Trading / Buying / Comssa mod + rsvp mx mods + rsvp colors + misc pens/parts For Sale

  1. D BuXx
    Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 08:22:57

    For sale: RSVP Colors (red,Blue,Purple,Orange,Green,Black(smoke),light blue) Various Comssas x5 (black caps, white cap, 2007 Pendolsa Comssa,Shiny Comssa Mod) Mods: Rsvp color MX G2 Breast Cancer Awareness with Zebra tip Rsvp MX Magenta G2 sky blue RSVP color Comssa mod, white caps RSVP grips (pink,yellow) Misc parts: Papermate Profile Black Rsvp Clear/red grip Zebra Gel x2 Hgg yellow, sky blue. no tips or grip. parts of profile grips: 1 yellow, 2 blue, 3 orange Rsvp top/ purple Inserts x8 pink-white, red green, orange x3, ucpsb black with yellow to white to pink,pink to yellow, hello kitty white. want: Moneyy or trade or Dr KT mod Reply or PM if interested. :D PM, D BuXx

  2. stealthypotatoes
    Date: Sat, Feb 12 2011 01:55:19

    do you have an ayatori or know someone thats selling one??