Trading / Buying / Light's Selling/Trading/Buying Thread (NEW NEW NEW Dr.Grips SUBS!!!!!!)
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 19:58:21
Hey Light Here, Im here to trade and sell my pens and parts. I might purchase occasionally, but selling and trading is my priority. Currently I have +4 on UPSBv4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules: - So, as of now, I would only like to trade with people in Canada or the United States. - Person with the lower feedback HAS to send first. - I would like to see a proof of the trader sending me their goods. Explained in detail later. - I only accept Canadian and/or American dollars - I do not have paypal, so money is the way to go ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="blue"][B][SIZE="2"]People Who Have Requested Items (organized by colour)[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]Hex[/COLOR] D BuXx [B]Holypie[/B] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="blue"]I want:[/COLOR][/SIZE] -Moneyyy (Canadian/American cash) -FPSB wristband (yes hard to get if you are either in CDN or the USA -If I need a mod badly, I will indicate later [SIZE="3"][COLOR="blue"]I have:[/COLOR][/SIZE] PARTS [SPOILER="Pens from someone else, traded through me"] - 2 jimnie gels -1 profile -3 g2 grips -1 gelly rolle without cap -1 80% left airfit grip - 2 dr.grip tips -1 airfit tips More pens on their way, pictures on their way too [/SPOILER] [SIZE="6"] [COLOR="red"][B]ALOT OF DR.GRIP SUBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Gogogogo NOWW [COLOR="green"]- Black (uncut) profile grips - Cut (black,red,blue) profile grips[/COLOR] [SPOILER="Profile Grip Set"]
[/SPOILER] - Several Blue,Red,Black hgg grips - hgg tips [SPOILER="Hgg tips/grips"]
[/SPOILER] [B]- dr.grip rings (NUMBER 1) - airfit rings (NUMBER 2)[/B] - random rings (same diameter as an airfit ring O_O) (NUMBER 3) [SPOILER="ring set"]
[/SPOILER] -multi-colour RSVP (pink/blue/green/sky blue/ purple [SPOILER="Multi-colour RSVP set"]
[/SPOILER] - hgg bodies (NUMBER 1) - Pentel Superball pens (NUMBER 2) [SPOILER="Hgg body + Pentel Superball pens"]
[/SPOILER] - super tips (alot) - several beifas MODS [COLOR="green"]- Penwish MPMX[/COLOR] [SPOILER="PW MPMX"]
[/SPOILER] Dr. ST body Bic Buster ^^ - umm I'll update this list soon OTHER STUFF - Ti 83 + graphical calculator [COLOR="blue"][SIZE="2"]I CAN GET[/SIZE][/COLOR] - alot of beifas - hgg grips/tips - sakura ballsign - sharpie caps ( - more and more supertips -yeah and alot of stuff i cant think of atm [B][COLOR="red"][SIZE="5"]MORE PICS ON 3rd POST[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours: Thanks^^ If you guys are interesting in something, please pm me (if inbox if full, message me on my profile, I'll clear up some inbox space). Also, please indicate how much you are willing to spend on the item. All prices are negotiable :D Shipping and other details will be given to you once we have accepted the trade. ^^
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 22:15:33
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 22:19:49
[COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"]MORE PICS[/SIZE][/COLOR] Bic Buster CYL [SPOILER="Bic Buster Pictures"]
[/SPOILER] Oh yeah once i get my camera back, in a week, ill put up pictures most def :D i might use my dsi for pics for now
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 23:49:47
@Light Are you quitting? Send profiles. and hgg tips? What are your wants? And also how good are your dr.grip subs? Liek tell me what they feel like compared to the actual grip.
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 23:57:44
@Hex i have 2 dr.grip subs, 1. american ones, 2. the tubing. as for the hgg tips/grips, someone already placed an order for all of them my wants are money, and fpsb wristband iunno, i think its time for me to sell these stuff, as im not spinning that much. Im keeping 1 or 2 mods though
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 00:01:09
mhmm. s'all good. how much for profiles? all of them...
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 00:45:27
Hex, you give me a price, just look at the set above.
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 01:07:34
how about 3 bucks for all and 6 for the mpmx?
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 01:09:44
everything for 10? and ill throw in beifas (cut into sections though)
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 01:13:16
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 02:05:41
How many airfit rings do you have and how much for them?
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 02:13:35
@Holypie, i had 3, but someone already requested them.
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 02:44:23
Ah, that's fine then.
Date: Tue, Feb 22 2011 01:42:56
UPDATEEEEEEE, go checkk it outttttt Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours: Dr.ST Body [SPOILER="gogogo new pics ^^"]
[/SPOILER] Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours: BUMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP bump!
Date: Tue, Feb 22 2011 23:19:28
you got my stuff?
Date: Tue, Feb 22 2011 23:31:23
Date: Wed, Feb 23 2011 01:40:49
isnt the dr grip sub just plastic tubing?
Date: Wed, Feb 23 2011 02:11:57
Don't be ridiculous, it's clearly not plastic tubing. It's vinyl.
Date: Wed, Feb 23 2011 02:38:13
believe me mate, it works. For the price, you are getting practically the same thing as a dr.grip. Same weight and size. I went to teh store. Dr.grips are practically impossible to find. I have tried it. It basically fits ur comssa caps, pulpies and AC caps. I personally think its a good buy. Only problem is that is not as flexible. But hey, it beats finding those crazy dr.grips at the crazy high price.
Date: Wed, Feb 23 2011 04:04:25
you can get vinyl tubing at home depot for like a dollar a foot. :)
Date: Wed, Feb 23 2011 21:53:29
Meh, well its up to you guys anyways, Im going to sell it cheap for anyone who wants it
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 16:13:29 going to go buy some vinyl tubing for maself now :)
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 16:13:03
That's a GJH...not an MPMX
Date: Fri, Mar 18 2011 15:26:59