Pen Modifications / Matching Color Parts Project
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 06:49:21
Alright so I've always had the problem where I have a pen in mind I want to get from Penwish or another site but I'm not sure if the colors match exactly. The pictures on the sites are kind of unreliable due to lighting issues. For example, pink hyper jell and pink R.S.V.P. match great but the lighting Penwish uses in each picture makes them look far different. [B] I was thinking that an archive of all the different pens that had matching color parts would be helpful to modders. Agree? Disagree? [/B] And let me know if you're interested in helping out. @PenwisH it would be a BIG help if you contributed since you have a huge stock of pens but I understand if you can't because you're so busy.
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 05:26:09
I'll help.
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 05:44:51
@Nachoaddict kinda interested but i have a limited stock of pens
Date: Wed, Mar 2 2011 03:36:07
Okay, here's my list that I'll be updating every time I do a PW order... So far: Pentel S360 Marker matches with yellow comssa caps Not much yet, but I'll be updating.
Date: Wed, Mar 2 2011 05:48:52
I can help, I got the colour differences between the PC2 and ST caps already if you want them.
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 01:51:38
i also think that something that had what pens fit on or in eachother... like the caps and stuff i didnt want to make a whole new thread and it sort of goes along with this
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 02:20:20
i bet everyone that made an ajisai sc mod replica would want to know.. which purple emboss cap matches with the purple anyball? Thanks, PrinceXD
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 09:06:35
@nacho use international dye/colour code thishttp://
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 02:00:21
@Nachoaddict Gold HGG matches with Gold Signo Broad. PrinceXD
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 01:18:29
The difference in colours for PC2's and ST caps. Only the Orange, Red, Lime green, Black and Yellow ones have same or close colours
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 01:46:30
thats alot of steks with pc2 caps
Date: Wed, Apr 13 2011 04:08:58
@Nachoaddict lime grips
Top to bottom: Pastel HGG Green SUPERGRIP (not G2) Lime Sunburst Lime HGG Lime Beifa
Date: Wed, Apr 13 2011 04:09:44
ugh double post...