Off-topic / Youtube's new layout

  1. SJ
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 05:13:03


  2. Mike
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 06:09:38

    Null. I don't like it, but it's not rage status though. I just wish my sub-box was how it used to. I don't really care what other people favorited and whatnot.

  3. xSpin
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 06:11:01

    I got used to it.

  4. casual
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 06:14:24

    You guys do realize that you can make it so that you only see subscription videos by clicking on the subscriptions tab right? O_o

  5. Vassenato
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 06:14:54

    It fucking sucks huge ass negro dick

  6. chris
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 07:25:52

    New layout sucks. Much better with the old one. :/ if a user is in the "first page" of the home page, all updates goes to that spot instead of updating in order...or w/e, i just don't like it

  7. Hippo2626
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 07:45:17

    Don't like it but it's alright now 'cause I got used to it.

  8. Enkronidus
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 11:16:08

    chrisPS wrote: New layout sucks. Much better with the old one. :/ if a user is in the "first page" of the home page, all updates goes to that spot instead of updating in order...or w/e, i just don't like it
    ^ And I'm just too lazy to customize it. Wait... Can it even be customized? o_O

  9. davidguy
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 11:18:43

    i hate it, i also hate how they constantly change things that do not need changing, i mean did the thumbs up/down seriously need a visual change? :facepalm: luckily i managed to get used to the new layout but they need to stop changing something every freaking week

  10. Clyde
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 13:05:37

    got used to it

  11. Tetsip
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 13:19:19

    so so

  12. k-ryder
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 14:35:30 link slightly related

  13. Yanos
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 15:08:50

    damn right nigs

  14. TheAafg
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 16:27:17

    i found it alright, it isnt so bad

  15. WhatsOfTheUp1
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 16:31:08

    Hated it. Got used to it. But the star ratings were better. And really, did they need to take away the little bar chart that showed the thumbs up/thumbs down ratings? I actually liked that. But then, they just HAD to take it away.

  16. Kirby
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 16:58:03


  17. nateiskewl
    Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 20:07:35

    Just use AdBlock to edit the CSS a bit. I have it so it only shows the search bar and my subscriptions box.

  18. boshi
    Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 02:08:16

    i hate to say it, but i think im getting used to it.