General Discussion / does pen spinning really attract people?
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 20:03:28
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 20:20:50
yeah of course many people are attracted by that. Just do not get too conceited while doing it, maybe that's what the others that are not attracted think ;).
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 20:31:01
espacially attracting to girls?
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 20:34:39
I honestly hate it when you attract people, because I'm just minding my own business and sometimes a random kid comes up and takes my pen and does whatever the heck they can with it. They also do charges and thumbarounds thinking they're like a boss, while your busts, hai tuas, bak falls, and such are nothing. Sometimes good can come out of it and people are actually amazed at what you're doing, but for me, it's not that often. Ah, you're talking about girls. That's a different story. They usually don't care, and some girls have done the above actions. To attract a girl, play sports? 0.o
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 21:26:53
sports are good for attracting a girl. as far as pen spinning, it does attract people if they are sitting close to you. If they are sitting far from you, it will look like you are "playing" with your pen to them. Also you should be able to do FS's and make up combos at the moment to impress people. It attracts people, trust me. Why are you pissed about it? just keep practicing and someone will take notice. Pen spinning isn't all about attracting people.
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 22:54:20
what does FS mean?
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 22:58:37
penspinnerlin06 wrote: what does FS mean?
free style num nuts -
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 23:51:51
i hate when ghetto white people try to take my pen and attempt to do tricks..... then over exaggerate it
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 23:56:02
Depends who you're spinning to. Honestly, I can't give a fuck to anyone who spins in school or so. Not appealing to me.
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 00:04:52
no, penspinning doesn't attract people if you started spinning thinking to attract hordes of followers you're gonna be disappointed.
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 00:11:23
Dangit, I'm disappointed. :(
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 00:30:10
It really depends on the person. Some people, mostly asians for me, think that I have no life and should work harder in school. Other people just stare for a while and then ask "HOW DO YOU DO THAT???" Everyone acts differently. This one girl stares at me from across the room like all the time o-o She always turns away when I see her watching lol.
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 02:51:20
me...I attracted 2 followers. One gave up after learning double charge and now he spams TW sonic>TA...not even K4LC or K3LC. the other is a creepy stalkerish asian girl spinning two bics tied together at the ends by paper....scary.
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 02:54:40
I think pen spinning may attract some people, and some are not. Yeah, just like my school. Some of my friend are amazed, and others don't care.
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 03:25:03
Well, it attracted people to this forum...
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 18:02:22
Some people it's the most amazing/difficult thing to master. Other are like... eh.
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 19:27:12
Lol Eriror. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 09:52:18
I have 2 followers right now. 1 has been spinning for about 2 months. He knows the funds and reverses. He can do the K3.5LC (basically K4LC with a thumbaround). He spins an MX with HGR tip and grip. 1 started 1 month ago. He can do twisted sonic bust, sonic, pass, and thumbaround. For some reason he's having a ton of difficulty with learning tricks with the pinky. Well yeah, my classmates are amazed. They don't mock me or anything, it's just that after I do twisted sonic bust x3, they keep saying "now do 10". Spinning in public attracts everyone, but it gives me a weird feeling when people look at me everytime...
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 23:17:59
i did a thumbaround and my friend went crazy
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 23:55:15
My mom said its annoying!
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 06:33:56
I personally think, who cares? It's a hobby.
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 09:03:32
Yes,pen spinning really attract people for who have never seen before. May i know what is K3LC , K3.5LC and K4LC ?
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 13:14:53
Kam's 3/3.5/4 Loop Combo, being, respectively, Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Thumbspin 1.5, Sonic 34-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Thumbaround and Sonic 34-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Thumbspin 1.5