Spammer's Bin / smokers/drinkers

  1. Clyde
    Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 16:37:47

    do u smoke/drink to look cool? or really just like the feeling

  2. Tetsip
    Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 17:07:11

    Smoking/drinking to look cool is retarded.

  3. Clyde
    Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 17:23:21

    most teenagers do it cuz they think its cool, and dont care about the risks

  4. Erirornal Kraione
    Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 17:42:10

    Lol no?

  5. davidguy
    Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 17:49:06

    that's stupid

  6. neXus
    Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 17:55:36

    Yeah, well most teenagers are fucking idiots. I tried smoking but I didn't like it and the fact that my parents sometimes at night cough so hard that I think they are literally throwing up bits of their lung is helping a lot in staying away from it, I probably get my good share of 2nd hand smoke as 3 of 5 people in the household smoke heavily. I do sometimes drink but usually not when I'm alone. I can appreciate a couple of beers when watching for example sports with a friend or after a steak. It has been years since I got drunk to the point where I threw up and I do not enjoy it so I stopped.

  7. Mats
    Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 18:06:50

    Yeah kinda on NeXus with the drinking, having beers with your mates is definately amazingly good! But drinking to the point of being ill, that's rubbish and pointless. I think most people drink because they enjoy the effects, but perhaps younger people drink too much, in order to try and 'impress' their friends.

  8. iMatt
    Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 18:29:37

    I smoked for 3 years. 21 credit college semesters plus normal drama, it actually helps. When I'm stressed i'll have one from time to time, but since i'm not too stressed I don't really need it now. I like alcohol. I don't really drink to get drunk. I just drink stuff I like. Captain and creme soda. NOM

  9. Awesome
    Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 19:06:29

    I never liked cigarettes, I always thought they tasted gross, to be honest though I do think it is kinda cool to smoke though, you're going against so much anti smoking campaigns you've seen when you do, shows you aren't influenced by external sources as much imo. Weed I enjoy the effects but thats more of a social thing for me. If less of my friends smoked it I would smoke considerably less, so some social factor comes into play for me, but its not influencing me to do something I am otherwise adverse to. Drinking I enjoy alone most of the time. Thats the opposite of cool pretty much, but I do it anyway cuz thats how I enjoy alcohol. Mind you I drink until I am buzzed then stop, drinking til you pass out on a regular basis is stupid imo, but is understandable if you're a masochist, or want to impress people

  10. neXus
    Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 19:33:25

    Awesome wrote: I never liked cigarettes, I always thought they tasted gross, to be honest though I do think it is kinda cool to smoke though, you're going against so much anti smoking campaigns you've seen when you do, shows you aren't influenced by external sources as much imo.
    So a bit of peer pressure is enough for you to mess up your body?

  11. sangara
    Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 19:34:59

    Smoking I don't really care for. But alcohol on the other hand makes me paranoid, I feel like I'm doing something wrong and that's just off a buzz. So yeah I stay away from both of them.

  12. Awesome
    Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 19:37:06

    I don't smoke, I don't like the taste of cigs so I don't smoke cigs :P if someone else says I smoke because I think its cool I would get where they are coming from though, if that makes sense

  13. TheAafg
    Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 20:02:34

    In my family no one drinks alcohol and some people smoke. My parents smoked months but left it. Smoking is not cool, its just stupid to think that its "cool". I don't want 400+ poison's in my lungs just to be "cool". Alcohol, no chance. lol i have feeling that this thread is gonna decide if clyde wants to start smoking/drinking or not.

  14. Colin
    Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 21:24:32

    iMatt wrote: I smoked for 3 years. 21 credit college semesters plus normal drama, it actually helps. When I'm stressed i'll have one from time to time, but since i'm not too stressed I don't really need it now. I like alcohol. I don't really drink to get drunk. I just drink stuff I like. Captain and creme soda. NOM
    Lol, I remember that smoke-emboss mod you made for PMWT :lol: Ive never smoked; mostly because I have really weak lungs. Ive drunkeded. Its okay; its more of an acquired taste for me. I dont drink to get drunk, I just drink it. One heineken is enough for me. Youd be amazed by people my age. All the kids that I used to know as straight A students are now getign a 1.5 GPA, and have been kicked out of the school. Having 42's to themselves at kickbacks every other Saturday. Its ridiculous.

  15. Im-still-here
    Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 21:37:54

    I come from a very long line of smokers and drinkers. Seeing that my my dad in the early days, living in japan he drank a lot...and it wasn't tradition wise either he just liked it lol.

  16. Pen Ninja
    Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 03:50:31

    drinkin's good smokin's silly its all about the feeling, the social-ness of it... frees up the nerves, have fun without being so damn quite lol

  17. Mike
    Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 04:57:24

    I've smoked, it's ok. I prefer weed though. Drinking? Don't get me started. I love to drink, but I'm a picky drinker. I prefer liquor over beer, and if I ever do drink some beer, I'll drink anything imported, nothing domestic. It's disgusting.

  18. Clyde
    Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 05:43:41

    good to see not everyone are idiots like most teens...idk just annoys me that almost everyone in my school goes to parties and take pics of them smoking & drinking, thinking that they're cool and not considering the effects, and they influence even the quiet people to do it too. The quiet people/unpopular kids are idiots and give in, thinking that they'll fit in with the popular kids and look cool by doing what they do.

  19. sangara
    Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 07:48:18

    Punch em in the dick Clyde, just punch em in the dick.

  20. Clyde
    Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 08:06:33


  21. SJ
    Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 20:54:12

    im against smoking 100%. destroying your body along with others' is not worth the calming sensation. also, i just cant stand the smell of cigarettes. but i can see how smoking can make you seem "cool" in a way. still not worth it. as for alcohol, i think its disgusting. but i guess people do it to get buzzed or actually like the taste of it lmao.

  22. iMatt
    Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 08:38:13

    What the vast majority of people tend to forget in regards to either is MODERATION. Alcohol and smoking are harmful to the body. They're meant to be treated as once in awhile substances. Weekly at best. Not daily.

  23. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 16:41:35

    Awesome wrote: I never liked cigarettes, I always thought they tasted gross, to be honest though I do think it is kinda cool to smoke though, you're going against so much anti smoking campaigns you've seen when you do, shows you aren't influenced by external sources as much imo.
    stupid reasoning, in fact its the opposite: you're exactly influenced by the sources to do their opposite.

  24. Awesome
    Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 16:49:42

    Zombo wrote: stupid reasoning, in fact its the opposite: you're exactly influenced by the sources to do their opposite.
    but think about how stupid smoking is made out to be. did you expect anything logical?

  25. strat1227
    Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 17:39:50

    the new florida quit smoking commercials are pretty thought-provoking they show people smoking and instead of their insides being damaged their outsides are, so like your skin starts to get black and stuff NOBODY would smoke if it made you ugly, it's funny that people care more about looking good than living lol

  26. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 21:02:28

    Awesome wrote: but think about how stupid smoking is made out to be. did you expect anything logical?
    if the only reason you're smoking is because you don't want to be influenced by external sources, you're in fact being influenced by those sources, but the nfluence has a reverse impact on you. but still you're being influenced, and if the only thing that bothered you is to not be influenced, then the whole reasoning undermines itself.

  27. tylt
    Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 21:43:23

    @Zombo, this argument could be made from completely the opposite side though aswell. Say that awesome didn't smoke ciggarettes, and it was because he didn't want to be influenced outside sources. There are those smokers out there who tell you smoking isn't bad for you so he wouldn't want to be influenced by them so he smokes. I think that you smoke because you want to smoke, not for any other resoning than that. Its not because of anyone else but yourself in the end. Outside influences may have an effect, but hell some people don't want to live to be old and decrepid so fucke em, let them smoke. Tl;dr. Smoker smoke because they want to. That's all.

  28. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 22:01:15

    exactly, the argument of non-influence is stupid whether u smoke or not

  29. Awesome
    Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 23:16:57

    but its a social situation, logic isn't so good for those things D: but the fact that everyone knows the risks but some do so anyway makes it cooler imo, they aren't influenced by external sources as solid as information by smoking, where as someone's opinion carries much less weight. and strat, you're gonna die at some point, smoking just gives you way more things to die from, its not that they don't care about living, its just that they know not smoking is no guarantee for life (yeah I agree with you and no I can't really argue this point, just trying to show why I think people make the choices they do)

  30. Frip
    Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 23:38:23

    I don't smoke, don't drink either. I know too many people who have changed fundamentally and/or turned into idiots that way. Also fapping > drugs. :woop: somebody had to bring it up