Off-topic / Which Guitar UPSB?
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 02:56:03
so because i know all of you were on the edges of your seats about this topic, i thought id let you know what i got... ended up being neither of them. i went with a schecter damien solo 6: i realized that since i tune my guitar back and forth all the time, a whammy bar with the special bridge would be too much of a pain... so i looked around and found that guitar. it has EMG pickups so thats a plus and it sounds great. all in all, im happy with my purchase
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 03:07:14
Yeah, go with the GRGA32T. It looks bad ass to play.
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 03:24:09
same make and same price hmmm I think RG2EX1 is better, Wizard II neck is better feel the generic "u-shaped neck". humbuckers v7/8 are probably better sound than the generic stuff put in the other one. Sound and feel are the 2 most important attributes so based on that alone RG2EX1 is better. But if you need the tremolo bar feature, RG2ex1 doesn't have it.
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 04:32:36
Just off of looks i say RG2EX1. and after reading Zombo's post, i feel like an expert; get RG2EX1
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 15:48:17
How about a Schecter? They make guitars that look like that one. I got a friend who's got a Schecter, and he really likes it for metal and such. Although I would say that if you already got a working guitar, I think you should wait and save up for a better one, as electric guitars even in this price range are rarely all that great. In my experience you need atleast 500-600$ to get a good long-lasting guitar.
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 21:24:15
I'd say the RG2EX1, but it depends on if you want the trem, and plus, I hear about many people not really liking the tone that basswood gives, but that really depends on you. How about this- forgot about the ibanez and get an 8 string Agile B)
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 21:28:24
see, this is the guitar i got (and still have, but its starting to break) three years ago when i started playing: So if i get the RG2EX1 then ill feel like im just getting the same guitar for some reason... The GRGA32T does have a whammy bar and id like to be able to fool around with that cuz ive never had one...
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 21:37:04
Go with the GRGA32T then... it sounds like a solid choice. if you could, best solution will of course be just trying them both out and see it they feel and sound nice~ Anyway a trem is definitely fun to mess around with :]
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 21:59:47
+Guitrum+ wrote: see, this is the guitar i got (and still have, but its starting to break) three years ago when i started playing: So if i get the RG2EX1 then ill feel like im just getting the same guitar for some reason... The GRGA32T does have a whammy bar and id like to be able to fool around with that cuz ive never had one...
im not really sure why you want to buy a new guitar which costs the same as your old guitar while keeping your old guitar... i think if you want to buy a new guitar to complement your old guitar, it must be either a step-up (different price point, for you that means $600-$1000) or a completely different guitar (acoustic, flamenco) -
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 22:06:44
+Guitrum+ wrote: see, this is the guitar i got (and still have, but its starting to break) three years ago when i started playing: So if i get the RG2EX1 then ill feel like im just getting the same guitar for some reason... The GRGA32T does have a whammy bar and id like to be able to fool around with that cuz ive never had one...
Who really uses whammy bar anyways? It's just so impractical to try and reach out for it while picking notes. It's just so much easier to bend or add vibrato on the fretboard. -
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 05:08:07
sooo yea, check the first post if you want to see what i ended up getting
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 11:16:28
Ehh EMG's suck ass.
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 15:19:38
not a great schecter fan myself, but have fun with it~