Trading / Buying / >>>Cool Mods For Auction!!!!>>>Votechs auction thread
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 06:44:59
Hi, Want -Money[B](paypal only)[/B] Auction Rules:
[SIZE="5"]Mods For Auction [/SIZE]Spoiler
1. [B]paypal money only[/B] 2. Auction for all mods will start [B]Feb. 25 at 10pm pacific time. [/B] 3. Auction for all mods will end [B]March 13 at 8pm pacific time.[/B] 4. All bids must be in [B]$1 increments or more[/B]. 5. All bids are final. 6.To bid for the item reply to this thread stating what you are bidding for and how much you wish to bid.(Turquoise Z Grip)
(Black Z Grip) F1r3fly G3 Mod(either with black or turquoise z grip , please specify) Starting Bid : $21 Current Bid: Highest Bidder: Buy it now: $50 Auction ends : March 13 at 8pm pacific time
RSVP MX - Lime Green Starting Bid: $10 Current Bid: Highest Bidder: Buy it now: $20 Auction ends : March 13 at 8pm pacific time
RSVP MX -Red Starting Bid : $10 Current Bid: Highest Bidder: Buy it now : $20 Auction ends: March 13 at 8pm pacific time Please send all payments to [email][email protected][/email] Shipping rates : First Class Shipping Rates : U.S. - $2.99 (1-7 days First Class) International - $2.99 ( 7-14 days First Class ) Priority Shipping Rates : U.S. - $4.99 (1-3 day priority) International - $12 (6-10 days Priority) Thanks !!! :)
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 07:15:26
Just letting you know, your mods are way overpriced.
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 07:19:12
BTW if you want to tell me something please pm me. <_< price lowered to $21
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 08:51:33
wtf why do you have 3 trading threads?
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 08:53:03
auction,part,mods and for the last time PM ME INSTEAD !!!