Regular Pen Discussion / Pen Light - Stylus Streamlight
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 05:55:23
So, I started spinning a few weeks ago and I've gathered a number of pens (Uniball Vision, Pilot Precise v7 RT, Sharpie Pen, and a number of others) and I've found I have the best luck with a Streamlight Stylus Pen Light (without batteries.) Has anyone else ever tried these or had any luck with them? I think they spin wonderfully. Here are some pictures:
- Very similar to the weight of a Uniball Vision (barely heavier) - 6.5 Inches long, exactly (16.51 cm) - Painted Aluminum - Center of balance is absolute center of the penlight - Costs from $15-$20 USD (note: I put this here as I feel it falls enough under the pen category moreso than object manipulation outside of pens, if this is the wrong forum, my apologies.)