Serious Discussion / Psionics
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 02:22:50
"Psionics refers to the practice, study, or psychic ability of using the mind to induce paranormal phenomena." I have been an inactive user of psionics for about 4 years, on and off, but it's pretty fascinating stuff. /moved thread here. EDIT: I do not want any arguments or skepticism in here. This thread will be only used for people who are interested and want to discuss and learn.
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 02:34:40
Come to my dorm and show me under reasonable conditions and I'll think about believing you. Until then, I'm still claiming the best trick one can do with his/her mind is hallucinate being facefucked by Natalie Portman. Peace~
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 02:36:02
"Psionics refers to a load of shit."
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 02:53:52
i used to do this a lot. i gave up though, a waste of time with no real solid evidence other than a light breeze blowing a piece of paper on a pin. pretty useless skill, unless you can make a force bubble sword and kill shit with it. on second thought, not really sure this should be called a "skill."
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 02:59:56
I have no arguement that it might create connections in your own mind which make it seem as though somethings happening. Or percieving the world differently, but as for using the minds power alone to break physics and chemistry outside of the world in your mind. No.
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:15:57
sounds cool. now if only it applied on pen spinning. then anyone can be a pro power tricker. :P
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:17:38
It's quite impossible, the most I've seen was a person able to lift a coin off the ground for a second.
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:21:12
iColor wrote: It's quite impossible, the most I've seen was a person able to lift a coin off the ground for a second.
Ok, impossibility aside, what are the practical applications of psionics if the most you've ever seen anyone do is levitate a coin for a second? -
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:21:59
if you don't want to deal with skeptics it means you don't believe in it fully yourself, or at least lack reason to do so. Whats with the hate for skepticism?
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:22:57
Hm? I truly believe in it myself. I just haven't done my research.
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:25:39
@awon, practical applications would be many Proving all known physics wrong. You could use it to make millions of dollars. Being able to manipulate an object by an unkown force would be amazing and probably change the way we view physics, or at least the way humans can ineract with what we know.
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:29:20
shoeman6 wrote: @awon, practical applications would be many Proving all known physics wrong. You could use it to make millions of dollars. Being able to manipulate an object by an unkown force would be amazing and probably change the way we view physics, or at least the way humans can ineract with what we know.
The most he's ever seen anyone do is levitate a coin for a second, how do you suppose any of those things are possible in a lifetime? -
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:29:51
you are believing in something with out doing your research? I would argue that makes you an idiot
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:30:09
LOL, Shoeman, you're such a child when it comes to physics. It really doesn't work that way. Theories have their domains, and the ones currently taught are certainly successful within their respective domains. Newton's theory wasn't proven "wrong" by Einstein. Rather, Einstein's theory is useful within a different domain. If physics discovered some new "known" force, the old models would probably still be very useful, and not considered, "wrong" by any stretch of the imagination.
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:34:57
Alright... I should have worded more carefully, but it's things like that that cause non-scientific observers to point fingers and use it as proof that their idea has merit.
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:38:57
@Surge Erm, I think you mean models? Theories refer to how the world works, Newton's theories WERE disproven, his models are still very accurate within certain domains, but never are his theories accurate, relativity is always true just in certain instances it can be ignored so the Newtonian model works fine but his theories are never ever right
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:40:30
no cuz they need to show prediction with their theory for it to be accepted scientifically. If they could demonstrate their powers in a lab its legit, until that day though...
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:45:26
Wtf do you mean by "true?" I see you're not a model-dependent realist, M'dear Alex. What I'm saying is that matter behaves predictably. However, due to the fact that we use the tools of our perception to construct an internet model of the world around us, the only relavent question we can ask when talking about a theory is whether or not it gives accurate predictions within its domain. Is this true of Newtonian mechanics? Yes. Is this true of general relativity? Yes. Is this true of quantum mechanics? Yes. One isn't "disproven" because another is more successful. In the same way Copernicus didn't come along and "disprove" that the Earth is the center of the galaxy. What he did do was propose a different theory in which the equations of motion of the planets were much simpler and easier to manipulate. This is commonly misunderstood by people.
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:48:44
right, condescending bullshit aside, Newton made very specific claims about how matter acts. IT DOES NOT ACTUALLY ACT THAT WAY. thus making his claims FALSE. as I said, what he said is CLOSE to what actually happens, but it's NOT what actually happens, so therefore he is WRONG I'll continue if you want to have a real conversation and not just a intellectual dick-measuring contest where we all try to pretend to be the smartest, otherwise i'm done
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:53:14
I never mentioned Newton's "claims" about matter, I'm taking about his classical theory of mechanics. So I don't see the point of bringing that up. That aside, you completely ignored the first point I made in my post, which was that we are comparing the internal models we've constructed to make predictions about how matter will behave. We aren't ever comparing "the truth." Or, "what matter is actually doing." That would require a kind of consciousness that is beyond the human scope of imagining, and probably doesn't even exist.
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:55:25
as promised, i'm done.
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 03:55:46
a theory is pretty much a model, if it makes predictions its legit they come obslete when a better in everyway theory comes along, but newtons are still taught cuz they work for lots of practical applications and are simpler. Thats my understanding of it at least
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 04:04:22
ok so I agree that its possible, but it still seems extremely hard to apply to pen spinning. It would require loads of practice, waste of time if you ask me.
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 04:23:18
@Awesome, pretty much.
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 12:57:01
@awon wtf. WE FREAKIN SPIN PENS! Whats the point in that? levitating a coin! O_O THAT IS UBER COOL! whats wrong with you people. all im saying is that if you find entertainment in spinning a pen, i think you should find use in making a coin float with your mind.. .... THIS IS FREAKIN DBZ ANIME CRAZY SUPERHERO AWESOME STUFF WE'VE ALWAYS WANTED! ============= and to the science people..i dont think we've come to the debate whether this is scientifically proven or not. So saying to iColour, its not proven so why are you beliving in this? Why are you interested in this at all? dont invest your time in this? i dont really like it. well im sure thats what lots of people said to some of the leading scientist/inventors. The fact is its not proven, but a keen interest may lead to something which will eventually become true. airplanes etc etc. Then perhaps we might get tot he point that science will observe first then test then etc etc etc. ugh... now science is very important, but not everythign in life requires a science to enjoy and be curious about. Again i will take pen spinning into account. We havent foudn all the mathematical equations to do a Rev TA before we did it. we just did because someone thought it would be cool probably after fluking a normal TA. perhaps in some other dimension its physically impossible to do a rev ta, but in ours it is and we happned to do it because we kept trying. ...geeez guy stop being sooooooooooo boring. we should all be finding ghosts, espers, aliens and time travellers.
Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 00:38:29
Okay look, if someone can levitate a coin, inside a vacuum, with no forces acting on it, maybe then this is possible. Until then, I will assume it is not.
Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 06:31:00
neoknux_009 wrote: @awon wtf. WE FREAKIN SPIN PENS! Whats the point in that? levitating a coin! O_O THAT IS UBER COOL! whats wrong with you people. all im saying is that if you find entertainment in spinning a pen, i think you should find use in making a coin float with your mind.. .... THIS IS FREAKIN DBZ ANIME CRAZY SUPERHERO AWESOME STUFF WE'VE ALWAYS WANTED! ============= and to the science people..i dont think we've come to the debate whether this is scientifically proven or not. So saying to iColour, its not proven so why are you beliving in this? Why are you interested in this at all? dont invest your time in this? i dont really like it. well im sure thats what lots of people said to some of the leading scientist/inventors. The fact is its not proven, but a keen interest may lead to something which will eventually become true. airplanes etc etc. Then perhaps we might get tot he point that science will observe first then test then etc etc etc. ugh... now science is very important, but not everythign in life requires a science to enjoy and be curious about. Again i will take pen spinning into account. We havent foudn all the mathematical equations to do a Rev TA before we did it. we just did because someone thought it would be cool probably after fluking a normal TA. perhaps in some other dimension its physically impossible to do a rev ta, but in ours it is and we happned to do it because we kept trying. ...geeez guy stop being sooooooooooo boring. we should all be finding ghosts, espers, aliens and time travellers.
i is agree wif u. -
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 21:55:54
So uhh.. How do i move the foil...
Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 00:55:53
Wow, I'm late, but... I fully believe in it, and encourage people to study it. There are a whole bunch of mixed opinions out there. I've believed / practiced it for the past 2 years now, and I say, that its totally up to the person whether they want to believe it or not. It's real and legit, but, for those who don't believe it, you either have to take my word on it, or start it yourself. I've been planning on starting a forum on it, actually. But I probably wouldn't have the time to moderate it alone, with school (and pen spinning) and all.
Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 01:36:28
NIRS wrote: Wow, I'm late, but... I fully believe in it, and encourage people to study it. There are a whole bunch of mixed opinions out there. I've believed / practiced it for the past 2 years now, and I say, that its totally up to the person whether they want to believe it or not. It's real and legit, but, for those who don't believe it, you either have to take my word on it, or start it yourself. I've been planning on starting a forum on it, actually. But I probably wouldn't have the time to moderate it alone, with school (and pen spinning) and all. -
Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 21:52:42
nateiskewl wrote:
Serious talk section isn't for sarcasm. I'm being serious. Like I said, its up to the person whether they want to believe it or not. EDIT: I personally don't expect anyone who originally doesn't believe in psionics to all of a sudden believe it just because people talk about it, nor do I attempt to force people to believe in what I do, but, there's a lot of things like that. If you want to believe it, good, if not, that's fine. People's opinions / beliefs / practices are unique to themselves.