Approved Tutorials / Yelo Mod
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 20:11:14
Hello everyone, Due to the many requests on youtube, and finally obtaining all of the materials, i have made a tutorial for my yellow mod named Yelo mod. [video=youtube;kz5PdtCYXEw][/video] Lets get started. Description: -COG=COP -Price: ~15 -Double capped -Weight: Cheat comssa < Yelo < Buster CYL -Writable: no -Length: 21 cm Materials Needed: -sticky tack -Transparent tape Pens Needed: x1 Bellcolor x2 comssa caps x2 HGR tips x2 Impact RT tips (the tips used for the impact MX) x2 Metallic Gel grips or Needle point grips (the pens used for Seven mod) I know bellcolors are sometimes hard to get, especially if you are looking for a specific color. I have found that pentel Color Fine Point markers are just as good. Step 1: Prepping the body. Remove the inktube from the Bellcolor and fut off the tip so that only 1 cm is left.
Step 2: Cut yourself a piece of 1.5" of Transparent tape, then cut it down the middle to make it thinner and wrap it around the backplug of the bellcolor
Step 3: Cut yourself another piece of Transparent tape. This time it should be at least 2 inches. Then wrap it around the tip of the bellcolor (the side where you cut in step 1). Make sure when wrapping the tape, have the tape go around the main part of the bellcolors body about a half a cm as well.
Step 4: Prepping the Caps Add a small amount of sticky tack to the nub of the comssa cap.
Step 5: Get the HGR tip and stuff it down the nub with the sticky tack. The sticky tack should hold the tip in place. If there is any Sticky tack visible, remove it.
Step 6: Add a little more sticky tack around the hgr tip.
Step 7: Now place the Impact tip over the HGR tip. The sticky tack should hold the Impact tip in place.
Step 8: Wrap TIGHTLY about 1" of Transparent tape around the impact tip and comssa cap. The tape should go up to but not pass the distinct line on the Impact RT tip.
Step 9: Place the Metallic Gel/Needle point grip on the comssa cap so that 1cm of the impact tip should be exposed.
Step 10: Follow steps 4-9 again to assemble the second cap. Step 11: Assembly of final mod Add both caps that you made in step 4-9 on both ends of the prepped body in step 1-3. If the caps are loose, go back and add a little more tape around the ends of the Bellcolor. You are done! Happy spinning.
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 20:42:26
Mmmm sexy looking yellow mod TEK!
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 20:47:37
this is some sexy shit right hurr
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 20:49:28
@TEK do u mean hyper gel grips?
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 20:52:42
Those are needlepoint bro. Hyperjell grips would be such a pain to pull over comssa caps. Plus hyperjell yellow doesn't match comssa yellow. I'm sure you can try spoko if it's too hard to get metallic gel or needlepoint grips in yellow
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 20:54:22
LOL no exclusive...
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 21:02:20
exclusive wrote: @TEK do u mean hyper gel grips?
:facepalm: -
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 21:09:47
ops i misread nvm
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 21:28:33
hehe i'm making a lime green one, but with lime green marvy body, lime green comssa caps, hgr grips and [B]LIME GREEN BEIFA GRIPS?! [/B]
Date: Sun, Feb 6 2011 11:01:55
Would it still be a Yelo mod if I use a yellow playcolor2 body?
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 17:20:52
i wouldn't say it would be the same or similar. A comssa, pentel color, marvy, or any similar pen would pass because they have similar thickness and length. playcolors are a little too different.
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 18:20:47
This pen could have massive colors
Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 03:13:40
Worst mod NA
Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 03:38:15
Uh... thanks for sharing your opinion?
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 23:12:17
:) tek. I was gonna make some comssa varient with needle point grips when I got my other orange one. They feel so naice :) very good mod :) I am impressed
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 05:55:07
I just made this, and it is seriously AWESOME! It is now my favorite mod, and it looks great. Great job TEK!
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 07:27:36
Thanks guys, im glad you enjoy it.
Date: Thu, Mar 10 2011 10:52:12
@TEK: are there any subs for the bellcolor body? They dont sell bellcolors here and there are none on penwish.
Date: Fri, Mar 11 2011 02:13:36
Illusion wrote: @TEK: are there any subs for the bellcolor body? They dont sell bellcolors here and there are none on penwish.
A marvy from penwish, pentel color, or comssa would work. However the lengths might vary. -
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 18:44:13
any sub for the HGR tips?
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 19:01:36
For this? HGG tips should work.
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 19:41:53
not for this, im talking in general..
Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 21:42:11
bonkey12 wrote: not for this, im talking in general..
hgg tips would work for this but it would be lighter of course. In general, hggs will not work because they are pretty different in shape, weight, and properties. I haven't seen a tip on the market that is similar to hgr's which is sad. HGR's are hard to find in stores but quite easy to find online. I've seen them on the pentel store and amazon. -
Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 21:58:21
I've seen gold/silver ones in craft stores, and various colours in some Japanese stores.
Date: Sun, Mar 13 2011 22:00:51
pretty sexy mod but i think it could use some black in it. or blue
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 04:58:25
miko611 wrote: pretty sexy mod but i think it could use some black in it. or blue
You say that like everyone has the same taste in colors as you :P. Everyone has a different taste, i like single colors for the mods i spin. :) I'm sure you can make one yourself with the colors you like. Good luck. -
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 08:21:57
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 08:54:13
can i see a piture?
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 10:49:24
renz93 wrote: can i see a piture?
:facepalm: -
Date: Fri, Mar 25 2011 15:07:51
XD^^ I wish I had a bellcolor to make this >< Ill buy some later
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 20:06:46
i have two questions 1.could this be a sub for bellecolor? 2. Is there any sub for the yellow grips?
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 20:13:36
penspinnerlin06 wrote: i have two questions 1.could this be a sub for bellecolor? 2. Is there any sub for the yellow grips?
1.) Yep, he says the Pentel Color s360 works too. 2.) You can use any yellow grip that fits on comssa caps. Or just any grip that you want that fits on comssa caps. -
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 20:37:03
will it still be the same length if the use pental fine piont marker?
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 23:11:07
@Riley do u think yellow anyball grips will match the comssa cap yellow?
Date: Thu, Apr 14 2011 18:29:23
@TEK Can i know why you dont just using bellcolors caps? I saw the bellcolors yellow color is not matching with yellow comssa cap.
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 19:49:01
i love this mod, although i havent the materials for it =[
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 19:52:25
very nice looking mod
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 22:36:24
would the yellow comssa cap fit in the tip of the pental s360 fine point marker?
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 21:08:01
_________ Needlepoint What kind of pen? Pilot, Uniball?
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 21:17:28
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 21:55:56
LudicrousAndroid wrote: _________ Needlepoint What kind of pen? Pilot, Uniball?
Ohto. @Person above, most comssa mods looks like a buster. -
Date: Fri, May 27 2011 16:53:06
what are all the possible subs for the yellow grip?
Date: Fri, May 27 2011 17:22:04
Any grip of your choice, really. It's the "tippage" that makes the mod for this one.
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 07:35:30
just need hgr-.-
Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 17:18:22
i want this mod!
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 00:37:31
Supergirl wrote: what are all the possible subs for the yellow grip?
anyball, or sailor from pw. if you want metallic gel, youll have to buy two packs from pw, or just chance it and buy a few -
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 00:40:27
most likely you wont get it if you chance it. trust me, you will most likely get the other colors, since yellow metallic gel grips are in such high demand. Penwish wont let you chose because he cant buy them individually and everyone wants yellows so it will go instantly out of stock. hence, the random. as for subs, you can basically use any grip that fits. it wont change the mod much spinning wise. aesthetically, it wont look as nice but those grips are extremely hard to get.
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 01:05:26
Just buy the whole pack xD or two whole packs. Then sell off the other colors you don't want.
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 02:55:02
how do you get those yellow metallic gel grips?
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 19:08:56
penwish scroll to the bottom, its the last two. you can only get them in packs, or buy a bunch of random ones, though i dont recommend that.
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 07:48:38
Where To Get Yellow Metallic Gel Grips?
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 18:39:35
@SpinzThat619F DID YOU NOT JUST READ MY POST? learn to read dude. the guy before you just asked that
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 00:19:23
ima make a blu one! but the weight description Cheat comssa < Yelo < Buster CYL doesnt make sense... i belive, and could be wrong, impact tips are less than signo tips, and hgr are more than hgg (but i dont kno how much) so it seems it wont be too much more than a cheat comssa. also, given that a cheat comssa and a buster are very different in weight it seem there could be something more accurate Cheat comssa < Yelo < [B]Dr. KT[/B] just my two cents, hope it made sense
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 00:31:18
HGR tips are nearly 2 times heavier, last time I checked, and Impact RT are heavier than signo as well, (somewhat).
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 01:27:27
AWtii69 wrote: ima make a blu one! but the weight description Cheat comssa < Yelo < Buster CYL doesnt make sense... i belive, and could be wrong, impact tips are less than signo tips, and hgr are more than hgg (but i dont kno how much) so it seems it wont be too much more than a cheat comssa. also, given that a cheat comssa and a buster are very different in weight it seem there could be something more accurate Cheat comssa < Yelo < [B]Dr. KT[/B] just my two sense, hope it made sense
note there is Impact RT tips, and impact tips there different pens some correct me if im wrong -
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 01:37:44
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: note there is Impact RT tips, and impact tips there different pens some correct me if im wrong
I think he knows that, he's just too lazy to type out the RT. Still the meaning was really clear, no point in arguing semantics. -
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 02:05:03
Oh, looks so cool.... I want one. May try to get parts whilst in Europe, gonna check the "where to find pens" thread..... So many mods I want :( yno
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 14:20:02
V-Storm wrote: HGR tips are nearly 2 times heavier, last time I checked, and Impact RT are heavier than signo as well, (somewhat).
oh i didnt know that, about the hgr. but im pretty sure impact tips are lighter than signo, by a tenth of a gram. signo is 1.7 and irt is 1.6. so thats why i thought the weighing wasnt too accurate. i have no doubt that its heavier than a cheat comssa. but i do have a doubt it should be compared to a buster. but im making a blu version so ill soon see the actually weight -
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 15:15:34
hmm can needlepoints sub metallic gel? do they have yellow needlepoints o.o EDIT: sry didnt read the tut carefully >.<
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 23:50:30
@Spin4fun not sure if you still need this but metallic gels and needlepoint grips are identical. however they come in different colors. metallic gels are basically the fluorescent version of needlepoints. not sure if there are yellow needlepoints, only seen in black, blue and red.
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 00:11:42
Cloud wrote: @Spin4fun not sure if you still need this but metallic gels and needlepoint grips are identical. however they come in different colors. metallic gels are basically the fluorescent version of needlepoints. not sure if there are yellow needlepoints, only seen in black, blue and red.
My Scale is bad too... But I think I saw Colin weigh them as what I said, may be syrti or somebody. And I thought I said I don't doubt it being heavier than a cheat comssa. My doubt was it should be compared to a buster. Maybe a KT or something would be better to compare -
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 10:56:38
Looks like a racist pen.
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 21:31:58
Do you know how many Asian spinners there are?
Date: Tue, Jun 28 2011 23:27:04
It's NOT THAT HARD TO GET THE PARTS >_< -----> HGR ----> Metallic gel (but penwish chooses for you) ----> Bellcolor sub (S360) ----> Comssa cap yellow ----> Impact RT tips LEARN HOW TO READ AND SEARCH, PEOPLE!
Date: Wed, Jun 29 2011 00:16:22
@JackyMacky the only thing is, 1. if you're subbing a bellcolor body, its not the original anymore. Why not sub the metallic gel to 2. i highly recommend AGAINST buying the random colors. Its basically impossible to get yellow that way. Trust me, i know. Penwish used to let you chose if you pm him, (thats how i got my yellow ones) but not anymore. There is too high of a demand for the yellows so pw wont let you do that anymore. He might have run out of single ones. The only reliable way to get those are by buying the whole pack and selling the ones you dont want.
Date: Wed, Jun 29 2011 15:31:51
Cloud wrote: @JackyMacky the only thing is, 1. if you're subbing a bellcolor body, its not the original anymore. Why not sub the metallic gel to 2. i highly recommend AGAINST buying the random colors. Its basically impossible to get yellow that way. Trust me, i know. Penwish used to let you chose if you pm him, (thats how i got my yellow ones) but not anymore. There is too high of a demand for the yellows so pw wont let you do that anymore. He might have run out of single ones. The only reliable way to get those are by buying the whole pack and selling the ones you dont want.
I'd rather buy the S360 then waste my time looking for bellcolors. Besides, I want to spin this immediately. :) Not collect it. Oh yeah, the colors, I'm not wasting 31 bucks to by 2 6-packs for yellow. Random color? Fine. -
Date: Wed, Jun 29 2011 15:40:34
Reason is because I don't sell and too lazy too. ^_^
Date: Thu, Jun 30 2011 04:23:13
@JackyMacky Well then you cant really say it's not hard to get the parts. When you are saying that, you are implying that the original parts used in the mod are easy to get. That's not true. It's pretty easy to find the parts, only hard to get. Why? Because its extremely difficult to get yellow Metallic Gels. If you want random colors then have fun, but honestly, it wont look so good with an orange and purple grip. As for Bellcolors are pretty hard to get in a certain color. I've tried s360's as subs, they're terrible. Most people want a spinanble mod that also looks nice. Plus, a lot of people want the original colors because that's TEK's original.
Date: Thu, Jun 30 2011 15:43:38
@Cloud It's not THAT hard to get the parts. Please read. Hehe. And I'll clarify my original post then. It's for the people who are lazy to find the parts. I don't expect everyone to agree with what I've found but I'm just trying to make things a little easier, despite the fact that I exaggerated on the efficiency to get parts. If not Yellow Metallic gels, I'll make other color variations of the Yelo mod and use it as my own. LMAO, yeah....I'm buying all colors of the S360. :3
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 15:44:48
Made one yesterday; it's simple but I really like it :)
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 21:17:09
Why does it have to be yellow? Why not lime green?
Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 18:10:48
It doesn't have to be. It's just a name coined by Tek to the color of the original mod.
Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 18:21:32
I made a lime green one :P and a yellow and black...
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 14:59:07
ca I use anyball to sub the grips?
Date: Sat, Jul 23 2011 23:20:20
DArKT wrote: ca I use anyball to sub the grips?
I think yes, but it won't look as good as the original and you must cut the grips so that they aren't too long -
Date: Sun, Jul 24 2011 03:04:29
Zowie wrote: I think yes, but it won't look as good as the original and you must cut the grips so that they aren't too long
Can I find needle point or mettalic gel on penwish? -
Date: Sun, Jul 24 2011 04:29:48
DArKT wrote: Can I find needle point or mettalic gel on penwish?
Yes but they are kind of expensive -
Date: Sun, Jul 24 2011 06:18:27
metallic gel, its the bottom 2. You have to buy the whole pack to get yellow. you have almost no chance of getting it random. needlepoint, currently sold out @DArKT
Date: Sun, Jul 24 2011 06:23:15
find it cheaper for me and i'll charge less lol. your're lucky i don't raise prices with the ridiculous exchange rate coming out of japan
Date: Sun, Jul 24 2011 06:34:10
HEY, its not my fault they're ripping you off <_<
Date: Tue, Aug 9 2011 01:54:30
i made something similar to this today, but i subbed so many parts that its basically a metalic comssa with Sailor grips and impact RT's over the HGG tips, but it spins beautifully, better than the cheat comssa.. its all white, i call it the wite mod :P
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 05:15:53
can signo be a sub for impact rt?
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 05:21:00
no much more heavier
Date: Fri, Jan 27 2012 11:57:53
can you use stek body for this mod
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 23:37:15
Sexy. I'm making one :D
Date: Thu, Jun 28 2012 18:58:21
i wish i could have this mod
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2012 02:17:00
What song is this bro you gotta tell me
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2012 17:40:05
can u sub a s360 body for the bellcolor?
Date: Wed, Nov 21 2012 09:38:05
exo wrote: can u sub a s360 body for the bellcolor?
Yes you can but the feel is different. -
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2012 20:12:28
If I made a white yelo mod, then could I use superpirate as a barrel instead of bellcolour?
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2012 21:04:11
astronaut wrote: If I made a white yelo mod, then could I use superpirate as a barrel instead of bellcolour?
i would use comssa, because comssa has the same lenght as bellcolor -
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 09:32:05
had one for a while, really great
Date: Thu, Dec 19 2013 19:29:10
Aren't HGR discontinued now? So what is a good sub?
Date: Thu, Dec 19 2013 20:29:11
@Whirlpool Are they? I think i saw some the other day at a store...
Date: Thu, Dec 19 2013 21:07:22
No i don't think they are.
from HERE I found this picture showing all three HGRs. The bottom one is the really old ones with the same tips as the HGG pen. The second one from the bottom is a also HGR and has the same tips as well as grips, as HGG. The new one has a silver grip and has a fat tip with a lip( if you can see). This i am pretty sure is the one used in the mod. So @Dern Goid is right. Also please don't bump old threads unless it is necessary. I mean i don't want to be THAT guy but seriously it helps the mods. (Besides someone else is going to tell you anyway ^^) Happy Spinning (and Modding) Regards Zen
Date: Thu, Dec 19 2013 22:00:47
Wut, how is it reviving if I had a question about the mod. I could have asked it mod question area but I would have liked if someone had the same question he can see it here. I don't think that it's reviving, reviving a post about a event is stupid but reviving something that is debatable and questions shouldn't be reviving if it's a question about the question?
Date: Thu, Dec 19 2013 23:09:19
Zen wrote: No i don't think they are. from HERE I found this picture showing all three HGRs. The bottom one is the really old ones with the same tips as the HGG pen. The second one from the bottom is a also HGR and has the same tips as well as grips, as HGG. The new one has a silver grip and has a fat tip with a lip( if you can see). This i am pretty sure is the one used in the mod. So @Dern Goid is right. Also please don't bump old threads unless it is necessary. I mean i don't want to be THAT guy but seriously it helps the mods. (Besides someone else is going to tell you anyway ^^) Happy Spinning (and Modding) Regards Zen
They are and have been for quiet a while, same with impact but some old stationary stores will have them