Off-topic / National Latin Exam

  1. Morpheus
    Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 01:09:14

    So, has anyone taken this test? and what are the things you need to know to get a high score?

  2. Escorpio123
    Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 01:47:53


  3. sangara
    Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 07:29:11

    You might want to know Latin.

  4. exclusive
    Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 07:41:22

    just wondering, y did u choose latin as a language credit? its a dead language

  5. Jazz
    Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 08:03:02

    Especially PIG LATIN-.- jk

  6. Vassenato
    Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 08:14:46

    @exclusive Most people study latin if they are going to be working in the justice and law field since latin is used often with a lot of legal terms.

  7. Squeck
    Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 18:43:29

    what are you exactly studying about latin? could you post an example? thanks

  8. JLSpinY
    Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 20:48:54

    I don't know about this test, but I study Latin at school to a reasonable level. Learn all your vocab. Start revising now. Grammar wise, you must learn the noun and verb endings. Most other things such as adjectives and participles will decline in very similar ways to nouns and verbs. How long have you learnt Latin for? How many words do you need to know? Have you leant about gerundives and ablative absolutes yet? How much have you revised?!?

  9. Morpheus
    Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 23:49:25

    well, i just took an area grammer test and this was a question on it: Mox ad tabernam ambulabo et patrem visitabo. _______ ibis? a. Ubi b. Quid c. Quis d. Quo e. Quem Im only in latin 1 this year, but i've learned all the noun declention endings and verb endings 1-4th congegations

  10. XYZaki
    Date: Sat, Feb 12 2011 06:02:09

    exclusive wrote: just wondering, y did u choose latin as a language credit? its a dead language
    Latin is by far the easiest language to take in High School, really, they don't learn how to make sentences until like 3rd year. Next to Japanese. It also helps with SAT words.