Presentation / Stress while/after filming

  1. Rapid
    Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 05:30:08

    When I'm filming I always mess up when im near the end,the pressure the camera gives me is a lot.any tips so i can relax while filming so i dont mess up always?It pisses me off when I film for an hour or so :|

  2. Rarity
    Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 05:36:28

    Chill. Pretend you're spinning casually. Don't look at the camera. I also had a problem like yours except that it only happens when I do a pinkybak as a finisher. XD

  3. WhatsOfTheUp1
    Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 05:37:06

    I have the same problem =(. But I think someone said one time that you should just practice in front of the camera, as if you were going to upload it to youtube for a battle or something. Eventually, you'll get used to it. I haven't done this yet, but i plan to. i spin like shit on-camera =(

  4. Rapid
    Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 05:47:54

    [QUOTE=Night Fury;61142. I also had a problem like yours except that it only happens when I do a pinkybak as a finisher. XD[/QUOTE]thats exactly my problem!when i do bakfall as finisher i mess up at pinkybak :(

  5. casual
    Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 06:06:31

    Practice spinning on camera. Really, it helps. Because spinning on camera feels a little different.

  6. tacohead12
    Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 07:18:40

    I get nervous when I'm near the end and fail ._. Practice like everyone said. Also try to focus on something else. Listening to music usually helps me get into my zone better. If you really get too frustrated resort to an easier finisher, the finisher doesn't have to be all that flashy :P

  7. Enkronidus
    Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 09:46:12

    Work on your consistency. No need to stress while filming, just relax as if you were spinning casually. if you think you've been filming for too long already then simply just take a short break.

  8. SuperVValrus
    Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 18:06:00

    This happens to me too. I hate it when my hands get clammy and my mod gets a little stuck to my fingers. D:

  9. Nashi
    Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 00:51:03

    Oh yes, that happens to me soo often while filming. i really have to get over that. >.>

  10. SA1
    Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 00:56:55

    Enkronidus wrote: Work on your consistency. No need to stress while filming, just relax as if you were spinning casually. if you think you've been filming for too long already then simply just take a short break.
    I spin while im taking a break and then I get the combo right, but I wasn't filming

  11. Tigres
    Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 01:02:28

    everything rolls down to experience, and patience=] i used to be so bad at filming, but throughout time, i got used to it

  12. gyrobius
    Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 01:23:33

    I get less pissed off when I listen to music while flimmingg.

  13. CBC
    Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 01:47:55

    The camera presence has a large effect. Music usually helps with me.