Off-topic / design help!!!!

  1. VN
    Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 23:13:33

    right now im working on a project to spread awareness of media censorship in china and was wondering if anyonecould make me a logo for a t shirt, that says Replay China and that has to do with media censorship, so mebe edit a replay sign or cchina flag...thank you very much

  2. Storm
    Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 02:50:16

    VN, I would be totally fine with helping you if I had the time. I like working with Photoshop and art is fun for me. However, I am NOT okay with you asking UPSB (even though this is your first time asking the public rather than the team) to do parts of a majority of your school projects. Why are you unable to do this yourself? It is not that hard. And just because your class is "competitive" doesn't mean you can rely on others outside of your class to help you. It is a project to assess YOUR performance, is it not? Additionally, to bring in people from outside your school is unfair to others (if it is graded "competitively" as you say...), am I right?