Guhong is a ripoff and are for noobs.
its not a ripoff, its a premodded and prelubed Guhong, and the modder is taking a little charge for his work, like buying a premade mod from penwish, and if the Lubix Guhong is for noobs, why does Feliks use it? is he a noob? I dont think so, you may, but I dont. -
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 20:54:36
Actually, the beginners I'm talking about here is those who just started practicing finger shortcuts. It's not about adaptation, but that you don't really know fingertricks if you can't turn accurately/consistently with a DIY that have less tolerance. As for the noob part, I got rid of that cuz I thought that it doesn't really make you a noob if you use certain cubes. But it's true that it's a ripoff, because the mod is something that you could easily do yourself. What I meant by "noobs" is really just that you don't know how to take care of your cubes; but yeah it's not really the right word.
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 21:07:37
thats right, learning finger tricks on a guhong may not be so smart, I assumed that if they are buying a speedcube, they should have at least learned the basics of fingertricks on their crapcube :P and for the lubix guhong, yeah, its pricey, but you are paying for the work the modder put down too, like I said, buying a lubix guhong is like buying a premade mod on penwish, you pay for the product and for the work. Its all up to personal preference if they want to pay much more to get a cube that is premodded and prelubed by someone who knows what he's doing, or if they want to buy it a lot cheaper and do the mod by themselves, I said that when answering the question (although it was more in depth) Personally I dont take too much care about my cubes, I have them away from direct sunlight (not on purpose acually xD), labe them when they feel sluggish, and mod the ones that needs modding... and of course avoid having them fall to the ground and such... If they dont take care of their cubes, its their loss when they break IMO :3
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 21:17:56
Olji wrote: thats right, learning finger tricks on a guhong may not be so smart, I assumed that if they are buying a speedcube, they should have at least learned the basics of fingertricks on their crapcube :P and for the lubix guhong, yeah, its pricey, but you are paying for the work the modder put down too, like I said, buying a lubix guhong is like buying a premade mod on penwish, you pay for the product and for the work. Its all up to personal preference if they want to pay much more to get a cube that is premodded and prelubed by someone who knows what he's doing, or if they want to buy it a lot cheaper and do the mod by themselves, I said that when answering the question (although it was more in depth) Personally I dont take too much care about my cubes, I have them away from direct sunlight (not on purpose acually xD), labe them when they feel sluggish, and mod the ones that needs modding... and of course avoid having them fall to the ground and such... If they dont take care of their cubes, its their loss when they break IMO :3
do see my comment i made a hour ago? cuz it just disappeared -
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 13:22:00
the most recent post you've made here is the comment to the video by soren, nothing else is visible for me o-o
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 17:50:16
Well, if you're getting a Guhong, make sure it's lubed with lubix. CRC and jig-a-loo don't work as well. And an unlubed guhong is just crap. Go with an Fii, the stickers are terrible but it's so soft and the lube it comes with is gold. If you're looking for smooth, I mean eastsheen smooth, with not-so-great corner cutting, go with the Ghosthand II.
Date: Sun, Mar 20 2011 20:26:42
TRoc wrote: Well, if you're getting a Guhong, make sure it's lubed with lubix. CRC and jig-a-loo don't work as well. And an unlubed guhong is just crap. Go with an Fii, the stickers are terrible but it's so soft and the lube it comes with is gold. If you're looking for smooth, I mean eastsheen smooth, with not-so-great corner cutting, go with the Ghosthand II.
only lubix makes the cube too fast and overshoots too much add crc or jigaloo with lubix -
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 00:43:44
I use Maru lube.
exclusive wrote: only lubix makes the cube too fast and overshoots too much add crc or jigaloo with lubix
no...that is just plainly wrong. It ruins the whole point of using Lubix :fp And the Lubix lube by itself is a ripoff too; it's just the polydimethylsiloxane whatever-you-call-it fluid that you could find at local hardware stores. (don't know much about chemistry, but I'm sure of it because this stuff have been a commonly used lubricant in the Chinese cubing community, long before Pixel found this and started making money by ripping people off) -
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 06:38:00
Lubix is silicone oil, 30'000 wt or something I think, so instead of lubix you can use any high viscosity shock oil, about 30'000 to 50'000,
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 07:46:56
daniel0731ex wrote: I use Maru lube. no...that is just plainly wrong. It ruins the whole point of using Lubix :fp And the Lubix lube by itself is a ripoff too; it's just the polydimethylsiloxane whatever-you-call-it fluid that you could find at local hardware stores. (don't know much about chemistry, but I'm sure of it because this stuff have been a commonly used lubricant in the Chinese cubing community, long before Pixel found this and started making money by ripping people off)
ops i mean i heard about shock oil + crc on a podcast -
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 12:20:25
I just got 36 seconds with an OLL skip :) What cube should I get? Right now, I'm using one from Walmart/Meijers =\
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 13:53:00
Nice! Any decent DIY will do, they dont make too much difference, but the guhong, lingyun, AV and F-II are the most popular ones, although the Guhong/Lingyun are pretty uncontrollable, when you get used to it, they're nice, the F-II is smooth with decent corner cutting, great for precise turners, and the AV is clicky with good corner cutting, great for more inaccurate turners, but if you want a smooth cube with good corner cutting, the guhong is the way to go, never tried the lingyun, so cant give you the feel spec of that one >.< I will get my white and black guhong in a week or so, then i will be back if there is any difference except the price, so stay tuned if you want, buy the cheapest one if you just want a better cube as soon as possible. And upon buying, if you want the order fast, you should buy from american sites, there's lots of them, if you dont need it soon, go for lightake, they got free shipping, but it takes some time for it to get shipped, but when it is shipped, it takes about 1-2 weeks to get to Sweden, dont know how long to America, but expect it to arrive about a month after the order.
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 14:57:09
I was gonna buy some lube when I order my cube but I'm confused by all that stuff you guys said up there @_@ What kind should I get?
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 14:58:00
The Lingyun is more poppy than the Guhong, therefore could not really handle rough turning. But my Guhong does pop once in a while too. @Jan, I think you can do faster than that :) To sum up what Olji said: Popular cubes- F-II, A-V (Alpha V), Guhong, Lingyun (both under the brand Dayan, but that's irrelevent) F-II: cheapest among all, quiet, smooth, can't cut too much corner. A-V: Loud/noisy, clicky, with a higher amount of tolerence to rough turning Guhong: Most popular among the four, can cut corners rather well, can handle rough turning without popping much, with the noise somewhere in between the F-II and A-V Lingyun: I don't know much about this, but it came after the Guhong, and it pops more than it. Smoothness is not really different than the Guhong. Hope I helped. :)
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 16:27:58
tacohead12 wrote: I was gonna buy some lube when I order my cube but I'm confused by all that stuff you guys said up there @_@ What kind should I get?
if you're buying from lightake, you can try the maru lube, its supposed to be awesome, but it dries out fast, never tried it myself. you can also buy CRC Heavy duty silicone spray from some shops (i think home depot has it, what i heard from speedsolving) or jigaloo, silicone shock oil works too, just avoid WD-40, vaseline and such, they kill your cube... -
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 20:51:27
Maru lube is sold USD $1.69 in Taiwan, as opposed to the $2.80 on Lightake. And it doesn't dry out as fast as people says; they're just using it incorrectly.
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 00:51:16
daniel0731ex wrote: Maru lube is sold USD $1.69 in Taiwan, as opposed to the $2.80 on Lightake. And it doesn't dry out as fast as people says; they're just using it incorrectly.
whats the correct way to use it? -
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 15:54:50
I have that maru lube currently cuz it came with the cube I have. I can't really compare to anything since I've never tried others. But it seems nice. And I would also like to know how to properly apply it, cuz I've just been experimenting with different things o-o
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 16:30:38
(Pics taken from Maru Store) dont know how much you should use though, probably just a little...
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 18:48:56
Olji wrote: (Pics taken from Maru Store) dont know how much you should use though, probably just a little...
im getting shock oil 50 wt, should i use this method or lubix method? -
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 18:59:21
this is maru lube, which I think is silicone oil with low viscosity, Lubix has high viscosity (30'000 or something), so im guessing you should use this method, the lubix method is for the silicone oils with very high viscosity, but you can always try to lube the core, that is the difference between them, in the lubix method, you lube the core and put a drop on one edge and work it in, on maru method, you put some into the cube and some on an edge and work it in, so its mainly the core lubing that is different :)
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 20:12:00
Olji wrote: this is maru lube, which I think is silicone oil with low viscosity, Lubix has high viscosity (30'000 or something), so im guessing you should use this method, the lubix method is for the silicone oils with very high viscosity, but you can always try to lube the core, that is the difference between them, in the lubix method, you lube the core and put a drop on one edge and work it in, on maru method, you put some into the cube and some on an edge and work it in, so its mainly the core lubing that is different :)
ops i mean 50k -
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 20:17:31
ok, then go with the lubix method, but apply very little, heard that even a drop is too much, so use something to stroke it on the core, and put a small amount on an edge piece and work it in, it'll probably feel worse for a sec, but after some minutes of working in it should get better, if it doesnt then you probably used too much, so take a little at a time until you feel its good enough, no point in making it TOO fast :P
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 23:39:49
Olji wrote: ok, then go with the lubix method, but apply very little, heard that even a drop is too much, so use something to stroke it on the core, and put a small amount on an edge piece and work it in, it'll probably feel worse for a sec, but after some minutes of working in it should get better, if it doesnt then you probably used too much, so take a little at a time until you feel its good enough, no point in making it TOO fast :P
have u tried lubix cubes or any shock/diff oil? -
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 00:25:40
no, just read about others experience, going to check garage tomorrow for shock oil though
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 03:12:23
Olji wrote: this is maru lube, which I think is silicone oil with low viscosity
No that's wrong. And what I meant by "using it incorrectly" is not about how you apply it; that's just the surface. -
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 07:27:15
daniel0731ex wrote: No that's wrong. And what I meant by "using it incorrectly" is not about how you apply it; that's just the surface.
do u mean the amount of lube used? -
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 16:00:17
Which should I get? Dayan II Ghost Hand II Alpha II I want it to be crisp, loose, and cut edges... :?
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 16:24:20
Jan wrote: Which should I get? Dayan II Ghost Hand II Alpha II I want it to be crisp, loose, and cut edges... :?
guhong or lingyun? -
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 16:55:02
with crisp and good corner cutting, I would recommend AV, but those are out of stock there. Are you buying other things from that store, so you're limited to it, or are you just wanting to buy from an american one, if its the last, check other stores too, there are a lot of them List of shops over the world
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 17:34:38
Crisp, loud, and good corner-cutting? Maru or A2.
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 17:44:11
exclusive wrote: do u mean the amount of lube used?
no, what I meant is that after working in the lube throughly, you need to let it sit until it drys completely, so that it leaves a clean silicone layer on the surfaces of the pieces. If you just keep on using it when it's still wet, you mixes the silicone up with plastic dusts and will end up in a gummy feel when the lube drys. -
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 17:58:22
daniel0731ex wrote: no, what I meant is that after working in the lube throughly, you need to let it sit until it drys completely, so that it leaves a clean silicone layer on the surfaces of the pieces. If you just keep on using it when it's still wet, you mixes the silicone up with plastic dusts and will end up in a gummy feel when the lube drys.
thats why u need to clean the dust off before lubricating it -
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 18:35:46
exclusive wrote: thats why u need to clean the dust off before lubricating it
letting it be for some time acually helps a lot, always do that, after lubing and working in, I let the cube be for 15-20 minutes, and as long as you use the cube, cube dust will appear if not something is covering the plastic, and that is the silicone layer that appears after letting the lube dry in after working in like daniel said -
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 18:37:21
Well, a lot of people nowadays just don't bother. My point is that those who say Maru lube drys out too fast are both not cleaning the cube and mixing up the lube aat the same time. EDIT: ninja'd.
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 18:39:15
Olji wrote: letting it be for some time acually helps a lot, always do that, after lubing and working in, I let the cube be for 15-20 minutes, and as long as you use the cube, cube dust will appear if not something is covering the plastic, and that is the silicone layer that appears after letting the lube dry in after working in like daniel said
what lube do u usually use? -
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 19:35:05
CRC industrial silicone spray, although im checking around after some shock oil at home atm
Date: Sat, Mar 26 2011 19:44:02
Olji wrote: with crisp and good corner cutting, I would recommend AV, but those are out of stock there. Are you buying other things from that store, so you're limited to it, or are you just wanting to buy from an american one, if its the last, check other stores too, there are a lot of them List of shops over the world
What cube would you recommend then? And link please :p -
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 03:38:14
I wouldn't recommend any silicone sprays anymore, because most contains solvents that are meant to dissolve ABS plastics. Just use Maru lube, or buy silicone fluids from DowCorning (which is exactly what Lubix is).
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 07:07:20
daniel0731ex wrote: I wouldn't recommend any silicone sprays anymore, because most contains solvents that are meant to dissolve ABS plastics. Just use Maru lube, or buy silicone fluids from DowCorning (which is exactly what Lubix is).
it helps to break in storeboughts fast -
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 17:30:43
lol, found some silicone oil now, in a glass jar without a label, so no idea what viscosity it is, it looks like its two fluids too, one is thicker than the other, but i dont think its extremely high viscosity, going to lube a cube someday and see how much is too much
Jan wrote: What cube would you recommend then? And link please :p
since you wanted one with high corner cutting abilities, go for the AV or the Guhong AV - Free and slow shipping from China - Faster shipping from Usa Guhong - Preassembled, Free and slow shipping from China - Cheaper DIY kit, Free and slow shipping from China - Preassembled, Faster shipping from Usa - Slightly cheaper DIY kit, Faster shipping from Usa Look up video reviews on the cubes you're thinking about buying and listen to how they sound, it CAN give you a hint on how they feel, Im not saying it will. Also listen to what the reviewer say about the cube (obviously), and if possible look on a several reviews so you dont get a single opinion, but more of a public one :) The AV will have a little problem with lockups out of the box, but doing the memory mod (or buying an Alpha memory, that is a AV, just about 9 dollars more, but it got its corners rounded) will help it, the mod isnt hard at all, just rounding the corner pieces with a knife or something :) -
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 18:25:11
Olji wrote: lol, found some silicone oil now, in a glass jar without a label, so no idea what viscosity it is, it looks like its two fluids too, one is thicker than the other, but i dont think its extremely high viscosity, going to lube a cube someday and see how much is too much since you wanted one with high corner cutting abilities, go for the AV or the Guhong AV - Free and slow shipping from China - Faster shipping from Usa Guhong - Preassembled, Free and slow shipping from China - Cheaper DIY kit, Free and slow shipping from China - Preassembled, Faster shipping from Usa - Slightly cheaper DIY kit, Faster shipping from Usa Look up video reviews on the cubes you're thinking about buying and listen to how they sound, it CAN give you a hint on how they feel, Im not saying it will. Also listen to what the reviewer say about the cube (obviously), and if possible look on a several reviews so you dont get a single opinion, but more of a public one :) The AV will have a little problem with lockups out of the box, but doing the memory mod (or buying an Alpha memory, that is a AV, just about 9 dollars more, but it got its corners rounded) will help it, the mod isnt hard at all, just rounding the corner pieces with a knife or something :)
guhong isnt crispy tho and u can use high grid sandpaper to round corners -
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 19:40:20
What would be a good cube for it? The one I have doesn't turn very well. ¤KTSpinner¤
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 20:05:29
Most cubes have potential for speedcubing, you can even get a decent DIY for less than 4$ Here It may feel a little sluggish out of the box, but if you loosen the tensions a little then its a great starter cube, its cheap and of rather good quality, great if you're testing if it something for you, its noisy as hell when loosened though. the Ghosthand or Ghosthand II is also great cubes, the ghosthand II is almost impossible to pop by accident, the site I'm linking to got free shipping, but its slow, so if you want the cube faster, search for the name I wrote up on google(the first one listed for under 4$ isnt available anywhere else what I know though), maybe end the search with "cube" too, if you cant seem to find anything feel free to ask here
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 20:14:17
I'm not worried about cost. I just want something fast. And as far as loosening anything. I've never done it. I'd be afraid to break it. I solve it in like 3-5min right now. ¤KTSpinner¤
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 20:41:39
Then buy this, according to shipping info, it will take a week at max for shipping in the US, and the cube is a great starter cube, it locks a little, but its pop resistant and fairly fast, great for learning fingertricks on. Tensioning isnt that hard, first if you want even tensions you can check and fix it by dissasembling the cube so you just have the core and center pieces, and pull them away from eachother, and making sure that the gap between the core and the center piece is the same all the way around, then when tension Ãng you just loosen/tighten the screw just as much on each side, say you loosen the screw on one side by 180 degrees, then you do it on all sides so you maintain even tensions. Even tensions isnt necessary, but it affect the cubes performance if it isnt even. Video review from Youtube by Stefan Pochmann: [video=youtube;LGEKBCqpYO4][/video]
Date: Sun, Mar 27 2011 22:44:25
Olji wrote: Even tensions isnt necessary, but it affect the cubes performance if it isnt even.
Yes it is necessary. You mean that the ZOMGWTFover-perfectly even tension is not. Uneven tension causes internal lockups, pops, stiff turning (even when looseded to the max), many sorts of stuff. [B]Always make sure your tension is even before doing any custom adjustment.[/B] And also, your tension method is good as a general, easy approach. But if you want the ZOMGWTFover-pefectly even tension, a different method is needed. -
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 01:16:10
Olji wrote: Then buy this, according to shipping info, it will take a week at max for shipping in the US, and the cube is a great starter cube, it locks a little, but its pop resistant and fairly fast, great for learning fingertricks on. Tensioning isnt that hard, first if you want even tensions you can check and fix it by dissasembling the cube so you just have the core and center pieces, and pull them away from eachother, and making sure that the gap between the core and the center piece is the same all the way around, then when tension Ãng you just loosen/tighten the screw just as much on each side, say you loosen the screw on one side by 180 degrees, then you do it on all sides so you maintain even tensions. Even tensions isnt necessary, but it affect the cubes performance if it isnt even. Video review from Youtube by Stefan Pochmann: [video=youtube;LGEKBCqpYO4][/video]
good tutorial for tensioning [video=youtube;xYB3DRf4Oh8][/video] -
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 06:57:36
daniel0731ex wrote: Yes it is necessary. You mean that the ZOMGWTFover-perfectly even tension is not. Uneven tension causes internal lockups, pops, stiff turning (even when looseded to the max), many sorts of stuff. [B]Always make sure your tension is even before doing any custom adjustment.[/B] And also, your tension method is good as a general, easy approach. But if you want the ZOMGWTFover-pefectly even tension, a different method is needed.
I said that it isnt necessary (as in you can still use the cube), but I also said that it will affect the cubes performance, and I cant understand what you are trying to say at the underlined part, please describe what you mean there. And instead of just saying that a different approach is needed for the ZOMGWTF-tension, you could at least describe how you do, instead of just saying that you need to do it another way. I dont know what tensioning method you're talking about that gives that ZOMGWTF-feel, but I mainly use the method described above for getting even tensions and to get it to the tension I want (using a method like the one exlusive posted), then I put the cube on a table and keep it still while pulling up the top layer and check the gap, and then make fine adjustments to get perfect tensions. -
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 19:01:40
Olji wrote: I said that it isnt necessary (as in you can still use the cube), but I also said that it will affect the cubes performance, and I cant understand what you are trying to say at the underlined part, please describe what you mean there. And instead of just saying that a different approach is needed for the ZOMGWTF-tension, you could at least describe how you do, instead of just saying that you need to do it another way. I dont know what tensioning method you're talking about that gives that ZOMGWTF-feel, but I mainly use the method described above for getting even tensions and to get it to the tension I want (using a method like the one exlusive posted), then I put the cube on a table and keep it still while pulling up the top layer and check the gap, and then make fine adjustments to get perfect tensions.
any tips? except for the cross since i already improved that down a bit and some pauses [video=youtube;A-98x9hNDQU][/video] -
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 19:28:18
That was impressive compared to me. XD ¤KTSpinner¤
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 19:37:33
Try to make as few cube rotations as possible, but dont let it make you do F and B moves, one tip is using d moves to make a U + a cube rotation at the same time(I find myself rotating the cube alot too, just try to make a d feel more natural than a rotation), also practice your F2L, have some solves when you just sit there and try to come up with how to solve a case optimally, maybe check up some algs, but dont memorize them plainly, instead check why you do each move, and see where in the algorithm the F2L pair is done, that way you will probably learn how you should think when doing F2L, and thus being able to improvise a case from a side you never done before and such. (although avoiding F and B moves are recommended) Also practice to look ahead, search for a new pair while solving one, when training that go slow, its easier to track pieces when you go slow, making it able for you to minimize pauses, if you go fast and isnt good at lookahead, you will have pauses, and that will cost you more time than if you did it slow On the last layer you can do an U move instead of rotating the cube, you did that on PLL, but not on OLL, maybe you just forgot yourself :P at 0:40 i would recommend doing: d (making a U with a rotation - preparation for the alg) R' U R (pairing it up) U2 R' U R (insertion), although in a speedsolve I know I would do: y (preparation) U L' U L (pairing) U2 L' U L (insertion), its the same alg, just from different directions, study it to see why I do each move Its good that you're doing cross on bottom at least, I think I started fighting with that at about low 40's, learned it at 35-ish, and learned color neutrality at low 30's, so learn color neutrality (if you want) as soon as possible before you get too used to white cross (if you arent already color neutral that is) :P
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 16:45:20
Olji wrote: I said that it isnt necessary (as in you can still use the cube), but I also said that it will affect the cubes performance, and I cant understand what you are trying to say at the underlined part, please describe what you mean there. And instead of just saying that a different approach is needed for the ZOMGWTF-tension, you could at least describe how you do, instead of just saying that you need to do it another way. I dont know what tensioning method you're talking about that gives that ZOMGWTF-feel, but I mainly use the method described above for getting even tensions and to get it to the tension I want (using a method like the one exlusive posted), then I put the cube on a table and keep it still while pulling up the top layer and check the gap, and then make fine adjustments to get perfect tensions.
I see, so you are just saying that it's "usable" from a non-cuber's standard. But with normal speedcubing standards, even tension IS necessary. With uneven tension, the cube will be very stiff because the core is pulled slightly off-centered in the cube, causing extra (and unecessary) friction against the layers. As I said before, the standard tuning method (i.e. the one that exclusive posted) is very easy, and is more than enough to get the cube even. But for those "tensioning psychos" who wants it "perfectly" even --even though it's impossible anyways because the friction of different cubies already vary wayyy more than the error that the standard method creates-- you need to feel the slices itself to judge the tension, because the feel is what really counts when you use the cube. But it's different from adjusting the tension with only the feel though, because if you do, there will be huge errors in the eveness (way greater than that of the standard method). MY method not only make the slices feel even, but also the core gaps. There are other steps which I will not go into details here, as I don't think it's appropriate to post it in here. If you want to know, please PM me then I'll explain it to you. -
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 17:22:51
What method would I use to get the fastest solve? ¤KTSpinner¤
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 19:20:45
Olji;79127]Try to make as few cube rotations as possible, but dont let it make you do F and B moves, one tip is using d moves to make a U + a cube rotation at the same time(I find myself rotating the cube alot too, just try to make a d feel more natural than a rotation), also practice your F2L, have some solves when you just sit there and try to come up with how to solve a case optimally, maybe check up some algs, but dont memorize them plainly, instead check why you do each move, and see where in the algorithm the F2L pair is done, that way you will probably learn how you should think when doing F2L, and thus being able to improvise a case from a side you never done before and such. (although avoiding F and B moves are recommended) Also practice to look ahead, search for a new pair while solving one, when training that go slow, its easier to track pieces when you go slow, making it able for you to minimize pauses, if you go fast and isnt good at lookahead, you will have pauses, and that will cost you more time than if you did it slow On the last layer you can do an U move instead of rotating the cube, you did that on PLL, but not on OLL, maybe you just forgot yourself :P at 0:40 i would recommend doing: d (making a U with a rotation - preparation for the alg) R' U R (pairing it up) U2 R' U R (insertion), although in a speedsolve I know I would do: y (preparation) U L' U L (pairing) U2 L' U L (insertion), its the same alg, just from different directions, study it to see why I do each move Its good that you're doing cross on bottom at least, I think I started fighting with that at about low 40's, learned it at 35-ish, and learned color neutrality at low 30's, so learn color neutrality (if you want) as soon as possible before you get too used to white cross (if you arent already color neutral that is) :P[/QUOTE] u did cross on top before sub 40s? yah i use to do cross on top a few years ago when i only knew dan browns method lol [QUOTE=daniel0731ex;79402]I see, so you are just saying that it's "usable" from a non-cuber's standard. But with normal speedcubing standards, even tension IS necessary. With uneven tension, the cube will be very stiff because the core is pulled slightly off-centered in the cube, causing extra (and unecessary) friction against the layers. As I said before, the standard tuning method (i.e. the one that exclusive posted) is very easy, and is more than enough to get the cube even. But for those "tensioning psychos" who wants it "perfectly" even --even though it's impossible because the friction of different cubies already varys wayyy more than the error that the standard method creates anyways-- you need to feel the slices itself to judge the tension, because the feel is what really counts when you use the cube. But it's different from adjusting the tension with only the feel though, because if you do, there will be huge errors in the eveness (way greater than that of the standard method). There are other steps which I will not go into details here, as I don't think it's appropriate to post it in here. If you want to know pleas PM me, then I'll explain it to you.[/QUOTE] some people like a side tensioned tighter so it doesnt pop during pll/oll/etc [QUOTE=Macaria wrote: What method would I use to get the fastest solve? ¤KTSpinner¤
fredrich, the world record cuber uses it too -
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 20:57:29
exclusive wrote: some people like a side tensioned tighter so it doesnt pop during pll/oll/etc
That's a myth. In reality, it only makes the cube pop more. To truely eliminate popping you need proper tensioning. -
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 21:42:48
I just ordered the Alpha V cube,, the first cube I'm going to get from online (when it arrives). Just wondering, is there anything I should do to it when I receive it? Lubrication, sanding, ect.?
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 22:58:16
daniel0731ex wrote: That's a myth. In reality, it only makes the cube pop more. To truely eliminate popping you need proper tensioning.
its personal preference lol -
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 22:59:08
Jan wrote: I just ordered the Alpha V cube,, the first cube I'm going to get from online (when it arrives). Just wondering, is there anything I should do to it when I receive it? Lubrication, sanding, ect.?
edge mod and lube it if it isnt already -
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 00:07:07
How do I do the fredrich method? ¤KTSpinner¤
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 01:26:44
exclusive wrote: its personal preference lol
:facepalm: Ok, if you are so pro, why don't you teach me how to break the sub-20 barrier? -
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 01:26:48
Macaria wrote: How do I do the fredrich method? ¤KTSpinner¤
badmephisto's f2l guide on youtube is good -
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 01:27:41
daniel0731ex wrote: :facepalm: Ok, if you are so pro, why don't you teach me how to break the sub-20 barrier?
ask the guy who is sub 18 tellerwest on yt hes the one who tensions it like tat -
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 01:32:17
........ You know what? I think I'll just stick on to learn penspinning here. Nobody here knows speedcubing at all.
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 04:19:48
yo. I know speedcubing :) Been staying out of hardware discussions cuz those are boring. What's going on now?
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 04:36:45
daniel0731ex wrote: :facepalm: Ok, if you are so pro, why don't you teach me how to break the sub-20 barrier?
lol Ok then, if you've got close to 20 memorizing algs, then you pause too much during f2l and have a bad cross transition. If those are good then memorize more algs and recognize them faster. BAM! -
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 05:51:27
TRoc wrote: lol Ok then, if you've got close to 20 memorizing algs, then you pause too much during f2l and have a bad cross transition. If those are good then memorize more algs and recognize them faster. BAM!
whats ur pb? btw are u on wca? -
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 06:12:58
Jan;79452]I just ordered the Alpha V cube,, the first cube I'm going to get from online (when it arrives). Just wondering, is there anything I should do to it when I receive it? Lubrication, sanding, ect.?[/QUOTE] to reduce the lockups you can round the edges of the corners [QUOTE=exclusive;79525]ask the guy who is sub 18 tellerwest on yt hes the one who tensions it like tat[/QUOTE] well... maybe he is turning in a different way, maybe more careful, since like daniel said, cubes pops easier if you have uneven tensions [QUOTE=daniel0731ex;79523]:facepalm: Ok, if you are so pro, why don't you teach me how to break the sub-20 barrier?[/QUOTE] like they would say on speedsolving: practice dont know what method you're using, but im assuming its CFOP, so im going with that: optimal F2L: check if your intuitive F2L is using as few moves as possible Color neutrality: Wont do much though, giving you better cases for cross is the only think i guess lookahead: yeah, look ahead >.< optimal algs: is the algs suiting your style? check other algs and take the ones you like best Regrips: try to lower your count of regrips during an alg as much as possible recognition: train your recognition for different cases, maybe sticker color is to similar? X-Cross: learn X-cross if you haven't already New steps: learn new steps such as COLL etc. they can lower the time a little fingertricks: are you doing a regrip when doing a F? if so, try with your thumb instead in cases where it would be better Method: maybe a blockbuilding method suits you more? F2L inspection: how many pairs do you plan under inspection? try at least one so you can do that while checking after another full step: are you using full OLL and PLL? learn them if not More algs: learn one alg for each side, so you dont have to rotate or do a U/U'/U2 to use your alg (I feel like I missed something still ._.) [QUOTE=daniel0731ex wrote: ........ You know what? I think I'll just stick on to learn penspinning here. Nobody here knows speedcubing at all.
well, I was a speedcuber at first, but I moved over as a casual cuber, pretty much dropped CFOP and started learning different methods, I find Roux to be more interesting to solve with. -
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 07:19:43
Olji wrote: Try to make as few cube rotations as possible, but dont let it make you do F and B moves, one tip is using d moves to make a U + a cube rotation at the same time(I find myself rotating the cube alot too, just try to make a d feel more natural than a rotation), also practice your F2L, have some solves when you just sit there and try to come up with how to solve a case optimally, maybe check up some algs, but dont memorize them plainly, instead check why you do each move, and see where in the algorithm the F2L pair is done, that way you will probably learn how you should think when doing F2L, and thus being able to improvise a case from a side you never done before and such. (although avoiding F and B moves are recommended) Also practice to look ahead, search for a new pair while solving one, when training that go slow, its easier to track pieces when you go slow, making it able for you to minimize pauses, if you go fast and isnt good at lookahead, you will have pauses, and that will cost you more time than if you did it slow
i used an online metronome to practice going slow and lookaheadOn the last layer you can do an U move instead of rotating the cube, you did that on PLL, but not on OLL, maybe you just forgot yourself :P
for pll it was already aligned, so if i did U instead, i think it i would need to U again to realign in oll is was already aligned, so i did cube rotation instead not sure if rotations would be faster than doing extra moves? -
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 08:18:58
exclusive wrote: for pll it was already aligned, so if i did U instead, i think it i would need to U again to realign in oll is was already aligned, so i did cube rotation instead not sure if rotations would be faster than doing extra moves?
When you do a rotation, you will have to make a regrip too, which takes some extra time (not much though, if you dont drop it that is), so if you got an OLL, where you usually perform the alg from L, instead of making a y' you can do U' to be able to do your alg, it saves a little time, maybe 3-5 secs if you do it on both OLL and PLL depending on how fast you can get the normal hold of the cube and start with fingertricks again -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 16:09:57
What was your fastest time olji? ¤KTSpinner¤
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 16:56:44
18 secs, got a PLL skip that time though, im averaging about 25 secs using my main method :)
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 17:38:09
lol my record is 29 seconds (I got it twice without any skips) and my average is about 30-50 seconds... Anyway, @Olji thanks for the advise on the cube; i love the Alpha V <3 its crisp, fast, and really nice :wub: the only problem is that the pieces (especially edges) pop out really easily. A few times, 1/3 of the cube blasted off...
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 17:56:53
no problem, always glad to help ^^ to reduce popping, check if you got even tensions (by disassembling the cube and pulling the opposite center pieces away from eachother, checking the gap) and maybe consider tighten it a little, by tightening, popping usually becomes less frequent, but corner cutting will not be as good as when loose, its all up to personal preference, so play around with the tensions, get them even first though, and adjust it maybe 180 - 360 degrees tightening/loosening of the screws, and then fine tuning with quarter turns, or even smaller than that although I have to say, the AV pops kinda easy, but at least it got its qualities too :) think positive, after using it for a while you will be pro at putting pieces back fast xD 29 seconds is really good, feels good when finally beating a barrier, time to go for under 30 secs on average then? :P You're still at the stage when times drops with fairly big gaps, see if you can find a competition in your area, they're pretty fun, no matter how slow you are (kind of like me in the ffa here, 2 month exp against pros lol xD) EDIT: got my guhongs btw, not much difference between white and black plastic, so go for the cheapest if you're considering one, having fun with them atm
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 19:25:17
My record is 13 seconds (single), 16 seconds average.
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 19:31:22
Jan wrote: lol my record is 29 seconds (I got it twice without any skips) and my average is about 30-50 seconds... Anyway, @Olji thanks for the advise on the cube; i love the Alpha V <3 its crisp, fast, and really nice :wub: the only problem is that the pieces (especially edges) pop out really easily. A few times, 1/3 of the cube blasted off...
what method u using? -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 19:44:32
I'm using CF2OP (fridrich with 2-look OLL).
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 22:00:22
exclusive wrote: what method u using?
CF2OP also; Fredrick Method with 2 look OLL... -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 22:25:04
Jan wrote: CF2OP also; Fredrick Method with 2 look OLL...
same here but im having trouble recognizing the g perms -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 22:44:16
i use loads of different methods, depending on what i feel like, for showing off, i do CF2OP (havent bothered learning the OLLS), since im fastest with that, when going casually, I usually practice my Roux, and 2LCMLL, and sometimes I feel like going with ZZ, havent had so much practice at EOLine though, so its rather slow, rarely use petrus, only sometimes for fun >.< for recognizing the G-Perm, when you find headlights (two corners of same color on one side except D or U) and a bar consisting of a corner and an edge, you know that you have a G-Perm, over to knowing which you need to do, I cant help you there, had that problem, but after some messing around I just know what alg is needed depending on where the bar is >.<
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 23:42:29
Olji wrote: i use loads of different methods, depending on what i feel like, for showing off, i do CF2OP (havent bothered learning the OLLS), since im fastest with that, when going casually, I usually practice my Roux, and 2LCMLL, and sometimes I feel like going with ZZ, havent had so much practice at EOLine though, so its rather slow, rarely use petrus, only sometimes for fun >.< for recognizing the G-Perm, when you find headlights (two corners of same color on one side except D or U) and a bar consisting of a corner and an edge, you know that you have a G-Perm, over to knowing which you need to do, I cant help you there, had that problem, but after some messing around I just know what alg is needed depending on where the bar is >.<
What is a G-perm? -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 23:50:34
a G-perm is a permutation algoritm, consisting of one corner cycle and one edge cycle at the same time, can be a fuss to learn to recognize which is which (since there is four different G-perms) but they save some time, as all PLL's do
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 23:51:46
Olji wrote: a G-perm is a permutation algoritm, consisting of one corner cycle and one edge cycle at the same time, can be a fuss to learn to recognize which is which (since there is four different G-perms) but they save some time, as all PLL's do
Which ones? -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 23:57:19
those who look like this, loads of arrows everywere :3
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 00:16:03
Olji;83099]a G-perm is a permutation algoritm, consisting of one corner cycle and one edge cycle at the same time, can be a fuss to learn to recognize which is which (since there is four different G-perms) but they save some time, as all PLL's do[/QUOTE] whats ur pb for pll attack? do u have a specific order for it? i heard doing the harder plls first and easier last can help [QUOTE=Jan wrote: What is a G-perm?
i thought u know 1look plls already, -
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 00:27:37
exclusive wrote: whats ur pb for pll attack? do u have a specific order for it? i heard doing the harder plls first and easier last can help i thought u know 1look plls already,
I know most of my PLL (besides some of the harder ones like Double Spins); I just don't know these names and speedcubing vocabulary... =\ -
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 00:37:51
Jan wrote: I know most of my PLL (besides some of the harder ones like Double Spins); I just don't know these names and speedcubing vocabulary... =\
its kinda easy they are like consolation's the t-perm looks like a sideways T -
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 00:53:48
yeah, most of the naming makes sense, but G(a), G(b) etc. is rather hard to know which one is which, honestly I dont know that (lol), I just got my alg for the case, I cant draw the case on paper with arrows where they should go for my G-perm algs, at least not instantly, I just do them -.-' However on the OLL part, dont even try to bother learning that, they got loads of names, some call an OLL say OLL#23, while some other call the same oll for d1... lol, cubing terms... so fun staging a random conversation with a friend on facebook consisting of almost solely cubing terms x3 here is speedsolving wiki with the most used terms: Link
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 02:10:59
Olji wrote: yeah, most of the naming makes sense, but G(a), G(b) etc. is rather hard to know which one is which, honestly I dont know that (lol), I just got my alg for the case, I cant draw the case on paper with arrows where they should go for my G-perm algs, at least not instantly, I just do them -.-' However on the OLL part, dont even try to bother learning that, they got loads of names, some call an OLL say OLL#23, while some other call the same oll for d1... lol, cubing terms... so fun staging a random conversation with a friend on facebook consisting of almost solely cubing terms x3 here is speedsolving wiki with the most used terms: Link
learning the terms is useful for team bld tho -
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 18:34:00
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 23:26:54
LiEn wrote: [video=youtube;eTeXCcotWxc][/video]
do u have xcube 2? -
Date: Sun, May 1 2011 00:26:38
xcube 2?
Date: Sun, May 1 2011 04:00:09
LiEn wrote: xcube 2?
ops misspell vcube 2 by 2 -
Date: Sun, May 1 2011 22:09:16
My record is 19. But i only got a vid of 25. look me up. i am Drunkernbob on youtube. It was a name...:(
Date: Fri, May 6 2011 15:17:40
I've gotten 30.26 sec with the beginner method oll skip. I'm tryin to learn f2l but I don't get it at all
Date: Fri, May 6 2011 15:30:30
when learning F2L I would recommend taking your time and looking for ways of creating those pairs, dont think about time for the moment, your times will get slower until you've grasped F2L good, also check some algoritms, but dont learn them, instead see why you do each move, that helped me for learning the way you should think in F2L
Date: Fri, May 6 2011 15:41:02
Olji wrote: when learning F2L I would recommend taking your time and looking for ways of creating those pairs, dont think about time for the moment, your times will get slower until you've grasped F2L good, also check some algoritms, but dont learn them, instead see why you do each move, that helped me for learning the way you should think in F2L
I know the basic cases and I know how pairing is done, but were do I start learning f2l...there is like fourty something cases.. -
Date: Fri, May 6 2011 16:18:03
I didnt learn most of the algoritms, I think I learned 2 or 3, and after analyzing those algoritms I went over to intuitive F2L automaticly, learn the cases where the edge is where it should be with the right orientation and the corner being on the top layer (if you have the cross on bottom), thats the cases I learned
Date: Fri, May 6 2011 16:59:14
Olji wrote: I didnt learn most of the algoritms, I think I learned 2 or 3, and after analyzing those algoritms I went over to intuitive F2L automaticly, learn the cases where the edge is where it should be with the right orientation and the corner being on the top layer (if you have the cross on bottom), thats the cases I learned
Those are simply basic cases and they really won't work in speedcubing. I just don't know were to start with all cases because I already know the basic ones -
Date: Fri, May 6 2011 17:55:39
I didn't learn more cases than that, I figured out the rest on my own, using the things I learned from them to solve the rest I think that Badmephisto's Tutorial videos about F2L would help, although it just goes through the basics, and the theory about it. Other than that, one thing I could help you with is that if you got the two pieces connected, but not correct, first seperate them, then pair them up correctly, that is the basic way of thinking in intuitive F2L, if you want to learn algoritm based F2L, then its just start cramming the algoritms EDIT: Found this also, great tutorial for intuitive F2L, try it out if Badmephistos one didnt help so much
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 05:59:29
Olji wrote: I didn't learn more cases than that, I figured out the rest on my own, using the things I learned from them to solve the rest I think that Badmephisto's Tutorial videos about F2L would help, although it just goes through the basics, and the theory about it. Other than that, one thing I could help you with is that if you got the two pieces connected, but not correct, first seperate them, then pair them up correctly, that is the basic way of thinking in intuitive F2L, if you want to learn algoritm based F2L, then its just start cramming the algoritms EDIT: Found this also, great tutorial for intuitive F2L, try it out if Badmephistos one didnt help so much
can u BLD 3x3? what method and memo system? also pb for bld? -
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 07:32:17
exclusive wrote: can u BLD 3x3? what method and memo system? also pb for bld?
Nope, I can't BLD atm, but I'm working on it (slowly) Going to use Old Pochmann first, and about memo I'm not sure, maybe story or something -
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 07:39:16
Olji wrote: Nope, I can't BLD atm, but I'm working on it (slowly) Going to use Old Pochmann first, and about memo I'm not sure, maybe story or something
same been learning for a few days now using visual but might change i think m2 is better for edges cuz it has less moves -
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 13:35:56
Olji wrote: I didn't learn more cases than that, I figured out the rest on my own, using the things I learned from them to solve the rest I think that Badmephisto's Tutorial videos about F2L would help, although it just goes through the basics, and the theory about it. Other than that, one thing I could help you with is that if you got the two pieces connected, but not correct, first seperate them, then pair them up correctly, that is the basic way of thinking in intuitive F2L, if you want to learn algoritm based F2L, then its just start cramming the algoritms EDIT: Found this also, great tutorial for intuitive F2L, try it out if Badmephistos one didnt help so much
What's ur best rubiks 3x3 solve time? -
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 15:01:13
Why bother with Algorithum-F2L when? Just go all the way to intuative, it's much easier. After you're fairly familiar, then you could look at some of the algorithums to see if there are ones that is really efficient (what we call "tricks") BTW, I'm sub-20 and I don't even know a single OLL or F2L trick. It's not that hard to get sub20 with CF2OP, just make sure you are familiar with i4t.
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 19:46:32
My best 3x3 solve is 18 secs with PLL skip, I'm averaging ~26 sec atm, but I am not focusing on speed so much anymore, although I time myself every once in a while. But listen to daniel0731ex, if you go intuitive, you will most likely create your own algoritms after some time, and as he said, its quite easy getting fast times with 2 look OLL and intuitive F2L, just as long you got good lookahead (which I don't lol, having way to much fun with getting as optimal as possible with blockbuilding for roux atm)
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 05:35:43
What's a good, cost efficient speedcube for a kinda beginner? I'm only at 50ish seconds, even though I've been doing this for 4 years for fun. :p
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 08:02:50
@Riley you can stick with the Rubik's Storebought for now, but if you really want a speedcube, Dayan Guhong or LunHui are the best atm. Btw, 11.24 PB, 13.92 PB Ao5 :3
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 08:16:33
I dabbled in speedcubing thanks to a friend who throws down 25 second solves in his sleep >.<' The fastest solve I ever got was 56 sec, and then I sort of quit. My goal from the very start was to solve under a minute. When I started to average about 58 sec, I was satisfied. I know it's not "fast" by speedcubing standards, but I was definitly proud of myself haha.
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 18:06:02
Heh, after I got some consistent sub 30 averages I stopped fighting for the time, I dived into other methods instead, just to keep cubing interesting, I think I'm not sub 30 anymore though x'3
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 05:45:39
my time is 2 min 32 sec, i know i suc
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 16:21:28
my average is now 40 seconds with a Type Q cube from speedcubeshop it used to be 36 seconds :(
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 16:33:53
my best on a regular 3x3 rubiks cube is around 54 secs
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 18:28:07
My best is 22.03 :)
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 03:30:00
A kid at my school is really good at speedcubing. Its really cool. Almost as impressive as PSing.
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 02:07:45
MickChickenn wrote: A kid at my school is really good at speedcubing. Its really cool. Almost as impressive as PSing.
Speedcubing is more impressive than spinning pens -
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 02:34:30
Breezy wrote: Speedcubing is more impressive than spinning pens
Thats because you spin pens. Ill bet speedcubers think the opposite. Ususally. -
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 04:37:05
MickChickenn wrote: Thats because you spin pens. Ill bet speedcubers think the opposite. Ususally.
Didn't you see my pre previous post? I'm a speedcuber and my best solve is 22.03 no skips. I also spin pens. Solving a Rubiks cube is way more impressive than spinning a pen. -
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 04:39:02
Breezy wrote: Didn't you see my pre previous post? I'm a speedcuber and my best solve is 22.03 no skips. I also spin pens. Solving a Rubiks cube is way more impressive than spinning a pen.
Its all preference. -
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 04:43:54
MickChickenn wrote: Its all preference.
Possibly... -
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 04:44:52
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 03:17:48
I got a 24 today, pll skip. I can almost solve my 4x4x4 without looking up an algorithm, I just have to memorize two more.
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 03:29:20
Someone should make threads for people that need help with cubes. Should that be me?!?!:boing:
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 03:47:21
Join the speedcubing forum. :D
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 03:48:13
Oh nvm then. there's a bigger thing then my idea.
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 09:03:48
Nice Riley, learn that 4x4 now, its really fun to solve IMO @Mufoofee I would be glad to help you, just post here or PM me and I'll help as much as I can
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 20:58:25
@Olji i want to be the one helping. :) I'm ok with the cubes and I want to help.
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 22:28:59
ok, read you wrong then xD
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 23:55:26
Hi people. I'm new. I'm Austin Reed, in case you know him (me).
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 01:29:13
Does anyone know a good website or method to learn the Fridrich method? I really want to learn, but there are a whole lot of algorithims and it seems boring...
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 04:19:22
Youtube teaches everything. Here you go. watch all of the vids. I think it goes to part eight.
Date: Thu, Jun 23 2011 05:13:42
@Olji Thanks. Yep, I know the 4x4x4, I just have to look up two parity algorithms (oll and pll), I memorized the edge one. Then I can solve it without look them up. :) My pb is 2 minutes, 54 seconds, working on sub 2:30. But I'm concentrating more on the 3x3x3, trying to get a sub 20 average first, throughout this summer. :)
Date: Thu, Jun 23 2011 05:23:38
Riley wrote: @Olji Thanks. Yep, I know the 4x4x4, I just have to look up two parity algorithms (oll and pll), I memorized the edge one. Then I can solve it without look them up. :) My pb is 2 minutes, 54 seconds, working on sub 2:30. But I'm concentrating more on the 3x3x3, trying to get a sub 20 average first, throughout this summer. :)
wat about 2x2? also about our trade, what happened to the pics -
Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 04:56:09
@exclusive Sorry, I had a vacation in the past week, now I'm active. I just sent you updated pics, but I took someaway, because I decided I like cubing, lol. I don't own a 2x2x2, but I can solve it with the corners of a 3x3, and double layer turns of a 4x4. My record is 9 seconds with the beginner's method, which is all I know. I'm interested in buying a V-Cube 2a from amazon, only $12. Is it like definately the best 2x2x2 out there?
Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 06:47:20
[QUOTE=Riley;110808]@Austin might know
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 23:14:09
Anyone want to buy an Alpha CC?
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 23:30:19
Riley wrote: Anyone want to buy an Alpha CC?
replied -
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 23:44:12
Getting consistent 24.xx averages, but trying to get sub 20 within 10 days, because I have a competition in Berkeley. Also got a 16.41, PB. Used the WCA scrambler. :D
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 00:16:45
Riley wrote: Getting consistent 24.xx averages, but trying to get sub 20 within 10 days, because I have a competition in Berkeley. Also got a 16.41, PB. Used the WCA scrambler. :D
@Riley what wca scrambler? -
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 01:16:50
@exclusive google it
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 03:42:56
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 08:19:09
Got a couple of 10s recently, oddly all of them are PLL skips. Still can't sub-10 D: PB ao5 is 13.92.
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 01:51:45
would someone mind making a summary of the types of speed cubes? or link me to a page with the summaries? planning to get one... hopefully... i tried reading through 51 pages but only lasted 17 pages.... lol XD
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 04:31:16 has a bunch of summaries, but I don't think Stefan has updated it in a while, so it's probably lacking the most commonly used cubes right now. For more recent stuff, just look up things like Dayan Guhong, Ling Yun(I think), Zhan Chi is pretty big right now, and some others idk someone else will probably know more recent cubes. I tend to buy a cube and stick with it for a long time, while ignoring most hardware discussions and reviews. There's plenty of reviews of everything on and youtube
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 06:03:31
Kari-Chan wrote: would someone mind making a summary of the types of speed cubes? or link me to a page with the summaries? planning to get one... hopefully... i tried reading through 51 pages but only lasted 17 pages.... lol XD
get the dayan zhanchi the world record holder uses it -
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 06:12:35
@exclusive this one? i want a white one though =P i can't find a white one XD
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 06:46:51
Kari-Chan wrote: @exclusive this one? i want a white one though =P i can't find a white one XD
diy cheaper or assmebled -
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 09:07:16
exclusive wrote: diy cheaper or assmebled
wow expensivo @_@ but i'll still put it into consideration =] what are your thoughts about this one? and while we're at it, how about this lube? XP oh, what about the mini-C? XD i have small hands so.... -
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 17:19:01
Kari-Chan wrote: wow expensivo @_@ but i'll still put it into consideration =] what are your thoughts about this one? and while we're at it, how about this lube? XP oh, what about the mini-C? XD i have small hands so....
lol i dont own any of those cubes @MrData can help or the zhanchi prototype, i dont know whats the diff between the consumer one vs this one tho -
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 19:48:55
@Kari-Chan Can't tell you anything about the first cube you linked, but maru lube is good as is mini type c. I used to use mini c as my main.
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 19:51:50
MrData wrote: @Kari-Chan Can't tell you anything about the first cube you linked, but maru lube is good as is mini type c. I used to use mini c as my main.
what about that 12$ zhanchi? whats the diff -
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 19:58:59
I don't know anything about Zhan Chi or most new cubes, sorry. I'm still using a Guhong i bought quite a long while ago...
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 20:12:22
MrData wrote: I don't know anything about Zhan Chi or most new cubes, sorry. I'm still using a Guhong i bought quite a long while ago...
yah same @MrData -
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 20:52:20
exclusive wrote: lol i dont own any of those cubes @Kari-Chan Can't tell you anything about the first cube you linked, but maru lube is good as is mini type c. I used to use mini c as my main.
oh right... i didn't notice that the first one didn't have much details on it =P but i think i linked there from a Type F-II -
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 02:59:36
Ok if it's an F-II it's pretty awesome. I never used mine much as I kept overturning. Oh and it has like a billion caps on everything so don't drop it or kaboom
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 03:26:31
MrData wrote: Ok if it's an F-II it's pretty awesome. I never used mine much as I kept overturning. Oh and it has like a billion caps on everything so don't drop it or kaboom
dont ppl just superglue them -
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 04:17:41
exclusive wrote: dont ppl just superglue them
yeah but i never bothered with that lol -
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 11:13:50
lol okay thanks for the tips =] so... since i assume both of you say the cubes are good, which one do u recommend me to get definitely if i get only 1? =P
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 05:25:13
F-II definitely for me
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 08:05:39
Kari-Chan wrote: lol okay thanks for the tips =] so... since i assume both of you say the cubes are good, which one do u recommend me to get definitely if i get only 1? =P
idk I don't have experience with the cubes people keep talking about these days, but it seems like a lot of people like the zhan chi. If I were to buy a new cube right now, it would be that. -
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 10:01:44
alrighty then. thanks ^__^
Date: Sun, Aug 7 2011 06:37:05
@Kari-Chan I tried a zhanchi today and can confirm its awesomeness
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 22:57:39
@MrData or anyone else wanna teach me how to break new cycles for BLD using OP im really confused
Date: Tue, Aug 16 2011 18:46:29
I don't know how OP works, but in Pochmann you simply put the piece somewhere else. There is no tutorial on youtube?
Date: Tue, Aug 16 2011 19:21:38
Olji wrote: I don't know how OP works, but in Pochmann you simply put the piece somewhere else. There is no tutorial on youtube?
yah but when i break a new cycle i cant remember how to fix that piece when it goes somewhere else at the end -
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 04:56:49
when you complete the new cycle the last piece you swap with will be the same one that you used to break into a new cycle
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 04:48:18
MrData wrote: when you complete the new cycle the last piece you swap with will be the same one that you used to break into a new cycle
i cant remember which way its oriented btw whats a good megaminx @Olji -
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 07:19:09
I think it is Mefferts or MF8 v2, the MF8 needs a little modding what I know, not that into megaminx
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 07:27:16
Olji wrote: I think it is Mefferts or MF8 v2, the MF8 needs a little modding what I know, not that into megaminx
what about a 4x4? @Olji -
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 07:35:41
lol good megaminx.. no such thing my best is an MF8, no experience with those others no comment on 4x4 cuz people seem to like ones that i hate my main is a mini qj
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 08:19:33
The two 4x4s that is given a lot of praise these days is: Dayan/MF8 4x4 - Pros: Smooth on all layers after some work ~ Cons: Big, pops much, not great out of the box, need quite some work to make it good ShengShou 4x4 v3 - Pros: Cheap, pretty smooth turning out of the box, good size for many, smooth, good corner cutting according to some reviews ~ Cons: Hard to know what version you're buying, a bitch to assemble when you don't have a good assembly method, and with a good method it's still a hassle I'm using a Shengshou 4x4 v2, although it's said that it pops much it have never popped for me, heard others it never/rarely popped for too. Since I'm casual in cubing it works for me, it's smooth and never fails me in a solve. Ultimately a good cube depends on what turning style you have, so I can't actually recommend a specific cube.
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 09:13:17
MF8 V2 with springs from some random pen that I'm sure no one will be able to find. And Maru and CRC lube. I like it, other people like it. Oh, and Megaminx is one of my best events.
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 13:58:38
what about shengsho v1
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 16:13:01
exclusive wrote: what about shengsho v1
The higher version the better I would say -
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 16:14:31
Olji wrote: The higher version the better I would say
@Olji not alpha cc -
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 16:58:36
In that case I was talking about Shengshou 4x4
Date: Thu, Aug 18 2011 20:32:51
Olji wrote: In that case I was talking about Shengshou 4x4
ops misread that -
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 10:08:09
anyone know the name of the cube on the left? i have this cube and i cant solve it, need to find out its name to actually search on the internet
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 13:02:45
Think it's called "Pyramorphinx" :)
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 14:34:59
Olji wrote: Think it's called "Pyramorphinx" :)
thank you!!!!!! but after some researching i found that there are loads of different names associated with this cube, like the pyramorphinx, pyramorphix and mastermorphix, i dont know which one is the right one but thanks!!! i can finally find a tutorial and solve it! -
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 18:07:48
Mines like a month
Date: Mon, Oct 3 2011 22:38:17
10 seconds is my best time, 2:34 blindfolded
Date: Mon, Oct 3 2011 23:46:39
sa11297 wrote: 10 seconds is my best time, 2:34 blindfolded
my pb is 21 btw im on too, did u say u had to wipe down a dayan cube that was overlubed with factory lube? -
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 01:59:27
exclusive wrote: my pb is 21 btw im on too, did u say u had to wipe down a dayan cube that was overlubed with factory lube?
it was the shengshou 6x6 not a dayan cube -
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 04:52:51
sa11297 wrote: it was the shengshou 6x6 not a dayan cube
i meant the older post about that even after wiping the lube, there s still some left enough for good -
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 22:21:56
exclusive wrote: i meant the older post about that even after wiping the lube, there s still some left enough for good
umm. I dont know, maybe. -
Date: Wed, Oct 5 2011 00:55:09
Supergirl wrote: thank you!!!!!! but after some researching i found that there are loads of different names associated with this cube, like the pyramorphinx, pyramorphix and mastermorphix, i dont know which one is the right one but thanks!!! i can finally find a tutorial and solve it!
The one on the left is a pillowed master pyramorphinx, and the one on the right is a pyraminx. i know my cubes XD -
Date: Wed, Oct 5 2011 14:59:43
The Turtle wrote: The one on the left is a pillowed master pyramorphinx, and the one on the right is a pyraminx. i know my cubes XD
thanks -
Date: Thu, Oct 6 2011 00:09:12
sa11297 wrote: umm. I dont know, maybe.
can you give me some hints for oh? besides my slow cross [video=youtube;FYKkY-xXAQE][/video] -
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 09:07:55
Mine's only 1m 9s. TT Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 15:43:13
I'm starting up again. What do you guys think of the Ghost Hand II cube? I'm thinking of getting a GuHong though. This is on it's way from Lightake (they still haven't shipped after 5 days ._.) Does anyone know how it is? I was recommended this a while back... Thanks!
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 18:30:41
ShadrCom3t wrote: I'm starting up again. What do you guys think of the Ghost Hand II cube? I'm thinking of getting a GuHong though. This is on it's way from Lightake (they still haven't shipped after 5 days ._.) Does anyone know how it is? I was recommended this a while back... Thanks!
Ah, the Ghost Hand II is a good cube, got a smooth feel,is pretty fast and is hard to pop if tensioned right (Mine has never popped), the only downside is that it locks up a bit, but there should be a mod that should eliminate/reduce that con. Going to check if I can find the video :) The Guhong is a great cube too, although it is hard to control at first, but that will be forgotten when you get used to it. Yeah, Lightake is pretty slow, there has emerged some new shops located in china with cheap prices and free (and faster) shipping: 51MoreFun and PickEgg Have not tried them myself, but I have seen positive feedback from lots of members on Speedsolving. EDIT: Here In case you want to avoid ear rape or don't like his way of talking I will explain the mod here too :3 On the center pieces they got some sharp points, and he simply sands them down. Other people has reported success by rounding other pieces too, but I haven't tried those yet, might as well try that later. -
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 18:35:02
Agreed. The Ghost Hand II is good. It has that Eastsheen smoothness to it. But like said it locks. The Guhong is better IMO but not at first. Without lube and a bit of modding it's shit out of the box. Lubix + 48 point mod = Awesome
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 18:45:08
ShadrCom3t wrote: I'm starting up again. What do you guys think of the Ghost Hand II cube? I'm thinking of getting a GuHong though. This is on it's way from Lightake (they still haven't shipped after 5 days ._.) Does anyone know how it is? I was recommended this a while back... Thanks!
i dont think thats a gh2 -
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 19:07:22
exclusive wrote: i dont think thats a gh2
Now when you mention it, that's right D: That is actually a F-II, although no need to go "Q_Q", the Ghost Hands is close to type F's, they got similar feel and speed, but I think the F-II is my fav of those, the feeling of the turns are so... orgasmic ~_~. The only problems with the F-II is not performance-wise, but the stickers is of horrible quality, they fade very quickly, so I would recommend you placing an order on stickers on any site, cubesmith and 51morefun is two shops I know that sells stickers, along with most US based stores. The second problem with the F-II is that it got caps that fall off very easly, you can superglue them into place, but avoid doing that to the center caps since you may want to adjust the tensions, some paper would do the trick on those. -
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 03:53:02
exclusive wrote: i dont think thats a gh2
^that cube in the new paragraph is an entirely different one I was asking about. Not a GuHong nor a Ghost Hand II. You say it's an F (F-II) type? cool I have no idea what that cube was (Sheng En?), but I bought it cause someone said it was good =P if you have any more comments on it, lemme know. -
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 04:43:06
TRoc wrote: Agreed. The Ghost Hand II is good. It has that Eastsheen smoothness to it. But like said it locks. The Guhong is better IMO but not at first. Without lube and a bit of modding it's shit out of the box. Lubix + 48 point mod = Awesome
what lube do u use? -
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 10:01:15
ShadrCom3t;141525]^that cube in the new paragraph is an entirely different one I was asking about. Not a GuHong nor a Ghost Hand II. You say it's an F (F-II) type? cool I have no idea what that cube was (Sheng En?), but I bought it cause someone said it was good =P if you have any more comments on it, lemme know.[/QUOTE] The F-II was the top tier along with A-V until Dayan rolled over them, the only problems it has is like I said before, the stickers and the caps. It also does not have as good cornercutting as the cubes nowadays, but you should not need that much, I think the F-II got enough corner cutting. [QUOTE=exclusive wrote: what lube do u use?
I would think he uses Lubix, a kind of silicone oil, one great, cheap substitute for Lubix is differential oil, I think it was 50k Wt that was closest.(If I'm wrong please correct me) -
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 17:27:53
Olji wrote: The F-II was the top tier along with A-V until Dayan rolled over them, the only problems it has is like I said before, the stickers and the caps. It also does not have as good cornercutting as the cubes nowadays, but you should not need that much, I think the F-II got enough corner cutting. I would think he uses Lubix, a kind of silicone oil, one great, cheap substitute for Lubix is differential oil, I think it was 50k Wt that was closest.(If I'm wrong please correct me)
50k wt is cheaper, so buy that -
Date: Tue, Oct 11 2011 05:13:29
Yea I use Lubix now. It's made my guhong so much better and I lubed only the core of my F-II after the amazing lube it cam with started to wear out. I also have some CRC and the last bits of Jig-a-loo that I'm trying to conserve. Shock Oil is one substitute and I've heard lesser wt works better, around 20-40 wt. I've mostly heard people use 20 or 30wt. Another like Olji said is Traxxas Differential Oil at 50K weight. They're both supposed to be almost exact to Lubix, especially Traxxas, and available at most hobby stores for RC cars. But Lubix is still pretty easily attainable online.
Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 16:31:14
I decided to learn all the PLL algorithms before OLL. Is that a good decision? And on a side note, how long does it take to learn all of them? I tried to memorize 4 in one day... but then I forgot 2 of them + had a massive headache.
Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 17:28:22
ShadrCom3t wrote: I decided to learn all the PLL algorithms before OLL. Is that a good decision? And on a side note, how long does it take to learn all of them? I tried to memorize 4 in one day... but then I forgot 2 of them + had a massive headache.
depends on how much time you spend on practising/memorising them, try to learn 1 a day or so, maybe 2-4, but not too much -
Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 17:33:33
ShadrCom3t wrote: I decided to learn all the PLL algorithms before OLL. Is that a good decision? And on a side note, how long does it take to learn all of them? I tried to memorize 4 in one day... but then I forgot 2 of them + had a massive headache.
Learning PLL before OLL is a good decision, you save more time with full PLL than with full OLL. I only know full PLL along with 2 Look OLL, and I can get sub-20 solves if I look ahead properly. If you start using Petrus or ZZ you won't need full OLL either, so start playing around with them if you find full OLL too daunting, they may be a little hard to wrap your head around in the start, but they are more interesting to solve with, since they are more intuitive than CFOP. Learning time depends on the person, I don't remember how long it took for me, but not that long; One algoritm per day is easly remembered if you want to, and some people have memorized many a day, just remember to not rush it, or you will forget half of them. :P -
Date: Sun, Oct 16 2011 00:33:18
I got my Dayan GuHong today. I'm so happy. I'm just excited that I can actually solve a rubiks cube without super precise turning (+random lock ups)
Olji wrote: just remember to not rush it, or you will forget half of them. :P
this = me right now and there are way less PLL than OLL so yeah. -
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 00:19:23
So I just started cubing like a day ago...Lol I can solve 2 layers, and I'm learning how to solve the last layer. Anyway, who else cubes?
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 00:50:11
Um I yoyo B| lol Make sure you keep at it! You'll get there. In other news, I got a Cubetwist and 2 MF8 II Square-1s. IMO the Cubetwist Square-1 is the smoothest thing I ever turned (even without lube). I would solve it just for that feeling. I also got that ShengEn FII. It's pretty good. I really like the Guhong though hahaah
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 01:11:14
Guhong is good. Zhanchi is good. Ghosthand really doesnt come close.
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 01:02:31
ShadrCom3t wrote: Um I yoyo B| lol Make sure you keep at it! You'll get there. In other news, I got a Cubetwist and 2 MF8 II Square-1s. IMO the Cubetwist Square-1 is the smoothest thing I ever turned (even without lube). I would solve it just for that feeling. I also got that ShengEn FII. It's pretty good. I really like the Guhong though hahaah
i dont get why people say a f2 is bubbly? does it feel like really round first sub 30 [video=youtube;GxIBgTOJH1E][/video] -
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 08:29:03
Got a Zhanchi like 2 weeks ago, pretty good cube~~ I can solve with beginners method around 30-40 seconds.. should i start learning Fridrich's method??
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 09:45:34
I was once into speedcubing. I never really got it.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 06:05:21
euninja wrote: Got a Zhanchi like 2 weeks ago, pretty good cube~~ I can solve with beginners method around 30-40 seconds.. should i start learning Fridrich's method??
what lube? -
Date: Wed, Nov 2 2011 10:25:48
exclusive wrote: i dont get why people say a f2 is bubbly? does it feel like really round
It's light and very round. I like the round feeling, but not the light and "hollow" feeling. I didn't know what they meant until I got an FII -
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 03:04:45
Just the regular Zhanchi, thinking about lubing it with lubix though, but then I'm not sure if it would be too fast for me
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 05:46:13
euninja wrote: Just the regular Zhanchi, thinking about lubing it with lubix though, but then I'm not sure if it would be too fast for me
Most people recommend getting a Zhanchi when sub 20sec =/ Then again I have a GuHong when I'm only sub 1min -
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 07:15:52
euninja wrote: Just the regular Zhanchi, thinking about lubing it with lubix though, but then I'm not sure if it would be too fast for me
dont get lubix, its overpriced and you can buy it for 100x cheaper at rcstores -
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 21:43:04
I don't agree to this thing about having certain times for certain cubes. The faster you get it the more time you have to get used to it, just find the cube that suits you, and stick to it.
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 00:13:56
Two competitions coming up! Caltech and Berkeley, too bad I couldn't make Stanford. I'm attempting multi-bld at Berkeley. o.o
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 06:02:43
Olji wrote: I don't agree to this thing about having certain times for certain cubes. The faster you get it the more time you have to get used to it, just find the cube that suits you, and stick to it.
yah i seen ppl sub 10 with storebought lol -
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 06:14:58
exclusive wrote: yah i seen ppl sub 10 with storebought lol
:o lol cause I saw a review and he was like "NO Don't get it unless your sub 20" =P -
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 14:39:12
ShadrCom3t wrote: :o lol cause I saw a review and he was like "NO Don't get it unless your sub 20" =P
There've been a huge debate over that, but the majority thinks that you should get the best cube available in the start. Those who thinks that you should have a certain time usually thinks something in line with that you "won't appreciate" the speedcube, while they get the answer that marathon runners don't use shoes with high heels so they can appreciate running shoes. It's your call really, the better the cube the less stressing it is on your fingers, some people have gotten some injuries by using Rubik's brands, not to say that you develop bad cubing habits that you will have to unlearn later. But getting a fast cube will probably make you go to fast, but that's pretty easy to control. Although the thing with bad cubing habits is mainly by using a bad Rubik's brand(there are some good ones, but they're kinda rare to come by) or something of similar performance, since you got a FII (I think?) it's up to you (and your wallet :P ) if you want to buy it or not, you will probably get it eventually if no better cube has been released as you fulfill the "requirements". -
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 15:26:38
anybody here using ZZ method?
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 17:33:48
I know it, but I suck at it... Mainly the EOline that's hard for me, but I'm not very efficient with blocks either. >_<
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 18:02:17
eoline takes me forever.i onli got sub 1 minute with this method recently.should i do roux method? what are benefits
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 19:49:10
I would recommend you to try out different methods and use the one that you like the most. Fridrich is less intuitive than Roux, ZZ and Petrus, which means more algorithms and less reliance on efficiency to get fast (but it's still needed), the other three requires you to be good at blockbuilding, which comes with training. One thing that is unique to ZZ is that you only do L, R and U moves for the first two layers, Roux uses only M and U moves in the last steps, which is pretty fun to do IMO, I haven't done so much Petrus, but it uses moves by only two sides for building the last part of the first two layers. (two sides because it can be R U, L U or anything else) I mainly uses CFOP(fridrich), but I'm practicing Roux since I like that method more, it's your call in the end, play around with methods that seems interesting. EDIT: lol forgot to tell the difference. ZZ uses almost the same LL sub-methods like CFOP, except that you only need to learn 2 look oll instead since the edges will be oriented when only the last layer is left. ZZ's blockbuilding part is rather restricted too, R, L and U moves only. Roux however uses CMLL for orienting and permuting corners at the same time, which makes it harder to recognize the case in the start until you're used to it. The blockbuilding in Roux is pretty free, since the first step is to build one block you don't have to preserve something while building it, the second block is a little restricted though.
Date: Thu, Nov 10 2011 01:14:19
Well I have a GuHong and I really like it. That's all I'll need for now.
Date: Sat, Nov 12 2011 15:10:33
Ah, forgot that you've gotten a Guhong, they're kinda similar to the Zhanchi, the Zhanchi is a little more crispy and is harder to pop with those torpedoes in it. But the smoothness of the Guhong is pretty awesome when you've modded it.
Date: Sat, Nov 12 2011 19:24:10
Olji wrote: Ah, forgot that you've gotten a Guhong, they're kinda similar to the Zhanchi, the Zhanchi is a little more crispy and is harder to pop with those torpedoes in it. But the smoothness of the Guhong is pretty awesome when you've modded it.
but the guhong kinda deteriorates and gets worse over time -
Date: Sat, Nov 12 2011 19:48:28
I haven't experienced that, it's usually just dust that have accumulated or the lube has dried out, my Guhong started to pop like crazy but after I lubed it again the issue disappeared.
Date: Sat, Nov 12 2011 19:52:08
Olji wrote: I haven't experienced that, it's usually just dust that have accumulated or the lube has dried out, my Guhong started to pop like crazy but after I lubed it again the issue disappeared.
same but i never clean out the dust did you clean it? -
Date: Sat, Nov 12 2011 20:24:22
I don't clean it regularly, but sometimes I just think it should be done, then I unscrew every center piece and clean everything except the screws.
Date: Sat, Nov 12 2011 23:25:49
I went to a competition last year, I transferred these videos from my old channel. The competition is Big Cubes BC squared. My first competition and I did badly. [video=youtube;cjRUC9o3tVw][/video] [video=youtube;BJ_pagD9b6s][/video]
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 04:13:58
just lubed my storebought today and its not a bad as i expected . 29.17 D U' L F L R2 F2 B2 U L' D2 L' D2 F2 R F2 B2 R2 U L U F' U F2 R'
Date: Tue, Nov 22 2011 00:27:43
Me at Caltech Fall 2011: [video=youtube;lMDNvh0lD5o][/video]
Date: Tue, Nov 22 2011 00:38:38
Riley wrote: Me at Caltech Fall 2011: [video=youtube;lMDNvh0lD5o][/video]
@3:23 i see @MrData LOL -
Date: Wed, Nov 23 2011 13:44:41
Couldn't even solve a 2x2x2 cube. This Rubixing is really hard. =/
Date: Sat, Dec 3 2011 01:51:44
[video=youtube;aAqLpkirkK4][/video] Me solving Mini Maru 3x3x3 sub 45s Average of 5
34rryy wrote: Couldn't even solve a 2x2x2 cube. This Rubixing is really hard. =/
LOL you shouldn't be "nerdy" then as your mood. -
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 20:35:41
good oh solve on vid [video=youtube;2Y7lL9cDxdU][/video]
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 00:25:11
got a better oh vid now 36.14 [video=youtube;EII8BKhqZkY][/video]
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 17:34:15
What kind of 4x4 do you guys recommend? I'm thinking of buying a Maru 4x4 or the ShengShou 4x4.
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 18:07:01
I would get a ShengShou 4x4, I've heard more good things about it than the Maru, and it's also considered to be one of the best 4x4's out on the market, being great with a low price, although try to get the third version, apparently it's way better than the first two ones, but it shouldn't be any hard, don't think the v1 and v2 are easly accessible anymore since v3 has been out for a while. Should upgrade sometime to the Shengshou v3, still have the first version which is crappy. (compared to the other versions, I like it) xD
Date: Tue, Dec 27 2011 00:10:55
Olji wrote: I would get a ShengShou 4x4, I've heard more good things about it than the Maru, and it's also considered to be one of the best 4x4's out on the market, being great with a low price, although try to get the third version, apparently it's way better than the first two ones, but it shouldn't be any hard, don't think the v1 and v2 are easly accessible anymore since v3 has been out for a while. Should upgrade sometime to the Shengshou v3, still have the first version which is crappy. (compared to the other versions, I like it) xD
@Olji what do u avg for 3x3,4x4? -
Date: Tue, Dec 27 2011 00:22:52
exclusive wrote: what do u avg for 3x3,4x4?
On 3x3 I average around 23 seconds, I'm getting sub 20's every once in a while. On 4x4 I average about 2 minutes. I'm not that focused on speed anymore though, I practice things like lookahead on occasion, but I usually just solve nowadays. My WCA Profile is pretty much up to date now, compared to what it was some months ago. I didn't feel like competing in every event I could though. -
Date: Thu, Dec 29 2011 10:33:32
I bought a Dayan V (Zhanchi) because there were no "normal" cubes around in any store so I thought go big or go home. Now I only need to learn to solve layer 2 and 3 lol.
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 23:26:08
The stickers on my Zhanchi like chip off really easily, anyone have the same problem??
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 23:48:10
euninja wrote: The stickers on my Zhanchi like chip off really easily, anyone have the same problem??
The stickers on DaYan cubes don't last that long, once you can't take it, you can order from -
Date: Wed, Jan 11 2012 00:56:12
euninja wrote: The stickers on my Zhanchi like chip off really easily, anyone have the same problem??
u learned full pll yet? -
Date: Wed, Jan 11 2012 01:21:44
exclusive wrote: u learned full pll yet?
just have the 4 double spins to learn and then i would've learnt all of it. havnt learnt full oll yet though. -
Date: Wed, Jan 11 2012 11:31:35
Riley wrote: The stickers on DaYan cubes don't last that long, once you can't take it, you can order from
The new stickers seem to have degraded. The stickers of my Guhong are still pretty much in good condition. It's like a year old nao. -
Date: Wed, Jan 11 2012 16:00:02
euninja wrote: just have the 4 double spins to learn and then i would've learnt all of it. havnt learnt full oll yet though.
wow thats fast uve been cuber for 2 week -
Date: Wed, Jan 11 2012 21:55:53
Riley;166739]The stickers on DaYan cubes don't last that long, once you can't take it, you can order from[/QUOTE] Thanks :) It came with another set of stickers, but I think I'll just get some off cubesmith then, but then I have to pay for international shipping lol >.< [QUOTE=Krypton;166837]The new stickers seem to have degraded. The stickers of my Guhong are still pretty much in good condition. It's like a year old nao.[/QUOTE] Most likely, because my cube is still fairly new, only like 1 month old, and I didn't cube much, until these last few weeks. [QUOTE=exclusive wrote: wow thats fast uve been cuber for 2 week
haha xD got PB yesterday of 23 seconds :) but my average of 5 is around 28-30 seconds -
Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 12:06:23
That's really good :) I'm stuck at ~14 and I've been cubing for nearly 3 years. 3x3's not my favourite :p
Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 20:46:48
Ya new Dayan stickers hav smaller sizes now
Date: Fri, Jan 13 2012 01:50:55
Average ~ 30. I cube in the summer and ps in school year.
Date: Fri, Jan 13 2012 13:24:49
Anyone going to Cannes for the V-Cube comp? I really want to go but it's so expensive and I thought I could save a bit of money by lodging with some cubers. There're giving a new V-Cube as prizes :excited:
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 01:20:00
Krypton wrote: Anyone going to Cannes for the V-Cube comp? I really want to go but it's so expensive and I thought I could save a bit of money by lodging with some cubers. There're giving a new V-Cube as prizes :excited:
the newest vcube is a 3x3 pillowed lol -
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 06:07:00
Mefferts already have this 'Felik's 3x3'. I'm just interested in seeing new V-Cube stuff lol. Registration is free, but maybe you've got to pay to enter the Cannes Game Festival. All competitors get a cap, shirt lanyard and a gift pack.
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 06:47:42
exclusive wrote: the newest vcube is a 3x3 pillowed lol
Are pillowed cubes allowed in competitions? -
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 06:54:10
Sure, as long as their not modified to turn unusually or have extra stuff to enable quick recognition (Braille stickers or tiles) then it should be fine. Methinks.
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 08:21:14
euninja wrote: Are pillowed cubes allowed in competitions?
no for 3x3- -
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 13:34:03
Pillowed cubes isn't allowed in competition, the only exception is 7x7 right now, but as soon as a non-pillowed version becomes widely used it will become illegal to use in competition as well. The pillowed form makes it easier to see other stickers you shouldn't be able to see on a cubic puzzle, that's the main reason that I know of.
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 16:20:12
Olji wrote: Pillowed cubes isn't allowed in competition, the only exception is 7x7 right now, but as soon as a non-pillowed version becomes widely used it will become illegal to use in competition as well. The pillowed form makes it easier to see other stickers you shouldn't be able to see on a cubic puzzle, that's the main reason that I know of.
Haven't you been around Speedsolving recently? Are you priorities psing or cubing now? :) -
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 19:31:42
I was on Speedsolving before UPSB, I actually started with penspinning after a thread about it appeared on Speedsolving. xD But I think I'm still kinda focused on speedcubing, I'm practicing penspinning every once in a while but I'm not that good at it still, but both of them is more like something to do while I'm bored right now. (Sub-20 incoming after almost 2 years lol) Who are you on Speedsolving btw?
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 19:42:00
Olji wrote: I was on Speedsolving before UPSB, I actually started with penspinning after a thread about it appeared on Speedsolving. xD But I think I'm still kinda focused on speedcubing, I'm practicing penspinning every once in a while but I'm not that good at it still, but both of them is more like something to do while I'm bored right now. (Sub-20 incoming after almost 2 years lol) Who are you on Speedsolving btw?
lol i havent inproved in like 2-3 months, just got slower after my haitus -
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 19:50:15
I'm just improving slowly upon reaching a barrier, got the same experience with the sub-30, getting closer slow as hell, and when I crossed it I got 25 second averages pretty quickly. Think I've been sub-25 for 9 months or something, so I'm not improving that fast either. xD Hmm, I'm considering to change back to my weird color scheme I used before, mainly to throw the scramblers off in competitions. xD (Red-white green-yellow blue-orange)
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 20:56:05
Olji wrote: I'm just improving slowly upon reaching a barrier, got the same experience with the sub-30, getting closer slow as hell, and when I crossed it I got 25 second averages pretty quickly. Think I've been sub-25 for 9 months or something, so I'm not improving that fast either. xD Hmm, I'm considering to change back to my weird color scheme I used before, mainly to throw the scramblers off in competitions. xD (Red-white green-yellow blue-orange)
lol thats kinda weird scheme, anyone else use it? -
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 21:11:10
Not that I know of, I just made it when I felt to mess around with color schemes to see how fast it would take to adapt to a new one, and decided to make it completely messed up with no opposite colors like they used to be, green-yellow can be found on japanese color scheme though.
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 00:12:56
Olji wrote: Not that I know of, I just made it when I felt to mess around with color schemes to see how fast it would take to adapt to a new one, and decided to make it completely messed up with no opposite colors like they used to be, green-yellow can be found on japanese color scheme though.
are u color neutral? -
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 04:41:00
Is colour neutral when you solve the cross on which ever colour is easiest to?
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 04:46:38
Yes, but it's not just the cross. F2l and pll. It's easiest to be color neutral on a 2x2
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 08:09:45
Penz3160 wrote: Yes, but it's not just the cross. F2l and pll. It's easiest to be color neutral on a 2x2
/////////////////////////////isnt every1 -
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 08:37:17
Olji wrote: I was on Speedsolving before UPSB, I actually started with penspinning after a thread about it appeared on Speedsolving. xD But I think I'm still kinda focused on speedcubing, I'm practicing penspinning every once in a while but I'm not that good at it still, but both of them is more like something to do while I'm bored right now. (Sub-20 incoming after almost 2 years lol) Who are you on Speedsolving btw?
Let me guess, Twine's 2 year solo. Me too :D I'm JianhanC on SS. You are still Olji right? I actually don't spin anymore, I participate in Weekly Comps and I trick now :) -
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 10:01:51
exclusive;167898]are u color neutral?[/QUOTE] I guess I am, if I see a partial cross (2 pieces or more) I go with that color, if every side doesn't have any cross piece done I resort to white. On bigger cubes I always do white cross after reduction though. [QUOTE=Krypton wrote: Let me guess, Twine's 2 year solo. Me too :D I'm JianhanC on SS. You are still Olji right? I actually don't spin anymore, I participate in Weekly Comps and I trick now :)
Heh, I think indeed it was Twine's 2 year solo. I'm still Olji there, if you ever happen to see a member named Olji on any site it's probably me. *Stalks your profile on Speedsolving* -
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 12:28:07
I know already :D Your avatar has an OP on 3x3 :rofl: Drop me a message when you do kays.
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 02:49:29
3rd sub 10 single. 9.16 (3x3)
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 15:01:22
I don't have any sub-10s yet D: Feels so annoying. Closest was 10.33 and it was non lucky.
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 15:05:48
Lol, at least you're close to sub-10 XD
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 01:32:50
Are pillowed 2x2's allowed?? Looking to buy a new 2x2, my rubiks brand one is so bad..
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 02:32:53
Not in competition, only pillowed 7x7's are. I suggest a Wittwo 2x2. PB BLD Single, 2:56.52, first sub 3.
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 15:59:15
Nice :) M2 Old Pochmann I presume? @Riley
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 00:43:40
@MrData where are u? havent seen u cubing much
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 02:26:01
10.55 D B' F L B F2 U2 R2 L2 F U2 D F U2 F' B L2 B2 U2 D' R2 D B' D R' Gah wanted sub-10.
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 03:04:27
@Krypton do you cube at school too?
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 03:13:07
I got to know speedcubing in school, so I used to cube in school, yeah :) Believe it or not, cubes or twisty puzzles of any form is illegal in my school.
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 07:47:09
Krypton wrote: Nice :) M2 Old Pochmann I presume? @Riley
Yea. Trying to get more consistency, I have like 1/3 success rate. :/ New NL 3x3 PB, 10.75. -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 08:34:01
Just go faster. Once you finish memo, put on the blindfold and solve. Daniel Beyer and Chris Hardwick both recommend going as fast as possible during memo. This way, when you are solving, you'll try to at least recall something. This is exercising your brain to perform beyond its capabilities. Over time, you'll be able to recall your whole memo. And once you're there, go faster again, never let your brain relax. And in comps, you'll be forced to go slower and more careful that you normally would, and even that would be quite fast compared to your usual super fast home solves. I wish I'd use these advices, now I'm too lazy to do BLD :(
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 01:11:12
anyone got a square 1, 4x4 , or a fishers cube?
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 01:15:58
Oh shit, never realized there were such good cubers on here
dat wrote: anyone got a square 1, 4x4 , or a fishers cube?
Yea got those -
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 01:18:33
you got a time avg of 5 on your fishers cube? @TRoc
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 01:20:43
dat wrote: you got a time avg of 5 on your fishers cube?
No, I don't like it very much. I usually solve it for fun not speed. -
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 02:05:17
TRoc wrote: No, I don't like it very much. I usually solve it for fun not speed.
what do you avg for 3x3? -
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 03:37:37
exclusive wrote: what do you avg for 3x3?
A couple years ago I plateaud at just below sub-20... for like a month. I couldn't get any better and kinda lost interest. Now I can't get sub-25. -
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 03:44:09
best agv of 5 for 3x3 is 25.34
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 04:14:14
Any sub 10 people here?
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 05:30:50
wft @Krypton you are jking right?
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 05:39:42
No I'm serious.
Date: Mon, Jan 23 2012 05:49:33
Only 3 sub 10 singles. One day... Hope to be there by US Nats. (August) Berkeley next Saturday, can't wait! 12.92 Average of 5 today, PB: [video=youtube;t7BqhhOeXN4][/video]
Date: Mon, Jan 23 2012 07:48:41
Krypton wrote: No I'm serious.
@Austinreed and feliks was on upsb v3 -
Date: Mon, Jan 23 2012 09:16:56
Austin Reed? He's sub-10? So many people are fast o_o I should upload a 3x3 vid too, but I'm so lazy :p
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 05:19:48
2:52.18 3BLD PB.
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 12:28:19
Congrats. 2:50 still has massive room for improvement (don't take this the wrong way) and you can improve your times dramatically just by focusing hard :) Wait: 7x7 avg 5 5:15.85 (5:42.76), (5:02.39), 5:09.74, 5:08.58, 5:29.24 SO CLOSE :whut:
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 00:22:53
Wow, nice 7x7 average. I don't like big cubes, except for 5x5. 4x4, I'm not that great. Anyway beat my BLD pb again, with 3 successes in a row. 2:43.43, 2:51.54, 2:48.49 2:43 is the PB.
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 00:45:05
Thanks :) And grats! What's your memo system btw?
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 02:36:21
Letter pair words/sentences for edges, and audio for corners. Execute corners first, then edges, because audio corners doesn't last that long. I don't have a list of pre-memorized words for my letters, tough some I use over again. Example memo from a 2:25.xx DNF: LoBster Temple Run "VJ" "CU" HeaD "MO". Some of my edges are memorized as audio too if I can't think of a word for them.
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 03:06:22
Mine is about a minute 20, but I have a friend who I have seen do it in 27 seconds, he also does it blindfolded, in one hand, and two at a time
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 11:36:15
@Riley That has a lot of potential. Zane and Aron do something very similar, if not identical :) Have you considered learning BH?
Date: Fri, Jan 27 2012 01:04:40
Krypton wrote: @Riley That has a lot of potential. Zane and Aron do something very similar, if not identical :) Have you considered learning BH?
Thanks. Aron said he didn't do BH until 1:10-1:30 I believe, so I'll shoot for sub 1:45 at least. Anyway, my memo can be a lot faster still, I'll try for sub 1. New pb again: 2:26.27. EDIT: New pb again, 2:23.27. I actually got an ao5 3BLD, with 2:57.52, (2:23.15), 3:09.20, 3:05.24, (3:32.11) = 3:03.99. EDIT2: New pb again: 2:22.07 -
Date: Fri, Jan 27 2012 11:34:00
@Riley See? See what I've told you? :D Yeah, if you do start learning and you need algs or help I'd be glad to do so. I used to learn and I generated most of my own algs, but now I'm just lazy to relearn and memorise them ._. I find that when you know BH, center comms is a breeze btw.
Date: Sat, Jan 28 2012 19:45:00
@Krypton got any cubing solve vids? @ [video=youtube;G05NW_gJKKA][/video]
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 01:50:49
@exclusive I'm in the mood for making one today :) It'll be up later today.
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 04:13:46
Krypton wrote: @exclusive I'm in the mood for making one today :) It'll be up later today.
whats your youtube? -
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 08:07:01
i just got a 19.08 second solve with fredrich method :D
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 09:56:51
1:44.74 avg 5, 1:50.74 avg 12.
5x5 -
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 22:18:31
Krypton wrote: 1:44.74 avg 5, 1:50.74 avg 12.
Wow, very nice. I just competed in Berkeley Winter yesterday, did okay in everything except for clock (which I don't practice) and 3BLD, which I really wanted to get placed in. I only got a 4 minute solve... bleh. Then during the 2nd solve, they announced, since they were running out of time you would have to get under 7 minutes combined of the first 2 solves to do a third, so I didn't get to to a third solve. Video will posted here tonight. Results here:
5x5 -
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 00:27:54
Krypton wrote: @exclusive I'm in the mood for making one today :) It'll be up later today.
[video=youtube;HV7UdFxLsek][/video] -
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 11:31:23
Riley wrote: Wow, very nice. I just competed in Berkeley Winter yesterday, did okay in everything except for clock (which I don't practice) and 3BLD, which I really wanted to get placed in. I only got a 4 minute solve... bleh. Then during the 2nd solve, they announced, since they were running out of time you would have to get under 7 minutes combined of the first 2 solves to do a third, so I didn't get to to a third solve. Video will posted here tonight. Results here:
You got nervous in 3BLD I suppose? You have no chance when Shelley is there :p And Lars Petrus was there, wow :O Good job in all the events anyway :) -
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 01:35:11
Krypton wrote: You got nervous in 3BLD I suppose? You have no chance when Shelley is there :p And Lars Petrus was there, wow :O Good job in all the events anyway :)
Yea, my plan was first to go slow and get a success. Then I was trying to go "normal" speed, and then I would go super fast, but I never got to the third solve. And thanks. Editing the video now. -
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 08:11:42
i had my friend order me some new cubes, and they arrived at her house today :D v cube 2x2 and shengshou 4x4 :D
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 18:38:33
@exclusive Sorry for the delay.
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 22:14:56
What's a good website to get cubes off?? I was thinking V-cubes, but the shipping is so expensive to NZ =.=
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 01:41:03
Krypton;172642] @exclusive Sorry for the delay.[/QUOTE] wow so fast, but vid is kinda dark [QUOTE=euninja wrote: What's a good website to get cubes off?? I was thinking V-cubes, but the shipping is so expensive to NZ =.=
v-cube 3 is out, but no reviews out yet -
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 01:49:27
exclusive wrote: v-cube 3 is out, but no reviews out yet
I've got a zhanchi, so i'm looking to get bigger cubes, i have a rubiks 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5, but they are really bad =.= -
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 04:18:15
Hey Guys, decided to cube after 2 years of inactivity. When I stopped I had a 40.xx Average. Did an average of 5 today and results were surprising.
00:34.55 00:31.29 00:31.13 00:34.08 00:30.57 Avg. 5: 00:32.32
Which Is really surprising because I expected a worse avg. -
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 04:26:00
HaXsaW wrote: Hey Guys, decided to cube after 2 years of inactivity. When I stopped I had a 40.xx Average. Did an average of 5 today and results were surprising. Which Is really surprising because I expected a worse avg.
do u use full PLL/oll? -
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 04:42:47
Nope. Both 2 Look PLL and OLL
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 07:59:20
Sometimes you'll benefit from a break, usually when you have stopped progressing at all. I have never done it though, mostly because I cube whenever I'm bored... xD Still, dropping 8 seconds just like that sounds pretty awesome.
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 08:22:58
Thanks mate. I intend to get sub 30 soon :)
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 12:31:53
euninja;172677]What's a good website to get cubes off?? I was thinking V-cubes, but the shipping is so expensive to NZ =.=[/QUOTE] Try Lightake. They have a wide variety and free shipping, but to NZ it might take about 2 and a half weeks. I think there's a Australian based cubestore called Kubaroo, couldn't be sure. You could try digging around. Good luck. [QUOTE=exclusive wrote: wow so fast, but vid is kinda dark v-cube 3 is out, but no reviews out yet
Meh sorry, I know nothing about cameras. Maybe the settings were kinda off for videos. And thanks. Ugly turning style though. -
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 03:00:54
13.48 avg of 12, pb. 14.58, (11.32), 13.03, 12.95, 14.69, (15.00), 14.16, 13.33, 13.73, 12.38, 12.37, 13.61 And 3bld pb, 2:05.40. Working on 4bld pb. Berkeley: [video=youtube;QIQUxm2cceY][/video]
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 04:06:41
new 3x3 avg of 5: 20.34 new Fisher Cube avg of 5: 56.23 Fisher Cube Single: 49.89
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 20:40:29
Roux avg12: 31.67 Should time my CFOP sometime... But not now. xD
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 03:48:44
Been cubing for 2 months, how am i doing?? 3x3 PB: 21.06 3x3 average of 5: 26.73
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 06:15:28
euninja wrote: Been cubing for 2 months, how am i doing?? 3x3 PB: 21.06 3x3 average of 5: 26.73
wow u improve fast, at 2 months i wasnt even sub 30 -
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 06:11:24
number of times: 112/112 best time: 11.00 worst time: 23.06 current mo3: 14.32 (σ = 0.90) best mo3: 13.33 (σ = 0.67) current avg5: 14.35 (σ = 0.86) best avg5: 13.42 (σ = 0.53) current avg12: 14.57 (σ = 1.44) best avg12: 14.37 (σ = 1.24) current avg50: 14.63 (σ = 1.01) best avg50: 14.56 (σ = 0.99) current avg100: 14.90 (σ = 1.11) best avg100: 14.89 (σ = 1.10) session avg: 14.90 (σ = 1.11) session mean: 14.99
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 06:19:49
Riley wrote: number of times: 112/112 best time: 11.00 worst time: 23.06 current mo3: 14.32 (σ = 0.90) best mo3: 13.33 (σ = 0.67) current avg5: 14.35 (σ = 0.86) best avg5: 13.42 (σ = 0.53) current avg12: 14.57 (σ = 1.44) best avg12: 14.37 (σ = 1.24) current avg50: 14.63 (σ = 1.01) best avg50: 14.56 (σ = 0.99) current avg100: 14.90 (σ = 1.11) best avg100: 14.89 (σ = 1.10) session avg: 14.90 (σ = 1.11) session mean: 14.99
You are SO consistant :O My PB avg5 is 13.09, but best avg100 is ~15 :( -
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 06:42:44
Krypton wrote: You are SO consistant :O My PB avg5 is 13.09, but best avg100 is ~15 :(
Thanks, I can't believe it myself. I wish there was a program to count the %of 14's and 13's, etc. Anyway, just keep practicing, you're not far away. :D Wow, a new pb average of 5 and 12: 11.85 average of 5: 11.96, 12.11, (11.02), (14.73), 11.47 13.33 average of 12: 12.30, 14.08, 12.74, 15.18, (15.83), 15.36, 11.96, 12.11, (11.02), 14.73, 11.47, 13.36 -
Date: Thu, Feb 9 2012 15:55:28
exclusive wrote: [video=youtube;HV7UdFxLsek][/video]
got better quality vid filmed [video=youtube;Up2ps4TgbP0][/video] -
Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 03:50:01
Hey, I'm wanting to purchase a new 4x4 cube. Any suggestions? I was thinking the Dayan mf8 mini, but i was reading reviews and the outer layers seem to lock up heaps? so maybe just get the normal dayan mf8, but apparently its really big??
Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 06:08:16
Dayan mf8 mini REALLY REALLY sucks. I'm serious. I got it out of the box, and you needed to use serious muscle to move a side. The regular mf8 is pretty big for my hands, but I'm short. I suggest the shengshou v3, it's really good and cheap. Anyway, I got 2 sub 10's NON LUCKY recently, one with stackmat. 9.78, and 9.54 (stackmat.) Getting more 10's.
Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 06:56:55
I'm really short too lol, is this the v3 version? well done!! that so pro =.=...the quickest ive got is only 18s, thats with 2OLL, only learnt CFOP like 2 months ago >.<
Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 12:01:00
euninja wrote: I'm really short too lol, is this the v3 version? well done!! that so pro =.=...the quickest ive got is only 18s, thats with 2OLL, only learnt CFOP like 2 months ago >.<
That's the v3 yes. I've been cubing for almost 2 years and my best is 16s... >_> -
Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 16:06:21
Olji wrote: That's the v3 yes. I've been cubing for almost 2 years and my best is 16s... >_>
same but almost 1 year 16.06 edit trying to be color neutral too, practicing white,yellow,blue atm -
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 05:24:18
im starting to learn full oll, and practicing white and yellow sides for the cross. Oh, and just wondering white or black cube?
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 07:12:49
i use black but i used white before too
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 16:07:25
euninja wrote: im starting to learn full oll, and practicing white and yellow sides for the cross. Oh, and just wondering white or black cube?
Your choice, most of my main cubes is white, my collection got mostly black cubes I think though, along with one yellow LingYun. -
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 18:43:58
Olji wrote: Your choice, most of my main cubes is white, my collection got mostly black cubes I think though, along with one yellow LingYun.
theres a rumour white cubes are smoother than black ones, is it true? -
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 19:20:13
I tried that before, buying both a black and a white guhong at the same time, I didn't notice much of a difference. But yeah, I've heard that as well, and some times I've experienced the difference too, may just be that the black guhong I had at first was broken in as hell when I got my order of both black and white, then how they wear may be a difference too, but I don't think that's the case. But well, I've sticked to white since they look better, and I get that supposed difference too, so I won't mind.
Date: Mon, Feb 27 2012 03:16:29
Did good in comp today, except for BLD, all DNF's. :/ Couldn't stay for later rounds though. My results: [video=youtube;vxbdShEOs9U][/video]
Date: Mon, Mar 19 2012 13:55:09
number of times: 100/100 best time: 11.29 worst time: 22.23 current avg5: 15.31 (σ = 1.89) best avg5: 13.10 (σ = 0.77) current avg12: 15.63 (σ = 2.23) best avg12: 13.53 (σ = 0.56) current avg100: 14.95 (σ = 1.83) best avg100: 14.95 (σ = 1.83)
Bump. @HaXsaWSpoiler
17.77, 13.99, 12.32, 12.87, 15.35, 16.85, 15.57, 15.63, 14.10, 12.59, 13.88, 15.12, 17.96, 15.04, 20.87, 15.54, 16.74, 15.97, 14.42, 15.21, 13.87, 14.24, 13.14, 14.04, 15.87, 14.09, 15.57, 14.91, 13.17, 15.01, 13.65, 11.29, 13.99, 15.71, 13.20, 12.12, 14.96, 12.15, 14.34, 15.37, 14.59, 15.87, 12.84, 19.36, 16.94, 11.53, 12.84, 13.00, 14.32, 13.73, 13.06, 12.82, 14.06, 13.96, 15.87, 13.31, 14.18, 12.71, 13.84, 14.54, 16.40, 16.13, 17.82, 14.09, 13.85, 12.29, 14.17, 18.84, 15.01, 14.52, 12.81, 15.30, 18.53, 16.49, 17.27, 13.03, 15.44, 17.24, 16.52, 14.42, 16.60, 15.44, 15.38, 16.61, 14.99, 14.48, 16.74, 14.93, 14.81, 19.89, 22.23, 15.87, 13.82, 14.49, 13.00, 18.50, 13.25, 14.87, 17.82, 12.78 -
Date: Mon, Mar 19 2012 18:08:10
been couple weeks of transitioning to CN but still slower than white by 5-10 sec
Date: Mon, Mar 19 2012 23:20:59
sub 25 oh [video=youtube;iSbdl5SH-fU][/video]
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 20:06:21
Not the first time this have happened, but first time I've bothered to printscreen it.
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 21:48:12
Olji wrote: Not the first time this have happened, but first time I've bothered to printscreen it.
wat method? -
Date: Thu, Mar 22 2012 07:16:27
CFOP, I've been getting some sub-30's with Roux though, so maybe I'll switch soon.
Date: Thu, Mar 22 2012 18:44:12
Olji wrote: CFOP, I've been getting some sub-30's with Roux though, so maybe I'll switch soon.
i want to learn ZZ for oh -
Date: Thu, Mar 22 2012 19:35:09
Nothing is stopping you, you just need to grow comfortable with EOLine and blockbuilding, the EOLine part is where I suck the most. :P
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 05:52:30
When should i start learning full OLL? i do 2 look OLL and full PLL, PB single is 17s and AO5 is 23s, been cubing for 3/4 months
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 09:39:17
You can learn it whenever you feel like, there's no particular line you have to pass before learning a subset, go for it whenever you want.
Date: Wed, Apr 4 2012 11:40:53
I got a 15 sec with a full LL skip
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 09:04:45
Comp last weekend. Won Megaminx, got 3rd for 5x5 and first BLD success in 2 years :)
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 17:18:18
Dat Megaminx :O
Date: Fri, Apr 13 2012 04:47:23
Met @Krypton at the comp for the first time in so long >.< . He's too pro at megaminx lol
Date: Fri, Apr 13 2012 12:07:29
Thanks guise ^^ NR is too far away :(
Date: Fri, Apr 13 2012 18:01:47
My first Megaminx and a Ghosthand arriving tomorrow. (sun) The stickers on my Rubik's are already falling off. :(
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 00:41:23
Got my first megaminx last week. Managing some sub 10 times now >.<
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 09:39:31
Finally done with the inner-mech mod for SS 4x4, love the slice turns I can do now. Now it's time for the cubies... Knife n' nail file go!
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 15:49:55
I can solve the megaminx now. :D Still takes some time tough.
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 18:00:22
ChainBreak wrote: I can solve the megaminx now. :D Still takes some time tough.
what brand -
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 19:07:34
It's Cubikon
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 19:33:54
DAFUQ, sub 10 on megaminx?
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 21:03:56
ChainBreak wrote: It's Cubikon
is that a moded mf8? -
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 00:14:15
Zeal wrote: DAFUQ, sub 10 on megaminx?
Ikr D: I can get 6 mins now.. I learned it intuitively, with only LL algs. Learned it in about 2 hours ._. -
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 02:25:40
Oh, you meant sub 10 minutes >.<, usually sub (insert number) is in seconds.
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 03:43:55
Lol cos i'm used to saying sub1 for 4x4 etc. And I thought it was pretty obvious it wasnt sub 10 seconds. XD
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 04:39:34
I had a sub-1 on Megaminx once but it felt so slow and sloppy I managed to convince myself it wasn't a sub-1, but the timer lagged or something :rofl:
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 15:56:14
I can't even sub 1minute on a regular 3x3. :facepalm:
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 22:05:31
Old average sub-20, now, after around 10 months of not cubing (fine maybe once a month), My average is sub-25 :facepalm: , forgot all the PLLs and OLLs.
Date: Thu, Apr 19 2012 08:59:48
I dropped 5 secs on my avg after serious practicing for a week and getting a new cube. Prolly was the cube .__.
Date: Thu, Apr 19 2012 14:14:52
HaXsaW wrote: I dropped 5 secs on my avg after serious practicing for a week and getting a new cube. Prolly was the cube .__.
zhanchi? havnet cubed that much since weekends lol -
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 01:00:54
exclusive wrote: zhanchi? havnet cubed that much since weekends lol
Nah. I got a guhong. -
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 02:27:44
My weapon of choice is also a guhong, can't go wrong with one :P
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 04:33:53
Mine pops quite a bit tho. Tightened it a tad bit and now its much better :D
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 11:39:20
Modded, restickered to half bright and Lubixed my SS 4x4, no burst of improvement but I'm a lot more consistant.
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 03:51:22
just wanna ask if it rite for a beginner like me at cubing to get a lanlan blue magic 3x3 ? i am super slow and started a week ago but i hate my $.99 cube
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 05:35:51
Sure, and you can upgrade it to a Dayan when you get faster.
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 06:23:23
Lol at first I thought Dayan was that like 12 side puzzley thingy xD Turns out it was a brand cuz I was like O_O that wuld take me a lifetime to learn!!!!! Ty for tip :3
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 09:45:38
Megaminx is a '12 side puzzley thingy' haha. In my vid.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 01:06:55
I had a 27 second non-lucky solve on a guhong 3x3 yesterday, and I was so happy because the PLL case was a case my friend gave me a shortcut for. F-perm shortcut: Oriented with the flipped edge and corner on the right side: (R' U' F') [ (R U R' U') R' F R2 U' (R' U' R U) R' ] (U R) The alg in [brackets] is the basic T-perm, without the last F'. Edit: Just got a sub-40 avg of 10/12 00:36.74 12: 00:34.50 11: 00:31.97 10: 00:33.70 9: 00:41.84 8: (00:30.83) 7: 00:38.94 6: 00:31.58 5: 00:37.28 4: 00:38.81 3: (00:46.07) 2: 00:40.61 1: 00:38.18
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 02:40:50
@Tjen. would feel at home here lolol
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 02:46:55
Thanks @HaXsaW for tagging :3
Date: Sun, Jul 1 2012 16:46:41
I shall revive this thread! Got 16 seconds yesterday on my gu-hong after not cubing for a few months ^^.
Date: Sun, Jul 1 2012 16:55:20
almost 1 week of doing the 5x5, at around sub 4 now
Date: Mon, Jul 2 2012 00:49:14
People don't really know but I like to cube. :D I stopped and my time went up again. :( But nothing a little practice can't fix. My new goal for the summer. Get sub 15. (:
Date: Mon, Jul 2 2012 11:10:54
Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 07:09:20
Mufoofee wrote: People don't really know but I like to cube. :D I stopped and my time went up again. :( But nothing a little practice can't fix. My new goal for the summer. Get sub 15. (:
You can do it! I'm sub 12 now, just got an 11.96 average of 100. 3x3 PB's are: 6.85 single, 8.00 NL single, 10.30 average of 5, 10.58 average of 12, and 11.96 average of 100. -
Date: Thu, Jul 26 2012 18:41:58
Anybody heading to US Nationals in Vegas next weekend?
Date: Thu, Jul 26 2012 21:14:18
I have a friend named Alex Phan who's going. I'll see if I can tag along, but I highly doubt it
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 02:47:01
So I'm thinking about starting to cube again after a three year hiatus. Has anything really amazing happened while I've been gone?
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 02:51:49
Riley wrote: You can do it! I'm sub 12 now, just got an 11.96 average of 100. 3x3 PB's are: 6.85 single, 8.00 NL single, 10.30 average of 5, 10.58 average of 12, and 11.96 average of 100.
Riley! Haven't seen you on! You beat me by a lot! You got damn better! You are heading to a competition aren't you? :D -
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 07:38:10
nateiskewl wrote: So I'm thinking about starting to cube again after a three year hiatus. Has anything really amazing happened while I've been gone?
well felix zemdegs beating his own record pretty much annually is amazing i guess :P [video=youtube;3v_Km6cv6DU][/video] this is just hilarious. greatest cube explosion+reaction ever [video=youtube;qt8zMZ8V148][/video] -
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 12:33:55
That's not very recent haha. Let's see: Alex Yu from UK is getting really fast with Roux, even rivaling Feliks. And his is within one year, Feliks in two. Loads of people getting sub1 5x5s, Feliks, Kevin Hays, Yu Nakajima (yes he's back) and Asia of Thailand. Lots of hype on Shengshou bigcubes, which are really good actually, I've got all of them. And my own friend Jon Tan is 10th in the world in 4x4 as of now. Oh yeah, speaking of 4x4, Mats Valk holds the WR of 26.77 after a long time of 30.xx, with everyone wondering who's going to break the sub30 barrier. Anything else? Magic and Master Magic is being removed from the WCA next year, and World Championships 2013 is being held in Vegas.
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 19:21:01
@Krypton lol shengshou :D And if nateiskewl has been gone from cubing for 3 years, that is new news for him :P
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 02:21:27
Kyoflow wrote: I have a friend named Alex Phan who's going. I'll see if I can tag along, but I highly doubt it
I know him! You should try and come. It's going to be awesome. -
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 02:22:20
MrData wrote: I know him! You should try and come. It's going to be awesome.
wait how did you meet him lol -
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 06:11:27
First met him at a competition in San Diego a couple years ago.
Date: Sat, Aug 4 2012 20:41:19
Could you guys recommend a couple recent DIYs? I'd prefer to order from the US, if possible.
Date: Sun, Aug 5 2012 02:54:30 is where i usually order from. dayan cubes have been gettin pretty popular lately. do you prefer clicky or smooth feel?
Date: Sun, Aug 5 2012 11:42:46
I used to do 3 by 3 but then I stopped when I got into pen spinning. I only get to around 1.5min quickest
Date: Mon, Aug 6 2012 04:55:23
nateiskewl wrote: Could you guys recommend a couple recent DIYs? I'd prefer to order from the US, if possible.
Try the Cubes I would recommend a Dayan Zhanchi or a Dayan Guhong plus. The Guhong is more prone to popping, but the Zhanchi locks more than the Guhong. Both are excellent cubes though. -
Date: Tue, Aug 7 2012 00:00:17
ChiefSnake wrote: What does M stand for in his algorithms? And zxy stands for rotating the cube along the zxy axis?
"M" stands for the Middle. My best record is thirty seconds. -
Date: Tue, Aug 7 2012 13:47:00
vmkblaster01 wrote: "M" stands for the Middle. My best record is thirty seconds.
Not exactly. M is the slice between L and R. Do M in the same direction as R', but on the middle layer. And x is when you rotate the whole cube in the direction of R move, y in the direction of U and Z in the direction of F. @ChiefSnake -
Date: Sat, Aug 18 2012 04:14:38
[video=youtube;lTUeUuGJBcU][/video] from a recent comp
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 23:09:12
Do you usually do the green cross or are you color neutral?
Date: Mon, Aug 20 2012 01:40:39
TRoc wrote: Do you usually do the green cross or are you color neutral?
usualy white/yellow im considering to stop CN because it makes my times really unconsistent -
Date: Thu, Aug 23 2012 22:27:47
Mine record was something below 30s, 29 I guess. Speedcubing's nice but you can get bored quickly, cause it doesn't require creativity, just learn moves and solve the damn cube :D
Date: Tue, Sep 4 2012 22:48:23
Mufoofee wrote: Riley! Haven't seen you on! You beat me by a lot! You got damn better! You are heading to a competition aren't you? :D
Sorry, really late response, I rarely (almost never) visit here. Thanks though! And yep, I went to US Nationals in Las Vegas recently, did okay, but got featured in NY Times for solving it blindfolded in 2:34. Article was printed, but also online here: (That's not me in the front photo) I went to Berkeley competition two days ago too, got third, and first in blindfolded. I now have an 11.35 average of 100, 9.69 average of 12, and 9.35 average of 5. -
Date: Tue, Sep 4 2012 23:12:08
been doing 6x6 lately, got 2 sub 6s today
Date: Wed, Sep 5 2012 04:57:11
Riley wrote: Sorry, really late response, I rarely (almost never) visit here. Thanks though! And yep, I went to US Nationals in Las Vegas recently, did okay, but got featured in NY Times for solving it blindfolded in 2:34. Article was printed, but also online here: (That's not me in the front photo) I went to Berkeley competition two days ago too, got third, and first in blindfolded. I now have an 11.35 average of 100, 9.69 average of 12, and 9.35 average of 5.
Daaaaaaaamn. You are my inspiration to this. I remember when you had he 25 second (or somewhere around there) average. Battling each other. Damn, keep up the good work dude. I know I will. Thanks to you. :D And I will promise you this, we will battle each other one day again! :P Get ready! -
Date: Thu, Sep 6 2012 04:45:53
Mufoofee wrote: Daaaaaaaamn. You are my inspiration to this. I remember when you had he 25 second (or somewhere around there) average. Battling each other. Damn, keep up the good work dude. I know I will. Thanks to you. :D And I will promise you this, we will battle each other one day again! :P Get ready!
I will be waiting, but hurry! I'm still practicing as hard as ever. Don't forget to slow down and look ahead! :D -
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 03:14:53
1:12 5x5 single, 1:24 avg5, 1:28 avg12 and 1:32 avg100.
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 05:53:23
got a new white ss 5x5, time to start practicing 5x5 again
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 07:12:23
Hi every one i am also a speed cuber and i now need a DIY kit for a cube so is this one including stickers for the cube
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 16:04:13
my record was 1 minute but i forgot the,i can solve again(not the same formulas) but not as quick as before.any recommended solution to get back,perhaps better,that wasn't too hard to remembered?
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2012 19:17:45
HenryS;223144]Hi every one i am also a speed cuber and i now need a DIY kit for a cube so is this one including stickers for the cube[/QUOTE] It does come with stickers, keep in mind that there's other cubes out there that is considered better in terms of performance, mostly the Dayan cubes (Guhong, Lingyun and Zhanchi is considered the better, haven't tried the Lunhui so can't have an opinion about that one, but it seems like it mixed feelings about it.) [QUOTE=Giotto wrote: my record was 1 minute but i forgot the,i can solve again(not the same formulas) but not as quick as before.any recommended solution to get back,perhaps better,that wasn't too hard to remembered?
CFOP is kinda easy to get into, but many algorithms is needed to be remembered. (For full CFOP that is, 2-look OLL with full PLL is very viable for speed, and totals to 30 algorithms iirc, 2-look OLL and 2-look PLL gives a total of 13-15 algorithms, and can still give you times at around 30 seconds, if you're really good at the F2L-part you can get under 20 seconds I believe.) One other popular choice is Roux, which is more intuitive with focus on blockbuilding, 42 algorithms in total (CMLL or COLL), 9 is used in the beginner version which can be rather viable speed-wise, I'm kinda in-efficient at blockbuilding but I've had some sub-30's with 9 algorithms. Since it's mostly intuitive throughout the solve it can be a bit hard to grasp at first, but it's more fun to solve with. Petrus is another blockbuilding method which always gives you all edges oriented at the last layer, which makes you only need 11-13 algorithms to be able to solve it, most uses COLL with this though, which is 42 algs. ZZ is also a member of "the big four", and is a blockbuilding method too, but you orient all the edges in the start, which can be pretty confusing at first, ends up with all edges oriented at the last layer too, so it got the same algorithm-count as Petrus I believe. Check these 4 out, one of them may be falling into your liking. -
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2012 03:56:56
Thanks a loooooot! @Olji.I'm going to check those 4 out:D
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2012 06:07:58
@Olji are you sure that ZZ involves blockbuilding?
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2012 15:18:09
I want a DIY version instead of the ones i mentioned any other suggestions which are cheap??
Date: Wed, Sep 12 2012 19:57:44
Krypton;223701]@Olji are you sure that ZZ involves blockbuilding?[/QUOTE] It utilizes blockbuilding when building the first two layers after EOLine iirc, not as free as Petrus or Roux, but it's not the cross approach like with CFOP, I call that block building at least, I guess it's up to the person to judge. :P [QUOTE=HenryS wrote: I want a DIY version instead of the ones i mentioned any other suggestions which are cheap??
Guhongs can be found at roughly the same price, which is one of the most popular cubes on the market these days. (Linky | For own assembly) It can be found in most cube stores, just listed two that has free shipping, LighTake is down atm, but they can be rather cheap. (but slow) -
Date: Thu, Sep 13 2012 13:28:11
HenryS wrote: I want a DIY version instead of the ones i mentioned any other suggestions which are cheap??
I guess the FangCun cube is also a good choice if you want to pay a little less. Alpha 5s or F2s are also a good choice. -
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2012 08:25:33
I haven't heard of the FangCun, but from the looks of it and from what I can read it's a Dayan knockoff, so it can be a good choice while keeping it cheap, Alpha 5's are great after modding, F2's is really nice if you don't need that much corner cutting and have stickers lying around, since the stickers it comes with is horrible. Ghost hands is also real cheap when I think about it. (Magic Puzzle Cube sells the FangCun, Dayan and Ghosthand 2 cheap, but some shipping costs will be added I guess)
Date: Thu, Sep 20 2012 01:15:47
46.2 seconds is mine
Date: Sat, Sep 22 2012 02:08:56
20 seconds or so, I'm all rusty now D;
Date: Fri, Oct 26 2012 05:49:40
18.XX was my PB last time, PLL skip. Otherwise my average is around 28-40s
Date: Fri, Oct 26 2012 09:02:22
Wow... All the pros im take 1min 30s to completely solvr. Any good cubes you can find in SG here?
Date: Fri, Oct 26 2012 11:41:45
AdiblueseaQQQ wrote: Wow... All the pros im take 1min 30s to completely solvr. Any good cubes you can find in SG here?
I bought (or rather my friend bought for me) a DIY A type cube from Bloomington. They lube for you too. -
Date: Fri, Oct 26 2012 12:46:04
[QUOTE='[TGN];229922']I bought (or rather my friend bought for me) a DIY A type cube from Bloomington. They lube for you too.[/QUOTE] Roughly how much does it cost just wanna know
Date: Fri, Oct 26 2012 13:52:10
AdiblueseaQQQ wrote: Roughly how much does it cost just wanna know
Sorry I don't remember... -
Date: Sun, Nov 4 2012 18:09:06
I just got into cubing, Im down to 1:30. I have a Sheng En FII, Dayon Guhong, and Dayon Zhanchi. I lube with 30K diff fluid
Date: Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:03:19
35s :D Not too good, but good enough for only 2 look... lol I don't have the time to learn full OLL and PLL
Date: Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:29:13
not really actively cubing anymore. Average is around 1:30
Date: Mon, Nov 19 2012 19:04:29
Sub-20 average with freaking ease 8)
Date: Mon, Nov 19 2012 19:09:33
starting to sub 2 on 5x5, 3 times now !!
Date: Mon, Feb 25 2013 17:39:24
got some nice solves on film, but both times the timer didnt start so I had to edit in a timer 21.20 OH [video=youtube;pAhZghD-e0A][/video] 13.89 [video=youtube;kAl5s56wTag][/video]
Date: Tue, Feb 26 2013 17:17:38
Can you put up a 5x5 solve exclusive?
Date: Tue, Feb 26 2013 17:23:09
Mats wrote: Can you put up a 5x5 solve exclusive?
heres part of a good solve but forgot to start camera, this one was most likely around 2 mins @Mats [video=youtube;FSyS63PR3vE][/video] I dont have a 5x5 since i sold both but i will film something when I go to a gathering -
Date: Sat, Mar 2 2013 14:24:50
some1 who understands k4 commutators?
Date: Sat, Mar 2 2013 19:42:51
Spazmok wrote: some1 who understands k4 commutators?
sorry i use reducton -
Date: Tue, Mar 5 2013 20:27:22
I got a 16.31 3x3 solve with pll skip, so I am happy Getting close to sub 30 avgs so I should learn full pll
Date: Wed, Mar 6 2013 07:57:42
MightAsWellGG wrote: I got a 16.31 3x3 solve with pll skip, so I am happy Getting close to sub 30 avgs so I should learn full pll
1alg a day and ull be done in 3 weeks -
Date: Wed, Mar 6 2013 16:34:45
I mean I know a lot of plls but its like some of the alias ones that give me trouble, Z, E, All G perms, both N perms, and V
Date: Wed, Mar 6 2013 17:20:00
MightAsWellGG wrote: I mean I know a lot of plls but its like some of the alias ones that give me trouble, Z, E, All G perms, both N perms, and V
yah i learned some rly outdated plls like N which are like 3-4 secs now im starting to relearn again -
Date: Wed, Mar 6 2013 18:02:32
lol none of the plls I do are that long Edit: easy way to do F perm allign the swapped corners on the right, do R' U' F', then T perm
Date: Thu, Mar 7 2013 00:55:48
MightAsWellGG wrote: lol none of the plls I do are that long Edit: easy way to do F perm allign the swapped corners on the right, do R' U' F', then T perm
ya i learned that pll long time ago, just cant do it sub 2 -
Date: Thu, Mar 7 2013 01:38:26
739^3 GO!
Date: Thu, Mar 7 2013 02:49:29
Mats wrote: 739^3 GO!
wat do u mean? -
Date: Thu, Mar 7 2013 02:54:25
He's trying to be funny because its a speed cubing of a number...
Date: Fri, Mar 8 2013 03:44:36
I tried to cube today while rehearsing for my school musical (I play the instruments in the pit) so I ended up getting times faster than my average of ~30 seconds (25.61) and times that are slower than my average by a lot (45.66) so I got upset :(
Date: Sat, Mar 9 2013 14:08:31
i am like 1 min avg with roux but building 2 blocks take 40 sec... do you have any tips to speed it up?
Date: Sun, Mar 10 2013 04:31:39
try to look ahead for pieces that you can use to build the two blocks like when I solve using petrus/x-cross I look for pieces that I can pair up to form a little block
Date: Tue, Mar 19 2013 14:14:54
do you have any tips for blindfolded building of "slots" with pyraminx?
Date: Tue, Mar 19 2013 17:00:00
Spazmok wrote: do you have any tips for blindfolded building of "slots" with pyraminx?
no, i never solved 1 before but for 3x3, i almost got a success a few times -
Date: Tue, Mar 19 2013 18:06:56
exclusive wrote: no, i never solved 1 before but for 3x3, i almost got a success a few times
i'm going to solve 3x3x3 after pyraminx.. i think its the best to work with less "cubies" before you move to a higher level :P -
Date: Tue, Mar 19 2013 20:23:24
I got a zhanchi and a WitTwo 2x2 and they are both amazing I recommend
Date: Wed, Mar 20 2013 16:46:16
MightAsWellGG wrote: I got a zhanchi and a WitTwo 2x2 and they are both amazing I recommend
lol i just get them direct from china, free shipping ftw -
Date: Wed, Mar 20 2013 21:14:03
theres free shipping for orders above $10 and its based in New York so it came in 2 days for me
Date: Wed, Mar 20 2013 22:21:22
what do you think about shengshou cubes?
Date: Thu, Mar 21 2013 01:30:40
Spazmok wrote: what do you think about shengshou cubes?
compared to v-cubes, theyre rly good, i never tried anything else for 4X4+ -
Date: Thu, Mar 21 2013 16:36:19
exclusive wrote: compared to v-cubes, theyre rly good, i never tried anything else for 4X4+
i got pyraminx,4x4x4 both came lubed and are really good. now i want to get 3x3x3 cube but i dont know dayan panshi or shengshou II -
Date: Thu, Mar 21 2013 16:56:58
Spazmok wrote: i got pyraminx,4x4x4 both came lubed and are really good. now i want to get 3x3x3 cube but i dont know dayan panshi or shengshou II
never tried any of them but i heard panshi is good -
Date: Thu, Mar 21 2013 19:10:46
friend told me panshi prototype was good and then they changed it before they released it, it might be for good or worse I tried a shengshou 4x4 and it is a like an awesome maru 4x4 with more corner cutting
Date: Sat, Mar 23 2013 13:01:44
is there a good way to recognice corners?
Date: Mon, Apr 1 2013 17:33:30
Spazmok wrote: is there a good way to recognice corners?
if you mean BLD, just tap each sticker and remember it -
Date: Mon, Apr 1 2013 18:08:02
exclusive wrote: if you mean BLD, just tap each sticker and remember it
i mean normal way :D i want to get sub 20 for now. -
Date: Mon, Apr 1 2013 18:13:03
Spazmok wrote: i mean normal way :D i want to get sub 20 for now. i use some of these intuitively -
Date: Mon, Apr 1 2013 18:19:26
i forgot to mention i use roux :D but i will learn this after tripod... promised!
Date: Mon, Apr 1 2013 18:37:04
Spazmok wrote: i forgot to mention i use roux :D but i will learn this after tripod... promised!
i just use cfop lol -
Date: Mon, Apr 1 2013 18:45:55
i want to learn more ways so i never get bored :)
Date: Tue, Apr 2 2013 01:53:47
Spazmok wrote: i want to learn more ways so i never get bored :)
lol, have you tried one handed? -
Date: Tue, Apr 2 2013 13:09:13
yup i suk at u´ and i have no idea how to use m-slice :D have you tried shengshou wind cube?
Date: Tue, Apr 2 2013 16:44:44
Spazmok wrote: yup i suk at u´ and i have no idea how to use m-slice :D have you tried shengshou wind cube?
nah havent bought any cubes in a long time lol search weston's finger trick tutorial for one hand -
Date: Tue, Apr 2 2013 18:43:56
wow he is fast what are your records and how long have you been working for them?
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 00:38:47
Single, AVG 5, AVG 12 2x2-~8.00 3x3 OH-18.76, 23.23, 29.32 3x3-13.40, 17.59, 19.55 4x4-~1min 40sec 5x5-~2min 20sec 6x6-~6min
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 14:53:21
wow my times are unstable ... record 20.41 other times between 30 and 50 what about feet? :D
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 22:11:08
Spazmok wrote: wow my times are unstable ... record 20.41 other times between 30 and 50 what about feet? :D
never tried feet before lol, mainly cuz i dont want my cubes to be touched by feet -
Date: Thu, Apr 4 2013 17:36:06
yup its not hygienic, but if you wash the cube carefuly after solves i think its gonna be ok( you will need a lot stickers). but it would be insane to make sub 4 with feet blindfolded with memorisation on 3x3x3
Date: Fri, Apr 5 2013 04:58:10
Spazmok wrote: yup its not hygienic, but if you wash the cube carefuly after solves i think its gonna be ok( you will need a lot stickers). but it would be insane to make sub 4 with feet blindfolded with memorisation on 3x3x3
ya thats really hard, has anyone even done that ebfore -
Date: Fri, Apr 5 2013 13:16:26
exclusive wrote: ya thats really hard, has anyone even done that ebfore
i think not. maybe you? :) -
Date: Fri, Apr 5 2013 21:16:32
Spazmok wrote: yup its not hygienic, but if you wash the cube carefuly after solves i think its gonna be ok( you will need a lot stickers). but it would be insane to make sub 4 with feet blindfolded with memorisation on 3x3x3
that person would have to be word class in feet and blindfold, then pretty much possible. -
Date: Sun, Apr 7 2013 18:37:06
what do you think is the fastest method for each cube?
Date: Sun, Apr 7 2013 19:52:57
Spazmok wrote: what do you think is the fastest method for each cube?
3x3 BLD- freestyle 2x2- ortega 3x3- CFOP 4x4- yau 5x5+ - reduction -
Date: Mon, Apr 8 2013 15:00:28
i see... do you think some1 solves directly the last layer of CFOP? i mean he would have to know all 555 cases( if i am correct) btw what alg is used for YAU pairing cuz i cant pair without destroying my cross
Date: Mon, Apr 8 2013 19:07:24
I have a friend who solves 3x3 with petrus and WV to skip OLL, but he hasn't learned all algorithms yet
Date: Mon, Apr 8 2013 20:21:33
MightAsWellGG;255243]I have a friend who solves 3x3 with petrus and WV to skip OLL, but he hasn't learned all algorithms yet[/QUOTE] WV is fun and useful, Petrus is pretty slow. ZZ is much better if he's into blockbuilding and oriented edges. [QUOTE=Spazmok wrote: i see... do you think some1 solves directly the last layer of CFOP? i mean he would have to know all 555 cases( if i am correct) btw what alg is used for YAU pairing cuz i cant pair without destroying my cross
There are about 1200 cases. Some people use ZBLL or ZZLL (solving last layer, when all edges are oriented), but those large alg set systems are hard to recognize and bring only small improvement, mostly none. If you want something cool - learn some OLLCP cases for avoiding ENVY PLLs, or COLL for OH. - all 1LLL algs for fun :) About Yau, there are many video's around, it can't be so hard to watch one. Just don't learn 6 edge pairing, but 3-2-2-2-3. -
Date: Tue, Apr 9 2013 01:19:51
Spazmok wrote: i see... do you think some1 solves directly the last layer of CFOP? i mean he would have to know all 555 cases( if i am correct) btw what alg is used for YAU pairing cuz i cant pair without destroying my cross
do you mean parity? just do a U and do the alg and U' -
Date: Tue, Apr 9 2013 15:47:27
i watched yau tut but the not destroying the cross still confuses me... a link to a writen site would help me more, cuz i need to understand more then doing it mindless
Date: Tue, Apr 9 2013 16:36:18
u only do 3 pieces of the cross, leave one empty so u can use it, then u can do centers, then finished the last piece of cross
Date: Thu, Apr 11 2013 10:27:47
i still dont know how Yau is exactly done but from the comments i read and since im a roux user and i like k4... do you think i can sub 1 min this way if i keep training? step 1: Creating 2 opposite centers step 2: Solving a 1x3x4 block on left down site ( like step 1 of Roux) step 2.5: Creating a random solved edge pair a placing it on right layer in fl, bl or dl position step 3: solving last 4 centers and simultaneously( when you do a last sequence) getting the random solved edge pair to UL step 4: place the random solved edge pair to DB position ( now you can see all unsolved pairs without rotating the cube) step 5: chain pairing the edges ( primaly you want to pair up FD edge pair to have a solved pair after each pairing sequence on FD+ you gonna have U layer free so you dont have to move your block out of the way, restriction to r,l,R,U -> after you solved FD pair do Rww' to get the solved pair on DB and have an unsolved pair on FD) step 6: cuz you already have 1st block and last pairing is just like a habit you can use the time like an inspection to plan out the second block ( just finishing the cube like in roux)
Date: Sun, Apr 14 2013 11:00:20
Spazmok wrote: i still dont know how Yau is exactly done but from the comments i read and since im a roux user and i like k4... do you think i can sub 1 min this way if i keep training? step 1: Creating 2 opposite centers step 2: Solving a 1x3x4 block on left down site ( like step 1 of Roux) step 2.5: Creating a random solved edge pair a placing it on right layer in fl, bl or dl position step 3: solving last 4 centers and simultaneously( when you do a last sequence) getting the random solved edge pair to UL step 4: place the random solved edge pair to DB position ( now you can see all unsolved pairs without rotating the cube) step 5: chain pairing the edges ( primaly you want to pair up FD edge pair to have a solved pair after each pairing sequence on FD+ you gonna have U layer free so you dont have to move your block out of the way, restriction to r,l,R,U -> after you solved FD pair do Rww' to get the solved pair on DB and have an unsolved pair on FD) step 6: cuz you already have 1st block and last pairing is just like a habit you can use the time like an inspection to plan out the second block ( just finishing the cube like in roux)
Yeah, but it is not easy. Your method is really ineffective, so be sure to search for Kirjava's K4 tutorial and page, because you usually solve all the bottom and then do top with commutators, not reduce it with some really hard method and have only first block solved. So yeah, you can do sub 1 with K4, but this isnt K4. You can do sub-1 with this too, but i doubt you want to practice that much. -
Date: Sun, Apr 14 2013 14:28:26
well i can use k4( my main method now :D :D ) i just want a way to use Yau, but im not fridrich user( i can intuitive f2l) so the cross is useless for me
Date: Sun, Apr 14 2013 15:11:36
Spazmok wrote: well i can use k4( my main method now :D :D ) i just want a way to use Yau, but im not fridrich user( i can intuitive f2l) so the cross is useless for me
well, then Yau is useless for you. ;D you can do that 3 cross pieces kind of thing, then insert 2 corners after the edge pairing and have a Roux block on bottom, if you want. :) That's slow, but more effective. -
Date: Sun, Apr 14 2013 16:59:18
then its not blockbuilding :(
Date: Sun, Apr 14 2013 20:01:51
Spazmok wrote: then its not blockbuilding :(
u can get sub 1 if u turn really fast using standard reduction method -
Date: Mon, Apr 15 2013 14:40:47
exclusive wrote: u can get sub 1 if u turn really fast using standard reduction method
i dont like it its too common used for me. -
Date: Wed, Apr 17 2013 13:59:37
Spazmok wrote: i dont like it its too common used for me.
naah, everybody uses Yau now. :D -
Date: Wed, Apr 17 2013 18:08:05
NaeosPsy wrote: naah, everybody uses Yau now. :D
some even starting to do yau on 5x5, its crazy -
Date: Wed, Apr 17 2013 19:25:48
exclusive wrote: some even starting to do yau on 5x5, its crazy
If Feliks dosen't do it, it's no good lol -
Date: Thu, Apr 18 2013 19:29:25
yxis wrote: If Feliks dosen't do it, it's no good lol
you know almost everyone in top was doin Yau on 4x4, when Feliks changed? Yau 5x5 is hard to do effective and better than freeslice.o.O But yeah, Yau himself tries to do that(about 1 min + solves) and some other people too. May 17 is Talinn Open, so I will start doing 3x3 now, aiming for sub 14 2h and sub 20 oh. :) gogo top 200 in world in OH. -
Date: Fri, Apr 19 2013 15:48:16
NaeosPsy wrote: you know almost everyone in top was doin Yau on 4x4, when Feliks changed? Yau 5x5 is hard to do effective and better than freeslice.o.O But yeah, Yau himself tries to do that(about 1 min + solves) and some other people too. May 17 is Talinn Open, so I will start doing 3x3 now, aiming for sub 14 2h and sub 20 oh. :) gogo top 200 in world in OH.
dam you fast, do you have any cubing videos? i have a comp too but in augest -
Date: Sat, Apr 20 2013 19:05:24
Nice to see speedcubers here :) I'm one myself. WR 85 (NR 1) for Square-1 avg (22.0x). Sub15 2H, Sub 25 OH, sub-15 pyra, sub 1:20 4x4. Not too great. How about you guys? :)
Date: Sun, Apr 21 2013 10:20:39
muahaha im here the noob i guess :P
Date: Sun, Apr 21 2013 13:20:28
exclusive wrote: dam you fast, do you have any cubing videos? i have a comp too but in augest
Well, only about year old video's. I haven't been doing a lot of speedcubin' lately, but here are my PB's. :) 3x3(CFOP) 1/5/12/100 - 9.73/12.44/12.91/14.24 3x3 OH(CFOP+COLL) - 15.49/20.24/21.19 2x2(CLL lol) - 1.90/3.90/4.53/5.88 4x4(Yau) - 50.76/57.35/1:00.49/ - 5x5(Redux) - 1:47.19/1:58.20/2:03.32/ -
Date: Mon, Apr 22 2013 05:19:23
NaeosPsy wrote: Well, only about year old video's. I haven't been doing a lot of speedcubin' lately, but here are my PB's. :) 3x3(CFOP) 1/5/12/100 - 9.73/12.44/12.91/14.24 3x3 OH(CFOP+COLL) - 15.49/20.24/21.19 2x2(CLL lol) - 1.90/3.90/4.53/5.88 4x4(Yau) - 50.76/57.35/1:00.49/ - 5x5(Redux) - 1:47.19/1:58.20/2:03.32/
wow u sub 10, did you noe feliks was on upsb v3 -
Date: Mon, Apr 22 2013 08:24:40
exclusive wrote: wow u sub 10, did you noe feliks was on upsb v3
really? o.O I didn't knew he did penspinning. :D -
Date: Mon, Apr 22 2013 18:21:48
NaeosPsy wrote: really? o.O I didn't knew he did penspinning. :D
does he have any ps vids? :) -
Date: Mon, Apr 22 2013 20:07:46
Spazmok wrote: does he have any ps vids? :)
He used to have 1 or 2, but I think he deleted them :( -
Date: Tue, Apr 23 2013 05:22:28
NaeosPsy wrote: really? o.O I didn't knew he did penspinning. :D
he uploaded a basic combo on youtube but i cant find it anymore, probably got delted -
Date: Tue, Apr 23 2013 18:34:03
so 6 more algs and i finished basic roux table... do you know any good site for OH(OLL+PLL) (btw. i use petrus with non dominant hand-> left)
Date: Tue, Apr 23 2013 21:06:18
exclusive wrote: he uploaded a basic combo on youtube but i cant find it anymore, probably got delted
Yup, deleted D: -
Date: Wed, Apr 24 2013 10:49:03
Spazmok wrote: so 6 more algs and i finished basic roux table... do you know any good site for OH(OLL+PLL) (btw. i use petrus with non dominant hand-> left)
Use Roux OH. o.O -
Date: Wed, Apr 24 2013 17:53:58
NaeosPsy wrote: Use Roux OH. o.O
the problem is that OH is like no M moves. (am i wrong? couldnt find a good way) i realy want to see feliks :( -
Date: Wed, Apr 24 2013 19:42:42
Spazmok wrote: the problem is that OH is like no M moves. (am i wrong? couldnt find a good way) i realy want to see feliks :(
push the cube against surface in 45 degree angle. wonders. look here. -
Date: Thu, Apr 25 2013 05:35:59
NaeosPsy wrote: push the cube against surface in 45 degree angle. wonders. look here.
lol thats called table abuse, i hope they remove this rule from the wca -
Date: Thu, Apr 25 2013 05:59:16
exclusive wrote: lol thats called table abuse, i hope they remove this rule from the wca
why? o.O everyone using Roux OH is using it. I did H perms for about half a year that way. And you can't really write exceptions when you can use the surface(placing cube on table, dropping for rotation) and when you can't. -
Date: Thu, Apr 25 2013 06:04:10
NaeosPsy wrote: why? o.O everyone using Roux OH is using it. I did H perms for about half a year that way. And you can't really write exceptions when you can use the surface(placing cube on table, dropping for rotation) and when you can't.
i guess i never did table abuse before but thers some controversy against it on speedsolving -
Date: Thu, Apr 25 2013 06:25:37
exclusive wrote: i guess i never did table abuse before but thers some controversy against it on speedsolving
I don't really see the point of people who are trying to ban it. It's not like you get superfast speedz. :D -
Date: Thu, Apr 25 2013 14:53:54
i know about that table thing, but the reason why i use petrus for OH is that i am against that table thing. i saw the rules(its alright)... but for me OH is solving a cube only with one hand and nothing else.
Date: Thu, Apr 25 2013 20:05:49
Spazmok wrote: i know about that table thing, but the reason why i use petrus for OH is that i am against that table thing. i saw the rules(its alright)... but for me OH is solving a cube only with one hand and nothing else.
If Petrus, then COLL + EPLL is nice. Just 46 algs. OCLL + PLL is ok too, but if you Roux 2H, COLL can help you -you can use it instead of CMLL and some algs are the same or you can work out the CMLL alg from COLL or otherwise. (COLL - Orients and permutes corners when all edges oriented CMLL - Orients and permutes corners when waffle on each side of cube :D) -
Date: Fri, Apr 26 2013 17:27:38
You don't need to abuse the table to do OH "m"s lol, but table will never be banned xD
Date: Fri, Apr 26 2013 18:47:37
Yxis wrote: You don't need to abuse the table to do OH "m"s lol, but table will never be banned xD
sry i think table is the joke.... reason?Spoiler
[video=youtube;YyI-hoTv3gc][/video] from 2:00 that guy in baground. i mean its more like the table solves the cube not him >.< -
Date: Tue, Apr 30 2013 17:55:06
for ZZ method Wv/ppl,CLL/EPll or Coll/PLL?i really dont want to learn full ZZLL or ZBLL
Date: Thu, May 2 2013 06:44:51
Spazmok wrote: for ZZ method Wv/ppl,CLL/EPll or Coll/PLL?i really dont want to learn full ZZLL or ZBLL
i did coll/pll but after a few months i forgot most of the algs since i used it for OH mostly i heard most ppl wv/pll and coll/pll depending on the case lol -
Date: Thu, May 2 2013 12:35:17
Spazmok wrote: for ZZ method Wv/ppl,CLL/EPll or Coll/PLL?i really dont want to learn full ZZLL or ZBLL
Date: Thu, May 2 2013 18:05:26
exclusive wrote: i did coll/pll but after a few months i forgot most of the algs since i used it for OH mostly i heard most ppl wv/pll and coll/pll depending on the case lol
i actually dont know any alg so i cant forgot (i just remember how the blocks move like a story) Wv has only few algs, but im worried about move count. i want to learn something that has a fast recognisation and execution. btw whats your PB 4x4x4 OH? -
Date: Thu, May 2 2013 20:09:37
Spazmok wrote: i actually dont know any alg so i cant forgot (i just remember how the blocks move like a story) Wv has only few algs, but im worried about move count. i want to learn something that has a fast recognisation and execution. btw whats your PB 4x4x4 OH?
recog=same, coll=faster. -
Date: Sat, May 4 2013 14:19:24
what method would you recommend for 3x3x3 mirror cube (blindfold+only by touching cube-> no inspection,memorisation) i just made my first solve( LBL in 22:34.41 -> i know its bad)
Date: Sat, May 4 2013 16:46:48
Spazmok wrote: what method would you recommend for 3x3x3 mirror cube (blindfold+only by touching cube-> no inspection,memorisation) i just made my first solve( LBL in 22:34.41 -> i know its bad)
lol nice idea never tried that but i would have to say cfop once u get the hang of it -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 12:47:35
Spazmok wrote: what method would you recommend for 3x3x3 mirror cube (blindfold+only by touching cube-> no inspection,memorisation) i just made my first solve( LBL in 22:34.41 -> i know its bad)
i use F2L + OLL + PLL and didn't take too long... :3 -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 18:12:17
Kari-Chan wrote: i use F2L + OLL + PLL and didn't take too long... :3
you must be a genius :) btw. for OH(left) if i had a choise between 17-18 turn alg(which is mainly R,U and bit of L) or a 11-13 alg( which has cube rotation or B,F) which one should i prefer for speed(if i got it right i use japanese oh style)? -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 21:54:13
Spazmok wrote: you must be a genius :) btw. for OH(left) if i had a choise between 17-18 turn alg(which is mainly R,U and bit of L) or a 11-13 alg( which has cube rotation or B,F) which one should i prefer for speed(if i got it right i use japanese oh style)?
Which alg? Depends on yourself and your style. If you want to learn to do B without regrip like Pleskowitz, do the 11-13, if you want to be like Phil Yu - 17-18. :D From my own experience - you can achieve very fast PLL with RUL algs, but F isn't really hard to do too. Grip cube with pointing finger on top and pinky on bot, and middle and ring on back of the cube. Now you can do F and F's. -
Date: Mon, May 13 2013 07:57:51
OH avg of 5 - 19.64
Date: Mon, May 13 2013 18:06:54
NaeosPsy wrote: OH avg of 5 - 19.64
you faster then i with 2 hand -.- -
Date: Mon, May 13 2013 23:40:22
NaeosPsy wrote: OH avg of 5 - 19.64
mine is 25-30 -
Date: Tue, May 14 2013 16:33:16
number of times: 78/78 best time: 14.50 worst time: 34.02 current avg5: 21.62 (σ = 2.03) best avg5: 19.27 (σ = 0.41) current avg12: 22.29 (σ = 1.50) best avg12: 20.80 (σ = 1.91) session avg: 21.91 (σ = 1.88) session mean: 22.07 19.41, 21.00, 23.38, 20.90, 21.46, 24.60, 19.44, 24.83, 17.79, 24.01, 23.18, 23.02, 20.16, 14.50, 25.55, 19.59, 22.72, 20.52, 22.43, 22.31, 21.14, 23.79, 21.20, 18.74, 22.47, 18.47, 22.96, 21.77, 25.15, 22.09, 22.41, 23.10, 19.69, 30.01, 18.87, 18.03, 19.24, 20.02, 23.70, 21.78, 17.51, 21.31, 22.38, 23.01, 24.81, 22.47, 22.58, 28.07, 20.92, 22.08, 22.79, 23.32, 23.72, 29.21, 24.70, 21.12, 20.14, 19.63, 19.86, 21.77, 23.20, 23.81, 18.29, 25.29, 20.48, 19.96, 21.63, 23.10, 20.81, 22.86, 24.27, 21.52, 23.86, 23.96, 20.61, 20.30, 16.97, 34.02 3x3 One Hand
Date: Tue, May 14 2013 18:45:07
u guys use fridrich?
Date: Wed, May 15 2013 00:44:08
Spazmok wrote: u guys use fridrich?
yes because feliks uses it -
Date: Wed, May 15 2013 19:19:01
exclusive wrote: yes because feliks uses it
thats a joke right? :D -
Date: Fri, May 17 2013 20:56:24
Spazmok wrote: u guys use fridrich?
yes because mats walk use it. yes because i was sub-20 when heard of other methods - no use to change. I was at Talinn Open and got 12.6 official avg of 5 3x3 today. Insane. -
Date: Sat, May 18 2013 09:33:05
NaeosPsy wrote: yes because mats walk use it. yes because i was sub-20 when heard of other methods - no use to change. I was at Talinn Open and got 12.6 official avg of 5 3x3 today. Insane.
gratz. first place? :) btw do you know how many moves on avg do roux users have(speed) i cant find it? i have around 50-60 -
Date: Sat, May 18 2013 12:57:22
Spazmok wrote: gratz. first place? :) btw do you know how many moves on avg do roux users have(speed) i cant find it? i have around 50-60
2nd. :D 50-55 is pretty ok now. Sub-50 for sub-20 solves :P -
Date: Mon, May 20 2013 18:35:02
Do you know about a cubetimer for Nokia E72? i have hellosuite( no history -.-) and there are threads redirecting me to speedsolving forums but i couldnt find any :( p.s.: finally a sub 20 single :P *(18.00)
Date: Mon, May 20 2013 19:33:31
Spazmok wrote: Do you know about a cubetimer for Nokia E72? i have hellosuite( no history -.-) and there are threads redirecting me to speedsolving forums but i couldnt find any :( p.s.: finally a sub 20 single :P *(18.00)
congrats. what is that phone's OS? My 12.85 avg of 5. -
Date: Tue, May 21 2013 14:55:41
where can i find it? :D *i hope i gonna be as good as you one days :D* btw: i was thinking you are asian until now
Date: Tue, May 21 2013 16:11:38
Spazmok wrote: where can i find it? :D *i hope i gonna be as good as you one days :D* btw: i was thinking you are asian until now
I couldn't find any timer for you, sorry. Writing down results isn't so hard, btw. :D Country flag added. :D Doing OH 3x3 really helped my pen spinning - I decided to learn all tricks on both hands, and I learned almost all tricks I knew on right hand in 2 days on left hand, because I didn't have any flexibility/strength problems. :D -
Date: Tue, May 21 2013 18:10:29
NaeosPsy wrote: I couldn't find any timer for you, sorry. Writing down results isn't so hard, btw. :D Country flag added. :D Doing OH 3x3 really helped my pen spinning - I decided to learn all tricks on both hands, and I learned almost all tricks I knew on right hand in 2 days on left hand, because I didn't have any flexibility/strength problems. :D
hehe i started with OH cuz i needed better control of left :) i can also write with both hands fluently.. but i take my hobbies as fun, not to be/look cool. how long do you spin? -
Date: Tue, May 21 2013 19:01:33
Spazmok wrote: hehe i started with OH cuz i needed better control of left :) i can also write with both hands fluently.. but i take my hobbies as fun, not to be/look cool. how long do you spin?
2,5 months now. I don't know a lot of tricks, but I can do Bakfall(that took quite a long to learn) -
Date: Wed, May 22 2013 15:23:58
NaeosPsy wrote: 2,5 months now. I don't know a lot of tricks, but I can do Bakfall(that took quite a long to learn)
Started with BLD... M2 is fun :) i got a problem... when only M-slice is left how you solve it? cuz when i target UF i get DB as buffer. -
Date: Thu, May 23 2013 13:35:15
Guys whats the secret i really want to learn how to speed cube
Date: Thu, May 23 2013 15:50:38
JoloPSPH wrote: Guys whats the secret i really want to learn how to speed cube
dont give up i guess :D -
Date: Thu, May 23 2013 19:42:56
JoloPSPH wrote: Guys whats the secret i really want to learn how to speed cube
YOUTUUUUUUUBE. :D (badmephisto tutorials) -
Date: Fri, May 24 2013 17:47:16
color fixed vs. color neutral vs. method neutral colour fixed vs. method neutral colour neutral... who would win? :)
Date: Fri, May 24 2013 20:08:57
Spazmok wrote: color fixed vs. color neutral vs. method neutral colour fixed vs. method neutral colour neutral... who would win? :)
Roux is not easy to CN. Method neutralism on 3x3 is useless. Pseudo blocks are fun if you learn to speedsolve them and rec. ll then. -
Date: Sun, May 26 2013 18:55:42
Do you think Pll is usefull for Zz cuz sometimes corners orient automaticaly so Coll/EPLL is useless for those situations.. or should i just CPLL/EPLL?
Date: Tue, May 28 2013 22:33:06
Spazmok wrote: Do you think Pll is usefull for Zz cuz sometimes corners orient automaticaly so Coll/EPLL is useless for those situations.. or should i just CPLL/EPLL?
Phil Yu knows full PLL. OCLL skips pretty often, so it is good to know it. -
Date: Tue, Jun 4 2013 13:12:24
the 4.41 rubiks cube solve is real?
Date: Sat, Jun 8 2013 11:50:20
my record was 52 sec xD I've a friend of mine who can solve it under 45 secs
Date: Sun, Jun 9 2013 07:05:30
i average 47 sec and i use a dayan guhong
Date: Sun, Jun 9 2013 11:45:27
tengurocks wrote: i average 47 sec and i use a dayan guhong
is guhong good? i want to get one -
Date: Sun, Jun 9 2013 12:03:56
Spazmok wrote: is guhong good? i want to get one
yap it's worth the money if you want I can post where I bought one with free shipping -
Date: Mon, Jun 10 2013 05:14:27
IgnitionZer0 wrote: yap it's worth the money if you want I can post where I bought one with free shipping
But if unlubed ,dayan cubes turn like garbage -
Date: Mon, Jun 10 2013 10:14:05
tengurocks wrote: But if unlubed ,dayan cubes turn like garbage
my friend as one for quite long and has not being disappointed -
Date: Mon, Jun 10 2013 14:53:15
i use dayan IV and i realy love it. but i want to make one cube for OH... so chosing between wind, guhong, zhanchi
Date: Thu, Jul 18 2013 20:46:06
Do you guys have some exp with multiBLD?
Date: Thu, Jul 18 2013 21:53:06
Spazmok wrote: Do you guys have some exp with multiBLD?
@Riley hes pro at it -
Date: Fri, Jul 19 2013 15:34:21
My new record is 30.56 ;p
Date: Sat, Aug 3 2013 15:36:23
stats: (hide) number of times: 128/129 best time: 10.37 worst time: 38.25 current avg5: 14.42 (σ = 1.28) best avg5: 12.28 (σ = 0.51) current avg12: 14.12 (σ = 1.05) best avg12: 13.15 (σ = 1.41) current avg100: 13.94 (σ = 1.12) best avg100: 13.83 (σ = 1.18) session avg: 13.94 (σ = 1.23) session mean: 14.22 times (reset, import): 12.73, 14.36, 12.17, 19.53, 16.91, 15.12, 12.92, 12.28, 14.09, 13.59, 38.25, 13.23, 11.95, 12.91, 14.20, 14.37, 16.73, 13.11, 15.12, 15.37, 12.05, 11.92, 14.55, 12.86, 11.16, 13.23, 11.24, 15.45, 17.37, 13.90, 11.81, 14.47, 13.07, 15.01, 13.47, 11.84, 12.83, 12.45, 12.43, 14.99, 14.51, 15.21, 12.04, 16.12, 12.07, 13.50, 14.72, 14.66, 13.04, 12.14, 12.56, 13.82, 13.38, 13.04, 14.44, 14.06, 20.35, 14.22, 15.56, 14.92, 15.82, 14.64, 14.69, 12.39, 12.74, 14.47, 12.95, 13.79, 15.65, 12.84, 13.44, 13.35, 11.96, 13.44, 14.56, 12.50, 15.40, 13.13, 14.73, 13.48, 12.43, DNF(23.61), 14.15, 14.63, 16.27, 13.86, 13.48, 15.14, 14.79, 14.45, 13.02, 15.55, 12.61, 13.74, 13.75, 15.47, 15.61, 18.60, 11.93, 12.58, 14.32, 12.23, 14.16, 13.20, 14.67, 12.40, 14.68, 12.81, 16.44, 10.37, 13.50, 20.49, 15.51, 15.16, 13.42, 13.03, 12.54, 14.37, 13.27, 13.04, 20.02, 13.36, 13.70, 14.16, 12.97, 12.86, 14.87, 15.41, 16.05 3x3 :)
Date: Sun, Aug 4 2013 09:53:06
DNF? what happened? :)
Date: Sun, Aug 4 2013 10:28:03
Spazmok wrote: DNF? what happened? :)
I don't remember. ;D a) cube exploded or b) was angry about slow time and accidentally pressed space before doing the last moves -
Date: Sun, Aug 4 2013 17:32:37
failed competition yesterday, only got 1 sub 20 3x3
Date: Mon, Aug 5 2013 08:19:42
nervous? btw... You guys were at WC?
Date: Mon, Aug 5 2013 18:12:58
Spazmok wrote: nervous? btw... You guys were at WC?
ya and only practice for 1 week b4 comp lol also had to use my white guhong because stickerless cubes arent allowed in comp -
Date: Sat, Aug 10 2013 16:05:30
Do you know a website with BH method (corners- buffer in URF)? I only find URB
Date: Mon, Aug 26 2013 07:19:59
Spazmok wrote: Do you know a website with BH method (corners- buffer in URF)? I only find URB
Well,all so far I found this: I still searching for better ones. @topic: My record 3x3: 38 to 50secs. Sometimes goes to 1min. when having bad solves. -
Date: Tue, Aug 27 2013 11:02:39
@topic: My record 3x3: 38 to 50secs. Sometimes goes to 1min. when having bad solves.[/QUOTE] nice. i get sub 4 min solves -.- (BH/M2 and corners with OP/CP). curently i focus on speedoptimal BH edges
Date: Sat, Aug 31 2013 04:33:47
currently practicing 3x3 and 3x3 oh only about 20 sec and 25-30 respecively
Date: Mon, Sep 2 2013 20:59:30
number of times: 283/284 best time: 9.57 worst time: 23.08 current avg5: 14.44 (σ = 1.57) best avg5: 11.60 (σ = 0.52) current avg12: 14.38 (σ = 1.12) best avg12: 12.22 (σ = 0.43) current avg100: 13.48 (σ = 1.25) best avg100: 13.25 (σ = 1.13) session avg: 13.74 (σ = 1.31) session mean: 13.81 AVG 5, 12, 100 PB (:
Date: Mon, Sep 16 2013 08:45:31
mine is 30 sec xD
Date: Sat, Sep 21 2013 18:55:41
2 months ago sub 21 avg 100, now sub 30 avg 15 xD is it normal?
Date: Tue, Oct 8 2013 11:15:16
tutorials please ?
Date: Tue, Oct 15 2013 18:33:24
My best is 1:21 which is crap, but trying to do f2l with pairs confuses me, any hints?
Date: Mon, Nov 4 2013 00:49:12
Deciding on whether to buy Dayan Zhanchi or Ghost Hand v2. Help?
Date: Mon, Nov 4 2013 08:09:36
Dayan Zhanchi is beast, get tht one
Date: Sat, Jan 25 2014 00:16:11
Anyone still speedcube here? I've recently went back to speedcubing since I decided to get myself a Zhanchi. My personal best is 30.52 I am now planning to get myself a weilong, fangshi sheungren and a moyu aosu.
Date: Sat, Jan 25 2014 01:29:46
Hardly. I don't understand when speed cubers keep like a gigantic collection of cubes. To me, it just seems like a waste and I like having only one main thing (generally in every other hobby as well).
Date: Sun, Jan 26 2014 21:08:42
[QUOTE='[TGN];276081']Hardly. I don't understand when speed cubers keep like a gigantic collection of cubes. To me, it just seems like a waste and I like having only one main thing (generally in every other hobby as well).[/QUOTE] It the same thing as spinners with a bunch of mods.
Date: Wed, Feb 19 2014 15:55:53
The cube I use ATM is really messed up (most stickers peeling, and plastic wore). I'm looking to get a better cube if this cube goes bad. It's ATM hard to turn but I put some WD-40 it helped. I'm not fast my personal best ATM is 1:19.
Date: Sat, Feb 22 2014 00:55:17
Weilong is the best cube.
Date: Sun, Feb 23 2014 04:04:10
i have a comp in 1 week and havent practiced in months, gonna fail lol or not
Date: Sun, Feb 23 2014 14:34:49
exclusive wrote: i have a comp in 1 week and havent practiced in months, gonna fail lol or not
What's your main cube and averages/pb? -
Date: Sun, Feb 23 2014 17:26:00
i mainly do oh now but my main 3x3 is gans 3 v2? oh pb 15.71 2h pb 13.40 oh avg 20-35 2h avg 18-23
Date: Wed, Apr 2 2014 21:18:35
Date: Thu, Apr 3 2014 04:48:43
got a primary fuang shi , dam i wish they had the standard 57mm one cuz 54.6 feels kinda small for me now
Date: Thu, Apr 3 2014 19:42:24
Fangshis are alright, I don't like the feel of the plastic though.
Date: Tue, Apr 8 2014 12:00:39
Supergirl wrote: Fangshis are alright, I don't like the feel of the plastic though.
just needa break it in, i broke 3 of my pbs with it alrdy -
Date: Mon, Apr 14 2014 15:13:55
whats up? :)
Date: Mon, Apr 14 2014 15:48:21
Spazmok wrote: whats up? :)
broke all my pbs for 3x3 this past weeks Average of 12: 18.41 1. 17.36 D' F D L2 R2 D R' D2 F' R' L' U F' U B' R2 L' B D' F2 D' L R' U R2 2. (24.96) R' U' R' B F D B R B2 L F2 D R2 U2 L2 R' F L2 U' B' F' L R B U 3. 17.54 L2 F' R' U2 R2 U2 L D' U2 B' F L D' R U R' B2 U L2 F L2 R D' F' U2 4. 18.04 F U' R F' R2 F' U2 B' U' D2 R2 D2 U' L' F' R U' R L' U2 F' R U' D' L' 5. 18.93 B2 D' L2 F' U' D2 L' B' L D' R2 F L' B2 R' B' R' L U' L' B' F U2 L' U2 6. 17.76 U' R D L' D2 U' B L' D L U2 F U' R B2 D' U B' R2 U R2 F B' R' B 7. 17.70 U' D2 B' L U' L R2 D' L2 R' U' R2 B' U' L U2 D' F D' B' U B2 D U F2 8. 19.92 U' B' D' L2 D' B2 R' U R2 F2 U F' D2 U' B2 U' B2 L2 D' U' F2 D2 L' R D2 9. (16.01) U R L' D2 L B2 U2 D' F2 R2 U2 R' D F U' D' L R' U' B2 F L F' R' L 10. 18.21 R' U2 D L F B L B F U' F2 B' L' R F L F' R' B2 F2 U L2 D R L' 11. 19.69 L B F2 U' F D2 L' F' D' U' R2 B' L' R2 D F' R F D' F U' F B2 R2 D 12. 18.94 F B2 U F B D F' R B U F L2 B2 L2 D U2 R F' R B U' L' R2 D L' Average of 5: 16.86 1. 16.33 D' F B2 L2 U2 B' F2 U' B L2 B' R' F U2 L U L2 B' R B R2 B2 U' R' L 2. (16.33) F2 B2 R D' F L' D2 B2 U R' F2 B2 R' U' B U' F' R L' U' B' U' F2 U2 F' 3. (19.17) R2 B' D' L2 R D' L F2 R B2 R D' L U R2 D2 U' R' L2 U2 D2 F' D' L2 B 4. 17.92 U2 F L2 D' F' U2 B2 D' B2 R F' R2 D' B2 R' D2 R' B' F2 U2 D2 L2 F' L' D 5. 16.34 R B D B2 U' R' F2 L R D F D L' U F U D' L2 B' U2 D R' D U2 B (11.58) R' L U2 B' F R U' R' B L D F' R2 B' F2 D' R2 F2 L' R2 F2 L' U R F reconstructing R U' R' U L' U' L' //xcross d L' U L //F2L2 U' L U L' y' U' R' U' R //F2L3 U2 L' U' L U L' U' L U //F2L4 R U R' U' M' U R U' r' //OLL R U' R U R U R U' R' U' R2 U //PLL -
Date: Mon, Apr 14 2014 17:42:18
exclusive wrote: broke all my pbs for 3x3 this past weeks Average of 12: 18.41
Nice! My PB is 28 seconds. XD -
Date: Tue, Apr 15 2014 15:00:45
exclusive wrote: broke all my pbs for 3x3 this past weeks Average of 12: 18.41 1. 17.36 D' F D L2 R2 D R' D2 F' R' L' U F' U B' R2 L' B D' F2 D' L R' U R2 2. (24.96) R' U' R' B F D B R B2 L F2 D R2 U2 L2 R' F L2 U' B' F' L R B U 3. 17.54 L2 F' R' U2 R2 U2 L D' U2 B' F L D' R U R' B2 U L2 F L2 R D' F' U2 4. 18.04 F U' R F' R2 F' U2 B' U' D2 R2 D2 U' L' F' R U' R L' U2 F' R U' D' L' 5. 18.93 B2 D' L2 F' U' D2 L' B' L D' R2 F L' B2 R' B' R' L U' L' B' F U2 L' U2 6. 17.76 U' R D L' D2 U' B L' D L U2 F U' R B2 D' U B' R2 U R2 F B' R' B 7. 17.70 U' D2 B' L U' L R2 D' L2 R' U' R2 B' U' L U2 D' F D' B' U B2 D U F2 8. 19.92 U' B' D' L2 D' B2 R' U R2 F2 U F' D2 U' B2 U' B2 L2 D' U' F2 D2 L' R D2 9. (16.01) U R L' D2 L B2 U2 D' F2 R2 U2 R' D F U' D' L R' U' B2 F L F' R' L 10. 18.21 R' U2 D L F B L B F U' F2 B' L' R F L F' R' B2 F2 U L2 D R L' 11. 19.69 L B F2 U' F D2 L' F' D' U' R2 B' L' R2 D F' R F D' F U' F B2 R2 D 12. 18.94 F B2 U F B D F' R B U F L2 B2 L2 D U2 R F' R B U' L' R2 D L' Average of 5: 16.86 1. 16.33 D' F B2 L2 U2 B' F2 U' B L2 B' R' F U2 L U L2 B' R B R2 B2 U' R' L 2. (16.33) F2 B2 R D' F L' D2 B2 U R' F2 B2 R' U' B U' F' R L' U' B' U' F2 U2 F' 3. (19.17) R2 B' D' L2 R D' L F2 R B2 R D' L U R2 D2 U' R' L2 U2 D2 F' D' L2 B 4. 17.92 U2 F L2 D' F' U2 B2 D' B2 R F' R2 D' B2 R' D2 R' B' F2 U2 D2 L2 F' L' D 5. 16.34 R B D B2 U' R' F2 L R D F D L' U F U D' L2 B' U2 D R' D U2 B (11.58) R' L U2 B' F R U' R' B L D F' R2 B' F2 D' R2 F2 L' R2 F2 L' U R F reconstructing R U' R' U L' U' L' //xcross d L' U L //F2L2 U' L U L' y' U' R' U' R //F2L3 U2 L' U' L U L' U' L U //F2L4 R U R' U' M' U R U' r' //OLL R U' R U R U R U' R' U' R2 U //PLL
awesome :D you still rock, but i will get u in 5 years or so :P -
Date: Wed, Oct 22 2014 16:47:39
My PB is 9.56 seconds lucky PLL skip solve. I used to average 14-16 seconds, but I stopped cubing. Probably average like 20 seconds now.
Date: Thu, Oct 23 2014 15:55:29
been trying to solve a 3x3 while juggling 3 ball ( 2 ball + 1 rubik's cube) cascade the farthest ive gone into a solve was easy cross + 2 easy f2l Heres wat im aiming for