so, he's in 2nd place now, and if you don't know who day9 is, he's a super insanely awesome and informative sc2/sc1 veteran who does dailies upwards of 1 hour to aid people and advance the sc2 community. he is currently losing by like 340 votes to SeanNanners, who is lame. HELP ME HELP HIM OUT YO, if you have a twitter already (doesn't take new accounts just made for voting), then go vote for Day[9] WHOOOOOO ALMOST THERE just follow day9 with your twitter (you could always delete the following later), and then vote for him in gaming with that link, and a reason (otherwise it won't count). only one vote counts per person, so don't bother doing more. UPSB could turn the tides towards epic awesomeness, VERY VERY WANT!