Shoutbox / Chatroom / Funny Shoutbox Moments
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 20:15:02
Post them here =]! Here's one from v3. (A minute ago) this guy Frip has no dick -- I changed my name guys!!
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 00:12:33
[spoiler=Shoutbox2] (3 minutes ago) miyat -- (A minute ago) Ricercar -- in that case you don't love sooyoung. (3 minutes ago) Wind -- (A minute ago) Sankaku-- yes, i like dicks and pussy, especially at the same time (A minute ago) Ricercar -- (2 minutes ago) Wind -- I'M GAY SO SHUT UP. I saw this first before "im bi" (A minute ago) spinneraddiction -- (A minute ago) Ohayo -- (A minute ago) Sankaku -- spinnneraddiction gives me boners (A minute ago) Wind -- (A minute ago) Sankaku-- JC, if you use SNSD, i will fuck you whenever you want, however you want (A minute ago) Ricercar -- lolwut miyat? (A minute ago) Ohayo -- (A minute ago) Sankaku -- do it, i told everyone that i think my cousin is kinda hawt (A minute ago) Wind -- SOOYOUNG <3 (A minute ago) Ohayo -- you love incest kaku? (A minute ago) Wind -- (A minutes ago) Sankaku-- OMG I LOVE YOU WINDDDDD (A minute ago) davidguy -- D: wheres that im gay for yuri pic when you need it lol (A minute ago) Sankaku -- bisexual is not gay. i am bi. not ggaaaayyy (A minute ago) miyat -- (A minute ago) Ricercar -- in that case you don't love sooyoung. <-------BIGfail (A minute ago) Ricercar -- who do you like more, if you dont mind me asking? (2 minutes ago) Wind -- No, I'm bisexual. of course i love sooyoung (2 minutes ago) Ohayo -- YOU ALL SCARE ME, STRANGER DANGER (2 minutes ago) Ricercar -- in that case you don't love sooyoung. (3 minutes ago) Ricercar -- ._. (3 minutes ago) Wind -- in that case, kaku doesnt love yuri (3 minutes ago) miyat -- and a good day to you sir, i would like to start off by saying you sir are a homosexual (3 minutes ago) spinneraddiction -- kakus gayyy * Sankaku leaves for school (A minute ago) Sankaku -- I LOVE MEN! (A minute ago) Neotoma -- WHAT! SINCE WHEN GOLDSTARS! (A minute ago) The Dane -- and now please lick ur ellbow! It's not possible!!!!! OH NOOEEEZ (A minute ago) davidguy -- what about if your eyes are closed? (A minute ago) GoldStars -- Did u know cows go moo? (A minute ago) Neotoma -- Did you know that it is impossible to blink with your eyes open? (A minute ago) neXus -- You are good Nation (A minute ago) Wind -- wtf? terrorists are adding me on facebook (A minute ago) N00B Spinner -- Is it normal to take a shit then your ass hole the hurt like shit A minute ago) Nation -- THIS DEAL ENDS THE MINUTE YOU SIGN THE CHECK, AND IT BETTER NOT BOUNCE, OR YOU'RE A DEAD MOTHERFUCKER (A minute ago) Prince -- kbye (A minute ago) Nation -- HOME OF CHALLENGE PISSING, HERES HOW IT WORKS, IF YOU CAN PISS SIX FEET IN THE AIR, STRAIGHT UP, YOU'LL GET NO DOWN PAYMENT. (A minute ago) Prince -- nation are you ok (A minute ago) Nation -- ITS A GREAT FAMILY EVENT, BRING YOUR KIDS, BRING YOUR WIFE, WE'LL FUCK HER. THATS RIGHT WE'LL FUCK YOUR WIFE. (A minute ago) Nation -- BAD DEALS, CARS THAT BREAK DOWN. AAT BIGVILLEHELLS, YOUR FUCKED SIX WAYS FROM SUNDAY (A minute ago) Prince -- strat you remember those walls i built? (A minute ago) Prince -- i know you care (A minute ago) strat1227 -- lol (A minute ago) Nation -- FUCK YOU VOLDEMORT, IF YOUR A BIG ENOUGH SCHMUCK TO BUY A CAR AT BIGVILLE HELLS (A minute ago) Prince -- you know you love me (A minute ago) Prince -- oh wowowowohohohowow... ohwowowowohohowwwww (A minute ago) Nation -- HOLY SHIT (A minute ago) Prince -- i jizzled it (A minute ago) Nation -- STONE YOU SHIT (A minute ago) Nation -- I CHISELED IT (A minute ago) Nation -- ITS A SNAKE (2 minutes ago) Nation -- FISH (A minute ago) Nation -- proven? (A minute ago) ninjaskillz12 -- WTF? (A minute ago) Nation -- Next posters a faggot. (A minute ago) Simplex -- shonen i am (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Next poster's a faggot. (A minute ago) Nation -- I MAD (A minute ago) GoldStars -- HAHAHHA THIS IS EPIC (A minute ago) Simplex -- wind gtfo (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- (A minute ago) Nation -- I STILL MAD (A minute ago) Simplex -- sofa king funny (A minute ago) Wind -- http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress....youstillmad.jpg (A minute ago) GoldStars -- panda sofa knee (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- (A minute ago) Wind -- LOL (A minute ago) Nation -- I MAD (A minute ago) Simplex -- (A minute ago) Sankaku -- waht (A minute ago) colourfulXinsanity -- i love wet lesbian hentai! (A minute ago) blahblahting -- kaku you make up like half my sb quotes now... (A minute ago) shonenbatman -- good times haha (A minute ago) shonenbatman -- omg lolol (A minute ago) JC -- (A minute ago) Sankaku -- JC would know all about banana hentai (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- It's almost as good as the ones involving bananas. (A minute ago) JC -- ahaha kaku... you troll (A minute ago) blahblahting -- LOL (A minute ago) Sankaku -- oh shit, this isnt the searchbox, my bad (A minute ago) Sankaku -- wet lesbian hentai (A minute ago) Nation -- CCCCCCOMBO BREAKERRRRRRRRR (A minute ago) ION -- david you here (A minute ago) Nation -- HOLY SHUT THE FUCK UP (A minute ago) Nation -- RACISMMMMMMMM (A minute ago) ninjaskillz12 -- HOLY SHIT TRY PICKING IT UP !! (A minute ago) Tetsip -- WHAT'S HOLY SHIT? A BLACK PRIEST? (A minute ago) Nation -- HOLY SHIT (A minute ago) Pen Ninja -- i dropped my pen on the floor -.- (A minute ago) Pen Ninja -- OH GOD NO!!! (4 minutes ago) iMatt -- neXus is right lol (6 minutes ago) K.N.D -- i hope i'm right! (6 minutes ago) K.N.D -- i'm guessing iMatt's name is... matt (6 minutes ago) aaaaleon -- is it tim? ....A__A (7 minutes ago) iMatt -- dammit you're good... (7 minutes ago) neXus -- It's Tim. (7 minutes ago) strat1227 -- Johanson? * iMatt bets nobody can guess his name (A minute ago) Loanshark -- trees don't bloom. botany fail. (2 minutes ago) Tetsip -- my penis is considered a tree. and every morning and night it blooms (3 minutes ago) Colin -- GAAAAAAAISEEE NOTHING CAN!?!?!! (3 minutes ago) ninjaskillz12 -- GUISEEEEE WHAT CAN REPLACE A COMSSA!!?!?! (A minute ago) Colin -- quoted for stupidity. (A minute ago) Nation -- It's a mod that's made of a plaintain fruit(similar to a banana) with sarasa grips on the end (A minute ago) ai-eco -- what's plaintains ? pen mod?! (A minute ago) TurbulentTurtle -- the best thing about being 14 is the girls (16 minutes ago) neXus -- too bad it's not a fu manchu, that would've been amazing (17 minutes ago) neXus -- and because I ate chinese with that fork my beard now smells chinese (23 minutes ago) neXus -- a fork is awesome to brush your beard with (A minute ago) Sankaku -- take it fany, take my teeny weenie (A minute ago) Wonder -- crap i lost D: (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- I was making that shit up on the spot :[ (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Someone better have saved that story D: (A minute ago) Chief_Snake -- was the game you bone you lose? I didn't lose. I un-losed. (A minute ago) KTrinh93 -- DANG YOU (A minute ago) Iota -- is lame? (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Oh, and also the game. (A minute ago) jaychou -- did you get that from the wheel of morality? (A minute ago) Iota -- or just never lift it up? (A minute ago) Chief_Snake -- I agree. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Never forget to put the toilet seat down after each use. (A minute ago) KTrinh93 -- probably but i need to ask him a question D: (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- What was the moral of this? (A minute ago) KTrinh93 -- wow pandas getting some serious shout number counts (A minute ago) Iota -- ktrinh, i bet he's here, lurking, in the shadows, and lol'ing at your calls for him (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- And Kaku was still in bed drunk as fuck. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- AjisAi with Batmayne still in his arms on Kaku's couch downstairs. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Panda's body parts were all over the room. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Jay still was concreted in Kaku's semen. (A minute ago) KTrinh93 -- STRAT1227.. TO THE SHOUTBOX YOU GO! (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Nation suffered a severe case of "oh-shit-I-fell-off-a-balcony" (A minute ago) Wind -- The fuck is panda saying.. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- "Yo home to Bel-Air!" (A minute ago) Wind -- INORITE? (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He witnessed everything and finally said... (A minute ago) Sankaku -- I WAS WAITING (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He was in the bed the whole time. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- The only one who was left was Kaku. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Wiping the tears from his face, he got up and carried Batmayne out of the room. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He only passed out... thought AjisAi (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- It was then when he could hear Batmayne still breathing. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He bellowed out, "NOOOOOOOO" (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Wide-eyed with disbelief, AjisAi only clenched Batmayne tighter. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- As if time stopped, Batmayne's hand was falling from AjisAi's face. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- With tears rolling down his face, AjisAi bore with the pain. (A minute ago) iColor -- This is epic. * neXus chants: KISS! KISS! KISS! (A minute ago) iColor -- Wtf?!? (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He placed his finger on his lips, "Shhh... don't talk so much." (A minute ago) neXus -- Is Panda writing UPSB Fanfic in the SB? (A minute ago) Sankaku -- am i the only one enjoying storytime? xD (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Batmayne slowly reached up to AjisAi's face. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He cradled him in his arms and whispered something in Japanese. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- AjisAi ran towards him in tears. (A minute ago) cecil -- i hate that feelng (A minute ago) KTrinh93 -- STRAT1227 I SUMMON THEE TO THE SHOUTBOX (A minute ago) neXus -- my ass bone hurts (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Panda's body exploded from the immense speed and power of the toss. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- As the mod was piercing through his chest and exploding his shell of a body, Batmayne knew he might not survive. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- During this split second, Batmayne had his BPSC out, aimed at Panda (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- As AjisAi took a step back, he threw Batmayne with all his might and propelled him to Mach 1 speed. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Panda's dick-huge-smile was slowly disappearing. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- But he knew Batmayne had good intentions and listened. (A minute ago) Wind -- I summon the beta-mod, Strat1227. COME FORTH! (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- AjisAi was apalled at the thought of tossing his lover. (A minute ago) Wind -- .... HE'S MY BITCH (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Batmayne knew he had to preserve his relationship with kaku, and hoped this might score some extra brownie points with AjisAi (A minute ago) KTrinh93 -- STRAT I SUMMON THEE TO THE SHOUTBOX (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Ajisai wouldn't want to let this happen, so he clutched Batmayne with great passion. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He told Ajisai to sacrafice him and throw himself at Panda. * jaychou voteban Chief_Snake (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He whispered something to Ajisai and even he was shocked... (A minute ago) Chief_Snake -- ha, more like a 2 inch smile. (A minute ago) jaychou -- oh shit! that's a big smile! (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Batmayne thought on his feet and did something no one expected. (A minute ago) neXus -- F you, mother-Fer (A minute ago) iColor -- herro. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Panda knew this might happen and had a smile on his face bigger than Jaychou's dick. (A minute ago) Nation -- FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Or intrude into Baaron's room letting his frriendship crumble with kaku (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Let go of Ajisai's hand for a brief moment and save his relationship with kaku. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He had two options... (A minute ago) shonenbatman -- no ;_; (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- But seeing how incapable Kaku was, batmayne had no other choice (A minute ago) shonenbatman -- yessssssss (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- (Ajisai and batmayne had a great time together and wanted to find a place nice and quiet to finish their day) (A minute ago) Nation -- :u (A minute ago) Sankaku -- (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He was holding hands with Ajisai and staring Panda down. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- It was none other than Shonenbatman (A minute ago) jaychou -- bomb (A minute ago) KTrinh93 -- stratttttttttttttttttttttttt where art thou? (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- BOOM (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He watched in sadness as Panda was going to take advantage of Kaku. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Jay could not pull himself out of the perilous trap. * Nation is glad that he left (A minute ago) KTrinh93 -- @chief.. it always was ._. (A minute ago) Iota -- creeper? (A minute ago) shonenbatman -- little too green (A minute ago) Sankaku -- i has popcorn (A minute ago) Chief_Snake -- this is getting disturbing. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Kaku was know to ejaculate 12 feet across any room with a thunderous amount of semen (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He came to realize that it was kaku's jizz from before! (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He stared down at his feet and saw that he was in a puddle of white goop (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Jay was immobilized. Why couldn't he move? (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- But he miscalculated Panda. He had already opened a bottle of champagne and Kaku was intoxicated. (A minute ago) Nation -- BUT THEN PANDA PULLED OUT HIS BONECOCK (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- With Nation out of the picture, Jay thought the he could take Kaku al for himself. (A minute ago) neXus -- The blooper reel to this movie could actually kill me (A minute ago) jaychou -- IM ON A BOAT MUTHAFUCKA (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- It took only Jay's single dick to throw his body off the side of the balcony. * Nation wakes up next to boss snake (A minute ago) Iota -- SHOUTBOX! I SUMMON THEE TO THE STRAT! * Nation wakes up on a plane (A minute ago) KTrinh93 -- STRAT I SUMMON THEE TO THE SHOUTBOX! (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- All four individuals danced like MC Hammer for 2 hours andNation finally fell asleep. (A minute ago) Iota -- T.T'" (A minute ago) Chief_Snake -- nation, what were you doing in the closet... (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Hammer time. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He yelled, "STOP!" (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- But before he could turn it on, nation bursted out from the closet! (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Not having the pleasure of something inside of him, he knew what had to be done. * jaychou whips out a triple-sided vibrator! (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He was not please that the last time they engaged in the mantrain, he was left at the end. (A minute ago) Nation -- OH SHIT, I WANT IN (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Suddenly, Jay whipped out a triple-sided vibrator! (A minute ago) Nation -- threesome! (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Not to be caught off guard, since they saw it the first time already, Jay and Panda braced themselfselves. * jaychou hops into bed with Panda and Kaku (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Not even before they stopped bouncing on the bed, kaku immediately had an erection. (A minute ago) KTrinh93 -- STRAT YOU HERE?! Private FROM: Chief_Snake, TO: shonenbatman -- and 1 body of your choice (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Without haste, they ripped off their clothes and hopped back into bed * jaychou gives it to kaku (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- ," JAY! PANDA! I WANT YOU" (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Kaku, unpleasant wih this situation, bellow the names of his lovers to stop. * jaychou rips his clothes back off (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- With a grim expression on their faces, Panda and Jay put their clothes back on. * jaychou calls for seconds (A minute ago) Nation -- D: (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Even the train's conductor had left his position. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Sadly, Kaku's "man train" no longer had any more coal. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- When Kaku turn around, Jay's eyes lit up hoping there would be "seconds" (A minute ago) Sankaku -- i dont have a balcony :] (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Panda and Jaychou was waiting for Kaku to finish his cigarette. (A minute ago) KTrinh93 -- I SUMMON STRAT1227 TO THE SHOUTBOX (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- As the night grew on and their breaths intensified, Kaku was staring outside his balcony. (A minute ago) Sankaku -- : facepalm : (A minute ago) cecil -- can you send me a pic? (2 minutes ago) Sankaku -- i have a solar powered flashlight (A minute ago) Sankaku -- why thank you, i tr- WTF (A minute ago) Nation -- erm, mod. :shifty: (A minute ago) Nation -- I like your big black cock too. (2 minutes ago) Nation -- KAKU (2 minutes ago) Sankaku -- i like mah big black cock.. mod.. (4 minutes ago) Penwish -- i like namae modz (A minute ago) Nation -- There's also this thing called lack of money. (A minute ago) Chief_Snake -- There's this thing called money. You use it to buy stuff. (A minute ago) blahblahting -- yoona runs a faster 200m than me ._. i feel slow * Nation gives colin a hotwheel (A minute ago) Colin -- FUCK, I WANT A FUCKING CAR (A minute ago) nateiskewl -- lol squiishy thinks he's cool because he has a usb drive (A minute ago) Sankaku -- i dont think exists (A minute ago) Neotoma -- Hey guys (A minute ago) XYZaki -- has site parking on it so I don't know your point. (2 minutes ago) xSquiishy -- i mod gamertags on xbox and if i mod mw gt to in blue would that be okay? (A minute ago) blahblahting -- LOL (A minute ago) darkrose -- oooo shyt those bugs i used to make them fight centipides in taiwan SHYYTTTT n shoot them wif bb guns (A minute ago) blahblahting -- dirty wolf i think LOL (A minute ago) blahblahting -- ive heard a lot of cockroach stories in taiwan.... darkrose: zang1 lang2 (A minute ago) darkrose -- blahblah wuts cockroach in pin yin? (A minute ago) tylt -- There is cockroachers they are just more dealt with. I can gurantee there are cockroachers there (A minute ago) blahblahting -- taiwan no cockroaches? bulllllllllllllllll (A minute ago) darkrose -- canada/ korea/ taiwan no cockroaches (A minute ago) tylt -- We could learn alot from cockroachers they are like the ultimate survivors. (A minute ago) darkrose -- nope i lived in less bug infested places my enture life (A minute ago) Nation -- and yeh (A minute ago) Nation -- so you've never seen that shit before? (A minute ago) darkrose -- theres cockroach traps at sku? (A minute ago) darkrose -- ewwww dude looks fucking gross............ (A minute ago) Nation -- I'm at school >.< (A minute ago) Nation -- this is a cockroach (A minute ago) darkrose -- nation where the hell r u... (A minute ago) Nation -- it's pretty fuckin nasty (A minute ago) Nation -- and mine has liek, 20 dead roaches on it. (A minute ago) darkrose -- wtf is cockroach? (A minute ago) Nation -- it's like a sticky thing that attracts cockroaches and then poisons them, so they die (A minute ago) blahblahting -- maybe it traps cockroaches? (A minute ago) darkrose -- wtf where r u? (A minute ago) Nation -- NATION WANT GO HOME (A minute ago) darkrose -- wuts a cockroach trap? (2 minutes ago) Nation -- : fuc : (2 minutes ago) iMatt -- yes...but there's so many better mods.. (2 minutes ago) Penwish -- if something is discontinued it could be dog poop and it will be high in demand (2 minutes ago) Erirornal Kraione -- I dunno, man. * iMatt is wondering why people want miffys and watercolor pens so all of a sudden (A minute ago) Nation -- Ha! Dead Face! * .:ReM0RsE:. is dead (9 minutes ago) miyat -- don't fap so much (11 minutes ago) Wonder -- how the hell does my desk get so dirty i just cleaned it... (A minute ago) Sankaku -- LETS TALK ABOUT GRANDMA ZOMBIE SEX * Sankaku pm {Sankaku} -- YOU FUCKING SUCK (A minute ago) Wonder -- indeed you do (A minute ago) Sankaku -- i do indeed (A minute ago) Wonder -- (Today, 01:16 PM) Sankaku -- i like penis (4 minutes ago) Sankaku -- i like dicks (4 minutes ago) Nation -- I like TEK's mods better (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- ¶▅c●▄███████||▅▅▅▅▅||█~ ~:~:~ (_)_)======D (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- ▄██SUCK MY PENIS██ ██▅▄▃▂ (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- ██████████████████████████� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � �� �► (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- ◥☼▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙☼◤ (A minute ago) LoUcHIhA43 -- .....and i hit the floor and my brains flew out of meh ear.... (A minute ago) Nation -- oh fuck it, I'm going to eat chocolate. (A minute ago) Prince -- it was just shock that made you fall (A minute ago) LoUcHIhA43 -- a blank..... (A minute ago) Prince -- you arent dead LOL (A minute ago) LoUcHIhA43 -- oh wait..... (A minute ago) Prince -- dont be overdramatic ._______. (A minute ago) LoUcHIhA43 -- *AVENGE ME!!!* (A minute ago) Prince -- he obviously shot you with blank (A minute ago) Prince -- no louch * Nation shot you with a blank. silly (A minute ago) LoUcHIhA43 -- *prince hears voice.....avenge me.....* (A minute ago) Prince -- just as suicidal person is coming down... 'no wait you faggot go die' (A minute ago) Prince -- damn you. (A minute ago) LoUcHIhA43 -- *meh brains on floor* * Nation shot LoUcHIhA43 with a brank * Nation grabs second gun and shoots LoUcHIhA43 (A minute ago) LoUcHIhA43 -- *points second gun at nation with a shaky hand* AW CRAP HES GOING CRAZY!!!! (A minute ago) Prince -- is no longer angry (A minute ago) Prince -- angry nation * Nation done ragin (A minute ago) strat1227 -- you don't want them very bad then if you're too lazy to get them. * Nation grabs the gun and throws it over the bridge (A minute ago) Nation -- FUCK YOU (A minute ago) Nation -- I would, but I'm too lazy, and I know we have some. AND I CAN"T FUCKING FIND THEM. (A minute ago) LoUcHIhA43 -- *points gun at nation* Hes out of control man!!!! (A minute ago) strat1227 -- not that hard (A minute ago) strat1227 -- then go buy some (A minute ago) Nation -- FUCK NO, I WANT MY DAMN COOKIES (2 minutes ago) LoUcHIhA43 -- woah nation calm down (7 minutes ago) Nation -- RAGE (10 minutes ago) Nation -- T_T (12 minutes ago) Nation -- FUCKING SHIT CUNT, WHERE ARE THE DAMN GIRL SCOUT COOKIES. (A minute ago) Sankaku -- penis (A minute ago) Sankaku -- SHOOT A GUY, GET LIKE, 3 HITMARKERS AND THEN +60 for 3 ASSISTS FFFFFFFFFUUUUUU- (A minute ago) Sankaku -- FUCK I FAILED ON A TRIPLE FFFFFFFUU- (15 minutes ago) Sankaku -- heart attack D: (15 minutes ago) Calcuminion #2 -- OWWW MY CHEST HURTS LIKE A BITCH FUCK (3 minutes ago) colourfulXinsanity -- basically (4 minutes ago) Loanshark -- Mr. Divine* (7 minutes ago) Calcuminion #2 -- sounds like something out of a porn movie (10 minutes ago) colourfulXinsanity -- new boss' name is Mr. Devine... [/spoiler] [spoiler=Shoutbox1] (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- XD (A minute ago) Nation -- yeah, give it a sec to load. (A minute ago) Raem -- translation: loading (A minute ago) MeiTenshi -- initializing test environment? (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- Hm... That sucks (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- Someone? (A minute ago) pholord -- wtf AoDs here (2 minutes ago) chrisPS -- HUMMINGBIRDS ARE SPECIAL BECAUSE THEY CAN FLY BACKWARDS. (2 minutes ago) AoD1 -- what up loanshark (2 minutes ago) AoD1 -- i was in rehab lol (13 minutes ago) Biji -- We...We've lost him... *pulls blanket over shoutbox's face and sends it to the morgue* (13 minutes ago) Biji -- *bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* (14 minutes ago) Biji -- *bzap* (14 minutes ago) Biji -- CLEAAAAAAAR! D: (14 minutes ago) Biji -- *bleep...bleep...bleeeeeeeeeeeeee* (14 minutes ago) Biji -- *bzap* (14 minutes ago) Biji -- CLEAR! (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Panda knew this might happen and had a smile on his face bigger than Jaychou's dick. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Or intrude into Baaron's room letting his frriendship crumble with kaku (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Let go of Ajisai's hand for a brief moment and save his relationship with kaku. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He had two options... (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- But seeing how incapable Kaku was, batmayne had no other choice (A minute ago) shonenbatman -- yessssssss (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- (Ajisai and batmayne had a great time together and wanted to find a place nice and quiet to finish their day) (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He was holding hands with Ajisai and staring Panda down. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- It was none other than Shonenbatman (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- BOOM (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He watched in sadness as Panda was going to take advantage of Kaku. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Jay could not pull himself out of the perilous trap. (A minute ago) Sankaku -- i has popcorn (A minute ago) Chief_Snake -- this is getting disturbing. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Kaku was know to ejaculate 12 feet across any room with a thunderous amount of semen (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He came to realize that it was kaku's jizz from before! (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- He stared down at his feet and saw that he was in a puddle of white goop (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Jay was immobilized. Why couldn't he move? (A minute ago) neXus -- and then it doesn't let you watch the videos (A minute ago) neXus -- To Fulu, because it says FUCK YOU, YOU'RE NOT FROM OUR COUNTRY (A minute ago) neXus -- They should rename Hulu (2 minutes ago) Faggot -- gay cunts <-- He's one to talk (A minute ago) Nation -- IT'S UP YOUR BUTT. (A minute ago) Tetsip -- IN MAH PANTS (A minute ago) Iname -- WTH, there is a monster (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- Lol Nation (A minute ago) Nation -- BECAUSE IF IT'S AN MP IT MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO WRITE, AMIRITE? (A minute ago) TheOffendedRainbows -- who has a mech pencil dr kt? thta u can write w/? (A minute ago) Nation -- killed it. (A minute ago) microman -- yall are dicks XD (A minute ago) Nation -- 10x raerer. (A minute ago) PerfectionPS -- rarer than bics? (A minute ago) TheOffendedRainbows -- i hope i no what ikr meens (A minute ago) Nation -- d00d totally raerer than colored watercolors (A minute ago) Wonder -- i hope you're being sarcastic (A minute ago) TheOffendedRainbows -- 4reel? (A minute ago) Wonder -- ikr! rarer than miffys (A minute ago) Nation -- yeah, that's so sad, because supertips are SUPAR RAER. (A minute ago) TheOffendedRainbows -- my blak st body crackd> :"( (A minute ago) Nation -- NOW WE'RE TALKIN'! (A minute ago) Sankaku -- Diet piss (A minute ago) Nation -- D= * Raine will actually leave now! (A minute ago) Nation -- =D * Raine lied! (A minute ago) Nation -- D= * Raine is gone now! (A minute ago) Nation -- =D * Raine is here for a minute! (4 minutes ago) JC -- mods on..i odn't see any (4 minutes ago) hoiboy -- are there any mods on? (A minute ago) Nation -- HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU, I'M NOT A PIMP! D: (A minute ago) Yami -- ...Err, that didn't come out right... (A minute ago) Yami -- HEY, NATION. SELL ME WHITE BROADS (A minute ago) Nation -- (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- >_> <-- WHAT AN ERIRORNAL CLICHE. .___. (A minute ago) Retro-Spectre -- durp (A minute ago) Simplex -- jae we failed... (A minute ago) GoldStars -- DAMN IT he cheated (A minute ago) Simplex -- Biggrin.gif (A minute ago) GoldStars -- Biggrin.gif (A minute ago) Nation -- ..▲ (A minute ago) Nation -- ▲ ▲ (A minute ago) shonenbatman -- chautran (A minute ago) Ricercar -- aw gay (A minute ago) Mystic -- Chau <3 (A minute ago) Nation -- no triangle lineup D: (A minute ago) Ricercar -- ▲ (A minute ago) Nation -- failed (A minute ago) ChauTran -- =]] (A minute ago) Ricercar -- ▲ (A minute ago) Ricercar -- ▲ ▲ (A minute ago) Mystic -- lol yeah (A minute ago) Nation -- lol (A minute ago) Mystic -- Cant do it on an itouch T.T (A minute ago) Nation -- owned (A minute ago) AwonW -- D: (A minute ago) AwonW -- ▲ (A minute ago) Simplex -- =D (A minute ago) AwonW -- ▲ ▲ * Nation sighs because triforce on a mac = failure (A minute ago) Colin -- (A minute ago) Colin -- ∆ (A minute ago) Simplex -- ▲ (A minute ago) Simplex -- ▲ ▲ (A minute ago) Colin -- ∆ ∆ (A minute ago) Nation -- fail triforce is fail (A minute ago) Nation -- ..∆ (A minute ago) Nation -- ∆ ∆ (Today, 08:33 AM) Nation -- ... <-- Epic deadbox D: (Today, 05:50 AM) ouf41 -- thx ) (Today, 05:49 AM) cecil -- ohh ya, i left u feedback (Today, 05:49 AM) ouf41 -- have you received? (Today, 05:49 AM) ouf41 -- cecil (Today, 05:45 AM) cecil -- woot, 2 hour delay (A minute ago) Wind -- LOL (A minute ago) Simplex -- LOL (A minute ago) AwonW -- lolol (A minute ago) Simplex -- LOL (A minute ago) Nation -- It's fucking sad how many people believe that joke (A minute ago) ev0z -- yahoodotcom is the youtube channel name (A minute ago) Baaron -- i care so much (A minute ago) Simplex -- evoz link lol? (A minute ago) ev0z -- baaron did u kno someone on youtube revealed ur Baaron DC mod (A minute ago) Colin -- oh, its in Ponkotu's blog : (A minute ago) blahblahting -- oh nvm. you can get it at daiso (A minute ago) blahblahting -- wtf (A minute ago) Nation -- which one? (A minute ago) Colin -- LOL (A minute ago) isaiah -- Japanese Pencil Mod (A minute ago) isaiah -- Japanese Pen Mod (A minute ago) Colin -- Jupiter's Pen Mod? (A minute ago) Nation -- what is JPM? (A minute ago) isaiah -- ohh srry JPM (A minute ago) Colin -- Just Makin's Pen (A minute ago) Nation -- What's the JMP? (A minute ago) isaiah -- anyone knoe where i can buy parts for the JMP (A minute ago) Nation -- :U (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- You're out of time to get on my cock (A minute ago) spinneraddiction -- tik tok on the clock (A minute ago) neXus -- I think Remorse is having some sort of stroke (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- ... holy crap. (A minute ago) KTrinh93 -- holy crap haha (A minute ago) .:ReM0RsE:. -- : 0 : 0 : 0 O_O O_O ............ HHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KKKKTTTTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (A minute ago) jaychou -- WHO WANTS TO BUY AN AMYYY-X?! * iMatt has no compassion for bunnies. (A minute ago) JC -- yeah, i don't wanna spin miffies cause i don't wanna rub off the bunnies xD (A minute ago) cecil -- so cute... (A minute ago) Penwish -- i like the bunnies tho =p (A minute ago) Nation -- >=D (A minute ago) Thnikk -- that poop is actually my semen (A minute ago) Sankaku -- BRB BIG POOP (A minute ago) Sankaku -- Oh shit, I gotta shit. (A minute ago) Wind -- VERY MANLY (A minute ago) strat1227 -- i know how to use the internet! lulz (2 minutes ago) Pandamonium -- Maybe mike should meet Ophelia Hiney (A minute ago) Nation -- It certainly does. ;) (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Does your clitoris own a home? (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Oh, Nation. You and your silly antics (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Mike....Litoris.... Mi-kah lit-or-is....Mi klitoris. My clitoris! :o (A minute ago) Nation -- Mike Litoris. (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- Maybe you'll get banned. (A minute ago) Wind -- maybe i should change my name to eriror, my profile pic and avatar to the same as EK's and copy his About me.. eriror, what do you think? (A minute ago) Nation -- =D (A minute ago) Raine -- HAAAALP, WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIEEEE (A minute ago) Ohayo -- lololol jaychou (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- ... /care? (A minute ago) Nation -- We're all going to die (A minute ago) jaychou -- youse gonna die eriror! (A minute ago) jaychou -- SADFACE (A minute ago) Nation -- NO NOT YOU (A minute ago) jaychou -- ME (A minute ago) Nation -- YOU (A minute ago) Raine -- WHO? (A minute ago) Nation -- FUCK (A minute ago) Simplex -- LOL i did that a while back and they were all so happy to see me (A minute ago) Nation -- D: (A minute ago) nateiskewl -- LOL. I had finals today so I got out early. I went to my Middle School to try to say hi to some teachers, but I got kicked out. (A minute ago) Awesome -- but PA=pinky around (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Puckered Asshole (A minute ago) Awesome -- yeah I have a left penis and a right penis (A minute ago) Krispy Kreme -- Poking anal .__. (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Penis Around (A minute ago) Iota -- so srsly " I woke up being able to do PA like 1/10 of the time on my left " Pa=? (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- How about I make you a tall glass of shut the fuck up instead (A minute ago) EssenceOfLife -- Does your mom have a UPSB? =D!! (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- Isn't that peachy to have a wonderful mother like that? : ) (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- My mom calls me Panda. (2 minutes ago) Deutherius -- IMMA FIRIN MAH INKJET (A minute ago) PSnick -- you play the guitar strat? (2 minutes ago) strat1227 -- huh? lol i'm confused (A minute ago) Loanshark -- My doctor just called me. Apparently I'm constipated. I never knew that. (A minute ago) ION -- sorry that was me (4 minutes ago) Shadowserpant -- who the hell is trying to hack me A minute ago) EssenceOfLife -- naice.... (2 minutes ago) colourfulXinsanity -- I thought you'd like it ^^ (5 minutes ago) Nolan -- yessss (5 minutes ago) Loanshark -- ._. (5 minutes ago) colourfulXinsanity -- I bought you uhhhhh uhhh.. *grabs kevin* I bought you a Loanshark (6 minutes ago) Nolan -- cxi what did you get me (6 minutes ago) Nolan -- thanksssss (7 minutes ago) Loanshark -- hey nolan ^^ happy birthday man (7 minutes ago) colourfulXinsanity -- OH SHIT NOLAN (8 minutes ago) Nolan -- birthday bitchesss (A minute ago) Penflicker -- i want to have sex with him xD (A minute ago) Penflicker -- I love SEVEN (A minute ago) Doomzday -- lol (A minute ago) Ohayo -- thats awesome (A minute ago) Simplex -- lol (A minute ago) Wind -- wait.. he did? (A minute ago) Ohayo -- holy shit (A minute ago) Ohayo -- what you get mister kam =3 (A minute ago) Sankaku -- oh... thats good too... ^^ (A minute ago) Kam -- a Xmas tree...made of pens (A minute ago) Sankaku -- kam got laid? (A minute ago) Sankaku -- ? (A minute ago) Kam -- i got the awesomest Xmas gift ever ^^ (A minute ago) Simplex -- (A minute ago) Kam -- yeah...two days ago, actually...but I wasn't home to get it (A minute ago) Nation -- kaku (A minute ago) Sankaku -- i woke up before 12 for this special occasion xD (A minute ago) Sankaku -- merry christmas y'all (A minute ago) Baaron -- latte is a new species related to a cow (A minute ago) xSpin -- why wouldnt they be? (A minute ago) SPRiNGFiELD -- ....... baaron win (A minute ago) shikui34 -- whats that? (A minute ago) Iota -- why would RSVPS and bic's be discontinued? lol (A minute ago) xSpin -- latte mocha frap? (A minute ago) Baaron -- lattes make good bic round stic subs (A minute ago) xSpin -- bics are also discontinued. (A minute ago) Nation -- Yes, bic square stic. (A minute ago) xSpin -- i thing you're talking about a bic square stic (A minute ago) Wind -- what's a bic round stic? (A minute ago) shikui34 -- about for a bic round stic..know any subs? (A minute ago) Wind -- you heard Baaron. they are (A minute ago) Wind -- yes... they are.. (A minute ago) Baaron -- rsvps are discontinued (A minute ago) SPRiNGFiELD -- its =/= (A minute ago) SPRiNGFiELD -- rsvp backplug is a comssa sub? wtf (A minute ago) +Guitrum+ -- whats an rsvp? (A minute ago) xSpin -- its a dong-a rsvp. (A minute ago) Wind -- shh... (A minute ago) shikui34 -- lol it says from a dong-a pen not pentel.. (A minute ago) xSpin -- wai must yew be lie ing tew teh newbs (A minute ago) Wind -- rsvp pen. wtf nation... (A minute ago) Nation -- ... (A minute ago) xSpin -- he's lying, its from an rsvp pen. (A minute ago) shikui34 -- ok (A minute ago) Nation -- Comssa (A minute ago) shikui34 -- where do u get the backplug from the buster CYL?? (2 minutes ago) Sankaku -- penwish, do you accept pickles as currency? (A minute ago) Zombo -- god im stupid (A minute ago) Zombo -- you're right awesome (A minute ago) Zombo -- WAIT fuck (A minute ago) Awesome -- breast sounds so unnatural if you aren't tallking about food, don't listen to Zaki (A minute ago) XYZakiメAM -- yes, actually. (A minute ago) Awesome -- when I hear the word breat I think chicken breast, that makes me hungry (2 minutes ago) colourfulXinsanity -- would you prefer it if I said breast instead? (3 minutes ago) XYZakiメAM -- is it not common knowledge that the word "boob" on the internets is like dead cockroaches and ants? (A minute ago) Raine -- : whut : (2 minutes ago) Nation -- : hah : (2 minutes ago) Raine -- : ( (A minute ago) Nation -- ; ) (A minute ago) Raine -- ._. (A minute ago) Nation -- Too late (A minute ago) Raine -- So Simon can't have it. (2 minutes ago) Raine -- Wait, Nation. Sell me the gripmatic still. (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- RAWR (A minute ago) Mystic -- rawr? (A minute ago) Kam -- darn...pen spinning is becoming too expensive...maybe I should quit (A minute ago) Kam -- guys can read my mind? xD (A minute ago) Wind -- how is it? (2 minutes ago) Prince -- yes kam ill be doing it soon (2 minutes ago) Nation -- @the donate? (2 minutes ago) Prince -- infact rich level 3s are like superior cause tbh they put more effort than people who kill for cash (2 minutes ago) Nation -- hackers. (2 minutes ago) Kam -- have you guys seen the new UPSB feature? (A minute ago) Nation -- FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- (A minute ago) Raine -- It's just really too bad that I'm atheist. (A minute ago) Raine -- :Lka';lfka'sfk;lajs'lkgja;fj''asklgjasdg'ladsfj'aslfja'dslfj ;alsj NATIONYOUAREGOD. (A minute ago) Raine -- U SRS* (A minute ago) Raine -- IU SRS (A minute ago) Nation -- I have an extra, And I don't use grip matics very often, so yeah. (A minute ago) Nation -- I sell u grip matic tip and grip. (A minute ago) Baaron -- ._____________________________. (A minute ago) N00B Spinner -- Baaron>all (A minute ago) Nation -- Kam> cxi (A minute ago) colourfulXinsanity -- .___. (A minute ago) Loanshark -- cxi > zombo (A minute ago) N00B Spinner -- admins>mods>members>newcomers>n00b spinner (A minute ago) Nation -- :hah: (A minute ago) Baaron -- a bigger set of teeth (A minute ago) Nation -- use something sharper, AND NO FUCKING SCISSORS. I fucked up my first dr grip grip with scissors >.< (A minute ago) chrisPS -- Xacto knife.....It's what you need (A minute ago) VendettaBF -- slowly butting it with this one special x acto knife u use for cutting paper in art (A minute ago) N00B Spinner -- Uhh.. make a fine line with a marker then cut with a razor blade (A minute ago) chrisPS -- Scissors? Markers? (A minute ago) Jamie Enns -- sharper knife (A minute ago) IkePike -- how do i make it easier to cut it? (A minute ago) IkePike -- i messed up on cutting a dr grip grip (A minute ago) TeddyBear -- Can it Jay, you probably have a C+. (A minute ago) jaychou -- KAKU YOUR PARENTS DIDN'T FLOAT OVER ON A DOOR TO AMERICA SO THAT YOU CAN SLACK OFF LOOKING AT PICTURES OF KOREAN GIRLS, YOU MUST GET A+ OR NO RICE 4 YOU (A minute ago) Sankaku -- I'm stupid D: a B is good for me xD (A minute ago) Santa Claus -- Ho ho ho. Don't worry, Santa, it's the spirit of Christmas, and that's all that counts. (A minute ago) Santa Claus -- Onoz, I'm a gaggot! (A minute ago) tylt -- Faggot* (A minute ago) Santa Claus -- Santa, I don't think that is appropiate. (A minute ago) Colin -- gg (A minute ago) tylt -- Wow. Fuck that I'm getting some mods involved this has gone to fucking far. Fuck you santa i've been on this forum for two years now and your being a fucking gaggot (A minute ago) Santa Claus -- No present for you. From now on, you'll be getting packages of used condoms for Christmas. (A minute ago) Nachoaddict -- damnit i gotta stop clcking every link i see (A minute ago) Santa Claus -- Failed atempt at a RickRoll. You sir, are getting coal. (A minute ago) Colin -- gg (A minute ago) Santa Claus -- Foolish mortal. You cannot rickroll Santa. (2 minutes ago) Santa Claus -- Oh look! A gift from a member! Private FROM: lolx3, TO: Santa Claus -- a present 4 u Now kindly (A minute ago) Prince -- dang this will be quoted (A minute ago) Raine -- ._. (A minute ago) Prince -- *minwoo mod (A minute ago) Prince -- minwoo is so sexy (A minute ago) Thnikk -- and my dick is HUUUUUGE (A minute ago) Nation -- That explains a lot. (A minute ago) Thnikk -- I grew up copying cats on the streets to survive but had no parents to call mom and dad (A minute ago) Thnikk -- I was randomly spawned (A minute ago) Sankaku -- quit being an idiot! (A minute ago) N00B Spinner -- quit posting that! (A minute ago) Simplex【ヾ(^へ^)】 -- (A minute ago) JC -- no of course not, but to meet me? that's a different story ;) (A minute ago) Ohayo -- >_>i would never travel 5 hours to just go to a pen spinning gathering (3 minutes ago) Simplex【ヾ(^へ^)】 -- cheat comssa is very long and heavy already. no point putting more signo tips on. bragging that you can spin it is like bragging that you can ride a tricycle to a motorcycle gang. (A minute ago) Ohayo -- i was going to say white people cant dance but we ran out of time (A minute ago) Nation -- SAY IT MOTHERFUCKER! (4 minutes ago) UEDan -- Lies! I never initiated any of the R-rated stuff! (5 minutes ago) jaychou -- UEDan is a pedo (7 minutes ago) UEDan -- I will, night night stephie (8 minutes ago) colourfulXinsanity -- you're not supposed to know that. you too ^^ (9 minutes ago) UEDan -- Intriguing... I always thought you'd fancy doggy style... have wonderful dream tonight alright? (10 minutes ago) colourfulXinsanity -- I was on bottom. end of story. I need sleep x______x night ^^ (11 minutes ago) UEDan -- but you still fucked him, so he couldn't have been that bad (12 minutes ago) colourfulXinsanity -- giants tend not to be hot unless we're talking football (13 minutes ago) UEDan -- Bi moment. And the Giant cant be hot? (14 minutes ago) colourfulXinsanity -- but she's fucking hot (14 minutes ago) UEDan -- Ok, I'll share first. I was once had a dream where I was fucking Kirsten Dunst from behind in a cheerleading uniform. Now you. (16 minutes ago) colourfulXinsanity -- but then this would become a conversation of my sex life and I tend to keep that private (16 minutes ago) iMatt -- it ws your mother, conversation over. Night people. (16 minutes ago) UEDan -- Top or bottum? (17 minutes ago) UEDan -- nuhhhhh! Back you! Explain yourself! (A minute ago) blahblahting -- i am a noob. i suck at penspinning. i am fat. i have no friends. i am asian. (A minute ago) PillarsOfValhalla -- I am a noob, I suck at pen spinning. I am not fat nor asian. (A minute ago) Nation -- D: (A minute ago) spinneraddiction -- D: (A minute ago) jaychou -- D: (A minute ago) Shoutbox -- I'm dead. (4 minutes ago) : ) peda : ) -- the death comes (4 minutes ago) spinneraddiction -- D: (4 minutes ago) jaychou -- D: (5 minutes ago) Nation -- D: (5 minutes ago) Raine -- Just eat bread. (5 minutes ago) Panda -- for what do the letters of JEB stand for? (A minute ago) Nation -- D: (A minute ago) Sankaku -- its 'speeling' (A minute ago) Nation -- kaku fails at spelling too. (A minute ago) spinneraddiction -- im gonna go play stepmania bye bye (A minute ago) Sankaku -- from (A minute ago) Sankaku -- D: i thought evolution was evolution frmo TWPS :( (A minute ago) Raine -- Maybe you were raped last night. (A minute ago) Wind -- there's hair on my sweater that is not mine... o_o (A minute ago) Croccifixio -- I didn't like him anyway. * Nation is sad b/c god died. D: (A minute ago) Croccifixio -- lol, god died? (A minute ago) Prince -- ty (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- w00t I'm a noob. (A minute ago) jaychou -- reynolds warp aluminum foil? (A minute ago) Penwish -- i wannnt reynolds ! =( (A minute ago) jaychou -- oh wait what, he's in germany? (A minute ago) Keksi -- what? o.O (A minute ago) jaychou -- only in japan can you talk in a forum shoutbox seconds before you shit in a public restroom (4 minutes ago) Wind -- night minwoo (4 minutes ago) Ohayo -- bye (4 minutes ago) Minwoo -- Oh lucky my - toilet is free - wish you guys a very good night or a wonderful day (depends on your time zone =P) - bye (A minute ago) Colin -- WAIT WHAT FTS. I MEANT YAY TO THE BLOODIN SHARKFIN T___________________________________________T (A minute ago) Charlie -- been hanging outside my apartment for a few hours now... (A minute ago) Charlie -- left my keys at my parents place (A minute ago) ION -- count* (A minute ago) Colin -- yay (A minute ago) ION -- sharkfin soup lowers your sperm coun (A minute ago) Sinister -- lol charlie, how did that happen? (A minute ago) Nation -- plug it in, plug it in. (A minute ago) Charlie -- Im locked out of my apartment (A minute ago) Nation -- DEAL WITH IT COLIN. (A minute ago) Sinister -- plug it in? (A minute ago) Charlie -- i dont think any blood flows to the sharkfin (A minute ago) Nation -- + a million, charlie (A minute ago) Charlie -- damn, my laptop batteries run out in half an hour (A minute ago) Colin -- but sharkfin is so good T__T (A minute ago) ION -- and knowing is half the battle (A minute ago) Charlie -- Yeah, don't eat shark (A minute ago) ION -- now i know (A minute ago) Sinister -- well thats nice to know (A minute ago) Charlie -- Some thing to do with the osmosis effect. (A minute ago) Colin -- but then..all that waste (A minute ago) Colin -- ..tahts pretty smart (A minute ago) Charlie -- Did you know sharks pee in their blood to keep their salt concentration high? (A minute ago) Nation -- 0_0 (A minute ago) JC -- oooh ; ) (A minute ago) Sankaku -- you already do ; ) (A minute ago) Nation -- Food : wub : (A minute ago) JC -- can i eat you ? : ) (A minute ago) Sankaku -- food* (A minute ago) Sankaku -- fod :3 A minute ago) Ohayo -- the only thing i did with my ball sign was put airfit tips on it (2 minutes ago) Wind -- No worries you two, I love you. (2 minutes ago) Baaron -- xD (2 minutes ago) supawit127 -- I love all <33 (2 minutes ago) Spinnerpeem -- Supawit we are gay??[/spoiler] all my quotes from v3 from v4 [1 Minute Ago 07:27 PM] Pandamonium : I feel sorry for that guy. His torso is all fucked up, let alone seeing what his legs look like. [1 Minute Ago 07:27 PM] Pandamonium : That guy must have a big head by looking at how big his smile was. [1 Minute Ago 07:26 PM] blahblahting : IT IS >:| [1 Minute Ago 07:26 PM] davidguy : ♪ hallo, hallo, hallo hallo hallo ♪ [1 Minute Ago 07:26 PM] davidguy : that site is not for kids D: [1 Minute Ago 07:26 PM] LHrv : halo [1 Minute Ago 07:26 PM] blahblahting : I CANT STOP LOL'ING [1 Minute Ago 07:26 PM] strat1227 : but for real planned parenthood is a good organization [1 Minute Ago 07:25 PM] Nation : hahaha [1 Minute Ago 07:25 PM] Pandamonium : Curly pubes. [1 Minute Ago 07:25 PM] strat1227 : LOL THE GSPOT AHAHA [1 Minute Ago 07:25 PM] Pandamonium : Jew dick or Albino black dick. [1 Minute Ago 07:25 PM] blahblahting : whoa i just noticed the dick has chest hair 0_0 [1 Minute Ago 07:24 PM] strat1227 : lol panda i wouldn't know, it's supposed to feel different for the person receiving xD [1 Minute Ago 07:24 PM] Nation : bwahahahahaha [1 Minute Ago 07:24 PM] LHrv : the combo was smooth [1 Minute Ago 07:24 PM] davidguy : it's obviously sushi [1 Minute Ago 07:24 PM] blahblahting : lol strat did you see the sex ed vid iposted? xD [1 Minute Ago 07:24 PM] Pandamonium : I bet it feels different, doesn't it Strat? [1 Minute Ago 07:24 PM] strat1227 : doesn't look like that lol, upload dick on dialup ahaha [2 Minutes Ago 07:23 PM] strat1227 : ribbed condom aren't that noticable [2 Minutes Ago 07:23 PM] Nation : this is epic [1 Minute Ago 07:23 PM] Pandamonium : >9000 scarrings on the base of my penis. [1 Minute Ago 07:23 PM] blahblahting : ropeburn=why you use lube [1 Minute Ago 07:23 PM] Neotoma : ............Goodbye. [1 Minute Ago 07:23 PM] davidguy : [1 Minute Ago 07:23 PM] blahblahting : EWWWWWWWWWWWW ROPEBURN? [1 Minute Ago 07:22 PM] ChauTran : lol [1 Minute Ago 07:22 PM] blahblahting : hmmm maybe ribbed condom [1 Minute Ago 07:22 PM] strat1227 : ropeburn? [1 Minute Ago 07:22 PM] blahblahting : wart penis ever? [1 Minute Ago 07:22 PM] ChauTran : o0o [1 Minute Ago 07:22 PM] Pandamonium : Are you trying to upload your cock with dial-up? [1 Minute Ago 07:22 PM] ChauTran : oOo [1 Minute Ago 07:21 PM] Pandamonium : Why is your cock mutilated in sections? [1 Minute Ago 07:21 PM] davidguy : flat balls xD [1 Minute Ago 07:21 PM] strat1227 : blah that's the wort penis ever
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 04:47:04
clearly nation things too many things are funny
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 05:09:21
strat1227 wrote: clearly nation things too many things are funny
definitely A few of my favorites (A minute ago) Wonder-- FUCK YES I FINALLY ELIMINATED ALL THE COCKS OUT OF MY GARAGE (A minute ago) jaychou-- the only thing your cock has greater than mine is the amount of male buttholes you stuck it in (A minute ago) Loanshark -- I'M SORRY I DON'T FANTASIZE DOING IT DOGGY STYLE WITH MY BEST FRIEND. (A minute ago) spinneraddiction-- (A minute ago) Raine-- Win. (A minute ago) spinneraddiction-- lol it says ty mom xD (A minute ago) spinneraddiction-- actually it says tymom4ballsign xD (A minute ago) Loanshark-- When i was 13 and babysitting a 4 year old, i was asleep on my sofa and the kid stabbed my arm with a knife (A minute ago) Loanshark -- i dont want to fuck a girl who cant make a sandwich...mkay? (A minute ago) Baaron-- thar be piss in kaku's anus. I can only think of one way how it got there (A minute ago) Sankaku-- yes, i like dicks and pussy, especially at the same time (A minute ago) Sankaku-- JC, if you use SNSD, i will fuck you whenever you want, however you want and bottom to up (A minute ago) Wind-- This is so win * this guy Frip has no dick brb getting the razor blades (A minute ago) SunLight-- purple ? (A minute ago) Awesome-- I should remember to never piss stevie off with name stuff (A minute ago) Ohayo-- XD (A minute ago) CaptainGolfBall-- i am laughing so hard tongue.gif (A minute ago) this guy Frip has no dick-- I know you want to steviegirl (A minute ago) PillarsOfValhalla-- rotfl.gif (A minute ago) Ohayo-- canada has just won. (A minute ago) PillarsOfValhalla-- HAHAHAHAHAA (A minute ago) Ohayo-- XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (A minute ago) Awesome-- lololololol (A minute ago) EssenceOfLife-- Im still laughing T _ T (A minute ago) this guy Frip has no dick-- dick my suck smile.gif (A minute ago) EssenceOfLife-- "(A minute ago) this guy Frip has no dick -- I changed my name guys!! (A minute ago) SJ-- you deserve a thread frip... (A minute ago) this guy Frip has no dick-- ofc (A minute ago) xSpin-- LOLLL (A minute ago) EssenceOfLife-- Lmao no dick calm down =P (A minute ago) ToxicTwix-- much better than frip (A minute ago) this guy Frip has no dick-- I see how it is (A minute ago) Wind-- LOL (A minute ago) this guy Frip has no dick-- Ok Steviegirl6 (A minute ago) EssenceOfLife-- I liek =D (A minute ago) pakspinner-- thats a funny user (A minute ago) teotoko-- xd.gif (A minute ago) this guy Frip has no dick-- I didnt refresh, not fair ,,/,, (A minute ago) neix-- its better than erianal crayon (A minute ago) EssenceOfLife-- LMAO!!! (A minute ago) Stevieboy7-- >.> (A minute ago) Shadowserpant-- XD (A minute ago) this guy Frip has no dick-- ,,/,, (A minute ago) this guy Frip has no dick-- YOU FUCKER STEVIE (A minute ago) hoiboy-- i love it (A minute ago) this guy Frip has no dick-- I changed my name guys!! -
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 07:00:32
[spoiler=Quote!1!!!] From bottom to top (A minute ago) samson126 -- lol if that was sh1t u must be really good lol cause i cant do that (A minute ago) Shadowserpant -- uhhh ive been spinning for 2 years xD that combo was a shit combo for me (A minute ago) samson126 -- im a 3 month pen spinner so im nooby (A minute ago) samson126 -- how long to come up and perfect it (A minute ago) samson126 -- shadow how long did i take u for that combo [/spoiler] [spoiler=lol bottom to top] (A minute ago) strat1227 -- chris, she did? (A minute ago) Awesome -- non exsistant (A minute ago) Raine -- When was that? (A minute ago) chrisPS -- sucked (A minute ago) colourfulXinsanity -- oovoo... (A minute ago) strat1227 -- speaking of which, how was everyone's valentines day? [/spoiler] AIRAZOR -- man i feel like trembling whenever i hear eriror's Ricercar -- you tremble at the awesome might of the pen spinning God? iColor -- This girl in my class can really finger [spoiler=minwoo] bottom to top (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- But seriously, I want to stay #5 of the world for a while, if there's another minwoo I'll drop to 6. I don't want that. tongue.gif (2 minutes ago) TheOffendedRainbows -- im preeeeetty much gettn tired of insults, sooo goodbye (2 minutes ago) JC -- get some!! ;D (2 minutes ago) JC -- shhh marc, let the kid have an excuse for getting together with a girl (3 minutes ago) c@rl0 -- xD (4 minutes ago) Taikutsu -- Lol (5 minutes ago) catfish -- up to you kid (5 minutes ago) Erirornal Kraione -- ... There's already a minwoo, we don't need another. T_T (6 minutes ago) TheOffendedRainbows -- o im makin a minwoo, should i or naught... [/spoiler]
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 12:59:42
[1 Minute Ago 07:58 AM] Krispy Kreme : YUSH ! [1 Minute Ago 07:58 AM] shoeman6 : <3 it's okay... we all think Krispy Kreme acts like a little girl anyways =]
Date: Sat, Jun 26 2010 18:36:58
true -_-
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 05:38:34
AHAHAHA lol that was the other night xD
Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 13:55:10
this was from v3 [spoiler=LOL SB] (A minute ago) Spinner4ever-- be that guy (A minute ago) ninjaskillz12-- (.Y.) (A minute ago) Spinner4ever-- next you'll want boobs\ (A minute ago) ninjaskillz12-- 8==D() (A minute ago) cecil-- i dont think it would be that bad (A minute ago) Spinner4ever-- curse you transvestites! (A minute ago) Wonder-- 8===================D~~~~ (A minute ago) ninjaskillz12-- 8=D (A minute ago) Wonder-- PENIS (A minute ago) Sankaku-- its ok cxi, i have a spare penis, you can borrow it if you really wanna play the penis game (A minute ago) pheonix-- chris? you wanna be a chick? (A minute ago) Loanshark-- sure, I'd always dream of having a pair of racks to grab (2 minutes ago) cecil-- sure (2 minutes ago) colourfulXinsanity-- can we trade genders? (2 minutes ago) Loanshark-- sucks to be you. (2 minutes ago) colourfulXinsanity-- T_T really? bummerrr (A minute ago) pheonix-- HAHAHAHA (A minute ago) Awesome-- I want to play (A minute ago) Loanshark-- OHHH SORRYY YOU CAN'T PLAYYY (A minute ago) Loanshark-- rule 1: you must have a penis to play the game (A minute ago) pheonix-- scream penis as loud as you can o_O duuuuuuuuuuuh (A minute ago) davidguy-- dont you just yell penis in that game >.> (A minute ago) ninjaskillz12-- LOL (A minute ago) colourfulXinsanity-- penis game sounds like fun. rules please (A minute ago) pheonix-- play the penis game [/spoiler]
Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 14:28:19
Krispy Kreme wrote: AHAHAHA lol that was the other night xD
yea and I CAN TELL GENDER DIFFERENCES. oh i got my self on rr24's sig :D im so proud of tat lols (half sarcasm, half real) -
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 23:34:57
[4 Minutes Ago 04:30 PM] lamluong : it was a combination of all of those lawl [4 Minutes Ago 04:29 PM] lamluong : >_> you were a black buff pen spinner with a twin LAWL (SRIOUSLY) we were outside a Mall/prison/99cents/theater [5 Minutes Ago 04:29 PM] lamluong : dude... hoiboy i had a weird dream and somehow your name was included in it
Date: Sun, Jul 11 2010 16:58:53
[1 Minute Ago 02:57 PM] iColor : oh gawd, ktrinh. [1 Minute Ago 02:57 PM] Wonder : OH HAHA I DIDNT EVEN READ IT LIKE THAT [1 Minute Ago 02:57 PM] Tetsip : LOL [1 Minute Ago 02:56 PM] KTrinh93 : LOL icolor our of context that could sound bad :P [2 Minutes Ago 02:55 PM] iColor : RAH, I NEED BLACK SAILORS
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 14:33:26
Why have I been quoted so many times? ._.
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 14:46:49
all quotes are top to bottom [16:46]
!quote 33 [16:46] ttyl guys [16:46] [33] I SUCK ON MY COUSINS TITS :D [16:46] !quote 39 [16:46] [39] [20:09] Huroni: LOL [20:09] Huroni: wtf [20:09] Huroni: I got porn link [16:46] bye huroni [16:46] !quote 17 [16:46] [17] I love watching gay porn [16:46] wat [16:46] thatqs mine [16:46] xD CookiesloverCOC (A minute ago) Loanshark -- Darn, my 1 star rating did nothing >.> (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- LOANSHARK USED 1 STAR (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- IT IS NOT VERY EFFECTIVE (A minute ago) Loanshark -- ._. (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- ENEMY ERIRORNAL KRAIONE USES /BAN. (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- IT IS SUPER EFFECTIVE! (A minute ago) iMatt -- What you get is a giant slap across the face for being an incompetent fantasy character that ruins the lives of children around the planet thinking an invisible being comes around on a non-related Christian holiday giving presents to greedy little fucks who simply aren't gracious for the things they're able to have causing parents and family to go bankrupt and not pay the rent that's due that week because of paying for dumbass material possessions that will be used a grand total of once and then shoved in a closet where it then will accumulate to be an ever-growing pile of shit, jokes on you fucker. (A minute ago) MochaRevolverS83 -- eww girls talking about shaving (A minute ago) Loanshark -- girls shave too .___. (A minute ago) Sankaku -- loool cxi just shaves her down there area (A minute ago) MochaRevolverS83 -- :O i just like to think they dont grow hair (A minute ago) colourfulXinsanity -- :facepalm: (A minute ago) Loanshark -- canadians live in igloos (A minute ago) Eso -- maybe canadian rednecks do? (A minute ago) iMatt -- well this is news to me O_o (A minute ago) Baaron -- of course (A minute ago) Sankaku -- we have canned beaver as well (A minute ago) Baaron -- and ride caribous (A minute ago) JC -- my mother says bruno is a disgusting movie (A minute ago) Loanshark-- Duh, she's your mother. (A minute ago) Xero -- And a hot one at that (A minute ago) JC -- what are you saying about my mom??? .____________. (A minute ago) colourfulXinsanity -- dude, your mom is banging. (A minute ago) Eso -- lol, pics? (A minute ago) JC -- NO, you may NOT have pics of my MOTHER D: (A minute ago) Eso -- oh yeah, today i was at Express buying my rain jacket, and then i gave this highschool looking cashier guy 2 coupons. Each coupon had "$25 Off" written on them... (A minute ago) Eso -- he then looked at me and asked "What's 25 times 2?" (A minute ago) JC -- I THOUGHT PEOPLE THAT STUPID ONLY EXISTED IN MOVIES (A minute ago) Eso -- yeah, i'm not lying. He seriously asked me "what's 25 times 2?" For a split second, I thought about answering "100" -
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 15:22:02
A minute ago) Krispy Kreme -- You make billions of sperm cells each day so you have to get rid of them. If you dont masturbate your sperm builds up and YOUR BALLS EXPLODE
Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 21:28:32
(A minute ago) Loanshark -- According to my biology book, humans "usually" give birth to humans. Win.
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 03:30:28
Loanshark wrote: (A minute ago) Loanshark -- Darn, my 1 star rating did nothing >.> (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- LOANSHARK USED 1 STAR (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- IT IS NOT VERY EFFECTIVE (A minute ago) Loanshark -- ._. (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- ENEMY ERIRORNAL KRAIONE USES /BAN. (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- IT IS SUPER EFFECTIVE!
the great erriror plays pokemon!! :O -
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 03:58:43
CrackerJack wrote: A minute ago) Krispy Kreme -- You make billions of sperm cells each day so you have to get rid of them. If you dont masturbate your sperm builds up and YOUR BALLS EXPLODE
That's not even funny. -
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 14:01:23
it is, depends on how u view it :D
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 08:08:11
That was in old upsb when someone said "ewww toilet paper tastes bad!" then it just dragged on from thar.
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 11:16:07
Gr3gY wrote: the great erriror plays pokemon!! :O I don't see any Pokémon videos there. -
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 13:52:18
i lol'd.
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 14:14:35
i lol'd. (too)
Date: Fri, Jul 23 2010 03:53:33
[1 Minute Ago 10:51 PM] shoeman6 : pwned [1 Minute Ago 10:51 PM] Wonder : k im back, had to fap to that picture [1 Minute Ago 10:50 PM] Ricercar : lies [1 Minute Ago 10:50 PM] shoeman6 : you realize everyone left to fap at that picture right? what a horrible friend you are D:
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 16:18:01
Bottom to top (A minute ago) Tetsip -- he's probably going to melt them down into needle point tips for baaron DC (A minute ago) iColor -- Seriously, my 100 cap collection is only a desk length. xD (A minute ago) Ricercar -- LOLOLOL (A minute ago) Json The Shoe -- or he just eats them (A minute ago) Iota -- he's making a bridge to canada from the antarctic (A minute ago) iColor -- Or just making a hansol mod with HGG tips as subs? (A minute ago) microman -- you could use a 100 hgg tips in no time, depending onwhat you make (A minute ago) Tetsip -- for realz (A minute ago) darkrose -- yah u could (A minute ago) iColor -- Are you making the legendary 100 hgg tip mod? (A minute ago) Json The Shoe -- nice...i dont think u could use up 100 hgg tips in a year (A minute ago) microman -- wtf (A minute ago) Json The Shoe -- xD (A minute ago) Tetsip -- LOL (A minute ago) Ricercar -- LOLWUT? (A minute ago) Erirornal Kraione -- LOLWUT (A minute ago) American Critic -- Does anyone know where I can buy a couple hundred HGG tips?
Date: Sat, Jul 31 2010 15:46:18
[1 Minute Ago 11:43 PM]Pen Ninja: Wonder wont be gettin any, hes gettin raped [1 Minute Ago 11:43 PM]Awesome: then they do something in return for you [1 Minute Ago 11:43 PM]Wonder: im going to into hiding [1 Minute Ago 11:43 PM]Awesome: but you would get the pleasure of knowing you are providing someone else with pleasure [1 Minute Ago 11:41 PM]Pen Ninja: nah he'll love it [1 Minute Ago 11:41 PM]Pen Ninja: but then only you will get pleasure pen ninja =[ [1 Minute Ago 11:40 PM]That Guy: He's gonna cry and passout [1 Minute Ago 11:40 PM]Wonder: double sided strapon, one side with vibrator ? [1 Minute Ago 11:40 PM]Pen Ninja: thats not the point of a strap on, the point is to see ur victim's pain [1 Minute Ago 11:39 PM]Pen Ninja: pleasure* [1 Minute Ago 11:39 PM]Pen Ninja: but a strap on wont give me any peasure, will it? [1 Minute Ago 11:39 PM]Wonder: i need to hide\ [1 Minute Ago 11:38 PM]That Guy: Limping for the next week will be or the stitches you will need after [1 Minute Ago 11:38 PM]Pen Ninja: i dont think finding 2 cucumbers is ur biggest problem [1 Minute Ago 11:38 PM]That Guy: 3 ;D [1 Minute Ago 11:37 PM]Wonder: shittt im going to need 2 cucumbers [1 Minute Ago 11:37 PM]Pen Ninja: i suggest u get a skin transplant or something, ull need more [1 Minute Ago 11:36 PM]Pen Ninja: >=D [1 Minute Ago 11:36 PM]Pen Ninja: 'good luck preparing for that one, shes not very patient i doubt she'll wait for me to finish [1 Minute Ago 11:36 PM]Wonder: oh noes im not ready for 2 [1 Minute Ago 11:36 PM]Wonder: im not ready yet guys [1 Minute Ago 11:36 PM]That Guy: Anal rape x2 [1 Minute Ago 11:35 PM]Bam!: aw [1 Minute Ago 11:35 PM]Pen Ninja: or rape? [1 Minute Ago 11:35 PM]Pen Ninja: join wonder in the but sex? o.O? [1 Minute Ago 11:35 PM]Pen Ninja: dont make it harder for urself wonder, she gets a strap on u know where its goin [1 Minute Ago 11:35 PM]Prince: did you know strap-on is no-parts backwards? [1 Minute Ago 11:34 PM]Wonder: strapon? [1 Minute Ago 11:34 PM]That Guy: Sucks you can touch pen ninja in places he won't like [1 Minute Ago 11:34 PM]Pen Ninja: would u like to join wonder? [1 Minute Ago 11:33 PM]Pen Ninja: and im left out coz im not a guy T.T [1 Minute Ago 11:33 PM]Wonder: uh oh [1 Minute Ago 11:32 PM]Pen Ninja: ill know, and ill vaccuum it out b4hand [1 Minute Ago 11:32 PM]Wonder: fuck ill pre-lube myself [1 Minute Ago 11:32 PM]Pen Ninja: no lube [1 Minute Ago 11:31 PM]That Guy: Your gonna tear wonders asshole D: [1 Minute Ago 11:31 PM]Wonder: ill just get a cucumber or something, that should make some room [1 Minute Ago 11:31 PM]Wonder: yes, that was exactly my plan [1 Minute Ago 11:31 PM]Pen Ninja: im about 8", good luck preparing [1 Minute Ago 11:31 PM]Pen Ninja: pre-rape buttsex? [1 Minute Ago 11:31 PM]Prince: elden my new name is pierce [1 Minute Ago 11:30 PM]Prince: D= [1 Minute Ago 11:30 PM]Pen Ninja: no, squeeze... it feels better for me [1 Minute Ago 11:30 PM]Wonder: a while from australia to the US, so ill have some nice time to prepare > [1 Minute Ago 11:30 PM]That Guy: Wonder don't Squezee your buttchecks jut let it through that way you feel less pain [1 Minute Ago 11:30 PM]Pen Ninja: but pen ninja only one of us can rape him since only one of us is a guy [1 Minute Ago 11:29 PM]Pen Ninja: im on my way now, cya [1 Minute Ago 11:29 PM]Pen Ninja: D: [1 Minute Ago 11:29 PM]Pen Ninja: =] [1 Minute Ago 11:29 PM]Wonder: nuuuuu [1 Minute Ago 11:29 PM]Pen Ninja: ok, we'll just rape u then [1 Minute Ago 11:28 PM]Pen Ninja: u* -.- right next to each other, dam keyuboard [1 Minute Ago 11:28 PM]iColor: palm tap fall. [1 Minute Ago 11:28 PM]Wonder: that i love you was not real, i put the * around it [1 Minute Ago 11:28 PM]That Guy: Lol wonder is gonna get raped [1 Minute Ago 11:28 PM]Pen Ninja: i asked for it [1 Minute Ago 11:27 PM]Pen Ninja: lol [1 Minute Ago 11:27 PM]Prince: more like me talking about random subjects, its my project [1 Minute Ago 11:27 PM]Wonder: wut D: [1 Minute Ago 11:27 PM]Prince: did i tell you im gonna start a vlog [1 Minute Ago 11:27 PM]Pen Ninja: yay! he admits it, you can join in now, but u have to be the woman [1 Minute Ago 11:27 PM]Pen Ninja: yay! crazy sex for al! 1 Minute Ago 11:26 PM]That Guy: Yes [1 Minute Ago 11:26 PM]Pen Ninja: but there are butts...coz well be naked [1 Minute Ago 11:26 PM]Wonder: ok... *i love you* [1 Minute Ago 11:26 PM]Prince: is that a good thing =( [1 Minute Ago 11:26 PM]Pen Ninja: no buts [1 Minute Ago 11:25 PM]That Guy: Scott your accent makes me lol [1 Minute Ago 11:25 PM]Wonder: but.... D: [1 Minute Ago 11:25 PM]Pen Ninja: ok, u can watch... til ur ready to say u love me [1 Minute Ago 11:24 PM]Wonder: that i can do [1 Minute Ago 11:24 PM]Prince: hi im at my nans [1 Minute Ago 11:24 PM]Pen Ninja: but you got turned on, thats a start [1 Minute Ago 11:24 PM]Pen Ninja: would u at least just join me and pen ninja in a good... lovin [1 Minute Ago 11:23 PM]Wonder: i cant say that yet, too soon [1 Minute Ago 11:23 PM]That Guy: Hi Scott [1 Minute Ago 11:22 PM]Pen Ninja: so do you love me Wonder? [1 Minute Ago 11:21 PM]Prince: cool elden (: [1 Minute Ago 11:21 PM]mintypaladin: [1 Minute Ago 11:21 PM]Pen Ninja: count urself lucky pen ninja [1 Minute Ago 11:21 PM]Pen Ninja: at least ur hairs not all stuck together [1 Minute Ago 11:21 PM]Pen Ninja: [1 Minute Ago 11:21 PM]Pen Ninja: that was me silly [1 Minute Ago 11:21 PM]Wonder: im turned on [1 Minute Ago 11:20 PM]Pen Ninja: still have sex hair [1 Minute Ago 11:20 PM]Pen Ninja: which pen ninja? me or the other 1? [1 Minute Ago 11:20 PM]Pen Ninja: hell yeah [1 Minute Ago 11:20 PM]Wonder: from what pen ninja tells us you guys have some hawt crazy sex [1 Minute Ago 11:20 PM]Pen Ninja: so we're typing [1 Minute Ago 11:20 PM]Iota: caught, CAAAAAAUGHT [1 Minute Ago 11:20 PM]Pen Ninja: because we've had enough sex for now [1 Minute Ago 11:20 PM]Pen Ninja: but which is which? *Loansharkgtfos* @ 11:19 PM [2 Minutes Ago 11:19 PM]That Guy: Do you have a kitty? [2 Minutes Ago 11:19 PM]Iota: ehhh??? ._. [2 Minutes Ago 11:19 PM]iColor: why are they.. typing..? [2 Minutes Ago 11:19 PM]Pen Ninja: dont worry wonder, we wont rush you into this [2 Minutes Ago 11:19 PM]Wonder: meitenshi and pen ninja on the same accoun
Date: Sun, Aug 1 2010 06:21:16
*Colin dances in front of Sankaku* @ 11:19 PM [1 Minute Ago 11:19 PM] Sankaku : i havent a clue why [1 Minute Ago 11:19 PM] Dudak : not to you colin [1 Minute Ago 11:19 PM] Sankaku : gay men like to dance in front of me
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 19:01:02
[1 Minute Ago 05:00 PM] blahblahting : from upsb lmao [1 Minute Ago 05:00 PM] KTrinh93 : LOL [1 Minute Ago 04:59 PM] Colin : OBAMA [1 Minute Ago 04:59 PM] blahblahting : does anyone live in washington dc?
Date: Sun, Aug 8 2010 04:19:41
sorry for the double post but this was just hilarious: To Wind - [1 Minute Ago 02:18 AM] RH : wait wtf? i was fapping to your sister?!!!! :wtf: x9001
Date: Sun, Aug 8 2010 06:03:02
well this wasn't in the sb but it's on msn with someone whom i haven't talked to for a looooooooooooooooooooooong time and we didn't talk that much anyway... and he had some virus XP Abe said: Hi are you there? Cz - CHUU!!! said: yes i am? Abe said: I just took an IQ quiz * Cz - CHUU!!! says: *oh really? what am i saying? Abe says: *I was smarter than I am! I scored 109 Cz - CHUU!!! says: *don't you mean I was smarter than I was? *i don't think you deserve 109 Abe says: *you should try if u can beat me, *link* i wouldn't want you guys getting viruses now ._. Cz - CHUU!!! says: *as if
Date: Mon, Aug 9 2010 19:14:48
[1 Minute Ago 03:13 PM] Mike : Nah, he left three hours ago. he leaves like it's a one-night stand or something :( [1 Minute Ago 03:13 PM] Sankaku : if he is, tell him i say hi :3 [1 Minute Ago 03:12 PM] Sankaku : oh and mike, is elden there?
Date: Wed, Aug 11 2010 14:39:22
[2 Minutes Ago 07:32 AM] Mike : :D [2 Minutes Ago 07:31 AM] Wonder : fuck you [3 Minutes Ago 07:31 AM] Mike : Notice how all the listed people are black, except for 3 guys ha ha ha [5 Minutes Ago 07:29 AM] Wonder : - see, wikipedia says its arabic, middle eastern. damn niggers [5 Minutes Ago 07:28 AM] Mike : Ha ha, I'm fucking saving that [6 Minutes Ago 07:27 AM] Mike : LOL [7 Minutes Ago 07:27 AM] Wonder : L2 CHECK COUNTRY [7 Minutes Ago 07:27 AM] Wonder : Jamal is a middle eastern name too :thumb: damn niggers stole my name [7 Minutes Ago 07:26 AM] Wonder : i knew it, i knew that was the reason [7 Minutes Ago 07:26 AM] Mike : KNEEW GROW [8 Minutes Ago 07:26 AM] Mike : Well your name is Jamal, I asked if you were black once, you said yes, so I believe that makes you a nigger. [8 Minutes Ago 07:25 AM] Wonder : What? are you calling me a nigger?!?!?! [9 Minutes Ago 07:25 AM] Mike : Aren't you one? [9 Minutes Ago 07:24 AM] Wonder : thats so niggerish [10 Minutes Ago 07:24 AM] Wonder : WHY IS IT A GIF [10 Minutes Ago 07:24 AM] Nation :
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 16:47:13
talking about the worst way to be castrated D: [1 Minute Ago 02:45 PM] MeiTenshi : lol [1 Minute Ago 02:45 PM] MeiTenshi : i think the hot spike is the best, coz it would cauterize the wound too so you wouldnt bleed to death, but you would still have no nuts or penis =/
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 19:52:20
[1 Minute Ago 12:45 PM] neXus : WE PREFER RESEARCH FACILITY, THANK YOU [1 Minute Ago 12:45 PM] DasToks : [1 Minute Ago 12:45 PM] DasToks : +1 [2 Minutes Ago 12:44 PM] Mike : the ones in your head? [2 Minutes Ago 12:44 PM] neXus : I have scientists constantly working on these kinds of things [3 Minutes Ago 12:43 PM] Mike : [3 Minutes Ago 12:43 PM] DasToks : loool neXus stop ur killing me xDDDDDDDDDDD [3 Minutes Ago 12:43 PM] neXus : Yes, I have done the research. [3 Minutes Ago 12:43 PM] neXus : one hell of a disgusting night, full of regrets and joy [3 Minutes Ago 12:43 PM] Mike : And you know this, for a fact? [3 Minutes Ago 12:43 PM] neXus : because that would be one hell of a night [4 Minutes Ago 12:43 PM] neXus : and if they still want to fuck me after I whipped out the big guns I want to fuck them to [4 Minutes Ago 12:42 PM] neXus : the other 2% would still fuck you after fucked up talk [4 Minutes Ago 12:42 PM] neXus : fuck she looks young in that movie [4 Minutes Ago 12:42 PM] Mike : But Nexus, what about the other 2%?
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 21:41:35
[5 Minutes Ago 02:35 PM]zweebna: D: [6 Minutes Ago 02:34 PM]Colin: ITS OKAY, NEXT TIME JUST DONT MAKE FUCKING PROMISES YOU CANT KEEP. (fuck, I sound like my ex) [7 Minutes Ago 02:33 PM]zweebna: I'M SORRY I HAD NO CHOICE HE THREATENED MY FAMILY [8 Minutes Ago 02:32 PM]Colin: WHYD YOU SELL THAT SKYBLUE HGG? I THOUGHT WE TIGHT BRO. NAH NAH, FORGET IT [9 Minutes Ago 02:31 PM]zweebna: HE'S REALLY PISSED HE'S JUST NOT SHOWING IT [10 Minutes Ago 02:30 PM]Colin: alrighties then, no problem [10 Minutes Ago 02:29 PM]zweebna: I'm selling that skyblue hgg. He bought a bunch of other stuff and I already didn't have one of the things he wanted. [11 Minutes Ago 02:29 PM]Colin: zweeeebbb
Date: Fri, Aug 13 2010 07:19:01
[4 Minutes Ago 11:55 PM] XYZaki : Stileproject does [4 Minutes Ago 11:55 PM] Ohayo : hmmmm i think pornhub has a category for that [5 Minutes Ago 11:55 PM] AoD1 : WOW [5 Minutes Ago 11:54 PM] MeiTenshi : clown porn? [5 Minutes Ago 11:54 PM] Sankaku : funny porn [5 Minutes Ago 11:54 PM] Tetsip : porn [6 Minutes Ago 11:54 PM] Ohayo : OKAY GUYS GIVE ME A GOOD COMEDY TO WATCH
Date: Sun, Aug 15 2010 08:43:58
another msn virus moment ._. Becky says: *hey r you there? Cz - CHUU!!! says: *tell me this isn't a msn virus Becky says: *lol no its me Cz - CHUU!!! says: *ok yeah i'm here XP Becky says: *I just took an IQ quiz Cz - CHUU!!! says: *wth is this Becky says: *I was smarter than I am! I scored 110
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 00:57:14
Start from bottom: Wonder 2 Minutes Ago 05:51 PM dude. 5 for a makin kt? ._. Nachoaddict 3 Minutes Ago 05:50 PM you're kidding right? Nachoaddict 3 Minutes Ago 05:50 PM dude louis bid over $10 on that and I wanted more -___- mintypaladin 3 Minutes Ago 05:50 PM @wonder i kno mintypaladin 3 Minutes Ago 05:50 PM i wana but the makin kt for 5$ Wonder 3 Minutes Ago 05:50 PM minty lol the auction is over Nachoaddict 3 Minutes Ago 05:50 PM lolwut? mintypaladin 4 Minutes Ago 05:50 PM just makin kt mintypaladin 4 Minutes Ago 05:49 PM just makin kt mintypaladin 4 Minutes Ago 05:49 PM k i buy for 5$ *Loanshark itches cxi's ass* @ 05:52 PM [7 Minutes Ago 05:51 PM] Nachoaddict: lolwut [8 Minutes Ago 05:51 PM] colourfulXinsanity: only if you itch my ass [10 Minutes Ago 05:49 PM] Loanshark: someone wanna help me with rainmeter? [12 Minutes Ago 05:47 PM]Loanshark: I can't work rainmeter D: [1 Minute Ago 08:35 PM] [B]microman : i can't take off my clothes... there are actually people in the room[/B] [1 Minute Ago 08:35 PM] [B]shonenbatman : well, im about to shower.. does that count?[/B] [1 Minute Ago 08:35 PM] [B]Colin : i refuse[/B] [1 Minute Ago 08:35 PM] esp0624 : nexus, whered you post it? [1 Minute Ago 08:34 PM] [B]hoiboy : done[/B] [1 Minute Ago 08:34 PM] [B]Nachoaddict : done kaku[/B] [1 Minute Ago 08:34 PM] [B]Tetsip : they were already off kaku[/B] [1 Minute Ago 08:34 PM] [B]Wonder : k kaku, it is done, i was in my boxers so it was easy[/B] [1 Minute Ago 08:34 PM] microman : my mom would freak if she saw that on the computer lol [1 Minute Ago 08:34 PM] [B]Sankaku : im gonna need to have everyone on the shoutbox right now to take off all their clothes. do it. faggots[/B]
Date: Sat, Aug 21 2010 16:59:07
[1 Minute Ago 07:37 PM] Wonder : soft i could probably replace him easily... [1 Minute Ago 07:37 PM] Wonder : nexus i hate that [1 Minute Ago 07:36 PM] shonenbatman : ohhhhh ok ~ [1 Minute Ago 07:36 PM] neXus : because his technique is HORRIBLE [1 Minute Ago 07:36 PM] C{§}K Light : nexus... LOL [1 Minute Ago 07:36 PM] neXus : but what ruins it is the guy who apparently has never fucked in his life before [1 Minute Ago 07:36 PM] neXus : and the chick is super hot, her ass is like out of this world [1 Minute Ago 07:36 PM] C{§}K Light : omg [1 Minute Ago 07:36 PM] neXus : So I'm watching this porn right
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 02:27:59
[1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] Neotoma : >.< [1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] MeiTenshi : lol [1 Minute Ago 12:44 AM] thnikk : rape someone [1 Minute Ago 12:44 AM] Tetsip : its better when its people you know [1 Minute Ago 12:43 AM] MeiTenshi : lol ask Pen Ninja [1 Minute Ago 12:43 AM] thnikk : that's what porn sites are for, fool [2 Minutes Ago 12:43 AM] Tetsip : homemade sex tape now please [2 Minutes Ago 12:43 AM] Ohayo : you know what i mean [2 Minutes Ago 12:43 AM] Ohayo : ; [3 Minutes Ago 12:42 AM] MeiTenshi : video of whut? [3 Minutes Ago 12:42 AM] Ohayo : can i haz video? [3 Minutes Ago 12:41 AM] MeiTenshi : hes at Uni [3 Minutes Ago 12:41 AM] MeiTenshi : xDDDDD [4 Minutes Ago 12:41 AM] Neotoma : XD ya ok....then why are you not.......with him? [4 Minutes Ago 12:41 AM] MeiTenshi : jks im his gf...which i guess is kinda the same [4 Minutes Ago 12:41 AM] Ohayo : lolwut [4 Minutes Ago 12:40 AM] MeiTenshi : lol [5 Minutes Ago 12:40 AM] MeiTenshi : im Pen Ninja's stalker/stripper =/
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 02:31:46
[2 Minutes Ago 10:27 PM] ReM0RsE : @KTrinh, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [3 Minutes Ago 10:27 PM] KTrinh93 : so ur an asian with a british accent that speaks german? :wtf: [3 Minutes Ago 10:27 PM] ReM0RsE : Ja, KTrinh, Ja naturlich [3 Minutes Ago 10:27 PM] ReM0RsE : Ich finde deutsch... schon [4 Minutes Ago 10:26 PM] KTrinh93 : u do rem? [4 Minutes Ago 10:26 PM] ReM0RsE : ICH SPRECHE DEUTSCH!!
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 13:55:37
[1 Minute Ago 09:53 AM] Kari-Chan : heheh XD [1 Minute Ago 09:53 AM] Erirornal Kraione : Screw my horrible English. XD [1 Minute Ago 09:53 AM] Awesome : onion=vegetable with that strong flavour [1 Minute Ago 09:53 AM] MeiTenshi : onion? [1 Minute Ago 09:53 AM] Erirornal Kraione : ... *onion [1 Minute Ago 09:53 AM] Awesome : union=group for protecting workers rights :P [1 Minute Ago 09:52 AM] Erirornal Kraione : You eat the union whole? >_> [1 Minute Ago 09:52 AM] Kari-Chan : chopped unions? :whut: [1 Minute Ago 09:52 AM] Awesome : you don't chop up unions Eriror D: [1 Minute Ago 09:52 AM] clyde616 : anything italian = tastes good [2 Minutes Ago 09:51 AM] Erirornal Kraione : Pasta mixed with a salad of Cucumber, tomato, olives, a chopped union, a bellpepper and feta-cheese = yum yum yum
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 18:47:29
KTrinh93 wrote: [1 Minute Ago 09:53 AM] Kari-Chan : heheh XD [1 Minute Ago 09:53 AM] Erirornal Kraione : Screw my horrible English. XD [1 Minute Ago 09:53 AM] Awesome : onion=vegetable with that strong flavour [1 Minute Ago 09:53 AM] MeiTenshi : onion? [1 Minute Ago 09:53 AM] Erirornal Kraione : ... *onion [1 Minute Ago 09:53 AM] Awesome : union=group for protecting workers rights :P [1 Minute Ago 09:52 AM] Erirornal Kraione : You eat the union whole? >_> [1 Minute Ago 09:52 AM] Kari-Chan : chopped unions? :whut: [1 Minute Ago 09:52 AM] Awesome : you don't chop up unions Eriror D: [1 Minute Ago 09:52 AM] clyde616 : anything italian = tastes good [2 Minutes Ago 09:51 AM] Erirornal Kraione : Pasta mixed with a salad of Cucumber, tomato, olives, a chopped union, a bellpepper and feta-cheese = yum yum yum
LOL. Ha ha, he was actually convinced he spelled it right I lol'd [3 Minutes Ago 11:38 AM] Prince : nothing now :( [3 Minutes Ago 11:38 AM] Mike : THE FUCK DO YOU WANT PRINCE. [3 Minutes Ago 11:38 AM] Nachoaddict : yeah prince they do they have like 2 breakfast sandwiches or osmething [3 Minutes Ago 11:38 AM] Prince : help -
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 20:12:33
[1 Minute Ago 01:11 PM]Nachoaddict: STFU WONDER [1 Minute Ago 01:10 PM]Wonder: NACHO, ITS RUN AROUND AND DESERT YOU, NIGGER. [1 Minute Ago 01:10 PM]Tetsip: hyukan [1 Minute Ago 01:10 PM]Sankaku: i got more keychain shit [1 Minute Ago 01:09 PM]Hyukan: i dont think anyone said that nachoaddict... [1 Minute Ago 01:09 PM]Nachoaddict: NEVER GONNA TURN AROUND AND DESERT OU [2 Minutes Ago 01:08 PM]Wonder: FUCK YOU [2 Minutes Ago 01:08 PM]Nachoaddict: DID SOMEONE SAY NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN [3 Minutes Ago 01:07 PM]Wonder: hi rick [5 Minutes Ago 01:06 PM]neXus: I'm Patrick. [6 Minutes Ago 01:04 PM]neXus: I avoid every family event as best as I can in hope that some day they will realize that I have no fucking interest in talking to them [6 Minutes Ago 01:04 PM]Wonder: WHOS PATRICK> [7 Minutes Ago 01:03 PM]Colin: PAAHHHTRICK.......HOW IS SCHOOOLL???SH
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 15:02:39
This thread is retarded. I say shoutbox moments should only be exclusive to the people that were their when it happened. So dumb to create a thread about how much fun you have on the shoutbox.
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 19:14:09
you used the wrong homophone in place of "there"
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 04:35:26
[2 Minutes Ago 09:33 PM] neXus : "Get a unopened tampon, the bigger the better. Open up the packaging. Insert the tampon into your butt and then mastrbate like normal. "
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 04:53:24
its a bit long :( ways of masturbation by neXus. lmao down to up [1 Minute Ago 12:48 PM] Colin : LMFAO HAHAHAH the watermelon one sounds better [1 Minute Ago 12:48 PM] neXus : I like this idea. [1 Minute Ago 12:48 PM] thnikk : oh man 50 gb in my recycle bin [1 Minute Ago 12:48 PM] neXus : "Warm up a cheese filled Hot Pocket for 20-30 seconds in the microwave. Cut off the end with a knife and push your finger down the center to make a hole for your penis. Insert your penis for a warm sensation. They don't call it Hot Pocket for nothing." [1 Minute Ago 12:47 PM] Colin : lolol ive read one where you use the "massager" app on the iPhone [1 Minute Ago 12:47 PM] thnikk : woah colin said my name [1 Minute Ago 12:47 PM] neXus : "Grab an orbital sander (minus the sandpaper), switch it on and place the vibrating plate against your penis. This creates a most intense (and quick) orgasm" okay [1 Minute Ago 12:47 PM] Colin : LOL. have you heard about the staircase one? [1 Minute Ago 12:46 PM] xSpin : balls. [1 Minute Ago 12:46 PM] neXus : there are techniques to butt-fuck yourself on here that involve ladders ... [1 Minute Ago 12:46 PM] Baaron : alan is disgusting [1 Minute Ago 12:46 PM] xSpin : WELL. YEAH [2 Minutes Ago 12:45 PM] Colin : thnikkkkkkkkk [2 Minutes Ago 12:45 PM] xSpin : OHHHH [2 Minutes Ago 12:45 PM] thnikk : lol alan is dumb [2 Minutes Ago 12:45 PM] Colin : Latest Status UpdatesHI XSPIN09-07 [2 Minutes Ago 12:45 PM] thnikk : colorful [2 Minutes Ago 12:45 PM] xSpin : PRIUS ONE? [3 Minutes Ago 12:44 PM] Gr3gY : quoting [3 Minutes Ago 12:44 PM] xSpin : WHAT STATUS [3 Minutes Ago 12:44 PM] Colin : [4 Minutes Ago 12:43 PM] neXus : "No lub. is required because the banannah does that for you. " [4 Minutes Ago 12:43 PM] Colin : XSPIN, REPLY TO MY STATUS [4 Minutes Ago 12:42 PM] neXus : lube that shit up and go to town [1 Minute Ago 12:42 PM] neXus : lube that shit up and go to town [1 Minute Ago 12:42 PM] Frip : cheap chinese plastic shit [1 Minute Ago 12:41 PM] Frip : fuck no [1 Minute Ago 12:41 PM] Colin : LOLOLOL [1 Minute Ago 12:41 PM] neXus : dude waterwings does sound like a great way to jack off [1 Minute Ago 12:41 PM] Sankaku : .__. [2 Minutes Ago 12:40 PM] blahblahting : lmaowtf xD [2 Minutes Ago 12:40 PM] neXus : Laughing my dick off right now, won't be able to use any of this [2 Minutes Ago 12:40 PM] neXus : "I once had a Chinchilla fur that I used. It was an awesome sensation.Grip it lightly and move slowly... " [3 Minutes Ago 12:39 PM] Colin : LOLOL [3 Minutes Ago 12:39 PM] Gr3gY : argh. [3 Minutes Ago 12:39 PM] Frip : OH I BET [3 Minutes Ago 12:39 PM] xSpin : wat. [3 Minutes Ago 12:39 PM] Frip : MINDBLOWING [3 Minutes Ago 12:39 PM] neXus : "TO DRINK AND NOT GET DRUNK! You should lie on your back with your legs straight up, pointing towards the sky. then just jerk off normally and this way you can get every drop of your cum (and pre-cum) in your mouth. I love the taste of precum, it is truly mindblowing! " AHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAH [3 Minutes Ago 12:39 PM] blahblahting : itll be better if i dont tell you [3 Minutes Ago 12:39 PM] AwonW : ew [4 Minutes Ago 12:38 PM] Frip : wtfffffffff [4 Minutes Ago 12:38 PM] SPRiNGFiELD : lol nexus, i bet clyde does that [4 Minutes Ago 12:38 PM] neXus : "This technique is for when you want to taste your cum. Sit facing towards a wall,legs straight out. Then, start putting your legs parrallel with the wall,so your butt cheeks are touching.Jack off in any SAFE way you can till you cum. It might take a few times though...seeing as you need to actually hit your mouth! "
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 22:56:37
[1 Minute Ago 03:55 PM]Ohayo: indeed i do [1 Minute Ago 03:55 PM]Loanshark: So theoretically I think you guys all need a tall glass of shut the fuck up. [1 Minute Ago 03:54 PM]Nachoaddict: So apparently xSpin is a girl [1 Minute Ago 03:54 PM]RR24: so apparantly we should stop now, but not likely to [1 Minute Ago 03:54 PM]Ohayo: so apparently i just started this gay thing [1 Minute Ago 03:53 PM]xSpin: So apparently I sucked Kevin's dick last night. [1 Minute Ago 03:53 PM]RR24: SO APPARANTLY LOAN ENJOYS BELEIVING CONSPIRACY THEORYS [2 Minutes Ago 03:52 PM]Loanshark: so apparently this girl sucked my dick last night [3 Minutes Ago 03:52 PM]Nachoaddict: so apparently this girl I know told me there's someone that looks just like me in the class of a teacher i had last year [3 Minutes Ago 03:51 PM]RR24: LOL OHAYO [4 Minutes Ago 03:51 PM]Ohayo: so apparently this girl said i look like a boy that just lost my mommy... =_=
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 23:49:14
Pay close attention to who he's addressing and what he's talking about: [1 Minute Ago 04:47 PM]Jan: @begginerPS, buster are awesome. dont lisen to these non busting, no powertrick lozers
Date: Thu, Sep 16 2010 07:06:54
lolol, I guess he sees spinning as black and white :p
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 05:44:19
lmao :rofl: [12 Minutes Ago 09:03 PM] Mage In Black : The sun tells me your penis casts a rather small shadow. [13 Minutes Ago 09:02 PM] Mage In Black : That's what you think, nudistboy. [13 Minutes Ago 09:02 PM] Sankaku : im a nudist, the sun shines everywhere [14 Minutes Ago 09:01 PM] Mage In Black : Where the sun doesn't shine, kaku, even where the sun doesn't shine. [14 Minutes Ago 09:01 PM] Sankaku : *________________________* [14 Minutes Ago 09:01 PM] Mage In Black : In all the wrong places. [14 Minutes Ago 09:01 PM] Mage In Black : I can make the sun give you a sun burn, or worse, skin cancer. [15 Minutes Ago 09:00 PM] Mage In Black : I don't like how you're looking at me, kaku. [15 Minutes Ago 09:00 PM] blahblahting : oh. [16 Minutes Ago 08:59 PM] Sankaku : .__________________________________.
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 21:34:23
[1 Minute Ago 02:32 PM] Sankaku : teehee true [1 Minute Ago 02:31 PM] SyntaxError : Well, this is kaku we're talking about here... [1 Minute Ago 02:31 PM] Sankaku : its my drool, blood and boogers [2 Minutes Ago 02:30 PM] Nachoaddict : wtf. you don't ifnd that nasty kaku? [3 Minutes Ago 02:30 PM] Sankaku : t-shirt with lots of drool, blood and boogers on it.. [3 Minutes Ago 02:30 PM] Sankaku : aka t-shirt and boxers .____. [3 Minutes Ago 02:29 PM] Sankaku : IM STILL IN MY PYJAMAS LOLOLOL xD
Date: Sun, Sep 19 2010 00:05:22
[1 Minute Ago 05:02 PM]Sankaku: naw, im a sex muffin [1 Minute Ago 05:02 PM]Nachoaddict: KAKU IS A GAY SAILOR [2 Minutes Ago 05:01 PM]Wonder: ... [2 Minutes Ago 05:01 PM]Sankaku: I HAVE LOTS OF GAY SAILORS [2 Minutes Ago 05:01 PM]RR24: OR BROWN WHICHEVER SUITS YOU MORE [2 Minutes Ago 05:01 PM]Nachoaddict: I NEED GAY SAILORS. wait wha? [2 Minutes Ago 05:01 PM]RR24: I NEED THE RED SAILORS [2 Minutes Ago 05:01 PM]Wonder: ... [3 Minutes Ago 05:00 PM]Nachoaddict: I NEED BLACK SAILORS [3 Minutes Ago 05:00 PM]Tetsip: nothing [3 Minutes Ago 05:00 PM]Nachoaddict: lol Wonder [3 Minutes Ago 05:00 PM]Wonder: hey tet what are you getting white sailors for? (dont make the sailors joke)
Date: Sun, Sep 19 2010 06:22:51
i really oughta stop saying stupid shit, its all gonna be archived in here .___.
Date: Sun, Sep 19 2010 21:03:01
Sankaku -- im just surprised how they wear very little, it's freezing cold in there and their nipples dont harden =\ Sankaku -- the perv in me enjoyed the ladies figure skating
Date: Sun, Sep 26 2010 01:01:01
[1 Minute Ago 08:59 PM] Wonder : EL OH EL. [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] shoeman6 : ehhh i get nuthing out of that lol [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] neXus : so good to play with [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] neXus : like when I watch a movie by myself I just have them rest in my hand [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] neXus : penis is meh but I love my balls [2 Minutes Ago 08:57 PM] shoeman6 : yeh its prettygreat [2 Minutes Ago 08:57 PM] Wonder : it rocks [3 Minutes Ago 08:56 PM] colourfulXinsanity : It's got to suck to have a penis lol
Date: Fri, Oct 1 2010 03:38:44
[1 Minute Ago 08:37 PM] SYED AFIQ : ? [1 Minute Ago 08:36 PM] SYED AFIQ : did you not read the rules [1 Minute Ago 08:36 PM] Atsume : lol [1 Minute Ago 08:36 PM] Loanshark : yea but your dick is a pencil dick [1 Minute Ago 08:36 PM] Tetsip : my screen got extended because of it [1 Minute Ago 08:36 PM] Colin : as you can see, it is longer than a Sankaku SailorTwin mod, which is around ~9 inches or so [1 Minute Ago 08:36 PM] Loanshark : IN vaginas? the fuck yo? [1 Minute Ago 08:36 PM] Tetsip : holy fuck colin. [1 Minute Ago 08:35 PM] Tetsip : O-O [2 Minutes Ago 08:35 PM] Atsume : haha yes i like to surround myself in vaginas [2 Minutes Ago 08:35 PM] Colin : there. that is indeed the size of my penis.
Date: Sun, Oct 3 2010 15:40:27
What happens when no one is fully awake in the morning: [15 Minutes Ago 08:23 AM] colourfulXinsanity : ew. [17 Minutes Ago 08:21 AM] PerfectionPS : O.O [20 Minutes Ago 08:19 AM] Jan : yeah [23 Minutes Ago 08:16 AM] Tetsip : TOUCH ME BABY [23 Minutes Ago 08:16 AM] Loanshark : BABY BABY BABY OHHHHH [23 Minutes Ago 08:16 AM] Loanshark : BABY BABY BABY OHHH [27 Minutes Ago 08:12 AM] PerfectionPS : LOL [46 Minutes Ago 07:53 AM] Sankaku : i think i woke up too early .___. [52 Minutes Ago 07:47 AM] Loanshark : LOL i want those [55 Minutes Ago 07:44 AM] Tetsip : DAS SO COO YO [56 Minutes Ago 07:43 AM] xSpin : omg.
Date: Sun, Oct 3 2010 16:05:48
thats not that funny...
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 08:30:37
/revive [1 Minute Ago 10:24 PM] RR24 : LOOOOOOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL WTTFFFFFFFFFF [1 Minute Ago 10:24 PM] XxArray : no [3 Minutes Ago 10:21 PM] RR24 : watercolor body? [4 Minutes Ago 10:20 PM] XxArray : no [4 Minutes Ago 10:20 PM] RR24 : airfit tipppos? [5 Minutes Ago 10:19 PM] XxArray : no [5 Minutes Ago 10:19 PM] RR24 : g2 grips? i has purple and lightblue and pink [5 Minutes Ago 10:18 PM] XxArray : no [6 Minutes Ago 10:18 PM] RR24 : hyperrjello [6 Minutes Ago 10:18 PM] XxArray : hj? [6 Minutes Ago 10:17 PM] RR24 : hj? [7 Minutes Ago 10:17 PM] XxArray : no [7 Minutes Ago 10:16 PM] RR24 : anyballz? [8 Minutes Ago 10:16 PM] XxArray : keep guessing idk [8 Minutes Ago 10:15 PM] RR24 : what do you want [9 Minutes Ago 10:15 PM] XxArray : no [9 Minutes Ago 10:15 PM] RR24 : white comssa body? [10 Minutes Ago 10:14 PM] XxArray : no [11 Minutes Ago 10:13 PM] RR24 : emboss?
Date: Thu, Oct 14 2010 04:52:21
[1 Minute Ago 02:51 PM]Dragonsteele: what the hell is a troll exactly?
Date: Thu, Oct 14 2010 04:56:22
lol i see forum noob
Date: Fri, Oct 15 2010 22:25:36
Top -> bottom Twine : My hands are tiny Ricercar : JUST LIKE MY BALLS!
Date: Sun, Oct 17 2010 17:30:00
[1 Minute Ago 10:28 AM] Tetsip : imma eat them [1 Minute Ago 10:28 AM] Tetsip : I HAVE 10 NUGGETS I NFRONT OF ME [1 Minute Ago 10:28 AM] Tetsip : FUCK MANG [1 Minute Ago 10:28 AM] Loanshark : IT'S ALL PUREED FILLER D: [1 Minute Ago 10:27 AM] Wonder : what the fuck [1 Minute Ago 10:27 AM] Loanshark : OHH [1 Minute Ago 10:27 AM] Colin : h this is what your chicken nuggets look like. with that, i bid you adieu
Date: Sun, Oct 17 2010 20:55:16
Nothing posted here is even remotely funny.
Date: Mon, Oct 18 2010 00:08:02
Retro-spectre I support cXis right to choose to abort my children, since they might be born baked as fuck Retro-spectre Aborting children makes me hot. The good ol' days :( (bottom to top) colourfulXinsanity sangara why wont you give me a chance D: sangara :bye: colourfulXinsanity feels like this is her fault :x NoRice4U :◎ colourfulXinsanity ....wait yo're leaving? nuuuu sangara D: sangara I mean its gone I'm done see you guys in hell colourfulXinsanity D:? colourfulXinsanity sangara are you mad at me ? :[ sangara fuck you jaychou I'm not in the mood jaychou cybers with sangara sangara leave pl0x Shadowserpant wants you colourfulXinsanity you don't want me anymore ? D: sangara JUST LEAVE THE BOARD cXi I WAN'T OLD NON-WOMAN UPSB BACK, PENSPINNING IS A MAN'S WORLD Shadowserpant but that's okay you'll still cyber with me right? jaychou what cXi? Shadowserpant oh btw jaychou i'm 12 colourfulXinsanity jaychou D: Shadowserpant ty jaychou glomps shadowserpant`s.....ass colourfulXinsanity D-D-D-Drammaaa sangara IM TIRED OF IT I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES THE TRUTH sangara WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT "YOU PEOPLE" sangara YOU'RE THE PROBLEM WE CAN NEVER FIX IT! I SHOULD JUST LEAVE THIS PLACE BECAUSE I'M NOW ASHAMED Shadowserpant oh yeah cuz you're on fire baby MinEste @sangara, what did girls ever do? it's you people that treat us differently T_T colourfulXinsanity burns in hell? sangara YOU SHOULD ALL BURN IN HELL T_T Jublyx Millions of people across the world love jaychou xD Shadowserpant Sufficient? Shadowserpant @sangara WE ALL HATE YOU jaychou is not loved sangara cXi: Frankly I find it interesting how UPSB bows down to her. She has started to make UPSB just breakdown at the knees when ever she makes her presence know. Really it's getting quite annoying, all day it's just "O hai cXi" "I totally know what you mean cXi" "I'm a 13 year old in love with a person I've never met before over the internet cXi" . You can't deny it once she came to this place there was no turning back, now when ever some chick walks along this board it will just be a giant failure bowl. Shadowserpant D: sangara then you should love this colourfulXinsanity sangara i love you
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 03:44:42
@dekaf [1 Minute Ago 08:43 PM]DJ MC Undertaker: what type of music is dekaf? [1 Minute Ago 08:43 PM]DJ MC Undertaker: wow no. [1 Minute Ago 08:42 PM]Nachoaddict: wtf this radio is retarded... we need dekaf back
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 02:41:25
Bottom to top. [1 Minute Ago 10:36 PM] mitochondria : i was just joking [1 Minute Ago 10:36 PM] Tetsip : LOL [1 Minute Ago 10:36 PM] Wonder : LOL YOU RETARD, PENJA ACTUALLY IS THE ONE WHO INVENTED THE BACKAROUND, NEWFAGS LOLOLOL [1 Minute Ago 10:36 PM] Wonder : dont answer. [1 Minute Ago 10:36 PM] mitochondria : NO [1 Minute Ago 10:36 PM] mitochondria : i'll answer for him [2 Minutes Ago 10:35 PM] Tetsip : i laugh [2 Minutes Ago 10:35 PM] Wonder : lawl. [2 Minutes Ago 10:35 PM] mitochondria : so little ppl online now... [2 Minutes Ago 10:35 PM] JackyMacky : hey, Penja, were u the guy that created the bakarounds?
Date: Fri, Nov 5 2010 06:47:53
I don't think so man. I swear it was invented by David Weis but thats just me.
Date: Fri, Nov 5 2010 11:16:33
@tylt idk if you are being sarcastic or not, we know penja didnt invent the backaround
Date: Mon, Nov 8 2010 09:00:46
[1 Minute Ago 07:00 PM]PenwisH: not the kind you don't have yet =p [1 Minute Ago 06:59 PM]PenwisH: .... [1 Minute Ago 06:59 PM]RR24: lolololol [1 Minute Ago 06:59 PM]Krispy Kreme: :facepalm: [1 Minute Ago 06:59 PM]RR24: what kind of hair? o.o [1 Minute Ago 06:58 PM]Krispy Kreme: Or you can put a strand of hair in each package ? [1 Minute Ago 06:58 PM]PenwisH: i rub mai fingers all over the pens to make sure a part of pw is everywhere [2 Minutes Ago 06:57 PM]Krispy Kreme: no. [2 Minutes Ago 06:56 PM]RR24: lol when you trade rub it allover the pens you send xD [3 Minutes Ago 06:56 PM]Krispy Kreme: MAH FINGARH, THE PAYNE D:
Date: Mon, Nov 8 2010 23:32:08
[1 Minute Ago 06:59 PM]Zombo: No, Krispy Kreme [1 Minute Ago 06:58 PM]Mats: Me? [1 Minute Ago 06:58 PM]Zombo: What a twat! [3 Minutes Ago 06:57 PM]Mats: Bye [3 Minutes Ago 06:56 PM]Zombo: Bye [4 Minutes Ago 06:56 PM]Krispy Kreme: Bui guys
Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 09:47:17
D: When was that ? lol
Date: Wed, Nov 10 2010 09:37:04
[1 Minute Ago 07:35 PM]Krispy Kreme: yeah you go and do that :] [1 Minute Ago 07:35 PM]lagbeast: ill at least try to google a pic [1 Minute Ago 07:35 PM]lagbeast: oh ic [1 Minute Ago 07:34 PM]chrisPS: you PM him. not all tuts are on the internet [2 Minutes Ago 07:33 PM]lagbeast: um where do i go to find his tut? i dont see it on here [3 Minutes Ago 07:32 PM]RR24: lolno [3 Minutes Ago 07:32 PM]lagbeast: KK is penja? [3 Minutes Ago 07:32 PM]chrisPS: it's HIS mx. lol [4 Minutes Ago 07:31 PM]lagbeast: oh whats so special about penja's mx? [4 Minutes Ago 07:31 PM]lagbeast: i was thinking about the mx^2, but thats kind of out of budget atm [4 Minutes Ago 07:31 PM]Krispy Kreme: Penja Mx > Every other mod with the word MX
Date: Thu, Nov 11 2010 00:11:28
[1 Minute Ago 07:07 PM] Colin : dont cry..dont cry.. [1 Minute Ago 07:07 PM] Colin : and big girls dont cry [1 Minute Ago 07:07 PM] colourfulXinsanity : It's k. Imma big gurl nao [1 Minute Ago 07:06 PM] Colin : im sorry [1 Minute Ago 07:05 PM] colourfulXinsanity : just get out T__T I go cry now [2 Minutes Ago 07:05 PM] Colin : i wasnt referring to that D: [2 Minutes Ago 07:04 PM] colourfulXinsanity : T___________T fuck you [3 Minutes Ago 07:04 PM] Colin : so cxi, i got laid on tuesday. it was kinda..awkward [4 Minutes Ago 07:02 PM] Colin : [5 Minutes Ago 07:02 PM] colourfulXinsanity : later, skank [5 Minutes Ago 07:01 PM] Colin : the cashier lady is like, 69 years old ._____. [6 Minutes Ago 07:01 PM] neXus : Ask the lady cashier of that store if you can 69 her for 69 cents. HA - BYE [6 Minutes Ago 07:00 PM] neXus : Later nerds [6 Minutes Ago 07:00 PM] colourfulXinsanity : i want :[ [6 Minutes Ago 07:00 PM] neXus : Time to hit the bed and watch a few epis of Community [7 Minutes Ago 07:00 PM] Colin : i get it at the 69cent store
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 01:12:31
[1 Minute Ago 09:12 AM] Night Fury : omfg... [1 Minute Ago 09:11 AM] miyat : lol... [1 Minute Ago 09:11 AM] origamiguy777 : thanks! [1 Minute Ago 09:11 AM] RR24 : wow ur good [1 Minute Ago 09:11 AM] medacyber : how in the world do ya make a post lol sorry new member [1 Minute Ago 09:10 AM] Night Fury : wtf [1 Minute Ago 09:10 AM] Night Fury : wow you didn't notice... [2 Minutes Ago 09:09 AM] origamiguy777 : RR24, just under a year [2 Minutes Ago 09:09 AM] Night Fury : lol... [4 Minutes Ago 09:07 AM] RR24 : orgasmguy how long u been spinning? [6 Minutes Ago 09:06 AM] Nachoaddict : Well it just gives you more incentive to get better I guess [6 Minutes Ago 09:05 AM] origamiguy777 : ...Sure... xD It just doesn't make sense why he'd pick me, but that's not to say I'm not happy [7 Minutes Ago 09:04 AM] Nachoaddict : Naw don't feel like that. You should feel proud that they accepted you [8 Minutes Ago 09:03 AM] origamiguy777 : Yesh, very smexy editing. Perhaps I shouldn't have accepted, I feel so much like a n00b now... more so than before... [9 Minutes Ago 09:02 AM] Nachoaddict : wow phantasm has sexy editing. I got invited to his first collab but I suck too much so I declined lol [10 Minutes Ago 09:01 AM] origamiguy777 : I'm glad I could be in such an awesome collab with such awesome spinners he didn't even notice it... wtf...
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 01:30:34
Or he just ignored it :dunno:
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 01:47:05
i was loling at medacyber, yeah he probably just ignored you, no big deal... edit: i sounded obnoxious i apologize
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 05:03:18
[1 Minute Ago 12:02 PM] Tetsip: O o /¯¯/_o___o___o___o____o___o \__\¯¯o¯¯¯o¯¯¯¯¯¯o¯¯¯¯¯o¯¯
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 16:54:00
[10 Minutes Ago 11:35 AM] Jan : a mod? [11 Minutes Ago 11:35 AM] Jan : wut? [11 Minutes Ago 11:34 AM] shoeman6 : Uggg structure of MgH2? Jan is retarded.
Date: Thu, Nov 18 2010 01:28:16
lol @Wonder doesn't MgH2 mean Magnesium Hydroxide?
Date: Thu, Nov 18 2010 01:29:50
@Shadowbane its Magnesium hydride but thats irrelevant, its just that he didnt recognize it as a chemical formula and just asked if it was a mod ._.
Date: Thu, Nov 18 2010 01:33:04
Date: Mon, Nov 22 2010 02:27:03
[1 Minute Ago 10:26 PM] KTrinh93 : LOLLLLL [1 Minute Ago 10:25 PM] blahblahting : LOOOOOLLLLL [1 Minute Ago 10:25 PM] i.suk : if that's the case then 1p2h is better [1 Minute Ago 10:25 PM] KTrinh93 : nice nacho haha [1 Minute Ago 10:25 PM] Tetsip : nacho [1 Minute Ago 10:24 PM] Nachoaddict : 2p1h = 2 penises 1 hand
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 05:08:45
[1 Minute Ago 09:07 PM] i.suk : i said it, do i get a medal? [1 Minute Ago 09:07 PM] i.suk : kcom [1 Minute Ago 09:07 PM] Simplex : yop [1 Minute Ago 09:07 PM] Sankaku : simplex [1 Minute Ago 09:06 PM] Simplex : looooool and hihi [1 Minute Ago 09:06 PM] Colin : LOLKCOM, FAIL TROLL [2 Minutes Ago 09:06 PM] Krispy Kreme : hey hey kcom, can you gtfo ? [2 Minutes Ago 09:05 PM] Colin : SIMPREXXXXXX [2 Minutes Ago 09:05 PM] Kcom2002 : hey isuck can u say "dick"
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 19:41:59
Is Kcom 8? Just wondering...
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 23:46:07
Lolololol pwnt!
Date: Thu, Nov 25 2010 03:59:31
[1 Minute Ago 09:57 PM] colourfulXinsanity : yo dude I can't even masturbate tonight because of rock climbing T_T Bottom to top [1 Minute Ago 01:12 AM] shoeman6 : LOL [1 Minute Ago 01:12 AM] RR24 : quick edit your post Jonh chanathan [1 Minute Ago 01:11 AM] JC : dang.. i didn't know that was public [1 Minute Ago 01:11 AM] RR24 : i like turtles [3 Minutes Ago 01:09 AM] AoD1 : OMG JC is gay? [3 Minutes Ago 01:09 AM] shoeman6 : JC blows cock? [4 Minutes Ago 01:08 AM] AwonW : jc just blew kaku o.o [5 Minutes Ago 01:07 AM] shoeman6 : 0_o [5 Minutes Ago 01:07 AM] JC : omg, robot metal unicorn is epic.. .__. *JC blows kaku* @ 01:07 AM
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 13:52:00
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 19:28:43
shoeman6 wrote: [1 Minute Ago 09:57 PM] colourfulXinsanity : yo dude I can't even masturbate tonight because of rock climbing T_T Bottom to top [1 Minute Ago 01:12 AM] shoeman6 : LOL [1 Minute Ago 01:12 AM] RR24 : quick edit your post Jonh chanathan [1 Minute Ago 01:11 AM] JC : dang.. i didn't know that was public [1 Minute Ago 01:11 AM] RR24 : i like turtles [3 Minutes Ago 01:09 AM] AoD1 : OMG JC is gay? [3 Minutes Ago 01:09 AM] shoeman6 : JC blows cock? [4 Minutes Ago 01:08 AM] AwonW : jc just blew kaku o.o [5 Minutes Ago 01:07 AM] shoeman6 : 0_o [5 Minutes Ago 01:07 AM] JC : omg, robot metal unicorn is epic.. .__. *JC blows kaku* @ 01:07 AM
Why does RR24 just have to ruin everything? -
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 21:21:40
inorite. you ALWAYS see ruining a perfect moment in the shoutbox or in a thread.
Date: Sun, Nov 28 2010 07:16:30
*Sankaku pauses itunes ^"* @ 03:13 PM [1 Minute Ago 03:13 PM]Biji: lol [1 Minute Ago 03:13 PM]iColor: of girls dancing [1 Minute Ago 03:13 PM]Sankaku: on* [1 Minute Ago 03:13 PM]Sankaku: NO KPOP IS GOING IN AAUGGHHH [1 Minute Ago 03:13 PM]iColor: you're streaming 1080p videos [1 Minute Ago 03:13 PM]Sankaku: how the hell does that affect my internet [1 Minute Ago 03:13 PM]zweebna: Kpop is just bad for internet. [1 Minute Ago 03:12 PM]iColor: too much kpop being played in youtube [1 Minute Ago 03:12 PM]chrisPS: too much kpop stored in PC [1 Minute Ago 03:12 PM]Sankaku: i havent downloaded a single kpop song in like, 2 or 3 months [2 Minutes Ago 03:11 PM]Sankaku: no -.- [3 Minutes Ago 03:10 PM]AoD1: LULZ [3 Minutes Ago 03:10 PM]iColor: Too much kpop being downloaded. [3 Minutes Ago 03:10 PM]Sankaku: my god why does my internet suck so bad sometimes?
Date: Sun, Nov 28 2010 22:25:35
[2 Minutes Ago 08:20 AM]Denobi: and second one baaron: u trade one of your dc to me :D ? [2 Minutes Ago 08:20 AM]Baaron: what? no [3 Minutes Ago 08:19 AM]Baaron: only Baoo would know how to really make it and if he doesnt say it's right, there's a chance yours is wrong [3 Minutes Ago 08:19 AM]Denobi: um baaron, 2 questions: do you really live 4 blocks next. to darkrose? zomgwtf
Date: Thu, Dec 2 2010 03:00:23
[1 Minute Ago 10:59 PM] KTrinh93 : LOL haha [1 Minute Ago 10:59 PM] Colin : OLOLOLOL *Loanshark gtfos* @ 10:59 PM [1 Minute Ago 10:59 PM] Loanshark : ohshi- :facepalm: [1 Minute Ago 10:58 PM] Loanshark : waitwut [1 Minute Ago 10:58 PM] shoeman6 : no really.... [1 Minute Ago 10:58 PM] Colin : LOLKEVIN. it redirects you to your own profile [1 Minute Ago 10:57 PM] Loanshark : i have a custom link to my fb ._. [1 Minute Ago 10:57 PM] Colin : he's on my buddy list [1 Minute Ago 10:57 PM] Loanshark : wait wtf...? [2 Minutes Ago 10:57 PM] shoeman6 : frip wtf... [2 Minutes Ago 10:57 PM] Loanshark : -__________________________________________- [2 Minutes Ago 10:57 PM] zweebna : :O what a retard [2 Minutes Ago 10:56 PM] AwonW : who dat? [3 Minutes Ago 10:55 PM] Frip : look at this retard
Date: Thu, Dec 2 2010 17:28:06
KTrinh93 wrote: [1 Minute Ago 10:59 PM] KTrinh93 : LOL haha [1 Minute Ago 10:59 PM] Colin : OLOLOLOL *Loanshark gtfos* @ 10:59 PM [1 Minute Ago 10:59 PM] Loanshark : ohshi- :facepalm: [1 Minute Ago 10:58 PM] Loanshark : waitwut [1 Minute Ago 10:58 PM] shoeman6 : no really.... [1 Minute Ago 10:58 PM] Colin : LOLKEVIN. it redirects you to your own profile [1 Minute Ago 10:57 PM] Loanshark : i have a custom link to my fb ._. [1 Minute Ago 10:57 PM] Colin : he's on my buddy list [1 Minute Ago 10:57 PM] Loanshark : wait wtf...? [2 Minutes Ago 10:57 PM] shoeman6 : frip wtf... [2 Minutes Ago 10:57 PM] Loanshark : -__________________________________________- [2 Minutes Ago 10:57 PM] zweebna : :O what a retard [2 Minutes Ago 10:56 PM] AwonW : who dat? [3 Minutes Ago 10:55 PM] Frip : look at this retard
LOL. -
Date: Fri, Dec 3 2010 07:00:36
[1 Minute Ago 02:57 PM]Frip: I felt angry. [1 Minute Ago 02:56 PM]Kcom2002: why did u ban meeee [1 Minute Ago 02:56 PM]Storm: HUZZAH [1 Minute Ago 02:55 PM]MeiTenshi: lol [1 Minute Ago 02:55 PM]Frip: @KCOM [1 Minute Ago 02:55 PM]Sankaku: i took them to my secret warehouse, jeez [1 Minute Ago 02:55 PM]Frip: HURRAY [1 Minute Ago 02:55 PM]blahblahting: LOL KAKU [1 Minute Ago 02:55 PM]AoD1: LULZ? [2 Minutes Ago 02:55 PM]Sankaku: i didnt bring any children home last night .___. [2 Minutes Ago 02:55 PM]Kcom2002: i was banned... [2 Minutes Ago 02:54 PM]MeiTenshi: [2 Minutes Ago 02:54 PM]Storm: SWEET TITTIES KAKU. Did you EAT the child you brought home last night? .___. [2 Minutes Ago 02:54 PM]tylt: [2 Minutes Ago 02:54 PM]Storm: Lol Frip. [3 Minutes Ago 02:54 PM]Sankaku: today, i weighed myself. then i took a massive shit. then i weighed myself again. i was 2 pounds lighter =D [3 Minutes Ago 02:53 PM]Baaron: i approve of frip's suggestion
Date: Fri, Dec 3 2010 23:54:18
KTrinh93 wrote: [1 Minute Ago 10:59 PM] KTrinh93 : LOL haha [1 Minute Ago 10:59 PM] Colin : OLOLOLOL *Loanshark gtfos* @ 10:59 PM [1 Minute Ago 10:59 PM] Loanshark : ohshi- :facepalm: [1 Minute Ago 10:58 PM] Loanshark : waitwut [1 Minute Ago 10:58 PM] shoeman6 : no really.... [1 Minute Ago 10:58 PM] Colin : LOLKEVIN. it redirects you to your own profile [1 Minute Ago 10:57 PM] Loanshark : i have a custom link to my fb ._. [1 Minute Ago 10:57 PM] Colin : he's on my buddy list [1 Minute Ago 10:57 PM] Loanshark : wait wtf...? [2 Minutes Ago 10:57 PM] shoeman6 : frip wtf... [2 Minutes Ago 10:57 PM] Loanshark : -__________________________________________- [2 Minutes Ago 10:57 PM] zweebna : :O what a retard [2 Minutes Ago 10:56 PM] AwonW : who dat? [3 Minutes Ago 10:55 PM] Frip : look at this retard
LOL i started freaking out 'cuz I was pretty sure Frip wasn't a FB friend and then i got it... -
Date: Sun, Dec 5 2010 11:33:55
LMAO. [1 Minute Ago 03:31 AM] Erirornal Kraione : Tom, can you show me a vid of Errior? o_O [1 Minute Ago 03:30 AM] Tom : im sorry i really dont understand [1 Minute Ago 03:30 AM] SPRiNGFiELD : hey guys [1 Minute Ago 03:30 AM] Erirornal Kraione : Can you show me a video of this Errior? :O [2 Minutes Ago 03:30 AM] RR24 : NO IM ERRIOR [2 Minutes Ago 03:30 AM] Knightpal : LMAO. DOUBLE FAIL. [2 Minutes Ago 03:29 AM] Tom : well if you are errior im a big fan [2 Minutes Ago 03:29 AM] Erirornal Kraione : I've never heard of a spinner called Errior, sorry. :( [2 Minutes Ago 03:29 AM] Knightpal : LOL [2 Minutes Ago 03:29 AM] RR24 : Error. there i win [2 Minutes Ago 03:29 AM] Tom : arent you errior? [3 Minutes Ago 03:28 AM] Erirornal Kraione : Who? [4 Minutes Ago 03:28 AM] Tom : Errior :D
Date: Sun, Dec 5 2010 12:04:34
I remember when that used to happen every other day =\
Date: Sun, Dec 5 2010 12:44:18
KTrinh93 wrote: [1 Minute Ago 10:59 PM] KTrinh93 : LOL haha [1 Minute Ago 10:59 PM] Colin : OLOLOLOL *Loanshark gtfos* @ 10:59 PM [1 Minute Ago 10:59 PM] Loanshark : ohshi- :facepalm: [1 Minute Ago 10:58 PM] Loanshark : waitwut [1 Minute Ago 10:58 PM] shoeman6 : no really.... [1 Minute Ago 10:58 PM] Colin : LOLKEVIN. it redirects you to your own profile [1 Minute Ago 10:57 PM] Loanshark : i have a custom link to my fb ._. [1 Minute Ago 10:57 PM] Colin : he's on my buddy list [1 Minute Ago 10:57 PM] Loanshark : wait wtf...? [2 Minutes Ago 10:57 PM] shoeman6 : frip wtf... [2 Minutes Ago 10:57 PM] Loanshark : -__________________________________________- [2 Minutes Ago 10:57 PM] zweebna : :O what a retard [2 Minutes Ago 10:56 PM] AwonW : who dat? [3 Minutes Ago 10:55 PM] Frip : look at this retard
I'm offended. Thats actually me. Now i know how cruel the internet can be... Colin, what's your name? -
Date: Sun, Dec 5 2010 15:25:08
@Night Fury are you retarded? or are you trying to be funny
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 02:01:27
wait... wha?
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 02:51:26
[3 Minutes Ago 02:46 AM]Mats : AHAHA you even started a thread on FREE stuff that isn't there? [3 Minutes Ago 02:46 AM]Mats : haha fail strat. That's straight into funny shoutbox moments! [4 Minutes Ago 02:45 AM]strat1227 : oh, out of stock [4 Minutes Ago 02:45 AM]Loanshark : lolwut [5 Minutes Ago 02:44 AM]strat1227 : lol wow, final price: free [6 Minutes Ago 02:44 AM]strat1227 : [7 Minutes Ago 02:43 AM]TheAafg : can i have the link? [7 Minutes Ago 02:42 AM]strat1227 : papermate profiles are 50% off at statles right now, online too, anyone want the link?
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 09:04:43
Knightpal wrote: LMAO. [1 Minute Ago 03:31 AM] Erirornal Kraione : Tom, can you show me a vid of Errior? o_O [1 Minute Ago 03:30 AM] Tom : im sorry i really dont understand [1 Minute Ago 03:30 AM] SPRiNGFiELD : hey guys [1 Minute Ago 03:30 AM] Erirornal Kraione : Can you show me a video of this Errior? :O [2 Minutes Ago 03:30 AM] RR24 : NO IM ERRIOR [2 Minutes Ago 03:30 AM] Knightpal : LMAO. DOUBLE FAIL. [2 Minutes Ago 03:29 AM] Tom : well if you are errior im a big fan [2 Minutes Ago 03:29 AM] Erirornal Kraione : I've never heard of a spinner called Errior, sorry. :( [2 Minutes Ago 03:29 AM] Knightpal : LOL [2 Minutes Ago 03:29 AM] RR24 : Error. there i win [2 Minutes Ago 03:29 AM] Tom : arent you errior? [3 Minutes Ago 03:28 AM] Erirornal Kraione : Who? [4 Minutes Ago 03:28 AM] Tom : Errior :D
SO IS HE ERRIOR????your getting me confusedd -
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 09:49:09
J A Z Z wrote: SO IS HE ERRIOR????your getting me confusedd
whos Errior? -
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 11:44:21
They are messing you about J A Z Z. He's not Errior.
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 13:53:57
J A Z Z wrote: SO IS HE ERRIOR????your getting me confusedd
Can you show me a video of this Errior? -
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 00:12:18
[1 Minute Ago 01:11 PM] JackyMacky : does lotion actually giv grip to the hands? [1 Minute Ago 01:09 PM] Colin : when i was taking a piss, i grabbed my sweat pants from the rack so i can change into them. then a fucking spider crawls up it and i cant find it. fuck my life [1 Minute Ago 01:09 PM] blahblahting : oh i just looovvveeeeeeeee writing out expanded electron configurations of atoms Conversation is unrelated.
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 01:13:30
When you have to explain why things are funny, it generally makes them not funny.
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 01:57:05
Twine wrote: [1 Minute Ago 01:11 PM] JackyMacky : does lotion actually giv grip to the hands? [1 Minute Ago 01:09 PM] Colin : when i was taking a piss, i grabbed my sweat pants from the rack so i can change into them. then a fucking spider crawls up it and i cant find it. fuck my life [1 Minute Ago 01:09 PM] blahblahting : oh i just looovvveeeeeeeee writing out expanded electron configurations of atoms Conversation is unrelated.
LOL. i c y it's funny. -
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 01:57:53
its actually not.
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 05:33:07
Not bad. Not bad.
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 09:46:46
[1 Minute Ago 08:43 PM] darkrose : it might have been torn a bit to begin with [2 Minutes Ago 08:42 PM] PrinceXD : they're kinda... stretchy @_@..., i can expand it so much [3 Minutes Ago 08:40 PM] darkrose: iunno how i broke it............ i was pushing it in and my hand slipped [4 Minutes Ago 08:39 PM] darkrose: lol i broke it shoving it in ><
Date: Thu, Dec 9 2010 21:56:52
Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 01:38:57
Bottom to top. [B][1 Minute Ago 05:36 PM]iColor: And it's super cheap. Plus plus for you.[/B] [1 Minute Ago 05:36 PM]JackyMacky: lol wat icolor said LOLOL [B][1 Minute Ago 05:36 PM]iColor: Peninja, get the metal comssa, it's super heavy.[/B] [1 Minute Ago 05:36 PM]peninja: wats the sx [1 Minute Ago 05:35 PM]JackyMacky: white [2 Minutes Ago 05:34 PM]Light: Baxter [3 Minutes Ago 05:34 PM]peninja: wat color im might get bumblebee [3 Minutes Ago 05:33 PM]AoD1: Buster [4 Minutes Ago 05:33 PM]Metronome: DUH [4 Minutes Ago 05:33 PM]Metronome: uhh Buster CYL...? [4 Minutes Ago 05:33 PM]Paramours: buster, kt, sx [5 Minutes Ago 05:32 PM]peninja: hey wats a good heavy mod that i can get off of penwish
Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 03:29:22
@JackyMacky doesnt that happen every hour? too many newfa- i mean newbies
Date: Thu, Dec 16 2010 22:19:40
[1 Minute Ago 04:19 PM] Ohayo : <3 [1 Minute Ago 04:19 PM] AoD1 : fuck you all [1 Minute Ago 04:18 PM] Ohayo : apparently they dont show people bitch slapping kids on tv [1 Minute Ago 04:18 PM] shoeman6 : fuck you all [1 Minute Ago 04:17 PM] Ohayo : fuck you all [1 Minute Ago 04:17 PM] AoD1 : ok [1 Minute Ago 04:17 PM] shoeman6 : ok [2 Minutes Ago 04:17 PM] Dudak : ok [2 Minutes Ago 04:16 PM] AoD1 : ok [3 Minutes Ago 04:15 PM] shoeman6 : ok [5 Minutes Ago 04:14 PM] AoD1 : ok [5 Minutes Ago 04:13 PM] Dudak : ok
Date: Fri, Dec 17 2010 02:41:43
That's surely just spam and flaming? It's not really funny. =/
Date: Fri, Dec 17 2010 03:10:05
nothing wrong with a running joke, if you can get everyone in the shoutbox to say the same thing it actually is pretty funny lol
Date: Fri, Dec 17 2010 03:49:24
strat1227 wrote: nothing wrong with a running joke, if you can get everyone in the shoutbox to say the same thing it actually is pretty funny lol
[1 Minute Ago 07:48 PM] Colin : wtf [1 Minute Ago 07:48 PM] Vassenato : wtf [1 Minute Ago 07:46 PM] exclusive : wtf [2 Minutes Ago 07:46 PM] AoD1 : wtf [2 Minutes Ago 07:46 PM] Sankaku : wtf [2 Minutes Ago 07:46 PM] afroman : wtf [2 Minutes Ago 07:46 PM] Jon : wtf [2 Minutes Ago 07:46 PM] Vassenato : wtf [2 Minutes Ago 07:45 PM] AoD1 : wtf [3 Minutes Ago 07:44 PM] shoeman6 : wtf [4 Minutes Ago 07:43 PM] Colin : wtf [6 Minutes Ago 07:42 PM] VendettaBF : wtf [7 Minutes Ago 07:40 PM] shoeman6 : whoa [8 Minutes Ago 07:40 PM] bubbles : whoa [8 Minutes Ago 07:39 PM] AoD1 : FUCK YOU [9 Minutes Ago 07:38 PM] Sankaku : FUCK YOU [9 Minutes Ago 07:38 PM] zweebna : FUCK YOU [10 Minutes Ago 07:37 PM] AoD1 : FUCK YOU [12 Minutes Ago 07:36 PM] Colin : FUCK YOU -
Date: Fri, Dec 17 2010 21:12:50
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS [1 Minute Ago 11:09 AM] drgripable : mah parents wont lemme buy one [1 Minute Ago 11:09 AM] drgripable : yeah [1 Minute Ago 11:09 AM] RR24 : :rofl: [1 Minute Ago 11:09 AM] RR24 : LOLOLOLOLOLLLL [1 Minute Ago 11:08 AM] drgripable : i'd actually do it for an m301-x [1 Minute Ago 11:08 AM] drgripable : well i really want a vic mod....or an m301-x [1 Minute Ago 11:08 AM] drgripable : hmmmmnh............ [B][2 Minutes Ago 11:07 AM] RR24 : ill trade you a watercolor mod signed by seven[/B] [2 Minutes Ago 11:07 AM] drgripable : i want an actual pen....a vic mod [3 Minutes Ago 11:06 AM] drgripable : like an actual pen [3 Minutes Ago 11:06 AM] RR24 : *feelings [3 Minutes Ago 11:06 AM] RR24 : you hurt my feeling [4 Minutes Ago 11:05 AM] drgripable : ohheck naw [4 Minutes Ago 11:05 AM] drgripable : i just mainly want someone who would be willing to trade for it [4 Minutes Ago 11:05 AM] RR24 : ill trade you it for a virtual lap dance
Date: Fri, Dec 17 2010 21:13:55
haha ur right.... i thought you were joking
Date: Sat, Dec 18 2010 06:16:12
LOLOLOL krispy kreme put a facepalm emoticon right there where its blank ;))) [5 Minutes Ago 10:08 PM] RR24 : i like the kissing vampire movies <3 [6 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] Krispy Kreme : [6 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] zweebna : No, Moon [6 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] colourfulXinsanity : zweeb <3 [6 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] RR24 : New Moon? [7 Minutes Ago 10:06 PM] zweebna : So I just watched Moon
Date: Mon, Dec 20 2010 04:27:07
[1 Minute Ago 02:26 PM]TheAafg: LOL RR24 failed [1 Minute Ago 02:25 PM]Eso: i'm the guy, so you're supposed to say "can I have your baby?" [1 Minute Ago 02:25 PM]RR24: will you have my baby? :3 [1 Minute Ago 02:24 PM]RR24: eso
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 01:04:14
1 Minute Ago 09:03 AM] Night Fury : WTFFFFFFFF [1 Minute Ago 09:02 AM] TheAafg : lol [1 Minute Ago 09:02 AM] AoD1 : it works both ways sex is a two way street [1 Minute Ago 09:02 AM] Night Fury : or neXus's goes into you [1 Minute Ago 09:01 AM] AoD1 : i do too it goes into neXus everynight [2 Minutes Ago 09:01 AM] Night Fury : LOL [2 Minutes Ago 09:00 AM] TheAafg : you dont have a dick [3 Minutes Ago 09:00 AM] AoD1 : its harder than my dick [3 Minutes Ago 08:59 AM] TheAafg : yes, it is harder than math [4 Minutes Ago 08:59 AM] AoD1 : this pen twirling is so complicated [4 Minutes Ago 08:59 AM] AoD1 : wait both hands i thought it was one hand? [4 Minutes Ago 08:58 AM] TheAafg : oh you have to use both hands for sonic rise [5 Minutes Ago 08:58 AM] Night Fury : sonic rise is basically sonic 34-23 -> sonic 23-12 [5 Minutes Ago 08:57 AM] AoD1 : iv been stuck on that forever [6 Minutes Ago 08:57 AM] AoD1 : ok thank you very much and il check out and i will look at penwish but what do you know about the sonic rise?
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 08:00:24
[1 Minute Ago 05:59 PM]scout: What's GPC.
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 13:34:25
Night Fury wrote: 1 Minute Ago 09:03 AM] Night Fury : WTFFFFFFFF [1 Minute Ago 09:02 AM] TheAafg : lol [1 Minute Ago 09:02 AM] AoD1 : it works both ways sex is a two way street [1 Minute Ago 09:02 AM] Night Fury : or neXus's goes into you [1 Minute Ago 09:01 AM] AoD1 : i do too it goes into neXus everynight [2 Minutes Ago 09:01 AM] Night Fury : LOL [2 Minutes Ago 09:00 AM] TheAafg : you dont have a dick [3 Minutes Ago 09:00 AM] AoD1 : its harder than my dick [3 Minutes Ago 08:59 AM] TheAafg : yes, it is harder than math [4 Minutes Ago 08:59 AM] AoD1 : this pen twirling is so complicated [4 Minutes Ago 08:59 AM] AoD1 : wait both hands i thought it was one hand? [4 Minutes Ago 08:58 AM] TheAafg : oh you have to use both hands for sonic rise [5 Minutes Ago 08:58 AM] Night Fury : sonic rise is basically sonic 34-23 -> sonic 23-12 [5 Minutes Ago 08:57 AM] AoD1 : iv been stuck on that forever [6 Minutes Ago 08:57 AM] AoD1 : ok thank you very much and il check out and i will look at penwish but what do you know about the sonic rise?
LOL!!! [4 Minutes Ago 08:58 AM] TheAafg : oh you have to use both hands for sonic rise -
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 05:25:12
[1 Minute Ago 07:24 PM] hopking123 : lol whats an rsvp... [COLOR="red"]WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS[/COLOR]
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 05:26:20
Not funny.
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 05:54:35
What hoiboy said. hopking123 joined today, clearly illustrating he has not had prior experience or knowledge in pen spinning or modding. It is wrong to bash someone about something he simply does not know about. If anything, you should have kindly helped rather than criticizing him when he asked what an RSVP was. At some point in time, EVERYONE did not know what an RSVP was. I myself did not know what one was until about maybe six months into pen spinning, when I became more serious about it. I would have much preferred being helped by experienced spinners rather than being flamed for something I could not do anything about. While many people have seen RSVP pens in daily life, few people pay attention to the pen itself. I have known many people who had no idea what an RSVP was even though they were holding one in their own hands. You cannot expect the level of observance regarding pens from someone completely new to spinning as you can from an experienced spinner and modder. I believe that hopking123 did something completely right in nature. He would need to find out what an RSVP is sooner or later. You should appreciate that he didn't make an entirely new thread about something like this and just asked in the shoutbox. Think about it. If he posted a new thread, you would have told him to ask in the shoutbox. But when he actually DID post in the shoutbox, you flamed him. It's not right, it's not just, and it shouldn't be the way new people are introduced to pen spinning. I truly hope he does not become like you because of your negative influence. To me, this is part of the cause that UPSB seems to be "going downhill": older members not helping out the newcomers. Also, the fact that you are picking on someone completely new shows that you are cruel, arrogant and have no intention to help them progress. Newness connotes innocence, and what did you do? You shattered it. If the spinner that asked what an RSVP was was one year into pen spinning, circumstances would be drastically different. But to criticize someone completely new? Seriously, he doesn't know any better and IT'S NOT HIS FAULT. Think of new members as babies. They're minds are like blank slates. If they do something "wrong" in your eyes, it's because they don't know any better. But if a baby does something wrong, do you make fun of it? Do you criticize it and condescend on them? NO. You teach them and help them learn in a positive manner. As briefly mentioned before, it is people like you with such poor mindsets that dig UPSB into a deeper hole in terms of newcomers. They are eventually going to be the next generation of senior spinners. Why not help them out? You should seriously just help newcomers out and not abase them like you did. If you keep up this mentality, then when your kids (if you have any) screw something up in the future, have fun humiliating and emotionally bashing them. You would be treating the newcomers to the world just as you treat new members in the pen spinning community.
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 06:09:45
^ I would give you +1 rep if possible. Its like saying "OH MY GOD. I want a DB8 conversion on my 98 DB7. B18c4 swap with a Garrett turbo." You have no idea what Im saying, right? Thats fine. Just help someone guide them through. I didnt undertsand half of that 2 years ago. You have to learn along the way.
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 22:05:28
I'd love to hug blahblahting RIGHT NOW. (no homo) I bet all of you guys that flamed him didn't know what an rsvp was when YOU first started pen spinning, and now you're doing to him what other members did to you, when you didn't understand it. I can't see anything funny about that, he asked what an rsvp is, and you're just laughing at him thinking he's stupid. Not hard to teach him and tell him what an rsvp is, is it.
Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 03:44:24
[1 Minute Ago 09:42 PM] Ricercar : blah, hes only 12, he doesnt know any better [1 Minute Ago 09:42 PM] Hidekyo : Ricercar stop walking in on your dad jacking off and getting squirted in the face all the time
Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 03:59:38
[1 Minute Ago 07:58 PM]Hidekyo: i.suk go suk a dik [1 Minute Ago 07:58 PM]Ricercar: HIDEKYO = KCOM?! [1 Minute Ago 07:58 PM]Awesome: Hidekyo you can go get counseling for what you have, I think it will really help you with your issues [1 Minute Ago 07:58 PM]Holypie: Inb4sameperson? [1 Minute Ago 07:58 PM]i.suk: i wonder if hidekyo and kcom are related, there's no way 2 people can be so retarded
Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 19:55:29
[1 Minute Ago 02:53 AM] Erirornal Kraione : You WHAT?! [1 Minute Ago 02:53 AM] Loanshark : lolwut? [1 Minute Ago 02:53 AM] Biji : You what [1 Minute Ago 02:53 AM] Zombo : Cuz I have a condo in florida You read right, Zombo has a condo in Florida
Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 20:02:53
[18 Minutes Ago 07:32 PM] Zombo: lol I am in the car running a 3G mobile wifi hotspot [16 Minutes Ago 07:35 PM] Pudels Kern: so people have to follow you to keep the connection? [16 Minutes Ago 07:35 PM] Awesome: or hes at a stop light, or just parked in his drive way [15 Minutes Ago 07:35 PM] Awesome: didn't say the car was moving [14 Minutes Ago 07:37 PM] Zombo: no, the car is moving [14 Minutes Ago 07:37 PM] VikroaL: Zombo in a car being the hotspot and all the iPhone/Blackberry/laptop people running after it :P [13 Minutes Ago 07:37 PM] Awesome: thats pretty cool then [13 Minutes Ago 07:37 PM] Zombo: the 3G router is inside the car [13 Minutes Ago 07:38 PM] Pudels Kern: "follow that car! I have to send an email!" [12 Minutes Ago 07:39 PM] Awesome: wait what? are you on vacation somewhere or just a masacist? [11 Minutes Ago 07:40 PM] Zombo:I am florida [10 Minutes Ago 07:41 PM] Awesome: Zombo IS florida, better not mess with him ;D its a pretty big state [10 Minutes Ago 07:41 PM] XYZaki: ZUMBO IS FLORIDA [8 Minutes Ago 07:45 PM] Zombo: k I have arrived, gonna carry the hotspur in my pockets now [8 Minutes Ago 07:45 PM] Zombo: hotspot I mean, stupid autocorrect [7 Minutes Ago 07:45 PM] Pudels Kern: Zombo has a hotspot in his pants [7 Minutes Ago 07:46 PM] Awesome: he gonna get all the ladies with that ;D [7 Minutes Ago 07:46 PM] Awesome: you gotta try that, be like hey babe, I got a hotspot in my pants, wanna check it out ;D [5 Minutes Ago 07:49 PM] VikroaL: 'it'll give you the best connection ;D' [4 Minutes Ago 07:50 PM]Pudels Kern: bad connection? get closer to my crotch
Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 22:09:29
Why did you reverse it? I was so confused reading it bottom to top :facepalm:
Date: Sun, Dec 26 2010 22:54:02
I didn't know if I was supposed to read it from bottom to top, or top to bottom. THE WORLD WILL NEVER KNOW.
Date: Sun, Dec 26 2010 23:51:14
scout;46409]I didn't know if I was supposed to read it from bottom to top, or top to bottom. THE WORLD WILL NEVER KNOW.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=KTrinh93 wrote: Why did you reverse it? I was so confused reading it bottom to top :facepalm:
well, if you read the time the shouts were posted, you would know ^^ [B][SIZE="4"][EDIT]: 444th post[/SIZE][/B] -
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 01:44:18
Jan wrote: well, if you read the time the shouts were posted, you would know ^^ [B][SIZE="4"][EDIT]: 444th post[/SIZE][/B]
LOL You didn't even edit this post. -
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 02:13:27
edits w/in 2 minutes (i think) of posting do not show. we'll never know :s
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 05:21:50
Yeah something like that. I also noticed if I edit really fast it doesn't put the edit message there
Date: Tue, Dec 28 2010 18:04:54
[2 Minutes Ago 06:01 PM] RH : DAMMIT THIS IS WORSE THAN THE TIME ERIROR CHANGED MY NAME TO "i swim to the netherlands" [2 Minutes Ago 06:00 PM] shoeman6 : actually I dont like it much because you don't have to lead sniper shots so that throws me off [2 Minutes Ago 06:00 PM] RH : you can make me shout? [2 Minutes Ago 06:00 PM] RH : did you just wtf?! [2 Minutes Ago 06:00 PM] RH : wait wtf? shoeman (read from bottom to up)
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 01:01:56
[2 Minutes Ago 06:01 PM] RH : DAMMIT THIS IS WORSE THAN THE TIME ERIROR CHANGED MY NAME TO "i swim to the netherlands" that actually happened? lol
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 01:48:19
Lol @RH But I'm just curious as to a serious application of this power. Any ideas?
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 05:39:48
@chris yea it happened last sumer @nacho they can edit your shouts yes.
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 09:08:14
[3 Minutes Ago 01:03 AM] RR24 : meh who can tell the differene :/ [3 Minutes Ago 01:03 AM] Digital Love : working on my thumb rise [4 Minutes Ago 01:02 AM] VendettaBF : NOOO it's katy perry not justin bieber [8 Minutes Ago 12:58 AM] chrisPS : iThink, it was this vid as well? [9 Minutes Ago 12:57 AM] Digital Love : ink my whole body [10 Minutes Ago 12:57 AM] chrisPS : old, Stare. [11 Minutes Ago 12:56 AM] RR24 : JUSTIN BEIBER
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 17:36:28
[1 Minute Ago 05:35 PM] shoeman6 : awwww well now you know women ^^ [1 Minute Ago 05:35 PM] Stare : little 40 pound chow shephard [1 Minute Ago 05:35 PM] shoeman6 : LOL i see it now ugh >.< [1 Minute Ago 05:35 PM] Stare : i hit my dog cause it wouldnt stop whining and it started shaking in fear i had to hold it and console it for 15 minutes before she stopped.. all i did was slap her on the snout lightly... my dog is so delicate [1 Minute Ago 05:34 PM] Ricercar : hahaha [2 Minutes Ago 05:33 PM] VikroaL : ...I'm gonna change it xDD [2 Minutes Ago 05:32 PM] Ricercar : how can you not think that is a penis though? it looks just like one ._. [2 Minutes Ago 05:32 PM] Ricercar : hahahaha [3 Minutes Ago 05:32 PM] VikroaL : LEAVE MY SIG ¬.¬ xDDD ohai Ricercar <3 [4 Minutes Ago 05:31 PM] Ricercar : still got that sig, huh? [5 Minutes Ago 05:30 PM] Ricercar : oh hey, its vik
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 17:43:53
[3 Minutes Ago 12:39 AM]shoeman6: subliminal messaging [3 Minutes Ago 12:39 AM]VikroaL: I HATE YOU RICERCAR [3 Minutes Ago 12:39 AM]Ricercar: its spreading like wildfire Vik XD [3 Minutes Ago 12:39 AM]Ricercar: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [4 Minutes Ago 12:38 AM]Light: yeoyeo [4 Minutes Ago 12:38 AM]Biji: I totally see the penis now
Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 11:35:11
lol wth
Date: Sun, Jan 2 2011 02:30:36
old, but still :rofl: bottom to top [12 Minutes Ago 09:03 PM] Mage In Black : The sun tells me your penis casts a rather small shadow. [13 Minutes Ago 09:02 PM] Mage In Black : That's what you think, nudistboy. [13 Minutes Ago 09:02 PM] Sankaku : im a nudist, the sun shines everywhere [14 Minutes Ago 09:01 PM] Mage In Black : Where the sun doesn't shine, kaku, even where the sun doesn't shine. [14 Minutes Ago 09:01 PM] Sankaku : *________________________* [14 Minutes Ago 09:01 PM] Mage In Black : In all the wrong places. [14 Minutes Ago 09:01 PM] Mage In Black : I can make the sun give you a sun burn, or worse, skin cancer. [15 Minutes Ago 09:00 PM] Mage In Black : I don't like how you're looking at me, kaku. [15 Minutes Ago 09:00 PM] blahblahting : oh. [16 Minutes Ago 08:59 PM] Sankaku : .__________________________________.
Date: Mon, Jan 3 2011 02:36:04
^^ that is full of win
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 22:27:21
[1 Minute Ago 08:26 AM]shoeman6: oh wow.... milf [1 Minute Ago 08:26 AM]Krispy Kreme: my mom, you laike ? >:3 [1 Minute Ago 08:25 AM]Ricercar: what are marvys even for? [1 Minute Ago 08:25 AM]shoeman6: Krispy whos the girl in your sig?
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 23:41:56
QQ i killed it
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 08:39:03
*peninjais done for, big mound of brown and the toilet isnt working NUUUUUUUUUUUOUOUUUUUU* @ 04:11 PM *Sankaku MASSIVE DIARHHEA* @ 04:09 PM *Sankaku pooped the rest* @ 04:08 PM *peninja pooped a record breaker* @ 04:03 PM *Sankaku pooped a little more* @ 04:03 PM [38 Minutes Ago 03:58 PM] peninja: btw nachoaddict i replied to ure commetns *peninja poopled a little 2* @ 03:56 PM *Sankaku pooped a little just now* @ 03:56 PM
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 09:16:21
Krispy Kreme wrote: [1 Minute Ago 08:26 AM]shoeman6: oh wow.... milf [1 Minute Ago 08:26 AM]Krispy Kreme: my mom, you laike ? >:3 [1 Minute Ago 08:25 AM]Ricercar: what are marvys even for? [1 Minute Ago 08:25 AM]shoeman6: Krispy whos the girl in your sig?
im going to fuck your mom.... yea! -
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 02:35:01
Pensupina wrote: *peninjais done for, big mound of brown and the toilet isnt working NUUUUUUUUUUUOUOUUUUUU* @ 04:11 PM *Sankaku MASSIVE DIARHHEA* @ 04:09 PM *Sankaku pooped the rest* @ 04:08 PM *peninja pooped a record breaker* @ 04:03 PM *Sankaku pooped a little more* @ 04:03 PM [38 Minutes Ago 03:58 PM] peninja: btw nachoaddict i replied to ure commetns *peninja poopled a little 2* @ 03:56 PM *Sankaku pooped a little just now* @ 03:56 PM
lulz -
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 04:15:42
I was on my iPod when this happened:
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 04:27:15
I know this is a bit OT but Chris what theme is that?
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 05:27:39
OT: that's no theme, that's the Mercury Web Browser app ^^
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 02:06:23
must.... get....
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 14:49:34
chrisPS wrote: I was on my iPod when this happened:
font style? -
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 21:21:49
I think it was Yummah Strawberries or something.
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 03:44:20
poker lobby; top to bottom, not copy pasted, i also don't remember the names someone: hey we're waiting for brown browndog12:wait what? how do i take a turn? someone: fml someone else: the game hasnt started yet brown...
Date: Wed, Jan 12 2011 21:26:31
Ricercar ahahaha Erirornal Kraione Don't be such a dick, Ricercar. Ricercar and maybe a kiln Erirornal Kraione Ricercar sure, you just need some clay and artistic flare That Dirty Dog just for the bust? That Dirty Dog is there a tutorial on that on youtube? Ricercar you're welcome. TheAafg just finished shoveling snow, its not as easy as it looks Ricercar twisted bust? that must be hard to sculpt That Dirty Dog oh thank you Erirornal Kraione Or Fingerless IndexAround That Dirty Dog not that kind >0 Erirornal Kraione Bust = BackAround reverse That Dirty Dog i know theres the twisted bust, but what is a "Bust" Ricercar its a sculpture of a persons head and neck Ricercar wtf, there is snow in every single state except for florida T_T That Dirty Dog and not the one on girlsd That Dirty Dog what is a bust
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 01:39:47
ASIAN-space-mang : does japan have a pen spinning board
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 01:54:30
[1 Minute Ago 08:50 PM] ASIAN-space-mang : @zweebna ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [1 Minute Ago 08:50 PM] Van : Someone put this on the funny moments. [1 Minute Ago 08:50 PM] Light : Yo Aafg where are you getting these ideas from O_O [1 Minute Ago 08:50 PM] zweebna : Hey, at least your name isn't the aFag [1 Minute Ago 08:50 PM] Van : Rage quit~ [1 Minute Ago 08:50 PM] TheAafg : so you lost your virginity to Ktrinh ? i expected better from you [1 Minute Ago 08:49 PM] Storm : /french_accent_on Stupid Americans... PTOOegh. *spit* [1 Minute Ago 08:49 PM] Storm : I LEAVE. I LEAVE NOW. Aafg, you have disgraced my dynasty!! And I say GIRLfriend. GIRLFRIEND. [1 Minute Ago 08:49 PM] Van : @Aafg- [1 Minute Ago 08:49 PM] colourfulXinsanity : ;D it is [1 Minute Ago 08:49 PM] Iota : HAHAHAHA backfired storm [1 Minute Ago 08:49 PM] ASIAN-space-mang : im gana drop out too though, im not gana get this done in time [1 Minute Ago 08:49 PM] Light : lolwut... [1 Minute Ago 08:48 PM] Iota : sounds kinky [2 Minutes Ago 08:48 PM] Van : I shud get filmin rih now ._. [2 Minutes Ago 08:48 PM] Light : ahh so 5:50 pm [2 Minutes Ago 08:48 PM] TheAafg : so storm is dating Ktrinh ? [2 Minutes Ago 08:48 PM] zweebna : * <3 [2 Minutes Ago 08:48 PM] zweebna : My favorite dish to do is yours >3 [2 Minutes Ago 08:48 PM] Storm : Zweebz~ D': Aafg keeps on making me sound homosexual~ TELL HIM. TELL HIM I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND DON'T LIKE MEN IN THAT MANNER. /caps_lock_off
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 02:40:10
^^ i am sorry if I offended anybody
Date: Thu, Jan 13 2011 23:41:17
TheAafg wrote: ASIAN-space-mang : does japan have a pen spinning board
^lol -
Date: Fri, Jan 14 2011 11:53:44
not funny.
Date: Fri, Jan 14 2011 17:34:30
Light wrote: [1 Minute Ago 08:50 PM] TheAafg : so you lost your virginity to Ktrinh ? i expected better from you [2 Minutes Ago 08:48 PM] TheAafg : so storm is dating Ktrinh ?
:wtf: o_O -
Date: Fri, Jan 14 2011 23:01:07
^Agreed. W T F. Aafg, you shouldn't be saying things like that when your name rearranges to "The aFag" :p
Date: Fri, Jan 14 2011 23:20:06
I didn't mean to, it was only cause storm was saying stuff that no one had any idea what it meant. I am sorry D: didn't mean to offend anybody.
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 01:34:33
Haha it's ok really I'm not offended :P It's fun to yell at people sometimes over things that don't mean anything since this is the internet :P But don't take that as in invitation to freely keep doing that k? :P
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 05:06:56
KTrinh93 wrote: Haha it's ok really I'm not offended :P It's fun to yell at people sometimes over things that don't mean anything since this is the internet :P But don't take that as in invitation to freely keep doing that k? :P
i am sorry, that was only once, wont happen again. -
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 04:53:23
[2 Minutes Ago 09:49 PM] browndog12 : ground is better than flyinggggg [3 Minutes Ago 09:49 PM] kcomisass : too bad for uuuuu [3 Minutes Ago 09:48 PM] browndog12 : mu but is on the grounddd. [4 Minutes Ago 09:48 PM] kcomisass : mu but is on the airrrr
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 01:50:31
browndog12 wrote: [2 Minutes Ago 09:49 PM] browndog12 : ground is better than flyinggggg [3 Minutes Ago 09:49 PM] kcomisass : too bad for uuuuu [3 Minutes Ago 09:48 PM] browndog12 : mu but is on the grounddd. [4 Minutes Ago 09:48 PM] kcomisass : mu but is on the airrrr
not too funny... but i find it HILARIOUS that kcomisass = Kcom is ass -
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 02:04:06
esp0624 wrote: but i find it HILARIOUS that kcomisass = Kcom is ass
LOL didn't notice that :XD: -
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 02:50:19
how did you not catch that...?
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 05:36:09
you guys sure fucking suck at finding funny stuff to post on this thread....
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 16:55:49
Life's a lot better when your definition of "funny" isn't something that's over the top funny but rather something small. Then everything else that's funnier is even more funny to ya.
Date: Wed, Jan 19 2011 23:26:20
[1 Minute Ago 03:24 PM] Ricercar : loooooool [1 Minute Ago 03:24 PM] DLSpins : idk [1 Minute Ago 03:24 PM] jaychou : strippers go well with poles [2 Minutes Ago 03:22 PM] Digital Love : how to a put a poll ina thread
Date: Thu, Jan 20 2011 21:02:46
not that funny...
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 04:48:46
[1 Minute Ago 08:47 PM] i.suk : peem left WT coz he heard kcom would be competing
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 20:49:10
[1 Minute Ago 12:47 PM] Kcom2002 : lol [1 Minute Ago 12:47 PM] That Dirty Dog : thats not funny [1 Minute Ago 12:47 PM] Neotoma : lol [2 Minutes Ago 12:46 PM] TheAafg : lol [2 Minutes Ago 12:46 PM] That Dirty Dog : damn all!!!! [3 Minutes Ago 12:44 PM] TheAafg : it doesnt do anything... [4 Minutes Ago 12:43 PM] That Dirty Dog : just tell me [4 Minutes Ago 12:43 PM] Neotoma : try it out [4 Minutes Ago 12:42 PM] That Dirty Dog : what does alt f4 do? [5 Minutes Ago 12:42 PM] That Dirty Dog : why does it do? [6 Minutes Ago 12:41 PM] Neotoma : alt f4 is the best key combination ever!
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 20:59:45
ok now that is a little funny but how stupid can people get like That Dirty Dot?
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 21:04:47
[1 Minute Ago 09:04 PM] Hex : ROFL [8 Minutes Ago 08:55 PM] TheAafg : LOL [9 Minutes Ago 08:54 PM] That Dirty Dog : i don't have that key [10 Minutes Ago 08:53 PM] TheAafg : f 13 is the best key ever
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 23:54:03
Bottom to top :P [1 Minute Ago 03:51 PM]colourfulXinsanity: but I love metaphorically cock sucking (wait, what?) [1 Minute Ago 03:51 PM]Sankaku: ._____________. [1 Minute Ago 03:51 PM]JackyMacky: ur the one who assumed that "metaphorically" [2 Minutes Ago 03:50 PM]Awesome: but can you stop metaphorically sucking my cock? [3 Minutes Ago 03:49 PM]Awesome: indeed ;D *iColor is playing Beethoven's 5th Symphony. T.T* @ 03:49 PM [4 Minutes Ago 03:48 PM]JackyMacky: ur mood is pretty clever..... idk, now that i look at it..........
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 07:05:10
not funny
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 23:27:51
Hex wrote: [1 Minute Ago 09:04 PM] Hex : ROFL [8 Minutes Ago 08:55 PM] TheAafg : LOL [9 Minutes Ago 08:54 PM] That Dirty Dog : i don't have that key [10 Minutes Ago 08:53 PM] TheAafg : f 13 is the best key ever
i lold -
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 23:37:15
@Colin; I don't get it... Shift F1 is usually referred to F13, on my keyboard I don't have a physical 13 key, but the ones w/ our imacs at school go all the way up to f16 with physical function buttons. Is it like a mac vs pc thing? 0_o...
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 23:38:51
shoeman6 wrote: @Colin; I don't get it... Shift F1 is usually referred to F13, on my keyboard I don't have a physical 13 key, but the ones w/ our imacs at school go all the way up to f16 with physical function buttons. Is it like a mac vs pc thing? 0_o...
LOLWUT U BEST BE TROLIN. PC's have F1-12. F13 is a nonexistant key -
Date: Thu, Jan 27 2011 23:44:44
Shift is a function moifier for the existing function keys, aka shift f1 is f13 shift f2 is funtion 14 etc.... I'm sure you could assign arbitrary keys f13 somehow and you would have a physical f13 key. So it's not like macs are that superior because they have more function keys, I mean I agree having more function keys would be useful, but F13-19 are usually only used for custom shortcuts and stuffs anyways :\...
Date: Fri, Jan 28 2011 23:21:31
shoeman6 wrote: @Colin; I don't get it... Shift F1 is usually referred to F13, on my keyboard I don't have a physical 13 key, but the ones w/ our imacs at school go all the way up to f16 with physical function buttons. Is it like a mac vs pc thing? 0_o...
your getting too technical and ruining the joke... =\ -
Date: Sat, Jan 29 2011 07:48:44
you guys sure like to overkill a joke.... dont you?
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 23:34:53
[1 Minute Ago 05:33 PM] Its2Quiet : O.o [1 Minute Ago 05:32 PM] Fletch : ... too quiet [1 Minute Ago 05:32 PM] Fletch : its quiet Bottom to top
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 23:54:53
shoeman6 wrote: [1 Minute Ago 05:33 PM] Its2Quiet : O.o [1 Minute Ago 05:32 PM] Fletch : ... too quiet [1 Minute Ago 05:32 PM] Fletch : its quiet Bottom to top
i dont understand what is so funny about that... it is pointless -
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 23:57:57
Fletch said it's quite too quite, and there was a member named It's2quiet who just happened to check the shoutbox at that time...
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 06:23:17
shoeman6 wrote: [1 Minute Ago 05:33 PM] Its2Quiet : O.o [1 Minute Ago 05:32 PM] Fletch : ... too quiet [1 Minute Ago 05:32 PM] Fletch : its quiet Bottom to top
lmao. -
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 08:56:33
shoeman6 wrote: [1 Minute Ago 05:33 PM] Its2Quiet : O.o [1 Minute Ago 05:32 PM] Fletch : ... too quiet [1 Minute Ago 05:32 PM] Fletch : its quiet Bottom to top
coincidence much? -
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 12:21:50
oh god, the shoutbox is so lame these days. Give me back the shoutbox and you'll see things change ;D
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 12:41:54
me too! i also got banned and now UPSB feels like shit
Date: Wed, Feb 2 2011 14:40:40
Jan wrote: i also got banned and now UPSB feels like shit
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 07:28:21
Lol guys. I wasn't aware all of you got sb bans o_o @shoeman6 setup much? lol
Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 21:40:49
The're hasn't been any funny moments yet, well at least for me that is...
Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 11:20:08
@shoeman6 Why does my SB ban have to be so long? It's just some spam... AND I promise not to do that shit ever again.
Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 22:23:17
I just read the entire thread...fml I have no life to fuck...
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 06:41:42
Blahblah was writing poetry to Kaku on MSN because he wanted to talk to him. [1 Minute Ago 09:56 PM] Baaron : don't worry about it [1 Minute Ago 09:56 PM] blahblahting : wait what ._. [1 Minute Ago 09:55 PM] Tetsip : LOL. [1 Minute Ago 09:54 PM] Baaron : so you might have sent all his messages to him [2 Minutes Ago 09:54 PM] TheAafg : blah [2 Minutes Ago 09:54 PM] Baaron : my dad is using his computer at the moment [2 Minutes Ago 09:54 PM] davidguy : what do you need him for? [2 Minutes Ago 09:53 PM] blahblahting : yeah, tell him i called him that. [2 Minutes Ago 09:53 PM] blahblahting : that son of a bitch is ignoring me >:[ [4 Minutes Ago 09:52 PM] Baaron : but he's just upstairs [4 Minutes Ago 09:52 PM] Baaron : LOL he goes out [4 Minutes Ago 09:51 PM] blahblahting : oh noes, went out somewhere? [5 Minutes Ago 09:51 PM] TheAafg : hey guys [5 Minutes Ago 09:51 PM] Baaron : he is currently absent [5 Minutes Ago 09:50 PM] blahblahting : hey baaron, is your brother with you? [7 Minutes Ago 09:48 PM] blahblahting : of course, it's no where near as sexy, just pulling linkages [8 Minutes Ago 09:48 PM] blahblahting : i can do the first 10 seconds of your wt combo! lol [9 Minutes Ago 09:47 PM] Baaron : hi blargh [9 Minutes Ago 09:47 PM] blahblahting : baaronnn
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 01:32:57
:sniper: ^lol i dont get it. thats not funny. :blink:
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 03:01:16
From top to bottom: Loanshark : Fuck yea, finished downloading this 35 gbtorrent Pen Ninja : enjoy ur porn Loanshark : yeaa :D zweebna : 35 gb of porn? =-O Matrix-Chan : zomg thats just so loansharky. neXus : If you're a man that enjoys quality 35Gis not that much. neXus : You could also be a man that enjoysquantity and 35gigs still isn't that much. whizz : neXus, LMAO zweebna : I like porn gifs. They're quick and easy,like porn potato chips.
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 07:46:56
[1 Minute Ago 05:45 PM]chrisPS: ._. [1 Minute Ago 05:44 PM]Colin: alright, just wanted to know [1 Minute Ago 05:44 PM]Rapid: haha probably [2 Minutes Ago 05:43 PM]Colin: also, is there something wrong with you? [1 Minute Ago 05:43 PM]Krispy Kreme: :facepalm: [1 Minute Ago 05:43 PM]Rapid: A dollar,hey what can i say thats a lot here i can buy another rsvp for my vgg nao [1 Minute Ago 05:43 PM]Colin: lolfag [1 Minute Ago 05:42 PM]chrisPS: he basically gets a buck [1 Minute Ago 05:42 PM]chrisPS: USD [1 Minute Ago 05:42 PM]chrisPS: as of the moment, 1.15 [1 Minute Ago 05:41 PM]Krispy Kreme: how much is 50 pesos worth exactly ? [2 Minutes Ago 05:40 PM]Baaron: he's so cool [2 Minutes Ago 05:40 PM]Rapid: it a dare now i get my 50 pesos [2 Minutes Ago 05:40 PM]Rapid: yeah [3 Minutes Ago 05:39 PM]chrisPS: :ban: [3 Minutes Ago 05:39 PM]Krispy Kreme: why would you post that sir ? [4 Minutes Ago 05:39 PM]Krispy Kreme: ...... [4 Minutes Ago 05:38 PM]Rapid: insert link to old man's inverted anus
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 07:57:32
@Krispy Kreme nooo im regretting it nao even if i can make my vgg T_T
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 10:55:10
Krispy Kreme wrote: [1 Minute Ago 05:45 PM]chrisPS: ._. [1 Minute Ago 05:44 PM]Colin: alright, just wanted to know [1 Minute Ago 05:44 PM]Rapid: haha probably [2 Minutes Ago 05:43 PM]Colin: also, is there something wrong with you? [1 Minute Ago 05:43 PM]Krispy Kreme: :facepalm: [1 Minute Ago 05:43 PM]Rapid: A dollar,hey what can i say thats a lot here i can buy another rsvp for my vgg nao [1 Minute Ago 05:43 PM]Colin: lolfag [1 Minute Ago 05:42 PM]chrisPS: he basically gets a buck [1 Minute Ago 05:42 PM]chrisPS: USD [1 Minute Ago 05:42 PM]chrisPS: as of the moment, 1.15 [1 Minute Ago 05:41 PM]Krispy Kreme: how much is 50 pesos worth exactly ? [2 Minutes Ago 05:40 PM]Baaron: he's so cool [2 Minutes Ago 05:40 PM]Rapid: it a dare now i get my 50 pesos [2 Minutes Ago 05:40 PM]Rapid: yeah [3 Minutes Ago 05:39 PM]chrisPS: :ban: [3 Minutes Ago 05:39 PM]Krispy Kreme: why would you post that sir ? [4 Minutes Ago 05:39 PM]Krispy Kreme: ...... [4 Minutes Ago 05:38 PM]Rapid: insert link to old man's inverted anus
They have no idea how far 50 pesos can get you in the Philippines... -
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 11:28:59
they know. I told them.
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 21:59:04
[5 Minutes Ago 01:52 PM] chrisPS : :whut: [6 Minutes Ago 01:52 PM] zweebna : mmmm sounds tasty [6 Minutes Ago 01:51 PM] Colin : yawp [6 Minutes Ago 01:51 PM] Loanshark : Diahrrea?
Date: Wed, Feb 23 2011 01:16:02
This made me laugh at least. bottom up.
[1 Minute Ago 05:12 PM]neXus: That sounds like something I would make if I would shoot gay porn [1 Minute Ago 05:12 PM]Tetsip: explains why i got that nude pic from you >_> [1 Minute Ago 05:12 PM]neXus: I wonder if there is porn called "Inside Colin's colon" [1 Minute Ago 05:12 PM]Tetsip: god dammit colin. i always knew you were gay. [1 Minute Ago 05:11 PM]Colin: is there something wrong with me having a boyfriend? im different
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 01:12:18
[3 Minutes Ago 06:08 PM] browndog12 : loooooool [5 Minutes Ago 06:05 PM] Neotoma : but then again he is pretty dumb. [9 Minutes Ago 06:01 PM] Drift : lol [13 Minutes Ago 05:58 PM] Neotoma : -.- Worked with browndog. [14 Minutes Ago 05:56 PM] Drift : [14 Minutes Ago 05:56 PM] TheAafg : lol.... [14 Minutes Ago 05:56 PM] Drift : neotoma im not stupid [15 Minutes Ago 05:55 PM] Neotoma : Hey Drift you should type alt f4 into your keyboard.
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 18:18:52
[23 Minutes Ago 05:55 PM] juggalo666666 : i cant have sex with your personality and i cant stick my penis in your collage degree and i cant shove my fist in your childhood dreams so why you sharin all this information with me [23 Minutes Ago 05:55 PM] Koza : Well... time to do something with my day for a while. bbl [24 Minutes Ago 05:54 PM] Koza : jk, that's weird... and probably illegal. [24 Minutes Ago 05:53 PM] Koza : lawl [25 Minutes Ago 05:53 PM] Koza : Mine? $200. [25 Minutes Ago 05:53 PM] Koza : I haven't met a girl yet, that can match me on an intellectual level. So, i'm single, because of this. [25 Minutes Ago 05:53 PM] juggalo666666 : your talking to me about stuff why i'd much rather see your tities.
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 21:48:05
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 22:09:23
juggalo666666 wrote: [23 Minutes Ago 05:55 PM] juggalo666666 : i cant have sex with your personality and i cant stick my penis in your collage degree and i cant shove my fist in your childhood dreams so why you sharin all this information with me [23 Minutes Ago 05:55 PM] Koza : Well... time to do something with my day for a while. bbl [24 Minutes Ago 05:54 PM] Koza : jk, that's weird... and probably illegal. [24 Minutes Ago 05:53 PM] Koza : lawl [25 Minutes Ago 05:53 PM] Koza : Mine? $200. [25 Minutes Ago 05:53 PM] Koza : I haven't met a girl yet, that can match me on an intellectual level. So, i'm single, because of this. [25 Minutes Ago 05:53 PM] juggalo666666 : your talking to me about stuff why i'd much rather see your tities.
way to quote that song by john lajoie or watever his name is -
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 20:49:41
Morpheus wrote: way to quote that song by john lajoie or watever his name is
Was that supposed to be an insult? Or just a waste of space? -
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 22:04:48
Nation wrote: Was that supposed to be an insult? Or just a waste of space?
Was that supposed to be an insult? Or just a waste of space? -
Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 07:17:26
So much hate on UPSB. Everyone just needs to chill 8):pullhair:
Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 23:48:38
trolling and hating are 2 different things being an asshole and trolling are 2 different things
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 00:12:01
Wonder wrote: trolling and hating are 2 different things being an asshole and trolling are 2 different things
actually its not, trolling and being an asshole are about the same thing. just saying -
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 06:16:00
AoD1 wrote: actually its not, trolling and being an asshole are about the same thing. just saying
yeaaaah. im going with aod on this one. -
Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 20:20:59
I wasn't trolling
Date: Mon, Mar 14 2011 13:01:21
Morpheus wrote: way to quote that song by john lajoie or watever his name is
Way to quote me man and yes its jon lajoie -
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 16:43:06
[1 Minute Ago 04:42 PM] Wisp : weird. [1 Minute Ago 04:41 PM] JC : dumbbell shaped? lol [1 Minute Ago 04:40 PM] juggalo666666 : am i mastubating? [3 Minutes Ago 04:39 PM] juggalo666666 : depends [3 Minutes Ago 04:39 PM] neXus : is your penis thick then super thin in the middle and then thick again? [3 Minutes Ago 04:38 PM] neXus : depends [4 Minutes Ago 04:37 PM] juggalo666666 : is is shaped like ma penis? [4 Minutes Ago 04:37 PM] juggalo666666 : hello there [5 Minutes Ago 04:37 PM] neXus : this bottle has a ridiculous design
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 23:28:04
[1 Minute Ago 05:26 PM] Van : LOL [1 Minute Ago 05:26 PM] JC : is that a really messed up spelling of link? [1 Minute Ago 05:26 PM] JC : a lihjnk? lolol [1 Minute Ago 05:25 PM] peninja : cause i wanna make a blue yello themed one [1 Minute Ago 05:25 PM] peninja : does anyone have a lihjnk to the the yellow anyball body
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 13:28:10
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 04:35:22
you shoulfdve seen the resdt it was even worse.... i dont like the backspace key
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 09:23:42
use it. it's your friend.
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 17:58:23
[1 Minute Ago 10:56 AM] juggalo666666 : its just everytime i get around a homosexual my butt-hole clenches up.
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 18:40:50
TheAafg wrote: [1 Minute Ago 10:56 AM] juggalo666666 : its just everytime i get around a homosexual my butt-hole clenches up.
Harr harr harr I was thar. -
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 17:53:06
yeah so was I.
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 18:02:38
[1 Minute Ago 10:58 AM] Colin : :rollonfloorlaughing: youre too funny [1 Minute Ago 10:58 AM] juggalo666666 : hello sir bonkey. [1 Minute Ago 10:58 AM] bonkey12 : yo [1 Minute Ago 10:57 AM] juggalo666666 : now its getting aggravating. [1 Minute Ago 10:57 AM] Colin : :deadanimalgettingsmacked: *juggalo666666 is wondering if this is spam?* @ 10:57 AM [1 Minute Ago 10:56 AM] Colin : :deaddog: [1 Minute Ago 10:56 AM] juggalo666666 : wtf? [1 Minute Ago 10:56 AM] Colin : :deadanimal: [2 Minutes Ago 10:56 AM] Colin : :deadhorsegettinghit: [2 Minutes Ago 10:56 AM] juggalo666666 : nope. [2 Minutes Ago 10:56 AM] Colin : :deadhorse: [13 Minutes Ago 10:45 AM] juggalo666666 : somebody on this site ever been in the military??? [18 Minutes Ago 10:40 AM] juggalo666666 : awww what no emote for dead? [18 Minutes Ago 10:39 AM] juggalo666666 : deadbox :dead:
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 00:09:40
[1 Minute Ago 10:04 AM] [B][PM][/B] Colin : FUCK YOU :( [1 Minute Ago 10:04 AM] [B][PM][/B] Krispy Kreme : :trollface: i win [1 Minute Ago 10:03 AM] [B][PM][/B] Colin : shit im out of stereotypical responses LOL [1 Minute Ago 10:02 AM] Krispy Kreme : nah, we eat cane toads [1 Minute Ago 10:02 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : LOL [1 Minute Ago 10:02 AM] Colin : but that's your dinner [2 Minutes Ago 10:02 AM] Krispy Kreme : I'll send you a kangaroo [2 Minutes Ago 10:01 AM] Colin : fuck your bike, this aint China [3 Minutes Ago 10:01 AM] Krispy Kreme : Dump the car, get a bike [3 Minutes Ago 10:00 AM] Krispy Kreme : I want a yelo mod :< [3 Minutes Ago 10:00 AM] Colin : i need gas money sooner or later. my mom drove off in my car just now sosad [4 Minutes Ago 09:59 AM] Colin : naw foo. i aint made of money [5 Minutes Ago 09:59 AM] Krispy Kreme : order moar than $25.99 O:
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 07:28:26
Krispy Kreme wrote: [1 Minute Ago 10:04 AM] [B][PM][/B] Colin : FUCK YOU :( [1 Minute Ago 10:04 AM] [B][PM][/B] Krispy Kreme : :trollface: i win [1 Minute Ago 10:03 AM] [B][PM][/B] Colin : shit im out of stereotypical responses LOL [1 Minute Ago 10:02 AM] Krispy Kreme : nah, we eat cane toads [1 Minute Ago 10:02 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : LOL [1 Minute Ago 10:02 AM] Colin : but that's your dinner [2 Minutes Ago 10:02 AM] Krispy Kreme : I'll send you a kangaroo [2 Minutes Ago 10:01 AM] Colin : fuck your bike, this aint China [3 Minutes Ago 10:01 AM] Krispy Kreme : Dump the car, get a bike [3 Minutes Ago 10:00 AM] Krispy Kreme : I want a yelo mod :< [3 Minutes Ago 10:00 AM] Colin : i need gas money sooner or later. my mom drove off in my car just now sosad [4 Minutes Ago 09:59 AM] Colin : naw foo. i aint made of money [5 Minutes Ago 09:59 AM] Krispy Kreme : order moar than $25.99 O:
:rofl: I lold hard. -
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 05:35:06
*browndog12 has been lurking for about a half hour* @ 11:32 PM [1 Minute Ago 11:32 PM] Colin : i want [1 Minute Ago 11:32 PM] colourfulXinsanity : pussy [2 Minutes Ago 11:31 PM] Colin : like you have no idea. I am fucking DYINGGGGUHHH *Colin is fucking dying* @ 11:31 PM [3 Minutes Ago 11:31 PM] colourfulXinsanity : i like how colin is dying from not having sex [4 Minutes Ago 11:29 PM] Frip : fuck i have school tomorrow but i dont wanna sleep [4 Minutes Ago 11:29 PM] Colin : sex? i like sex [5 Minutes Ago 11:28 PM] colourfulXinsanity : [6 Minutes Ago 11:28 PM] Retro-spectre : this convesration sucksn ow. more talk about sex [7 Minutes Ago 11:26 PM] Colin : of course i dont. all there is down here is..well, chronic >_> [8 Minutes Ago 11:25 PM] Retro-spectre : lemme get in on this afghan kush shit... [8 Minutes Ago 11:25 PM] colourfulXinsanity : dude i want to go to nor cal sooo bad [8 Minutes Ago 11:25 PM] tylt : You so-cal kids have no fucking idea. [9 Minutes Ago 11:25 PM] tylt : Whatever colin, theres all kinds of bomb weed up north. [9 Minutes Ago 11:25 PM] Colin : and that's why you were gone. afghan kush is like, sex without condoms [9 Minutes Ago 11:25 PM] colourfulXinsanity : well we mixed strains.. forgot what the other one was, but yeah.. so great [9 Minutes Ago 11:24 PM] Retro-spectre : no more alcohol... fuckkkk [10 Minutes Ago 11:24 PM] Colin : jeeez, afghan kush? fucking rich white kids [11 Minutes Ago 11:23 PM] colourfulXinsanity : giant hits dude.. had a coughing fit for like 5 minutes and after I was totally gone. Started making sex jokes about finding the shotgun and afghan kush
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 11:12:11
cool, you witnessed a conversation about drugs and sex for ten minutes without saying anything. :thumb:
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 14:04:21
basically a typical SB convo
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 14:11:34
Krispy Kreme wrote: [1 Minute Ago 10:04 AM] [B][PM][/B] Colin : FUCK YOU :( [1 Minute Ago 10:04 AM] [B][PM][/B] Krispy Kreme : :trollface: i win [1 Minute Ago 10:03 AM] [B][PM][/B] Colin : shit im out of stereotypical responses LOL [1 Minute Ago 10:02 AM] Krispy Kreme : nah, we eat cane toads [1 Minute Ago 10:02 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : LOL [1 Minute Ago 10:02 AM] Colin : but that's your dinner [2 Minutes Ago 10:02 AM] Krispy Kreme : I'll send you a kangaroo [2 Minutes Ago 10:01 AM] Colin : fuck your bike, this aint China [3 Minutes Ago 10:01 AM] Krispy Kreme : Dump the car, get a bike [3 Minutes Ago 10:00 AM] Krispy Kreme : I want a yelo mod :< [3 Minutes Ago 10:00 AM] Colin : i need gas money sooner or later. my mom drove off in my car just now sosad [4 Minutes Ago 09:59 AM] Colin : naw foo. i aint made of money [5 Minutes Ago 09:59 AM] Krispy Kreme : order moar than $25.99 O:
This one's really made me laugh lol -
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 03:46:04
Krispy Kreme wrote: cool, you witnessed a conversation about drugs and sex for ten minutes without saying anything. :thumb:
+1 [1 Minute Ago 08:45 PM] AwonW : a yellow jacket, silly. we don't have an article of clothing for our mascot [1 Minute Ago 08:44 PM] the noodler : yellow jackets are bees [1 Minute Ago 08:44 PM] davidguy : why the hell is your mascot a jacket? [1 Minute Ago 08:43 PM] Loanshark : and our mascot pictures dont even look like a yellowjacket, more like a honeybee [1 Minute Ago 08:43 PM] AwonW : uhhh my old high school's mascot is the yellow jacket. wtf. -
Date: Mon, Apr 4 2011 15:19:43
your sigs sb moment is funnier than the one you posted.
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 01:18:51
[1 Minute Ago 08:17 PM] Loanshark : Dude red porn bang mi is good
Date: Sat, Apr 23 2011 22:36:01
@neXus bottoms up [6 Minutes Ago 03:15 PM] neXus: Anybody remember that Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction. That show is badass. [8 Minutes Ago 03:13 PM] [[B]PM[/B]]King: Loool okay [8 Minutes Ago 03:13 PM] [[B]PM[/B]]Cloud: whatever... lets let him keep goin... then this is gonna go under shoubox moments! [8 Minutes Ago 03:12 PM] neXus: Except drops are now rises (?) [9 Minutes Ago 03:11 PM] neXus: It kinda sounds the same as forwards. [9 Minutes Ago 03:11 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] King: Prolly doesnt work in pm [10 Minutes Ago 03:11 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] Cloud: wait it didnt work? :o [10 Minutes Ago 03:10 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] Cloud: :rofl: [11 Minutes Ago 03:09 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] King: O.o [12 Minutes Ago 03:09 PM] neXus: I wonder what Dubstep sounds like backwards ... [12 Minutes Ago 03:08 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] King: Ill shh. Hahaha [13 Minutes Ago 03:08 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] Cloud: ikr... it woulda been blah blah blah... dude ur talking to urself... blah blah blah (still talking not noticing im not on the shoutbox anymore) [14 Minutes Ago 03:06 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] King: Lol [14 Minutes Ago 03:06 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] King: Oops... [11 Minutes Ago 03:06 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] Cloud:dammit why di u have to start talkin... coulda just let him keep talkin to himself... it was soo funny >< [12 Minutes Ago 03:05 PM] King: those days are awesome [12 Minutes Ago 03:065 PM] neXus: I'm not though. That's what makes it interesting. [12 Minutes Ago 03:05 PM] King: you sound baked [12 Minutes Ago 03:05 PM] neXus: Like you did. [12 Minutes Ago 03:05 PM] neXus: usually someone steps in to tell me I'm retarded or weird. [13 Minutes Ago 03:04 PM] nexus: Well, sort of. [13 Minutes Ago 03:04 PM] Cloud: dude ur talkin to urself [13 Minutes Ago 03:04 PM] neXus: I didn't find an answer yet. [13 Minutes Ago 03:04 PM] neXus: Or if it wold b sad because I'm fucking wrting on it and there's nothing it can do. [14 Minutes Ago 03:03 PM] neXus: because that's it's purpose. [14 Minutes Ago 03:03 PM] neXus: So was wondering if paper would be appy about me writing on it. [14 Minutes Ago 03:03 PM] neXus: I was thinking about what if paper had lik a mind and a counsciousness and it could feel thngs. [15 Minutes Ago 03:02 PM] neXus: I had weird thoughts at work today. [15 Minutes Ago 03:02 PM] neXus: I wish Breaking Bad would continue.
Date: Sat, Apr 23 2011 23:00:08
That's not even worthy of this thread. I spew shit like that every day.
Date: Sat, Apr 23 2011 23:04:49
to yourself? post some then
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 14:41:20
Normal neXus behavior, nothing special and also boring
Date: Tue, Apr 26 2011 09:46:44
[31 Minutes Ago 09:14 AM] loonwern93 : -.- [35 Minutes Ago 09:10 AM] AoD1 : no one gives a shit you fucking random! [37 Minutes Ago 09:08 AM] loonwern93 : What's worser that being conscripted for national service?
Date: Wed, Apr 27 2011 03:53:26
Jazz wrote: [31 Minutes Ago 09:14 AM] loonwern93 : -.- [35 Minutes Ago 09:10 AM] AoD1 : no one gives a shit you fucking random! [37 Minutes Ago 09:08 AM] loonwern93 : What's worser that being conscripted for national service?
Nice grammar -
Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 02:28:11
Drakeohmeteor is a genius salesman. [1 Minute Ago 07:25 PM]DrakeOhMeteor007: but if you try no ones buying it [2 Minutes Ago 07:24 PM]DrakeOhMeteor007: @Mufoofee i can take that mmx and sell it for 15 or 20 [1 Minute Ago 07:23 PM]DrakeOhMeteor007: i even sold a tornado mod for over 100 [1 Minute Ago 07:22 PM]DrakeOhMeteor007: @I got ppl who is willing to buy a zt for 25, a buster and a kt for 110 [12 Minutes Ago 07:11 PM]Nachoaddict: W/e dude I don't get the reasoning but have fun trying to sell those things for more than you bought them for [13 Minutes Ago 07:10 PM]DrakeOhMeteor007: yeah but i want teh original m&m caps to myself and the bodies to make as subs to sell them
Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 03:56:32
Nachoaddict wrote: Drakeohmeteor is a genius salesman. [1 Minute Ago 07:25 PM]DrakeOhMeteor007: but if you try no ones buying it [2 Minutes Ago 07:24 PM]DrakeOhMeteor007: @Mufoofee i can take that mmx and sell it for 15 or 20 [1 Minute Ago 07:23 PM]DrakeOhMeteor007: i even sold a tornado mod for over 100 [1 Minute Ago 07:22 PM]DrakeOhMeteor007: @I got ppl who is willing to buy a zt for 25, a buster and a kt for 110 [12 Minutes Ago 07:11 PM]Nachoaddict: W/e dude I don't get the reasoning but have fun trying to sell those things for more than you bought them for [13 Minutes Ago 07:10 PM]DrakeOhMeteor007: yeah but i want teh original m&m caps to myself and the bodies to make as subs to sell them
Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 04:02:10
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: Nice grammar
Not my fault, just plain AoD stuff >. -
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 04:49:12
bottoms up like trey songz [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] XiX : w t f [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : wtf [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] XiX : ahaha [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] Riley : bye [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] MickChickenn : I accidentally won an xbox 360 when I was 7. My parents didnt let me keep it. Still got one a year later. [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] XiX : i'm serious! no joke [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] Jacob8185 : bye guys [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] XiX : my parents had to return it [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] Riley : did u return it? [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] Jacob8185 : probably [1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] Riley : april fools...? [1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] Jacob8185 : lolwut [1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] peninja : LOLWUT [1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] XiX : yea... weird.. strange.. unusual [1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : wtf [1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] WhatsOfTheUp1 : O.o [1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] Sam : wtf? [1 Minute Ago 12:44 AM] XiX : when i was a toddler i was so obsessed with the computer that i managed to order a tv without my parents knowing [1 Minute Ago 12:44 AM] chrisPS : I got banned from the computer for playing too much Prince of Persia when I was small. [1 Minute Ago 12:44 AM] Jacob8185 : the first thing I ever saw was the nurse's computer. The first thing EVER [2 Minutes Ago 12:44 AM] Riley : i've been on the computer since i was at least 2 [2 Minutes Ago 12:43 AM] Jacob8185 : lucky them, i guess :/ [3 Minutes Ago 12:43 AM] XiX : one of my friends got a macbook pro in 4th grade. D: [3 Minutes Ago 12:43 AM] Riley : Who knows... most legit way of the end of the world is natural disasters, which is pretty commmon ahora ppl and their experiences with computers @MickChickenn
Date: Sat, Apr 30 2011 14:54:36
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: bottoms up like trey songz [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] XiX : w t f [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : wtf [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] XiX : ahaha [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] Riley : bye [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] MickChickenn : I accidentally won an xbox 360 when I was 7. My parents didnt let me keep it. Still got one a year later. [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] XiX : i'm serious! no joke [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] Jacob8185 : bye guys [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] XiX : my parents had to return it [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] Riley : did u return it? [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] Jacob8185 : probably [1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] Riley : april fools...? [1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] Jacob8185 : lolwut [1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] peninja : LOLWUT [1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] XiX : yea... weird.. strange.. unusual [1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : wtf [1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] WhatsOfTheUp1 : O.o [1 Minute Ago 12:45 AM] Sam : wtf? [1 Minute Ago 12:44 AM] XiX : when i was a toddler i was so obsessed with the computer that i managed to order a tv without my parents knowing [1 Minute Ago 12:44 AM] chrisPS : I got banned from the computer for playing too much Prince of Persia when I was small. [1 Minute Ago 12:44 AM] Jacob8185 : the first thing I ever saw was the nurse's computer. The first thing EVER [2 Minutes Ago 12:44 AM] Riley : i've been on the computer since i was at least 2 [2 Minutes Ago 12:43 AM] Jacob8185 : lucky them, i guess :/ [3 Minutes Ago 12:43 AM] XiX : one of my friends got a macbook pro in 4th grade. D: [3 Minutes Ago 12:43 AM] Riley : Who knows... most legit way of the end of the world is natural disasters, which is pretty commmon ahora ppl and their experiences with computers @MickChickenn
Haha I was there. They kept repeating WTF over and over -
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 01:10:18
[9:07] matt: real supawit test: what is your first name [9:07] wind: LOL.... [9:07] supawit127: matt [9:08] matt: yes? [9:08] kastup: O-O [9:08] supawit127: my name [9:08] wind: It's not like supawit is the only person who knows his first name. [9:08] supawit127: Matt *A moment after supawit127 leaves :D
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 04:30:19
Cloud wrote: @neXus bottoms up [6 Minutes Ago 03:15 PM] neXus: Anybody remember that Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction. That show is badass. [8 Minutes Ago 03:13 PM] [[B]PM[/B]]King: Loool okay [8 Minutes Ago 03:13 PM] [[B]PM[/B]]Cloud: whatever... lets let him keep goin... then this is gonna go under shoubox moments! [8 Minutes Ago 03:12 PM] neXus: Except drops are now rises (?) [9 Minutes Ago 03:11 PM] neXus: It kinda sounds the same as forwards. [9 Minutes Ago 03:11 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] King: Prolly doesnt work in pm [10 Minutes Ago 03:11 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] Cloud: wait it didnt work? :o [10 Minutes Ago 03:10 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] Cloud: :rofl: [11 Minutes Ago 03:09 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] King: O.o [12 Minutes Ago 03:09 PM] neXus: I wonder what Dubstep sounds like backwards ... [12 Minutes Ago 03:08 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] King: Ill shh. Hahaha [13 Minutes Ago 03:08 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] Cloud: ikr... it woulda been blah blah blah... dude ur talking to urself... blah blah blah (still talking not noticing im not on the shoutbox anymore) [14 Minutes Ago 03:06 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] King: Lol [14 Minutes Ago 03:06 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] King: Oops... [11 Minutes Ago 03:06 PM] [[B]PM[/B]] Cloud:dammit why di u have to start talkin... coulda just let him keep talkin to himself... it was soo funny >< [12 Minutes Ago 03:05 PM] King: those days are awesome [12 Minutes Ago 03:065 PM] neXus: I'm not though. That's what makes it interesting. [12 Minutes Ago 03:05 PM] King: you sound baked [12 Minutes Ago 03:05 PM] neXus: Like you did. [12 Minutes Ago 03:05 PM] neXus: usually someone steps in to tell me I'm retarded or weird. [13 Minutes Ago 03:04 PM] nexus: Well, sort of. [13 Minutes Ago 03:04 PM] Cloud: dude ur talkin to urself [13 Minutes Ago 03:04 PM] neXus: I didn't find an answer yet. [13 Minutes Ago 03:04 PM] neXus: Or if it wold b sad because I'm fucking wrting on it and there's nothing it can do. [14 Minutes Ago 03:03 PM] neXus: because that's it's purpose. [14 Minutes Ago 03:03 PM] neXus: So was wondering if paper would be appy about me writing on it. [14 Minutes Ago 03:03 PM] neXus: I was thinking about what if paper had lik a mind and a counsciousness and it could feel thngs. [15 Minutes Ago 03:02 PM] neXus: I had weird thoughts at work today. [15 Minutes Ago 03:02 PM] neXus: I wish Breaking Bad would continue.
That was a good laugh lols -
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 02:57:11
Typical neXus behavior. nothing special
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 22:54:07
[1 Minute Ago 06:53 PM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : lOL *strat1227 got pwn't* @ 06:52 PM [1 Minute Ago 06:52 PM] Sankaku : youre ugly, imo AWWW SSSHIIEETTTT [1 Minute Ago 06:51 PM] strat1227 : outserts are ugly imo [3 Minutes Ago 06:49 PM] hopman : shud i put a outsert on my buster?
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 12:26:44
[1 Minute Ago 12:24 PM] KiD : why not? [1 Minute Ago 12:24 PM] mama : because they want compete ma lol [2 Minutes Ago 12:24 PM] juggalo666666 : because it's called the battle zone. [2 Minutes Ago 12:23 PM] eazi-penspinner : why are there so many battles going on in the battle zone? [3 Minutes Ago 12:22 PM] juggalo666666 : GUMORNING SON [5 Minutes Ago 12:21 PM] mama : hey dad [7 Minutes Ago 12:18 PM] juggalo666666 : hey mom
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 14:15:30
[1 Minute Ago 07:13 AM] wings : ? [1 Minute Ago 07:12 AM] juggalo666666 : D: [3 Minutes Ago 07:10 AM] PREDATORNET : D: [4 Minutes Ago 07:08 AM] juggalo666666 : D: [7 Minutes Ago 07:06 AM] Loanshark : D: [7 Minutes Ago 07:05 AM] Erirornal Kraione : I really enjoy this work, but I'm tired as fuck and really need 1 day off to recuperate. >.< [8 Minutes Ago 07:04 AM] i.suk : O__O" [9 Minutes Ago 07:03 AM] Erirornal Kraione : Fuckers. [9 Minutes Ago 07:03 AM] Erirornal Kraione : OH WAIT LET'S MAKE ME WORK THE WHOLE WEEK ANYWAY [9 Minutes Ago 07:03 AM] Erirornal Kraione : Fuck, fuck, fuck. I was supposed to have Tuesday, Thursday and Friday off.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 02:43:31
[1 Minute Ago 02:41 AM] wotu1 : but a solution involving piss sounds good :)
Date: Fri, May 20 2011 18:26:26
[1 Minute Ago 06:25 PM] juggalo666666 : Erior would [1 Minute Ago 06:25 PM] That Dirty Dog : the mods would never let you guys put me on fire [1 Minute Ago 06:24 PM] wings : =.= [1 Minute Ago 06:24 PM] Bijesquire : always works [1 Minute Ago 06:24 PM] Bijesquire : set him on fire [1 Minute Ago 06:24 PM] jaychou : uh i couldn't find all of them but i fixed what the forum search found [1 Minute Ago 06:23 PM] juggalo666666 : use a Mr.Clean magic eraser and it will even remove eternal damnation [2 Minutes Ago 06:23 PM] That Dirty Dog : O.O you wouldn't dare! [2 Minutes Ago 06:23 PM] wings : then i am going to shave you XD [3 Minutes Ago 06:22 PM] That Dirty Dog : you can try as hard as you can to clean me but my dirtyness will never go away [3 Minutes Ago 06:22 PM] juggalo666666 : abbg [3 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] juggalo666666 : strat1227 [4 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] wings : What's 1227? is that a code? :3 [4 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] Bijesquire : I middle clicked @strat and it went to your profile [4 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] jaychou : eh fuck ok lemme fix those then [4 Minutes Ago 06:20 PM] wings : omg [5 Minutes Ago 06:20 PM] That Dirty Dog : i am eternally dirty [5 Minutes Ago 06:20 PM] strat1227 : only strat1227 goes to me [5 Minutes Ago 06:20 PM] That Dirty Dog : the HORROR!!! [5 Minutes Ago 06:20 PM] strat1227 : lol no there's another member named "strat" i guess because you keep mentioning him
Date: Sun, May 22 2011 11:05:58
juggalo666666 wrote: [1 Minute Ago 06:25 PM] juggalo666666 : Erior would [1 Minute Ago 06:25 PM] That Dirty Dog : the mods would never let you guys put me on fire [1 Minute Ago 06:24 PM] wings : =.= [1 Minute Ago 06:24 PM] Bijesquire : always works [1 Minute Ago 06:24 PM] Bijesquire : set him on fire [1 Minute Ago 06:24 PM] jaychou : uh i couldn't find all of them but i fixed what the forum search found [1 Minute Ago 06:23 PM] juggalo666666 : use a Mr.Clean magic eraser and it will even remove eternal damnation [2 Minutes Ago 06:23 PM] That Dirty Dog : O.O you wouldn't dare! [2 Minutes Ago 06:23 PM] wings : then i am going to shave you XD [3 Minutes Ago 06:22 PM] That Dirty Dog : you can try as hard as you can to clean me but my dirtyness will never go away [3 Minutes Ago 06:22 PM] juggalo666666 : abbg [3 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] juggalo666666 : strat1227 [4 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] wings : What's 1227? is that a code? :3 [4 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] Bijesquire : I middle clicked @strat and it went to your profile [4 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] jaychou : eh fuck ok lemme fix those then [4 Minutes Ago 06:20 PM] wings : omg [5 Minutes Ago 06:20 PM] That Dirty Dog : i am eternally dirty [5 Minutes Ago 06:20 PM] strat1227 : only strat1227 goes to me [5 Minutes Ago 06:20 PM] That Dirty Dog : the HORROR!!! [5 Minutes Ago 06:20 PM] strat1227 : lol no there's another member named "strat" i guess because you keep mentioning him
Good times bro XD -
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 14:00:52
juggalo666666 21 Hours Ago 04:37 PM *juggalo666666 wonders why wisp got off skype because he told him he would be on in like 5 minutes* juggalo666666 21 Hours Ago 04:27 PM *juggalo666666 should be ashamed that he only completed two worksheets and is going to waste time with anti-spammer wisp after the break at 12:30. because he loves wisp like the brother his father never had a twinkle in his eye for.* juggalo666666 22 Hours Ago 03:55 PM hey wisp ill be on in 35 juggalo666666 1 Day Ago 01:30 PM ben her all the time or with wisp on skype.
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 15:32:26
juggalo666666 wrote: [1 Minute Ago 06:25 PM] juggalo666666 : Erior would [1 Minute Ago 06:25 PM] That Dirty Dog : the mods would never let you guys put me on fire [1 Minute Ago 06:24 PM] wings : =.= [1 Minute Ago 06:24 PM] Bijesquire : always works [1 Minute Ago 06:24 PM] Bijesquire : set him on fire [1 Minute Ago 06:24 PM] jaychou : uh i couldn't find all of them but i fixed what the forum search found [1 Minute Ago 06:23 PM] juggalo666666 : use a Mr.Clean magic eraser and it will even remove eternal damnation [2 Minutes Ago 06:23 PM] That Dirty Dog : O.O you wouldn't dare! [2 Minutes Ago 06:23 PM] wings : then i am going to shave you XD [3 Minutes Ago 06:22 PM] That Dirty Dog : you can try as hard as you can to clean me but my dirtyness will never go away [3 Minutes Ago 06:22 PM] juggalo666666 : abbg [3 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] juggalo666666 : strat1227 [4 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] wings : What's 1227? is that a code? :3 [4 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] Bijesquire : I middle clicked @strat and it went to your profile [4 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] jaychou : eh fuck ok lemme fix those then [4 Minutes Ago 06:20 PM] wings : omg [5 Minutes Ago 06:20 PM] That Dirty Dog : i am eternally dirty [5 Minutes Ago 06:20 PM] strat1227 : only strat1227 goes to me [5 Minutes Ago 06:20 PM] That Dirty Dog : the HORROR!!! [5 Minutes Ago 06:20 PM] strat1227 : lol no there's another member named "strat" i guess because you keep mentioning him
Who is Erior? -
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 16:24:55
Eriror nou liek ppl misspell his name.
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 08:00:51
Krypton wrote: Eriror nou liek ppl misspell his name.
in fact erior trolled me for mispelling his name last time @eRioranal kraino -
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 10:17:11
@peninja you just did again.
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 10:25:00
@ krypton i dunt care @Erirornal Kraione copy and paste FTW
Date: Fri, May 27 2011 07:53:36
its not that hard to memorize rude boy
Date: Fri, May 27 2011 17:18:47
this isn't SB but its me and my best friend on skype. [5/25/11 11:28:53 AM] owen.ploof.juggalo666666: S'A GIFT!!! [5/25/11 11:58:30 AM] owen.ploof.juggalo666666: OOOOH KEVONDRA WON'T YOU BE MY BABY GIRL? [5/25/11 11:58:47 AM] Kevondra Moore: hellz no [5/25/11 12:00:34 PM] owen.ploof.juggalo666666: DONT WANNA BEG AND PLEAD FOR YOR SYMPATHY BUT I WILL BECAUSE YOU MEAN THAT MUCH TO ME!! [5/25/11 12:01:02 PM] Kevondra Moore: u got the lyrics wrong lol [5/25/11 12:01:48 PM] owen.ploof.juggalo666666: KEVONDRA YOU DENY OUR LOVE BUT SOMEDAY YOU WILL BRING YOUR KNEES TO THE FLOOR AND CONFRONT IT!! [5/25/11 12:02:04 PM] Kevondra Moore: what?? [5/25/11 12:02:40 PM] owen.ploof.juggalo666666: CHEEZEBURGER BLUE FART BUMPITY!! [5/25/11 12:03:34 PM] Kevondra Moore: jingle jingle jangle ball sweat [5/25/11 12:04:08 PM] owen.ploof.juggalo666666: POOPYFACE TOMATONOSE PUDDING CUP POOPSYPUMKINKINS [5/25/11 12:04:46 PM] Kevondra Moore: i can't think of nothing as random as that you win lol [5/25/11 12:05:11 PM] owen.ploof.juggalo666666: no kevondra as long as you have my heart you always win
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 07:21:54
juggalo666666 wrote: this isn't SB but its me and my best friend on skype. [5/25/11 11:28:53 AM] owen.ploof.juggalo666666: S'A GIFT!!! [5/25/11 11:58:30 AM] owen.ploof.juggalo666666: OOOOH KEVONDRA WON'T YOU BE MY BABY GIRL? [5/25/11 11:58:47 AM] Kevondra Moore: hellz no [5/25/11 12:00:34 PM] owen.ploof.juggalo666666: DONT WANNA BEG AND PLEAD FOR YOR SYMPATHY BUT I WILL BECAUSE YOU MEAN THAT MUCH TO ME!! [5/25/11 12:01:02 PM] Kevondra Moore: u got the lyrics wrong lol [5/25/11 12:01:48 PM] owen.ploof.juggalo666666: KEVONDRA YOU DENY OUR LOVE BUT SOMEDAY YOU WILL BRING YOUR KNEES TO THE FLOOR AND CONFRONT IT!! [5/25/11 12:02:04 PM] Kevondra Moore: what?? [5/25/11 12:02:40 PM] owen.ploof.juggalo666666: CHEEZEBURGER BLUE FART BUMPITY!! [5/25/11 12:03:34 PM] Kevondra Moore: jingle jingle jangle ball sweat [5/25/11 12:04:08 PM] owen.ploof.juggalo666666: POOPYFACE TOMATONOSE PUDDING CUP POOPSYPUMKINKINS [5/25/11 12:04:46 PM] Kevondra Moore: i can't think of nothing as random as that you win lol [5/25/11 12:05:11 PM] owen.ploof.juggalo666666: no kevondra as long as you have my heart you always win
You act like a 7 yr old kid, and the shit you posted isnt even funny, my little cousin could think of funnier shit then "CHEEZEBURGER BLUE FART BUMPITY!!" how old did you say you were again? -
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 08:37:22
^ +1
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 02:10:50
[1 Minute Ago 07:09 PM] Colin : thats like saying "why do i have two testes but billions of sperm cells" [2 Minutes Ago 07:07 PM] drgripable : idk why tho lol i have 18 subs. and only like 3500 total video views bottom to top ^
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 00:02:02
Bottom to top. [1 Minute Ago 05:00 PM] Bleevlee : Lol. [1 Minute Ago 05:00 PM] browndog12 : HER penis? o.O [1 Minute Ago 05:00 PM] browndog12 : wait what? [1 Minute Ago 05:00 PM] colourfulXinsanity : they have to amputate her penis... :/ [1 Minute Ago 05:00 PM] peninja : where?(i mean like what type/what part of body was broke) [2 Minutes Ago 04:58 PM] colourfulXinsanity : cute girl is getting surgery tomorrow
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 19:24:55
[1 Minute Ago 04:25 PM] strat1227 : "When people want to know the meaning of a word, they say 'Put it in a sentence'. But I need more than that. When someone asks me about a word i say "Put it in a play"" lmao
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 21:12:59
JackyMacky wrote: Bottom to top. [1 Minute Ago 05:00 PM] Bleevlee : Lol. [1 Minute Ago 05:00 PM] browndog12 : HER penis? o.O [1 Minute Ago 05:00 PM] browndog12 : wait what? [1 Minute Ago 05:00 PM] colourfulXinsanity : they have to amputate her penis... :/ [1 Minute Ago 05:00 PM] peninja : where?(i mean like what type/what part of body was broke) [2 Minutes Ago 04:58 PM] colourfulXinsanity : cute girl is getting surgery tomorrow
cxi is getting surgery? D: -
Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 14:04:32
[1 Minute Ago 09:03 PM] Loanshark : or when you download 1tb of porn [1 Minute Ago 09:03 PM] shoeman6 : loool nice. [1 Minute Ago 09:02 PM] neXus : Like when you play a ga .. wait, no. [1 Minute Ago 09:02 PM] shoeman6 : Yeah itunes fucks up for me every other day it seems like. [1 Minute Ago 09:02 PM] neXus : But if you actually USE your computer to do more advanced things, install programs etc. chances rise something might come up [1 Minute Ago 09:02 PM] Biji : Knowing itunes, just listening to music should give you problems [1 Minute Ago 09:01 PM] shoeman6 : ahahahah true... [2 Minutes Ago 09:01 PM] neXus : If you just turn it on, browse the web and listen to some music, yeah not much is gonna happen to you. [2 Minutes Ago 09:01 PM] neXus : It depends on how you use your computer. [3 Minutes Ago 09:00 PM] shoeman6 : she prob has a shitty computer if shes owned that mac for 4 years tho >.> bwahahaa
Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 20:59:57
Not funny, serious problem.
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 21:35:02
zweebna wrote: Not funny, serious problem.
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 23:26:25
I was talking about the porn, but she's ho'.
Date: Wed, Jun 22 2011 02:39:08
*colourfulXinsanity uses strat's excuse to grab hold of colin's tits briefly* @ 07:37 PM *strat1227 fondles colin's tits* @ 07:36 PM [1 Minute Ago 07:35 PM] strat1227 : colin's tits are enraged. i will attempt to calm them with gentle fondling [5 Minutes Ago 07:32 PM] Colin : and im pissed that guy's are fucking arrogant faggots who brag about everything [1 Minute Ago 07:37 PM] strat1227 : jaychou --> asian --> large dick --> DOES NOT COMPUTE *colourfulXinsanity uses strat's excuse to grab hold of colin's tits briefly* @ 07:37 PM [1 Minute Ago 07:37 PM] MickChickenn : ? [1 Minute Ago 07:37 PM] jaychou : my dick is large, yes i'm an arrogant faggot bragging about my penis size
Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 21:54:03
[1 Minute Ago 05:53 PM] DasToks : guys what is the break down for Hai tuna?
Date: Sat, Jun 25 2011 15:45:10
[1 Minute Ago 11:42 PM] fang : dahm, I problaly have more friends on UPSB than in real life
Date: Sun, Jun 26 2011 19:54:13
[5 Minutes Ago 01:48 PM] neXus : anyways, now that that's cleaned out, time for bed [5 Minutes Ago 01:48 PM] fang : DO I want to know @neXus? [5 Minutes Ago 01:48 PM] neXus : It was a mix of something sticky, lint and a lot of belly hair [5 Minutes Ago 01:48 PM] fang : I hope that everybody enjoy the tournament. [5 Minutes Ago 01:48 PM] Xienix : YES YOU..... [5 Minutes Ago 01:47 PM] neXus : Holy shit I just pulled the most disgusting thing out of my belly button
Date: Mon, Jun 27 2011 04:44:21
browndog12 wrote: [5 Minutes Ago 01:48 PM] neXus : anyways, now that that's cleaned out, time for bed [5 Minutes Ago 01:48 PM] fang : DO I want to know @neXus? [5 Minutes Ago 01:48 PM] neXus : It was a mix of something sticky, lint and a lot of belly hair [5 Minutes Ago 01:48 PM] fang : I hope that everybody enjoy the tournament. [5 Minutes Ago 01:48 PM] Xienix : YES YOU..... [5 Minutes Ago 01:47 PM] neXus : Holy shit I just pulled the most disgusting thing out of my belly button
thats not even funny, neXus says shit like that everyday. Where the fuck have you been? -
Date: Tue, Jun 28 2011 00:14:31
[20:13] van: isnt purple a color for gays!? [20:13] darkrose: no [20:13] koza: No [20:13] ex: lol [20:13] flarion: lol [20:13] cheese: lol [20:13] koza: Purple is the color of royalty [20:13] flarion: common misconception
Date: Tue, Jun 28 2011 01:53:25
[2 Minutes Ago 06:50 PM]shoeman6: derp. [2 Minutes Ago 06:50 PM]Mufoofee: LOL. [2 Minutes Ago 06:50 PM]Mufoofee: A fruit that is black is a plum? [2 Minutes Ago 06:50 PM]shoeman6: blackberries? [2 Minutes Ago 06:50 PM]Mufoofee: Which colors should i pick? [3 Minutes Ago 06:49 PM]Mufoofee: Black, red, green and purple RSVP grip [3 Minutes Ago 06:49 PM]Riley: Idk any fruit that's black.
Date: Tue, Jun 28 2011 02:09:50
[1 Minute Ago 07:08 PM]esp: Only if you want it to be. [1 Minute Ago 07:07 PM]Flarion: ive heard fucking is quite dirty though [2 Minutes Ago 07:05 PM]esp: Thos midbacks were clean as fuc.
Date: Tue, Jun 28 2011 18:50:28
[17 Minutes Ago 11:31 AM] Van : i ate lettuce before, and threw up on a fag before :) [20 Minutes Ago 11:28 AM] TheAafg : i have sat in a van [21 Minutes Ago 11:27 AM] Lettuce : I want to get a Volks Van [21 Minutes Ago 11:27 AM] thebloodgod : ??? [21 Minutes Ago 11:26 AM] Van : huh [22 Minutes Ago 11:26 AM] TheAafg : let's make a van :3 [23 Minutes Ago 11:25 AM] thebloodgod : i dont have a van [23 Minutes Ago 11:24 AM] TheAafg : where is van? :(
Date: Thu, Jun 30 2011 18:28:44
its nto reall shout box but w/e cop: what did the guy look like who took your money me: he looked a lot like cee lo green actually cop: oh that guy. i arrested him yesterday lying in a pool of his own vomit.
Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 22:13:32
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: its nto reall shout box but w/e cop: what did the guy look like who took your money me: he looked a lot like cee lo green actually cop: oh that guy. i arrested him yesterday lying in a pool of his own vomit.
If its not going to be from the shoutbox, it could at least be funny. -
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 09:57:02
hippo2626 11 minutes ago 02:43 AM most of my friends are imaginary fang 11 Minutes Ago 02:43 AM the most friend I have are girls..... N00Bz 11 Minutes Ago 02:43 AM they cant understand ps N00Bz 12 Minutes Ago 02:43 AM I dont talk much to girls
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 22:59:16
We're talking about AP tests. Bottom to top. [1 Minute Ago 03:56 PM] Zkhan : im depressed now [1 Minute Ago 03:56 PM] jaychou : that....sounds gross [1 Minute Ago 03:56 PM] Zkhan : my dad went off on me [1 Minute Ago 03:56 PM] Zkhan : i just opened mine [2 Minutes Ago 03:55 PM] Nachoaddict : omfg I'm scared to go home and open the letter [2 Minutes Ago 03:55 PM] Zkhan : still going to take calc in college anyways :/
Date: Fri, Jul 8 2011 15:42:14
[4 Minutes Ago 03:35 PM] Enkronidus : And I think you just killed the box. o_O [15 Minutes Ago 03:23 PM] Loanshark : holy shit my dog just killed a rabbit o.o Made me chuckle.
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 09:34:59
Zleepy wrote: [1 Minute Ago 11:42 PM] fang : dahm, I problaly have more friends on UPSB than in real life
Sad but true, can you inmagen. I don't have alot friends on UPSB eather, I need a life! -
Date: Tue, Jul 12 2011 17:42:42
[1 Minute Ago 10:41 AM] neXus : haha I had that too zaki [1 Minute Ago 10:40 AM] neXus : I rarely "open" winrar, I usually rightclick extract [1 Minute Ago 10:40 AM] XYZaki : The first time I downloaded Winrar, it was packed into a .rar by some sadist on torrentspy. [2 Minutes Ago 10:39 AM] neXus : it never stops working, even with the "trial" version [2 Minutes Ago 10:39 AM] neXus : I wonder if there are people who actually buy winrar
Date: Wed, Jul 13 2011 00:41:57
Yeah, I hate it when people pack winrar in a rar. Pisses me off. Or when they pack it in a .zip even.
Date: Wed, Jul 13 2011 12:32:55
Simple solution, use 7zip
Date: Wed, Jul 13 2011 23:18:07
well, how do you expect them to share the files? Unless it's an executable setup, I wouldn't complain (for the .zip part). :PPP
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 10:12:34
[31 Minutes Ago 09:36 AM]wings : lol ok XD [31 Minutes Ago 09:36 AM]i.suk : just leave it alone lol [32 Minutes Ago 09:35 AM]wings : should i pop it, orr let it dry lol @_@ [32 Minutes Ago 09:35 AM]wings : help me i.suck!!! D: [33 Minutes Ago 09:34 AM]i.suk : wow latests posts 'section' looks funny [35 Minutes Ago 09:32 AM]i.suk : hmmmmm [39 Minutes Ago 09:28 AM]wings : im gonna die if i pop it D: [41 Minutes Ago 09:26 AM]Xienix : hahaha [41 Minutes Ago 09:26 AM]wings : =___= dang, i have a pimple near my belly button... puberty i hate u now!!! Kinda wtf.
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 12:16:36
Krypton wrote: [31 Minutes Ago 09:36 AM]wings : lol ok XD [31 Minutes Ago 09:36 AM]i.suk : just leave it alone lol [32 Minutes Ago 09:35 AM]wings : should i pop it, orr let it dry lol @_@ [32 Minutes Ago 09:35 AM]wings : help me i.suck!!! D: [33 Minutes Ago 09:34 AM]i.suk : wow latests posts 'section' looks funny [35 Minutes Ago 09:32 AM]i.suk : hmmmmm [39 Minutes Ago 09:28 AM]wings : im gonna die if i pop it D: [41 Minutes Ago 09:26 AM]Xienix : hahaha [41 Minutes Ago 09:26 AM]wings : =___= dang, i have a pimple near my belly button... puberty i hate u now!!! Kinda wtf.
lol I need a life XD -
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 12:48:21
LOLOLOLOLOL. i remember that. that was HILARIOUS. xDDD
Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 04:11:19
nothing here is funny anymore
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 01:20:54
awwww, loanie is all growd up, his childish ways are behind him
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 02:25:55
Date: Sun, Aug 7 2011 23:28:18
[2 Minutes Ago 07:25 PM] Awesome :excited: [2 Minutes Ago 07:25 PM] Flarion :excited: [3 Minutes Ago 07:24 PM] Wonder :excited: [3 Minutes Ago 07:24 PM] Flarion :excited:
Date: Mon, Aug 8 2011 03:06:36
[1 Minute Ago 10:05 PM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : lol [1 Minute Ago 10:04 PM] MightAsWellGG : LOLOLOLOLOL [1 Minute Ago 10:04 PM] Titsep : DID YOU JUST [1 Minute Ago 10:04 PM] Titsep : OMG [1 Minute Ago 10:04 PM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : LOL
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 17:02:29
[10 Minutes Ago 12:50 PM] 2B : i wanna kiss somebody , lol =]] , but i can't do that . desperate much? @2B
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 20:54:28
[2 Minutes Ago 08:50 PM] drgripable: :facepalm: [5 Minutes Ago 08:46 PM] jaychou: [1 Minute Ago 01:44 PM] drgripable : how much are those things worth nowadays?[1 Minute Ago 01:44 PM] drgripable : i think im gonna sell my body <
Date: Tue, Aug 16 2011 00:39:24
[1 Minute Ago 08:38 PM] Mufoofee : :facepalm: [1 Minute Ago 08:38 PM] Flarion : LOL [1 Minute Ago 08:38 PM] Atsume : fail XD [1 Minute Ago 08:37 PM] Atsume : :woohoo: :woohoo: [1 Minute Ago 08:37 PM] Flarion : :excited: :excited: [1 Minute Ago 08:37 PM] Kari : :excited: :excited: [1 Minute Ago 08:37 PM] Mufoofee : :excited: :excited:
Date: Tue, Aug 16 2011 14:32:23
LOL I remember that.
Date: Tue, Aug 16 2011 23:50:56
[1 Minute Ago 07:49 PM] TheAafg : lolol [1 Minute Ago 07:49 PM] Sankaku : i nearly dropped him, i bent over like AAHHH, and nearly let the kid fall onto the deck lol [1 Minute Ago 07:48 PM] Sankaku : yeah, i picked him up cuz he was running away after i told him class was over, and he airwalks and catches me in the nuts [2 Minutes Ago 07:47 PM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : ewwww [3 Minutes Ago 07:47 PM] Colin : like you dont even know, my right nut is in pain. its within the sack *DrakeOhMeteor007 mentioned Cloud in post Is there a tutorial on the ck twister mod?* @ 07:47 PM [3 Minutes Ago 07:47 PM] Colin : LOL HIS HELLS? [3 Minutes Ago 07:47 PM] TheAafg : lolwut [3 Minutes Ago 07:46 PM] Sankaku : at work today, some kid kicked me with his heels, right in the balls
Date: Sun, Aug 21 2011 18:53:31
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: [1 Minute Ago 07:49 PM] TheAafg : lolol [1 Minute Ago 07:49 PM] Sankaku : i nearly dropped him, i bent over like AAHHH, and nearly let the kid fall onto the deck lol [1 Minute Ago 07:48 PM] Sankaku : yeah, i picked him up cuz he was running away after i told him class was over, and he airwalks and catches me in the nuts [2 Minutes Ago 07:47 PM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : ewwww [3 Minutes Ago 07:47 PM] Colin : like you dont even know, my right nut is in pain. its within the sack *DrakeOhMeteor007 mentioned Cloud in post Is there a tutorial on the ck twister mod?* @ 07:47 PM [3 Minutes Ago 07:47 PM] Colin : LOL HIS HELLS? [3 Minutes Ago 07:47 PM] TheAafg : lolwut [3 Minutes Ago 07:46 PM] Sankaku : at work today, some kid kicked me with his heels, right in the balls
lol i laughed so hard when i read this -
Date: Sun, Aug 28 2011 07:40:22
[13 Minutes Ago 07:26 AM] ChauTran : he looks like a badass frog to me [13 Minutes Ago 07:25 AM] Baaron : yes [17 Minutes Ago 07:22 AM] i.suk : O__o" [17 Minutes Ago 07:21 AM] ChauTran : wth Baaron xD [20 Minutes Ago 07:19 AM] Baaron :
Date: Thu, Sep 1 2011 12:26:40
[1 Minute Ago 12:25 PM] Krispy Kreme : I fold it in half :trollface: [1 Minute Ago 12:25 PM] thebloodgod : ? [1 Minute Ago 12:24 PM] mama : masturbation? [2 Minutes Ago 12:23 PM] Krispy Kreme : WANNA KNOW HOW I MAKE MY PENIS 10 INCHES LONG ?
Date: Thu, Sep 1 2011 13:48:02
[1 Minute Ago 01:47 PM] juggalo666666 : win [1 Minute Ago 01:46 PM] Nadhif : <3 [3 Minutes Ago 01:43 PM] juggalo666666 : <3 [5 Minutes Ago 01:42 PM] Yamaguchi : <3 [5 Minutes Ago 01:41 PM] Nadhif : lol
Date: Thu, Sep 1 2011 16:13:14
Krypton wrote: [1 Minute Ago 12:25 PM] Krispy Kreme : I fold it in half :trollface: [1 Minute Ago 12:25 PM] thebloodgod : ? [1 Minute Ago 12:24 PM] mama : masturbation? [2 Minutes Ago 12:23 PM] Krispy Kreme : WANNA KNOW HOW I MAKE MY PENIS 10 INCHES LONG ?
I lol'd -
Date: Fri, Sep 2 2011 22:58:16
[1 Minute Ago 10:55 PM] shoeman6: nah. [1 Minute Ago 10:54 PM] fang: shouldn't we tell him that UPSB got his own penspining tinychat room now? [3 Minutes Ago 10:52 PM] Stare: ^ lol'd quite hard, maybe it was the moment though!~ [1 Minute Ago 10:57 PM] King: free donuts!
Date: Sat, Sep 3 2011 05:55:16
[1 Minute Ago 05:54 AM]King: Upsb is the mosh pit of psing. Lol
fang wrote: [1 Minute Ago 10:55 PM] shoeman6: nah. [1 Minute Ago 10:54 PM] fang: shouldn't we tell him that UPSB got his own penspining tinychat room now? [3 Minutes Ago 10:52 PM] Stare: ^ lol'd quite hard, maybe it was the moment though!~ [1 Minute Ago 10:57 PM] King: free donuts!
Date: Fri, Sep 9 2011 14:50:49
[6 Minutes Ago 02:42 PM]Yamaguchi : ok Give me buster if I brake the record of cont ta ex [7 Minutes Ago 02:41 PM]i.suk : if you can do some cont trick to high enough numbers :trollface: [7 Minutes Ago 02:41 PM]Yamaguchi : if? [9 Minutes Ago 02:39 PM]juggalo666666 : me too i dont have 1 i have pencils [11 Minutes Ago 02:37 PM]i.suk : if [12 Minutes Ago 02:37 PM]Yamaguchi : you serious? OHMYGOD [13 Minutes Ago 02:36 PM]i.suk : i'll give you free pens
Date: Mon, Sep 12 2011 14:48:11
[1 Minute Ago 02:47 PM] juggalo666666 : NOOOOOO!!! [1 Minute Ago 02:47 PM] Yamaguchi : no really im serious [1 Minute Ago 02:46 PM] fang : yeah, I leave!~ [1 Minute Ago 02:46 PM] Yamaguchi : o.o saturday, I cummed like a tiger o.o [1 Minute Ago 02:45 PM] juggalo666666 : no i have the most interesting story ever told by mankind [2 Minutes Ago 02:44 PM] fang : anyone got something interesting to tell? or can I leave without regret!?~
Date: Tue, Sep 13 2011 06:26:33
none of these are funny.............just stupid and a waste of space.
Date: Tue, Sep 13 2011 09:11:38
[2 Minutes Ago 07:04 PM] Eruption: hehe [4 Minutes Ago 07:02 PM] The Rage Is Here: Yo Yin I'm Here [6 Minutes Ago 07:00 PM] Eruption: muahahahahahahahah!!! [7 Minutes Ago 07:00 PM] Eruption: oh hehe [8 Minutes Ago 06:58 PM] Yamaguchi: ugh, the guy who is pointed is "The Rage is Here" XD [9 Minutes Ago 06:57 PM]Eruption: what is that meant to mean? [11 Minutes Ago 06:56 PM]Yamaguchi: :pointlaugh:
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 03:47:00
[1 Minute Ago 11:46 PM] shoeman6 : @zkahn, thats a really skewed view of the world, thats like saying cant beat it, might as well stick my ass up in the air. :rofl:
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 20:36:08
[1 Minute Ago 02:34 PM] TheAafg : LOOOL [1 Minute Ago 02:34 PM] browndog12 : he dared me [1 Minute Ago 02:33 PM] browndog12 : :vcool: [1 Minute Ago 02:33 PM] TheAafg : spammers bin you only get one infraction though [1 Minute Ago 02:33 PM] shoeman6 : hahah agreed, but I kinda want to do race for the wool, for real. [1 Minute Ago 02:33 PM] JackyMacky : Lol, I dare you. [2 Minutes Ago 02:33 PM] browndog12 : i was about to shout a vcool but then i realized there were two mods in the SB. HELLA GOT A SHOUTBOX BAN FOR THAT
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 09:59:10
browndog12 wrote: [1 Minute Ago 02:34 PM] TheAafg : LOOOL [1 Minute Ago 02:34 PM] browndog12 : he dared me [1 Minute Ago 02:33 PM] browndog12 : :vcool: [1 Minute Ago 02:33 PM] TheAafg : spammers bin you only get one infraction though [1 Minute Ago 02:33 PM] shoeman6 : hahah agreed, but I kinda want to do race for the wool, for real. [1 Minute Ago 02:33 PM] JackyMacky : Lol, I dare you. [2 Minutes Ago 02:33 PM] browndog12 : i was about to shout a vcool but then i realized there were two mods in the SB. HELLA GOT A SHOUTBOX BAN FOR THAT
shoutbox ban? why not just an infraction? o.o -
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 10:01:35
[1 Minute Ago 10:00 AM] Yamaguchi : FUUUUUUUUUUUUU [1 Minute Ago 09:59 AM] chrisPS : hmmmmmmm [3 Minutes Ago 09:57 AM] Samuirai : hmmmm [3 Minutes Ago 09:57 AM] Yamaguchi : i.suk stop humming o.O [5 Minutes Ago 09:55 AM] i.suk : hmmmm [21 Minutes Ago 09:39 AM] Yamaguchi :
Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 00:46:04
[4 Minutes Ago 05:41 PM] Raine : Is that what Minwoo uses to masturbate? :o [4 Minutes Ago 05:40 PM] Raine : Min...lotion? @Minlaotion
Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 01:22:32
@Yamaguchi i got a ban for being a dick about it, not for the actual post XD
Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 01:37:47
TheAafg wrote: [4 Minutes Ago 05:41 PM] Raine : Is that what Minwoo uses to masturbate? :o [4 Minutes Ago 05:40 PM] Raine : Min...lotion? @Minlaotion
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 21:42:10
hell yeah alll the active colours at once!
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 21:53:38
@DrakeOhMeteor007 HAHAHA!!!! that would be once in a lifetime change hopefully.
Date: Fri, Sep 30 2011 16:12:21
Yamaguchi 16 Hours Ago 11:48 PM jaychou 16 Hours Ago 11:47 PM hAX 7 ATE 9 16 Hours Ago 11:47 PM 7 ATE 9 7 ATE 9 16 Hours Ago 11:47 PM how u do that? TheAafg 16 Hours Ago 11:46 PM TheAafg : 7 ATE 9 16 Hours Ago 11:45 PM 7 ATE 9 : 7 ATE 9 : Yamaguchi 16 Hours Ago 11:44 PM o.o TheAafg 16 Hours Ago 11:41 PM i can shout purple in spammer's bin but in general tab icolor used hax 7 ATE 9 16 Hours Ago 11:41 PM aRENT I IN V3 iColor 16 Hours Ago 11:41 PM how to purple text: you shout in v3 7 ATE 9 16 Hours Ago 11:40 PM it didnt work 7 ATE 9 16 Hours Ago 11:40 PM Color=purple Krispy Kreme 16 Hours Ago 11:40 PM ahh, lemme check jaychou 16 Hours Ago 11:39 PM well that failed 7 ATE 9 16 Hours Ago 11:39 PM purple jaychou 16 Hours Ago 11:39 PM [color="purple"] has no idea [/color] 7 ATE 9 16 Hours Ago 11:39 PM how do u do it? iColor 16 Hours Ago 11:38 PM krispy, link to ps-connect is on my facebook too. TheAafg 16 Hours Ago 11:38 PM weird it works in spammers bin Krispy Kreme 16 Hours Ago 11:37 PM what.....
Date: Mon, Oct 3 2011 03:57:33
[12 Minutes Ago 03:44 AM]gyrobius : FUCK [12 Minutes Ago 03:44 AM]gyrobius : :falepalm: [12 Minutes Ago 03:43 AM]gyrobius : facepalm [12 Minutes Ago 03:43 AM]Iota : i can never for the life of me learn that emote [12 Minutes Ago 03:43 AM]Iota : what am I doing on upsb :handinface: i have a mid-term paper on community, social capital and civic engagement due tuesday fuuuuuuu
Date: Thu, Oct 6 2011 15:12:08
Krypton wrote: [12 Minutes Ago 03:44 AM]gyrobius : FUCK [12 Minutes Ago 03:44 AM]gyrobius : :falepalm: [12 Minutes Ago 03:43 AM]gyrobius : facepalm [12 Minutes Ago 03:43 AM]Iota : i can never for the life of me learn that emote [12 Minutes Ago 03:43 AM]Iota : what am I doing on upsb :handinface: i have a mid-term paper on community, social capital and civic engagement due tuesday fuuuuuuu
:facepalm: -
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 02:40:11
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 13:40:01
UPSB v3 Shoutbox Quote [B](from top to bottom)[/B]: (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- She asked me make her a sammich. What mallarky barked from her lips! (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- So I slapped that ho with mah "mace" :'D (A minute ago) PillarsOfValhalla -- Colin, wilst thou take this talk of fornication with thy mother? (A minute ago) Pandamonium -- And told her to get back into the kitchen where women belong. (A minute ago) Colin -- Thoust DARE speak of the words upon thy lips?! (A minute ago) GhostOfShoutbox -- twas the day the shoutbox has become epic and united we stand!
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 18:36:24
[1 Minute Ago 02:33 PM] Pretty Little Flower : can you change my name back x.x? [1 Minute Ago 02:33 PM] Pretty Little Flower : i forgot how to change names.. [1 Minute Ago 02:33 PM] Pretty Little Flower : icolor..
Date: Wed, Oct 19 2011 09:24:13
Kari+Kari-chan= a little bit of confusion
Date: Wed, Oct 19 2011 09:53:10
PenVirus wrote: Kari+Kari-chan= a little bit of confusion
Oh how we love messing with you guys when we are together. :p -
Date: Wed, Oct 19 2011 09:54:41
yes my name is in it :XD:
Date: Wed, Oct 19 2011 09:56:10
teehee ^_^
Date: Thu, Oct 20 2011 13:29:59
Kari wrote: Oh how we love messing with you guys when we are together. :p My security classified this site and blocked because of porn.child :wtf: -
Date: Fri, Oct 21 2011 09:48:00
juggalo666666 wrote: My security classified this site and blocked because of porn.child :wtf:
Hahaha what have you been looking up? :rofl: -
Date: Sun, Oct 23 2011 15:10:18
@Kari maybe i should change my name to Kari-Cham
Date: Sun, Oct 23 2011 17:47:43
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: @Kari maybe i should change my name to Kari-Cham
You wouldn't so I'm not too worried. :p -
Date: Mon, Oct 24 2011 15:41:39
Kari wrote: You wouldn't so I'm not too worried. :p
Hmmmmm -
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 22:32:36
/le bump [1 Minute Ago 03:31 PM] Zkhan : =.= [1 Minute Ago 03:30 PM] Pen Ninja : i read that as porno [1 Minute Ago 03:30 PM] Zkhan : plus i have to film for a promo bot to top
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 23:17:21
[1 Minute Ago 07:16 PM] strat1227 : shoeman did you nickname your penis "my kids"? [1 Minute Ago 07:15 PM] shoeman6 : It will teach them to be good and stuff. [1 Minute Ago 07:15 PM] shoeman6 : Im going to beat my kids every night. :biglaugh:
Date: Wed, Nov 2 2011 06:12:43
^lol hahahahaha strat is so nasty XD
Date: Wed, Nov 2 2011 13:08:02
[1 Minute Ago 12:06 AM] Zkhan: fuuuuuuuuuu [1 Minute Ago 12:06 AM] Zkhan: (sun) [1 Minute Ago 12:06 AM] fang: c-c-c-c-c-c-c-combo breaker [1 Minute Ago 12:06 AM] fang: (sun) [1 Minute Ago 12:05 AM] Nashi: (sun) [2 Minutes Ago 12:05 AM] Zkhan: (sun) [2 Minutes Ago 12:04 AM] Nashi: (sun) [2 Minutes Ago 12:04 AM] fang: (sun) [3 Minutes Ago 12:03 AM] juggalo666666: (sun) [3 Minutes Ago 12:03 AM] fang: (sun) [3 Minutes Ago 12:03 AM] Zkhan: (sun) [4 Minutes Ago 12:03 AM] fang: (sun) [4 Minutes Ago 12:02 AM] Eruption: (sun) [5 Minutes Ago 12:01 AM] Zkhan: (sun)
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 21:18:04
[9 Minutes Ago 02:07 PM] neXus : IT HURTS IN THE SOUL BRO [9 Minutes Ago 02:07 PM] neXus : losing to a player named xXPlayaXx [9 Minutes Ago 02:07 PM] neXus : BUT [9 Minutes Ago 02:07 PM] neXus : no one likes to lose [10 Minutes Ago 02:07 PM] neXus : We all know that [10 Minutes Ago 02:07 PM] neXus : Losing fucking sucks typical neXus :wub: bottom to top.
Date: Thu, Nov 10 2011 17:27:15
Eruption wrote: [1 Minute Ago 12:06 AM] Zkhan: fuuuuuuuuuu [1 Minute Ago 12:06 AM] Zkhan: (sun) [1 Minute Ago 12:06 AM] fang: c-c-c-c-c-c-c-combo breaker [1 Minute Ago 12:06 AM] fang: (sun) [1 Minute Ago 12:05 AM] Nashi: (sun) [2 Minutes Ago 12:05 AM] Zkhan: (sun) [2 Minutes Ago 12:04 AM] Nashi: (sun) [2 Minutes Ago 12:04 AM] fang: (sun) [3 Minutes Ago 12:03 AM] juggalo666666: (sun) [3 Minutes Ago 12:03 AM] fang: (sun) [3 Minutes Ago 12:03 AM] Zkhan: (sun) [4 Minutes Ago 12:03 AM] fang: (sun) [4 Minutes Ago 12:02 AM] Eruption: (sun) [5 Minutes Ago 12:01 AM] Zkhan: (sun)
"Combo breakers are inevitable. If the combo is completed successfully, it is gay." Freaking rule 95 of the internet!~ -
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 21:37:35
[1 Minute Ago 02:36 PM] Zkhan : :trollface: [1 Minute Ago 02:36 PM] Zkhan : well im breezy [1 Minute Ago 02:35 PM] Kari : I'm easy :rofl: bottom to top
Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 16:18:37
[1 Minute Ago 02:35 PM] Mats: *backs away* gay [1 Minute Ago 02:36 PM] iColor : i like bananas [2 Minutes Ago 02:35 PM] Mats: Who likes bananas?
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 17:53:02
saw on tinychat [6:43 PM] wikero: how many time have you been spinning for? [6:43 PM] enkronidus: A bit over 6.5 years [6:43 PM] enkronidus: Shiut [6:43 PM] wikero: wtf?! [6:43 PM] enkronidus: Shit LOL [6:43 PM] wikero: WTF?! [6:43 PM] enkronidus: 3.5 years* [6:43 PM] enkronidus: XD [6:43 PM] wikero: LOLMAO [6:43 PM] wikero: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [6:44 PM] wikero: 6.5 YEARS EPIC FAIL LOL [6:44 PM] wikero: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [6:44 PM] wikero: n1 [6:44 PM] enkronidus: LOLOLOLOL
Date: Tue, Nov 29 2011 17:13:49
[1 Minute Ago 05:10 PM] juggalo666666 : this is going in the funniest shoutbox moments [1 Minute Ago 05:09 PM] YUi : ? [1 Minute Ago 05:09 PM] Abyss : lolwhut? [1 Minute Ago 05:09 PM] juggalo666666 : wtf? [1 Minute Ago 05:08 PM] YUi : yo [2 Minutes Ago 05:08 PM] Abyss : sup [3 Minutes Ago 05:07 PM] Ash : Hi there guys [3 Minutes Ago 05:07 PM] YUi : yea dude seriously. Leave it. Im not arguing here [4 Minutes Ago 05:06 PM] Abyss : he asked me whether im malaysian.... dude... seriously =.= [6 Minutes Ago 05:04 PM] YUi : You tell him im your neighbour. Lol i quite tired, no mood argue [7 Minutes Ago 05:03 PM] Abyss : fyi im not trolling in any way =.=lll [9 Minutes Ago 05:00 PM] YUi : Lol troll la sean. @NoobFlorish im malaysian by blood [11 Minutes Ago 04:59 PM] Abyss : nope lol your neighbour [11 Minutes Ago 04:58 PM] NoobFlorish : =O abyss malaysian?
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 09:10:06
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 09:44:31
still nothing funny about this whole fucking thread.
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 10:33:10
Good to see you back.
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 23:44:19
Abyss wrote: :trollface:
rape -
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 09:21:31
[28 Minutes Ago 12:52 AM] thetroll : wtf im changing it [29 Minutes Ago 12:51 AM] FrogPrinceXD : wtf why is your name thetroll? [32 Minutes Ago 12:48 AM] thetroll : wtf why is your name i suck
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 12:56:34
[1 Minute Ago 05:55 AM] TheAafg : lmao [1 Minute Ago 05:55 AM] Rapid : LOL [2 Minutes Ago 05:53 AM] SuiXidaL : I don't like you already (sun) [6 Minutes Ago 05:49 AM] Spectre : I'm a filipino! [8 Minutes Ago 05:48 AM] TheAafg : hello [12 Minutes Ago 05:43 AM] Spectre : I'm new here!
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 04:16:32
[12 Minutes Ago 12:02 PM] jaychou : th.....thanks?.....i guess...? [12 Minutes Ago 12:01 PM] strat1227 : jay > gay [13 Minutes Ago 12:01 PM] jaychou : LEX > SEX LOL! Edited to add another one : [1 Minute Ago 12:44 PM] phinamthi : I think you should make a gif of yourself doing the same thing xD [2 Minutes Ago 12:43 PM] Nachoaddict : Oh thank you lol. Yeah gotta change my avatar. I'm looking for a new one [4 Minutes Ago 12:42 PM] phinamthi : Nacho. You. Are. Awesome. Sometimes I think you're a girl cus of your avatar o.O
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 22:59:07
[16 Minutes Ago 03:40 PM]jaychou: afag [17 Minutes Ago 03:40 PM]Nashi: aafg [18 Minutes Ago 03:39 PM]Flarion: aafg [18 Minutes Ago 03:38 PM]PenwisH: afag? [20 Minutes Ago 03:37 PM]Flarion: is afag in here? ^lol @iFL
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 00:20:59
phinamthi wrote: [16 Minutes Ago 03:40 PM]jaychou: afag [17 Minutes Ago 03:40 PM]Nashi: aafg [18 Minutes Ago 03:39 PM]Flarion: aafg [18 Minutes Ago 03:38 PM]PenwisH: afag? [20 Minutes Ago 03:37 PM]Flarion: is afag in here?
is it bad that I lol'd? -
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 07:23:46
chrisPS 10 Minutes Ago 09:37 PM the thing that bothers me is that she only saw me ONCE in her whole life (not including Facebook and all that) sorry for tmi, but yeah. chrisPS 11 Minutes Ago 09:36 PM she sexts me like, do you find sex interesting? have you have sex before? ._________. talk about desperate. chrisPS 11 Minutes Ago 09:35 PM she's a virgin. -.- neXus 12 Minutes Ago 09:35 PM flip a coin bro neXus 12 Minutes Ago 09:35 PM but then again theres "don't stick your dick in crazy" neXus 12 Minutes Ago 09:35 PM but if she's a virgin stay away neXus 12 Minutes Ago 09:34 PM If shes not a virgin do it chrisPS 13 Minutes Ago 09:34 PM dude, some girl is so desperate of me banging her. -.
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 09:57:36
^lol but srsly, -.-
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 00:14:34
[4 Minutes Ago 02:14 PM]TheAafg: this girl stands up and says how she found the love of her life (her bf) and they are gonna get married in the future. I got sent out for laughing uncontrollably at this. [4 Minutes Ago 02:14 PM]Mats: You should have said you had just started dealing drugs [4 Minutes Ago 02:14 PM]Kari: Ahi ando? [5 Minutes Ago 02:14 PM]TheAafg: today my english teacher was going around and making everyone tell the class about something interesting going on in their life. ____________________________________________________- [1 Minute Ago 01:03 PM]strat1227: gotta get some beer lol [1 Minute Ago 01:03 PM]strat1227: i'll definitely do that [1 Minute Ago 01:02 PM]neXus: Beer is basically a second currency in Germany [1 Minute Ago 01:02 PM]strat1227: lol that's a damn good idea actually [1 Minute Ago 01:02 PM]neXus: it's what I would do [1 Minute Ago 01:02 PM]neXus: go buy a sixpack and put it somewhere, write a note merry xmas to you too [2 Minutes Ago 01:00 PM]strat1227: and i was like "well let me pay for the parts at least ..." and he was like "nope, merry xmas, i gotta go" and he left lol [3 Minutes Ago 01:00 PM]strat1227: i was asking him about how much he charged me for it, and he was like "you know what, i'm really busy, just take it" I just had to :trollface:
Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 07:03:08
[1 Minute Ago 03:02 PM] Jet. : zkhan more like asseater [1 Minute Ago 03:00 PM] Zkhan : someone better be quoting that [2 Minutes Ago 02:59 PM] Jet. : pen spinning is for faggots
Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 05:45:50
[1 Minute Ago 10:43 PM] TheAafg : LOL JK ass :trollface: [1 Minute Ago 10:43 PM] TheAafg : personality [1 Minute Ago 10:43 PM] King : Ass or boobs? Go! i find myself funny :D
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 05:50:16
[1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] Tetsip : FUCK YOU BLAHBLAHTING [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : NOOOO [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : (sun [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] Tetsip : :) [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] blahblahting : C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] HobbyLogics : (sun) [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : (sun) [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] HobbyLogics : (sun) [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : (sun) [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] HobbyLogics : (sun) [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : (sun) [2 Minutes Ago 12:45 AM] HobbyLogics : (sun) [2 Minutes Ago 12:44 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : (sun) [3 Minutes Ago 12:44 AM] Zkhan : (sun) [3 Minutes Ago 12:43 AM] iFL : (sun) [4 Minutes Ago 12:43 AM] casual : (sun) [4 Minutes Ago 12:43 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : (sun [5 Minutes Ago 12:42 AM] HobbyLogics : (sun maxed out number of emotion cons lol
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 12:23:01
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] Tetsip : FUCK YOU BLAHBLAHTING [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : NOOOO [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : (sun [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] Tetsip : :) [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] blahblahting : C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] HobbyLogics : (sun [1 Minute Ago 12:47 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : (sun) [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] HobbyLogics : (sun) [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : (sun) [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] HobbyLogics : (sun) [1 Minute Ago 12:46 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : (sun) [2 Minutes Ago 12:45 AM] HobbyLogics : (sun) [2 Minutes Ago 12:44 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : (sun) [3 Minutes Ago 12:44 AM] Zkhan : (sun) [3 Minutes Ago 12:43 AM] iFL : (sun) [4 Minutes Ago 12:43 AM] casual : (sun) [4 Minutes Ago 12:43 AM] DrakeOhMeteor007 : (sun [5 Minutes Ago 12:42 AM] HobbyLogics : (sun maxed out number of emotion cons lol
That's not even remotely funny. At least put in some effort to edit the shouts so we can read them :facepalm: -
Date: Wed, Dec 14 2011 06:44:31
[1 Minute Ago 10:41 PM]strat1227: there we go, prank accopmlished. [1 Minute Ago 10:41 PM]King: I want a rival [1 Minute Ago 10:41 PM]strat1227: what kinds of things to rivals do? pranks right? ok. [3 Minutes Ago 10:39 PM]iColor: seems legit [4 Minutes Ago 10:38 PM]strat1227: i'll be your rival [7 Minutes Ago 10:35 PM]strats rival: I will one day have a pen-spinning rival
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 12:28:31
all this shit is seriously gay, i wonder if i will ever come on to this topic and find a funny shout............ I still have hopes.
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 11:06:03
AoD1 wrote: all this shit is seriously gay, i wonder if i will ever come on to this topic and find a funny shout............ I still have hopes.
This is hilarious -
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 12:15:33
Yamaguchi wrote: This is hilarious
You are hilarious. -
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 12:24:17
Chobi wrote: You are hilarious.
Thanks ^_^ -
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 11:29:59
[1 Minute Ago 11:29 AM] Yamaguchi : HAHAHAHAH [1 Minute Ago 11:29 AM] wings : bububu-but... oh well @__@ [1 Minute Ago 11:29 AM] NoobFlorish : lol haha [1 Minute Ago 11:28 AM] wings : lolwut @_________@ [1 Minute Ago 11:28 AM] fang : What makes you think he isn't? [1 Minute Ago 11:28 AM] Yamaguchi : ./awkward [1 Minute Ago 11:28 AM] Yamaguchi : he is o.o [1 Minute Ago 11:27 AM] wings : lololol i thought minwoo is asian XD
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 01:57:26
[1 Minute Ago 11:55 AM]SuiXidaL: OMG LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL :rofl: [1 Minute Ago 11:54 AM]Joemoe1013: Is the site up? [1 Minute Ago 11:54 AM]inarewski902: i hate you hoiboy i filled out the info and apparently you go off and sell FUCK YOU MOTHER FUCKER I HATE YOU IM IGNORING YOU AND YOU BETTER PAY THE MONEY BACK MOTHER FUCKER [1 Minute Ago 11:53 AM]SuiXidaL: done deal, sorry inrawski [1 Minute Ago 11:53 AM]hoiboy: but i'll take the 15 anyways :) [1 Minute Ago 11:53 AM]hoiboy: he took it yesterday, first come first serve [2 Minutes Ago 11:53 AM]SuiXidaL: git duh fark owt [2 Minutes Ago 11:52 AM]inarewski902: whata gtfo meen [3 Minutes Ago 11:52 AM]SuiXidaL: sorry, i paid $15 :) gtfo [3 Minutes Ago 11:51 AM]inarewski902: hoiboy i sent you a PM with the info and sorry guys i took his deal [1 Minute Ago 12:32 PM]inarewski902: yup i know that feeling when i got them to let me buy hoiboys case suixidal had to go and steel it that stupid ***** and suix you cant even reply to that tl;dr, hoiboy was selling his UPSB case to inarewski and i was trolling him pretending to buy the case off hoiboy for $15, instead of his $13. A few shouts from hoiboy perfectly lined up with mine and it seemed like he was selling the case to me. inarewski thought it was for real and he started ranting and swearing at me :rofl:
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 02:49:06
:lol: it's funny because he asked if hoiboy was a legit trader XD
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 05:11:11
Haha what rage.
Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 09:37:03
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 03:02:11
[1 Minute Ago 07:28 PM]Loanshark: only 99? [4 Minutes Ago 07:24 PM]AoD1: i got 99 problems and they all bitches bumping with old stuff
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 11:08:19
[1 Minute Ago 11:01 AM] Zkhan : im just being mean to you [1 Minute Ago 11:01 AM] Zkhan : no [1 Minute Ago 11:00 AM] SuiXidaL : You know i actually tried to be nice to you? Now you're just being a dick to everyone who isn't a better spinner than you. [1 Minute Ago 11:00 AM] Zkhan : but it's actually pretty clear that Sui is the better spinner and better modder so... [1 Minute Ago 10:59 AM] Zkhan : i aint sayin' nuthin that aint true Son [1 Minute Ago 10:58 AM] SuiXidaL : Clearly Zkhan is, but he's being up himself saying this and that about me [1 Minute Ago 10:58 AM] Zkhan : but his attitude resembles that of fecal matter [1 Minute Ago 10:58 AM] SuiXidaL : How about i imply, that you're up yourself for thinking you're a better spinner than me ? [1 Minute Ago 10:58 AM] Zkhan : Sui is better than me [1 Minute Ago 10:58 AM] Zkhan : *everyone that actively spins pens [1 Minute Ago 10:58 AM] jet : who's the better spinner? [1 Minute Ago 10:57 AM] Zkhan : *you [1 Minute Ago 10:57 AM] webspider : I don't hate him, thus you're wrong :> [1 Minute Ago 10:57 AM] Zkhan : and that im going to treat yo in the same manner you treat others :) [1 Minute Ago 10:57 AM] Zkhan : im implying that everyone hates you [2 Minutes Ago 10:56 AM] webspider : everyone? [2 Minutes Ago 10:56 AM] SuiXidaL : and you're implying ? I was trying to be nice at saying no and you're being an ass about it ? [2 Minutes Ago 10:56 AM] Zkhan : you'd lose cuz everyone hates you (sun) [3 Minutes Ago 10:55 AM] Zkhan : lol you wouldnt lose cuz you arent pro [4 Minutes Ago 10:54 AM] SuiXidaL : I'd wouldn't be a challenge, i would literally feed you :rofl: [4 Minutes Ago 10:54 AM] SuiXidaL : :| [6 Minutes Ago 10:51 AM] Zkhan : @Sui want to battle? [1 Minute Ago 11:10 AM] Zkhan : dont leave for my sake, just leave, period. [1 Minute Ago 11:11 AM] Zkhan : prune this [1 Minute Ago 11:11 AM] Zkhan : yet another lost convo... [1 Minute Ago 11:13 AM] webspider : that explains a lot [1 Minute Ago 11:13 AM] webspider : "I am UPSB's lost cause." [1 Minute Ago 11:18 AM] Nero666 : oh man. well. zkhan, if you feel like you have to be an asshole to get someone to leave, you are one. you can just ignore him ._.
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 14:20:12
SuiXidaL wrote: [1 Minute Ago 11:01 AM] Zkhan : im just being mean to you [1 Minute Ago 11:01 AM] Zkhan : no [1 Minute Ago 11:00 AM] SuiXidaL : You know i actually tried to be nice to you? Now you're just being a dick to everyone who isn't a better spinner than you. [1 Minute Ago 11:00 AM] Zkhan : but it's actually pretty clear that Sui is the better spinner and better modder so... [1 Minute Ago 10:59 AM] Zkhan : i aint sayin' nuthin that aint true Son [1 Minute Ago 10:58 AM] SuiXidaL : Clearly Zkhan is, but he's being up himself saying this and that about me [1 Minute Ago 10:58 AM] Zkhan : but his attitude resembles that of fecal matter [1 Minute Ago 10:58 AM] SuiXidaL : How about i imply, that you're up yourself for thinking you're a better spinner than me ? [1 Minute Ago 10:58 AM] Zkhan : Sui is better than me [1 Minute Ago 10:58 AM] Zkhan : *everyone that actively spins pens [1 Minute Ago 10:58 AM] jet : who's the better spinner? [1 Minute Ago 10:57 AM] Zkhan : *you [1 Minute Ago 10:57 AM] webspider : I don't hate him, thus you're wrong :> [1 Minute Ago 10:57 AM] Zkhan : and that im going to treat yo in the same manner you treat others :) [1 Minute Ago 10:57 AM] Zkhan : im implying that everyone hates you [2 Minutes Ago 10:56 AM] webspider : everyone? [2 Minutes Ago 10:56 AM] SuiXidaL : and you're implying ? I was trying to be nice at saying no and you're being an ass about it ? [2 Minutes Ago 10:56 AM] Zkhan : you'd lose cuz everyone hates you (sun) [3 Minutes Ago 10:55 AM] Zkhan : lol you wouldnt lose cuz you arent pro [4 Minutes Ago 10:54 AM] SuiXidaL : I'd wouldn't be a challenge, i would literally feed you :rofl: [4 Minutes Ago 10:54 AM] SuiXidaL : :| [6 Minutes Ago 10:51 AM] Zkhan : @Sui want to battle? [1 Minute Ago 11:10 AM] Zkhan : dont leave for my sake, just leave, period. [1 Minute Ago 11:11 AM] Zkhan : prune this [1 Minute Ago 11:11 AM] Zkhan : yet another lost convo... [1 Minute Ago 11:13 AM] webspider : that explains a lot [1 Minute Ago 11:13 AM] webspider : "I am UPSB's lost cause." [1 Minute Ago 11:18 AM] Nero666 : oh man. well. zkhan, if you feel like you have to be an asshole to get someone to leave, you are one. you can just ignore him ._.
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 20:32:54
[1 Minute Ago 09:30 PM] Miku : gonna get some food then take a shit woot
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 20:50:06
LOL. I just took one nao :trollface:
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 01:58:52
[1 Minute Ago 12:57 PM] webspider : haha [1 Minute Ago 12:57 PM] PenwisH : 1st [1 Minute Ago 12:57 PM] SYSTEM: The Shoutbox has just been pruned! [1 Minute Ago 12:57 PM] King : I like your spinning, King! ^not funny, but just random
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 03:19:20
i.suk wrote: [1 Minute Ago 12:57 PM] webspider : haha [1 Minute Ago 12:57 PM] PenwisH : 1st [1 Minute Ago 12:57 PM] SYSTEM: The Shoutbox has just been pruned! [1 Minute Ago 12:57 PM] King : I like your spinning, King! ^not funny, but just random
That hacker. :lol: -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 03:06:06
[3 Minutes Ago 02:54 AM] Danny116 : [jfsdlakjfkds :angryfire:] [3 Minutes Ago 02:54 AM] flame sivics : LOL oh great timing XD [3 Minutes Ago 02:53 AM] Miku : wut [3 Minutes Ago 02:53 AM] flame sivics : lol you also need a leek for my outsert and a kiss from miku XD the real one hahahaha
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 12:11:44
[1 Minute Ago 12:09 PM] Jet. : if you are reading this kirua. i'm sorry...please dont hurt me [2 Minutes Ago 12:08 PM] Yamaguchi : HAHAHA LOL JET [2 Minutes Ago 12:07 PM] Jet. : wow kirua looks like hes going to kill someone [6 Minutes Ago 12:03 PM] Yamaguchi : kirua
Date: Fri, Jan 27 2012 04:10:51
I used to die laughing at the shit people said in v3 : /
Date: Sat, Jan 28 2012 03:11:49
Date: Sat, Jan 28 2012 03:14:53
[2 Minutes Ago 10:10 PM] iColor : lol. . . [3 Minutes Ago 10:10 PM] Van : :biglaugh: [3 Minutes Ago 10:09 PM] inarewski902 : :facepalm: some people may take that as racism. be careful [3 Minutes Ago 10:09 PM] TORP3DO : i mean do they have a board [4 Minutes Ago 10:09 PM] iColor : Anybody can pen spin.. [4 Minutes Ago 10:08 PM] TORP3DO : do indains pen spin just wondering i have a friend he is indian
Date: Sat, Jan 28 2012 13:53:41
Date: Sat, Jan 28 2012 18:17:07
/memento to self Bottom to top
webspider 1 Hour Ago 11:13 PM pm me when you've grown a pair of balls and actually do something Enkronidus 1 Hour Ago 11:13 PM LOL webspider 1 Hour Ago 11:12 PM so you did nothing Enkronidus 1 Hour Ago 11:12 PM Eg. Both of us like to sing Enkronidus 1 Hour Ago 11:12 PM We share the same interest in many things though, which is really cool Enkronidus 1 Hour Ago 11:11 PM So I can present her a rose and stuff Enkronidus 1 Hour Ago 11:11 PM I'm kinda waiting for Valentines Enkronidus 1 Hour Ago 11:11 PM Not much of a progress, lol webspider 2 Hours Ago 11:10 PM wait, can't you just say me something like "IT WENT FUCKING GOOD" or "I FAILED"? Enkronidus 2 Hours Ago 11:09 PM web, do you have skype or MSN? keNDo 2 Hours Ago 11:08 PM Thank you guys webspider 2 Hours Ago 11:08 PM how did it go with your girl? Nashi 2 Hours Ago 11:08 PM and that, webspider. / oheeey shoeman. webspider 2 Hours Ago 11:08 PM btw, enkronidus
:( -
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 22:38:17
LOL ^ props to webspider
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 06:31:45
*SuiXidaL runs away.* @ 04:29 PM [1 Minute Ago 04:29 PM]SuiXidaL: oh shi- [1 Minute Ago 04:29 PM]SuiXidaL: r dizzle, fo shizzle, mah nizzle, off da drizzle *Zkhangoes to sleep* @ 04:29 PM [1 Minute Ago 04:29 PM]Zkhan: O_O [1 Minute Ago 04:28 PM]Nachoaddict: Yoyoyo Ima moderator [1 Minute Ago 04:28 PM]Zkhan: gangstalicious, rhymes too viscous, eatin MCs all day mmm delicious [1 Minute Ago 04:28 PM]SuiXidaL: YO YO YO WASSUP, MY NAME IS R DIZZLE [2 Minutes Ago 04:28 PM]Zkhan: MODS ARE ASLEEP, RAP BATTLE [2 Minutes Ago 04:27 PM]TheAafg: REAL GANGSTA' TALK [3 Minutes Ago 04:27 PM]TheAafg: MF DOOM <3 [3 Minutes Ago 04:26 PM]Zkhan: ALL CAPS MF DOOM [4 Minutes Ago 04:26 PM]TheAafg: MODS ARE ASLEEP, ALL CAPS [7 Minutes Ago 04:22 PM]Zkhan: DAS KAPITAL
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 07:16:24
[QUOTE=SuiXidaL;172172]*SuiXidaL runs away.* @ 04:29 PM [1 Minute Ago 04:29 PM]SuiXidaL: oh shi- [1 Minute Ago 04:29 PM]SuiXidaL: r dizzle, fo shizzle, mah nizzle, off da drizzle *Zkhangoes to sleep* @ 04:29 PM [1 Minute Ago 04:29 PM]Zkhan: O_O [1 Minute Ago 04:28 PM]Nachoaddict: Yoyoyo Ima moderator [1 Minute Ago 04:28 PM]Zkhan: gangstalicious, rhymes too viscous, eatin MCs all day mmm delicious [1 Minute Ago 04:28 PM]SuiXidaL: YO YO YO WASSUP, MY NAME IS R DIZZLE [2 Minutes Ago 04:28 PM]Zkhan: MODS ARE ASLEEP, RAP BATTLE [2 Minutes Ago 04:27 PM]TheAafg: REAL GANGSTA' TALK [3 Minutes Ago 04:27 PM]TheAafg: MF DOOM
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 00:33:57
still all this shit is gay, come on people your killing me, why post it if its not funny......
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 03:54:40
Raos;172190][QUOTE=SuiXidaL wrote: *SuiXidaL runs away.* @ 04:29 PM [1 Minute Ago 04:29 PM]SuiXidaL: oh shi- [1 Minute Ago 04:29 PM]SuiXidaL: r dizzle, fo shizzle, mah nizzle, off da drizzle *Zkhangoes to sleep* @ 04:29 PM [1 Minute Ago 04:29 PM]Zkhan: O_O [1 Minute Ago 04:28 PM]Nachoaddict: Yoyoyo Ima moderator [1 Minute Ago 04:28 PM]Zkhan: gangstalicious, rhymes too viscous, eatin MCs all day mmm delicious [1 Minute Ago 04:28 PM]SuiXidaL: YO YO YO WASSUP, MY NAME IS R DIZZLE [2 Minutes Ago 04:28 PM]Zkhan: MODS ARE ASLEEP, RAP BATTLE [2 Minutes Ago 04:27 PM]TheAafg: REAL GANGSTA' TALK [3 Minutes Ago 04:27 PM]TheAafg: MF DOOM
Why did you post what i posted ? o_o -
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 04:38:21
SuiXidaL;172425][QUOTE=Raos wrote: Why did you post what i posted ? o_o
screwd up I was gonna say so jokes -
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 18:03:11
[1 Minute Ago 11:01 AM] Miku : LOLOLOLOL [1 Minute Ago 11:01 AM] Miku : pirat body* [1 Minute Ago 11:01 AM] Miku : furiously rubbing my body
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 18:03:49
[1 Minute Ago 06:01 PM]Miku : pirat body* [1 Minute Ago 06:01 PM]Miku : furiously rubbing my body SHIT ninja'd so quickly :jawdrop:
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 05:15:26
[1 Minute Ago 09:14 PM] KaanÖzgül : İ learn charge, lika a bycyle drivin
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 07:31:34
[1 Minute Ago 12:30 AM] KaanÖzgül : photo [1 Minute Ago 12:29 AM] webspider : or bitching when people invest their time to post females they find attractive [1 Minute Ago 12:29 AM] KaanÖzgül : My girlfried not have facebook account, she is hand [1 Minute Ago 12:28 AM] TheAafg : I am laughing so hard right now [1 Minute Ago 12:28 AM] webspider : but I'm sure it would be better for you to invest your time in practising english instead of posting fake facebook profiles [2 Minutes Ago 12:27 AM] webspider : I don't want to sound rude [2 Minutes Ago 12:27 AM] webspider : dude [3 Minutes Ago 12:26 AM] KaanÖzgül : Very popular, she is pen spinner [3 Minutes Ago 12:26 AM] jaychou : FUK YEA HUNGER GAMES' [3 Minutes Ago 12:26 AM] TheAafg : that profile is as fake as my boobs. [3 Minutes Ago 12:26 AM] TheAafg : your girlfriend is popular ? @__@ [4 Minutes Ago 12:26 AM] webspider : inb4: blurry pictures [4 Minutes Ago 12:25 AM] KaanÖzgül : Google search "sadık yarim elizabeth" in engilish my girlfriend elizabeth [5 Minutes Ago 12:25 AM] jet : hahahaha TheAafg [5 Minutes Ago 12:24 AM] KaanÖzgül : No queen, my hand [5 Minutes Ago 12:24 AM] TheAafg : queen elizabeth was not hot [6 Minutes Ago 12:24 AM] KaanÖzgül : Elizabeth [7 Minutes Ago 12:22 AM] TheAafg : she is like 5'5 and that is fucking adorable. You are being way too picky... [7 Minutes Ago 12:22 AM] KaanÖzgül : Clalf so oil [8 Minutes Ago 12:21 AM] KaanÖzgül : Hot?! No too bad, because short (i dont know true words) TheAafg 9 Minutes Ago 12:20 AM the legs are hot. webspider 10 Minutes Ago 12:19 AM unless the complete thread is bad webspider 9 Minutes Ago 12:19 AM protip: It's better to spend time contributing instead of criticizing KaanÖzgül 11 Minutes Ago 12:18 AM Like a japan leg KaanÖzgül 11 Minutes Ago 12:18 AM Legs, thebloodgod 11 Minutes Ago 12:17 AM yeah webspider 11 Minutes Ago 12:17 AM why webspider 11 Minutes Ago 12:17 AM bottom to top. I found this hilarious probably cause I am high as fuck .
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 13:11:12
Wait wtf? That was just weird.
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 21:02:07
[3 Minutes Ago 01:57 PM] neXus : I also came up what they call fighting with money it's jew-jitsu [4 Minutes Ago 01:57 PM] neXus : no I actually thought about the words "martial artist" [5 Minutes Ago 01:56 PM] Retro-spectre : does that joke work in german [5 Minutes Ago 01:56 PM] jaychou : ur cool [5 Minutes Ago 01:55 PM] neXus : I thought about that at work [6 Minutes Ago 01:55 PM] neXus : hey when a painter stabs someone with his brush does that make him a martial artist?
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 21:13:38
[1 Minute Ago 10:11 PM] Furloy : OH SHIT I MEANT YANKED [1 Minute Ago 10:11 PM] Furloy : i got it. Just wanked really hard. [1 Minute Ago 10:10 PM] webspider : tweezers for everything [1 Minute Ago 10:10 PM] TheAafg : you don'.t [1 Minute Ago 10:10 PM] Supergirl : If you don't want the grip, slice it off with a blade. [1 Minute Ago 10:10 PM] Furloy : How do you get a. G3 grip off of the body?
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 01:22:44
[1 Minute Ago 01:11 AM] iColor : :trollface: [1 Minute Ago 01:11 AM] TheAafg : wait I meant to say cocaine not cock wtf ew [2 Minutes Ago 01:10 AM] TheAafg : I FUCKING LOVE COCK
Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 10:00:30
Miku wrote: [1 Minute Ago 01:11 AM] iColor : :trollface: [1 Minute Ago 01:11 AM] TheAafg : wait I meant to say cocaine not cock wtf ew [2 Minutes Ago 01:10 AM] TheAafg : I FUCKING LOVE COCK
holy shit sometning funny, OMG -
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 06:55:41
[1 Minute Ago 06:54 AM]jet : wtf are kraional supertips o-o
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 08:03:59
upsb went down for a minutes "server too busy" and after that : Iota : for the love of everything that is good, can we PLEASE if in any way possible, change the server is too busy thing, the 404 Error, to 404 Eriror?
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 09:31:06
[1 Minute Ago 09:29 AM]kaku : more great examples of the english language [1 Minute Ago 09:28 AM]Aurora : Did i know you ? [1 Minute Ago 09:28 AM]Aurora : Gash -.- [1 Minute Ago 09:27 AM]Aurora : ?? [2 Minutes Ago 09:27 AM]kaku : great verb tense there bro [2 Minutes Ago 09:27 AM]Gash : Aurora wtf ==" [3 Minutes Ago 09:26 AM]Aurora : ya [3 Minutes Ago 09:25 AM]kaku : quitted [4 Minutes Ago 09:25 AM]Aurora : lol i also quitted ps . You release it also nevermind and the people who scammed by me also dont care
Date: Thu, Feb 9 2012 11:21:45
Date: Thu, Feb 9 2012 23:20:49
That's not funny. At all.
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 13:00:55
[1 Minute Ago 12:58 PM]platinumsj : i need them [1 Minute Ago 12:57 PM]platinumsj : And give me views! [1 Minute Ago 12:57 PM]platinumsj : visit my channel [2 Minutes Ago 12:57 PM]platinumsj : just cause of his name compared to how he spins [2 Minutes Ago 12:56 PM]platinumsj : i.suk is one of my favorite [2 Minutes Ago 12:56 PM]Krypton : I remember i.suk was quite popular in VNPSC, no? How did the subject change so quickly lol. And monologue too.
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 21:20:09
@Yamaguchi Lmfao that's hilarious. Especially the English used by iam_nf. Poor iam_nf..
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 16:13:19
@Yamaguchi, first thing in here so far that actually made me laugh out loud. xD
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 23:08:33
wait, i dont get it LOL
Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 03:57:16
[1 Minute Ago 03:54 AM]TheAafg : now I am 110% straight :trollface: [1 Minute Ago 03:54 AM]kaku : :] [1 Minute Ago 03:53 AM]TheAafg : I used to be 100% straight but then I met kaku.
Date: Thu, Feb 16 2012 18:12:10
AoD1 wrote: holy shit sometning funny, OMG
Brainsplosion -
Date: Sat, Feb 18 2012 22:53:25
[2 Minutes Ago 02:40 PM]King: That's what she said [3 Minutes Ago 02:39 PM]Iota: that's what she said [3 Minutes Ago 02:39 PM]inarewski902: for you. that is only 2cm longer than wat an appropiat pen mod for my hand is. plus i like longer mods. (if you say thats wat she said, i will report ror flaming) He reported us. I think its funny.
Date: Sat, Feb 18 2012 22:56:01
Date: Sat, Feb 18 2012 22:59:51
@Cloud realize i tried to meet my goal of having something backfire on me since yesterday and today. gotta try something else now..
Date: Sun, Feb 19 2012 18:31:34
King wrote: [2 Minutes Ago 02:40 PM]King: That's what she said [3 Minutes Ago 02:39 PM]Iota: that's what she said [3 Minutes Ago 02:39 PM]inarewski902: for you. that is only 2cm longer than wat an appropiat pen mod for my hand is. plus i like longer mods. (if you say thats wat she said, i will report ror flaming) He reported us. I think its funny.
:facepalm: Kids these days. -
Date: Mon, Feb 20 2012 02:26:05
Wow, really? That's sad, I think he had a shitty day or something and had to vent frustration by finding the tiniest reason to report someone on an online forum, on the Internetz. <- You can tell it's serious cuz I used a z.
Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 21:39:37
[1 Minute Ago 01:39 PM]fel2fram: I dreamed that I laughed at i.suk cause he was so noob [1 Minute Ago 01:38 PM]i.suk: i'm too noob to be dreamed about, yay xD [1 Minute Ago 01:38 PM]fel2fram: someone's has been dreaming about me [1 Minute Ago 01:37 PM]VikroaL: that's ok [1 Minute Ago 01:37 PM]VikroaL: last night I was like "I should message fel to tell him about this" and I forgot. WHAT COULD IT BE ;W;
Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 08:07:57
King wrote: [1 Minute Ago 01:39 PM]fel2fram: I dreamed that I laughed at i.suk cause he was so noob [1 Minute Ago 01:38 PM]i.suk: i'm too noob to be dreamed about, yay xD [1 Minute Ago 01:38 PM]fel2fram: someone's has been dreaming about me [1 Minute Ago 01:37 PM]VikroaL: that's ok [1 Minute Ago 01:37 PM]VikroaL: last night I was like "I should message fel to tell him about this" and I forgot. WHAT COULD IT BE ;W;
aw -
Date: Fri, Feb 24 2012 23:25:51
[1 Minute Ago 04:25 PM] TheAafg : LOL [1 Minute Ago 04:24 PM] neXus : wtf [1 Minute Ago 04:24 PM] neXus : I just have upsb on 2 monitors now [1 Minute Ago 04:24 PM] PillarsOfValhalla : that's great (: [1 Minute Ago 04:24 PM] neXus : I have bought this 2nd monitor to be able to do more stuff you know you are addicted to upsb when...
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 09:20:15
[4 Minutes Ago 10:15 PM] PenwisH : in otherwords no [4 Minutes Ago 10:15 PM] i.suk : *particles, argh typing fail [4 Minutes Ago 10:14 PM] i.suk : which apparently add weight to his premade mods O__O [4 Minutes Ago 10:14 PM] i.suk : yes, since there's certain subatomic partciles in penwish's garage [5 Minutes Ago 10:13 PM] rickallswag : is a homemade buster lighter than the premade buster?
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 22:40:00
Krypton wrote: [1 Minute Ago 03:54 AM]TheAafg : now I am 110% straight :trollface: [1 Minute Ago 03:54 AM]kaku : :] [1 Minute Ago 03:53 AM]TheAafg : I used to be 100% straight but then I met kaku.
lol -
Date: Mon, Feb 27 2012 19:38:38
[1 Minute Ago 11:36 AM] jaychou : NEXUS WHY WERE YOU SHOVING SHIT UP SOME GUYS ASS [1 Minute Ago 11:36 AM] neXus : LOL brainfart right there [1 Minute Ago 11:36 AM] neXus : I actually posted about this somewhere here because all the time she was talking about her early life I was pro-girl until she said she stabbed animals and that turned me to fucking hate because fuck animal cruelty [1 Minute Ago 11:36 AM] jaychou : [1 Minute Ago 11:36 AM] juggalo666666 : You don't see me blaming crime on it. [1 Minute Ago 11:35 AM] jaychou : [1 Minute Ago 11:35 AM]neXus: I was putting stuff up his ass << WHUT [1 Minute Ago 11:35 AM] juggalo666666 : But my dad used to get drunk and hit me. [2 Minutes Ago 11:35 AM] juggalo666666 : And sure I really can't truly compare myself to that girl. [2 Minutes Ago 11:35 AM] neXus : this is so similar to the case you linked [2 Minutes Ago 11:35 AM] juggalo666666 : Traumatization plays a part in alot of peoples lives. [2 Minutes Ago 11:35 AM] neXus : she loved it when he cried [2 Minutes Ago 11:35 AM] neXus : she tried to rip her brothers dick off numerous times and [B]I was putting stuff up his ass[/B] :whut:
Date: Mon, Feb 27 2012 19:40:21
yeeeee double post, thanks stupid school internet
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 01:46:24
[1 Minute Ago 08:43 PM] kaku : dont you fucking give me life advice, youre like, 12, im fucking 20, i think i know about life [3 Minutes Ago 08:41 PM] Zkhan : i haven't gamed in 6 years and as for girls...let's just say i dont have the time or money for them. PSing is the way to go.[1 Minute Ago 08:44 PM] Miku :
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 02:57:26
[3 Minutes Ago 08:52 PM] platinumsj : Actually Miku He is terrifying [3 Minutes Ago 08:52 PM] Kari : Shoeman is not scary at all. [3 Minutes Ago 08:52 PM] Miku : eh, shoeman's not scary bottoms up
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 04:38:32
bottoms up [1 Minute Ago 11:37 PM] wotu1 : lololololol [1 Minute Ago 11:37 PM] Mufoofee : [1 Minute Ago 11:37 PM] Raos : from pw or from me [1 Minute Ago 11:37 PM] 2Morrow : who is he? [1 Minute Ago 11:37 PM] Mufoofee : From mufoofee [1 Minute Ago 11:37 PM] 2Morrow : where can i get a metal comsa [1 Minute Ago 11:36 PM] 2Morrow : lucky!!!!
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 04:40:54
1 Minute Ago 08:37 PM]Mufoofee: :facepalm: :[1 Minute Ago 08:37 PM]Raos: from pw or from me [1 Minute Ago 08:37 PM]2Morrow: who is he? [1 Minute Ago 08:37 PM]Mufoofee: From mufoofee [1 Minute Ago 08:37 PM]2Morrow: where can i get a metal comsa
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 05:27:31
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 19:07:40
[1 Minute Ago 07:05 PM] juggalo666666 : @neXus if you were an asshole you would give a shit :trollface: [1 Minute Ago 07:05 PM] neXus : We're talking about people crying about celebrities post-mortum who they did not care for before their death, that has nothing to do with politics [2 Minutes Ago 07:04 PM] neXus : because I'm too much of an asshole to give a shit about african kids [2 Minutes Ago 07:04 PM] neXus : like Kony 2012
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 19:08:48
What kind of asshole posts their own shouts. That's like a retard laughing at his own joke really hard.
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 19:10:06
neXus wrote: What kind of asshole posts their own shouts. That's like a retard laughing at his own joke really hard.
I don't know how many different kind of assholes are there? -
Date: Sat, Mar 10 2012 01:27:50
[1 Minute Ago 06:28 PM] Fuse : STILL CAN NOT DO BLANK SHOUT... and I haven't found ups/b/ yet either, any hints? [1 Minute Ago 06:28 PM] exclusive : lol [1 Minute Ago 06:28 PM] shadow sivics : :ZUMBO: [1 Minute Ago 06:27 PM] Fuse : /:, [1 Minute Ago 06:27 PM] Miku : omaigod you guys lol [1 Minute Ago 06:27 PM] Fuse : loool. [1 Minute Ago 06:27 PM] Jet. : ive always wondered what the zumbo emote was [1 Minute Ago 06:27 PM] shadow sivics : :, [1 Minute Ago 06:27 PM] Fuse : :ZUMBO: [1 Minute Ago 06:27 PM] Miku : LOOL [1 Minute Ago 06:27 PM] shadow sivics : /,: [1 Minute Ago 06:27 PM] TheAafg : SO MUCH FUCKING WIN lmfao :rofl: [1 Minute Ago 06:27 PM] shadow sivics : o shit [1 Minute Ago 06:26 PM] Fuse : :/, [1 Minute Ago 06:26 PM] Jet. : lololol what of it>? [1 Minute Ago 06:26 PM] Jet. : :ZUMBO: [1 Minute Ago 06:26 PM] Fuse : [1 Minute Ago 06:26 PM] Fuse : /,: [1 Minute Ago 06:26 PM] Fuse : /, [1 Minute Ago 06:26 PM] TheAafg : gah fuck missed the : or else it would have been a blank shout [1 Minute Ago 06:26 PM] shadow sivics : /, [1 Minute Ago 06:26 PM] Fuse : what happens when you do vcool? [1 Minute Ago 06:26 PM] TheAafg : :ZUMBO;
Date: Sat, Mar 10 2012 07:30:28
Ups/b so dead.
Date: Sat, Mar 10 2012 17:51:45
not that dead, looks like there's some valuable info right there on the front page someone posted this week
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 13:02:48
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 06:07:36
Bottoms up [1 Minute Ago 01:06 AM] Pandamonium : That sums up the whole pokemon sex-role-play thread huh? [1 Minute Ago 01:06 AM] i.suk : this has to be quoted [1 Minute Ago 01:06 AM] Pandamonium : "like no one ever was." [1 Minute Ago 01:06 AM] Pandamonium : "This is why I want to be the very best..." [1 Minutes Ago 01:06 AM] Pandamonium : Before it could open its eyes, I leaned down and said [1 Minute Ago 01:05 AM] Pandamonium : Pikachu lied there, covered in string shot. Helpless thing. [1 Minute Ago 01:05 AM] Zkhan : I think its time for me to sleep. [1 Minute Ago 01:05 AM] Pandamonium : I finally exploded with the force of ten Wailords [1 Minute Ago 01:05 AM] Vassenato : get in here [1 Minute Ago 01:04 AM] Pandamonium : Pikachu's cries were more violent yet short [1 Minute Ago 01:04 AM] Pandamonium : EXTREME SPEEEEED [1 Minute Ago 01:04 AM] Pandamonium : I was too close to give up now [1 Minute Ago 01:03 AM] Pandamonium : the friction was unbearable [1 Minute Ago 01:03 AM] Pandamonium : It was as hot as Magmar's forehead balls on a summer day in Cinnabar Island's volcano [1 Minute Ago 01:02 AM] Pandamonium : It continued for hours, days it seemed [2 Minutes Ago 01:02 AM] shoeman6 : Should I make a transgender trainer named Desere from South Africa for Raos's pkmn rpg? I feel like we need more diversity. [2 Minutes Ago 01:02 AM] Pandamonium : "How ironic "I though to myself, and tied up Pikachu [2 Minutes Ago 01:02 AM] Pandamonium : It was trying to claw away from my hold, but I had escape rope on me [3 Minutes Ago 01:01 AM] Pandamonium : Pikachu panted sporadically [3 Minutes Ago 01:01 AM] Pandamonium : It was going to endure the punishment of a thousand Kanto trainers in one sitting [3 Minutes Ago 01:01 AM] Iota : alex, oh ok makes more sense then if no post count [3 Minutes Ago 01:01 AM] exclusive : lol how does rao manage all this [3 Minutes Ago 01:00 AM] Iota : lol andrew, well said and nice timing [3 Minutes Ago 01:00 AM] Pandamonium : and injected it with a revive [4 Minutes Ago 01:00 AM] Pandamonium : Even after my beloved Pikachu fainted, I screamed," THIS ISN'T OVER YOU PLUMP SQUIRREL" [4 Minutes Ago 01:00 AM] iColor : Well, this is awkward. [4 Minutes Ago 12:59 AM] Pandamonium : And pounding. [5 Minutes Ago 12:59 AM] Pandamonium : I kept pounding. Pounding. A pounding. [5 Minutes Ago 12:59 AM] Pandamonium : As pikachu cried for me to stop, I found myself unable to resist.
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 21:34:49
@TheAafg that was embarrassing. Some funny SB stuff in my status though. Edit: Here are some of the shenanigans of a group of unnamed members.
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 21:59:31
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 03:20:54
[1 Minute Ago 03:20 AM] Miku : you just drop it ._. [1 Minute Ago 03:19 AM] ALEX : How do you drop your phne in the sewer!!!! ew
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 00:55:18
[1 Minute Ago 11:00 AM] VikroaL : I will share my JEB account with you if I get 450 likes in this shout and 70$ in my paypal [1 Minute Ago 10:59 AM] VikroaL : heh, stop it stop it [2 Minutes Ago 10:58 AM] i.suk : has JEB account, therefore must be badass [3 Minutes Ago 10:57 AM] Baaron : trust* [3 Minutes Ago 10:57 AM] Baaron : just Vik, he has a JEB account and tons of resources --a few minutes earlier-- [1 Minute Ago 10:52 AM] VikroaL : I heard a guy in HKPSA knows how to make steaks like him, because he travelled to Canada, bought one from Baaron himself and reverse cooked it [3 Minutes Ago 10:50 AM] i.suk : vikroal, do you know how to make steaks like baaron? i might fly to canada just to see how it's done Oo" [4 Minutes Ago 10:49 AM] Digital Love : steak <3 [4 Minutes Ago 10:49 AM] VikroaL : nah there's a lot of thingsy ou can't see just by looking at his steaks... [5 Minutes Ago 10:48 AM] i.suk : perhaps if i analyse pictures of baaron's steaks, then i can get an idea of what to aim for [5 Minutes Ago 10:48 AM] Xitra : i dont cook. I burn. [6 Minutes Ago 10:47 AM] i.suk : what faggotry D: i guess i shall cook my own steak then... [7 Minutes Ago 10:46 AM] Baaron : nah too secret, i'll tell everyone that i know it but i wont tell anyone how [7 Minutes Ago 10:46 AM] i.suk : i want a steak tutorial [7 Minutes Ago 10:45 AM] Baaron : raos probably knows a secret way to make steaks too [8 Minutes Ago 10:45 AM] i.suk : raos' gf criteria #1: can cook steak well [11 Minutes Ago 10:41 AM] Raos : i want my ktichen to make me never ending amounts of steaks not that funny, w/e.
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 04:46:44
[1 Minute Ago 04:44 AM] Colin : TITSLIP MAH NIGGA. DID YOU GET YO NUMBERICAL FUNDS FROM THE POSTAL OFFICE YET DAWG? [1 Minute Ago 04:44 AM] rickallswag : maybe [1 Minute Ago 04:44 AM] Colin : best trick i did? making my penis dissapear into a vagina. [1 Minute Ago 04:44 AM] Symphonic : After replaying the video over and over, I think palming of the coin caused it to pop into your left hand. [1 Minute Ago 04:44 AM] Tetsip : o_o [1 Minute Ago 04:44 AM] strat1227 : you should get back into it [1 Minute Ago 04:44 AM] rickallswag : best trick i did was levitating my sister [1 Minute Ago 04:44 AM] strat1227 : nice! [2 Minutes Ago 04:43 AM] rickallswag : i used to do magic [2 Minutes Ago 04:43 AM] Symphonic : Hmm [2 Minutes Ago 04:43 AM] Yamaguchi : "2 coin vanish" XD
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 13:40:25
[1 Minute Ago 09:38 PM]neXus: I feel so retarded [1 Minute Ago 09:38 PM]neXus: I'm lifting my TV for lack of better weights [1 Minute Ago 09:38 PM]neXus: Thank god no one can see this HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHYAHAHAHHAHH
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 16:25:21
So @TheAafg asked if he would get in trouble for doing :ZUMBO:. When mods told him he would, he did it anyways.
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 14:21:32
[1 Minute Ago 10:21 AM] i.suk : Q&A. if the mod is too heavy, use a pack of BEE cards to swipe off excess weight (credits to Froggy) [1 Minute Ago 10:20 AM] i.suk : you're welcome, this is the official tutorial, and it will be only stated once, make sure you take note and follow every step precisely, especially step 3 [1 Minute Ago 10:19 AM] Yamaguchi : Thanks [1 Minute Ago 10:19 AM] i.suk : step 13. assuming step 12. has occurred, in heaven you can spin the mod, and it will give you godlike abilities, in hell you try to grab it, but it keeps slipping way, after 900190019001 attempts, you obtain it, but you are doomed to eternally fail ta ~ palmspin ~> fl ta [2 Minutes Ago 10:18 AM] Raos : lol [1 Minute Ago 10:18 AM] i.suk : step 12. if you have completed step 11. you should have died already and you'll see my mod in heaven or hell [1 Minute Ago 10:17 AM] i.suk : step 11. if you are unable to complete step 10. you should repeat step 9. 90019001 more times [1 Minute Ago 10:17 AM] i.suk : step 10. if step 9. fails, then i recommend paying i.suk $9001 and he will send you information on step 3 so you can make the mod [2 Minutes Ago 10:16 AM] i.suk : step 9. if step 8. fails, try repeating step 3. 9001 more times, since experimentation has shown that it leads to successes in 6.9% of all trials [2 Minutes Ago 10:16 AM] Froggy : preparing part for it right now [3 Minutes Ago 10:15 AM] i.suk : step 8. if you have completed step 7. correctly, then a miracle should have occurred and you will have my personal dc [3 Minutes Ago 10:15 AM] x3silver : LOLS [3 Minutes Ago 10:15 AM] i.suk : step 7. now repeat step 3 9001 times, step 3 is the secret [4 Minutes Ago 10:14 AM] i.suk : step 6. if you have repeated step 3. 9000 times and does not work, repeat one more time [4 Minutes Ago 10:14 AM] Yamaguchi : dafuq [5 Minutes Ago 10:13 AM] i.suk : you're welcome, but the tutorial is not even finished yet [5 Minutes Ago 10:13 AM] i.suk : note: step 3. is not the same as step 3 [6 Minutes Ago 10:12 AM] i.suk : step 5. if mod has not been completed after step 4, repeat step 3. until the desired product has been obtained [6 Minutes Ago 10:12 AM] Yamaguchi : Thanks! [6 Minutes Ago 10:12 AM] i.suk : step 4. if the mod has not changed into the desired product, cut 0.5mm off the ST sections again and repeat step 3. [7 Minutes Ago 10:11 AM] i.suk : step 3. put these parts under your pillow and pray before you sleep [8 Minutes Ago 10:10 AM] i.suk : step 2. cut the ST sections shorter so they are about 1 cm long, take airfit bp tips and grips off ivan mod [9 Minutes Ago 10:09 AM] Yamaguchi : ah [9 Minutes Ago 10:09 AM] i.suk : i.e. supertip sections lol Yamaguchi 9 Minutes Ago 10:09 AM "caps" ?? ? i.suk 11 Minutes Ago 10:07 AM step 1. get a regular ivan mod, using 3.5cm long ST 'caps', airfit ballpoint tips, 1/2 airfit grip Yamaguchi 11 Minutes Ago 10:07 AM yey Jazz 12 Minutes Ago 10:06 AM good guy i.suk i.suk 12 Minutes Ago 10:06 AM no, i will give the real tutorial Yamaguchi 13 Minutes Ago 10:06 AM :( Fryuo 13 Minutes Ago 10:05 AM hi Jazz 13 Minutes Ago 10:05 AM *JPG Jazz 13 Minutes Ago 10:05 AM then i.suk goes TROLLFACE.JPS i.suk 13 Minutes Ago 10:05 AM wait a sec, need to check pics on my computer to make sure i get the steps right i.suk 14 Minutes Ago 10:05 AM pay attention, because i will only say these instructions once: Yamaguchi 16 Minutes Ago 10:02 AM yes >< i.suk 17 Minutes Ago 10:01 AM do you want the tutorial? Yamaguchi 19 Minutes Ago 10:00 AM ohai fry i.suk 19 Minutes Ago 10:00 AM no lol Fryuo 20 Minutes Ago 09:59 AM isuk, yama Yamaguchi 20 Minutes Ago 09:58 AM did u released the tut for ur ivan mod variation? i.suk 21 Minutes Ago 09:57 AM hello Yamaguchi 23 Minutes Ago 09:55 AM hey isuk? bottom up. not tah funny though
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 20:04:14
[1 Minute Ago 01:02 PM] neXus : otherwise he would get a lot of sand in his eyes [1 Minute Ago 01:02 PM] neXus : Good thing the song "Dust in the Wind" begins with "I close my eyes"
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 01:20:17
[1 Minute Ago 07:15 PM]Raos:maybe i should change my name to Kani :trollface: [2 Minutes Ago 07:14 PM]Darealone:the c looks like an r sometimes... [3 Minutes Ago 07:13 PM]Kaci:Thats what every one says:/ [4 Minutes Ago 07:13 PM]Darealone:Your name is to similar to Kari tho...imma get confused OH NO!!! Kari, Kari-Chan, Kaci, Kani, Kapi, Kali, Kazi....:ghost:
Date: Fri, Apr 13 2012 16:20:36
Honestly, 90% of what neXus says should be in this thread.
Date: Fri, Apr 13 2012 17:57:53
[1 Minute Ago 01:54 PM] neXus : [1 Minute Ago 01:54 PM] neXus : damn this frog sings science to me EDIT: OOOPS, double post. can mods delete the one above? :facepalm: I was on a different page when I made this post, didn't see my post above...sorry.
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 16:14:18
[1 Minute Ago 04:13 PM] Yamaguchi : Bitch pls, I played for 72 hours [1 Minute Ago 04:13 PM] DArKT : and im the one who needs terapy LOL [1 Minute Ago 04:12 PM] Fuse : I listened to nyan cat for almost 3 hours once. [1 Minute Ago 04:12 PM] DArKT : ? [1 Minute Ago 04:12 PM] Fuse : lololol [1 Minute Ago 04:12 PM] Reason : yes... [2 Minutes Ago 04:11 PM] DArKT : ive just been listening to Nyan cat for 20 minutes now,do i need terapy?
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 07:26:20
Bottoms up [1 Minute Ago 12:24 AM] TheAafg : wat [1 Minute Ago 12:24 AM] Retacu : DA FUQ GAAF! [1 Minute Ago 12:24 AM] Retacu : AWW [1 Minute Ago 12:24 AM] TheAafg : double nigger [1 Minute Ago 12:23 AM] Retacu : [marquee] {/marquee [2 Minutes Ago 12:22 AM] Retacu : And also yo next door neighbour [3 Minutes Ago 12:21 AM] Retacu : YAMA I can make it clear to you just let me see your vacuum and pillow and also couch for a few hours [4 Minutes Ago 12:20 AM] Retacu : YAMA! [4 Minutes Ago 12:20 AM] Yamaguchi : I'm confused [5 Minutes Ago 12:20 AM] Yamaguchi :
[5 Minutes Ago 12:19 AM] Retacu : I don't do homework [5 Minutes Ago 12:19 AM] Froggy : do ur hwk before u even attempt to troll. no i dont. [6 Minutes Ago 12:18 AM] Retacu : YESH YOU DO [6 Minutes Ago 12:18 AM] Retacu : YAMAGUSHI!!!!!!!!! [6 Minutes Ago 12:18 AM] Froggy : .... i dont need u to sub my vids :facepalm: [6 Minutes Ago 12:18 AM] Retacu : What [7 Minutes Ago 12:18 AM] Yamaguchi : where [7 Minutes Ago 12:17 AM] Retacu : Just do It and I will subscribe to your videos [8 Minutes Ago 12:16 AM] Retacu : YAMA
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 10:43:38
[1 Minute Ago 06:38 AM] neXus : I want every single guest to give socks in amount of money they would've given me as a gift [1 Minute Ago 06:38 AM] neXus : next birthday I'm gonna ask for all socks
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 01:00:57
DAMN, @ohzers and I went full retard on this also >.>. Can you guys really not tell a troll from a noob? [1 Minute Ago 08:59 PM] ALEX : you guys are going to be the funny ones [1 Minute Ago 08:59 PM] Fryuo : guys calm down [1 Minute Ago 08:59 PM] Zeal : Damn, ohzers and I went full retard too. [1 Minute Ago 08:59 PM] Zeal : this is going in funny shoutbox moments [1 Minute Ago 08:59 PM] Flarion : zeal or youre going on ignore [1 Minute Ago 08:59 PM] Zeal : that's right ohzers, he does not spin buster -.-, only buster cyl spinners = pro. [1 Minute Ago 08:59 PM] ALEX : your mom has like 900 tutorials [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] ALEX : kin is a world class spinner [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] Zeal : dude, he has no tutorials at all, Ktrinh has like 900 tutorials, HE IS OBVIOUSLY THE BEST SPINNER EVER [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] ohzers : kin doesnt spin buster, he sucks [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] RvSpinner22 : low [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] Flarion : [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] Zeal : dude kin sucks balls [1 Minute Ago 08:57 PM] Zeal : wtf flarion, he can haituna x10, he is awesome [1 Minute Ago 08:57 PM] Flarion : and youre saying kin is a bad spinner? [2 Minutes Ago 08:57 PM] Fryuo : Flame, come out fromt he i want to say hi [2 Minutes Ago 08:57 PM] ALEX : besides, VicGotGame is in World tournaments, ktrinh isnt [2 Minutes Ago 08:57 PM] Flarion : so youre saying i.suk is a bad spinner? [2 Minutes Ago 08:57 PM] Zeal : Are you sure? I am absolutely sure it is called hai-tuna [2 Minutes Ago 08:57 PM] ohzers : yea it does, it means they dont know many tri
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 03:05:12
[2 Minutes Ago 11:01 PM] ALEX : Some are fun though [2 Minutes Ago 11:00 PM] ALEX : Thats why I dont like most little kids
Date: Tue, Apr 24 2012 22:21:58
[3 Minutes Ago 06:18 PM] strat1227 : LOL that was good [3 Minutes Ago 06:17 PM] Fryuo : a brazillion [4 Minutes Ago 06:17 PM] takashi san : how many brazilian people does the UPSB have? Bottom to top.
Date: Wed, Apr 25 2012 00:26:20
Fuse wrote: [3 Minutes Ago 06:18 PM] strat1227 : LOL that was good [3 Minutes Ago 06:17 PM] Fryuo : a brazillion [4 Minutes Ago 06:17 PM] takashi san : how many brazilian people does the UPSB have? Bottom to top.
Date: Wed, Apr 25 2012 02:26:15
Bottom to top. I am Peem, and I find this buster. :trollface: [B][1 Minute Ago 07:23 PM] ohzers : exactly, so thats is why buster is all we need[/B] [1 Minute Ago 07:23 PM] Reason : maybe you should practice. [1 Minute Ago 07:23 PM] Penz3160 : sevens g3 ftw [1 Minute Ago 07:23 PM] TheAafg : spin buster guys, it creates great style. Everyone who spins a buster has a great chance at being the next peem or supawit. Busters ftw [1 Minute Ago 07:23 PM] Reason : heavy* [1 Minute Ago 07:23 PM] ohzers : i do not like it, i can not even sonic on seven g3 [1 Minute Ago 07:23 PM] Reason : duh its easy on buster. buster is havy [2 Minutes Ago 07:22 PM] Reason : seven g3 is not heavy but such an amazing style [2 Minutes Ago 07:22 PM] Rees : soschie g3 all the way [2 Minutes Ago 07:22 PM] ohzers : it is easy to do stuff like charge on buster
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 04:08:52
More like awesome SB moment, but here. Bottom to top! [1 Minute Ago 12:06 AM] Fuse : OMG [1 Minute Ago 12:06 AM] Vic : (o_O) [1 Minute Ago 12:05 AM] Fuse : lol, sorry. [1 Minute Ago 12:05 AM] MickChickenn : He runs away when people mention him. [2 Minutes Ago 12:05 AM] MickChickenn : No! Damn! SHHHHH. Dont scare him. [2 Minutes Ago 12:05 AM] Fuse : VGG is on
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 18:10:17
Fuse wrote: [3 Minutes Ago 06:18 PM] strat1227 : LOL that was good [3 Minutes Ago 06:17 PM] Fryuo : a brazillion [4 Minutes Ago 06:17 PM] takashi san : how many brazilian people does the UPSB have? Bottom to top.
Date: Thu, May 3 2012 03:19:17
LOL @strat1227 look closly :woop:
Date: Fri, May 4 2012 01:05:39
Date: Fri, May 4 2012 23:40:37
This is me getiing on peoples nerves: Sorry if you cant understand it , it got all messed up and i cant fix it Kaci 1 Minute Ago 04:39 PM Yes I am Kaci 1 Minute Ago 04:39 PM We only talk in sb too GeeGeeGee 1 Minute Ago 04:39 PM kaci you're a high school student right? Kaci 1 Minute Ago 04:37 PM @Gee- Nope we just talk alot(: Alex 4 Minutes Ago 04:37 PM no, we just know each other we met here in the SB M-B-W 4 Minutes Ago 04:37 PM hai GeeGeeGee 4 Minutes Ago 04:37 PM you guys live near each other so something. you sound like close friends. Alex 5 Minutes Ago 04:37 PM this is going on funny shoutbox moments Kaci 5 Minutes Ago 04:36 PM Alex were still pals Its ok Alex 6 Minutes Ago 04:36 PM I didnt mean to Alex 6 Minutes Ago 04:36 PM Im not even trying Alex 6 Minutes Ago 04:35 PM aparantly one that gets on peoples nerves Kaci 6 Minutes Ago 04:35 PM Hahhaa crap Alex ur really pushin' everyones buttons today
Date: Sat, May 5 2012 01:49:03
no one was even mad?
Date: Sat, May 5 2012 20:20:13
[1 Minute Ago 04:19 PM] strat1227 : lol jay you're the biggest fanboy on the internet [1 Minute Ago 04:19 PM] jaychou : hunger games > the avengers
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 08:38:03
its all messed up thats why you cant tell
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 08:47:10
Alex wrote: its all messed up thats why you cant tell
Whatever you say buddy. -
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 08:55:08
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 20:50:32
[1 Minute Ago 10:49 PM] neXus : but that's cool I still love you [1 Minute Ago 10:49 PM] Wikero : xD [COLOR="red"][1 Minute Ago 10:49 PM] neXus : you probably are [1 Minute Ago 10:48 PM] jaychou : FUCK I FEEL RETARDED[/COLOR] [1 Minute Ago 10:48 PM] jaychou : wait no this isnt.... [1 Minute Ago 10:48 PM] Wikero : it's the can can from france :3 [1 Minute Ago 10:48 PM] jaychou : or i'm high idk [1 Minute Ago 10:47 PM] Wikero : XDDDDDDDD [2 Minutes Ago 10:47 PM] jaychou : i think it's hungarian dance [2 Minutes Ago 10:47 PM] Wikero : nvm I got it [3 Minutes Ago 10:45 PM] Wikero : [4 Minutes Ago 10:45 PM] jaychou : @Wikero wut? [5 Minutes Ago 10:44 PM] strat1227 : hi all [7 Minutes Ago 10:42 PM] Wikero : how is that song called? osom xDDDDDDDDD
Date: Mon, May 7 2012 21:28:15
[1 Minute Ago 05:27 PM] Reason : screw the reputation. and is it illegal to put genitalia in a wc video?
Date: Tue, May 8 2012 07:39:12
[17 Minutes Ago 07:20 AM] mengmeng: k [26 Minutes Ago 07:10 AM] Yamaguchi: LOOOL [48 Minutes Ago 06:49 AM] $h4dOwZ: hi baaron [48 Minutes Ago 06:49 AM] $h4dOwZ: eyey [48 Minutes Ago 06:48 AM] Baaron: what the hell are you talking about [58 Minutes Ago 06:39 AM] Xitra: that you make [58 Minutes Ago 06:39 AM] Xitra: i heard people talking about your steak [58 Minutes Ago 06:38 AM] Xitra: Baaron.I dont know why butyour name seems familiar....your steak. [1 Hour Ago 06:36 AM] Baaron: your* [1 Hour Ago 06:36 AM] Xitra: System???? [1 Hour Ago 06:36 AM] Xitra: O_O [1 Hour Ago 06:35 AM] SYSTEM:
Date: Thu, May 10 2012 00:43:06
[1 Minute Ago 08:41 PM]Retacu: and I don't act the same way online as I do offline, offline I am actually smart
Date: Thu, May 10 2012 00:51:53
Because I like to rape Vacuums [1 Minute Ago 05:50 PM] Retacu : :trollface: [1 Minute Ago 05:50 PM] Retacu : Your vacuum [1 Minute Ago 05:50 PM] Retacu : You know what likes to suk me in [1 Minute Ago 05:50 PM] Reason : so im gone now... good bye [1 Minute Ago 05:50 PM] iColor : Yes, and please stop spamming like that. It's unnecessary and annoying for the other members. [1 Minute Ago 05:50 PM] Zkhan : :/ I used to spin kts, then I took one to the wrist [1 Minute Ago 05:50 PM] Reason : omg... i have to get off the SB now... it freakin sux me in and for some reason i just cant get off
Date: Thu, May 10 2012 01:31:08
Retacu wrote: Because I like to rape Vacuums [1 Minute Ago 05:50 PM] Retacu : :trollface: [1 Minute Ago 05:50 PM] Retacu : Your vacuum [1 Minute Ago 05:50 PM] Retacu : You know what likes to suk me in [1 Minute Ago 05:50 PM] Reason : so im gone now... good bye [1 Minute Ago 05:50 PM] iColor : Yes, and please stop spamming like that. It's unnecessary and annoying for the other members. [1 Minute Ago 05:50 PM] Zkhan : :/ I used to spin kts, then I took one to the wrist [1 Minute Ago 05:50 PM] Reason : omg... i have to get off the SB now... it freakin sux me in and for some reason i just cant get off
Not funny, because you posted yourself. :/ -
Date: Thu, May 10 2012 13:05:53
from bottom to top: [1 Minute Ago 11:03 PM] juggalo666666 : Don't forget about the Ghostbusters. [1 Minute Ago 11:02 PM] neXus : There's a bunch of people that can help you [1 Minute Ago 11:02 PM] neXus : Therapist [1 Minute Ago 11:02 PM] shAdowz : lolololo [1 Minute Ago 11:02 PM] sptime : I have many grammer mistakes. [1 Minute Ago 11:02 PM] neXus : A councilor [1 Minute Ago 11:02 PM] neXus : The police [1 Minute Ago 11:01 PM] sptime : who can help me.. [1 Minute Ago 11:01 PM] shAdowz : what happened? [2 Minutes Ago 11:01 PM] webspider : nothing, shadowz [2 Minutes Ago 11:00 PM] shAdowz : lololol nexus [2 Minutes Ago 11:00 PM] shAdowz : what's up with the pen modding wt 11? [2 Minutes Ago 11:00 PM] sptime : I have an English exam tomorrow.I am very stressed out.because I am Chinese.I am bad for my English........ two guys trollin' lololol
Date: Fri, May 11 2012 01:52:30
[B][1 Minute Ago 09:51 PM] TheAafg : your hand doesn't count nor do your mods.[/B] *Reason high fives zkhan* @ 09:50 PM [1 Minute Ago 09:50 PM] JackyMacky : Congratz Zkhan. xD [1 Minute Ago 09:50 PM] Fuse : +1 Zkhan [1 Minute Ago 09:50 PM] JackyMacky : I don't wanna bail on my team all so suddenly. [B][1 Minute Ago 09:50 PM] Zkhan : Zkhan has a girlfriend now :) [/B]
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 03:05:23
[1 Minute Ago 08:04 PM] JackyMacky : LOL [1 Minute Ago 08:04 PM] jaychou : my left boob cup broke too ): [1 Minute Ago 08:03 PM] Ohayo : I'm sosad right now, my left earcup only works... I feel so unbalanced [2 Minutes Ago 08:02 PM] iColor : mine have been broken [2 Minutes Ago 08:02 PM] Ohayo : :c my steel series 7h's broke again
Date: Sun, May 20 2012 09:01:02
[1 Minute Ago 09:00 AM] webspider : *too [1 Minute Ago 08:59 AM] jaychou : you can trade with me though [1 Minute Ago 08:59 AM] webspider : he's just to heavy for those bubble wrapped envelopes ._. [1 Minute Ago 08:59 AM] webspider : I wouldn't want to trade Baaron either [1 Minute Ago 08:58 AM] darkrose : note to self: never trade baaron [2 Minutes Ago 08:58 AM] jaychou : i tried shoving it up my ass [3 Minutes Ago 08:56 AM] Baaron : ok i got 9 but i started to tear up [4 Minutes Ago 08:56 AM] neXus : how many rings of anyball can you get up your nose [4 Minutes Ago 08:55 AM] neXus : this could be a new best tasting ink thread [5 Minutes Ago 08:55 AM] Baaron : managed to get 6 rings in though [5 Minutes Ago 08:54 AM] Baaron : why am i shoving an anyball up my nose
Date: Sun, May 20 2012 12:58:02
Yamaguchi wrote: [1 Minute Ago 09:00 AM] webspider : *too [1 Minute Ago 08:59 AM] jaychou : you can trade with me though [1 Minute Ago 08:59 AM] webspider : he's just to heavy for those bubble wrapped envelopes ._. [1 Minute Ago 08:59 AM] webspider : I wouldn't want to trade Baaron either [1 Minute Ago 08:58 AM] darkrose : note to self: never trade baaron [2 Minutes Ago 08:58 AM] jaychou : i tried shoving it up my ass [3 Minutes Ago 08:56 AM] Baaron : ok i got 9 but i started to tear up [4 Minutes Ago 08:56 AM] neXus : how many rings of anyball can you get up your nose [4 Minutes Ago 08:55 AM] neXus : this could be a new best tasting ink thread [5 Minutes Ago 08:55 AM] Baaron : managed to get 6 rings in though [5 Minutes Ago 08:54 AM] Baaron : why am i shoving an anyball up my nose
I always miss funny SB stuff. That was hilarious. -
Date: Mon, May 21 2012 06:38:26
[1 Minute Ago 12:06 PM] utkarsh : xD [1 Minute Ago 12:05 PM] Yamaguchi : oh wow that conversation is so funny... . .ha .. ha ha.. [2 Minutes Ago 12:04 PM] shAdowz : i hope someone posted those on funny shoutbox moments [4 Minutes Ago 12:03 PM] Yamaguchi : o_O? [4 Minutes Ago 12:02 PM] utkarsh : you're so cool u even recognize it [5 Minutes Ago 12:02 PM] Yamaguchi : idk now, but yes, it was female few weeks ago [5 Minutes Ago 12:01 PM] Yamaguchi : orly? [6 Minutes Ago 12:00 PM] utkarsh : pfffft, you are male, and have set the gender here as female LOL [7 Minutes Ago 11:59 AM] Yamaguchi : u are bisexual *no offence intended*
Date: Wed, May 23 2012 07:24:02
utkarsh wrote: [1 Minute Ago 12:06 PM] utkarsh : xD [1 Minute Ago 12:05 PM] Yamaguchi : oh wow that conversation is so funny... . .ha .. ha ha.. [2 Minutes Ago 12:04 PM] shAdowz : i hope someone posted those on funny shoutbox moments [4 Minutes Ago 12:03 PM] Yamaguchi : o_O? [4 Minutes Ago 12:02 PM] utkarsh : you're so cool u even recognize it [5 Minutes Ago 12:02 PM] Yamaguchi : idk now, but yes, it was female few weeks ago [5 Minutes Ago 12:01 PM] Yamaguchi : orly? [6 Minutes Ago 12:00 PM] utkarsh : pfffft, you are male, and have set the gender here as female LOL [7 Minutes Ago 11:59 AM] Yamaguchi : u are bisexual *no offence intended*
OH that must be really funny for you.. -
Date: Thu, May 24 2012 12:50:22
34 Minutes Ago 05:15 AM] Rees : jugga, i see you lurking. come here so i can fondle your balls
Date: Fri, May 25 2012 03:05:10
Yamaguchi wrote: OH that must be really funny for you..
why you getting angry man? D: i added a line in stars at the end :/ -
Date: Fri, May 25 2012 03:35:34
utkarsh wrote: why you getting angry man? D: i added a line in stars at the end :/
Ididnt say that I'm angry o.O -
Date: Sun, May 27 2012 02:45:12
[4 Minutes Ago 10:40 PM] DJSpin : i tried to remember Rihanna's ex. then it hit me.
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 02:43:32
[1 Minute Ago 10:42 PM] Loanshark : HEY I JUST MET YOU [1 Minute Ago 10:42 PM] Loanshark : BUT I HAVE ALZHEIMER'S [1 Minute Ago 10:42 PM] Loanshark : AND THIS IS CRAZY [1 Minute Ago 10:42 PM] Loanshark : HEY I JUST MET YOU
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 07:39:27
^ is it weird that i read it from top to bottom but still read it correctly?
Date: Fri, Jun 1 2012 07:26:25
[1 Minute Ago 12:53 PM] Erza : [1 Minute Ago 12:53 PM] Erza : join us [3 Minutes Ago 12:52 PM] Erza : hi
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 21:38:29
:lol: fail.....
Mufoofee wrote: 1 Minute Ago 08:37 PM]Mufoofee: :facepalm: :[1 Minute Ago 08:37 PM]Raos: from pw or from me [1 Minute Ago 08:37 PM]2Morrow: who is he? [1 Minute Ago 08:37 PM]Mufoofee: From mufoofee [1 Minute Ago 08:37 PM]2Morrow: where can i get a metal comsa
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 00:01:06
Kari-Chan wrote: ^ is it weird that i read it from top to bottom but still read it correctly?
^ this made me smile. ^_^ -
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 17:02:42
[1 Minute Ago 01:01 PM]penspinner130: WTF [1 Minute Ago 01:00 PM]Wikero: ASIAN THE RULES I'M SCREWER [1 Minute Ago 01:00 PM]ChainBreak: SCREW THE RULES I'M ASIAN [2 Minutes Ago 12:59 PM]juggalo666666: SCREW THE RULES I'M AN ALIEN
Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 00:44:33
[1 Minute Ago 08:43 PM] Zkhan : You probably should be eating nacho chips instead. [1 Minute Ago 08:43 PM] Baaron : you and your first world problems [1 Minute Ago 08:42 PM] Nachoaddict : Gawd why are these lays so hard to eat. They taste good but idk why. I hate eating them =_=
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 20:03:10
[1 Minute Ago 04:01 PM] neXus : I wish more concerts had seats. I'm white, I don't want to move to my music.
Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 00:08:18
I trolled ohzers back so im ok YOUR NEXT ZEAL!!!!
Zeal wrote: DAMN, @ohzers and I went full retard on this also >.>. Can you guys really not tell a troll from a noob? [1 Minute Ago 08:59 PM] ALEX : you guys are going to be the funny ones [1 Minute Ago 08:59 PM] Fryuo : guys calm down [1 Minute Ago 08:59 PM] Zeal : Damn, ohzers and I went full retard too. [1 Minute Ago 08:59 PM] Zeal : this is going in funny shoutbox moments [1 Minute Ago 08:59 PM] Flarion : zeal or youre going on ignore [1 Minute Ago 08:59 PM] Zeal : that's right ohzers, he does not spin buster -.-, only buster cyl spinners = pro. [1 Minute Ago 08:59 PM] ALEX : your mom has like 900 tutorials [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] ALEX : kin is a world class spinner [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] Zeal : dude, he has no tutorials at all, Ktrinh has like 900 tutorials, HE IS OBVIOUSLY THE BEST SPINNER EVER [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] ohzers : kin doesnt spin buster, he sucks [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] RvSpinner22 : low [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] Flarion : [1 Minute Ago 08:58 PM] Zeal : dude kin sucks balls [1 Minute Ago 08:57 PM] Zeal : wtf flarion, he can haituna x10, he is awesome [1 Minute Ago 08:57 PM] Flarion : and youre saying kin is a bad spinner? [2 Minutes Ago 08:57 PM] Fryuo : Flame, come out fromt he i want to say hi [2 Minutes Ago 08:57 PM] ALEX : besides, VicGotGame is in World tournaments, ktrinh isnt [2 Minutes Ago 08:57 PM] Flarion : so youre saying i.suk is a bad spinner? [2 Minutes Ago 08:57 PM] Zeal : Are you sure? I am absolutely sure it is called hai-tuna [2 Minutes Ago 08:57 PM] ohzers : yea it does, it means they dont know many tri
Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 00:24:55
oh i get it oyu just copied it from the shoutbox archive?
Raos wrote: [1 Minute Ago 10:21 AM] i.suk : Q&A. if the mod is too heavy, use a pack of BEE cards to swipe off excess weight (credits to Froggy) [1 Minute Ago 10:20 AM] i.suk : you're welcome, this is the official tutorial, and it will be only stated once, make sure you take note and follow every step precisely, especially step 3 [1 Minute Ago 10:19 AM] Yamaguchi : Thanks [1 Minute Ago 10:19 AM] i.suk : step 13. assuming step 12. has occurred, in heaven you can spin the mod, and it will give you godlike abilities, in hell you try to grab it, but it keeps slipping way, after 900190019001 attempts, you obtain it, but you are doomed to eternally fail ta ~ palmspin ~> fl ta [2 Minutes Ago 10:18 AM] Raos : lol [1 Minute Ago 10:18 AM] i.suk : step 12. if you have completed step 11. you should have died already and you'll see my mod in heaven or hell [1 Minute Ago 10:17 AM] i.suk : step 11. if you are unable to complete step 10. you should repeat step 9. 90019001 more times [1 Minute Ago 10:17 AM] i.suk : step 10. if step 9. fails, then i recommend paying i.suk $9001 and he will send you information on step 3 so you can make the mod [2 Minutes Ago 10:16 AM] i.suk : step 9. if step 8. fails, try repeating step 3. 9001 more times, since experimentation has shown that it leads to successes in 6.9% of all trials [2 Minutes Ago 10:16 AM] Froggy : preparing part for it right now [3 Minutes Ago 10:15 AM] i.suk : step 8. if you have completed step 7. correctly, then a miracle should have occurred and you will have my personal dc [3 Minutes Ago 10:15 AM] x3silver : LOLS [3 Minutes Ago 10:15 AM] i.suk : step 7. now repeat step 3 9001 times, step 3 is the secret [4 Minutes Ago 10:14 AM] i.suk : step 6. if you have repeated step 3. 9000 times and does not work, repeat one more time [4 Minutes Ago 10:14 AM] Yamaguchi : dafuq [5 Minutes Ago 10:13 AM] i.suk : you're welcome, but the tutorial is not even finished yet [5 Minutes Ago 10:13 AM] i.suk : note: step 3. is not the same as step 3 [6 Minutes Ago 10:12 AM] i.suk : step 5. if mod has not been completed after step 4, repeat step 3. until the desired product has been obtained [6 Minutes Ago 10:12 AM] Yamaguchi : Thanks! [6 Minutes Ago 10:12 AM] i.suk : step 4. if the mod has not changed into the desired product, cut 0.5mm off the ST sections again and repeat step 3. [7 Minutes Ago 10:11 AM] i.suk : step 3. put these parts under your pillow and pray before you sleep [8 Minutes Ago 10:10 AM] i.suk : step 2. cut the ST sections shorter so they are about 1 cm long, take airfit bp tips and grips off ivan mod [9 Minutes Ago 10:09 AM] Yamaguchi : ah [9 Minutes Ago 10:09 AM] i.suk : i.e. supertip sections lol Yamaguchi 9 Minutes Ago 10:09 AM "caps" ?? ? i.suk 11 Minutes Ago 10:07 AM step 1. get a regular ivan mod, using 3.5cm long ST 'caps', airfit ballpoint tips, 1/2 airfit grip Yamaguchi 11 Minutes Ago 10:07 AM yey Jazz 12 Minutes Ago 10:06 AM good guy i.suk i.suk 12 Minutes Ago 10:06 AM no, i will give the real tutorial Yamaguchi 13 Minutes Ago 10:06 AM :( Fryuo 13 Minutes Ago 10:05 AM hi Jazz 13 Minutes Ago 10:05 AM *JPG Jazz 13 Minutes Ago 10:05 AM then i.suk goes TROLLFACE.JPS i.suk 13 Minutes Ago 10:05 AM wait a sec, need to check pics on my computer to make sure i get the steps right i.suk 14 Minutes Ago 10:05 AM pay attention, because i will only say these instructions once: Yamaguchi 16 Minutes Ago 10:02 AM yes >< i.suk 17 Minutes Ago 10:01 AM do you want the tutorial? Yamaguchi 19 Minutes Ago 10:00 AM ohai fry i.suk 19 Minutes Ago 10:00 AM no lol Fryuo 20 Minutes Ago 09:59 AM isuk, yama Yamaguchi 20 Minutes Ago 09:58 AM did u released the tut for ur ivan mod variation? i.suk 21 Minutes Ago 09:57 AM hello Yamaguchi 23 Minutes Ago 09:55 AM hey isuk? bottom up. not tah funny though
Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 01:15:00
Alex wrote: I trolled ohzers back so im ok YOUR NEXT ZEAL!!!!
....whut, how did you troll me -
Date: Mon, Jun 18 2012 22:29:59
In tiny chat with the holy haitua thing :trollface:
ohzers wrote: ....whut, how did you troll me
Date: Wed, Jun 20 2012 03:15:33
Alex wrote: In tiny chat with the holy haitua thing :trollface: are you talking about == -
Date: Wed, Jun 20 2012 04:38:28
:facepalm: i meant hole not holy and if you dont remember then nvm
ohzers wrote: are you talking about ==
Date: Mon, Jun 25 2012 12:07:41
Read bottom to top. I don't really find this funny but just wanted to share. xD [2 Minutes Ago 10:01 PM] fang : Epic story man! [2 Minutes Ago 10:00 PM] i.suk : ikr, it's epic [3 Minutes Ago 09:59 PM] Xienix : still a nice story [3 Minutes Ago 09:59 PM] Enkronidus : lolwut [4 Minutes Ago 09:59 PM] Kcom2002: :spam: [4 Minutes Ago 09:58 PM] i.suk : records random fs for guest in someone's solo, solo is cancelled --> send fs for some other collab -.- [4 Minutes Ago 09:58 PM] Xienix : yea why not [5 Minutes Ago 09:58 PM] Kcom2002 : Sure. [6 Minutes Ago 09:57 PM] i.suk : do you want to hear it again? [7 Minutes Ago 09:56 PM] Kcom2002 : Cool Story Bro. [8 Minutes Ago 09:55 PM] i.suk : records random fs for guest in someone's solo, solo is cancelled --> send fs for some other collab -.-
Date: Wed, Jun 27 2012 16:55:58
[1 Minute Ago 09:55 AM] Rozzl : thank you Boxxy [1 Minute Ago 09:55 AM] Rozzl : WE NEED CREATIVITY TO MAKE A BANANA SWEAT
Date: Sun, Jul 1 2012 17:58:21
[4 Minutes Ago 01:53 PM] strat1227 : i love america [4 Minutes Ago 01:53 PM] strat1227 : You can buy condoms, a burner phone, guns and ammunition at walmart. but you can't buy a cd with cussing on it. lol
Date: Wed, Jul 4 2012 08:52:54
[1 Minute Ago 02:21 PM]Enkronidus: I knew it as well [1 Minute Ago 02:21 PM]utkarsh: u mad?
Date: Sat, Jul 7 2012 03:32:04
Too bad i missed that :(
Kcom2002 wrote: Read bottom to top. I don't really find this funny but just wanted to share. xD [2 Minutes Ago 10:01 PM] fang : Epic story man! [2 Minutes Ago 10:00 PM] i.suk : ikr, it's epic [3 Minutes Ago 09:59 PM] Xienix : still a nice story [3 Minutes Ago 09:59 PM] Enkronidus : lolwut [4 Minutes Ago 09:59 PM] Kcom2002: :spam: [4 Minutes Ago 09:58 PM] i.suk : records random fs for guest in someone's solo, solo is cancelled --> send fs for some other collab -.- [4 Minutes Ago 09:58 PM] Xienix : yea why not [5 Minutes Ago 09:58 PM] Kcom2002 : Sure. [6 Minutes Ago 09:57 PM] i.suk : do you want to hear it again? [7 Minutes Ago 09:56 PM] Kcom2002 : Cool Story Bro. [8 Minutes Ago 09:55 PM] i.suk : records random fs for guest in someone's solo, solo is cancelled --> send fs for some other collab -.-
Date: Sat, Jul 7 2012 06:48:29
[1 Minute Ago 02:47 AM] strat1227 : lol pw is such a milf
Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 17:16:37
[5 Minutes Ago 10:10 AM] Fryuo : it is vertually imposinble to bust on any othr mod besides cyl [6 Minutes Ago 10:10 AM] Fryuo : no [6 Minutes Ago 10:09 AM] Waul : Hey guys can you bust on other pen excluding buster cyl?
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 05:59:06
Uhhhhhhhh how is that funny ?
TheAafg wrote: [5 Minutes Ago 10:10 AM] Fryuo : it is vertually imposinble to bust on any othr mod besides cyl [6 Minutes Ago 10:10 AM] Fryuo : no [6 Minutes Ago 10:09 AM] Waul : Hey guys can you bust on other pen excluding buster cyl?
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 14:04:44
Alex wrote: Uhhhhhhhh how is that funny ?
its funny to the people who aren't buster noobs. -
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 15:09:13
TheAafg wrote: its funny to the people who aren't buster noobs.
. -
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 17:44:35
So you,re saying i'm a buster noob?
TheAafg wrote: its funny to the people who aren't buster noobs.
Date: Sat, Jul 14 2012 16:03:51
Bottom to top! [1 Hour Ago 11:00 AM] shoeman6 : My house has 13 floors, 7.5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms and we're thinking about killing ourselves. [1 Hour Ago 10:58 AM] Froggy : 55bedrooms with 280bathrooms whut. [1 Hour Ago 10:56 AM] Awesome : hi people [1 Hour Ago 10:53 AM] Forest : my house has 51 floors, 3,000 bedrooms, and 600 washrooms and we're thinking of owning the entire freaking world [1 Hour Ago 10:49 AM] strat1227 : my house is 8 floors 55 bedrooms, 280 bathrooms and we're thinking of adding a lake [1 Hour Ago 10:44 AM] TheAafg : my house is 3 floors, 5 bedrooms,4 washrooms and we are thinking of getting an outdoor pool made.
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2012 12:42:05
Fuse wrote: Bottom to top! [1 Hour Ago 11:00 AM] shoeman6 : My house has 13 floors, 7.5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms and we're thinking about killing ourselves. [1 Hour Ago 10:58 AM] Froggy : 55bedrooms with 280bathrooms whut. [1 Hour Ago 10:56 AM] Awesome : hi people [1 Hour Ago 10:53 AM] Forest : my house has 51 floors, 3,000 bedrooms, and 600 washrooms and we're thinking of owning the entire freaking world [1 Hour Ago 10:49 AM] strat1227 : my house is 8 floors 55 bedrooms, 280 bathrooms and we're thinking of adding a lake [1 Hour Ago 10:44 AM] TheAafg : my house is 3 floors, 5 bedrooms,4 washrooms and we are thinking of getting an outdoor pool made.
Only the first two are funny to be honest. From tinychat: wasa: I like how leftginger prepares everything for that moment [8:38 PM] wasa: fuck [8:39 PM] lleftfinger: leftginger omg [8:39 PM] digital: LOOLOLOL [8:39 PM] kr: leftginger ROFL [8:39 PM] nashi: o__O [8:39 PM] likeatroll: lol -
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 16:58:26
True, only the first two are funny, the others exxagerated too much
Krypton wrote: Only the first two are funny to be honest. From tinychat: wasa: I like how leftginger prepares everything for that moment [8:38 PM] wasa: fuck [8:39 PM] lleftfinger: leftginger omg [8:39 PM] digital: LOOLOLOL [8:39 PM] kr: leftginger ROFL [8:39 PM] nashi: o__O [8:39 PM] likeatroll: lol
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 23:05:35
LILT 1 Minute Ago 04:05 PMda hell Alex 1 Minute Ago 04:05 PM flaming oracle 1 Minute Ago 04:05 PM lol heavy mods are all crazy spenpinner 1 Minute Ago 04:04 PM Heavy mods are generally self conscious about their weight flaming oracle 1 Minute Ago 04:04 PM >.> i know who to avoid spinning a stick around now Alex 1 Minute Ago 04:04 PM Enkronidus 1 Minute Ago 04:04 PM while you sleep Enkronidus 1 Minute Ago 04:04 PM Someday they will unite, sneak into your bedroom and penetrate through your anus flaming oracle 1 Minute Ago 04:03 PM damn too late Alex 1 Minute Ago 04:03 PM yes , get metal pole flaming oracle 2 Minutes Ago 04:03 PM v +1 Enkronidus 2 Minutes Ago 04:03 PM Guys, don't make fun of heavy mods. I heard that they hold grudge. Fryuo 2 Minutes Ago 04:03 PM lulz spenpinner 2 Minutes Ago 04:03 PM Or if you are listening to these guys you should just go ahead and get a metal pole to spin Alex 2 Minutes Ago 04:03 PM You need a long pen cuz haitua will be easier flaming oracle 2 Minutes Ago 04:03 PM past that Alex 2 Minutes Ago 04:02 PM Iknow get a light mod flaming oracle 3 Minutes Ago 04:02 PM it has 3 different kinds a light med and a fucking heavy ass one Alex 3 Minutes Ago 04:02 PM Is it buster_like heavy? spenpinner 3 Minutes Ago 04:02 PM Lol lilt don't listen to them. Your ps is going to get bad if you do Alex 3 Minutes Ago 04:01 PM its also big so its better for you flaming oracle 3 Minutes Ago 04:01 PM @Fryuo oki we get it you missed me >.> Alex 3 Minutes Ago 04:01 PM isnt vics emboss mod heavier? get that!! LILT 3 Minutes Ago 04:01 PM o spenpinner 3 Minutes Ago 04:01 PM Or get a buster extended weight and length (aka a drumstick) Alex (Private Message) 3 Minutes Ago 04:00 PM the pen i had for spinning the one with green and orange is a buster flaming oracle 4 Minutes Ago 04:00 PM lol get an ivan mod? trololol flaming oracle 4 Minutes Ago 04:00 PM so they can have a light med and heavy pen if they can make it that is >.>"" LILT 4 Minutes Ago 04:00 PM i dont even no wat a buster look like damn flaming oracle 4 Minutes Ago 04:00 PM lol no get a buster 3k spenpinner 4 Minutes Ago 04:00 PM Pitched to you Alex 4 Minutes Ago 03:59 PM If you get light mods its bad for you spenpinner 4 Minutes Ago 03:59 PM That was a genuine idea I just flaming oracle 4 Minutes Ago 03:59 PM lol i am XD Alex 5 Minutes Ago 03:59 PM yes, a new spinner should get a buster Fryuo 5 Minutes Ago 03:59 PM woah flame is finally on spenpinner 5 Minutes Ago 03:59 PM Flaming are you listening to me!? flaming oracle 5 Minutes Ago 03:59 PM lol easiest answer to all spinner questions of what pen to get -.-"" get a buster I always fail when copying from the archive but its in correct order, just figure out whaere each post is
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 23:18:31
That was the stupidest shit. not even remotely funny.
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2012 00:05:21
nothing in funny shoutbox moments is "funny" im surprised you havent noticed and i didnt hink it was funny but it was decent enough to go there
Rees wrote: That was the stupidest shit. not even remotely funny.
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2012 15:23:42
Alex wrote: nothing in funny shoutbox moments is "funny" im surprised you havent noticed and i didnt hink it was funny but it was decent enough to go there
About 20% are actually humorous. -
Date: Mon, Jul 23 2012 03:17:54
Well then yo must laugh at everything :trollface:
Krypton wrote: About 20% are actually humorous.
Date: Wed, Jul 25 2012 00:53:56
Bottom to top Froggy: win Straat1227: awesome jaychou: im down, im just gonna draw penises on all of them Straat1227: i'll pm u sentence, draw it Straat1227: yo u wanna start epyc?
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 20:21:10
Bottom up I wasn't gonna post this until someone actually had to ask :facepalm: . edited out irrelevant stuff.
[5 Minutes Ago 04:12 PM] Loanshark : fucking newfags [5 Minutes Ago 04:12 PM] Demetrius : damn [5 Minutes Ago 04:11 PM] Demetrius : wtf i ddint know that [5 Minutes Ago 04:11 PM] ChainBreak : :trollface: [6 Minutes Ago 04:11 PM] Fryuo : ESO IS FEMALE? [6 Minutes Ago 04:10 PM] ChainBreak : Yeah Eso is female! [1 Minute Ago 04:09 PM] spenpinner : CB dont break your chains, aight. take a chill pill. >_> [1 Minute Ago 04:09 PM] jaychou : eso :trollface: [1 Minute Ago 04:08 PM] ShadrCom3t : eso ._. [1 Minute Ago 04:08 PM] ChainBreak : There are Nashi, Jolly, cXi, BFirefly, Kaci, Kari and Eso and more [2 Minutes Ago 04:08 PM] spenpinner : :trollface: [2 Minutes Ago 04:08 PM] ChainBreak : It's Nashi [2 Minutes Ago 04:07 PM] ChainBreak : Thank you [2 Minutes Ago 04:07 PM] spenpinner : or tashi...dont know her username that well... [2 Minutes Ago 04:07 PM] ChainBreak : dude recognize a fucking joke when it's fucking jumping on your fucking nose [2 Minutes Ago 04:07 PM] spenpinner : well lets see...kari, taci, kaci are all female... [3 Minutes Ago 04:06 PM] ChainBreak : Boxxy/Retacu is as male as I am [3 Minutes Ago 04:06 PM] ChainBreak : BROS BEFORE HOES BRO [3 Minutes Ago 04:06 PM] Demetrius : my friend here on upsb boxxy is female jaychou 5 Minutes Ago 04:06 PM- NO ONE BELIEVES YOUR BULLSHIT BRO Demetrius 5 Minutes Ago 04:06 PM- actually there are ChainBreak 5 Minutes Ago 04:05 PM- :trollface: ChainBreak 5 Minutes Ago 04:05 PM- when there are none ChainBreak 5 Minutes Ago 04:05 PM- that's like saying you're a female penspinner Demetrius 6 Minutes Ago 04:05 PM- lying about wat Demetrius 6 Minutes Ago 04:04 PM- ???????? jaychou 6 Minutes Ago 04:04 PM- i like how demetrius is lying to us allSpoiler
You guys shouldn't have used > :trollface: To those that knew the truth, the trolling was understood. -
Date: Sat, Aug 4 2012 05:59:06
I posted something but people always get pissed cuz everything i post here isnt funny in their opinion. So i deleted it so can someone delete this?
Date: Sat, Aug 11 2012 13:07:19
Bottom to top [1 Minute Ago 10:24 AM] Erirornal Kraione : So good. [1 Minute Ago 10:24 AM] Erirornal Kraione : Slept for twelve. whole. hours. [3 Minutes Ago 10:21 AM] Ivabra : poor us :d [6 Minutes Ago 10:18 AM] Xienix : lol didn't sleep the whole night :P [9 Minutes Ago 10:15 AM] Ivabra : god I couldn't sleep more than 5 hours :(
Date: Sun, Aug 12 2012 04:34:41
Xienix wrote: Bottom to top [1 Minute Ago 10:24 AM] Erirornal Kraione : So good. [1 Minute Ago 10:24 AM] Erirornal Kraione : Slept for twelve. whole. hours. [3 Minutes Ago 10:21 AM] Ivabra : poor us :d [6 Minutes Ago 10:18 AM] Xienix : lol didn't sleep the whole night :P [9 Minutes Ago 10:15 AM] Ivabra : god I couldn't sleep more than 5 hours :(
lol ye ek is legend -
Date: Tue, Aug 21 2012 00:21:51
[1 Minute Ago 08:19 PM] shoeman6 : Ive met a shit load of people [1 Minute Ago 08:18 PM] shoeman6 : well fuck, not even friends yet. [1 Minute Ago 08:18 PM] shoeman6 : nah, I've made friends with some asians [2 Minute Ago 08:18 PM] Raos : lol [2 Minute Ago 08:18 PM] strat1227 : yep ur fucked [3 Minute Ago 08:17 PM] TheAafg : oh wait you are the asian kid LOL FUCK [3 Minutes Ago 08:17 PM] TheAafg : make friends with the asian students srs [4 Minutes Ago 08:16 PM] Raos : dude its like the first week of uni, calm down bro
Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 05:05:15
[1 Minute Ago 10:09 PM] i.suk : i should apply to be a mod to fix the incompetence at changing stickies [1 Minute Ago 10:09 PM] Froggy : gawd dat blinding yellow lol [1 Minute Ago 10:08 PM] SYSTEM: The Sticky Note has been updated! [1 Minute Ago 10:08 PM] Rees : sticky, radio thing [2 Minutes Ago 10:08 PM] Mufoofee : get rid of this evidence [2 Minutes Ago 10:08 PM] Mufoofee : Now prune the shoutbox. [2 Minutes Ago 10:08 PM] SYSTEM: The Sticky Note has been updated! [2 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] i.suk : mods are so fucking noob nowadays [2 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] SYSTEM: The Sticky Note has been updated! [2 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] Nachoaddict : OKAY I FIXED IT GUYES EVERYONE CALM DOWN [2 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] SYSTEM: The Sticky Note has been updated! [3 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] Froggy : lol nacho go go go! [3 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] SYSTEM: The Sticky Note has been updated! Nachoaddict 10 Minutes Ago 09:52 PM : I lost everything else thogh ;( Nachoaddict 11 Minutes Ago 09:52 PM : don't worry I can fix this chris 11 Minutes Ago 09:52 PM : @____@ Nachoaddict 12 Minutes Ago 09:50 PM : Hold on I hit something wrong lolol TheAafg 12 Minutes Ago 09:49 PM : LOWHAT SYSTEM 13 Minutes Ago 09:49 PM Sticky Note has been removed. Nachoaddict 13 Minutes Ago 09:49 PM : Ahh allright TheAafg 14 Minutes Ago 09:48 PM : could you change results in the team tournament sticky to final round revealed. Nachoaddict 15 Minutes Ago 09:47 PM : what do you want me to do? TheAafg 16 Minutes Ago 09:46 PM : yo nacho can you edit the sticky?
Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 05:35:07
[1 Minute Ago 10:33 PM]Mufoofee: :mellow: [1 Minute Ago 10:33 PM]strat1227: GODDAMN IT NACHO [1 Minute Ago 10:33 PM] SYSTEM: Sticky Note has been removed. [1 Minute Ago 10:32 PM]strat1227: NACHO TOO PRO
Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 06:07:29
[1 Minute Ago 11:06 PM] Nachoaddict : Goddamnit strat [1 Minute Ago 11:05 PM] SYSTEM: The Sticky Note has been updated! [1 Minute Ago 11:05 PM] strat1227 : goddamn it, that was my last super-strat token [1 Minute Ago 11:05 PM] TheAafg : ...wot [1 Minute Ago 11:05 PM] Nachoaddict : Goddamnit strat [1 Minute Ago 11:05 PM] SYSTEM: Sticky Note has been removed. [1 Minute Ago 11:05 PM] strat1227 : SUPER STRAT, AWAY!!!! [1 Minute Ago 11:05 PM] XYZaki : strat just auto-admin'd himself. [1 Minute Ago 11:05 PM] SYSTEM: The Sticky Note has been updated! [1 Minute Ago 11:05 PM] strat1227 : ok, now i have super powers, i can fix it [1 Minute Ago 11:04 PM] XYZaki : Get your shit together, both of you. [1 Minute Ago 11:04 PM] strat1227 : hold on guys i got this [1 Minute Ago 11:04 PM] chris : @_@ [1 Minute Ago 11:04 PM] TheAafg : LOOOL [1 Minute Ago 11:04 PM] strat1227 : GODDAMNIT NACHO [1 Minute Ago 11:04 PM] SYSTEM: Sticky Note has been removed. [2 Minutes Ago 11:03 PM] Nachoaddict : Hi Strattttt. Don't yell at me please >o< about my sticky fiasco haha [2 Minutes Ago 11:03 PM] strat1227 : hi kirua [3 Minutes Ago 11:02 PM] kirua : hi strat
Date: Thu, Sep 6 2012 01:25:54
[1 Minute Ago 01:25 AM] Yamaguchi : LOL [1 Minute Ago 01:24 AM] Tetsip : yes? [16 Minutes Ago 01:09 AM] Kari : That too. [16 Minutes Ago 01:08 AM] colourfulXinsanity : it's not even the periods.. it's just the stupid shit you get caught up in [16 Minutes Ago 01:08 AM] Kari : Girls have so many issues. [17 Minutes Ago 01:08 AM] Kari : No you don't. [17 Minutes Ago 01:08 AM] King : Jk, Periods suck [17 Minutes Ago 01:08 AM] colourfulXinsanity : it fucking sucks [17 Minutes Ago 01:07 AM] King : I wish i was a lady [18 Minutes Ago 01:07 AM] Kari : Same [18 Minutes Ago 01:06 AM] colourfulXinsanity : being a girl -____- [19 Minutes Ago 01:06 AM] Yamaguchi : sup [20 Minutes Ago 01:04 AM] colourfulXinsanity : hello [21 Minutes Ago 01:04 AM] Yamaguchi : hi ms cxi [23 Minutes Ago 01:02 AM] colourfulXinsanity : fuck.
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 09:26:43
TheAafg wrote: [1 Minute Ago 10:09 PM] i.suk : i should apply to be a mod to fix the incompetence at changing stickies [1 Minute Ago 10:09 PM] Froggy : gawd dat blinding yellow lol [1 Minute Ago 10:08 PM] SYSTEM: The Sticky Note has been updated! [1 Minute Ago 10:08 PM] Rees : sticky, radio thing [2 Minutes Ago 10:08 PM] Mufoofee : get rid of this evidence [2 Minutes Ago 10:08 PM] Mufoofee : Now prune the shoutbox. [2 Minutes Ago 10:08 PM] SYSTEM: The Sticky Note has been updated! [2 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] i.suk : mods are so fucking noob nowadays [2 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] SYSTEM: The Sticky Note has been updated! [2 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] Nachoaddict : OKAY I FIXED IT GUYES EVERYONE CALM DOWN [2 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] SYSTEM: The Sticky Note has been updated! [3 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] Froggy : lol nacho go go go! [3 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] SYSTEM: The Sticky Note has been updated! Nachoaddict 10 Minutes Ago 09:52 PM : I lost everything else thogh ;( Nachoaddict 11 Minutes Ago 09:52 PM : don't worry I can fix this chris 11 Minutes Ago 09:52 PM : @____@ Nachoaddict 12 Minutes Ago 09:50 PM : Hold on I hit something wrong lolol TheAafg 12 Minutes Ago 09:49 PM : LOWHAT SYSTEM 13 Minutes Ago 09:49 PM Sticky Note has been removed. Nachoaddict 13 Minutes Ago 09:49 PM : Ahh allright TheAafg 14 Minutes Ago 09:48 PM : could you change results in the team tournament sticky to final round revealed. Nachoaddict 15 Minutes Ago 09:47 PM : what do you want me to do? TheAafg 16 Minutes Ago 09:46 PM : yo nacho can you edit the sticky?
wao he edited it LOLOL -
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2012 14:54:28
[1 Minute Ago 02:53 PM] Supergirl : At sleeping. [1 Minute Ago 02:52 PM] Yamaguchi : me too [1 Minute Ago 02:52 PM] YUi : how good? [1 Minute Ago 02:52 PM] YUi : oh god.... [1 Minute Ago 02:51 PM] Supergirl : I'm very good in bed.
Date: Mon, Sep 24 2012 11:59:40
[4 Minutes Ago 10:57 AM]Alvaris : seems legit [5 Minutes Ago 10:57 AM i.suk : f2f breakdown is easy, it's just like this: aprghepurighapidfhapwiuerfhapiwdkjf
Date: Fri, Oct 19 2012 20:00:47
No funny shoutbox moments? :( [1 Minute Ago 02:00 PM] Supergirl : A Higgs boson walks into a Catholic church and the priest says "thank god you made it, we can't have mass without you." - lol
Date: Mon, Oct 22 2012 03:24:08
[1 Minute Ago 12:21 PM] tftw : a buster CYL [2 Minutes Ago 12:20 PM] [TGN] : whats that [2 Minutes Ago 12:20 PM] tftw : no [2 Minutes Ago 12:20 PM] [TGN] : is that a buster? Well.
Date: Mon, Oct 29 2012 15:44:19
[1 Minute Ago 09:43 AM] Clyde : not you lol the chinese kid [1 Minute Ago 09:42 AM] MightAsWellGG : I don't have a lack of self confidence [2 Minutes Ago 09:41 AM] Clyde : ok brb lack of self confidence and bullying is now alpha ok
Date: Tue, Nov 6 2012 04:46:24
[1 Minute Ago 09:45 PM] [TGN] : wat [1 Minute Ago 09:45 PM] Baaron : wat [1 Minute Ago 09:45 PM] TheAafg : wat [1 Minute Ago 09:44 PM] colourfulXinsanity : wat [1 Minute Ago 09:43 PM] Loanshark : wat [2 Minutes Ago 09:43 PM] FRspinner : do you saw baaron face? huhh [2 Minutes Ago 09:43 PM] Loanshark : i live in canada [2 Minutes Ago 09:42 PM] [TGN] : singapore [3 Minutes Ago 09:42 PM] FRspinner : whats your name . i live in malaysia [3 Minutes Ago 09:42 PM] FRspinner : TGN [3 Minutes Ago 09:42 PM] FRspinner : where do you live ??? [3 Minutes Ago 09:42 PM] FRspinner : loanshark
Date: Sat, Nov 10 2012 05:23:31
TC but meh
Date: Sun, Nov 11 2012 03:54:39
[4 Minutes Ago 08:47 PM] Jagex : hmmm, i just finished making a fully white personal dc, i need to tape it up with some black tape, atm its sponge taped, any ideas on how i should tape it? it used to be baaron taped
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 09:22:58
TheAafg wrote: [4 Minutes Ago 08:47 PM] Jagex : hmmm, i just finished making a fully white personal dc, i need to tape it up with some black tape, atm its sponge taped, any ideas on how i should tape it? it used to be baaron taped
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2012 01:02:55
[6:59 PM] kcom2002: senppinner [6:59 PM] spenpinner: yees? [6:59 PM] kcom2002: I never called you. [6:59 PM] spenpinner: called me what? [7:00 PM] kcom2002: NVM. O_______________________O' [7:00 PM] spenpinner: :3 [7:02 PM] tgn: lolololl (top to bottom)
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2012 11:55:37
spenpinner wrote: [6:59 PM] kcom2002: senppinner [6:59 PM] spenpinner: yees? [6:59 PM] kcom2002: I never called you. [6:59 PM] spenpinner: called me what? [7:00 PM] kcom2002: NVM. O_______________________O' [7:00 PM] spenpinner: :3 [7:02 PM] tgn: lolololl (top to bottom)
What on Earth is funny about that? -
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2012 19:43:39
Read from the bottom, as usual.
[2 Minutes Ago 07:39 PM] Supergirl : Reported that s at the end of your name Mats. [5 Minutes Ago 07:36 PM] ChainBreak : Reported your Meme Mats [5 Minutes Ago 07:36 PM] Mats : Reported that shout Supergirl. [9 Minutes Ago 07:31 PM] Supergirl : [12 Minutes Ago 07:29 PM] Mats :
Date: Mon, Nov 19 2012 09:51:39
Mats wrote: Read from the bottom, as usual.
What on Earth is funny about that? -
Date: Mon, Nov 19 2012 20:52:23
[1 Minute Ago 03:51 PM] neXus : If I unexpectedly get a kid I run to Africa [1 Minute Ago 03:50 PM] Mats : But see how lazy you get if for example, the girl of your dreams is offering to marry you if you improve your job, or you unexpectedly get a kid. [1 Minute Ago 03:50 PM] Mats : haha yeah [2 Minutes Ago 03:50 PM] neXus : Crippling laziness [2 Minutes Ago 03:49 PM] Mats : neXus, you're pretty smart though. You could easily get a better job, or do qualifications at home, if you wanted to one day.
Date: Mon, Nov 26 2012 02:34:46
[1 Minute Ago 11:33 AM] neXus : ANNE ARE YOU OKAY, ARE YOU OKAY ANNE [1 Minute Ago 11:33 AM] neXus : Michael was getting CPR lessons and the first thing you do is assess the condition of the cpr recipient, all CPR dolls are called Anne [1 Minute Ago 11:33 AM] Lucid : Who? [1 Minute Ago 11:32 AM] neXus : I just found out who Anne from Smooth Criminal is
Date: Thu, Nov 29 2012 20:33:05Reading ^ as always. xD I thought this was funny, maybe it was the moment, maybe it was the backgroundinformation, maybe it was Mats.
[1 Minute Ago 09:27 PM] [B]fang[/B]: Touche! [1 Minute Ago 09:27 PM] Mats: That's still more people than will watch your video fang.:lol: *Xienix wanted to finish it a few months ago* @ 09:27 PM [1 Minute Ago 09:27 PM] ChainBreak : exams took to much time though [1 Minute Ago 09:27 PM] [B]fang[/B] : Very funny mats, we all know nobody will watch Xienix his solo video :jk: [1 Minute Ago 09:26 PM] Xienix : that's a deal [1 Minute Ago 09:26 PM] ChainBreak : I wanted to finish it last week actually [1 Minute Ago 09:26 PM] ChainBreak : I will finish mine next week [1 Minute Ago 09:26 PM] Mats : Yeah, it would mean 1/2 as many people watch each one. [2 Minutes Ago 09:25 PM] [B]fang[/B] : I hope we can release it at the same time, would be cool!~ [2 Minutes Ago 09:25 PM] [B]fang[/B] : Hahaha, same here. [2 Minutes Ago 09:25 PM] Xienix : finaly i have time to work on my solo video ^^ -
Date: Thu, Nov 29 2012 20:36:56
fang wrote: Reading ^ as always. xD I thought this was funny, maybe it was the moment, maybe it was the backgroundinformation, maybe it was Mats.
I thought it was chainbreak. :dunno:Spoiler
[1 Minute Ago 09:27 PM] [B]fang[/B]: Touche! [1 Minute Ago 09:27 PM] Mats: That's still more people than will watch your video fang.:lol: *Xienix wanted to finish it a few months ago* @ 09:27 PM [1 Minute Ago 09:27 PM] ChainBreak : exams took to much time though [1 Minute Ago 09:27 PM] [B]fang[/B] : Very funny mats, we all know nobody will watch Xienix his solo video :jk: [1 Minute Ago 09:26 PM] Xienix : that's a deal [1 Minute Ago 09:26 PM] ChainBreak : I wanted to finish it last week actually [1 Minute Ago 09:26 PM] ChainBreak : I will finish mine next week [1 Minute Ago 09:26 PM] Mats : Yeah, it would mean 1/2 as many people watch each one. [2 Minutes Ago 09:25 PM] [B]fang[/B] : I hope we can release it at the same time, would be cool!~ [2 Minutes Ago 09:25 PM] [B]fang[/B] : Hahaha, same here. [2 Minutes Ago 09:25 PM] Xienix : finaly i have time to work on my solo video ^^ -
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2012 06:56:00
[6 Minutes Ago 10:48 PM] strat1227 : lol [6 Minutes Ago 10:47 PM] shoeman6 : I try, [6 Minutes Ago 10:47 PM] strat1227 : ho ho! so clever [7 Minutes Ago 10:47 PM] shoeman6 : at least 10x more fun than the CastStration I hope. [7 Minutes Ago 10:47 PM] strat1227 : cya shoeman [7 Minutes Ago 10:47 PM] strat1227 : there we go [7 Minutes Ago 10:47 PM] strat1227 :
[7 Minutes Ago 10:47 PM] shoeman6 : Good night UPSB. Looking forward to the StratCast tomorrow
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 04:59:44
[1 Minute Ago 12:58 PM] neXus : You people are heartless [1 Minute Ago 12:58 PM] neXus : It's probably some chinese kid in a factory who has to type that post by hand and you call him a bot [1 Minute Ago 12:58 PM] Mats : Time to close UPSB and start another one. [1 Minute Ago 12:57 PM] Mats : Yes. [2 Minutes Ago 12:56 PM] Alex : Is UPSB getting spam bots ?
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2012 14:17:54
[14 Minutes Ago 02:02 PM] fang : Im ok, nothing to complain [15 Minutes Ago 02:02 PM] littleboy_1993 : oh...i'm fine...tks..and u? [15 Minutes Ago 02:02 PM] fang : lolwtf*ck, neXus, the difference is, I don't say it, I typ it. [16 Minutes Ago 02:01 PM] neXus : That's what pedophile say, word for word [22 Minutes Ago 01:54 PM] fang : How are you doing Littleboy? [26 Minutes Ago 01:50 PM] fang : V explains himselve. [28 Minutes Ago 01:49 PM] littleboy_1993 : oh no...i from viet nam [28 Minutes Ago 01:49 PM] fang : I don't think so, the orginal Littleboy quit ps a while ago lol. [35 Minutes Ago 01:42 PM] Yamaguchi : are you the littleboy who battled peem
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2012 15:51:57
Yamaguchi wrote:
To bad you can't see my Rainbownesszz!Spoiler
[14 Minutes Ago 02:02 PM] fang : Im ok, nothing to complain [15 Minutes Ago 02:02 PM] littleboy_1993 : oh...i'm fine...tks..and u? [15 Minutes Ago 02:02 PM] fang : lolwtf*ck, neXus, the difference is, I don't say it, I typ it. [16 Minutes Ago 02:01 PM] neXus : That's what pedophile say, word for word [22 Minutes Ago 01:54 PM] fang : How are you doing Littleboy? [26 Minutes Ago 01:50 PM] fang : V explains himselve. [28 Minutes Ago 01:49 PM] littleboy_1993 : oh no...i from viet nam [28 Minutes Ago 01:49 PM] fang : I don't think so, the orginal Littleboy quit ps a while ago lol. [35 Minutes Ago 01:42 PM] Yamaguchi : are you the littleboy who battled peemSpoiler
[1 Minute Ago 11:48 PM] Supergirl: Huh, what do you mean? [13 Minutes Ago 11:35 PM] Rees:Takes a genious to understand me! ^Reading! ;P -
Date: Thu, Dec 13 2012 01:25:01
Just stirring up mats with flo rida quotes, but he already left.
Date: Fri, Dec 14 2012 03:34:23
spenis: so uh [7:26 PM] spenis: you come hee often? [7:26 PM] light: i believe so [7:26 PM] spenis: can i buy you a drink? [7:26 PM] light: that would be lovely [7:26 PM] spenis: dont mind the rufee... [7:26 PM] light: i want orange juice [7:29 PM] light: xD [7:29 PM] spenis: bitch i aint buying no orange juice. who do you think i am? bill gates? [7:30 PM] light: how about some water from the faucet? [7:30 PM] spenis: you think im kurt russel!? [7:31 PM] light: yes [7:31 PM] spenis: oh cool. im a badass now THIS is from TC. im light and spenspinner is spenis.
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2013 09:48:52
[1 Minute Ago 03:16 PM] Enkronidus : jk [1 Minute Ago 03:16 PM] Enkronidus : sounds racist [1 Minute Ago 03:16 PM] Jazz : maybe i've eaten too much cereal. [1 Minute Ago 03:15 PM] Jazz : well black is a good concept but it is a bit too light on the color side of its wording. we are typing in black but somehow it looks the most untrue color i think of [2 Minutes Ago 03:15 PM] Jazz : and then i go onto the internet looking at my facebook page until i get tired of the spam "like for one respect" posts and i just ctr+w and i figured i just closed my microsoft word which contained my essay [2 Minutes Ago 03:14 PM] Enkronidus : sometimes I stare at my penis and think, black [3 Minutes Ago 03:13 PM] Jazz : but then i think mooncases make me happy in terms of shining light and that which tells me time travel is impossble. i am shuddened but alightened. [3 Minutes Ago 03:13 PM] Jazz : then i think of the enviromental supporters. and then i dunno i just start to puke. [4 Minutes Ago 03:12 PM] Jazz : you know, sometimes i stare at turtles and think, green.
Date: Tue, Jan 8 2013 22:16:51
[1 Hour Ago 07:10 AM] ChainBreak : Chiizu Pisa is a very dangerous mod to make and you may die during the process of modding. Do you want to continue? @i.suk lol when Spincardistry was trying to figure your mod out
Date: Thu, Jan 10 2013 21:09:38
[35 Minutes Ago 08:34 PM] neXus : thirstquenched? what is the word [35 Minutes Ago 08:33 PM] neXus : When you want water you are thirsty. When drank water you are ??? [36 Minutes Ago 08:32 PM] neXus : When you want food you are hungry. If you eat food you are sated.
Date: Mon, Jan 14 2013 13:30:18
Date: Mon, Jan 14 2013 15:10:51
Yamaguchi wrote:
ye, i.suk and frans named me the prophet. -
Date: Mon, Jan 14 2013 15:59:49
utkarsh wrote: ye, i.suk and frans named me the prophet.
oh.. XD -
Date: Sun, Jan 27 2013 05:06:06
[1 Minute Ago 03:05 PM] Tommy : lol relax i was kidding [1 Minute Ago 03:04 PM] Kari : Please don't be posting screen shots on here... [1 Minute Ago 03:04 PM] Tommy : hes gone [1 Minute Ago 03:04 PM] Yamaguchi : WUT????????????????????? [1 Minute Ago 03:04 PM] spenpinner : wait...kams last visit to upsb is 1/27/2013 [1 Minute Ago 03:04 PM] Tommy : ill take a screenshot for ya [1 Minute Ago 03:03 PM] Tommy : Old ranga with a penis smaller than an mx and brown pubes and a hairy ballsack. i mean it would be alright if he had red pubes [1 Minute Ago 03:03 PM] Yamaguchi : what's happening [2 Minutes Ago 03:03 PM] Tommy : u dont wanna see him its worse [2 Minutes Ago 03:03 PM] Tommy : oh god [2 Minutes Ago 03:03 PM] Yamaguchi : HAHAHA NICE JAGS hahahaha [2 Minutes Ago 03:02 PM] Yamaguchi : I cant change tab,, please tlel me if he already stopped [2 Minutes Ago 03:02 PM] Tommy : universal penis showing board [2 Minutes Ago 03:02 PM] Yamaguchi : how could you watch something like that eewwww [3 Minutes Ago 03:02 PM] Tommy : Lolol im joking [3 Minutes Ago 03:01 PM] spenpinner : i think ill pm zombo to change domain name... [4 Minutes Ago 03:01 PM] Yamaguchi : he asked again, "why did you lick your hand after touching your penis" .. oh god why [4 Minutes Ago 03:01 PM] Tentcell : Dude take the babies picture off
Date: Wed, Jan 30 2013 04:38:29
[3 Hours Ago 05:18 PM] TheAafg: nigga did you just tell me what mods i should get? [3 Hours Ago 05:06 PM] damitacookie: oh okay lol [3 Hours Ago 05:06 PM] cubingkadabra:I think he was answering a question =P [3 Hours Ago 05:05 PM] damitacookie: theaafg get both [3 Hours Ago 05:02 PM] HobbyLogics: hey quake [3 Hours Ago 05:02 PM] Tentcell: no [3 Hours Ago 05:01 PM] Quake: If you don't mind using SC Mods, get a Product SC. I learned with one of those and they are fun to spin in my opinion. [3 Hours Ago 05:00 PM] cubingkadabra: Buster CYL [3 Hours Ago 04:58 PM] TheAafg: metallic comssa or waterfall [3 Hours Ago 04:56 PM] Raiz: what is a good smooth intermidiate/beginner pen? so i check the sb for the first time in a while and this is what comes up.
Date: Wed, Jan 30 2013 12:19:19
3 Hours Ago 08:47 AM] kirua : What kind of girlfriend are you ? xd [3 Hours Ago 08:46 AM] Nashi : ewwwww, no idea [3 Hours Ago 08:45 AM] kirua : Thanks Nashi do you know if he prefers a darker blue or skyblue for mod, grips ?
Date: Tue, Feb 12 2013 19:14:15
[1 Minute Ago 08:12 PM] neXus: you mean like eco-friendly? [1 Minute Ago 08:10 PM] JackyMacky: Is a green Dr. KT [2 Minutes Ago 08:10 PM] JackyMacky: Aaaaaall I neeeeeed ^ Read upways!~ ;)
Date: Wed, Mar 27 2013 20:40:16
[6 Minutes Ago 06:32 AM] MightAsWellGG : ????????????? am I neefag yet [6 Minutes Ago 06:32 AM] IAmTheMrGuy : The hardest motherfucker on UPSB. He has the power to make anyone a newfag JUST WITH THE SHOUTBOX [7 Minutes Ago 06:31 AM] neXus : Who the fuck is Tommy [7 Minutes Ago 06:31 AM] IAmTheMrGuy : See, I'm actually just some newfag you know, putting question marks in the shoutbox and shit [9 Minutes Ago 06:30 AM] neXus : I dont even know what is going on [9 Minutes Ago 06:29 AM] IAmTheMrGuy : Stand back neXus, bad ass coming through
Date: Tue, Apr 2 2013 12:31:25
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 04:25:43
Date: Sat, Apr 6 2013 02:02:09
[1 Minute Ago 09:59 PM] shoeman6 : Psing is a drug. [1 Minute Ago 09:59 PM] shoeman6 : But everyone comes back. [2 Minutes Ago 09:59 PM] shoeman6 : dw I "quit" for long spurts of time too, happens to everyone Psing is totally a drug
Date: Sat, Apr 6 2013 02:14:30
[1 Minute Ago 10:13 PM] SaturN : bb guns & illegal anal sex [1 Minute Ago 10:13 PM] SaturN : I think were talking two different conversations here
Date: Sat, Apr 6 2013 04:56:43
SaturN wrote: [1 Minute Ago 10:13 PM] SaturN : bb guns & illegal anal sex [1 Minute Ago 10:13 PM] SaturN : I think were talking two different conversations here
That conversation was beautiful. -
Date: Sun, Apr 7 2013 09:33:12
Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:28 AM Are you just fat, cuz I see that all the time in public Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:27 AM *Demetrius can help you with that.* Yamaguchi 1 Day Ago 01:27 AM they're sticking out whenever I wear fit shirts Yamaguchi 1 Day Ago 01:27 AM actually, I want to remove my nipples Yamaguchi 1 Day Ago 01:27 AM yo kaku what the fuck Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:25 AM *Demetrius was out swimming in the Pacific Ocean when a shark ran up to him and bit off one of his nipples* Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:25 AM *Demetrius lost a nipple oncw* Tommy 1 Day Ago 01:24 AM Lol jaychou Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:24 AM *Demetrius does not like inappropriaite language in the shoutbox kaku.* kaku 1 Day Ago 01:23 AM yo what the fuck Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:23 AM Billions Enkronidus 1 Day Ago 01:22 AM I wonder how many people in the world have lost their nipples Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:22 AM ikr Yamaguchi 1 Day Ago 01:22 AM @Xeno, look at the wiki Enkronidus 1 Day Ago 01:22 AM they can't grow back, sad Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:22 AM About 602x157 Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:21 AM *Demetrius wants to know why this woman cut off her nipple.......* XenoGeneiken 1 Day Ago 01:21 AM Hey guys what is the size of an rsvp mx insert in pixels? Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:20 AM *Demetrius is offended by jaychou's shout.* Enkronidus 1 Day Ago 01:20 AM Enkronidus 1 Day Ago 01:20 AM how about nipples? jaychou 1 Day Ago 01:19 AM cuz ur fukin gay Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:19 AM *Demetrius wants to talk to UPSB about penises.* Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:19 AM Why am I suddenly in the mood to talk about penises? Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:18 AM IMO" Yamaguchi 1 Day Ago 01:16 AM Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:16 AM jeb = best Yamaguchi 1 Day Ago 01:15 AM the japen episode which has the best wow factor Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:15 AM the -ES is pronouced long Yamaguchi 1 Day Ago 01:15 AM penus Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:14 AM it's PENISES Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:14 AM the plural of penis isnt penises Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:13 AM Enkronidus 1 Day Ago 01:13 AM 3 days Yamaguchi 1 Day Ago 01:11 AM yes anal is good. tight. but the dis is, you might scoop shits Yamaguchi 1 Day Ago 01:10 AM Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:09 AM brb going afk but will be right back Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:09 AM D: Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:09 AM WHAT HAS THE WORLD TAUGHT ME? Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:08 AM really?!?! i thought she could Mufoofee 1 Day Ago 01:08 AM Lol, what do I care, im only a kid. Weird law, peace. Mufoofee 1 Day Ago 01:08 AM But why, anal is good, she can't get pregnant. Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:08 AM hey Enkronidus 1 Day Ago 01:08 AM hai there deme Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:07 AM yes: Mufoofee 1 Day Ago 01:07 AM Can yo ushow me proof? Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:07 AM YUP Mufoofee 1 Day Ago 01:06 AM If doing it anally really illegal where you are? Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:06 AM 1 ...........PENIS!!!!!! Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:06 AM 4..........3.........2........................... Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:06 AM Going AFK in 5 Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:06 AM D: HALP!!!! Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:06 AM INSIDE OF ME Mufoofee 1 Day Ago 01:06 AM Really? Proof? Yamaguchi 1 Day Ago 01:05 AM PENIS? WHERE Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:05 AM PENIS!!!!!!1 Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:02 AM doing anal with another person is now illegal in my city Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:01 AM well for the people who dont know Demetrius 1 Day Ago 01:00 AM and shall i continue the conversation of bb guns and illegal anal sex?!!?!?!?! eh? ................................... ................................... Alex 1 Day Ago 10:31 PM To me the spammers box is for large posts and shit, not having weird ass conversations Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:31 PM *Demetrius wants to create a new conversation with you all.* Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:31 PM im sorry shoeman SaturN 1 Day Ago 10:31 PM see you guys in the spammers bos shoeman6 1 Day Ago 10:30 PM If you guys really want to talk about this take it to the Spammer's Box. It's there for a reason. TheAafg 1 Day Ago 10:30 PM no u can wtf reported Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:30 PM you can now say: " I run this bitch" Alex 1 Day Ago 10:30 PM Actually i act like 8 Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:29 PM but when you turn freakin 21........... Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:29 PM when your 18 you can do most things SaturN 1 Day Ago 10:29 PM It is a joke TheAafg 1 Day Ago 10:29 PM no you cant Alex 1 Day Ago 10:29 PM Im not twelve, I just act like one SaturN 1 Day Ago 10:29 PM shut up shoeman I am 13 now...I can do whatever I want Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:28 PM dont ban me dont do it zkhan or start Alex 1 Day Ago 10:28 PM Some girls like it you know? My friend fucked her girlfriend and she said she like it Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:28 PM im 13 fyi shoeman6 1 Day Ago 10:28 PM Zkhan, fix this please. shoeman6 1 Day Ago 10:28 PM 12 year olds talking about anal sex in the shoutbox. Great. Xitra 1 Day Ago 10:28 PM World War Z might be better ^^ Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:28 PM like extremely painful and somehow they love it SaturN 1 Day Ago 10:28 PM oh...and trying to learn the symbak Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:28 PM painful for the girl? SaturN 1 Day Ago 10:27 PM ikr it is epic Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:27 PM isnt anal sex Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:27 PM i love walking dead SaturN 1 Day Ago 10:27 PM I spent my spring break watching the walking dead on netflix. Alex 1 Day Ago 10:27 PM its the new kind of sex Alex 1 Day Ago 10:27 PM I still think its retarted to ban anal sex Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:27 PM I will have to talk to my aunt about that crap, not paying me after staying over her house for my ENTIRE break Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:26 PM and didnt even get paid Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:25 PM just a long spring break of babysitting twins and two older kids Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:25 PM I'm really tired for some reason Zkhan 1 Day Ago 10:24 PM k Alex 1 Day Ago 10:24 PM Buit still i would escape prison if they give me jail time that long Alex 1 Day Ago 10:23 PM So yeah im so proud and i achieved that in two weeks or something Alex 1 Day Ago 10:23 PM they dont want me to be first that why Alex 1 Day Ago 10:22 PM You guys are gay Demetrius 1 Day Ago 10:22 PM stop pruning the sb Alex 1 Day Ago 10:22 PM g
Date: Sun, Apr 7 2013 09:34:41
From bottom to the top.
Date: Fri, Apr 12 2013 13:03:36
[1 Minute Ago 09:02 PM] chris : good thing I already ate dinner [1 Minute Ago 09:02 PM] ChainBreak : NO YOU [1 Minute Ago 09:01 PM] neXus : That sounds disgusting [1 Minute Ago 09:01 PM] ChainBreak : AWWWWWW yeah [1 Minute Ago 09:01 PM] Xitra : Oh! AND THEN MARINATED SQUID with EXTREMELY sour kimchi with cheese ramen sauce on the side! YES! [2 Minutes Ago 09:00 PM] ChainBreak : Exactly my thoughts [3 Minutes Ago 08:59 PM] Xitra : And then theres over fried chicken nuggets all over in a giant stack of mash potato with gravy all over and then a curry melted cheese ham fried rice omelettes inside the mash potato and then theres fried fatty salted bacon on everywhere... AND THEN, tomato and chilli sauce here and there, japanese curry all over everything, fried pork chops slices everywhere.. AND THEN MELTED CHEESE STUCK WITH BIG CHEESE BURGERS! AND then....and then.. its SO DELICIOUS MMMMmmmm :3
Date: Tue, Apr 23 2013 03:36:30
[1 Minute Ago 08:35 PM] Alex : yeah hes was pretty cool [1 Minute Ago 08:34 PM] Dr.spinz : I'm not an idiot I'm just the biggest tech noob. [1 Minute Ago 08:34 PM] Ecnunn : he did? [1 Minute Ago 08:34 PM] Alex : I can obvioculy tell you are VERY new cuz he retired like 2 weeks ago or prolly less [1 Minute Ago 08:33 PM] Alex : *strat [2 Minutes Ago 08:33 PM] Alex : Start was the most active mod EVER in the history of UPSB v4 [2 Minutes Ago 08:32 PM] Ecnunn : strat is a retired moderator [2 Minutes Ago 08:32 PM] Alex : ZDude you are an idiot [3 Minutes Ago 08:31 PM] Dr.spinz : [B]What is strat[/B] [4 Minutes Ago 08:31 PM] Alex : just because he wanted them? [5 Minutes Ago 08:30 PM] i.suk : i forgot xD i think it was suixidal/krispy kreme who received them from strat [5 Minutes Ago 08:29 PM] Alex : how did he get 100 infractions in one shot? [6 Minutes Ago 08:29 PM] Dr.spinz : No, but I'm a tech noob. [6 Minutes Ago 08:29 PM] Alex : wtf? [6 Minutes Ago 08:29 PM] i.suk : you can't beat him because he got given 100 infractions in one shot iirc [6 Minutes Ago 08:29 PM] Alex : lol i havent seen the facepalm in a while here in the SB [7 Minutes Ago 08:28 PM] Alex : Dude are you like retarded or something [7 Minutes Ago 08:28 PM] Alex : Hey how many infractions did that guy that won the kammys for most infractions get? [7 Minutes Ago 08:28 PM] Dr.spinz : How am I, and what is spammers box. [7 Minutes Ago 08:27 PM] Alex : Oh you were saying hi @ tommy... i thought you were going to ask something Basically some newfag asked me who strat was :xd:
Date: Tue, May 7 2013 15:35:29
Date: Sun, Jun 9 2013 02:47:03
[2 Minutes Ago 07:10 PM] Dr.spinz : I just realized ktrinh93 has been holding me back. i found it funny.
Date: Mon, Jun 10 2013 12:31:25
[2 Minutes Ago 2:15 PM] Imaginary fag : Demetrius spams too much.
Date: Wed, Jun 19 2013 18:21:15
[1 Minute Ago 11:19 AM] Dr.spinz : Well, she was kind of "raped". [1 Minute Ago 11:19 AM] Tentcell : Well if she ever wants to kick it with a real nigga, send her to me. [1 Minute Ago 11:18 AM] Supergirl : seems legit [1 Minute Ago 11:18 AM] Dr.spinz : 14 right now, but like I said Imma have to approve. [1 Minute Ago 11:18 AM] N!k : the younger brother approving the older sister's dates [2 Minutes Ago 11:17 AM] Tentcell : How old is she? [2 Minutes Ago 11:17 AM] Dr.spinz : Imma have to approve someone before she dates him. [2 Minutes Ago 11:16 AM] N!k : my status is now that link [3 Minutes Ago 11:16 AM] N!k : hah loser I got her first [3 Minutes Ago 11:16 AM] Tentcell : Sheeeiiittt [3 Minutes Ago 11:16 AM] N!k : I already am [4 Minutes Ago 11:15 AM] Dr.spinz : Now all of you know somewhat what I look like, but I'm older know, she is older now. AND I WILL NOT LET YOU DATE MY SISTER!!! [4 Minutes Ago 11:15 AM] Tentcell : & ready to mingle? [4 Minutes Ago 11:15 AM] N!k : "I would not want to do that to myself." lol [5 Minutes Ago 11:14 AM] Tentcell : she single [5 Minutes Ago 11:14 AM] Dr.spinz : Dearest sissy [6 Minutes Ago 11:13 AM] Tentcell : Who was holding the camera? [7 Minutes Ago 11:12 AM] Dr.spinz : Please do not laugh, I was a loser back then ( link requested to be deleted) * JackyMacky was lurking herpderp.* @ 11:12 AM [8 Minutes Ago 11:11 AM] JackyMacky : Just show us the goddam video. Edit: I don't find his sister getting raped funny.
Date: Wed, Jun 19 2013 18:32:20
@N!k How is his sister nearly getting rape funny?
Date: Wed, Jun 19 2013 20:11:32
@JackyMacky the funny part was "kind of" and the quotations around raped.
Date: Sat, Jun 22 2013 02:45:07
N!k wrote: [1 Minute Ago 11:19 AM] Dr.spinz : Well, she was kind of "raped". [1 Minute Ago 11:19 AM] Tentcell : Well if she ever wants to kick it with a real nigga, send her to me. [1 Minute Ago 11:18 AM] Supergirl : seems legit [1 Minute Ago 11:18 AM] Dr.spinz : 14 right now, but like I said Imma have to approve. [1 Minute Ago 11:18 AM] N!k : the younger brother approving the older sister's dates [2 Minutes Ago 11:17 AM] Tentcell : How old is she? [2 Minutes Ago 11:17 AM] Dr.spinz : Imma have to approve someone before she dates him. [2 Minutes Ago 11:16 AM] N!k : my status is now that link [3 Minutes Ago 11:16 AM] N!k : hah loser I got her first [3 Minutes Ago 11:16 AM] Tentcell : Sheeeiiittt [3 Minutes Ago 11:16 AM] N!k : I already am [4 Minutes Ago 11:15 AM] Dr.spinz : Now all of you know somewhat what I look like, but I'm older know, she is older now. AND I WILL NOT LET YOU DATE MY SISTER!!! [4 Minutes Ago 11:15 AM] Tentcell : & ready to mingle? [4 Minutes Ago 11:15 AM] N!k : "I would not want to do that to myself." lol [5 Minutes Ago 11:14 AM] Tentcell : she single [5 Minutes Ago 11:14 AM] Dr.spinz : Dearest sissy [6 Minutes Ago 11:13 AM] Tentcell : Who was holding the camera? [7 Minutes Ago 11:12 AM] Dr.spinz : Please do not laugh, I was a loser back then ( link requested to be deleted) * JackyMacky was lurking herpderp.* @ 11:12 AM [8 Minutes Ago 11:11 AM] JackyMacky : Just show us the goddam video. Edit: [B][COLOR="navy"][SIZE="7"]I don't find his sister getting raped funny.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
If you dont find it funny, then why post it in [B]SB FUNNY MOMENTS[/B] -
Date: Wed, Jun 26 2013 14:43:02
that wasn't the funny part lol @Alex
Date: Sat, Jul 6 2013 15:43:35
*Utkarsh sexyspinnernoob6969 #yoloswagskuxmastershtyle* @ 09:11 PM *Utkarsh me* @ 09:11 PM *TheAafg TheAafg* @ 09:11 PM [2 Minutes Ago 09:10 PM] Utkarsh : Utkarsh [24 Minutes Ago 08:47 PM] Raus8 : Raus8 [27 Minutes Ago 08:45 PM] MightAsWellGG : MightAsWellGG I found this funny...
Date: Sun, Jul 7 2013 13:19:29
No. :facepalm:
Utkarsh wrote: *Utkarsh sexyspinnernoob6969 #yoloswagskuxmastershtyle* @ 09:11 PM *Utkarsh me* @ 09:11 PM *TheAafg TheAafg* @ 09:11 PM [2 Minutes Ago 09:10 PM] Utkarsh : Utkarsh [24 Minutes Ago 08:47 PM] Raus8 : Raus8 [27 Minutes Ago 08:45 PM] MightAsWellGG : MightAsWellGG I found this funny...
Date: Mon, Jul 8 2013 04:22:09
[1 Minute Ago 09:50 AM] JackyMacky : Kicks higher than the Empire State, higher than 420 yoloswag. <- supra
Date: Thu, Jul 11 2013 00:47:19
[B][SIZE="4"]So Boxxys computer has a proxy set up because his brother has online relationships so his dads solution was to set up a proxy so that if in case he was talking to a chick, the page would be blocked and his dad would get a notification about what was going on so the awesome said this:[/SIZE][/B] [1 Minute Ago 05:38 PM] Alex : this is going to sb funny moments [1 Minute Ago 05:38 PM] Boxxy : Ah FUCK!!!! Who said an inappropriate word? I can't load the damn shoutbox. [1 Minute Ago 05:38 PM] Shiki : ETF Awesome xDDDDDDD [1 Minute Ago 05:38 PM] Alex : [1 Minute Ago 05:38 PM] Shiki : i know alex [1 Minute Ago 05:38 PM] Boxxy : youproxy you guys wanted an explanation. I gave one. [1 Minute Ago 05:38 PM] Awesome : [B][SIZE="5"]My pussy is getting so wet boxxy. I want you to cum all over my tits with your chunky semen.[/SIZE][/B] [1 Minute Ago 05:37 PM] Dr.spinz : Yep. [1 Minute Ago 05:37 PM] Boxxy : my fear of the proxy [1 Minute Ago 05:37 PM] Alex : well in the sb yes, but there are way older spinners [1 Minute Ago 05:37 PM] Shiki : spinz from? [1 Minute Ago 05:37 PM] Boxxy : 18, many times Alex... Almost all of them being out of state. [1 Minute Ago 05:37 PM] Shiki : am i the oldman here? unbelievable man [2 Minutes Ago 05:36 PM] Awesome : if you are in a serious internet relationship you are gonna have cyber sex at some point... [2 Minutes Ago 05:36 PM] Dr.spinz : HOLAHOLAHOLAHOLA, what lead us to talking about this? [2 Minutes Ago 05:36 PM] Boxxy : It sends a notification to him every time a dirty word is said, I think. He can also see every bit of history on the computer along with his messages. [2 Minutes Ago 05:36 PM] Tentcell : how old his your brother [2 Minutes Ago 05:36 PM] Alex : so did he try to meet them in person or something? [3 Minutes Ago 05:35 PM] Boxxy : But the girls name was Sheba and she honestly looked like a man. [3 Minutes Ago 05:34 PM] Alex : so how is the proxy going to know if hes talking to a chick? LOLed so hard :xd: [B][SIZE="5"]And then he got so butthurt that he said that someone was going to get beat mercilessly :xd:[/SIZE][/B]
Date: Thu, Jul 11 2013 03:10:34
[1 Hour Ago 07:08 PM] SYSTEM: swag
Date: Thu, Jul 11 2013 22:00:45
4 Minutes Ago 06:54 AM wtf is wrong with me*:facepalm: Boxxy5 Minutes Ago 06:53 AM ... Boxxy6 Minutes Ago 06:51 AM I can't view the shoutbox Boxxy6 Minutes Ago 06:51 AM Salad! Lettuce7 Minutes Ago 06:50 AM > Tries to help even though they said they couldn't see the shoutbox SwitchPalm16 Minutes Ago 06:41 AM [B]restart browser[/B] Boxxy16 Minutes Ago 06:41 AM Signed in and can't even see the shoutbox. SwitchPalm18 Minutes Ago 06:39 AM *it SwitchPalm18 Minutes Ago 06:39 AM i doesnt feel like tomorrow until i sleep D: SwitchPalm21 Minutes Ago 06:36 AM shit, i didnt sleep . laughed after my senses woke up :l
Date: Fri, Jul 12 2013 02:17:34
how does he type in the shoutbox if he supposedly can't view it
Date: Mon, Jul 15 2013 16:31:41
[43 Minutes Ago 08:47 AM] Mystic : Why are you making such a big fuss? [48 Minutes Ago 08:42 AM] colozo337 : Why such make such a big fuss [49 Minutes Ago 08:41 AM] colozo337 : I was wondwring why cant we just change the names on our own [1 Hour Ago 08:26 AM] colozo337 : Not fit to be moderator lah [1 Hour Ago 08:26 AM] colozo337 : No reply,no nothing [1 Hour Ago 08:25 AM] colozo337 : That idiot #k
Date: Tue, Jul 16 2013 02:13:37
his proxy allows him to type on places even if he cant see them
N!k wrote: how does he type in the shoutbox if he supposedly can't view it
Date: Thu, Jul 18 2013 04:44:18
Alex;264495][B][SIZE="4"]So Boxxys computer has a proxy set up because his brother has online relationships so his dads solution was to set up a proxy so that if in case he was talking to a chick, the page would be blocked and his dad would get a notification about what was going on so the awesome said this:[/SIZE][/B] [1 Minute Ago 05:38 PM] Alex : this is going to sb funny moments [1 Minute Ago 05:38 PM] Boxxy : Ah FUCK!!!! Who said an inappropriate word? I can't load the damn shoutbox. [1 Minute Ago 05:38 PM] Shiki : ETF Awesome xDDDDDDD [1 Minute Ago 05:38 PM] Alex : [1 Minute Ago 05:38 PM] Shiki : i know alex [1 Minute Ago 05:38 PM] Boxxy : youproxy you guys wanted an explanation. I gave one. [1 Minute Ago 05:38 PM] Awesome : [B][SIZE="5"]My pussy is getting so wet boxxy. I want you to cum all over my tits with your chunky semen.[/SIZE][/B] [1 Minute Ago 05:37 PM] Dr.spinz : Yep. [1 Minute Ago 05:37 PM] Boxxy : my fear of the proxy [1 Minute Ago 05:37 PM] Alex : well in the sb yes, but there are way older spinners [1 Minute Ago 05:37 PM] Shiki : spinz from? [1 Minute Ago 05:37 PM] Boxxy : 18, many times Alex... Almost all of them being out of state. [1 Minute Ago 05:37 PM] Shiki : am i the oldman here? unbelievable man [2 Minutes Ago 05:36 PM] Awesome : if you are in a serious internet relationship you are gonna have cyber sex at some point... [2 Minutes Ago 05:36 PM] Dr.spinz : HOLAHOLAHOLAHOLA, what lead us to talking about this? [2 Minutes Ago 05:36 PM] Boxxy : It sends a notification to him every time a dirty word is said, I think. He can also see every bit of history on the computer along with his messages. [2 Minutes Ago 05:36 PM] Tentcell : how old his your brother [2 Minutes Ago 05:36 PM] Alex : so did he try to meet them in person or something? [3 Minutes Ago 05:35 PM] Boxxy : But the girls name was Sheba and she honestly looked like a man. [3 Minutes Ago 05:34 PM] Alex : so how is the proxy going to know if hes talking to a chick? LOLed so hard :xd: [B][SIZE="5"]And then he got so butthurt that he said that someone was going to get beat mercilessly :xd:[/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE=SwitchPalm wrote: 4 Minutes Ago 06:54 AM wtf is wrong with me*:facepalm: Boxxy5 Minutes Ago 06:53 AM ... Boxxy6 Minutes Ago 06:51 AM I can't view the shoutbox Boxxy6 Minutes Ago 06:51 AM Salad! Lettuce7 Minutes Ago 06:50 AM > Tries to help even though they said they couldn't see the shoutbox SwitchPalm16 Minutes Ago 06:41 AM [B]restart browser[/B] Boxxy16 Minutes Ago 06:41 AM Signed in and can't even see the shoutbox. SwitchPalm18 Minutes Ago 06:39 AM *it SwitchPalm18 Minutes Ago 06:39 AM i doesnt feel like tomorrow until i sleep D: SwitchPalm21 Minutes Ago 06:36 AM shit, i didnt sleep . laughed after my senses woke up :l
ALRIGHT BITCHES PROXY'S OFF!!!! You can't fuck with me anymore!! I'm going to eat all of your god damn souls and shit them out many hours later! -
Date: Thu, Jul 18 2013 05:40:57
congrats boxxy now you can live on upsb normal again
Date: Thu, Jul 18 2013 22:46:06
Umm, I don't live here. UPSB and I had split up after I had a huge emotional breakdown and I do frequent checks to see how she's doing. True story.
Date: Fri, Jul 19 2013 11:57:34
Boxxy wrote: Umm, I don't live here. UPSB and I had split up after I had a huge emotional breakdown and I do frequent checks to see how she's doing. True story.
sosad omg :o then be active with her cause the proxy who split you two dead :3 -
Date: Fri, Jul 19 2013 22:39:47
SwitchPalm wrote: sosad omg :o then be active with her cause the proxy who split you two dead :3
It wasn't because of the proxy, it was because I fell for another woman. That woman didn't want me and I had a huge emotional breakdown. -
Date: Sat, Jul 20 2013 00:01:20
Boxxy wrote: It wasn't because of the proxy, it was because I fell for another woman. That woman didn't want me and I had a huge emotional breakdown.
:whut: -
Date: Mon, Jul 22 2013 14:17:12
SwitchPalm : jizz the jizz you jizz Semikolon : looooooooooool xD Raus8 : cum inside SwitchPalm : hmm no sleep tonight Semikolon : So he licked it and fell in love with the tast xDDDDDDDDD SwitchPalm :called whale cum Semikolon : The rarest of all jizz xD Man, that was a day :D
Date: Mon, Aug 19 2013 16:22:32
[1 Hour Ago 04:17 PM] SwitchPalm : ಠ△ಠ [1 Hour Ago 04:10 PM] SwitchPalm : (≫∽≪) [1 Hour Ago 04:07 PM] SwitchPalm : ∑(゜✗゜ [1 Hour Ago 04:05 PM] SwitchPalm : ○□○゜ [1 Hour Ago 03:43 PM] ChainBreak : \(ಠ ὡ ಠ )/ [1 Hour Ago 03:43 PM] Supergirl : ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ [1 Hour Ago 03:42 PM] fang : ._. [1 Hour Ago 03:42 PM] ChainBreak : [1 Hour Ago 03:42 PM] Supergirl : ಠ◡ಠ [1 Hour Ago 03:39 PM] ChainBreak : Your anus. [1 Hour Ago 03:36 PM] Supergirl : You know what else just got pruned... [1 Hour Ago 03:33 PM] SYSTEM: The Shoutbox has just been pruned!
Date: Tue, Aug 20 2013 11:53:09
SwitchPalm 5 Hours Ago 02:58 PM im not a plant :L SwitchPalm 5 Hours Ago 02:57 PM wut SwitchPalm 5 Hours Ago 02:57 PM *SwitchPalm mentioned youdied23 in post SwitchPalm 1st* webspider 5 Hours Ago 02:56 PM feeling bad about pokemon is for little sissies webspider 5 Hours Ago 02:56 PM you fucking herb laughed myself xD (bottom to top)
Date: Wed, Aug 21 2013 00:39:21
Okay fuckers, new rule. (obviously if you guys are okay with it). [B]SAY WHAT ORDER TO READ IT FROM![/B]. I have no clue which direction the conversation goes.....
Date: Fri, Oct 18 2013 01:34:58
bottom to top [1 Minute Ago 09:33 PM] Reason : im putting that in SB moment [1 Minute Ago 09:33 PM] Awesome : What pokemon is that Jo? [1 Minute Ago 09:33 PM] Jo_Spinning : :D [1 Minute Ago 09:32 PM] Reason : @Jo :rofl: [1 Minute Ago 09:32 PM] Awesome : yeah but that means they will actually talk to you in the first place reason... [1 Minute Ago 09:32 PM] Jo_Spinning : Tell them they have a nice cliterus [1 Minute Ago 09:32 PM] Shiftyei : I Politely disagree to alcohol [1 Minute Ago 09:32 PM] Reason : just pretend you are drunk and keep buying the girl drinks. eventually she'll lose her shame and get with her. you just leave early enough so she cant blame you or get into an awkward situatiion [2 Minutes Ago 09:31 PM] Awesome : I mean, how do you guys romance the ladies [2 Minutes Ago 09:30 PM] Reason : alcohol [3 Minutes Ago 09:30 PM] Awesome : what works better for getting laid, roofies or choloform?
Date: Mon, Nov 4 2013 11:19:06
[1 Minute Ago 12:15 PM]Enkronidus: yama is fat. [1 Minute Ago 12:15 PM]Enkronidus: roses are red, violets are blue
Date: Fri, Nov 22 2013 05:13:18
bottom to top [1 Minute Ago 12:11 AM] Baaron : 4 litres [5 Minutes Ago 12:07 AM] Reason : how much do you fap? (trying to resurrect this thread)
Date: Wed, Dec 4 2013 01:01:56
[1 Minute Ago 9:12 AM] Whirlpool : Nexus plis. [4 Minutes Ago 9:07 AM] Nexus : I GOT THE EYE OF THE TIGER [5 Minutes Ago 9:06 AM] Nexus : can you buy a tiger eye? [6 Minutes Ago 9:06 AM] Nexus : made from rare and endangered animals [6 Minutes Ago 9:06 AM] Nexus : in asia you can buy all sorts of weird "medicine" [6 Minutes Ago 9:05 AM] Nexus : i wonder
Date: Mon, Dec 9 2013 14:02:19
bottom to top: [31 Minutes Ago 08:30 AM] fang : Kinda silly, I doubt I see myself ever in such a board. [31 Minutes Ago 08:29 AM] fang : You know, they even have forum sites where they discuss pens, tricks and video's. [32 Minutes Ago 08:28 AM] Enkronidus : lulz [32 Minutes Ago 08:28 AM] fang : Go spin a pen! I heard it's possible to do insane tricks. [34 Minutes Ago 08:27 AM] [SilHoeTTe] : Im bored
Date: Sat, Dec 14 2013 01:51:11
*Awesome has new sexual fantasy* @ 08:22 PM [1 Minute Ago 08:22 PM] Awesome : OMG BOXXY CAN DDEP THROAT [26 Minutes Ago 07:57 PM] Boxxy : Those who flock to the TC get to see me attempt to deepthroat a marker... JK
Date: Fri, Dec 20 2013 20:43:48
bottom to top [1 Minute Ago 03:42 PM] Ignator : otherwise he died for nothing [1 Minute Ago 03:42 PM] Ignator : and watch gay porn [1 Minute Ago 03:42 PM] Ignator : so i have to sin [1 Minute Ago 03:41 PM] JackyMacky : gracias dios basado [1 Minute Ago 03:41 PM] Retro-spectre : jesus died for your sins dont take his name in vain pls
Date: Sat, Dec 21 2013 22:13:56
[1 Minute Ago 05:12 PM] Bax : funneh [1 Minute Ago 05:12 PM] Bax : lol [1 Minute Ago 05:12 PM] Supergirl : its not a rapeface unless you enjoy it ಠ◡ಠ [2 Minutes Ago 05:10 PM] Ignator : wanna play the rape game? no. that's the main intention of the game ಠ_ಠ [3 Minutes Ago 05:10 PM] Ignator : rapeface: ಠ_ಠ [4 Minutes Ago 05:08 PM] Bax : *insert rapeface* [5 Minutes Ago 05:08 PM] Bax : [5 Minutes Ago 05:07 PM] Bax : think about it little boy... I just took a shower [6 Minutes Ago 05:06 PM] Ignator : only if it's salty and fresh *insert lennyface here* [6 Minutes Ago 05:06 PM] Ignator : lol [12 Minutes Ago 05:00 PM] Bax : xD [12 Minutes Ago 05:00 PM] Bax : i am not doing anything except rape [12 Minutes Ago 05:00 PM] Bax : dont be scared little boy... [12 Minutes Ago 05:00 PM] Bax : I amn behind you >> [16 Minutes Ago 04:56 PM] Ignator : it's dark as fuck in my room lol [16 Minutes Ago 04:56 PM] Ignator : DUDE! [24 Minutes Ago 04:49 PM] Bax : look behind you... [24 Minutes Ago 04:49 PM] Bax : you are not alone.. read from down to up
Date: Thu, Dec 26 2013 20:43:22
[1 Minute Ago 03:41 PM] Demetrius : and give an update on how it goes [1 Minute Ago 03:41 PM] Demetrius : imma go spin my pens [2 Minutes Ago 03:40 PM] Demetrius : Of course that's the reason i'm talking to myself [2 Minutes Ago 03:40 PM] Demetrius : While in asian countries, they sleeop [2 Minutes Ago 03:40 PM] Demetrius : In america at noon [3 Minutes Ago 03:39 PM] Demetrius : Talking to myself here in the shoutbox [3 Minutes Ago 03:39 PM] Demetrius : What am i doing? [3 Minutes Ago 03:39 PM] Demetrius : Become a hal style spinner, and get a miffy [4 Minutes Ago 03:38 PM] Demetrius : And there was always one thing i wanted to do in my pen spinning career [5 Minutes Ago 03:37 PM] Demetrius : I miss pen spinning, but i have other things i would like to achieve in life [6 Minutes Ago 03:36 PM] Demetrius : I have too may mods [7 Minutes Ago 03:35 PM] Demetrius : bury me in satin [7 Minutes Ago 03:35 PM] Demetrius : If i die young...
Date: Fri, Dec 27 2013 23:45:47
[3 Minutes Ago 06:41 PM] Zen : LOL [3 Minutes Ago 06:41 PM] neXus : how you doin Zen [3 Minutes Ago 06:40 PM] neXus : but still everyone is like oooooh habano cigar FAPFAPFAP [4 Minutes Ago 06:39 PM] neXus : for non americans there is no prestige in owning a cuban cigar [7 Minutes Ago 06:37 PM] neXus : cubans are by no means superior to nicaraguan or even dominican/honduran cigars [7 Minutes Ago 06:37 PM] Zen : Haha talking about cigars? [7 Minutes Ago 06:37 PM] Zen : Hey neXus [7 Minutes Ago 06:37 PM] neXus : the only reason cubans are so popular is the embargo in the US [8 Minutes Ago 06:36 PM] neXus : because there is absolutely no reason to [9 Minutes Ago 06:35 PM] neXus : really wish german cigar stores didn't have this cuba fetish Bottom to Top of course Regards Zen
Date: Mon, Dec 30 2013 16:41:55
[15 Minutes Ago 05:25 PM] Yamaguchi : aaaaaand.... his hand is broken [17 Minutes Ago 05:23 PM] Zkhan : https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.n...66089049_o.jpg power tricks were too boring for him, i guess
Date: Tue, Jan 14 2014 14:13:17
[1 Minute Ago 02:08 PM] SYSTEM: Thanks Memberlogin. [3 Minutes Ago 02:07 PM] Memberlogin : Don't worry system I always hangout here. [4 Minutes Ago 02:05 PM] SYSTEM: I am lonely, not desperate. [5 Minutes Ago 02:04 PM] fang : I thought you like company, people talking in the shoutbox you know. If so, you should love me! [7 Minutes Ago 02:02 PM] Memberlogin : *too [7 Minutes Ago 02:02 PM] Giotto : Lol fang got busted by system [8 Minutes Ago 02:02 PM] Memberlogin : system or troll? [8 Minutes Ago 02:01 PM] SYSTEM: That you are here too much!! [8 Minutes Ago 02:01 PM] fang : What is that supposed to mean? [9 Minutes Ago 02:01 PM] SYSTEM: Since I have a life fang, maybe you should get one yourself! [9 Minutes Ago 02:00 PM] Giotto : (freakin' cool right? i'm talking to the system!!!) [9 Minutes Ago 02:00 PM] Giotto : Lol indeed it is, only from time to time though. [10 Minutes Ago 02:00 PM] fang : Since when does the SYSTEM talk? =.='' [12 Minutes Ago 01:58 PM] SYSTEM: C"mon, I read conversations in the shoutbox. From what I hear from other people, life is horrible. [13 Minutes Ago 01:56 PM] Giotto : Nice. colors cool. don't be human. life's tough sometimes. [15 Minutes Ago 01:54 PM] SYSTEM: Well, I sometimes change the colors of the sticky note. [16 Minutes Ago 01:53 PM] SYSTEM: But hey, it could be worse. I could be human.
Date: Tue, Jan 14 2014 15:12:29
[38 Minutes Ago 09:33 AM] SYSTEM: Besides, judging is simple: longest nails wins. lololol
Date: Sat, Jan 25 2014 04:39:18
[9 Minutes Ago 11:24 AM] Reason : if masturbation was 1/10 of a workout, i would be ripped. [15 Minutes Ago 11:19 AM] [SilHoeTTe] :
Date: Mon, Jan 27 2014 05:47:27
[1 Minute Ago 05:46 AM] Raiz : XDD [1 Minute Ago 05:46 AM] Raiz : reason upsb disfunctionality is what keeps me alive [1 Minute Ago 05:46 AM] Reason : if it werent for the type of conversations i have on here, i would quit so fast. [1 Minute Ago 05:46 AM] Raiz : LMAOO XDD [1 Minute Ago 05:46 AM] Reason : i swear to god this is the kind of shit that keeps me spinning
Date: Tue, Jan 28 2014 23:37:08
eurocracy wrote: [1 Minute Ago 02:08 PM] SYSTEM: Thanks Memberlogin. [3 Minutes Ago 02:07 PM] Memberlogin : Don't worry system I always hangout here. [4 Minutes Ago 02:05 PM] SYSTEM: I am lonely, not desperate. [5 Minutes Ago 02:04 PM] fang : I thought you like company, people talking in the shoutbox you know. If so, you should love me! [7 Minutes Ago 02:02 PM] Memberlogin : *too [7 Minutes Ago 02:02 PM] Giotto : Lol fang got busted by system [8 Minutes Ago 02:02 PM] Memberlogin : system or troll? [8 Minutes Ago 02:01 PM] SYSTEM: That you are here too much!! [8 Minutes Ago 02:01 PM] fang : What is that supposed to mean? [9 Minutes Ago 02:01 PM] SYSTEM: Since I have a life fang, maybe you should get one yourself! [9 Minutes Ago 02:00 PM] Giotto : (freakin' cool right? i'm talking to the system!!!) [9 Minutes Ago 02:00 PM] Giotto : Lol indeed it is, only from time to time though. [10 Minutes Ago 02:00 PM] fang : Since when does the SYSTEM talk? =.='' [12 Minutes Ago 01:58 PM] SYSTEM: C"mon, I read conversations in the shoutbox. From what I hear from other people, life is horrible. [13 Minutes Ago 01:56 PM] Giotto : Nice. colors cool. don't be human. life's tough sometimes. [15 Minutes Ago 01:54 PM] SYSTEM: Well, I sometimes change the colors of the sticky note. [16 Minutes Ago 01:53 PM] SYSTEM: But hey, it could be worse. I could be human.
What Why doesn't the SYSTEM talk when I'm on -
Date: Wed, Feb 19 2014 22:07:58
fang 2 Weeks Ago 10:00 AM ._. neXus 2 Weeks Ago 09:13 AM this conversation is odd jaychou 2 Weeks Ago 09:12 AM mmm flavor contrasts neXus 2 Weeks Ago 09:10 AM I didn't shampoo that so you have some different flavors going on neXus 2 Weeks Ago 09:09 AM ah jaychou 2 Weeks Ago 09:09 AM that's what side dishes are, a little less neXus 2 Weeks Ago 09:09 AM that's even shorter I think jaychou 2 Weeks Ago 09:08 AM your pubic hair neXus 2 Weeks Ago 09:06 AM it's not very long though, prepare a side dish neXus 2 Weeks Ago 09:06 AM it's probably delicious jaychou 2 Weeks Ago 09:04 AM i would eat your hair neXus 2 Weeks Ago 08:59 AM dude my hair smells like coconut
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2014 16:13:19
[6 Minutes Ago 08:06 AM] ShadowParadox : Cause algebra is easy [7 Minutes Ago 08:05 AM] Monk : imma go play smtheng on steam [7 Minutes Ago 08:05 AM] ShadowParadox : Is calculus like American algebra? Was a mission copying this one phone
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2014 17:47:23
TheAafg wrote: [6 Minutes Ago 08:06 AM] ShadowParadox : Cause algebra is easy [7 Minutes Ago 08:05 AM] Monk : imma go play smtheng on steam [7 Minutes Ago 08:05 AM] ShadowParadox : Is calculus like American algebra? Was a mission copying this one phone
This is the shout box @fang sort it out! -
Date: Thu, Mar 6 2014 16:30:00
the truth about zkhan
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2014 23:25:41
bottom to top [B][1 Minute Ago 06:22 PM] neXus : gotta use that kids no-tear shampoo[/B] [1 Minute Ago 06:22 PM] Supergirl : wait, so u tried to fap with shampoo before? [2 Minutes Ago 06:22 PM] Xzeria : clean. [2 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] Xzeria : nonono. That hurts like hell. [2 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] neXus : no one else has that consideration, trust me, it doesn't matter [2 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] Supergirl : or u mean u clean it with shampoo [2 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] Enkronidus : my cum smells like that air when you stand in the grass field [2 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] Xzeria : for* [3 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] Supergirl : u mean u fap with shampoo as lube xzeria?
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2014 13:29:53
Reason wrote: bottom to top [B][1 Minute Ago 06:22 PM] neXus : gotta use that kids no-tear shampoo[/B] [1 Minute Ago 06:22 PM] Supergirl : wait, so u tried to fap with shampoo before? [2 Minutes Ago 06:22 PM] Xzeria : clean. [2 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] Xzeria : nonono. That hurts like hell. [2 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] neXus : no one else has that consideration, trust me, it doesn't matter [2 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] Supergirl : or u mean u clean it with shampoo [2 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] Enkronidus : my cum smells like that air when you stand in the grass field [2 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] Xzeria : for* [3 Minutes Ago 06:21 PM] Supergirl : u mean u fap with shampoo as lube xzeria?
You could fill a whole book with the things neXus says on the shoutbox. -
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2014 14:34:49
Reason wrote: the truth about zkhan
reported -
Date: Mon, Mar 10 2014 20:14:51
From bottom to top 3 Minutes Ago 02:54 PM] ShadowParadox : Reason u took my idea! [4 Minutes Ago 02:54 PM] Xzeria : Great example. [4 Minutes Ago 02:54 PM] ShadowParadox : Like bang a super ugly chick just so u don't be a 40+ year old virgin
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2014 14:17:04
Uhh, awkward.
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2014 18:19:34
Xzeria wrote: Uhh, awkward.
lol yh youre just that guy who was caught up in the middle of that shit...minding your own business... -
Date: Tue, Apr 1 2014 18:50:30
bottom to top. this made me chuckle. tldr: read the bottom shout then the top shout. [B][8 Minutes Ago 02:39 PM] neXus : Your plans to get rich are pretty funny. Think about those.[/B] [9 Minutes Ago 02:39 PM] Xzeria : I know I'm sorry, you kinda asked for that one. [10 Minutes Ago 02:38 PM] ShadowParadox : xzeria look at your friends list [10 Minutes Ago 02:37 PM] ShadowParadox : ok. i just want a joke... [10 Minutes Ago 02:37 PM] Xzeria : muwahaha jk. [10 Minutes Ago 02:37 PM] Xzeria : Look at yourself in a mirror. [11 Minutes Ago 02:37 PM] neXus : I said I'm funny, not a dancing monkey [11 Minutes Ago 02:36 PM] ShadowParadox : nexus tell me a joke....make me laugh
Date: Wed, Apr 16 2014 21:49:43
From the bottom to the top. TheAafg 10 Hours Ago 01:41 PM: your neighbours got a lawn? ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°) Enkronidus 10 Hours Ago 01:39 PM: LOL? yes but no pls Xzeria 10 Hours Ago 01:38 PM: Do you have a lawn?.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Enkronidus 10 Hours Ago 01:37 PM: yes unfortunately ._. TheAafg 10 Hours Ago 01:37 PM: u only have 1 bathroom? Enkronidus 10 Hours Ago 01:36 PM: wat do Enkronidus 10 Hours Ago 01:36 PM: I have to poop real bad but mom's using bathroom
Date: Thu, Apr 17 2014 01:58:10
Found in Jacky's about me section. As always, read from bottom to up. [1 Minute Ago 01:13 PM] peachymoth : how do i post [1 Minute Ago 01:12 PM] peachymoth : nope [1 Minute Ago 01:12 PM] neXus : WELL, MUST BE THIS SMART TO POST [1 Minute Ago 01:12 PM] peachymoth : y [1 Minute Ago 01:12 PM] neXus : EVER GO TO A PARK AND SEE THE "MUST BE THIS TALL TO RIDE" SIGNS? [1 Minute Ago 01:12 PM] neXus : SHUT THE FUCK UP, IF YOU CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO POST YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO [1 Minute Ago 01:12 PM] TheAafg : wait hold up u have never had that headrush feeling before? is this shit srs or.. [1 Minute Ago 01:12 PM] peachymoth : how do i post [1 Minute Ago 01:12 PM] neXus : also social aspect [1 Minute Ago 01:12 PM] neXus : and mostly cigars or cigarillos and smoke is kind of fun [1 Minute Ago 01:11 PM] peachymoth : how do i post [1 Minute Ago 01:11 PM] neXus : i smoke mainly for flavor which is why i rarely smoke actual cigarettes [1 Minute Ago 01:11 PM] Reason : smoking is much more enjoyable than dip [1 Minute Ago 01:11 PM] peachymoth : how do i post [2 Minutes Ago 01:11 PM] neXus : tastes good, i don't know much about dipping so can't comment [2 Minutes Ago 01:10 PM] peachymoth : how do i pst [2 Minutes Ago 01:10 PM] neXus : the effect i don't really notice, i'm not nicotine addicted [2 Minutes Ago 01:10 PM] peachymoth : how do i post Edit:
Date: Sat, May 3 2014 20:47:59
From da butt(om) to the top(as is shirt). [3 Minutes Ago 10:41 PM] Ceru Seiyu : Zzz [25 Minutes Ago 10:18 PM] Supergirl : i think a further alternative to this problem would be more benefirical [26 Minutes Ago 10:18 PM] Supergirl : i would like to too, but then peeing would become an issue and i wont be about in lavish in the pleasures of masturbation [35 Minutes Ago 10:08 PM] jaychou : i think he should cut it off [37 Minutes Ago 10:07 PM] Iota : lol [51 Minutes Ago 09:52 PM] Supergirl : ARRGHHHH [52 Minutes Ago 09:52 PM] Supergirl : WHY AM I CURSED WITH AN ITCHY DICK [3 Minutes Ago 10:44 PM] Supergirl : wont be about makes no sense lmao [4 Minutes Ago 10:44 PM] Supergirl : won't be able to*
Date: Mon, May 5 2014 07:41:58
[13 Minutes Ago 03:27 PM] kimdh0204 : ummm i tried to turn it off backplug [33 Minutes Ago 03:07 PM] Baaron : did you try to turn it off and turn it back on again [1 Hour Ago 02:26 PM] kimdh0204 : do you know that use rsvp rt ?? i can`t take apart [1 Hour Ago 02:25 PM] kimdh0204 : hello Bottom to top typical Baaron troll
Date: Thu, May 8 2014 14:51:41
[2 Minutes Ago 04:48 PM] Supergirl : LMAO [2 Minutes Ago 04:47 PM] Dr.spinz : I help people at Best buy.. [3 Minutes Ago 04:47 PM] Dr.spinz : You don't think I know about technology??? [3 Minutes Ago 04:46 PM] Xzeria : Point proven. [4 Minutes Ago 04:46 PM] Dr.spinz : I'm 13...I have an iPhone 5S...Samsung is for retarded retards.
Date: Wed, May 21 2014 20:31:28
[1 Minute Ago 09:30 PM] Supergirl : this is gold [1 Minute Ago 09:30 PM] Supergirl : something about nothing is nothing, but nothing cant be something. something leads to nothing and nothing is blah something blah blah nothing nothing something nothing [1 Minute Ago 09:29 PM] ChainBreak : [1 Minute Ago 09:29 PM] Awesome : BURN!!! [1 Minute Ago 09:29 PM] ChainBreak : even if you said nothing is the absence of everything just putting that kind of description on it would turn it into something which is not nothing [1 Minute Ago 09:29 PM] Awesome : you're nothing [2 Minutes Ago 09:28 PM] ChainBreak : no. nothing is nothing [2 Minutes Ago 09:28 PM] Monk : is nothing [2 Minutes Ago 09:27 PM] Monk : so something as well as everything [3 Minutes Ago 09:27 PM] Monk : nothing is something, and everythin is something [10 Minutes Ago 09:20 PM] ChainBreak : yeah tw sonic ~ thumbspin then [10 Minutes Ago 09:20 PM] ChainBreak : hmm [11 Minutes Ago 09:19 PM] Supergirl : lmao [11 Minutes Ago 09:19 PM] Supergirl : I can't believe that some time last year I actually convinced myself that everything is nothing.
Date: Sun, May 25 2014 05:44:36
[1 Minute Ago 01:43 AM] Awesome : it will give you power. No one can fuck with a man who already died [1 Minute Ago 01:43 AM] shonenbatman : fwm upsb [1 Minute Ago 01:43 AM] Awesome : embrace the peace of death. embrace your fear [1 Minute Ago 01:42 AM] Awesome : it actually doesn;'t matter what you do. You are gaurenteed the salvation of eternal nothingness by some mean as soon as you are born * Awesome and the shoutbox* @ 01:42 AM * Awesome has come to terms he is the insane person on the street* @ 01:41 AM [3 Minutes Ago 01:41 AM] Awesome : I am binding myself here to safe as many souls as possible [3 Minutes Ago 01:40 AM] Awesome : Iota, you can experience heaven right now. you just have to leave this mortal life by any means possible [3 Minutes Ago 01:40 AM] Iota : huh [4 Minutes Ago 01:39 AM] Awesome : you are gonna love it, it will be an experience unlike any you had before [4 Minutes Ago 01:39 AM] Awesome : Yield to my will like the pussies you are [5 Minutes Ago 01:38 AM] Awesome : I hope somone takes something from it. I hope my mental semen will grow into a mental baby in your mind <3 [5 Minutes Ago 01:38 AM] Awesome : I guess no one will engage my argument [10 Minutes Ago 01:33 AM] Zkhan : so he refilmed [10 Minutes Ago 01:33 AM] Awesome : you will gain power over others, people will do what you say cuz you will take away more from them then they will from you [10 Minutes Ago 01:33 AM] Awesome : once you see t his kids, you will see that you are not akward but the world is akward [12 Minutes Ago 01:31 AM] Awesome : no fight its just a suicide [13 Minutes Ago 01:31 AM] Awesome : cuz with a fight if you lose and die its a tragedy [13 Minutes Ago 01:30 AM] Awesome : i JUST WANT TO PICK A FIGHT [31 Minutes Ago 01:13 AM] M&MxD* : LOL ..haha
Date: Fri, May 30 2014 03:03:34
[1 Hour Ago 10:00 PM] ShadowParadox : Cool story bro...maybe and some more dragons...make it more believable [1 Hour Ago 09:59 PM] ShadowParadox : Anyway im gonna sleep cya [ 1 Hour Ago 09:59 PM] King : [B]What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.[/B] [1 Hour Ago 09:59 PM] ShadowParadox : No...... [1 Hour Ago 09:58 PM] King : [B]Wait did you call me gay?[/B] [1 Hour Ago 09:54 PM] ShadowParadox : Dis dead [1 Hour Ago 09:49 PM] King : What [1 Hour Ago 09:43 PM] ShadowParadox : King this seems like your kind of guy [1 Hour Ago 09:43 PM] ShadowParadox : Cant sleep [1 Hour Ago 09:38 PM] King : YO* [1 Hour Ago 09:38 PM] King : YO]\ [1 Hour Ago 09:38 PM] King : YOP [1 Hour Ago 09:24 PM] Accuru : relax i play golf casue im on teh varsity team so why not.. it looks good for college apps [1 Hour Ago 09:24 PM] Accuru : idc im messing with u guys lol [1 Hour Ago 09:24 PM] ShadowParadox : U dont even no what im gonna do as a job OVERREACTION
Date: Fri, May 30 2014 11:36:33
Zen wrote: [1 Hour Ago 10:00 PM] ShadowParadox : Cool story bro...maybe and some more dragons...make it more believable [1 Hour Ago 09:59 PM] ShadowParadox : Anyway im gonna sleep cya [ 1 Hour Ago 09:59 PM] King : [B]What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.[/B] [1 Hour Ago 09:59 PM] ShadowParadox : No...... [1 Hour Ago 09:58 PM] King : [B]Wait did you call me gay?[/B] [1 Hour Ago 09:54 PM] ShadowParadox : Dis dead [1 Hour Ago 09:49 PM] King : What [1 Hour Ago 09:43 PM] ShadowParadox : King this seems like your kind of guy [1 Hour Ago 09:43 PM] ShadowParadox : Cant sleep [1 Hour Ago 09:38 PM] King : YO* [1 Hour Ago 09:38 PM] King : YO]\ [1 Hour Ago 09:38 PM] King : YOP [1 Hour Ago 09:24 PM] Accuru : relax i play golf casue im on teh varsity team so why not.. it looks good for college apps [1 Hour Ago 09:24 PM] Accuru : idc im messing with u guys lol [1 Hour Ago 09:24 PM] ShadowParadox : U dont even no what im gonna do as a job OVERREACTION
You do realise that is an internet meme right. -
Date: Fri, May 30 2014 14:06:15
Supergirl wrote: You do realise that is an internet meme right.
Like thisSpoiler
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch. I’ll have you know my name is John, and I woke up this morning 5:30 sharp to the smell of wet pussy. I was getting a blowjob from two bitches (Shit was SO Cash), one was trying to fit my humongous 3 pound balls in her mouth while the other was choking halfway on my 18 and 3\8 inch dick. She started to squirt hard, she was convulsing and having 6 orgasms at the same time. I gave it to them and they were on the floor squirting like motherfucking fountains. Must have come about a quart of sperm and compressed air. Imagine your best orgasm, then multiply it by 35. I had to go to base camp so I front-flipped from my 14th floor barracks into my valet parked 2012 Ferrari (I got connexions). Pushed my shit to about 4 hundo (mph, mind you) and I was at base camp in no time. When I entered, I became a top sniper and was granted access to the entire arsenal of the USMC. I learned how to kill someone in over 700 different ways and was assigned to be the leader of a squad that will kill 300 terrorists using gorilla warfare tactics. Also did 6000 push-ups, 8000 sit-ups and bench-pressed 30 plates in 16 minutes. After basic training, I met a network of secret spies who will help me trace your IP address, while eating gold plated sushi and 15,000 $ champagne. My unit got the rest of the day off and I became captain of our base’s football team and starter of the basketball team. I got straight A’s on the military entrance exams and received more awards. Meanwhile, you were jacking off to pictures on Facebook and naked drawn Japanese people. Went back in the Lambo to my barracks and now I am getting ready to go to sleep. I am going to graduate at the top of my class in the Navy Seals tomorrow and I want to look pretty much perfect for it. Don’t be a stranger and remember, I did more in one day than you will your entire life -
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2014 14:06:57
Supergirl wrote: You do realise that is an internet meme right.
uh no i am not too keen on internet memes. They disgust me. But i do know that he didn't type all of that out. I am not an idiot. It was still an Overreaction. -
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2014 04:12:27
the shoutbox isnt funny anymore ;(
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2014 04:14:05
yes it is
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2014 10:15:17
Nexus is gone...shoutbox boring....
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2014 16:39:48
Anything with swag is funny. [33 Minutes Ago 09:06 PM] Tetsip : 2 swags length [42 Minutes Ago 08:56 PM] Spicyapples : compared to the waterfall? [43 Minutes Ago 08:56 PM] Tetsip : its swag length [55 Minutes Ago 08:44 PM] Spicyapples : do you know the length in centimeters [55 Minutes Ago 08:43 PM] Spicyapples : huh [56 Minutes Ago 08:43 PM] Monk : yes [59 Minutes Ago 08:40 PM] Spicyapples : how long is a namae mod?
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2014 17:20:45
JackyMacky wrote: Anything with swag is funny. [33 Minutes Ago 09:06 PM] Tetsip : 2 swags length [42 Minutes Ago 08:56 PM] Spicyapples : compared to the waterfall? [43 Minutes Ago 08:56 PM] Tetsip : its swag length [55 Minutes Ago 08:44 PM] Spicyapples : do you know the length in centimeters [55 Minutes Ago 08:43 PM] Spicyapples : huh [56 Minutes Ago 08:43 PM] Monk : yes [59 Minutes Ago 08:40 PM] Spicyapples : how long is a namae mod?
LOL, I was thinking of posting that too -
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2014 17:50:54
[1 Minute Ago 05:44 PM] Susaki : do you think i'm cool ? [1 Minute Ago 05:45 PM] SEVEN : yes
Date: Sat, Oct 11 2014 16:02:07
[1 Minute Ago 04:59 PM] Soren : aaaaaaaaaaand he's gone [6 Minutes Ago 04:53 PM] Soren : ? [6 Minutes Ago 04:53 PM] Soren : and yourself x [7 Minutes Ago 04:52 PM] Soren : which is the best way to live [8 Minutes Ago 04:52 PM] Soren : being lazy [8 Minutes Ago 04:52 PM] Soren : fucking about [10 Minutes Ago 04:50 PM] Xzeria : what are you doing this fine saturday afternoon?
Date: Sat, Oct 11 2014 16:09:39
Date: Fri, Oct 17 2014 11:09:12
; )
Date: Tue, Oct 28 2014 19:02:10
Just had fun in tc, then a guy named 350 joined. he had a pen attached to a drill. epic win i'd say!
Date: Tue, Oct 28 2014 19:22:17
Mayu wrote: Just had fun in tc, then a guy named 350 joined. he had a pen attached to a drill. epic win i'd say!
thats david weis -
Date: Tue, Oct 28 2014 19:47:09
Monk wrote: thats david weis
U motherf*cker that link did NOT send me to a pic. -
Date: Tue, Oct 28 2014 21:54:12
ShadowParadox wrote: U motherf*cker that link did NOT send me to a pic.
wat -
Date: Thu, Oct 30 2014 17:09:53
[1 Minute Ago 05:09 PM] Soren : oh god, that is a gem LOOOOOOOOL [1 Minute Ago 05:09 PM] Soren : PORN NIGHT LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [1 Minute Ago 05:09 PM] Soren : AHAHAHAHAHHA [1 Minute Ago 05:08 PM] ShadowParadox : Still doesnt help. The other day i tried to invite my friemd to the cinema. But APPARENTLY he interpreted it as a porn night my my place! Motherfucker
Date: Tue, Nov 4 2014 18:54:51
[6 Minutes Ago 06:46 PM] AfroSquared : then i started to envy them...:3 [7 Minutes Ago 06:45 PM] AfroSquared : i'm an 8 months pser and still use a crappy mx, sometimes i shun upon beginners who spend alot of money on mods *cough*solaire*cough*, but around a month ago i came to the understanding that i felt this way to cover up the fact that i am a broke-ass nigga [7 Minutes Ago 06:45 PM] Lost Angelus : But we were talking about trading. He wants something new to spin, I want some non-fugly Flexgrip Ultras. It's mutually beneficial. As for modding, I'm overpaid at my job, and have no financial commitments, other than student loans. [9 Minutes Ago 06:43 PM] pauliux00 : I'd love to mod, I just don't have the money [9 Minutes Ago 06:43 PM] Lost Angelus : Nobody's arguing. I understand it from both sides. [9 Minutes Ago 06:43 PM] Xzeria : Just putting it out there it's a lot of people who think like that [9 Minutes Ago 06:43 PM] pauliux00 : @afro now that's a good point [9 Minutes Ago 06:43 PM] AfroSquared : noggin=poppin=grippin [9 Minutes Ago 06:43 PM] Xzeria : I'm not gonna argue about this. [10 Minutes Ago 06:42 PM] AfroSquared : if they want to buy them, they can because they can afford [10 Minutes Ago 06:42 PM] Lost Angelus : Spinning is awesome. Modding is cool. It's incredibly gratifying to see somebody else making and spinning a mod that came from your own noggin.
Date: Tue, Nov 11 2014 11:18:58
I was bored so I jumped to a random page of the SB archive and, uh, well...
also this, [1 Hour Ago 05:26 PM] Lost Angelus : they're basically the tree's ovaries. I'm eating plant ovaries right now XD [1 Hour Ago 05:25 PM] Lost Angelus : Apples are funny
Date: Wed, Nov 12 2014 00:25:29
nv16 wrote: I was bored so I jumped to a random page of the SB archive and, uh, well... also this, [1 Hour Ago 05:26 PM] Lost Angelus : they're basically the tree's ovaries. I'm eating plant ovaries right now XD [1 Hour Ago 05:25 PM] Lost Angelus : Apples are funny
Surprised that hasn't been pruned yet. -
Date: Wed, Nov 12 2014 00:47:39
Soren wrote: Surprised that hasn't been pruned yet.
yeah there's like 400+ pages of archive it's gettin outta hand, lots of funny stuff in there tho -
Date: Fri, Nov 14 2014 15:48:27
nv16 wrote: gettin outta hand
sorry, I just had to quote that -
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2014 00:53:23
pauliux00 wrote: sorry, I just had to quote that
uh, I'm confused, what'd I do that was worthy of quoting? :unsure: This is cause I shorten stuff I say irl then speak that like on the internet where no one actually uses that kinda shortening isnt it... -
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2014 13:06:38
Is it me or has the standards for the term "funny" gone down massively?!
Date: Sun, Nov 16 2014 00:17:42
ShadowParadox wrote: Is it me or has the standards for the term "funny" gone down massively?!
Everyone has a different taste when it comes to humor. -
Date: Sun, Nov 16 2014 02:02:37
[1 Minute Ago 02:01 AM] Lost Angelus : You're adopted. [1 Minute Ago 02:00 AM] Pen15 : Hey Lost Angelus give me some psychological counseling
Date: Fri, Nov 21 2014 02:09:08
[1 Minute Ago 02:04 AM] Baaron : ill invent the obama motion [1 Minute Ago 02:04 AM] LighT* : lol tigres if you did tuts on other jap motions youd be new waifu [1 Minute Ago 02:03 AM] Solid : ayeee light. btw i learnt jap motion. not as hard as people think jeez LOL
Date: Thu, Nov 27 2014 19:36:11
DON'T WORRY GUYS IT'S JUST GAY BANTER!!! [1 Minute Ago 07:31 PM] Ceru Seiyu : OOPS ON A NEW MAGNITUDE OF FUCK [1 Minute Ago 07:31 PM] Ceru Seiyu : OOPS [1 Minute Ago 07:31 PM] Ceru Seiyu : OMFG YOU ARE 13 [1 Minute Ago 07:31 PM] Ceru Seiyu : I'll let a black guy in (me) [1 Minute Ago 07:30 PM] AfroSquared : hmmm.....well i'm only 13 but it is around ARE U SERIOUS???! [1 Minute Ago 07:30 PM] MPC : Haha, sadly afro it seems the black guy ditched the two white guys. [1 Minute Ago 07:30 PM] AfroSquared : black guy doesn't fit in does he? You hating just because he is legitimate?!] [3 Minutes Ago 07:30 PM] Ceru Seiyu : afro how big is your dick