Regular Pen Discussion / Who knows where I can buy this part?
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 21:37:08
Below will be links to my flickr where you will see a few pics of a part of my primary spinning pen. My question is whether any of you guys recognize the blue kind of striped part on either end of the crayola super tips body. I bought this online, hence why I don't know where the peice comes from. I dont know if it is well known because i am pretty new at this. If you know what it is and where i could buy them thanks a lot.
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 22:56:41
That's the new new supertips cap.
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 22:58:38
@Holypie thank! hahah, I saw one of these markers recently, so that's what it is ;].
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 23:23:53
if I ordered super tips from penwish do you think I would get the new kind then? Or do you have a link to a place where I could get the new ones (online) because I am having trouble finding one. Last resort I will go out and find some at staples or something