Regular Pen Discussion / Lightest Clear Body
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 04:22:26
I'm looking for the lightest clear pen (like a rsvp or g3). Something that spins as well as a comssa body, but clear (for inserts). I don't like gelly rolls and rsvps have too much weight in the center. Has anyone tried Penwish's clear keityo pen? I was thinking of trying that. Thanks.
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 04:38:16
iirc, theres a clear comssa body (the actual thing, not the g2-thingy) darkrose had some.
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 04:45:11
I've actually never spun with a comssa, but I once had a BICtory using the Round Stic Grip pens. Those should have a clear body.
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 05:16:54
if you search long and hard, you can find some clear comssa bodies. That's you best bet
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 05:22:24
i have clear boddied comssas...... for sale?
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 05:50:04
Never heard of clear comssa bodies. Are there any other subs? I'll PM you about a it, darkrose.
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 07:17:23
subs? its real by dong a =) too rare ><
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 07:32:35
Not exactly clear comssa body subs. I'm just looking for any other options. Like that clear keityo? Just wondering if it spins like an actual keityo pen.
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 08:09:33
Mage In Black wrote: Not exactly clear comssa body subs. I'm just looking for any other options. Like that clear keityo? Just wondering if it spins like an actual keityo pen.
Clear keityos (I have some for sale! ill give you a homie deal :3) Clear comssas (from darkrose) Super lavable 382 (Theyre french. Hella light, and hella cheap. theyre like a dollar) -
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 09:30:59
Colin wrote: Clear keityos (I have some for sale! ill give you a homie deal :3) Clear comssas (from darkrose) Super lavable 382 (Theyre french. Hella light, and hella cheap. theyre like a dollar)
yup, those are basically the main clear bodies that are used the most. There are also ballsign and bics but they are semi-transparent. -
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 17:38:55
What about the Japanese highlighter? The one for Nacho's clear bodied KT.
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 04:28:15
Try this: or I found this barrel like thing, slightly thinner than a ST and long. It's some sort of Tombo refill thing. (not sure what it refills)
Comparison to a ST, top, and rsvp ,bottom.
@Mage In Black
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 05:56:59
superlavable is your best bet :) the feel is awesome too. dont buy the clear body keityos cos they are tinted and overpriced. i've tried the real thing before and the body feels hard and weird, very unlike a real keityo body.
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 06:02:29
For some reason i can't see shit from imageshack.
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 06:02:58
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 07:10:38
How about an Single bodied RSVP Vortex?
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 10:19:11
Penspinstore's shipping is so expensive for the USA. I might try that superlavable. So, I shouldn't try the keityos? I did think the tint was rather ugly. @Hippo2626 Where'd you get that refill at hippo? @vortech nah, i've tried it. didn't like it.
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 11:06:32
Ballsign, its just too slippery.
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 12:23:22
@Mage In Black I found them in a store in Singapore can't really remember when and where and how much but you might wanna' try googling tombo mono zero refill.
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 13:58:03
It's for a precision eraser thing, and wouldn't that be like flimsy plastic? Or is it actually decently sturdy, enough to withstand several drops? Also, it looks really thin.