Philosophy / What's the point?

  1. Rapid
    Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 02:38:18

    Ok so this guy in school keep looking at my hands when I'm spinning.Then he comes to me and said "what's the point?".Honestly, I was embarassed because I Did not know what to answer.So I said To him "I do this because I love it.No more,no less". So...what do you think is the point in pen spinning? [SIZE="5"]DISCUSS[/SIZE]

  2. medacyber
    Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 02:50:39

    in my opinion theres not a specific point to pen spinning its just to have fun or something for you to do when your bored and to show off to friends and family ya know

  3. JC
    Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 04:27:50

    "What's the point of art?"

  4. Rapid
    Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 04:31:29

    JC wrote: "What's the point of art?"
    So True :D

  5. Awesome
    Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 05:11:20

    i have no clue, he has no clue, and you have no clue, philosophers have pondered that question for eons, alas no definite answer has been arrived at. the point eludes us as humans, perhaps one day we will uncover the point, who knows?

  6. WhatsOfTheUp1
    Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 05:22:42

    . <- this is the point. Sorry, but i HAD to do that. Anyways, there really is no point. It's a hobby. What's the point of drawing? What's the point of sports? What's the point of videogames? You don't HAVE to do any of that stuff; there's no "point" in doing it. It's just another one of those things that you do for no reason.

  7. Rarity
    Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 07:33:09

    to amaze. :D

  8. Wisp
    Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 12:00:56

    Just say to the person asking 'because I can do it and you can't'

  9. i.suk
    Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 12:37:22

    you should've answered, 'the point is to make people question the point of sports, art, hobbies, life and the universe itself *insert existential rant*' pen spinning has a lot of reasons for which people do it (kill time, get attention, boredom, interest, desire to get better etcetc), but to others, it may seem pointless (this applies for many other actions/activities too) zzz

  10. Cloud
    Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 01:58:41

    Whats the point of life???? To enjoy it right? Pen spinning is a way to enjoy life (and show off). Unless you're some type of super scientific person who says the point of life is to do... uhhh... something... and ensure the continuation of the human race. Then it's to..........ummm..........ensure that pen spinning doesn't die???

  11. Hippo2626
    Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 02:28:27

    Because I like to spin a pen.

  12. Aku
    Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 10:54:09

    School isnt boring with a pen to spin xP

  13. JBSM
    Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 02:22:14

    Aku wrote: School isnt boring with a pen to spin xP

  14. GigaByte
    Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 02:34:43

    i think .. this ps thing is just our hobby , everyone have they own hobby and not all the hobby need to have point . we love ps , that the reason we spin pen .

  15. wings
    Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 02:43:21

    "Because it's fun, what do you do to have fun? Bother others?" @_@ then I stare at them like a puppy...

  16. MUSIIX
    Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 11:10:09

    It's a hobby. So it keeps you entertained.

  17. Zleepy
    Date: Sun, Jun 26 2011 13:30:23

    its fun, and i like doing it

  18. Soren
    Date: Sun, Jun 26 2011 17:27:02

    it's just something that you enjoy doing

  19. Mastyk
    Date: Sat, Jul 2 2011 19:20:02

    It makes your teachers go crazy but they cant say anything cuz ur spinning a pen.

  20. Starryz97
    Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 15:53:22

    well for me , psing is about putting in art and effort as a hobby you know ,after you learn a trick every time , you will feel that just a simple movement (no cont. trick thx) can make a beautiful thing out

  21. lynkesis
    Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 10:59:32

    To get chicks xD jkjk it's just an interest.

  22. song
    Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 15:56:48

    u should ask him why he masterbates

  23. Fx
    Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 17:21:21

    because its 100x better than video games imo

  24. Awesome
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 01:32:43

    I figured it out! If there was an imposter that looked just like you, you would have a pretty good way of showing your the real you. For an imposter to get pen spinning skills and a style like you isn't very likely at all. Pen spinning can have a use!

  25. Explosion101
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 01:51:55

    Awesome wrote: I figured it out! If there was an imposter that looked just like you, you would have a pretty good way of showing your the real you. For an imposter to get pen spinning skills and a style like you isn't very likely at all. Pen spinning can have a use!
    Yeah, that'll happen.

  26. itzDaKine
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 04:56:04

    my reason is cuz get ready... " I LIKE IT!! suck it!"

  27. Sam
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 06:09:18

    usually, i say. " YOU JELLY?" yeahhh

  28. Krypton
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 09:43:44

    I don't spin much in public because of haters, people who don't appreciate and people who ask stupid questions. But I think what you answered is the best. No better way to put it :)

  29. iBlameLag
    Date: Thu, Sep 8 2011 21:09:04

    Penspinning is not just a hobby, as many people think. Those who are engaged in a "hobby" learn that it is not just a way to kill time, but it is an art that challenges their creativity and their skill.

  30. 34rryy
    Date: Wed, Nov 23 2011 13:26:39

    Rapid wrote: So...what do you think is the point
    The part of the pen that you write with!

  31. subin_
    Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 18:32:59

    to prove that practice makes perfect and to have patience

  32. penzila
    Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 21:51:39

    its art. just like playing a piano or something.,. but harder haha

  33. Mats
    Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 10:52:18

    penzila wrote: its art. just like playing a piano or something.,. but harder haha :wtf:

  34. Abyss
    Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 15:38:57 actually explains most of it :/

  35. penzila
    Date: Sat, Dec 3 2011 02:03:58

    @Mats Woah.. How did you find that?? Haha

  36. gyrobius
    Date: Sat, Dec 3 2011 02:08:28

    34rryy wrote: The part of the pen that you write with!
    Aww. Stole my answer.

  37. iFL
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 09:20:31

    To fill up free time and to impress friends. Lastly :vcool: !

  38. ChainBreak
    Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 18:38:39

    Well what's the point in playing football or basketball or table tennis ? What's the point in playing instruments? What's the point in dancing? Simple answer: ITZ FOR ZE LULZ

  39. Awesome
    Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 20:03:16

    To get girls, money and fame

  40. Sc00t
    Date: Thu, Mar 22 2012 04:37:22

    I do it to express myself, and to be my own person. Being part of such an underground culture is, in itself, an interesting thought when you've devoted real time to it. How many people per million are *real* penspinners? 2? 1? less? Oh, and it's fun.

  41. midniteferret
    Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 02:58:55

    To get the cure boredom

  42. Alex
    Date: Mon, Jul 9 2012 00:58:27

    So you dont get bored....

  43. spenpinner
    Date: Mon, Jul 9 2012 01:03:21

    imo, its an individual pass time that can be done anywhere at anytime. there are very few that are like that also it is very addictive so I could not stop right now if I tried.

  44. johnsen
    Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 16:11:27

    For me, the point of penspinning just to have fun and entertainment. Best Generic Cialis Also, when you're bored, just try to learn on how to spin the pen. Okay!:)

  45. The Blank
    Date: Tue, Jul 24 2012 03:41:36

    Youve gotta do something in school :S

  46. agillitrhiz
    Date: Tue, Jul 24 2012 09:50:34

    it's for the challenge...

  47. Eazy
    Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 13:36:12

    Making friends, showing off, getting close to girls, curing boredom in class, feeling a little better about yourself, having fun, distracting yourself from studies, injuring yourself in the eye... etc etc... Really there's no real answer for "what's the point for penspinning" =D

  48. TerryAngX
    Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 10:18:34

    It's a hobby, it's a sport, it's fun, u can tell him and u can like ask (mock ) him back, what's the point of doing (something he always does ) .. Friend troll

    Date: Sun, Nov 18 2012 05:56:55

    For entertainment and enjoyment. That's pretty much what a hobby is for.

  50. Zephyr
    Date: Thu, Nov 22 2012 23:57:32

    Its just for fun!?!?!

  51. jantosh11
    Date: Tue, Dec 11 2012 21:27:58

    Always having a pen with you and for the pure enjoyment of it.